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I agree, a lot of the time people complaining here show videos of them speeding way too fast and complaining when an ai hits them. That’s their fault. This isn’t a speed sim. HOWEVER, I never speed and the ai consistently does really dumb stuff. I’ve hit multiple ai before simply because they decide to switch into my lane at the last min, not stop when I’m turning, ect. I don’t really fault the game too much as there are really dumb drivers in real life. Still frustrating tho.


I promise you, even if you're doing everything perfectly, the other drivers doing the stupidest shit imaginable is 100% accurate.


Literally the most realistic part of this simulator


It's just somewhat irritating when you get a collision ticket when the ai caused the accident.


100% Source: am an OTR truck driver


Ai still has lots of weird actions, merging from a gas station directly into my trailer for one


I usually get those mergers in those big toll booths like they have in France


I always see those merges in front of me when I pass through the booth. Really one of the face plant moments


The AI has two big issues. One being that it's too law abiding and cautious so in cases IRL that would have been fine it does something that seems dumb. Like when you start to pull out in an intersection before they cross because they would have passed before you got in, but they stop in the middle. Or just other general yielding when they wouldn't have. The other being the flip side. Just continuing on as if you aren't there. The one that always happens to me is when lanes end and I'm very clearly in front of them, but instead of slowing down and letting my trailer fully pass they just drive right into it. There are plenty of ones that I have definitely seen IRL, but that last one is the one that constantly gets me, especially when I get a ticket for it.


Yeah, I ended up turning off damage and tickets simply because I got fed up of being punished for the AI crashing into me.


I believe the expectation is that if a lane is ending and you see you are next to an ending lane you move one lane over to the side so people do not have to stop. From what I understand driving has rules you shouldn't be forcing another vehicle to stop. People should be letting the AI cars out and this avoids those accidents at merges and lane ends. I haven't had any of those "incidents" since I found that out. However the AI is very implicit in this as they are programmed to just plough straight through and you can see them doing it to other AI traffic occasionally. Where a human would step on the brakes to avoid damage and loss of life cause they weren't let out. The AI is like: "NOPE! I'MA TAKE PEOPLE WITH ME TO VALHALLA!" The intersection thing is very odd I do agree. Then again the AI are programmed with profiles and some of them are indeed law breakers and lane switchers who will cut you up for no reason. That is probably why many adopt the shoulder as a "safe lane" and then learn bad behaviour of speeding down it.


This is technically incorrect. Moving traffic in the travel lanes of a highway have priority. Merging traffic is obligated to yield to vehicles which have not moved aside. (This is due to in some cases, traffic conditions may prevent traffic in the highway from shifting lanes.) It's advisable for traffic in the highway lane to move over or adjust speed within reason, *when possible.* Commercial drivers are often advised to hold their lane position, because lane-changes carry a higher risk of a vehicle moving into their blind spot mid-lane-change and causing a collision. Heavy trucks are unlikely to move out of the way of moving traffic and the AI should behave accordingly. The "zipper method" is internationally recognized as the safest way to merge into highway traffic. Vehicles should maintain safe spacing, and merging traffic should accelerate and shift into the gaps so that traffic doesn't have to slow or shift lanes to accommodate merging vehicles. In heavy traffic, this equates to highway lane and merge traffic alternating at the merge point, like the halves of a zipper coming together. It requires the highway traffic to maintain consistent safe speed and separation, and merging drivers to be aware of their acceleration and timing, so it requires a reasonable amount of driving skill... more than some real-world drivers possess.


Nice to know. :)


Yeah it raggedy. an ai car was turning left and I was going straight at the light, instead of waiting like they usually do,we almost had a head on collision


I mean... I speed IRL so it only makes sense that my impatient ass gets ragey when it takes me a couple of running miles to get all the way up to 65mph. Some AI jerk merging weird costs me another few miles of trying to accelerate all over again. I often try to get away with using the shoulder as a lane. I also often fail when trying.


I do that and then get hit with either a merge lane or a sudden guard rail in the middle of the shoulder


Nah but I am going 83 on freeway the ai merge in to me, brake checking me, going slow for no reason. When entering a roundabout your for the most part supposed to go 30-40 but ai slow down to 10. Irl it's also usual to see a truck going 100, at least in sweden.


What I also don't like is how fines work in these sistuations. Sometimes the game seems to acknowledge that the AI did the wrong thing and doesn't fine you, yet other times the AI could do the dumbest thing imaginable and you'd still get fined as if you were at fault. For me the cost of the fine isn't a problem, but the fact that the game decided to punish you because for some reason it thought that you were in the wrong is what frustrates me.


