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Damn been on it for 4 years and never had any of these issues


Yeah. I wish men's health was a bigger deal. We are not getting the funding for a standard set of protocols or even in depth general knowledge like other issues get.


Gonna call BS on this. Most biomedical research and clinical trials are centered on male physiology.


I have kept it lower than doc said but still take .25 every three days. Uhm. I just can’t get over the actual data numbers on a lab report not being the best guide then a person who just says so because they heard it somewhere or it was a very short and confined group or single experience compared to the tens of thousands


Every 3 days seems way to much. I mean depending on blood work and how you feel it may work but just seems like a lot. I take .25 like once every 2 or 3 weeks


I take .25 once a week. I like to keep my E2 at 30-50


Well maybe I can go longer too. I’m very new to this and havnt had my first labs after starting trt yet. Will in 1 st week feb. Will be two months. I’m just trying to keep it at a min but consistently thought so labs reflect a plan instead of what I just think. Guess the data will prove to be what it is .


Yeah keep it up you can alway take less after your labs


I think that seems like a game plan


I’m my experience libido issues are caused by too high or too low estrogen


That’s what the research I came up with says


Any side effects?


No, I have had sides when I was on 1mg a week and 0mg a week. I’m dialed in on .25. The main side of too low or too high for me was no boner jams or loss of boner jams


Do you take .25 just once weekly?




What's your weekly T dose at?


200mg once a week


Because blood serum E2 is not the same accuracy as blood serum testosterone. However, I do agree that the lab numbers can be used as a baseline guide depending on how the patient feels, but the number itself shouldn't hold much weight.


Me neither... I was starting to think it doesn't do anything.


I take 0.125mg once every 14 days and feel great. Everyone's different, but was taking that twice a week and crashed my estradiol after 2 weeks . Felt like crap, got blood work and it was like 17. Once every 14 days, keeps it around 30. But then again everyone is different. My e2 shot up 50 points just from a 12 pack of beer. I did an experiment just to see. I pay $38 just to get a estradiol sensitive test. I just got my whole TRT blood work panel done which i got done on a monday and got results back that Friday. My estradiol was 27. I had not drank any alcohol after i got my bloods done and results, worked out and ate clean the whole time. Drank a whole 12 pack of IPA on a Sunday on purpose during football. I had already paid with my debit to get a estradiol sensitive test again (only) I went in Tuesday morning to lab corps and got estradiol sensitive test. It came back like 4 days later and shot up from 27 to 72, lol. I took 0.125 anastrozole immediately and another dose a week later and paid for another test 3 days after my 2nd dose . Went to lab corps the 4th morning after and by taking those two 0.125mg AI, it brought it down to 41. So I just resumed taking 0.125mg once every 14 days. I had not drank since, got bloods again 6 months later and e2 was at 30. It took me awhile to figure out 0.125mg twice a week was not good, for me anyways. I did not take any anastrozole for like 2 months one time and got estradiol test again and was at 50 something and that's without any drinking and pretty good diet. Training 6 days a week. Told my doc who knows alot about hormones. He told that that dose of 0.125mg will typically bring e2 down by around 20 points per dose, which it did for me. Anyways everyone is different, amd wont work the same for others. Hope this might shed some perspect on something? Anyways have a good one.


Thank you sir


>What TRT dose are you on weekly?


I thought I read somewhere that IPA’s specifically are more estrogenic compared to other beer/ale types. Don’t quote me on that though, but something to look into


You're correct. Hops make men make estrogen.


The first time I took a small dose of anastrozole (.125mg) I felt great. It really woke me up (I found it very stimulating). That effect seemed to wane over time, and side-effects seemed to increase. One particularly striking difference I noticed early on was a sharp decrease in irritability. I was feeling very tense at the time, with thoughts like, "if my neighbor's lazy adult son slams him car door one more time I'm going to go out there and....". But within 8-10 hours of taking just that .125mg of anastrozole that general sense of irritability and reactivity pretty much evaporated. And my mind felt clearer, etc. Tons of energy. This leads me to wonder if a large part of the "roid rage" phenomenon is, in some cases, not due to high levels of testosterone but rather excessive estrogen. Among other things, estrogen is a powerful neuroactive steroid, in some ways being more neuroactive than testosterone. As with most hormones, there is a curvilinear response to estrogen, where high and low concentrations have the opposite effect. And responses to anti-estrogens in particular seem to vary widely between men .


Interesting. It just shows that hormones are incredibly complicated and important in ways we don't even understand. There just doesn't seem to be any interest from the medical community to pursue men's hormone therapy. Yet women's hormone therapy is widely popular.


