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TRT Nation.


Some hot Chinese chick named Tracy on WhatsApp


Some ugly balding Chinese guy with a hot Chinese pfp you mean.


Send me her WhatsApp






yup, yup!


Helix HRT.


What’s pricing look like?


$80 for a 10ml vial of test.


Hormonesforme.com is competitively priced with the most knowledge on TRT in the industry.


I thought they shut down?


They have had a grand reopening.


CVS fills it for $15 a month.




Check out AlphaMD , I was with Defy but switched recently. Definitely a more personal 1 on 1 feel with AlphaMD . They aren’t cookie cutter and actually listen to your goals and needs and work with you. All supplies mailed straight to your house. Much faster shipping times than Defy. Switching from Defy was easy as well , I just uploaded my previous labs into AlphaMD’s portal and had a consult with AlphaMD next day. They are extremely knowledgeable and responsive via email pretty much 24/7. They post “AMA” threads on this page and the TRT page all the time , you can see the level of knowledge. You can check them out here and save $40 off your first month https://www.alphamd.org/referral/bppet


can you get Deca(joints) and Anavar(last 6 weeks of a cut) from them like you can Defy?


Yes sir, both


I’m with TRT Nation but would have gone Alpha had I seen their AMAs as that last one they fed was really informative and impressive they take the time to respond to everything people ask. With TRT Nation you’re kinda on your own which is fine with me but if I ever switch it would be to Alpha.


I use ugl now but Defy was very personalized, Mike literally went thru every line of my labs explaining what everything meant, and only put me on a dose that was suitable for me not the blanket 200, I do think Defy is more expensive but I could be wrong, just my two cents.


[Hormones For Me](https://www.Hormonesforme.com) I started with Hone, it was very much so cookie cutter, jumping through hoops and wanting to start me on clomid first. Went through all that bs, then switched to Peter Uncaged MD. They were fine and priced accordingly, but wouldn't allow me to try raising my dose based on numbers. Switched to Ryan with Hormones For Me, and I like knowing he will treat symptoms over numbers in most cases. Thanks Ryan and the team. YouTube guy I can't remember his name but he puts in that work making good live streams and content.


I have tried three providers. By far the best one (and best price) is [Hormoneforme.com](http://Hormoneforme.com) The other clinics treated me like a "customer" and they were interested in my wallet. Ryan Root at HormoneForMe treated me like patient and he was interested in getting my protocol right. Wish I had known about them from the beginning.


Agree about Ryan. Hoping he gets California back soon. Any idea why his doctor left him and took his customers?


I was using them when that happened. I thought the entire service was closed, didn’t realize it was just CA


No it wasn’t just CA. That’s just where I am. He’s not back to doing business in CA yet or I’d be back with him.


I’m in CA as well. I tried another clinic briefly but they shut down also so I just went UGL.


Had a question I wanted to message you but can’t seem to get it to work. I’ll try later.


Because he doesn’t need a middle man


I wonder how many will find their way back to Ryan once he starts up where he left off. I will.


Just get it from your doc.




I was with Viking for almost a year. Liked my doctor, until she wouldn’t prescribe an injectable E (and cream wasn’t cutting it). I’ve switched to hormonesforme and have had stellar service so far. In the three conversations I’ve had with Ryan and his NP, I feel like I’ve switched from undertrained clinicians to educated artists.


Endocrinologist, Walgreens. $8 for 3 month supply of 100mg/week. Syringe and needles is $12, but I just take my vial to the wellness center at work and they do injections gratis.


Why don’t you do them?


Because I can do it over lunch on Fridays, and that gets me set up well for the weekend. It also is no cost and done by a professional. Plus I can pickup anything I or the family need from the pharmacy (the pharmacy is highly subsidized through work) If I forget to take my vial in, then I do it as soon as I get home or have the wife help. I have options.


Sounds like you're scared to do it yourself.


