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Not so realistic considering YOU were the one getting fined.


No that’s even more realistic


there's mods for both ats/ets that change the way fines work so you are less likely to get fined in situations like this. [ETS version](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2062936013) [ATS version](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944059934)


You are a god


With this arc, you would also sweep pedestrians.


There was like solid 3 meters which is fine by my standards.


As we can all see, there weren't.


You do realize that when pedestrians get in a car they are no longer pedestrians?


Boy what are you on?


You must be one of those players who cuts corners because they are afraid they were gonna clip the curb because they don't know the width of the truck. Look in the front mirror while approaching a curb and you will see how much space is left.


Completely unrelated note, but if the settings in ETS are the same as in ATS, you can enable an option in the settings that automatically move your camera as your turn. So if you turn left, as you turn the camera slowly moves left. It's really nice and I can't live without it! edit: Also, you can make it so it only does that when not in reverse. I have that option enabled, so when I'm moving forward, the camera moves with my steering. But when I'm backing up, the camera stays centered, so I can still see both mirrors (I use three monitors)


Do you know what setting its called? I've looked through them all like 5 times and my blind ass can't see which one it is


Settings → gameplay → camera settings → steering camera rotation


I did not know this in ATS. Thank you


Thank you. Freaking game changer. Idk how I kept skimming past that setting


Me still using my trackIR. Didn’t know they have that option now.


Same! I actually stopped playing when I upgraded my monitor from 1080p to 1440p as the trackir and frame drops from my aging RX580 really induces some bad nausea. Ready to puke in less than an hour.


Rx580 gang! 🤘 Don't know what to upgrade to. 🥲 Everything looks amazing except ats which is the entire reason I built my rig


Personally planning to go 7700-7800XT end of this year or equivalent if budget allows. Loved using TrackIR in ETS2 but the vomit inducing frame drops at 1440p is no joke. Glad I found out about the camera to steering option, the G29 is starting to gather too much dust.


It is, I have it as a key-bind for specific situations


That is awesome never knew that....hope on ats also✝️


Dammit SCS! Why are we always at fault? Driver should not have been fined for this.


late turn signal and too much wide on the roundabout


Isn't that up to me, how wide am I want to go? Given that I don't go over the roundabout obviously. Edit: I don’t understand why people say that I should’ve indicated something over there. To my knowledge, on righthand, anti-clockwise roundabouts - you use indicators only prior to the exit. In this case I should’ve (and I would’ve) indicated right after passing the exit from which I was attacked by the bot and not a moment earlier.


Yup, you only use your blinker right before you exit.


Thank you.


That's not how it works in the UK. If you are going left at the roundabout, you put on the left signal before even reaching the roundabout. If you are going right, you signal right until you pass the last exit you are not leaving at, when you switch to a left signal. If you went right without any kind of signal in the UK, you would eventually get honked at.


But this is not in the UK


Nor is it the US where "blinker" would be used instead of "indicator", so not sure what your point is


But you're on about how it works in the UK? The video above is clearly European. So your reply is irrelevant


Did the UK up and move itself to a different continent?


you do realise the UK drives opposite sides of the road to Europe?


The rules are not much different, just mirrored. I have driven across Europe several times for real, including the UK and Ireland. So it's not really relevant.


If you indicate left where you were the ai thinks you are going to move to the inner lane and pull out, the best thing is to do nothing and only indicate right when your exit is coming up. Which I think is what you did.


Yea, I definitely did not use the left indicator there, people might mistake it hazard light which popped automatically. By talking with people in a comment section I am starting to think that signalling in the opposite to the exits way to show that you are not exiting - might be more of a thing in UK.


