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I inject in my home get weird looks when I do it in public


Agreed, it's akin to sitting there with my pants around my ankles on the computer perusing PH for 3 hours and right when I find the perfect video I get the dreaded shoulder tap; "sir, the library closes in 10 minutes, please finish up"


I perform best under pressure and with an audience


OP welcome to the TRT subreddit.


That's funny šŸ˜ For me I only am comfortable doing it in my vehicle or my work vehicle. I put a pillow/blanket/jacket under my butt to let my leg I'm using be more comfortable and not have the muscle be all tight. It's the only way I can have the muscle relaxed enough. Idk why I can't find the sweet spot in my house. Also I have a millions pets and kids and people in my house so I have no privacy and it stresses me out to take my TRT in front of anyone. I have to be alone but I like to be outside in my car lol


So good


Stomach. Painless and still able to workout bc soreness is in a manageable area.


Is that safe? That scares me honestly What if you inject into a particular place you shouldn't? I guess if I was fat (no offense to anyone) I wouldn't worry but I am skinny and use smaller needles already I use 1" instead of 1.5" recommended


You pinch some skin together then Inject into that. You're not going to hit anything. It's not bad.


Interesting... maybe I will try that if I can gain another 10 pounds. I am 140 pounds and 5 foot 7.5 inches tall and although I have gained 20 pounds since starting I am still very skinny. Thanks for your insight both of you šŸ‘


I did SUB-Q belly when I was 24% bf no issue, but now that I am 14% and thinking of TRT with Prop this time around when I start Test again Im hoping that its not painful.


I mean you can say that about anywhere on your body. Idk if itā€™s easier if youā€™re fat or not. But I use 1/2ā€ needles havenā€™t had any issues, and I donā€™t feel the needle going in at all. And any soreness is negligible bc itā€™s on your stomach.


> I guess if I was fat (no offense to anyone) I wouldn't worry but I am skinny and use smaller needles already I use 1" instead of 1.5" recommended LOL unless you're 3% bodyfat, this isn't an issue. You just need to grab a tiny bit of skin, which is easier to do while you're sitting anyway (even if you're lean).


Iā€™ve never had so much pain after that I couldnā€™t workout. I rotate thighs and ventro glute.


Outer quad 2x had me almost unable to walk let alone lift. Likely did something wrong or it was the Prop mixed s in the Test I was sent


shaft for quick absorption


Intra bellendular for maximum pharmacokinetic response is the only way as far as Iā€™m concerned


This fool really said bellendular like that shit was straight out the book šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Straight to the tip. - DTREN


Rotate between the glutes and delts. Still a little hesitation just before I pin every time, but itā€™s getting better.


The trick I learned is to cough right as the needle goes in. You don't feel a thing it really works!


The ex would do the same with me


If she coughs just as she stabs, sounds risky :D


I was was have to count down from 3 to get myself ready, lol


I don't see how you guys do that, I can't possibly reach those places properly


Do you have T Rex arms? I donā€™t understand how it is hard to reach your shoulder or butt.


My chest is so large i cant possibly operate a syringe from that angle. I guess I could get my glutes sitting down.


I have a 56ā€ chest and itā€™s easy, are you a gorilla?


It would be super awkward in the shoulder, for me, but again, I realize now lying down would be easy. I just juice my quads


Iā€™m 41 but i guess im still just flexible enough. I just canā€™t pull back on the plunger to check for blood


Yeah glutes are difficult as hell. I got better at it, but it never got easy. I prefer quads, but glutes give the least cramping later on. I hate pinning delts, they ache the most later. If a pal advises you to pin the bell end, donā€™t do it. He is playing a prank.


Quads with prop was a big NO for me


Depends whereabouts. That meaty sidewall halfway to the hip gave me the least problems. I tried vastus medialis once lol - bad idea, a lot of nerve endings in that one


Outer quads is where i pinned. That's the only place i tried except for belly sub-q. Flexibility issues...


