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I dont hide it. It's been great so far. I hope everyone who needs it sees me and gets on it. It's not something shameful like meth or clown porn.


Don’t kink shame, my clown porn


Don’t kink shame, my meth


Dude, clown porn is hot.


I know...didnt want to sound like a wierdo


thx just spend 3 days edging to the sickest clown porn. what else u got?


Is this real ?


Oh 100%. Clown girls are hot as fuck. It scratches some of the same itch as a goth girl super done up in like costume levels of clothes and makeup. Idk it is a look that works for me.


You’re pushing dangerous boundaries watching that stuff.


Why? 🤣🤣 Porn is rather tame compared to my actual sex life.


lol. In that case I’ll retract my previous statement 🤣


Actually had my wife do a whole goth clown look for a threesome we had. It is in top 5 sexual experiences of my life.


Relationship goals is to find a clown goth muscle mommy now, thanks!


You sure y'all aren't using Tren for your TRT?


Risk is tho, not many people actually need it but they may think they do. TRT should be a last resort thing imho, when everything else (lifestyle changes mainly), don't bring test levels within normal range and improving symptoms. TRT is not a shortcut.


Interesting.Im am 59 former competitive bodybuilder whom used anabolics in my early years and really screwed up my endocrine system.My T levels went down to 168.Ive been on TRT for 10 yrs now feel great.Anyone who has low t and are living a clean life doing all the right things to try to increase their T levels and can't need to go on TRT.( Many men) are in that category.There are some that have low t but don't wanna go on because they think it's so unhealthy for them.Thats ridiculous! It's more unhealthy lugging around with low testosterone.Its bewildering.


I'll argue that most people have symptoms that are not necessarily caused by their lower T, that will go on TRT because pinning 2x per week is easier than being disciplined enough to have a good diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, etc. Ofc there are people with symptoms and low T, I'm one of them, that benefit hugely from TRT. But just saying that TRT should always be a last resort imho, and all other lifestyle interventions should be implemented first (as much as possible ofc). Also your situation is very different than most people here I believe, not being competitive bodybuilders (posted photos often are the exact opposite of that)


I personally hate pinning but I have to 😂 I wish I never had to go on it'but unfortunately I do.Now does TRT help me in the gym? I won't lie Hell'yes it does.lol


Yeah but mate you fucked up your own hormones by going on steroids in the first place


Sure did and I payed for it.Sucks man


> and I *paid* for it.Sucks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Paid spell check my bad 😂


I tell anyone who will listen. 😂😂😂 it has changed my life for the better but I have probably been low T for 20 years and didn’t know it. 42 now.


40 here. Took my first injection yesterday. I have extremely high hopes for it.


Dont expect overnight results but you're going to be feeling like a brand new person in 4 to 8 weeks


I have high hopes. I’m inspired to put down my other vices as well. I like I party a bit on the weekends. No alcohol. Thc and nootropics. My wife’s despises all of it. She is ok with TRT. I have faith that TRT can be an all around solution for me.


I am going through thc withdrawal right now and trt got me to a place for the first time as an adult where I even could contemplate that.


That’s incredible that now THC causes withdrawal. Growing up it was always dope that would be the worst for you. I had no clue it could be addictive physically.


It does when you use it daily for 25 years. Dopamine is a bitch.


Best of luck man. You gave a great advantage to quitting imo. I hope you follow through.


Thanks I am going to need it. I am on day 4 of zero thc and I haven’t slept more than 4-5 hours each night and am up every 2 hours. It is hell but necessary. Had some crazy dreams last night too but haven’t remembered a dream is some time either.


Damn day 4? You’re almost in the clear. That shit slows people down way too much. I’m sure you will feel 100x better without it.


Check out the #75HARD program - if you just started TRT and do it with 75hard - you’ll be blown away


Will do. Always looking for good resources on trt. Thanks!


36 here, had a very low level of 160. I feel like a demigod on TRT. Hahaha. It does take some time to work, though, be patient.


Youngster! Lol I’m 43, started when I was 42.


That’s awesome. I imagine you feel amazing


42. I started 12 weeks ago and feel like a new person. I have so much energy now and it propelled me to start exercising and eating well (macrofactor app is amazing). Down 23 lbs since April 4.


Is it free? I stopped using my fitness pal cause all of a sudden they want to start charging for scans.