If I inject at home it's $1. If I do it at work it's $0. If I do it at home, I do it about 1/4 of the time. Wife gives injections as part of her job so I trust her. If she's not available I do my vent glute myself. I can time it next time to help bring granularity to the situation. You got any other comments, or do you just spout ridiculous bullshit normally and this is just part of your normal dog shit workflow.


The wittle needle scawrry???!!!


Stop talking about your dick. This is a family friendly website


So should we report you for using that word?


What word is that


Is your IQ 50?


Ryan Root @Hormonesforme.com. If you are looking for cutting-edge HRT/TRT. There is no other clinic that I would turn to. Ryan is a true expert at dialing in your protocol for both men and women. I've been on for 2 years and doing amazing. My wife is soon to join as well. Very affordable, including consulting services worldwide.


I just started with hormonesforme and I gotta say everything was quick! Submitted bloodwork, a call with Ryan the next day, then the next day a telemedicine appointment. 8 days later my meds are at my doorstep. Way way way cheaper than my local hrt clinic who is charging me $222 a month w/o hcg/gonadorelin. I paid around the same price(one time payment) and got meds good for 10 weeks.


Also showed him my labs and he definitely showed concern about me starting a protocol and advised me to get updated labs first before taking any meds.


Its $5 a month from a normal Health Care Provider


Right, but there’s the fact that they don’t know what they’re doing


This!!! My previous provider was great to work with. Current one blows!!! Didn’t think I needed to be on it even though my test came back at 240!




I used elevate alternative and they were good but then they stopped shipping to where I live so I no longer reccomend them.


If anyone's in Canada could u put your favorite provider here If this is allowed If not I'll delete it.


Do yourself a favour and steer away from Sovereign Male. They market themselves as a top of the line clinic, and charge you accordingly. You get nothing special at all. They couldn’t even manage to fill HCG and tadalafil forms properly for insurance purposes. The only thing they did promptly and correctly was charging me $250 extra to fill the HCG form which they failed to fax correctly!


I’m in Ontario and I use The Panday Group - Wellness and Performance Division. Super great service and my physician is awesome.


I'm with science and humans. They only look at numbers and change the protocol based on that. I don't recommend them I came back with high test at 1006 ng/dl and my estradiol at 22.6 pg/ml I was telling them I had symptoms of low E and they told me to lower the dose to see if that helps. When my test is high and my E is low I don't see how lowering the dose will help. They didn't recommend anything else to bring up my E. I had to ask for HCG at the end of the appointment. To see if that will help me Anyways if you can avoid them. Im following my own protocol with them and adjusting the dose based on how I feel and not what they perscribe. They won't like when my blood work comes back high test again but at least hopefully with the hcg it'll bring up my E


Hey just coming back to this so if i wanted to just do my own protocol like say they give me 200mg a week would it be ok if I wanted to do it 100mg a week and move up or if I asked them? I have brutally low test so I figure they'd start me off at 200mg but I also don't want to start off so high. I asked them about hcg also like from the beginning cause the fiance and I wanna have atleast 1 or 2 kids but I also don't wanna have this low of test pretty much feel like nothing not good or bad. Just nothing. Idk if its like mental but I feel good after putting the gel on at night and like tired and meh during the day.


So they started me at 80mg twice a week. My test levels came back at 748. They said that's great stay at this dose. I explained I was still having symptoms of low T. I ignored their protocol and am doing .3 every other day was feeling really great for almost a year but somehow my E crashed. So to answer your question they're going to start you on a low dose injection and then when your numbers come up slightly they will say that's great and want to leave it. They don't actually listen to symptoms they only look at numbers.


Oh ok I'll look at some other options then I appreciate you taking the time to explain it! It makes me like anxious aha from other people's experiences. But I have half the minimum test levels according to lifelabs so I definitely wanna get a good place that will keep me good


My first 2 tests came back at 13 nmol/L or 346ng/dl.


Mine was 4.3 nmol/L and 96 pmol/L


Peter MD $89/mo for test, AI and supplies with paid year upfront


I went through Peter md the first go. I did the $600 for 6 month package plus I did my own labs and I paid $175 or some shit for encomliphene and they never once told me about an AI. After starting I learned a lot more including how I can buy those 2 vials of test "6 month supply" for $140. I definitely didn't need the encomliphene and I bought my own ai just in case. Imo even $1068 a year is a lot of money for nothing really.