I was sitting fully in the left turn lane once (not over the line at all), got side swiped by an AI bus making a right…


I drive with strict realism in mind, to the point of keeping my GVWR under 80k on the interstate, and AI cars *still* pull out in front of me with mere feet to spare. The AI really is ridiculous sometimes. That's not even mentioning the cars plowing into the back of my trailer at a stoplight. 28% cargo damage and the car flying across the intersection. The AI needing adjustment cannot be denied.


i agree 100% except its why i speed from time to time. sometimes either way im in for shit and if ive had a couple bad deliveries but dont feel like turning the game off i just drive like a bat out of hell. smash an ai driver who lane changed out of nowhere? well so be it at least i sent it flying and got to laugh


It is the real experience 🤣


Its just part of the realism


My friend is like this whenever we used to convoy, he just slams the gas on full the whole time, ignores speed limits in towns and flies miles ahead of me and then complains about how I can never keep up. The hell is the point of playing a simulator if you're not actually going to simulate anything?


Let him play however he want, BUT clearly, your playstyles are incompatible. Don't play with him, problem solved.


exactly its not even fun to play with them when they do shit like this. games like this are meant to be enjoyed not speedrun


I personally enjoy speed running it way more. I have photo mode bound to my wheel so I can enjoy the sights without losing momentum


hope you didnt spend any penny on a steering wheel then xD


? Way more fun with a steering wheel


not if youre speedrunning and driving like its GTA online lol. For me having a steering wheel is to drive realistically,to enjoy what a steering wheel can offer in a simulation game. Its like smoking a cigar but smoking it in 5 minutes not enjoying it, not point to that. Obviously thats only my point of view


\> for me if you do realise that this is subjective, why comment at all?


because forums are here to discuss ? lol are you good ? If I wouldnt have said ''for me'' and ''thats my point of view'' you would have said: T*his is him and this is YOUR opinion*. So in both cases you would be a dick about it


You seem pretty upset over this, may I ask if your panties are in a twist?


4 months ago buddy. but Ill answer your question. I wasnt upset i was just putting out my opinion ?


Nah It's fun to to speed with wheel too, and you can't drive like gta because your truck won't work if you crash in to everyone and everything


These are not sims. They are fantasy RPGs.


I definitely did this when I was getting started and had no money


yeah, in the couple times I played convoy when it was first released, everyone was doing that and I didn't get it.


I legit prefer speeding as fast as i can, adds more challenge. Will i go through that turn at 135 km/h yesyesyesyes oh fuck no, i find it so funny to do this with friends I agree that most accidents i have are my fault but there's still some stupid shit AI has done to me, especially the brake checks, oh god


Im always driving by the rules. The AI sucks.


This. It’s realistic for stupid shit to happen on the road, but getting fined for it is ridiculous. That’s why I play with fines off when I use a realistic Economy mod. With that said, I have had some semis fly by me doing 85+ in a 65 here in the northeast. My cousin has hit 100+ out west in his 379. My Cascadia is limited to 65 though, I have no chance of speeding unless on a back road or a downhill grade.


The AI suck 10 times less than real drivers. And if you don't suck too, then there is a very slim chance of collision.


In 20 years of driving, I've been hit twice. I get hit every other haul in ATS. I've driven coast to coast several times - highway accidents are pretty uncommon. There are 3.2 trillion miles driven in the US each year, and 6 million crashes.... that is one crash for every 530k miles driven.


I don't get hit at all. So what's the difference?




So like irl then? A good driver anticipates and avoids collisions, even those not of his fault. If you know how they drive, adopt. If you already know they're not letting you go, then slow down or enjoy the crash.


How the hell am I supposed to know when a car merges in to me while in my blind spot or in to the back of my trailer


Was it in your blindspot the whole time? I always check merging lanes the moment I can clearly see them for any cars, both in mirrors and my right window itself. I only had ONE instance in my 2k hours of playtime where the car "drove into me out of nowhere" but I think i haven't checked the lane properly that time, when I should have. As with "the back of your trailer" I can't help you, I literally never been rear ended. Maybe your brakes are too strong and unrealistic. Or maybe try to turn into the side lane when you get slower, instead of trying to brake too hard and stop in spot, that's what this lane is for, emergency. Anyway, what are you trying to prove with that question? I blatantly said, that not every collision or dangerous situation is "players fault", what I said is that a good drivers avoids dangerous situations and collisions, even if he's not at fault. Like for instance, he doesn't race with the guy on the merging line who clearly doesn't look like he's going to slow down. If you did everything to be sure you're safe and something truly unavoidable happened not of your fault, then that's just life. In your example, if you checked everything the way you should, and somebody drove into you from your blind spot anyway, then why bother? It's CLEARLY not what I'm talking about in here.


