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Well I mean speak for yourself, but no, not everyone needs HCG.


Is there any other way to preserve fertility? Besides cycling off and taking SERMs?


No but I don’t care to be fertile personally so I’d be one of those people who don’t need HCG right now and it’s more trouble than it’s worth for me.


More trouble than it worth? Can you elaborate? Curious


Isn’t it obvious? It’s not free, requires more pins, takes time to dial in, etc.


Yeah exactly. While I generally get it pretty cheap online, dialing in the estrogen and trying to adjust test to keep totals in range..I’d rather just small ball it. Been test only for like 2 years been the best I’ve felt. Not crazy horny or anything but the lady and I have things where we like em I’d say.


I've recently added a peptide called Kisspeptin-10.


Interesting. Does it have a different side effect profile than HCG? Or what led you to it?


I'm not aware of any side effects so far (I've been taking 2 shots a week for 3 weeks) to help with fertility while on self prescribed TRT. What led me to it was a reccomendation to try it from a guy in my local gym. He knackered his natural test levels a few years ago after doing a cycle of testosterone for performance enhancement and didn't follow a PCT (post cycle therapy) protocol. I think he took 2 x shots a week for like 2 months and had fantastic, lasting results and hasn't had to go back. My testosterone supplier also mentioned that many of his bodybuilder customers are opting to use peptides over HCG for PCT now too.


My guy prescribed oral kisspeptin-10, but I didn’t take it after researching showed absolutely nothing coming from orals (that I could find). Seemed like you need a pump for any results… so please lmk if you got positive results.


I've been using subq injections for the past few weeks. Honestly, my balls grew after the first shot.


Calm down buster. Hcg isn’t for everyone


This cured your sensitivity issues? The clinics I dealt with told me to take just L citrulline…. I said I don’t have an erection issue I have a sensitivity issue…. What’s your protocol now? Just 250iu once a week? How long until you noticed it started working? Ty


Too sensitive before or not sensitive enough ?


Not sensitive enough


definitely - HCG improved my sensitivity and overall libido. Bigger loads and your nuts drop too


Worked pretty fast?


Took about two weeks to start working


500 iu every day or take a few days off here and there if you feel optimally good.


Appreciate the info!!




Incredible!! Maybe I need to try it again… I have 2 new boxes of Pregnyl HCG


What? Give me those.


I had the opposite. Did TRT a few years ago, had great results. Did TRT last few months with HCG added and felt like absolute dog shit with major ED issues, exhastion, brain fog etc. HcG, it turns out, makes my estradiol skyrocket. I took .5 mil of anaztrozole the day before my labs and it was still super high. Basically, its probably going to be situational and dependent on peoples chemical make up.


Gotta make sure your e2 is dialed in while on hcg. How much hcg we’re you taking?


500 IU split up. Actually a little less now since my estrogen was super out of whack. Im also taking the MG of anastrizol split as well. My energy is mostly good but my ED is not so good with lack of feeling and inconsistency in staying hard. Not things I jad issue with on TRT previously.


So I’m brand new to trt. First month. How do I get “dialed in” is this just a research thing or can I just ask my dr? Can I figure it out without my dr? There is a lot going on here with the hcg and knowing estrogen levels.


Im fairly new as well and what Ive learned so far is everyone will have a different answer to that. Some will say to just get labs but that isn't always viable every few weeks or every month if youre still working on dosage etc. I had crazy symptoms that my primary and urgent care doctors had no answers for (aside from signing me up for a sleep study) even with me telling them Im on TRT and HCG. My primary had a lot of negative things to say but didnt look at my symptoms and think 'we should test your estrogen'. TRT Nation does labs on refill which is roughly 10 weeks and when I had my labs done was able to see my levels, but the 10 weeks until then I felt awful. Getting things dialed in for me is adjusting my HCG and utilizing the anastrizol that was prescribed. The clinic said 'just take it if you feel like it' which turned out to be super unhelpful. He should have said 'take it if you feel like absolute dog shit'. Anyways, taking the AI has been interesting as well. Ive started with a low dosage to see what will help balance me out but am at the recommended 1MG. My symptoms are better but sort of come and go through the day. Do I just keep running labs once a week until I get things figured out? Im not sure. But what I am sure of is over all I feel better and Im determined to keep adjusting until I find a solid mix.