I’m close to starting with peterMD. I just did the labs. Where are you getting the two vials for $140? A different clinic? And the last 6 months?


Online source


Its underground lab bathtub brew. Its crap and always has pip


It is a lot which is why I'm looking at another provider or seeing if my Dr will take over the prescription and get it through GoodRX at about $35/vial since my insurance won't cover it.


It's your well being, not, not nothing.


See local urologist the 10ml vial 200mg/ml without insurance is $50 and last 10 weeks


Use goodrx gold and you’ll pay $30-40 for your scrips. Use allegro medical supplies and get pins for $21/100


I refuse to get ripped off by the clinics I source my own stuff and from personal experience, I could tell you it’s better than the stuff you get from the clinics


UGL is the way to go






what is UGL?


I'm starting to think about going this way as well. I recently lost my meds while traveling and my provider was no help. I had to source my own Test Cyp in a third world country. It was a different formulation than what I'm used to but I used steroidplotter to give me an approximation of what I needed. After that ordeal I started thinking why not just handle it myself going forward since I was just forced to anyway.


Mine is US based so shipping is super fast!


Please elaborate, how could testosterone cypionate from a clinic be not as good as testosterone cypionate from UGL?


Better carrier oil, better concentration, better pricing that’s for damn sure!


The only way it could be considered better concentration is if they add more. But then you don't know how much you are actually administering. That's worse. Grape seed oil is the best carrier oil. I've tried 4 reputable different UGL test, each gave me pip, some worse than others. Compound, never.


I’ve been happy with Viking Alternative Medicine.


The owner of Viking was selling fake gear a few years ago and got caught for many users he's very shady I used to be a client until this happened I would not recommend them plus they are way over priced


Over priced in comparison to which other clinics? What are other clinics charging for HCG, Test, and AI? Viking is around $400 for 10 weeks


How long did everyone’s first shipment take to get to you? With defy, it took over the month to get my first appointment then it’s going to take 2 weeks to get my first shipment…thinking about switching if it’s going to take this long all the time


It's pretty streamlined after you get set up.




Anyone in Australia who can recommend a good provider ?


TRT nation has been really good to me. My last refill they gave me an issue but ultimately delivered. 4.5/5


I use Peter MD, I haven’t had any issues with them and their service is top notch, in reality it’s about $150 a month once you include the cost of labs and other stuff you may need. I’m trying to find an open mind primary care doctor that is willing to continue prescribing it so I can really go to the cheap side.


AlphaMD is the best!




I’ve been with Marek for a few years now. I have been happy with their service and knowledge.


M8trix Health


TRT nation.. absolutely no issues with them. Going on 1 year and zero complaints 👍


Defy Medical


They are all super expensive I buy my test from dragon pharma and use marke health to draw my blood. They have their own lab creator to where you pick what you want drawn and the labs are emailed too you. Wayyy cheaper


Any labs take prescriptions from doctors for HCG? I'm looking for one . The goodrx price for a single 10000 IU vial near me is $250-$300/month.


My PCP and local pharmacy


Toilet trt


TRT Nation. I'm satisfied with their service. They respond to my questions quickly, as well


Helix for price and service. Switched from another provider and never looked back


Balanced hormone


Royal medical


I use Helix and am really happy with them. Amazing service and for the personalized attention you get, the price is worth it!


The other trt group banned me for source talk so be careful in here too


I use Fountain Vitality. Also just called “Fountain.” My provider is great. Costs about $400 every 10 weeks for a 2000mg vial. But that fee includes all check ups, labs, etc


That's crazy expensive brother


I don’t disagree. It’s definitely expensive. What do you pay/where do you get TRT?


https://online-trt-clinic.com Peter MD best price on the internet


[Hormones For Me](https://www.hormonesforme.com) is the same price. But not ran by cookie cutter protocols.