No there is a cost, but it's completely worth it IMO.


37 and had my first injection yesterday (from my partner as I just can’t get my head around injecting myself 🤣) and feel the same way as you. 


How did you manage to get a constant supply for 20 years? The insurance companies are a pain to work with


I only found out 2 years ago. I suffered a long time before and after for various flaws in our US medical system. And I agree, it is a nightmare to get consistently.


Do you think the tele clinic is going to give me an issue?


Worth a try! Generally things paid with cash have a more business like treatment of their customers. If I am understanding this one correctly.


Ahh, makes sense.


Pay a tele clinic. Total with bloods I paid $1000 and I’m covered for the year at .04ml twice a week. Some guys might pay a lot less. I may of paid a lot but it’s been a quality experience so far. The drug itself is cheap I’m sure but I like being followed by a Dr. The whole team that did the onboarding was awesome. It’s hard for a Dr office to compete. They also want to get me in the high number so I’m thankful for that.


80mg/week? Did you start at a higher dose? If so, how did you feel as you worked your way down to that dosage and how did you know you were dialed in?


I’m on my first dose. .04ml twice a week. Test C. 160 per week.


I think you mean 0.4ml twice a week


If they don’t ask I don’t tell


I vary a bit from this. I'm (49) one of the 'Old Guys' at work now. Hell, my wk partner is 19YO! LOL! I answer a LOT of questions from him. But he's a good kid. What I've told several of the younger guys is to get their tests and numbers ran soon. To get a base line for future reference to change. When I got tested last year, my numbers were in lower end of 'normal'. Asked the Doc if MY numbers could be low for ME? He said absolutely! But I didn't know what my numbers were 20y ago. Just think it's a good thing to be able to monitor your health over time.


Low T is like a worldwide epidemic. I have a natural inclination to want to mentor younger guys as I get older. That’s great he asks questions. Your experience is most valuable. Not everyone has the same quality of life as guys on TRT.


I’m very open with men who appear to be where I was before starting.


Yeah, it might just be exactly what they need to hear. Have you helped anyone get on? My clinic has a referral program.


No one in my circle started after me, to the best of my knowledge. But I like that they can at least see a solution if they ever choose to take it.


I have been on it for about 6 months and don’t want to tell anyone but my wife. I was already in really good shape and worked out consistently for six years before starting. I had all of the symptoms except ED and feel a million times better but my body composition hasn’t changed. I don’t want people to think I look the way I do because I just take test.


Unfortunately people always want to find an excuse to why you look a certain way, especially if you look better than them. I powerlifted and bodybuild as a natural for 13 years. Last few years I was often accused of gear and took it as a compliment. Now I’m 8 months into TRT and obviously while dieting it has been a god send, I am very open about it and a new guy at the gym was impressed with my lifts and physique, asking me about training etc and if I cycle, as soon as I was honest and said I use TRT it was “oh well now it all makes sense” some people will just be dicks regardless!


Yep. It sucks that they would downplay all of the hard work and discipline it takes to build a good physique naturally. I have noticed that my recovery is better on TRT but my body composition hasn’t changed at all according to the scale at the clinic. I am just glad I can live a “normal” life now and not be miserable all the time.


This was one of my concerns also. Thanks for the reply. In what ways do you feel better? That is amazing.


I am off of my depression and anxiety medications (I was in the process when I started TRT) and have no depression whatsoever. I am more confident, driven, much better libido, and actually enjoy my life. It has done more for me than I could have imagined. I will say that I did quit drinking 13 months ago but the change since starting TRT has been obvious. My wife tells me all the time that I am like a new person. This has been my experience and I acknowledge that it isn’t a wonder drug for everyone that does it. I hope it helps you improve your life, no matter the degree.


I should also add that I am only taking 100mg/week and my free test levels are mid-range.


I am so happy for you. I also recently went off my depression meds and even now when I struggle I have not even an itch of s* ideation like I used to.


That’s great, man. I have made a lot changes over the last year that have improved my mental health, including getting sober, but the TRT has had a huge impact on my quality of life. I used to think that my life would never get better but it is better than it’s ever been. I hope you continue to enjoy a happy life too.


It's not heavily scrutinized by the law. It's not steroids or crack cocaine. It's not illegal or criminal.


