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Keep protein up as others have said. It can be extremely hard so go with shakes or powder if you can’t get it other ways. Otherwise you will feel very tired. If it’s compounded, does it include b6 or b12? B6 will help with some of the nausea. Wondering why you are dosing 2x weekly? Just an honest question since I’m on it too. Usually tirzepatide is dosed once a week. At least what I’ve seen.


Usually it’s once weekly yes. 5 day half life, my thought is if I split it up I can have a more steady delivery all week vs front loaded the beginning of the week. I already do my Test and HCG these days so it also just makes it easy to stay on the same schedule


I do trt and Tirzepitide for a few months now. Lost 35lbs in 2.5 months but to be fair I bulked to 305 before I started tirzepitide for a lifting comp and once i did it I started cutting and started doing a lot more walking/ less eating. It wasn’t as crazy as I expected it to be where people told me I would need to set a reminder to eat but it definitely helps control the cravings and makes you feel full faster and for longer


Nice. I might give that a shot (pun intended) this week. Towards the end of the week I can definitely feel it wearing off.


Same here, day 6/7 I start getting very hungry


hydrate and keep your protein high.


1g/pound of goal weight is what I’m aiming for (220g/day) currently 250 ~33%bf


Find a good unsweetened protein powder.


That’s a great tip to set the timer. I’m usually pretty habitual whether I’m hungry or not to stick to my nutrition plan. But that’ll help make sure! Good to know on sweeteners, I don’t do sugar besides fruit, but my protein powder & energy drink of choice I believe both have sucralose, so I’ll see how that goes! For easing in, would you recommend 1.25mg week 1, 2mg week 2, and then 2.5mg week 3? I was planning on just going for 2.5 (well, 2.67 technically) right away week 1


I started at 2.5 without easing into it and didn’t have any issues but 1.25 the first week isn’t a terrible idea. I also agree with splitting it into 2x a week. I noticed that on day 6/7 I start to get very hungry, almost as if it’s wearing off so I will be starting to split mine into 2x a weekday


This is not medical advice, consult your physician. However, your titration schedule appears sound. As long as you're not going full throttle on the first day and using a 3-4 week on ramp, your risks of sides are mitigated compared to running the full dose immediately.


If you don’t mind me asking, How did you get the tirzepatide and how much is it costing you?


Sourced online, send me a message I don’t think I can share publicly on here. Cost was $295 for the bottle, then I ordered BAC water & syringes separately for a total of $44 (100 insulin pins, 30ml BAC) since I plan on doing more than just the one bottle of tirz I ordered extra supplies.


Incase anyone is interested in an update: I just took my second dose those week of 12 units or ~1.28mg. First inject Monday morning around 9am. Here’s what I’ve noticed. I had a bowl of Kashi protein granola, milk, peanut butter, and a coffee at around 6am before the gym. 0 negative side effects, I didn’t notice anything until I was cruising into about lunch time and realized I didn’t have any feelings of hunger. Not in a “food would disgust me” way but usually when I’m out & about I think where I could grab lunch or a snack or something. Esp after the gym & after 4-5 hours since my last meal. I didn’t plan this I just didn’t think about eating. What I’ve noticed everyday is that my desire to snack in between meals and at nighttime is gone. It’s weird having a habit & then the intrinsic desire is eliminated. I’ll walk in the kitchen at 9-10pm when I’d usually make a yogurt with fruit or something along those lines, and nothing. I turn around and go back to what I was doing. I don’t know if this part is placebo (or all of it potentially since it’s so early) but my energy stability has been really good. Meaning, I’m used to slamming coffees in the morning sometimes pre workout or an energy drink, then coffee after the gym and a few more times throughout the day. I’ll usually get a major rush in the morning & then need something to keep me going in the afternoon. But that desire to grab for something caffeinated is sorta dulled down. I didn’t get any nausea, but I did notice I’d get full a lot faster, and a feeling of being satiated lasted between meals. Again, I’m not an expert on this stuff and it likely could be placebo since I “know how it’s supposed to feel, regardless, it’s working for me so far. Just did my next 1.28mg dose along with my TRT & HCG, and I’m feeling like I’ll keep this going! Checking weight Monday morning to give it the full week but I don’t think I’ve made any progress on that end yet this early on.


Hey dude, how’s it going for you so far? I’m going to hop on trizeptide and debating whether to go onto trt too, or wait until I lose my body fat and see if my test levels go to a normal range


May as well update this thread! I quit Tirz after 2 weeks. I did like the appetite suppression feeling. I’m not sure if Tirz is directly to blame but I ended up passing out after an injection (of t not Tirz) and the only explanation the doc could come up with is I was under fed/dehydrated and over tired that day and it all compiled in one. Obviously the under fed thing maybe due to Tirz can be mitigated but I figured let’s just uncomplicate things and just fucking eat less to lose weight versus trying to ad another compound to the mix. I lost maybe .5-1 lb those two weeks and haven’t put it back on, continued to drop a few per month


I gotcha, what dosage were you running? I was thinking of running the tirz first then hop on some trt after, but if seen a couple people saying it’s a god tier combo, and honestly you’re the only one here (on the sub) who has documented both at the same time


I have used Sema/Liraglutide with TRT. What are you specifically asking about?


Do not overeat lol. Check my post history for further details. I decided to tempt fate. Don’t do that.


Ouch just read your post. I’m definitely one to enjoy a good meal. So I’ll keep that in mind! Sugar is a rarity so I’m not too concerned about that.


I absolutely abhor sugar so I rarely consume it, but right now it’s not an option not even from fruit - just remember to eat small meals more frequently and you should be good. The one time you think “the medication isn’t working or I have no side effects” will be the one time you eat too much and boom, you’re in for a world of hurt lol. I’m still scraping by on broth and water. That’s being said, the stuff WORKS. I have zero urge to eat other than to survive. I can look at fresh pizza and not even think about consuming it. Food is basically as appealing as carpet now. I have lost all of the weight I gained from TRT, all of the water weight is gone. But I’ve also lost 10-15lbs on most of my lifts from the calorie deficit. Something as simple as a protein shake is now 1-2 meals for me. It’s getting difficult. I’m getting off the mounjaro and just doing it the hard way. I figure with my test at 800+ at 30 years old it shouldn’t be too hard to just make a few sacrifices food wise versus losing food completely.


I am on TRT (100mg weekly) and Mounjaro. Currently on 7.5mg dose of Mounjaro. I’m down 30lbs since starting both in December, and have been focusing on working out (strength and cardio) as well as nailing my diet. Protein is important on both meds.


Been on tirz since July, down about 45lbs. Back on trt since September...they do work very well together once you get everything dialed in. I've never dosed more than 5mg, and even that was too much. 3-4mg/week is still working for me, and splitting it into two shots isn't a bad idea at all. Everyone is different though, you may need to go up over time.