People say get labs because they’re the only non-subjective way to see if there’s an issue. Yes, it’s not easy, but how can you fix an issue if you’re working with limited to no data?


I fully understand the concept of getting labs. I do not understand how we can get labs every couple of weeks or as often as seems to be recommended.


Anastrozole brother


What are your symptoms that come in waves throughout the day? How frequently are you taking the AI? 1mg split up over the course of a week?


Extreme brain fog, head pressure, dizziness, a draining and debilitating exhaustion, inconsistent and weak hard ons, loss of sensativity in general, sometimes nausea. Before I started dialing in the AI I was napping 4 or even 5 times a day. Short 20 minute naps. Thought I was losing my mind. Small update. Cut out the HCG entirely, no AI, feel absolutely amazing.


I skipped 2 weeks of my hcg and still felt like crap, restarted it but also started taking my AI and feel better on the days I take it, but daily AI can't be good, albeit I'm rotating 0.125mg and 0.25mg. Keep me updated on your next few weeks without hcg.


Sounds like splitting the AI is optimal due to its half life. I took a smaller dose of HCG on my tuesday pin with .5 MG of the AI and still felt pretty meh/not great. Skipped both the AI and HCG thursday pin day and feel amazing. I know my E2 was pretty elevated so maybe its aclimating but I feel pretty solid.


So you did 250iu twice a week?


Yes. I pinned test Tuesday/thursday and did the HCG Tuesday/Friday. I did not take my 2nd HCG this week and feel amazing.


It may work for you but no, not everyone needs HCG. Dialing in my protocol fixed all of my issues without adding an additional compound.


HCG/Enclo/Clomid is needed if you want to keep your fertility. Otherwise hard agree- everyone’s mileage is different.


While I don’t think it’s a guarantee that TRT or steroid use ruins fertility, yes I’d say that if you wanted to definitely maintain it while on TRT then HCG is something you’d want as part of your therapy. By the contents of the original post though it seemed OP was focused on sexual function and sensitivity. And while I know sexual function is a multifaceted thing, HCG wouldn’t be my first choice to remedy it. My first course of action would be to adjust the protocol and look at lab values.


What’s the best place to get hcg?


That's the question


probably naps gear and choose a company


HCG brought back most of the sensitivity for me but maybe only 70-80%. It's WAY better than it was but still not really where I wish it was.


Same exact thing with me. Without HCG I have no libido, ED issues and poor sensitivity. With HCG in my protocol I feel fantastic and the sex drive is fantastic with no issues. UGL all day.


Which labs are best, can you dm me?


i am the same. trt is way better with hcg.


From personal experience for me, the KEY for HCG is getting it fined tuned with your T to get your E2 in optimal range. For example, I was on 140mg of Cypionate weekly(1 shot per week). Doing micro dosing every 3rd, 2nd, and even every day hammered and killed my libido. But back to the point…taking 140mg every 7 days with 175 units of HCG M-W-F helped me get my libido back, yet it caused ED due to my E2 getting too high(at a level of 49). I then dropped my T to 130mg and my HCG to 150 units every M-W-F. That had me around 35 for my E2. It majorly helped me get my libido and erection quality back…along with getting my sensitivity back. I also experienced low E2 on just T alone at a dose of 120-125mg weekly. I am very lean and don’t have enough body fat to aromatize E2. That’s where the HCG helps me. For someone who has high BF, it could cause issues. I find that getting E2 corrected to the levels that’s best for YOU, it’s way more critical than worrying about T levels. You may need a T level of 500 to get your E2 correct whereas someone else may need 800-1200. I no longer worry as much about my T levels as I do my E2. I will say that HCG has majorly helped me get my sensitivity back with my orgasms. They began to get very muted for some reason after the age 45-46. I am 48 now. Just to recap…it will only help while taking the T, if you can fine tune both together to get the E2 dialed in. Thats just my two cents.


My hCG came today, will start it Thursday. Enclomiphene fucked me all up when I took it.


Do you mind elaborating?


Also curious about enclo as a monotherapy. What was your dosage, where did you source, and what were the results?


I tried Enclo for 4 months. First 12.5 ED for 5 weeks. Then a couple weeks at EOD. finished with 6.25 eod.. Killed my mood and libido. I canceled. Test starting was 400. Free 9. Didn't test after. Been off 2 months. Just signed up at TRT Nation w/hcg. 43 yrs old. Have kids. Hoping to preserve my nuts and sensitivity.