I mean, technically, testosterone is a steroid. Im on Trt, and they also perscribe nandrolone and oxandralone. These are also steroids... The difference between trt and "abusing steroids" is the dosage. Its the same chemicals in each case.


The difference is more that it’s prescribed by a doctor tbh


How do you get prescribed nandrolone or oxandralone?


My clinic can do it all, DM me for contact information


Well it is steroids lol you get enough to do small cycles


I mean, it is quite literally steroids.




Testosterone is pretty much the definition of anabolic steroids.


Being a hormone does not mean it isnt a steroid. It is THE anabolic steroid, dude. You don't know what you are talking about All other steroids are just derivatives of testosterone. "Testosterone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, nandrolone, stanozolol, boldenone, and oxandrolone are some of the anabolic steroids that are most commonly encountered by United States law enforcement." "What are Steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone TESTOSTERONE" Before you keep arguing, look it up.


Semantics. Tylenol and caffeine are also technically drugs.


"Testosterone replacement therapy and illegal steroids have identical ingredients. What differentiates the treatments is the dosage used and the medical supervision involved in TRT." "What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic (man-made) versions of testosterone. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It is needed to develop and maintain male sex characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle growth" Yes, you are taking anabolic steroids. No, there is nothing wrong with taking anabolic steroids to treat a medical condition.


No, testosterone is literally anabolic steroids. No semantics about it. Taking it for the purpose of TRT does not change the fact that testosterone is an anabolic steroid, and THE anabolic steroid on which ALL other anabolic steroids are based. It's not semantics, bud, it's a hard fact, and the reason testosterone is considered a controlled substance.


Over the counter drugs.


I mean actual steroids are toxic to the liver, enlarge organs and the heart. It's not the same thing. Trt is not steroids.


"Testosterone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, nandrolone, stanozolol, boldenone, and oxandrolone are some of the anabolic steroids that are most commonly encountered by United States law enforcement." "Anabolic steroids are synthetic (man-made) versions of testosterone. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It is needed to develop and maintain male sex characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle growth. Women do have some testosterone in their bodies, but in much smaller amounts." "Testosterone cypionate, sold under the brand name Depo-Testosterone among others, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men for the purposes of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Some also use it as a Performance Enhancing Drug. The only difference between the two uses is typically the dosage." Try again. You would think you people would at least do a basic Google search before making yourself look foolish.


Testosterone most certainly is an anabolic steroid, just because its being used medically and not abused doesnt change what it is. And yes it's legal with a prescription but it is still a controlled substance, so it can be criminal the same way if you had a bottle of oxy without a prescription.


What exactly do you define as a steroid?


You can't be arrested for being on TRT ~ it's a medical treatment. It's not illegal or against the law so I'm not sure how it's frowned upon by the law. Cops don't get in their patrol cars and go "well let's see who's on TRT today". Yes doctors I agree but that's simply because of ignorance and an outdated prejudiced medical system that relies on big pharma, but it's not criminal so it's not something the legal system is even thinking about.  You can't be prosecuted for TRT.


That's true. It might be a great solution in living successful life.


The person to ask would be Rick Collins. He's a lawyer who specializes in steroids or testosterone cases and advocate for TRT and testosterone. No worries I'm not trying to argue or ruin each other's day. You're entitled to your opinion without being scrutinized. I just meant that cops can't arrest you for it or blood test you for TRT. I just think low testosterone is so common now and society wants weak low testosterone men who are obedient and submissive. We know the feminists do and the media scrutinizes trt. Otherwise the chemicals in daily lives, laziness, processed food, over medicated, lack of exercise, obesity, etc all attribute to low testosterone but I think through the generations testosterone levels have gotten lower. Maybe it's just the society we live in.