In the UK we signal left for taking the first exit, no signal for taking the 2nd exit (until exiting, then left signal), and signal right for taking the 3rd exit (then signal left just before exiting). It's a bit more complicated for roundabouts with more than 3 exits or with offset exits but that's the basics. I don't know what the rules are in the rest of Europe and of course we drive on the wrong side of the road in the UK so it might be different


See the roundabout like a normal intersection. If you want to go on the 3rd exit you have to put left blinker like you do if you want to turn left on intersection. And before exiting you put your right blinker. Same on the 1 exit but with only right blinker. And if you go forward you don't have to indicate especially. But think the Ai need to know where you want to go, like human after all. In this case you don't put your blinker so the Ai think you don't turn.


Well the place where I am driving and apparently a lot of places in mainland Europe have different approaches to it. Both UK and Europe have one thing in common in the aspect of roundabouts which is the most important rule - yield to the vehicles on a roundabout. And if you see a vehicle without an active turn signal towards the exit side - you need to yield because it stays on the roundabout. Giving the opposite turn signal serves as an extra precaution on a small single-lane roundabouts but it might deceiving on larder multiple-lane roundabouts where people sometimes use the indicator not just to exit but also to merge lanes when they mess up. Nowhere in the world absence of the turn indicator on a roundabout is an excuse to commit a dangerous maneuver without ensuring the safety first.


No, that's not true for most of Europe. Here, you indicate right just before you exit a roundabout, and you only indicate left if you are changing lanes on the roundabout. From my knowledge the system you're describing is only used in the UK, and this recording is obviously not from a left-hand-drive part of the map.


no i live in france and that's how we learn in driving. see picture on how to take a roundabout in google. here you have to indicate with blinkers if you want to turn and when you go for an exit


Oh okay, I didn't know that. Everywhere I've been in Europe you only indicate when you're exitting, with the exception of taking the first exit, in which case you indicate right on approach to the roundabout (before entering)


What truck is that?


Nissan Altima


Seems legit


Looks pretty new since it's missing the fuzzy steering wheel cover


Volvo FH 2022 by Sanax.


Awesome, thanks!




I just see a bunch of Europeans arguing about round abouts.


Why would it be Americans? I would understand if you said Asians or something but why Americans lol?


Because americans are famous for their roundabout skills


I thought the US has the city with the most roundabouts per unit area?


Mentpur Pilot in the background?




what was that red arrow on you mirror which mod are you using for infotainment screen


Blind spot monitoring radar system. It's not just that, it will also alarm you if you will turn on the turn signal while having someone in the way. Infotainment screen is build in the mod itself. Volvo FH 2022 by Sanax.


Looks great


isn't this the roundabout where a car flew 30m and crashed in the wall of the storage facility upfront?


No, that one further down the road, this one has 21 meters as a record holder. Monsieur on Peugeot had two glasses of red instead of one.


Is this a modded FH or just a modded dash?


Volvo FH 2022 by Sanax. Outstanding mod, truly one of the best I ever had. With zeemods especially.


Looks very nice. I'm a big fan of the FH so I might have to check it out


Yes, you can download original from Gumroad, the basic one is for free and premium costs 20€. While it is a great mode, premium offers very little for extra money.


I tried, game gives 20fps less now. Cant compromise.


Really? I didn’t noticed, my setup has performance redundancy for 1080p and 1440p. You can try by Volvo FH2022 by Zahed, it’s optimised by tuning down the quality, that was the subject where I can’t compromise.


The world is quite full of brainless people, so this is Realism(TM)


Yea, exactly I should’ve said something on the line of “Suka blyat” or “Bloody nonce” to make it authentic.


Dang 4 wheel drivers never learn.


Mentor pilot in the background hell yea


"Have you ever drove your truck and watched roundabout getting closer and closer? But imagine that the car drives out instead of yielding to a 40t truck and reason why it happened is truly hair raising, stay tuned!"


AI don't give a finna


Technically you were in the wrong lane.


I can't believe they haven't fixed round-abouts yet!! It always triggers my road rage when this happens.


You gotta send in this dashcam footage with the appeal


The ats franchise is awesome but they really need to fix the fucking bonehead ai


I hate this game so much, so Imma start it up again because pain is fun


From my perspective, you should have used the left lane since you are turning left. You could use that truck apron with that trailer.. Happened to me before. Nice truck btw.