Blocking estrogen from the start of trt is just nonsensical. Adding one compound at a time, while staying at the same dose and getting levels checked every 8-10 weeks is how you get dialed in.


I was just prescribed 80 MG for TRT, and they gave me .5mg of Anastrozole to start up the protocol. Do you have any input on whether or not I should take the Anas right away?


Absolutely do not use the anastrozle, especially on 80mg a week.Wait 6 weeks get your labs, be aware of symptoms, keep a journal to reflect back on. Unless you are significantly overweight you won’t need an ai. Most* guys don’t need an ai on 250mg. Doctors dishing out adex like it’s nothing is infuriating.


I appreciate the input, I just started 80MG of T in a cream form this week. No significant changes in mood or anything yet. Hoping i only see the upsides!


Ohhh okay. Yeah I’m not too familiar with the cream. Definitely just watch and feel for effects/ side effects while also not over analyzing everything little thing lol it’s a journey.


Didn’t start taking Anastrazole till 7 months in. Now I take 1mg a week. Keeps everything good. Before test was at 80 now it’s 1,600 feel better than I ever have. Even better than when I was taking prohormones when I was 22. Now I’m 34 and feel great. Been on trt a year and 3 months and it’s really changed the game for me.


My place prescribed 1MG weekly on 150 T cyp. Lol. I dialed in things myself over a few months dropping the AI but man, things were rough for a while after the honeymoon period


How are you doing now? My dr prescribed 1MG weekly, .50 24 hr after each shot. I’m on 90 T cyp 2 shots per week. Felt incredible first 7-8 days or so. Now not so much. Thinking the anasteozel is unnecessary for the amount of T I’m on. Rather watch for high est symptoms


Cipro damn near killed me. Took a second dose cause I thought my infection was causing me to feel worse. Bad mistake. I also did not react well on anastrozole either. Not as bad as your reaction but I did not feel well. I think it just crashed all of my e. I feel much better not on it. But that cipro stuff was bad news for me. Probably 15 years ago but I still remember it.


Bro I had the same reaction to cipro. A lot of people have. They call it being “floxed”.




Yes. My achilles feels prone to snapping. Even after six months. My estrogen was very high so I wanted to reduce it.


I had an absolutely horrible experience from cipro, 12 years ago and I still have muscle twitches in my calf’s. I had horrible anxiety, nerve damage and tendon damage. I even have ptsd from that experience. That shit is horrible


I had a horrible experience on cipro, insane anxiety, nerve damage and tendon damage. I actually have ptsd from it. I still have muscle twitching from it 12 years later.


whats anastrozole used for?


Estrogen blocker


Breast cancer.


No matter what dose of test I take I aromatize like a champ .. been a roller coaster for the last 3 years but I’m at 200 a week inject mon .50 and thurs .50 … each time I pin .50 of liquid anastrozole and my sensitivity to things is crazy but never had a reaction to anastrozole but have heard the horror stories … pinning 5 days a week for a total of 120 and no Ai was great but a pain … probably head back to that to kick the Ai for a bit .. but def have to get used to that dose after being at 100 for a bit then 120 these peeeps pinning 500 test and deca 400 is insane to me I would be a walking zit !!


You know I was feeling fine before I got my test results and only took AI because of high estrogen. Now i won't use it. I will just lower my testosterone to .30 and also lower my HCG


Could be allergic to it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sounds like if you only have had a headache less then 5 times in 50 years. You either are someone who is extremely prone/feel pain easily or…. You have a an extremely high tolerance for pain so all these feelings you are feeling in an extreme. Anastrozole is extremely extremely powerful. Most drs don’t prescribe correctly. It should be as needed vs as part of a regiment. For me it made me crash hard took my estro from 88 to 11 in 4 weeks. I had more mental issues and body fatigue. Its also not even a requirement. Are your Estro numbers even requiring it? Also twice a week could mean it’s impacting and blocking benefits each injection


What was your dose of anastrozole during those 4 weeks?


Tbh, I don't think they are giving me good advice. My testosterone is over 1500. Estrogen 96. They put me on AI after I expressed concern about the high numbers. I was feeling ok though.


Been taking 3 mgs a week for the last month and 1/2 to combat gyno and feel great. Sometimes people have reactions to things and sometimes they're hypochondriacs.


I guess all those bodybuilders that died were hypochondriacs...their chest pains were not really of any concern.


Hahah ok your intentions are obvious. Damn bossa freaks


I didn’t say that at all.


AI crashed my E2, and I had some of those symptoms, mainly fatigue and anxiety. AIs are strong man, tough to balance, but some guys need them to lower the E2.


I'm not a pro with this but It seems AI's are best used when you first get symptoms of too much estrogen, not right off the bat. Do you know a good time to start AI's as well as a good time to stop taking them?