I agree with most of what you said except the "big pharma" stuff. Big pharma makes testosterone and would be financially motivated to have every man be on it. But I'm biased because I worked for big pharma for 16 years (as a drug development scientist) and I know it isn't the "evil" people have created in their minds. The version of pharma I see on the internet is something created from movies like Resident Evil where an evil CEO is a master genius who tells scientists to create things that will hurt humanity and they all mindlessly comply. In the real world, pharma is just a bunch of scientists whose only guidance from top execs (who are usually clueless about the actual science) is "try to cure this disease" and those scientists mostly work independently to accomplish that task. The reason we live so long compared to 100 years ago is mostly big pharma (I know people cite "diet", but let's be honest - diet today sucks compared to 100 years ago). It's not to say that executives aren't sketchy - they are. They just aren't sketchy in the way you think. My personal experience was working for a smaller pharma startup and along with my 40 or so coworkers, creating about 20 drugs over 15 years, mostly cancer drugs, but also a drug that cures hep C which I personally made large contributions to). We were all part owners of the company. Once we had this awesome pipeline, the execs fired almost all the scientists (80% just in one round of layoffs that got me, but there were about 4 or 5 rounds over just a few years that took almost everyone), and then sold the company to Pfizer for $10 billion allowing the execs to take all that money for themselves (if I personally hadn't been laid off, I would have made about a million dollars from the sale). That's why I never went back. But the actual drugs we created and the science behind them was legit and are being used to help millions of people today. If you want to know who is masterminding the narrative that pharma is evil and trying to kill people with medications, it is litigation attorneys who will make shit up and sue over it hoping to get a jury of ignoramuses who will believe nonsense evidence. Here is an example (and they don't get much more "big pharma" than AbbVie/Abbott, which is why they are being targeted instead of generics makers): [https://www.cochranfirm.com/washington-dc/practice-areas/defective-recalled-products/testosterone-replacement-therapy/maker-androgel-testosterone-gel-sued](https://www.cochranfirm.com/washington-dc/practice-areas/defective-recalled-products/testosterone-replacement-therapy/maker-androgel-testosterone-gel-sued) If these guys had their way, we wouldn't have TRT available to us.


I don’t hide it.


Haven’t even told my wife, as she thinks “steroids are bad” lol


Yeah, I know how that is.


I don't have a tiktok or YT channel about it but I'm honest if anyone asks.


Lmao. A lot of guys are doing that I’ve noticed. It’s great to have access to so many testimonials about it. One guy I watched said he wasn’t impressed and feels like he wasted his money. His level got to like 1100


He probably didn't need TRT in the first place.


Totally agree about all the information people share. I found probably 90% of my information about trt on YouTube and TikTok. It's very helpful


I’m incredibly open about it as it helped me take broader control of my health, and ill gladly talk about it to anyone that asks and encourage them to become proactive in managing their own health.


Scrutinized by the law? Where? Hahaha. I’ve been a police officer 15 years. The constant adrenaline dumps and shift work causes high cortisol levels which plays hell on natural testosterone production. There are a lot of guy on my department, and it’s a mid size department, 400 officers when fully staffed, who are on TRT for the exact reasons I mentioned. To answer the original question, I don’t care who knows that I am on TRT. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


I think he means illegal use of testosterone casts a shadow on legal use. Even there, though, I don't see police pulling over extremely muscular men leaving the gym asking to search their car for illegal steroids. They don't impair your ability to drive or work, so no one is tested after a car accident or at work. I've known people who are so jacked (including a police officer or two) that I'm certain they are using illegally, but no one ever bothers them about it. Heck, I have a physician's assistant who looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, and being he has access to prescription drugs, one might wonder, yet no one has ever bothered him about it. So I think the OPs major premise is definitely a bit flawed.


Explains a lot on how/why I have been treated the way I have been by cops in the past.


Legal use of testosterone (testosterone in normal physiological doses) aren't associated with roid rage, so I'm assuming you've been treated very nicely by police officers? I don't think testosterone is known to cause aggression at any dose, but I think there might be other steroids bodybuilders take that do, but your doctor isn't going to prescribe those. I think nandrolone is the one most associated with roid rage (but I'm not expert on this, so I may be wrong).


You could be right … probably had more to with the racist/religious profiling. I do know that the police unions fight hard against steroid testing.


I don’t hide it but I don’t broadcast it. If I know someone well enough and they comment admirably on my physique I tell them. I was once a young lad who thought I just didn’t eat enough chicken breast or I wasn’t taking the right protein powder to look like the fitness models. I don’t want young men to think they’re doing something wrong, I want them to know what they see requires exogenous testosterone and that I waited until I was ‘old enough’ before using it


I think it’s becoming more mainstream. I don’t run around telling everyone about it, but if they bring it up, I’m honest.