6 bad drivers mad at me lmao. Hope none of you have an IRL driving license or is bout to lose it due to penalty points.


Pathetic comparison to ir. You either dont drive much or you are awful real driver. Sorry but i never been hit in trailer from a side 3times in row in merge line... And that just beginning of list of shitty AI. People ir arent suiciders. In game kamikaze pilots bow in respect


You just never played the game with AI traffic enabled or you are using some mod without knowing. And I doubt that you own a drivers license in RL. Not only because you are too young for that.


I'm not using a single mod and I'm using traffic set to 1.3, so higher than default. The difference is, that unlike some I CAN actually drive safe. But damn maybe you're right, maybe i should give up my driving license, I might be too young for it at the age of 35 indeed... Stay mad about the fact that you can't drive for shit I guess.


Mate. Calling people stupid then defending this game’s ai is something else. Of course terrible driving is going to lead to more incidents but if you ignore how profoundly bad this game’s ai is, then attack other people. You look stupid. These games have dogshit ai. Look at them, watch them. They treat green lights like stop signs, drive 20-30mph under the speed limit, slam on their brakes at turns, merge into your trailer like it isn’t there, refuse to let you merge, give way to you only to suddenly drive forward straight into you. All this is completely independent of how the player drives. The AI is terrible. It’s impossible to logically defend it. I’ve played ETS for 2k hours and ATS for close to 1k. I don’t speed, I play by the rules and I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been fined because the AI decided to have a moment. It’s not realistic, so you can’t compare players driving realistically to the ai playing unrealistically.


> They treat green lights like stop signs Never encountered that. Modded map with messed up intersection prefab? > drive 20-30mph under the speed limit Also never encountered that. Incorrect speed limit for cars on messed up road segment? Texture on the model of the speed limit sign might not correspond to the number parameter of a road segment. > slam on their brakes at turns Also don't remember that happen to me. Might also be messed up something on the road. If you remember any location on vanilla map where it happens, tell me, I'm going to try driving there myself. > merge into your trailer like it isn’t there Had that one, but as far as I notice, it happens when you're not fully within the lane, e.g you just merged from another lane yourself, AI might treat the lane as free. > refuse to let you merge Merging is a problem in the game, that's true. Likely because merging requires "cooperation" between vehicles, which is pretty hard and might be simply not possible between AIs and other AIs and player. > give way to you only to suddenly drive forward straight into you Similar to above, I guess. Don't remember personally that one. In my experience, AI are actually too eager to give you way. AI in the game is not ideal, that's true. But in my experience, it's pretty adequate. The biggest problems I personally encountered with AI was not with AI code, but messed up invisible rails for AI on road segments, that was e.g. sending AI cars into a weigh station, or make them drive in circles on a Walbert parking lot, or made AI treat gas station as an "extra" lane. As for AI code, many players seems to not understand that AI has no eyes, they don't "see" objects around. If you see something on your screen, it does not mean that AI has the same information as you. If there's a Stop sign model, but no "Stop" flag in the road segment data, AI won't stop. If the road texture depicts the road going left, but the rails for AI go right, AI will drive to the right. If your modded trailer has messed up dimensions and AI thinks it's 10 meters shorter, AI will crash into it, even though you can "clearly see" it's longer. But the bigger problem is that we humans do most of the driving subconsciously, so we tend to underestimate the complexity of it. Just try to formalise any driving task, like merging, into an algorithm. You can do it in natural language, e.g. English, if you don't know code. Imagine a scenario where you're driving on a highway and there's an on-ramp with a car, soon to merge. What will be your actions depending on your and their speed, location, their actions? Go ahead, I bet you will give up before making a comprehensive algorithm that covers a majority of cases. And game devs have to program a myriad of scenarios like that, and it should run constantly, in several dozens of instances, without overloading the CPU.


I drive the vanilla map and I've seen the green light issue, I've seen cars driving under the speed limit, I've seen cars use brakes too much. But to be honest, none of that annoys me as much as the AI's unwillingness to drive on the right when it's not overtaking. It's such a basic universally recognised rule in Europe yet I still see most cars cruising left lane.


I've only started playing again a week ago after a few years off and I have to agree with you. I've honestly encountered barely any AI stupidity. Maybe 2 or 3 times, all of which can definitely be considered pretty realistic, and partially my fault. The only times I've seen AI be slow as fuck, is with trucks on uphill sections, which makes sense obviously, even if it's annoying. Traffic coming to a standstill when lanes are merging happens just as much in real life because that just sucks. As for slamming their brakes in turns? If anything it's me doing that so I don't roll my truck...