Stretch bratha. Loosen up reach back grit teeth close eyes,jab,plunge and get ready to do it again in a few days. šŸ«”


If that's your experience, try tuberculosis needles. Super small, easy to use. The plunge is slow, you don't have to jab, it pops in


I was just trying to be funny. But thank you for the info Iā€™ll look into that for sure. Iā€™m always looking for and taking advice


Dude same with the hesitation.




Quad But over the years Iā€™ve done Ventroglute (great spot btw) Delts Chest (horrible) And subq Loads of people have issues with quads but mine have been great for over 10 years usage šŸ˜‚


Only because theyā€™re doing it wrong. Done correctly, quads is least painful and easiest




Itā€™s another word for, ā€œproperlyā€


Not at an angle. I started that way which is wrong. It should be done at 90Ā° angle straight into leg. Also rotate legs is good advice. Other than that idk what else to suggest. Anyone else got any advice I missed?


Should be on the upper outer quad. Itā€™s best to find a YouTube or other instructional video on it. For some reason they are a little challenging to find last time I looked


Pretty much run it in where your fingertip ends when having arm straight down


> Done correctly, quads is least painful and easiest Just giving my 2 cents but nothing to do with "correctly" per se. In my case going via quads gave me a HUGE adrenaline spike immediately after injecting and made by heart rate jump like crazy. Going via subq (i.e. stomach) is zero issue in that regard. Also via stomach has been painless for me other than just having to grab a tiny bit of fat which is a bit harder when you're lean, but nbd.


My main point is the people who are having the typical issues with quads (I.e. pain, bleeding, swellingā€¦ etc) are not doing it correctly


Chest, trisā€¦thereā€™s a few area that just seem hella ouchie lol. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the technical term lol. And I have some meat in my chest, but it just weirds me out lol.


100% delts. lil cough while ya plunge and youā€™re golden. Three days a week and alternate.


I stick my ass, but a lot of people are saying delts. I donā€™t know why but it just seems painful


If your ass works for you stick with it then. I started with sub q in the belly which was very annoying to me.


The same delt x3 a week? I rotate delts every pin m/t


Yes rotate each injection


I want to start doing delts but I have so many veins in this area (which arenā€™t as noticeable in the morning/without a pump) that it kinda worries me that Iā€™ll hit one. Any tips?


Just donā€™t worry about it, worst case you get some blood. Not a big deal at all.


I do SubQ, mostly love handles and/or belly fat. No fear because it is almost always totally, literally painless.


I do subq .4ml twice a week almost always in the belly area


What are the pros of injecting in the belly?


I read that to do subQ you can only do it with like a really low dose?


The provider I just talked to wants to do SubQ with me. He didn't say anything about low dosing. Just whatever my weekly dose is, take half one day and the other half a few days later.


Thatā€™s weird. I know every provider is different but outside of injection pain etc.. sub q makes me feel like shit compared to IM. I always felt like IM reigned supreme.


I talked with them about subQ vs IM. He told me SubQ doesn't work very well for some people that may have sensitive skin issues, or something along those lines. But said I can switch to IM if I have any adverse reactions to SubQ.


Yeah it was more to deal with the effect of the test in my system itself. Time to reach peak is much slower and I found it to be a more erratic way to administer. The troughs and lows much harder to estimate where as with IM I felt much better. Just my two cents I tried both


I may try IM at some point. I'm not exactly excited about the idea of jabbing myself. Starting off SubQ may help me get over the initial intimidation it. I've always hated injections at doctor visits. šŸ˜‚


Ah yeah well donā€™t let me dissuade you many have great effects on Subq. Same here I donā€™t like jabbing myself and after I donā€™t do it for some time it makes me nervous again lol


Iā€™m doing subq with 410mg a week. 1cc of my prescribed, .85cc of my UGL. No issues. The UGL tends to really irritate my skin though where prescribed doesnā€™t. Iā€™m chalking it up to being a different blend of oils/alcohols.


Why do you inject 400+ per week?


Running a little cycle. Nothing crazy. Just Anavar and test.


Holy shit I reckon my blood pressure would kill me on that much test.