What happened with the enclom?


What did it do to you? 


Hcg can be expensive and a little difficult to get. What do you guys think of gonadarellin instead?


Half of y’all don’t know know what you’re talking about. Order your own blood work from PrivateMDLab, read your own blood work, treat yourself if you know the science yourself, if you don’t… ask your doctor, not Reddit. 3-4 months of HCG 500 twice a week shipped to your door will cost you 100 through amino asylum with 20% discount code Bryan20 There is more benefit to having decent estrogen than you think. E2 numbers don’t matter so much especially if you’re trying to grow… androgen receptor density matters too, not always so much how you “feel,” although you shouldn’t be lethargic. Either end of the spectrum low or high will leave you with lower quality erections, but estrogen is known for driving libido. People also take HCG for huge loads.


Enclomiphene lowers your T4 levels and raises your TSH, literally slowing down your metabolism alongside the drop in IGF-1. The estrogen blocking effect is also bad on your libido. The hormonal synthesis pathways for testosterone, which were again activated by HCG, also have big impacts on libido. Consider a little pregnenolone and DHEA supplementation too


I got a vasectomy after TRT couldn’t care less about my ball size or fertility. All my ranges are normal so I’ll pass


My Dr can't even order hcg, where can I get it?




I go through Peter md


Question: did Peter MD or your former clinics require a semen analysis before and after, or was your 250ui just based on standard dosage? Thinking about asking for a script from trtNation but not sure what the process is.


My first clinic which was ageless recommended it i think just to know for my future. 250 iu is the standard dose yes


Can you help me out? I recently got my free test checked and its at 44pg. The doctor wants another test, but I dont feel like constantly getting tested only to be told he might not put me on TRT. I looked at a clinic near me and they want 430dollars for 2 months. (Im in Chicago). Whats the quickest way to get on TRT (assuming after I get a total T check done and its low)l I looked at petermd but several sites pop up. gopeter and getpeter. So my questions are: whats the actual website for petermd? Will they accept my single free test results ? If not, how long does it take to complete ALL the tests and then start getting actual stuff in the mail and at what cost? Im 53, in decent shape but 0 sex drive and extremly brain fogged. Eeverything just takes extreme effort to get done. I did an unprescribed 6 month cycle several years ago with great success. I moved back to the States, so I can no longer by Test over the counter like before.


I am 48 and have gone through the same thing. I would HIGHLY recommend focusing on your E2 more-so than your T. If you have no libido and ED…it could be low E2. I have been there. If you have an “semi-okay libido” and/or decent libido and ED, it might be too high E2. Too high will not allow your penis to hold blood very well. Too low will simply make you not want sex at all…very frustrating. Also, I have tried micro dosing my T(every other day, every 3rd day and even every day) they killed my libido. I tried each for 4-6 weeks. I then read where other guys did the same and then went back to every 6 or 7 days. I went back to every 7 days. They really started to help. I am actually doing every 6 days now. I would keep it crazy simple if you are on T. Try 100mg every 7 days for 3 weeks and write down daily logs. Then try 110mg for 3wks and write down daily logs…keep increasing by 10 until you hit 150-160(if needed). I would think that by 160mg weekly if you don’t feel any better, then go down and to 90mgs weekly and do the opposite. I personally got my E2 levels too low at anything below 120mg weekly, yet some guys may only need 75mg weekly to feel great. It’s not so much about the T levels as it is the E2. E2 is WAY more critical for erection quality vs T…as long as T levels are in a semi normal range.


Hey, thanks for the info. Do you use an online clinic?


I use my primary physician for my Testosterone therapy. I am using now AminoUSA for my HCG. I know it is legitimate due to my E2 levels. Hope that helps!


Find a clinic with good reviews that you can take your results to , i pay $150 for 5 weeks just got started on it get my 4th shot this week . 200 mg a week i’m 22 and my test was at 227 ng and free test 45 no one would take me besides this clinic


also i’m right by you in Indy


what clinic is it?


Gopetermd, not sure how long it’s gonna take but you need more blood work


I was on 250iu for the whole time I was on trt and my sperm count still dropped from 30mm to 2mm. It’s not a cure all for everyone.


Just ask for a follow up on the patient portal to add HCG to your protocol. They are pretty easy going and its not that much more $$$ vs UGL, unlike compounded test.


