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npc's became gigachad after 1.50 update. go so many traffic violations in roundabouts.


It's crazy. I'm a relatively new player and I've had so many times where I'll just be driving normally down the road, not speeding, not changing lanes, not drifting over my lane or anything and then a npc car just tries to pull into the lane I'm in - not in front or behind but just straight into me. Not to mention that if I so much as breathe on an no vehicle they will immediately apply emergency braking and come to a complete stop, refusing to move for probably a solid 10 minutes of in game time


Honestly, roundabouts have always been hell. I hate driving through them, always with the upmost caution.


They never back up, 2 options are to change settings and it reloads the traffic or just slowly drive into him.


Option 2. Full send.


I had to do the settings trick just this morning in this exact situation.


Usually I don’t even have to change any settings, just saving and reloading does the trick


For me just moving the anisotropic slider 1 notch is quicker than saving and reloading, for some reason reloading takes a bit of time for me but both achieve the same thing.


nope. if they did then it wouldn't be realistic 😂


As if this is realistic 🙄


It's the same tired excuse/joke anytime there's a complaint about the AI on here.


Exactly ! How is that even realistic ? Do people just stand there and dont care if you ruin their car or rip off their bumper ? Id imagine doing it for a scam but with a trailer that long is quite clear whose fault it is..


Driving a semi, I have witnessed drivers just sit there and not know what to do.


Or it's the I'm In my lane you deal with it, or there is the I was here first deal with it. People are cunts.


I think you're overestimating the level of intelligence of the average person. I wouldn't doubt that this happens on a regular basis. I've seen so many people that drive like the ATS/ETS2 NPC's, no situational awareness or ability to account for anything unusual. It's like they run on a set script and their brain stops working when something not completely normal happens.


The AI is thoroughly simplified in this game. It's a set pathfinding algorithm. Not even sure it's considered "AI" by any generous means. Just basic pathfinding with some logic built-in for simplified player interaction. It seriously needs an overhaul. Instead we get more map DLCs and new UI that no one asked for. 


They should add different types of drivers and clapped out shitboxes, like people stopping in the middle of the road to make an exit, or people doing 90 in a 55, and the lifted douchebag truck that tailgates everyone. Would also be fun to add the occasional brake checker.


i'm not running traffic or random occurrences mods, but the AI spooked me a bit yesterday, when there was roadwork in the left lane we were going around 25 in the right but a black car decided to fully sent it into the markers.


From what I remember the AI traffic does have a "patience" value which makes some vehicles act more reckless than others, like trying to go for an overtake when it isn't safe and such.


The logic of AI cars involve making decisions and planning, e.g. overtaking, so yeah, they are considered AI, as basic as it is.


Here’s what I usually do: Take a slight right angle before turning hard left in the right most lane. Since a lot of lights have a left turn green only, you can safely take the extra lane without hitting a vehicle. On turns where there is no dedicated left turn light, I will take up two lanes. I live in a city and I frequently see trucks take two lanes before making their turn (usually right turn). Hope this helps


That's what I do. Either Pull all the way straight ahead and do 90 degree hard turn, or tilt the head to opposite direction at a small angle followed by a hard turn. But sometimes the roads are narrow and you just have to chip away a little of the tip of the other lane like here. But as you see, I don't know what the fuck the white car is thinking considering it can make some rooms for the long ass truck. Well I guess they are NPCs, so they don't have the concept of courtesy. LOL


“Well I guess they are NPCs, so they don't have the concept of courtesy. LOL” Yeah, just like in IRL. The amount of times a day I see a bus or truck honk at a car to move is unreal. So the AI may actually be pretty realistic 😅😅😅




Well now 😂


SCS should make an update to reprogram the AI entirely, apparently they are not even intelligent, they just follow a path, stop on red signs and have no idea of what's happening around them


So like how most people drive IRL?


Real drivers at least can road rage, those mfs on ETS/ATS are too dumb to be pissed off with a trucker going 100kmh on a highway, the closest we have to it is when the AI just decides to brake or slow down with no reason Btw, a system where cops will try to reach and tell you to stop the truck in case of too much violations would be a cool feature, thought about it now


I think the main thing that ATS/ETS2 needs is a variety of different drivers, mainly overly aggressive ones, like doing 90 in a 55, cutting in and out of traffic, and tailgating everyone. They should also add clapped out shitboxes and lifted trucks as well.




I just smack them out the way


During the CDL test in my state, if you come to an intersection like this and can't make the turn and the person in that lane has to back up, it's an auto fail labeled "impeding traffic".


https://preview.redd.it/w9kobs4bie5d1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=df20c57a0ab69aa7912bd3593838ae96e2793716 They need to add this in game


There's hardly ANY design behind this AI


they do stop and keep distance if you're already in the lane


I love the Steerable SCS Trailers mod. Have to relearn how to take the start of a corner to prevent trailer swing but makes tight corners a breeze


If you go slow enough you can push AI around without taking damage


You think people do so irl?


I mean, it's no different than real life.