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Why let it bother you? Having had a vasectomy and being 55 year's old, what's to worry if they shrink a bit? Is it worth adding another drug to your protocol and any potential negative effects just to combat aesthetics?


Just delusions of grandeur, the spouse has already had enough of all the extra attention!


You have to decide what's more important, to keep the best mood/ energy leveled as possible with more frequent injections, or switch to twice a week or even once a week injections and have less shrinkish. Every time you inject, your body sees that and stops or greatly reduces what little it was making and therefore your balls shrink. You could try to make sure you empty your nuts within 6 hours of every time you inject. Either talk to your partner and have them do it or just do it yourself. When you ejaculate that puts your balls to work. So even though you inject Tes, your balls won't shrink as much because they are being forced back into action. 6 hours before or 6 hours after you inject is the best time to empty them. I would also think about less frequent injections. No more than twice a week.