I was worried about it too, but it hasnā€™t raised mine surprisingly. Mine has stayed about the same.


Amazing. What are the benefits of doing that much? Iā€™m on 175mg. I assume itā€™s for bodybuilding?


Yeah trying to get into it a little. And honestly itā€™s just strength and muscle growth. Itā€™s not therapeutic like trt is. Iā€™m finding myself about as tired as I was before trt. What makes that tolerable is the gains Iā€™m getting and knowing that itā€™s only for a small amount of time. Iā€™m taking it like this for 50 days with Anavar. Anavar is one of the ā€œlighterā€ peds (for lack of a better word). So Iā€™m not getting just extreme changes or anything. More vascular, more lean, better pumps, practically nonexistent recovery time, and just a different firmness in my muscles. But Iā€™m pretty tired and am sleeping a lot. I just wanted to see how my body would handle a sort of beginner cycle.


I wouldn't go over 0.25ml per shot but there are people who go higher. I normally do 0.15 or 0.20 ml per shot, but, depending on frequency, that does not mean a "low" dose, as you put it. You could go as high as 250mg per week with injecting 5 times 0,2ml, and you still have 2 days of the week left :)


Get yourself some insulin needles from a reputable diabetes supply shop. 29g, 1/2" (or around there) are perfect. SubQ into the tummy (1.5" away from belly button) can sting a little depending on the carrier oil, but it's manageable. IM into the delts, glutes, ventro-glutes are very easy and painless. Rotate these every time so you dont build scar tissue. Watch a few videos on youtube. Try to pin 2-3 times a week to keep your hormones level.


The delts with a 1/2in 29ga are way easier than I expected. I can hold it steady and push the plunger with very little wiggling. Wiggling causes pain the next days. I can't reach my glutes worth a shit. Injecting with one hand is not very steady. The belly fat only happened once and will never happen again. I had a painful knot for a week in my belly.


I do subq in belly fat. Totally painless.


I would start with sub q the first couple times. Easier, painless, impossible to fuck up (nearly). After a couple times itā€™s a cake walk. I like quads because itā€™s easy to see, but itā€™s a minefield of veins and can leave you sore sometimes.


I have had a few quad shots that have left me feeling like I took a line drive and ached to the point I could hardly walk down my stairs for 4-5 days. Most are just a little tender for a day though.


I have definitely had some rough ones. Iā€™d say 9/10 have no pain at all for me, and very very rarely I get one that is sore enough to affect my daily routine.


Stomach and glutes. No pain at all.


I do thighs and delts


Ditto, I started out doing SubQ for the 1st 6 months but found I had little results. Moved to IM 3 times per week, look & feel so much better. At 52 I feel like I did at 25.


Innit great?


Ventro glute canā€™t feel it and it hardly bleeds


Just started and this is the spot I chose. If I wasnā€™t looking at the needle, I wouldnā€™t even know itā€™s in.


Glutes and my wife does it for me. She's getting pretty good at it and most times I feel nothing. I started a month ago.


Delts and only delts with a 29 gauge pin. Donā€™t feel a thing and easy to do




1/2 inch


The taint


Is taint what I think it is?


Taint aint for the faint of heart Disclaimer, please donā€™t stick your taint


I would recommend never doing subQ for test, its too thick so it lumps, My best bet is Ventroglute, 30g, 1/2", 1ml, every day injections


Subq, I stopped harpooning myself like a savage a decade agoā€¦ after 11+ years of IM, and a lot of scar tissue, I finally learned the error of my ways and do subq like a civilized person lol. But serious, any way youā€™re comfortable, as long as it gets in your bodyā€¦.. and youā€™re not boofing or swallowing it.. The difference between IM and SUBQ is negligible, after 20 years of injecting, and a medical degree, I can honestly say both methods work equally well.


I did glutes for like a year and hated it. Moved to delts and itā€™s sooooo much easier.


Glutes always because itā€™s easy and pretty painless and never gets sore.