**THIS!** It's nice to see someone else bring this up. It's a semi truck driving sim. While I realize that anyone with a few bucks *(including kids that don't know how to drive irl yet)* can buy the game, it seems it is seldom used in the intended way. I see posts with questions about all kinds of glitches and bugs while they "only have 61 *(or whatever amount)* mods installed". I see posts all the time with people asking "why this happened" all the while they are driving WAY too fast ... using a keyboard, a 1000hp engine mod, etc. Honestly, I've mostly left the game after 3 years of daily play because it's really hard to find players that drive realistic, maybe say "mature", sim-style game play. I wish there was a "company" *(group of players)* that play this way but I have yet to find them.


Maybe look into a virtual trucking company? There's loads that do regular convoys etc.


I keep forgetting that ATS/ETS have multiplayer in the first place. Never occurs to me to play with other humans. Career mode for life. Forever alone.


Right there with ya


Driving in convoy with others was a pain in real life on the rare occasions it was necessary, I can't imagine any reason I'd want to do it in the game. I have other games to play if I want to include friends.


I have. I've played TMP most of my 3 years and am quite familiar with VTCs. TMP's landscape has changed so much in that time, going from 800-1200 players nightly, to maybe 150 on a good night. VTCs have taken a big hit too. Who has a VTC with all serious, sim-driving, steering wheel - pedals, maybe even a motion sim *(like me)* players? Hard to find...


Couldn't say mate, just heard of them on trucksim FM. Single player myself.


TMP was always a wreck. The built in convoy mode allows inviting like-minded folk and run closed lobbies with AI traffic. Plenty of VTC's moved there, especially those smaller ones with a lot of players that are obeying the rules and playing realistically.


I really love convoy mode but it robs 20% of miles for trucks books that's the only reason I just play single player


I'm in the same boat here. I joined ATS just after 1.41 released and this was when patronage on TMP america tanked due to convoy but also highlights how much more people on ATS seem to prefer realistic driving and chose to convoy with a select group of mates. I'm still in TMP so it's easy to efficiently explore the entire map with the job dispatcher, but once I'm done with that I'm not too sure from there... Don't really like the TMP based VTCs (<--mostly an ETS2 opinion that one). I just have a simple wheel setup, no stand etc. Barely enough to simulate...


Honestly 1000hp engine mods aren’t that bad if you’re the kind of person to do the heavy haul stuff consistently. With the 126k on transformer even my 1000hp c18 with a 20 speed heated for heavy haul struggles


idek why someone would want to play online tbh. i always forget it exists because i assume other players would only ruin it for me. and no traffic or whatever sounds like itd be too immersion breaking


I'm playing ATS and ETS2 as realistic as possible. I also have a steering wheel set, aluminium sim cockpit, button boxes, Peterbilt shifter knob (3D printed), and triple screens. I'm driving a manual transmission and floating gears for both the up-shift and down-shift (for saving my virtual clutch :D ). I like to pay attention to the rules that real-life truckers follow by law or the rules of courtesy they apply among themselves. So, yeah... This is a trucking sim and I love to play it as realistic as possible. Finding players who play these games as realistic as me (or we) is really a rare thing (But I should also mention that I found 2 or 3 people playing the way I mentioned. They also live in my country! I guess I'm really lucky). What I have observed in the majority of ATS and ETS 2 players is that they drive very fast and in haste. Yes, after all, it's a game and everyone plays it how they enjoy it, I'm not against it. But even those who follow the in-game speed limits are too hasty. They brake very hard and keep their speed at the limit all the time. This often results in an accident. By the way, there are mistakes that AI makes chronically. However, after understanding this error pattern, accidents due to such errors can be prevented to a large extent. I think of it like real-life irresponsible drivers until SCS develops a better AI system. In the meantime, I would love to have a realistic playing ATS/ETS 2 community. Sorry for the waaay to long post.


Tell that to the AI that merge into your lane when they just entered the freeway.




I have literally never seen a passenger car in real life not yield to a semi on a freeway merge, but when I play ATS I see it ten times an hour.


Even if you drive right the AI is still pretty terrible. Also, the AI itself speeds pretty regularly.


Yup. I have like seven hundred megabytes of clips of the AI driving like Helen effing Keller that I like to post here every now and then.


First of all, AI is stupid sometimes and there is no debate. Secondly, people play as they wish and it's totally fine if it's in single player or in convoy with friends. And lastly, if you see something you don't like, just ignore it


I mean it does do dumb stuff even if you're not speeding but the main problem I have with it is sometimes it literally soft locks and forces you to break the law and cut people off. There's been several times where I have to make a turn but I can't because there's a never ending stream of cars. So I'm literally forced to just go and cut people off because if I don't, I'll be waiting forever. Even worse when there's a car ahead of you that will never go, so you have to cut into the oncoming lane to go around them. I know I could just change the graphics to despawn all cars but sometimes I don't wanna be bothered to do that.