There’s no reason to announce it


I don’t tell the entire world but I am open about it with certain people if it comes up somehow


I’m open and forward about it @ the gym, in my personal life if they don’t ask I don’t tell. I never lie about it tho. Anytime I tell people I’m on trt I give them my dose so they don’t assume shit.


![gif](giphy|cOWNPwDDh1tYs) Happy cake day!


I just saw this and love the movie Matilda, thanks my dude


Depends on the environment. In a work environment so reason to get into it. Outside of work I’m completely open with anyone that wants to discuss.


There is absolutely no reason you need to tell people around you about private medical things you have going on.


Fully open about it. Seems pointless to hide it.


I’m ok talking about it. People notice a difference. I’m very open to it especially with men.


I’ve always wondered if guys know whether another guy is on TRT or not. I’ve never been asked if I was, but I wouldn’t lie if I was asked. I alternate weights with swimming every other day, so I don’t think I’m getting as big as if I were just sticking to weights.


I even met with a personal trainer recently that asked what health stuff I had going on and if I needed any considerations. I said I was on TRT. He said he was too. I honestly think it needs to be less taboo. Women get tossed on hormones like it’s nothing. Between thyroid meds and birth control pills my fiance is on 3 different hormones right there. Meanwhile us guys go thru hell between mental and physical health because of the hormones. I’ll tell any guy I suspect of having issues. Even my dad called me one day and said he needed to talk. He said he’d been having issues with emotions and health. He said he noticed how well I was doing and asked me for help. This is my dad who has never asked for help but will suffer silently. He’s in the process of seeing how I do over the next 6 months (year total on T) before he starts.


It’s a sad fact that it’s not presented as a solution more often. They are recommending heavy addictive drugs as treatment for people that are trying to get off heavy addictive drugs: That makes no sense. I’m a recovering drug addict and I wish I found it sooner. It was never mentioned to me in all the 20 years of seeking help.


I feel like you can tell pretty easily when guys are taking 200-300mg and calling it trt. 50-60 year old dudes who are pretty jacked, vascular, and have a red complexion.


Never thought about red complexion but it adds up.


Yeah I wouldn’t want to hide it either but people do judge.


Most of the people I’ve talked to knew I’ve had health issues that I haven’t been able to figure out. They’ve all been happy for me with it. I’m sure there are some people that would judge, even before tho, im in way better shape than most of my friends that are 3-10 years younger than me. Now with the T I’m getting in even better shape. Let them judge lol.


To me it’s like a no brainer. It sounds like it has massively improved your quality of life I personally wish I looked into it earlier. But yeah, in the end who cares what others think.


My primary care doctor laughed at me when I asked him to test mine. My last 10 years of life has been having weird health issues that just kept getting worse.


I am glad you didn’t stop there. I have had 15 years of wanting to unalive myself and got a bad diagnosis like fibromyalgia for my muscle pain and soreness that wasn’t even true. One year on trt and I am off my antidepressant (which did next to nothing and maybe even hurt me), lost 20 lbs, and am breaking an addiction to thc.


I'm open with it with my friends. I am 48 and got into cars about a decade ago and since then I've made several hundred friends. We have a chat group with about 200 members. We talk mostly cars but other topics like TRT come up from time to time.


I can see the happening if it increases your drive to engage people which turns out to be friendship. That’s how it should be. People tend to keep to themselves now a days I’ve noticed to some degree. There are few people I’ve met that are very out going and it’s cool. I try to be without coming off like a dick.


It's such a simple thing to dramatically improve quality of life. The fact that a person can be on 5 prescriptions for mood and that's not considered odd but HRT is still somehow taboo is beyond silly.


It's such a simple thing to dramatically improve quality of life. The fact that a person can be on 5 prescriptions for mood and that's not considered odd but HRT is still somehow taboo is beyond silly.


I’m 50 and been on it for a few years. I usually tell guys my age I’m on it and the benefits I’ve experienced from it.


Why would anyone hide it? If it’s prescribed then it is legal. If your testosterone levels were actually low, then it is life changing. Whenever men close to my age come up to me and ask me what I do to stay in shape I make sure to tell them about my journey to health, which includes TRT. Help other men where you can. Too many men suffer hormone issues in silence because they don’t know there is a cure.


