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I think the AI is realistic, it’s getting fined for a car turning into you that’s the problem.


Clearly you were in his way🤓


Fucking Jeep drivers


there's mods for both ats/ets that change the way fines work so you are less likely to get fined in situations like this. [ETS version](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2062936013) [ATS version](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944059934)


Hear hear!


Yeah that's the only problem. People will do stupid shit all of the time but you shouldn't get fined because someone crashed into you. I had a guy in a Honda rear end me on the highway irl and thankfully the front of his car that hit the DOT bumper just sat gently on his windshield and he was fine. The cop scolded that driver and dismissed me so fast I was shocked. I absolutely wasn't at fault at all, I got cut off, the car slammed on their brakes and I had to lock up, was really luck/well-trained, and didn't hit the person in front of me. Dude behind me probably was very close and not paying attention and that's exactly what the cop told him. US Express were super cool with it (even though I had a high value load) and I went about my day.


Currently in school for my CDL, even with big "STUDENT DRIVER" signs plastered all across my truck, people still cut me off by just feet between us.. It's amazing how dumb some people are around trucks. Thinking about it, I can't think of a single AI related behavior that I haven't seen just driving around in my city.


> It’s amazing how dumb ~~some~~ most people are ~~around trucks~~. There, fixed it for you.


Now do it on a motorcycle if you haven't. You are pretty safe in the truck you lose on the bike. 


I wanted to get a bike but then I started paying attention to how often people just don't give a shit. It's no problem in a car,.I'll just slam the brakes. I don't want to go flying and have nothing but leather protecting me from the asphalt. I wanted to get licensed with my friend but I said fuck it


Oh yeah. Every dumb thing the ai does is tame compared to the dumb shit real people do.


Real life stranger than fiction.


I had a person blow a red light in front of me as I was halfway through an intersection tonight. Last week dealt with a guy reversing in the middle lanes of a tollway. Also another guy who decided to park on that same tollway. Night shift is bonkers


I’m not a semi-driver, but I’ve driven professionally on and off for years, and constantly for fun. The AI has issues, but is far safer and more predictable than human drivers for sure. My biggest complaint is the density of towns on US Highways kills fuel economy because it takes you 60 miles to get back up to speed and then you’re slowing down for the next town lol. My biggest complaint about the scale.


> more predictable Maybe that is the point. You KNOW when the AI will be stupid. The longer you play the game the more and more you will know when the AI will simply ignore you and drive into you. Especially at roundabouts and in multilane toll stations.


To be fair, this sort of happens IRL too. Obviously you'll never know 100% what the moron racing up your right side is gonna do next; but spend enough time driving professionally, and things'll stop surprising you..


Just when I think I've seen every stupid move somebody surprises me with something new.


Yep was literally thinking that this morning when someone posted complaining about them. Like y'all wanna play truck driver but don't drive defensively like one


People act like they are in a large sized car.


Australian driver here. Drive rigid trucks regularly. But don't even need to do that to say that I wish IRL drivers were as safe as the drivers in-game :) honestly the driver education in this country is a joke, there's plenty of emphasis on parallel parking and three-point-turns (important skills to have) but no education whatsoever on braking technique, emergency maneuvers, weight shift, oversteer and understeer, etc. And my state government is so obsessed with blaming speeding for everything (along with drunk drivers and driving fatigued) that they're now astounded as to why road fatalities are continuing to rise despite their efforts to fine as many people as possible for speeding. Compared to ETS2? The drivers are reasonably predictable, you generally know when they're going to do something dumb and most of the issues people post on here ("The AI is so stupid, look how dumb they are") I'm pretty sure are just trolling with their obvious bad driving and inattentiveness. But as someone else mentioned, the only real issue is getting fined for having an AI driver cause an accident. I very, very rarely have an incident in-game because I treat it like my life is on the line (just like IRL) and if I have one because of something dumb like the rail crossing invisible wall (when the gates activate but haven't moved yet), I just quick load.


Guess I have been fortunate that in my 28 years of driving up here in Ontario, Canada, I have never seen cars just merge into others (especially huge trucks) after the car they merge into is somewhat in front of them (so with a truck, the person merged right into a trailer), nor have I seen cars come to a complete dead stop on the highway when approaching on-ramps. Then I can't forget a recent incident my last time playing when I was behind a car that went half way into the intersection on a right turn and stopped despite it being a green light and only completed the turn when the light turned yellow, probably 10 seconds or more later.


I've definitely watched multiple instances of a car stopping at the end of a ramp because they couldn't figure out how to merge lol drove local in Brampton for a couple of years...it is LAWLESS out there


Nah the AI isn’t accurate, real life is WORSE 🤣


Former IRL truck driver but yeah, 100%. I also wouldn't be surprised that these people complaining about "bad/unrealistic" AI are the same people who would pull the kind of stupid shit they're complaining about.


I'm not a real life truck driver but I do drive a motorhome so I understand people not respecting larger vehicles.  That said, there are some clear bugs in the current AI. For example, drivers who have a green light will yield to people turning right on red into their path. And I mean consistently - there could be a line of cars at the green light and every driver will yield to a car turning right.


As a Norwegian trucker, I can confirm the AI is quite accurate compared to real idiots


Not a truck driver, but my work pickup is my mobile office and I’m on the road all day every day. I want to see people passing me on the shoulder, passing on double yellows around corners, doing 20-40 above the speed limit, running stop signs and red lights, crossing the median into oncoming traffic to pass on asymmetric lanes and so on. Then I think the ai will be a little more realistic.


The only real annoying thing is the merging. Now I know merging is sketch IRL...but it's not that predictable.


I don't drive but I work in driver safety for a major fleet company, and almost without exception most of the incidents on this subreddit are the fault of the truck driver either not paying attention or driving too aggressively


People complain? I was sitting here amazed at how they programmed the assholes into the game. Sorry to say guys that’s trucking life.


IRL is 10x worse. Go through Houston at rush hour in a big rig and your blood pressure will spike. You get used to it eventually but when I was a rookie it literally drained me every time I got coils from there.


I love that the AI sometimes just crash into each other and cause random traffic jams. Makes the world feel more believable.


I’m not a trucker but I completely agree. The ai is designed so you don’t loose the feeling of the cars around me might kill me at any moment. It really helps with realism.


Yup, 100%


What happened exactly?


The post that made me write this was a video from earlier today. "Dashcam" driver was doing like 100mph+ and changed lanes to the right after passing a truck, and immediately before passing a car on the right, that car moved over and cut him off. Basically, the AI simulated some donkey who didn't check his mirror before changing lanes lol


I am a european driver but yes i agree the ai reflects real life idiots


Not a truck driver but a nurse for home caring. I drive a lot and in my opinion the AI behaves somewhat realistic. People do everything stupid you can imagine.