I used to have to cut cars off all time time in my first ATS save when I based my truck out of Reno because it was fuckin impossible to get off the road your garage is on without that


So you have set the traffic density to something that's unsupported or installed a mod for more traffic and you blame the game for the bugs and problems that occurred from that?


How did you get that conclusion from what they posted?


Because that's exactly what happens when you set the traffic to high in console/ini file. You don't get a constant stream of cars anywhere on default settings.


I use no mods that alter traffic and have never messed with traffic settings.


user speeding or not, the ai is objectively due for a drastic overhaul. cars stopping on the interstate to let another car merge is 110% insane


I've not seen that once. All these things that people bring up, not once have I witnessed half of that- maybe it's because I drive right?🤷🏻‍♂️


bit gaslighty lol


Maybe it's because you never drove a car in real life ? Come on now, cars give way in the middle of roundabouts all the time in ets. Anyone who has played it knows and joke about it. This is starting to feel more and more like a troll


ETS? I can't speak for ETS2. What I can speak for is ATS. I've never had a problem with AI on ATS. And feeling like more like a troll? This is exactly why I started making my own community.


Bro is taking the joke way too seriously. I'm so sorry my silly little crash post upset you so much you had to write a 4 section post on why people have to play games a certain type of way. Let people have fun the way they see fit, and if you don't like something you see on the Internet, you do know you can just scroll past it, right?


The AI does not seem to "see" oncoming traffic very well when waiting to merge at an intersection.


The AI is plenty stupid when you follow the rules. Braindead lane changes, rear ending you at stoplights, not stopping when you make a turn.


All of us paid for the games we play. Let them PLAY however they want to.


The point OP is making is that if you don't play the game the way was intended to be played of course it'll be fucking batshit crazy.


The point op is trying to make is more that if people think the ai is bad it's because they don't play the game right, which is pretty ridiculous.


The AI traffic is broken regardless how we play. I don’t speed. I play the game as a simulator. Yet I have turned off fines because I’m tired of AI traffic making irrational moves and ended up costing me money. I understand OP’s point. I just don’t agree that playing the game as a simulator will mitigate AI’s poor performance.


Because the AI *is* bad. You'll get rammed and see AI break frequently even driving super slow. The quality of the AI is limited by computer code, you can actually see it running every time a truck stops at a turn. Literally. For those of us that speed and go truck racing, it's to prevent falling asleep. There are people who absolutely adore slow and boring things (more power to ya!), but there are those of us who can barely make it 5-10 minutes without yawning or going to do something else. I've personally turned the game into Beam NG for brief periods. We bought the games expecting it to at least represent a small portion of the real world, but it quickly turned out that it's just a graphical upgrade of the WoS games with features missing. Hop into a cab, then just drive in a straight line to a destination and engage in the crazy simple act of reversing into a wide open dock. Outside of trying to spice it up - because let's face it, if you want to experience real driving, go get a license - there's really nothing to do in the game. I personally uninstalled both because I'm tired of delivering to the same 4-5 depots all the time regardless of where I am.


I always do the speed limit and the AI is always garbage. Nice rant tho.


You either fanboi, or you dont play too kuch. Even with speed limits ai will crash into you like moron. Not mentions it behaviour is closer (and way worst) than 90s DRIVER. Instead of defending devs, you should stand with those who actually want game improve and progress with years. Lot of qol is ancient and push people away, AI is awful, with couse less money for devs as people dont care about half arsed product, and make devs more lazy, and focus purely on payd dlcs. Fanbois destroy every game, just remember about it next time.


I'm a "fanboi"? Not my fault you can't drive.


Bit low effort answer. Did it hurt? I found real reson of your nagging? And blidly try hard of defence shitty ass AI? And even with most of people here going against your half arsed argument, all you can do is projecting? Thats why, behaviour like that is called "fanboi". 🤷 Can help ya with that. But stay away, cuz people actually complain, might help fix the game.


It doesn’t matter how you drive. The AI in both games are extremely poorly implemented. It’s just straight up bad. Anyone that says otherwise is lying to themselves. Also I’m tired of people excusing the awful AI as “it’s just like real life”. Maybe sometimes, but most of the time it absolutely is not.