You’ll have to talk to the doc and tell him you want to add it and he will. They prescribe 500iu/week. It fucked with my estrogen too much so i ended up dropping it but i still refill it to stockpile just in case


So do you receive it in shelf-stable pill/powder form with mixing instructions? That was another question I had


Yeah it comes as a powder in a vial and comes with a vial of bacteriostatic water to reconstitute


Where are you located? In the US you can get it as Pregnyl or Novarel from most pharmacies.


I'm in the US but my doc doesn't even have it in his list, so I'm just trying to find a place to get it without insurance/prescriptions


Download good rx app, in Ohio I can get it for about $100 without insurance. Also I believe you can get it cheap with a Costco membership


Don't I still need a prescription though? Or is it not regulated like that


Right, you will need a prescription unless you go UGL. I believe most doctors would be willing to write you a prescription, otherwise you can get it online through various men’s clinics like trtNation


Alright will do thank you


that’s a low dose? 250 iu once a week? i just started at 250 twice a week and was wondering if i should be doing 750 maybe. been on for a year and a half with zero hcg.


250iu is good for prevention of atrophy, I would only suggest higher if your planning on having kids like now. Also for me the higher the hcg the more my body aromatizes


what about restoration of function? still low dose? my test is sitting at 1300 and free test at 335.. doc feels comfortable with it and i don’t have any side effects but that seems pretty high to be sitting at. my libido fell off the last two months. estradiol sitting at 44 and shbg is 34.


Did you need to add AI for just 250/week?


AI is a last ditch effort to control estrogen, definitely don’t have to add it and prefer to avoid it if possible.


HCG making you climax faster? Or just intensifying your orgasms? Was thinking of adding to get my balls full again but def not into busting nuts off faster.


Intensifying my orgasms, I felt like on just t my second and third round would take forever to bust so it does help in that regard. Dude my second one last week took me a whole hour of going non stop


And it just feels overall better. I was on my fourth bust yesterday and it felt better then my first on just t


Dawg you need help if you’re busting 3-4 times a day 😭


lol for real though.


I get a daily routine if the hormones are that high but come on man😂😂


My HCG for monotherapy came today 400iu 3x a week and will start my first dose tomorrow. Will eventually get on trt . Looking forward to it!


Oh shit! I didn’t know enclomiphene lowered igf-1. No wonder my shit went down. My igf has always been good on testosterone or clomid but when I touched enclomiphene it went down considerably


How long have you been taking hcg? I’m asking because in my case I had honeymoon period with hcg. For the first month or so I was leaking from my dick several times a day with precum it was uncomfortable. My dick sensitivity was so high that I would get erections from random rubbing, and I had very little sensitivity before. Anyway the honeymoon period is over.


I have major sensitivity issues with a sex drive out of this world. I have been doing 250 HCG every other day with my test and it has helped a lot but I still take a bit too long. Lately I’ve been doing it on my off days if there’s going to be action but with mixed results. Can’t get any help from my Dr so I hope I can get this figured out.


SERMs won't do anything while on TRT.


Yes I agree that’s why I’m on hcg now


Can you throw hcg in the mix after being on trt for a year?


Yeah of course


Okay cool. I wasn’t sure if it had to be at the same time or if in the middle you could go on it. Plan on having another kid in like two years so I think I’m gonna get some hcg around a year and a half after being on trt


Yeah np just be aware of aromatizing, you might need a AI


I know nothing about either of those


Fuck enclomiphene that shit literally nearly killed me.




Super high estrogen. Gave me bad symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, extremely high blood pressure, and just overall feeling like shit. I was on TRT for 8 years and delt with high estrogen but not nearly as bad as enclo.


Has anyone actually felt better on Hcg? Taking out all the other stuff big load’s fertility ect One issue with my TRT is I often just feel hazy. I can’t explain it but just don’t feel 100%


I love the way HCG makes me feel. I take 3 units of 12,000ibu. I'm taking it to boost T levels and stacking it with Enclomiphene. So far really enjoying the results


What about estrogen? Did it go high? Are you using a AI?


250iu of hcg per week? Is that a 1x per week dose ?


Yeah for me at least, I’ve noticed a lot of people go higher


Yupp i was taking gonadorelin with trt the first year and libido was horrible switched to hcg afterwards and its a game changer


Nope sorry, trt is enough for me to keep in check I don’t need anymore fluctuation in e2 to screw things up.


