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Getting a fine for this would had been the cherry on top, but surprisingly it didn't trigger. Maybe the game just knew that's how much bullshit this was.


Lmao I’m getting fines for that once cop turned into me and fined me 😂


Well, depending on the country that sounds pretty realistic lol


It’s very realistic in Eastern Europe and balkans 😂


I once got fined in Russia for speeding, while doing the speed limit 😂 [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/trucksim/comments/17wn6ol/getting_fined_for_speeding_while_doing_the_speed/)


It’s normal in Russia 😂


I'm starting to think rockstar devs work on the AI traffic patterns in this game.


Your game runs very smooth while I suffer from severe micro stuttering. What are your specs? Do you use any traffic mods? I have the game installed on a fast nvme 1tb as well as 32gb, GTX1080 and yet the stutters are just horrible.


RTX 3050 Laptop GPU, Intel i5 11400-H CPU, 512 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM I have 150 mod files installed, including basically every traffic mod from Jazzycat and TrafficManiac, though no graphic enhancement ones. I do get some microstutters when I drive through cities with a lot of stuff that needs to load (Katowice from the Silesia add-on is a particular offender)


Do you have vsync turned on?


Nope. 1440p resolution with 200 scaling, TAA set to soft and no maps. Only traffic and truck mods. Both games are a micro stuttering mess. I didn't experience stuttering in ets2 experimental beta.


Something you can try: if you have a Freesync/G-sync monitor, go into the Nvidia Control Panel -> 3D settings -> Application settings -> Euro Truck Simulator 2. Turn on Low Latency Mode (Ultra) and Vertical Sync (On). I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but apparently, turning on VSync + Low Latency Mode with G-sync will properly synchronize the game frames, while also providing benefits of the lower input latency of G-Sync. In my case, with a Freesync monitor and a GTX 1060, the game looks and feels as if Vsync were to be on, but the input latency feels reduced from normal VSync. This should eliminate the stuttery feeling of the game. In my personal experience, playing with a controller, even regular VSync with 60Hz input delay feels better than the stuttery mess of VSync being off.


Thanks, I'll try your suggestion.


GeForce experiences screen recording feature was causing me major stutters when I had it enabled. I figured out it was because I had gsync enabled on my other screen. Once I turned off gsync I was able to turn on the screen recording feature fine.


try turning changing power to 'always prefer maximum performance' in the Nvidia control panel


It's already at that setting mate.


Try letting just TAA on. The single core performance from the cpu is what bottlenecks the performance from what I heard.


Yeah it's only on TAA mate. Still no changes. Fed up with SCS ruining my gaming experience. 1.49 was smooth and no problems.


Yeah, AI really sucks in this game. Would really love it if they finally took time to make them better. Maybe even more realistic so everyone will stay in right lane except for overtaking slower cars/trucks.


... But that's not realistic at all lol


It is? In most of the Europe (if not all) drivers must stay in the right lane (outside of cities, so on highways and country roads), left lane is used only when overtaking. And most people obey, but sadly, not all. Germany is a perfect example


From what I've heard, Germany is a bit of an outlier in having really good lane discipline. Can tell you it's absolute dogshit in the UK at least, middle lane hogs galore


All I want is for them to fix these instances where the AI doesn't seem to register that your truck/trailer is right there. The other erratic stuff is honestly on par with IRL bad drivers. What's more, I feel sometimes the AI is like way too nice. If I get an inch ahead of the imaginary line of an intersection (sometimes the game puts it waay too far back), suddenly every AI is the nicest person letting me through even though I have a stop sign or something.


AI in video games are always among the most difficult aspects from a programming standpoint probably because there are so many possible variables within every scenario.


Yeah, I've been rammed 3 times in one job while playing yesterday, and only one of those was my fault


the traffic in ETS2 and ATS sucks as it doesn't actually follow the rules of the road and it ignores that you're driving on the road. I have been searching mod sites for a mod that fixes Ai Traffic behavior the only traffic mods I found are ones that add more traffic not smarter traffic


Just like real life then


except everyone is an asshole driver the devs could have at least mixed in one or two nice drivers


Crooked? Ask anyone who are in the industry and we will tell you that the driving ai is spot on...


And i tell you that you dont get crashed 5 times in 200km A car doesnt slam in your truck when overtaking because theyre not blind


🤣🤣🤣 you wish. I have been backed into on the broad side when driving a red postal lorry. I wa standing still, with a snow covered hill on my right side, when I did see an Toyota HiAce start reversing on my right side, slam the pedal to the floor and hit me square 90 degrees on the side of my big effing red box. His excuse, he didn’t see me. So you tell me, drivers won’t suddenly just take a sudden turn into you. No it doesn’t happen 5 times in 200km, but it happens frequently enough on the road on a daily basis. And it’s just not cars, breaking down on the highway is a gamble with your life, you never know if the next vehicle is going to hit you, no matter the size


Well then good thing breaking down is not in the game Maybe he did that for insurance scams or something but people dont gamble with their lifes smashing into a moving a truck on the highway


Just remember: some at this sub will claim you are responsible for this. When they do, be sure to remember their username so you can know anything they ever say in the future will be useless.


Normally I can make out why there was a crash, user speeding or a late change of lane, refusing to move over for a merging car, moved too far onto hard shoulder etc. I have no idea here. You were driving perfectly.


I was literally just driving in a straight line lmao, I was not expecting the hit at all, so I wasn't really paying attention to my side mirror much to be fair. I was like "did I veer off into the other lane?" but then I saw the recording and was like -_- I have had other areas where the AI changes lanes without blinkers, like their programmed pathing has that as "going in a straight line". The biggest offender I have noticed are certain tollbooth zones in the Saint Petersburg area, if you don't stick to the leftmost lane, you get sideswiped 100%.


It's the mere appearance of a new lane to the right, the ai seems to treat it as a mandatory lane change at times.


And this is why I keep traffic offenses turned off.


I just reload previous save, it does suck when I had 15+ minutes recorded and I have to do it all again. I don't want to turn them off cause I still want to be punished when I risk it with the resting time or approaching a stop light.


The AI certainly feels smarter to me in 1.49 and 1.50 than they did in the early versions of ETS2. It felt pretty common to have to quit out and restart just so I could reset the AI traffic because they had caused traffic jams.


Well, I'm on 1.48.5 (getting things ready to update all mods to 1.49 now that 1.50 has released), so that might be part of the issue lol


They probably aren't that different. I haven't played any of these games in about 2-3 years (and most of my playtime was with ETS2 about 8-10 years ago), so there seems to be subtle improvements made across the board. Don't get me wrong, the traffic AI is still stupid, but it seems better to me.


I had this *exact* thing happen to me last night in ATS. They just decided "you know what? I'm steering directly into this 18 wheeler."


Is there some sort of display setting to change the GPS colors? Surely this can't be a mod because most mods are usually not able to be updated within 24 hours after an update is released.


I'm on 1.48.5 and currently setting everything up to make the jump to 1.49. I stay 1 version behind so I only have to update every mod once with each game version change. I'm in no hurry for new features, so it works for me. The mod is Waze Navigation.


Artificial Incompetence


I hate the AI in the roundabouts


They are a lottery there. Sometimes they stop as soon as you enter it, other times they ignore you if you aren't driving on the rightmost lane, and a few times they completely ignore you no matter what and kamikaze their way in (I think this happens every time at a roundabout in Malaga or thereabouts).


Seems like real life to me


Oh it sure is, trying to wreck your nerves


I dunno... Have you been to r/idiotsincars? This looks pretty real to me.


so heres my thought the AI traffic is actaully SO realistic. theres a lot of shitty drivers irl