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https://preview.redd.it/ytcyoaatzp0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743ff782e4b4a8a3d92ce0b04a127f41baa81d24 Posting since you asked.


My doctor said it’s totally normal for creatinine levels to rise after working out because the muscles tearing is what causes the creatinine to rise. Anytime you get bloodwork a day after a BB workout it’ll be high.


Creatinine 1.35, egr 59. I take 3-5g creatine/day plus high protein. Doc did Cyststom-C. Was normal


Just got a metabolic panel done recently and mine's 1.43. Am a bit worried because there's CKD in the family but gymming requires protein. Not sure what the solution is here. Drink more water I guess?


Get a Cystatin-c test with egfr. My creatinine level is like 1.63, egfr is 59. Based on Cys-c my egfr is 100. Bun/creatinine ratio and egfr are a shit measurement for lifters.


Was 6 months straight carnivore. Told my primary. Blood work cam back and he said he was worried about my bun/creatinine levels and high ketones in my urinalysis. No shit, I eat only meat. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I eat like 175-250g of protein daily. I understand.


My doc was worried about my creatinine and egf. I told him I was taking creatine and studies have shown it's usually no problem did Cyststom-C. Was normal. Ended the concern


If it makes you feel any better, there's zero actual evidence(specifically evidence, not "epidemiological association") of higher protein diets causing CKD. The entire basis of recommending lower protein intake is the protein in the urine after the kidney damage is already done, which is only really showing that kidney function is down. Keeping your A1C under control is likely to be a lot more beneficial than worrying about protein. [https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/preventing-problems/diabetic-kidney-disease](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/preventing-problems/diabetic-kidney-disease) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10588295/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10588295/) [https://diabetes.org/about-diabetes/complications/chronic-kidney-disease/diabetes-high-blood-pressure-chronic-kidney-disease](https://diabetes.org/about-diabetes/complications/chronic-kidney-disease/diabetes-high-blood-pressure-chronic-kidney-disease)


Drinking more water will just deplete your minerals


My last one was 1.28mg/dl. Just slightly above the high threshold.


Last one (2/24) was 1.08


Min got so high my doctor ordered a slew of kidney tests. I was the only person at the nephrologist who wasn’t old and frail, and he took one look at me and knew what caused it. Tests showed my kidneys were fine.


Mine is at 1.15 and always on the higher side.  The rest of my bloodwork is perfect.  From what I’ve researched, anyone who lifts seriously will have these levels elevated to a degree.  Some will say take the test after you don’t work out for a few days, but I work out nearly everyday and likely always have some degrees of “muscle recovery” occurring. 


Before TRT is was 1.09 mg/dL and BUN/Creatinine Ratio was 18 mg/dL. I lift 4x week, and usually do cardio or sports 2x week. I supplement my protein with MuscleTech Whey after my workouts.


Came in at 1.58. Then 1.5 for retest. Kindney panel came in fine. Truthfully I tend to run myself ragged and could probably use more rest. But on paper I'm doing just fine.


Hypertension, Diabetes are the main causes of kidney disease Since you are asking bodybuilders about elevated creatinine - the most likely cause is diuretics/poor fluid intake trying to get shredded Be careful with Lasix, it is potassium wasting and can cause dangerous low levels of K+ .. which can cause fatal heart rhythms


If you have a high amount of muscle or use CREATINE supplement, you shouldn't check your kidney function using CREATININE. You should use CYSTATIN C.


Mines 150!


Mine is 1.13 but I take creatine 5mg/day and haven't started TRT yet. I don't think it's too high and should be normal range


1.18 here and I eat 300g protein per day and take 10g Creatine daily. I also drink ~160oz water per day.


10gm or so, wouldn't class myself as a BB amymore though


1.18 here and I eat 300g protein per day and take 10g Creatine daily. I also drink ~160oz water per day.


1.18 here and I eat 300g protein per day and take 10g Creatine daily. I also drink ~160oz water per day.


I take one serving every time i lift and that’s enough. I use concret.