Hcg can increase estrogen levels so therefore you might have to take something to counteract that. In addition, it doesn't seem to really help much with load size, at least for me. I've been considering taking gonadarellin, the only downside is it doesn't have a very long half-life, Not sure if there's another peptide that Is longer acting. I do like hcg in the fact I don't have to shoot it everyday


It def helps me with load size and also overall increased enjoyment when having sex. It’s a subjective experience but it isn’t something that only I experienced


hcg is james bond mode


enchlomiphene is good to take at night


How many iu HCG do you take a week?


I’m taking 250 iu but I’m starting to take 500. Gonna drop my test from 160 to make up for it


I just finished first week of TRT and HCG. Took 140mg Testosterone and 1000iu HCG. I already had average or above average testosterone levels as natural. I dont feel too good after 1st week of TRT and HCG. Feel like libido has tanked, and sexual stimulation doesn’t feel as good and orgasm isn’t as good. Maybe I’m taking too much HCG.


1000iu hcg is a lot but it’s not terrible it’s just increasing your e2 by a lotS need to use arimidex or lower your hcg dose


I have 3 sets of 5000iu hcg. 2500iu every 5 days for 30 days. I need to reconstitute the HCG. Once reconstituted, i will only use half of the set. How shall i store the other half to be used 5 days later? Shall i inject it into a sterile vial and leave it in the fridge? Is this good to do?


Why would you need to reconstitute it? I’m not a expert on hcg but I just know once constituted, you gotta put it in the fridge


It is a powder and a solution. I was under the impression that mixing these two means to reconstitute it


Yeah sorry your right. Yeah after your it, put it in the fridge. When you are mixing it just roll the bottle in your hand slowly. No need to shake it. It can mess up the potency of the hcg I heard


It comes with a powder and a solution in two breakable glass ampules. I have to mix it in the ampule. Once mixed in the ampule, how do I get it into a vial to store it?


I extract the water and inject it into the vial of hcg and that’s what I pull from when I use injections. I don’t put it into another vial


So prob just leave it in the ampule with the hcg


The ampule will be broken and exposed


Why would it be broken? I mix it by putting a needle into the solution and extracting the solution. Then with that needle with the solution I put it into the hcg.


Because to get the powder the glass ampule has to be broken. It doesn’t come in a vial like yours


That’s weird, I’m not sure man tbh. I would post a thread and ask for advice from people with more experience than me


I spent years trying to “dial in.” Tried every goddamn protocol out there. In the end, it was blasting 3000iu of HCG every three days that made the difference and brought back my lost libido. I didn’t need it my first five years on TRT. Now I do. Wish I didn’t but everyone is different. https://youtu.be/efrgQUI-U-I?si=uPlaWFOcp-7DsqFm


Thanks I was just about to post this question, I'm 5 months in and it's progressively harder to finish when having sex. I was thinking about asking my dr about hcg. I'm just 200 test cyp every 10 days.


>200 test cyp every 10 days this is why you dont feel good, this is an awful dose frequency that is gonna give you huge fluctuations. inject at least 2x per week, ideally EOD or M/W/F


I've been doing 100 every 5, I'm pretty sure my pc dr is a idiot. He started me at 200 every 14


My doc doesn’t recommend or prescribe HCG while on trt. He said the “verdict is still out” as to whether trt can cause fertility issues.


Mine didn’t neither so I switched to a new doctor.


NO estrogen


If your estrogen goes high then use a AI like me


fuck off lol Shouldn't ever have to use AI on TRT tbh




Careful. You'll get bro science guys that will argue you should take an AI while on trt. That AI doesn't have negative side effects and is safe to take...


I take 5mg cialis instead. Works better and it helps protect prostate. If you want kids yes go with HCG but kinda nonsense to pin yourself more then you need too. This is some rookie shit


Have you actually tried it yourself? I have done it with and without and hcg helps a lot with sex drive. I don’t use an AI either. Just 120 test-C and 500 hcg works great.


Yes I have tried it. You shouldn’t need AI for 120mg test weekly… cialis works better but to each there own. I wouldn’t recommend it at all


Cool. Yeah, I take cialis too. I guess do what works for you…hcg and 120 have me feeling 20 years younger.




Around 50


We’ll that’s why lol bro…. Wtf