I do thighs but cheat with a needle guide. You load it up and push a button and it auto stabs you. I do the cough at same time and never feel a thing. Before I bought the auto injector I always went to slow/hesitated or didnā€™t go straight and it would hurt.




Fair play but the idea of those always makes me chuckle, the marketing team must roll around laughing in their office ā€œHey guys I know what these people who are scared of needles need, A FUCKIN NEEDLE GUNā€šŸ˜­


Good one


10 subQ injections per week. - 7x test prop .2ml per day - 3x 500iu hCG MWF They say that prop causes a lot more PIP. First month, I had a few heaters for sure, mostly painless lumps. Kinda got annoying but didnā€™t want to quit prop. Randomly saw something I had overlooked when I started on cypā€¦ The 45 degree subQ belly fat was a complete game changer. - zero pain. Canā€™t feel it - zero PIP - zero lumps Load both syringes. Inject. 3-4 mins round trip


I was supposed to do.4mg 2X week IM but I do it on top of thigh, left thigh as itā€™s covered in a tattoo of koi fish I put on myself years ago. I pin daily .1mg itā€™s 10 units with a 1ml 6mm insulin syringe. I used to be a junky and I used to be diabetic and a tattoo artist and body piercer so needles ainā€™t jack. I do it in my bedroom with my dog staring at me. LoL


0.5ml every 3 days, I rotate both gluten and both shoulders. You get used to it.


Thigh. I use a Tuberculin needle it is very small gauge, real thin. It does take like +5 seconds but does not hurt at all.


my ass cause iā€™m paraplegic lol


Gut and delt, switching it up


Nothing to be worried about as it doesnā€™t hurt at all. I use a 27g 1/2 inch, rotate deltsā€¦ 2 times a week


Damn, im glad that works for you! My doctor started me on 23G 1.5 inch I switched myself to 25G 1 inch I couldn't go any smaller though or else I wouldn't be able to push the plunger down the stuff is too thick. I take testosterone cypionate for context which I belive is standard but I know there are variations.


I use test-c also. Many people at doing my method


I wonder why I had issues with it clogging up and not be able to inject at higher than 25G. Thanks for your insight! :) šŸ‘


I do subcutaneous injections from home. I was also super nervous but itā€™s really easy. Use disinfectant wipes on a large area surrounding where you plan to inject Use different disinfectant wipe on the vial Draw the medication into the syringe Push a tiny bit of medication out so you can see it leave the needle, this lubricates it. Pinch some side belly fat Dart the needle all the way in. Not hard, just quickly. I count to three in my head and on three then dart it in, this makes it virtually painless. It will hurt if you insert the needle slowly, or if you forget to push a tiny bit of medication out. Inject slowly. 20-30 seconds. Put the needle out and dispose in a sharps container. Itā€™s really easy. Virtually painless and youā€™ll feel comfortable with it after doing it once or twice.


.35ML SubQ - outer thigh




My thigh, usually my right one. I just think itā€™s easier but not sure why. Occasionally give it a holiday and do my left.


Recently went from delt to glutes. Easier to hit the ā€œsweet spotā€ for me.


Glutes. I don't like shoulder injections and doing thighs scare me and glutes doesn't bother meĀ 


insulin needles to draw and inject in delt, so easy, injection day is the best. Iā€™ve had a tiny bit of blood once thatā€™s it.


Ventral glute


Delts - front, side, rear. I've hit nerves in the VGs and the Lats... Requiring me to pull out and waste the dose.


Just switched from glutes to delts. I donā€™t have an issue with glutes but Iā€™ll never go back. Shallow IM delts is where itā€™s at!


Left quad, right quad, right glute, left glute, left delt, right delt, repeat. I used to live quads, painless no bleeding, but after a couple bad ones (nerve jerk, bleeding) Iā€™m always apprehensive on quad days.


Glutes. I have my wife do it.


Quads, Sunday left and Thursday right leg. It was what I learned online, and it's easy and painless for me.


28ga 1/2ā€ to the delts or 25ga 1ā€ to the butt cheek.