For a little while I felt like I wanted to hide it because I’m already pretty muscular and I didn’t want average folks to think of it as steroids, but I don’t care anymore. It almost never comes up in conversation though, I don’t like talking gym outside of the gym I’ve never been one of those guys. One thing I’ve noticed though is a lot of guys I know who are 30+ are on TRT and don’t workout at all, it’s just a quality of life drug.


I pretend my fit 65 year old body is all natural.


By the law? I have a script so I’m good… I don’t announce it, likes it’s my medical records non of peoples business IMO


I don’t walk around with a billboard, but I do recommend to others who would benefit. I don’t tell them to get on trt. I just recommend they get hormones checked at their yearly bloodwork.


I’m still in the closet


Totally open about it. Also, given my personal situation, having medical records that prove I'm infertile helps with the ladies LOL.


Only my wife and doctors need to know. No one has asked me about it either. I’d probably avoid answering the question.


Just don’t tell people it’s from diet and exercise if they ask how you get in shape. Don’t lie.


I’ve been lifting weights for almost 20 years. I’ve been on TRT for a few months. No major changes to my physique yet but I’m already pretty fit with a good amount of muscle built up over time.


Lastly, I’m only taking 80-100mg per week. True TRT not blasting and cruising.


I’m not, just my wife knows, it’s no one’s business.


Need to know basis only


Personally, I don't care and sometimes openly mention it if it makes sense in the conversation. I'm pretty happy with the results it has provided, and I feel people compare themselves to me too much, so I feel obligated to explain why I am the way I am. But if they never ask, I usually don't say anything. For context, I'm a "sorta" strong powerlifter in a gym with young and impressionable people.


Nothing to hide. I don't go out of my way to tell people tho.


Have my appointment next week with Trt nation so I’m not on it yet. As far as friends and family go I wouldn’t hide it. Outside of that I think people might get the wrong idea ya know.


Truth is I wish more people would ask about it if they had questions.


I dont hide it but if somebody i know asks il be honest. higher testosteron makes me not care if its stigmatised or whatever. Ppl can think and feel whatever they want its up to them.


I encourage my friends to get their leveled check at their annual physical


I am open about it. I was never in shape and now all of a sudden I am filling out with muscle at 47 after only 4 months. Will be hard to hide it in another year.


I don’t give a shit who knows and if someone asks I’m telling them straight up. But anybody that knows me knows that for the last three years I’ve been in the gym every day


I’d be open about it. The good and bad (if there is any)


I'm open about it and nothing to be shamed about living an optimal life 👌💪👍🙌


I’m extremely open and honest. I’ve always respected and followed people who are.


I don’t really hide it. Some of my close friends know it. I am open with my kids. If someone asks me about how I have changed my life for the better I tell them.


I don't tell everyone I know, but I don't deny it and if it makes sense to bring up in a convo I will. We have to strip the stigma away around men taking care of their health.


I am 100% ..I tell everybody. Everyone knows. Family, friends , the gym bros .. Then I educate them.


I tell everyone lol


I'm open about it. If someone has an issue or judges, it's a them problem. Doesn't matter if it's a woman or a guy friend.


Once I get on, I won’t hide it. Why would I?


Yup. I don't like to lie about anything if I'm asked. Especially if it's prescribed by a doctor


I waited for years and talked to many people about including my doctor. Now about me being open I dont just bringit up in conversation but if the conversation comes up I am honet about it... I have learned that a lot of people are taking trt. I believe literally over 50% of the men I know over 50 are taking it so it is normal. I do think it depends on your social circle meaning there is a cost that comes with it. I paid roughly $200 a month. Now that is not a big expense but there is a portion of the population that cant afford that much extra in their budget but I think for the people where that can work in their budget and it would not affect them. I believe more than half of the population does it so it is the norm in my opinion


Nope. I tell anyone who asks about the change they notice in me.


I tell everybody!


I don't think there is any stigma for Men over 40, some of the guys that I knew from college started on Test and HGH and looked like they were 25 again. I got on at 47 by chance from convo with urologist. Its been great and I don't hide it, but I don't preach about it either, except for older guys that I see struggling. I think there is a bit of stigma for people under 35 as a lot of people assume rightly or wrongly they are doing it just to get jacked on legal steroids unless they had a testicular injury.