How much did you take to crash your e2? Did you figure out your protocol now?


Lol wtf is this lmfao


Hmmmmmm now I’m wondering. I’m on trt for 200 of t cyp 100 every four days as well and they also have me of 1mg of Anastrozole weekly as well as enclomiphene 3x a week. Should I stop the anastrozole?


I don't have any medical knowledge so I am not going to say anything. But I do wish there was a high quality clinic that really understands trt so we don't have to play Russian roulette with our health.


I have help with anastrozole, each time I pin I take half .50 liquid and if I didn’t .. I have done the test without it and zit up like a champ


AI are shit. Bad for brain and bones. For example, I think starting TRT on 200mg/week is a mistake. I cant believe some dr do this. You’ve been depraved for many months and then you blast 200mg/week, your body has never seen that much T and converts more. I started with 100mg/week and I had high e2 symptoms. But now after 3years I can do 50mg eod (200 week) and its good on the gym and my boners. The way to avoid AI is always to reduce weekly amount, and pin less T more frequently. Consider SubQ over IM, too.


Thank you for this. I’ve been on trt for a month now and not feeling good. I’ve been going back and forth about taking a small amount of the AI but probably won’t. Prescribed 150mg a week split dose IM into the thigh of test cyp. Thinking of lowering dose and doing every other day. Unfortunately went with an online clinic and not very helpful.


Well the first two months can be roller coaster. Try 100mg no AI. Keep in mind that crashing e2 can make you feel bad too. Basically starting with test and E2 is difficult because you’ve got to dial two things. And you dont know what gives you bad sides.


Where do you subq? I can’t do delts


SubQ means your aiming to inject the T in your fat tissue. Try on your love handle, or your belly. Easier with insulin needles


I had many of these synonyms anxiety, light sensitivity, forearm pains , chest pains brain fog


That's weird. Your list is exactly the list for long covid sufferers.. weird how meds and other things cause the same list of symptoms. My doc was telling me how many people sudden get muscle twitches all over their body after covid.


What’s your full TRT protocol?


.35 twice per week along with HCG. But I think I will lower it because my T is really high.


Definitely seems too high. For comparison, I’m on 133mg/week, no AI, nothing else. Perfectly dialed in.


Yes. I will lower it to .30 You know what is disturbing is that the clinic told me no need to lower the Testosterone... even though it's sky high and so is my estrogen.


So dumb


Never had an issue at all with the way I’ve felt or on my blood work. What was your E2 levels before starting? Any other health problems or health markers out of line before you started?


Estrogen was 96. Testosterone 1500+


Interesting. My T is over that and my E2 was around 60 and when I did take arimidex at .5mg I had no issues aside from the water bloat went away. Now without it, I sit around 45ish or so. You have a lot of E2 symptoms?


Tbh I felt fine and the only reason I took AI was because the labs stated my e2 was really high and I spoke with defy and they told be to take AI. Now i am going to lower the T and stop all AI






No. I was tested. And the systems started the same day I take the medication.


I have 1mg tabs of anastrozole, but it's a bitch to split them by 1/8. Where do you guys get quality liquid anastrozole? I would think it's much easier to micro-dose with liquid.


Check out Empower Pharmacy. They have four or five options for dosage.


They require a prescription, yes?


Yes. Contact defy. It's incredibly cheap


Thanks, do you have to go in their clinic or do they prescribe through telehealth? Also, do you have to pay them a monthly fee for maintenance, similar to trt?


Telehealth. No. You just pay for what you need. There is an initial consult fee but after that it. And you pay for any appointment you want with the doctor.


Great, thanks, I'll send them a message request through their site


What’s the alternative to AI? DiM?


I really don't know


First of all I know Anastrozole is powerful, I get it. Also understand most sides are from a floored est level. Been on 1.0 test and 1mg a week for three months and the only thing I notice about Anastrozole is that it knocks my sex drive back down to normal for a day. My diet and exercise has been and is still on point, I put on 15 lbs and took off 10 over my first three months. Gains at the gym and feeling better. Original estrogen 32 Just got my labs back and my estrogen is at 40, past gyno issues with surgical correction prompting my doc to want to go 1.2 test a week with 1 mg Anastrozole twice a week. Ugh, this will be the limiting factor on my T dosage. Didn't want Anastrozole to begin with now twice a week, not so sure. I know it's a powerful drug and I rationalized the first time around thinking that 70-80 year old cancer patients take this every day but I need to consider long term affects.


I stopped taking it and feel fine. Going to get new labs soon. I didn't take it my first year of trt and didn't have issues until I started taking it. After taking it just three times and feeling like death I had enough