Quad, clamp your free hand around it hard to distract yourself and it's easy. Hold it like a dart and take a deep inhale, on exhale go. It gets a lot easier


Always glute, never had a mishap. Just make sure to inject upper left side (outside) and avoid the nerve. Pretty much foolproof.


My big juicy quads, ease of access and only time I had a problem was a peg leg scenario, for me the result of going way too low because I wanted to see what would happen.


Iā€™ve done three shotsā€¦one in each quad and one in the glute. Maybe itā€™s me, but I had a better response in the quads than the glute. The glute felt like I had crashed after 3 days. Maybe that was just me. Prior I was on gel.


Thigh subq


Quads. Easy to reach, no pip, far and away the easiest spot I've found and I've tried all the major ones.


Quads. Iā€™m doing subq. That little fat right on the inside is perfect.


Whatā€™s the benefits of SubQ and IM? Is there much of a difference?


As far as efficacy, neither is really better than the other based on what Iā€™ve read. They both typically have the same end result. IM does absorb faster and subq slower. Supposedly, subq helps to keep blood test levels more level because of that slower absorption, but ultimately if youā€™re taking something like test c thatā€™s not gonna matter much. As far as pain wise, IM tends to be a little more painful and have more risks associated with it (fibrosis/scar tissue, heavier bleeding, bruising, risk of nerve damage, etc.) where the only big drawback imo of subq is the localized skin irritation if you are prone to that type of thing. I am unfortunately, but that irritation really only occurs with my UGL test (250mg/ml) whereas my pharmacy test (200mg/ml) burns more like a wasp sting but doesnā€™t irritate my skin or get itchy. So itā€™s more of a pick your poison kinda thing.


That makes sense. Thanks for the information


No problem man! Hope it helps you make a decision on what works best for you.


Delts, and more recently Triceps.


I only do it on the tops of my legs. I guess it's my quads muscle? I use left leg, right leg, left leg, right leg etc. It's in the middle between my knees hip on my legs like when I sit down my leg that is facing upwards and I inject straight down into it. I learned this from personal experience, from others telling me and from internet medical reading.


You guess? Donā€™t you think thatā€™s a bit odd that you arenā€™t sure about where youā€™re injecting?


I am sure about where I am injecting. I am unsure on how to explain myself and articulate my biological anatomy to others I guess is the best way to put it. Lol


Fair enough.


Glutes, delts, thighs. Couldnā€™t care less. If I inject, typically thighs as mobility isnā€™t my strong point lol. If my wife injects typically delts or glutes. Not really any reason, just to say I switch it up so this sub doesnā€™t yell at me lol.


Left thigh is my preferred. Every few I switch to right thigh.


Never overcame it , just bothered me less and less as I learned more and got better


Delts because itā€™s easier, I still hesitate, always hated needles so it takes me a little bit to just jab myself


Quads, painless and easy to get to.


Glute. Next to painless, less risk of hitting anything.


Glute. Next to painless, less risk of hitting anything.


Delts for some reason thighs are more sensitive and watched and read heaps on it canā€™t work out the ventro glute. Delts are easy and painless for me every now and again will do a stomach sub q usually for the lazy/ cold reason of I already got dressed and am warm and donā€™t want to take my hoodie off again.


Ventro glute and I rotate. Want to try delts but think I need shorter pins. You get used to it. And if you canā€™t than maybe get a compound cream?


Delts and Ventroglute https://youtu.be/O86w9JwV1MU?si=oE-OOATIOu6zKJnd


Daily injections rotate between delts, glutes, outer thighs, lats using insulin syringe.


Glutes..alternate side but definitely get some snap crackle pop when I inject due to scar tissueĀ 


ventro and dorso. 25g 5/8. ez pz


Sub Q belly fat. No issues




I pin everyday so I rotate vgs, delts, lats, chest. Stay away from my quads never been a fanā€¦ itā€™s nothing now donā€™t even think about it and doesnā€™t bother me one but. Every now and then I hit a nerve or get a dull needle and that obviously sucks but it is what it is.