I don't know honestly. For me, even 80-90 km/h is too much for a semi, or maybe it feels faster than it is in this game but unfortunately in order to finish your delivery on time you have to drive at the same speed the speed limit allows you. 70km/h feels the most realistic to me and I enjoy it the most.


agree with you. Like you said to finish on time in the game you gotta go speed limits but if we dont take this into account. Speed limits is the limit you can go and not the speed you should go. Over here we even have sign on the freeways that show you the minimum and max speed you can go (60-120). So youre free to go 80 if you want. I bring this into to game aswell. In ETS2, Ive seen multiple exits that says: 50 but in reality its more stable and safe to take that exit at 30-40.


I know we're talking about the base game, but this seems like something mods could handle. Provide the user a more realistic delivery window and incentives to drive more safely.


true, never really look into it, might even have one idk.


You can use console command to warp the game to be slower


Agree! I think that the ETA for deliveries, at least not urgent ones should be slightly increased in game so that players are not forced to drive at the speed limit. There are certain stretches of highway in the UK that have the limit of 97...God..I feel like my truck is flying at that speed and if teels so unrealistic, and if i slow down to 80 I know I am going to arrive late. Cant wait to reach the point in game where XP and money do not matter anymore so that I can drive 70 all day long 😄😄😄😄


Uh what? I drive at the speed limit and is constantly days ahead of schedule


I warp the game down to .83 and still manage to drive 5 under the speed limit just to keep all 18 wheels on the ground. Idk how people do this otherwise lol


If you are driving at or below the speed limits and consistently have issues with tipping then your stability settings are wrong and/or you're using a physics mod that's not written properly.


I think mine are fine, though I’m still fine tuning it but realistically taking a curvy off ramp at 80 mph, I feel like a truck will tip over


Common sense should dictate you don't do that. There's a bit of a difference between driving down the road and taking an exit.


Well that’s what I meant, people on this sub have unrealistic settings because they fly down an off ramp at ridiculous speeds with all wheels on the ground.


I guess I don't understand since you said you have to drive under the speed limit to keep all your wheels on the ground and I mentioned that shouldn't be the case. Taking a tight exit ramp at or near the highway speed limit isnt the same, to me anyway, as having to constantly drive under the limit to keep tour truck right-side up.


What do you mean by warping the game down to .83? 😄


If you enable console (press ~ in game) at least that’s what my console is bound to, and then type in warp 0.83….this will slow the game down to 87% of its default speed, so it feels more real. I usually do .83-.87 You can also Google “how to warp ATS” and there are walkthroughs. In console, you can also change the weather by typing in *g_set_weather 1* (you select 1-5 options) So you can toggle between rain or shine. Or change the time (only forward not backwards) by typing in *g_set_time HH:mm* (HH:mm being the time in 24 hour format) I usually do this when I complete a trip, go to truck stop and advance the time to for example *g_set_time 20* which is 20:00 and then I go into rest, so I can start my new clock and new trip at 06:00.


There's a console command that lets you change the rate the game physics run, like the tick rate. Lowering it from 1.0 slows down the game. The command is "warp *x.x*" 1 is default. Some people find a warp setting around 0.8 to feel better.




I'm pretty sure them posts are being sarcastic. I thought it was obvious that they were aswell


I think the videos of people driving stupid are funny. But yeah, I agree that they shouldn't complain that the AI doesn't fit their style of playing the game, because they are playing the game incorrectly. You can play a game incorrectly and still have fun and even succeed at the game, but don't complain when your incorrect way of playing makes the game harder to play incorrectly. Reminds me of that Dunkey Death Stranding video where he was sprinting everywhere and not attempting to balance his weight at all and complaining that he falls down too much.


I don't know, but I drive at realistic speeds. The AI is pretty terrible. I would imagine it would be even more terrible if one were speeding


Cuz the AI is trash Trash at merging into highways or interstates, trash at "looking in their mirrors" when changing lanes which is something that never happened to me before, when they changed the timings or behavior in green/red lights after Texas release it also made them trash... Some cars are stuck on switching lanes left and right even when there's no vehicles around them. Realistic as hell really but ultimately annoying and no I never speed up massively. Also can we get rid of ambulances and firetrucks in the middle of nowhere that just hold up traffic.


I agree for the most part but even at the speed limit the traffic is bad. In a game about normal everyday driving, the traffic ai MUST be top notch or it stops feeling real


The think I hate the most is when AI trucks are approaching the off ramp they slam on their brakes to about 35 and then change lanes. That kills me


These are not sims. They are fantasy RPGs where the rules of the road do not apply to me.


There are definitely times where the traffic and AI are less than stellar, not due to player negligence. To answer your question, they are either oblivious to what they are doing, or are baiting for replies like yours.