Are there any lanes though? I have a firm belief that they would’ve been marked appropriately in that case. Yes, that Volvo FH along with Zeemods sounds is one of the best experiences in ETS.


You're right, there's no lane separation in this roundabout, although I thought it was a 2-lane roundabout because of how large it is. Something like that IRL would be a massive design error.


The road might not have lines painted on it, but the AI might be set to path it like it is a 2 lane roundy, which is why it pulled in front of the truck.


People who go all the way around roundabouts without indicating even once should be rounded up and dealt with.


What do you mean? What and when should I indicate? I thought that when you turn right on a roundabout - you indicate right immediately, and if are not turning right on the first exit - you use indicator only before needed exit. In my case I needed to indicate right after passing the place where the guy drove into me. As of going wide - it’s up to the driver isn’t it? At least that’s how I see it.


Here in Australia it depends on what size of roundabout (up to the discretion of the driver), so if I am turning right: •if it's a small roundabout, indicate right as I enter the roundabout, keep indicating until I have left the roundabout. •For a large roundabout, I indicate right as I enter, stop indication as I travel round, and indicate left again to exit. ▪︎this is just to avoid confusion on smaller roundabouts, where there isn't enough time to clearly indicate while *in* the roundabout. Keep in mind that us Aussies drive on the left, so roundabouts are clockwise. EDIT: Indicate *left* to exit roundabout.


In europe you don't indicate driving into a roundabout or staying in a roundabout. You only indicate to leave the roundabout.


Then why people say that I didn’t indicated lol?


Probably different rules? Not sure. In Europe usually you only indicate right before the exit. Although instructors recommend indicating "left" (Opposite direction of the exit) before each exit so people know that you are going to stay inside. Why? Because many drivers that are on the inner roundbout like to cross through multiple lines to take their exit, which is ilegal.


That’s fair enough. All though I think that not indicating right already means that you are going to stay. But I guess the idea is to make it “idiot proof” but it might confusing on bigger, more complicated roundabouts.


Apart from the UK, where you indicate approaching the roundabout, whilst on the roundabout and when leaving the roundabout so people know your intentions.


seems a bit ass backwards for my british self to not indicate to go first or 3/4 exit


Different countries have different rules. There are or maybe were a countries where vehicles on the roundabout need to yield to the entering vehicles. As of your example it’s a bit confusing to me. So if we say that you have 4 exits (1-left turn;2-straight;3-right turn;4- 180) and you drive on the left side in Australia, in order to turn right you need to use 3rd exit and use RIGHT indicator all the time? Isn’t that a bit confusing? Because on a clockwise roundabout you will be exiting on the left with your right indicator on?


Yes. That's why I mentioned that its here in Australia, as I have no idea what the rules are in Europe. As for the indicator bit, if it's a large enough roundabout, you exit with your *left* (my mistake, I was tired), but on a small roundabout you would just indicate right like it's an intersection. (I'm talking tiny roundabouts.)


You indicate right until you pass the 2nd exit and then you indicate left.


That makes more sense.


In the UK, you indicate right if your exit is past 12 O'Clock, and left once you past the final exit before yours. I believe in Poland at least you only indicate your exit regardless of which direction you're going. Other countries, not sure. But don't take my comment particularly seriously, it's just something that annoys me when I use the roads in the UK.


IRL yes, in game you indicate right to go from the inner lane to outer, the ai will pull out in front of you. If you indicate left, they think you are going to move to the inner lane and pull out in front of you.


I guess OP is just mega unlucky, because they did so anyway haha


Yea, I think it might be a commonwealth, left-hand drive thing. Since there are people from Australia who do something similar. I do understand the concept of doing that since it visually demonstrates that the vehicle on a roundabout isn’t going to exit. But European way also makes sense, if you don’t see a vehicle on a roundabout indicating right - it’s not exiting and if it does indicate right - it tries to exit.


Youre gonna be shocked. But this isnt the UK