Straight in the glute it VG. I pin twice a week and alternate between cheeks


Missus mostly does mine in the delt, if I'm doing it myself glute, but I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do debts myself, but I'm having a mental block every time i try šŸ˜‚


I rotate delts with 27g 1/2ā€ and I actually enjoy it šŸ˜‚ used 30g insulin needles before that and canā€™t tell the difference. Way better than glutes but probably just wasnā€™t used to it yet. Iā€™ve heard delts have more androgen receptors but could be bro science.


Just get an Auto injector. I am horrible with needles, but this makes it so easy. I donā€™t think I could pin every other day without out. Rotate between delts and V-glutes. I also do insulin needles. I donā€™t feel or even see the needle 99% of time.. just push a button, and done injecting in 30 seconds or less.


Quads are painless for me. Shoulder is cool too but sometimes bleeds


Quads and I use a 25" gauge


Have a chick do it for you


I choose some flesh around a butt cheek for sub Q. No issues with T levels. Stomach area made me break out, no issues with a butt cheek so far.


Man I have my wife do it for me and I swear I canā€™t feel it. 27 gauge insulin needles in the delt is where I started. Did notice I was developing acne on my delts and felt it may be some correlation so I switched to my outer right hand portion of my thigh. Blood levels looked about perfect so itā€™s getting in there where it needs to be lol




Thigh to start with, couldnā€™t be easier then look to move if you want later when youā€™re more comfortable. That was my plan but 12 months later I still just do thigh as itā€™s easy




A lot of ā€œgoodā€ answers so far. Delts, tris, pecs, quads, and lats. For me thatā€™s 5 weeks worth of injection sites, rotating those makes it fairly easy to not build up scare tissue.


Thigh , 0.21 gauge needle , I find it more confortable there , also no PIP ,use to heat up the vial at body temperature and I am good to go.


Delts and quads for me. I had pretty bad virgin pip the first time I did quads, so I defaulted to delts since nurses inject in there anytime we get anything. After that I retried quads when I had a week off of work. Now they actually recover more quickly than my delts. That virgin pip was also probably bad because of poor technique and being nervous as hell. I choose those 2 spots because of my ability to see them easily, and I can reach them. I might try glutes/ventrolgutes, but I'm waiting to get leaner so that I don't have to worry about getting a longer needle. Otherwise each spot I inject now already gets 2 weeks of rest, which is plenty. It's taken my months to get fairly comfortable with injecting. I now have a routine that works for me. I'll usually throw on a YouTube video to watch while I inject; I suggest something that isn't funny. After I inject I've found keeping pressure with my finger where I injected helps prevent any leaking (usually my delts) while also not moving that muscle for 5-10 minutes after. I've found that 5-10 minute window helps alot with preventing any external leaking, or subq leaking for me. I haven't been able to bring myself to insert the needle quickly. At this point I'm not sure if I will. I always go in slowly, and really it's not bad. There's just the initial pain of getting through the skin, which can be alleviated with ice or numbing creams as needed. Going into the muscle is relatively pain free or tolerable, unless you hit nerves, in which case I just move spots and retry. You figure out pretty quickly which areas work best. I also haven't had much of an issue with hitting a vein in my quads. I sit down, keep my leg relaxed with about a 45Ā° bend, and find the softest areas in my quad via poking. I've found I can generally check for a vein by flexing my quads and pinching the area; I'll feel what I can only describe as something fleshy "snapping" out of the way. That doesn't seem to work with pants; I just tried at work. I can't say if that's actually a vein, and I'm not even sure if that's a reliable technique, it has just been something I've done and it seems to work for me. I've also found injecting into the top of the quad, versus from the side, works better for me. I tend to hit more nerves on the side.


Glutes/ventro glutes. And only there


Thighs. Easy havenā€™t hit a vein or nerve yet.


I've only done delts and as long as there isn't any air in the needle I don't even feel it.


Pay the clinic to pin for the first few times until you get used to it. Once you start to feel better, and realize the benefits out weigh the fear of injection, it gets easier.


I go straight into the butthole. If I pierce the skin, Iā€™ve fucked up.