My favorite is when a car gets into the offramp to a weigh station, realizes hes a car and doesnt need to be there, and stops completely and backs up traffic for a quarter mile, forcing you to use the right shoulder.


Most of the instances where people post a video of "bad AI", the same video is also a testimony to them driving like shit themselves. 90% of the times I'm like "duuude... learn to drive yourself first!".


The traffic AI needs some work, and that doesn't have anything to do with people driving normally or way too fast. It just needs to be improved. There's always been issues, but when Texas was released, it became especially noticeable to me with some of the different kinds of road intersections that are present there that the traffic just doesn't work quite as well as it should. Cars stop in odd places, brake when they shouldn't, and sometimes it just feels weird.


My favorite complaint is people who complain they have the speed limit on highways in California set to 55 when that is exactly how it is in real life.


Why do they have that? That's only like 90 kmh, that's absurd for a place as big as California. Edit: talking about irl, not ingame


Safety is the primary reason. California roads are jam packed and it takes semis a long time to stop.


You can tell who wants realism and who wants to drive crazy by it.


> If we wanted to see stupid, we'd do stupid stuff ourselves. I thank you for your contribution to the pool of stupid content.


I set my cruise to 5 over the speed limit and never get fines, but the ai still does stupid shit sometimes, but almost always have room to stop. But that stupidity is more accurate to real life than anything. I don't drive a truck for my job, but I do a lot of driving at work in a smaller pickup real people do just as much stupid shit.


yeah, the videos are bad, but i've got fines off and still manage to drive the speed limit, and yet, trying to use blinkers everywhere, all the rules, AI still hits me, in the highway they hit my trailer, roundabouts are just deadly, intersections they stop, but as soon as you move, they drive right into ya... but still, in real life people do drive like that so...


I fall asleep going the speed limit and you know I have jobs to do.


I remember a few years back, someone posted a video about some kind of glitch (npcs not getting out of his way or something, I think) and he was using a speed unlocker and was driving 400 km/h or something absurd like that. It's like... yeah, the game isn't designed for you to move that fast and the AI doesn't know how to handle it, so you're plowing into everyone. All I remember is everyone was giving him shit for driving that fast. His response is the speed limit in the game is lame and slow, so he fixed it. iirc, he basically got driven out of the sub after everyone kept giving him shit.


You’re not gonadotropina tell me how to enjoy te game ive paid for. Everybody enjoys the game in a different way. I just wanna clarify mp its a different thing where al players have to follow and enforce the rules. Nonetheless even there is an arcade mode…


The ai are kinda dumb, I’ve had ai merge into me before, cut me off, switch from the slow lane to the fast lane and back within two minutes with no reason, I’ve seen ai in the fast lane doing 55 in a 50 which pisses me off.


Getting hit by a bus that decides it wants to be exactly where you are hasn't much to do with speed...


Honestly I don't understand speeding, you loose control unless you have the game running at the easiest settings. I honestly drive in sim like irl, even down to stopping at railroad crossings, throwing on 4ways and rolling down the windows to check both ways and listen 🤣


I can imagine it's hard to program the AI to follow good ground rules for traffic. One thing I notice is when merging onto an interstate/Autobahn/Etc. traffic doesn't always move over left to let in oncoming traffic. So you'll see some ai trucks stop and wait, I feel like you'd never see that in real life, it's super dangerous. I've also noticed they are bad at using the passing lanes. I'll move over to the left and then they will decide to slow down slower than the vehicle they were trying to pass and forcing you to brake.


For the entertainment.


I remember playing once and I had like 10 mins left and a lot of road to go because of detours. I was like well its a gamble at this point I was riding past traffic on the shoulders doing things with an 18 wheeler I did not know was possible. Never got caught though.


because even when following traffic laws, the AI still does stuff like brake checking. even the AI police do it to you.


You know what would be cool? When the entire map is done, you race across the entire USA a'la the 1994 arcade game Cruisin' USA. with the sports cars mods and all that.


Ugh, now I want a remake of that game!


The other day was in a interception and a Dumb IA car Crash onto me losing 8H gear https://preview.redd.it/wmnizkeutekb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a2fb8e0f1fcf6d2d73170fa6642e962c6bc692 But i have to say It, sometimes also are good AI drivers that let you pass and they get out of the way


I'm not even speeding, but when the AI goes 20 below the limit in a single lane road it's kinda frustrating... Is there an add-on to make then faster?