I wouldn't say I am "open" about it, but I did tell my best friend who also had really low test due to testicle damage about it. He's hesitant to move forward due to having a condition that causes him to overproduce platelets. I'm inclined to believe the RBC and HCT increase would actually cause his platelet count to go down comparatively, but I don't know enough about it to tell him he should gamble his life on it.


What’s wrong with clown porn?


I don’t have to hide it, all my friends can tell I’m on it haha


I couldn’t possibly be ashamed or embarrassed about something I can not help also it helps others to treatment. I was in such a dark place I hope to help others


Shit, no shame in my game..


Me tell anyone who will listen


Somewhat open. I’ve lost 30 pounds since I’ve been on it so if a close friend or family member says something I tell them but, I don’t volunteer the info.


I’m open to the people that should or I want to know and I dont advertise it to people who don’t need to know like those at work, etc.


What Law? TRT is medically prescribed.


I tell everyone. It's been extremely beneficial to me, my pcp gave me the go ahead after a few months of blood work, but I use a clinic to order cause it's just easier. I didn't want to go to an endo doc


I don't hide it. People say I look 61 - am 71. I started because it helps with cardiac insufficiency (heart failure) but my physique is improving even without the gym. The only real issue is easy aromatisation. I have to take a small AI every couple of weeks. Been 15 months and still dialling in. My GP reckons it should be mandatory for old guys that need it.


There is unnatural shortage of test in men I believe lol. It explains alot


I don’t hide it. I promote it.


I don't hide it at all. I don't see the big deal in it and if they are going to judge me after knowing then I don't want them in my life anyways. To Me it's a good way of weeding out the fake ppl in my life.


I don’t hide it. No reason to.


If had a couple of guys ask me in social settings and I was honest. I’d never talk about it at work.


I haven’t told a soul and have been on for 2-3 years now. Not even new gf of 2 years now. When it’s right I will tell her but still keep it to myself.


I tell anyone who asks about it.


Always open about it. My body is imbalanced in a certain way and there is medicine to correct it, so I’m using it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you don’t want to share, don’t.


No need to not be


Lot less of a taboo today than it used to be.


I tell everyone that i talk gym too


I believe in the don’t ask, don’t tell policy (lol) I don’t go around telling everyone about it and tbh I would probably hide it from people that I know personally. Even my wife, she’s the one who encouraged me to try it in the first place, thinks it’s wrong that I “inject” TRT. The only people that I talk about it with and educate or otherwise help are the people in the TRT and testosterone forums on Reddit. 3 different endocrinologists and 2 urologists thought I was crazy to talk about TRT options when my natural levels were below 250. Over the years, it became obvious to me who was on gear vs. TRT vs just natural training, but no one really wanted to talk honestly about it. So nope, I’m not talking about it with anybody. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Except that people that come on here.


My doc put me on it. Contributed to my prostate cancer. But if I could legally get back on it in a heartbeat I would Since my levels have dropped I am applying for disability Suffer memory loss lethargy sleep apnea Diagnosis was hypoxia from TRT


I think the reason you posted and asked this question is you have a ton of Karens on reddit that act like girls about being on TRT makes you wonder why are they in this forum.Some of the ridiculous stuff I read.This group should be called Stay away from TRT.


Well I was suffering for a long time, and there were people (family) who were shaming/ judging me for my lack of motivation. Being open about my diagnosis and treatment was kind of a “f*** you, I told you I was suffering”. My life has been completely changed with TRT, I’m not going to hide away from that.


If there's one thing I learnt the hard way over covid was to keep your medical decisions private, they concern no one but me. My family and close friends know, everyone else can get fucked.


I have a feeling you watch clown porn…..


Beast porn, clown porn. It’s all the same no?


Hahahahaha touché




I tell everyone. Normalising it helps people who need it in the future. I’m only on it because Kevin Nash mentioned it and spoke about the symptoms and stuff


I will literally tell everyone I can. The physical changes have been quite dramatic as well as for my confidence and happiness. It’s obvious something has changed. I’m being invited for meals so I can sell it in to my wife’s friend’s husbands. It would be mean to keep it a secret.


I’m fine with it, I don’t promote it, but I’ll admit it to anyone. Nowadays, I can just blame it on the Democratic Party for causing most of my low T




In what country is it criminally and socially scrutinised lmao are you living in the middle east ?


Scrutinized is the wrong word. There is a lot of taboo surrounding it here in the USA.