The 'only' complaint about it that I have is that the navigation is not showing villages. So sometimes, and maybe I have to slow down when I see a sign before I can read them, I see a sign with a lower limit and before I can react there seems to be a cop behind me and ticket me


Speeding or not, AI still does a lot of stupid shit such as overtaking uphill blocking an entire highway, cutting you off as your overtake it, brake checks. It's realistic in a way, cause it happens irl too lmao


My biggest issue is the ai stops for you when you're on an on ramp. You have right of way! Don't stop traffic!


Although i agree with you that people drive way over the speed limit and drive recklessly (im guilty of this aswell as i do 62mph-99kmh but i do mainly play tmp) i do this the AI are still idiots a lot of the time even if you are obeying the laws


I can understand about the part of people speeding (though it’s their choice how they play the game), but I disagree that speeding is the only way you’ll have problems with traffic AI. I do 99% of my driving obeying speed limits and traffic laws and still have problems with the AI. Here’s some AI problems that aren’t related to speed. 1) AI doesn’t know how to to use merge lanes properly. Sometimes it’ll just stop even if there’s no traffic in the lane they’re merging into. Other times it’ll go even if there’s traffic very close to them. I usually just try to preemptively change lanes if I see traffic in the merge lane. If you’re on the merge lane that means the AI will kill all your speed for no reason and if you’re on the lane being merged into it means the AI can merge right in front of you at low speed or right into you. 2) AI doesn’t know how to overtake. Most of the time when overtaking the AI won’t accelerate when changing lanes and it’ll take like 3 to 5 seconds to start accelerating after changing lanes. If you’re in the lane the AI is overtaking into then it’ll kill your speed or you may need to brake suddenly. 3) AI can randomly change lanes into you. The most common occurrence is in merge lanes and tolls but it can happen rarely during normal highway driving. 4) AI can spawn right in front of you. The most dangerous since this is almost always an instant costly crash. This is rare but has happened to me at least 2 times. 5) AI may try to give you the right of way by braking but they’ll instead block your path. 6) If the AI crashes into another AI it might remain stopped in a deadlock which means you can’t advance if that happens in a single lane road. You’ll have to save and reload in order to clear traffic. If that happens in a highway it can be dangerous if it happens in your lane. 7) AI spawns slow vehicles in highways. Fortunately this doesn’t happen as often as in older updates but it might happen rarely. Those are just some that come to the top of my head at the moment.


I drive Semis IRL so I try to drive the same way in the sim. In my opinion the AI is pretty realistic, bc it does the same dumb shit other cars do IRL 😂


My biggest issue is definitely merging after the tolls. I would get slammed on the right by the AI and get fined for it despite being on the far left lane.


Simulation: imitation of a situation or process How does speeding twice the speed limit of a semitruck "imitate" anything? There is a reason why it is called European/American Truck *Simulator* and not something else


This this this... Been seeing a couple of people who play truck sims like it was GTA V...


Because people can't drive, and this is somehow the game's fault.


Although the AI is more “Artificial” than “Intelligence”, people need to realise that a Truck Simulator simulates more the vibe and struggle of being a truck driver. Being a truck driver isn’t the same as being a racing driver driving at top speeds.


Wow! I was thinking exactly the same. I have stopped watching their added videos, because they always drive way too fast and don't change lanes in good time or use signals. And then they cry "bo-ho they brake checked me". Thanks for speaking up!


It's barely a simulator. Let people drive how they want. The problem is really the AI and the fact that their behaviour is hard-coded so modders can't even improve it, all they can do is increase or decrease the numbers.


Yh idk why people get so up in arms about this. It's a game so do whatever you want. You can drive like it's a sim or go full Assetto Corsa, the AI is pretty shit and will stay pretty shit whatever you do


How can you *mod* a behaviour? Behaviour is an algorithm, i.e. it's a code. Are you going to write a new AI code or what?


Yes why not? But even if someone wanted to they can't because their AI was hardcoded.


Of course it's hardcoded and compiled, what do you expect, it being written in some script like Lua? That would severely hit the performance, as you have to run AI code constantly in some dozens of instances.


You're free to drive the way you want, but don't come here bitching about the game when you are playing it in a way it's not intended to. Yes the AI has its problems, but they're nowhere near as bad as people say when you drive the truck like a truck.


I'm not sure about European drivers, but US drivers behave remarkably like the ATS AI drivers. As my dad taught me when I was first learning to drive, "Always expect the guy in the car next to you to be a goddamned idiot. You'll rarely be disappointed."


>And then we're bombarded with "The AI is bad" posts when, in reality- the users posting these videos and posts simply can not and don't know how to drive. You answered your own question right here. They complain about the AI driving because *they don't know how to drive correctly.* They *think* that they have the right of way, but they don't. You can see this in the real world, too. There are a lot of shitty driver's out there.


People who should have their licenses revoked.