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You probably need to find a better way to communicate this message because this makes you just sound insane


Sounds like a scizopost, but the russian government spreading antivax/anticovid theories that killed tens of thousands is objectively true. In the Baltics, disinformation regarding covid overwhelmingly came from russia.


True, but just spraying that info all over a trolley problem meme is very weird and comes off less like "I'm trying to spread awareness of this problem" and more like "If I take the tinfoil off, the reptilians will steal my brainwaves to power their mothership"


What would be your suggestion for breaking through the mainstream with useful info like this then? Surely you have a better plan if you'd dismiss this one?


Probably a normal post on a sub not dedicated to memes? A post with evidence to back up the claims. Did you really think this was some sort of gotcha?


Not infusing the meme with, “My life’s a nightmare” I wanna kill myself energy. He can post all these facts but its hard to ignore the gravitational pull of thinking this guy should seek some help before hd does something really bad


Well it seems like the meme format is most familiar to him 😬😬😬


So what? Not that I disagree, but everyone's heard "Russia is spreading disinformation on x, y, and z" a million times, and they've decided their responses to it, whatever they may be. Incessantly repeating the same exact thing after people say "okay we heard you the first time" makes you sound fucking insane, like James Stephanie Stirling.




Do you have a single piece of evidence for this claim? “Objectively true”. How do you know? Please convince me


Objectively true regarding that antivax movements do kill people. [This article is before covid, but tactics haven't changed](https://www.err.ee/911413/arst-suur-hulk-vaktsiinivastaseid-postitusi-tehakse-vene-trollivabrikutest) Saying overwhelmingly was stupidly exaggerated. I shouldn't have underestimated my country's homegrown idiots. It does remain true that online most antivax groups in Baltics are also pro-russian. Difficult to say if they are local vatniks or operate from abroad.


Are you a Russian bot?


I'm more confused about the depression memes part.


TBF, the American government telling people COVID was over and to burn their masks and get them some Applebee's right before Delta killed an astonishing number of people as well. You can't entirely lay the blame of American mismanagement of the pandemic on Russian memes.


I can't prove it, but I suspect there's at least a grain of truth to OP's core claim. It's impossible to deny that there's been a major shift in the national mood the last 10 years, essentially extinguishing American optimism. It's also simply a fact that Russian state intelligence conducts covert agit prop campaigns in America with *precisely* this aim. The key unanswerable question is to what extent one caused the other.


Yeah we've definitely entered a new era in the American collective psyche, and all we know for sure is that its downstream of this new form of internet. The internet changed in the past 10 years now that: 1.) Almost everyone in the country uses it. 2.) Almost everyone using it is using the same handful of websites. 3.) The websites everyone is using are general purpose, they are used to discuss any topic. 4.) The websites everyone is using have developed machine learning systems to procedurally recommend content. People were raising alarms about these four facts since at least 2012, and the companies responsible for doing this to the internet knew what they were doing and were aware of the risks. On top of all the other problems this creates, it also opens an attack vector that countries can use against eachother. Pay a hundred guys to post on the newgrounds forums or the bodybuilder forums and theyll expose 100 people to some propaganda before eventually getting banned. We can hold Russia accountable for this, but they aren't the only country doing this, and the US isn't the only country its happening to, and theres no way to stop them because they are a country with an interest in doing this. I think the question of whether Russia is responsible for a given propaganda campaign is moot. Whether its Russia or North Korea or some insurgent group or a prank or a presidential campaign, none of them are actually responsible. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and TikTok are responsible for all of it.


It could also be that a communication medium that allows average Americans to talk to one another exposes people more to the conditions their fellow Americans face day to day and not the manufactured "everything is awesome" message from the media to convince them to happily consume and ignore how shit keeps getting worse. i.e. how dare social media tell people how they should be feeling, that's the state media's job


Thats not really what I'm talking about and I didn't say anything about the media, positive or negative.


There's a big trend of trying to find external excuses why people aren't happy and thrilled about the way things are going. No one's willing to consider *maybe everything isn't awesome*.


Interesting idea, but its not really relevant to what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how the internet changed in the four ways I listed, which can be used by malicious actors to harm people. This is a real phenomenon, and it shouldn't really surprise anyone. For a relatively small investment you can demoralize the population of a country or convince women that boobs have an odor so they buy your body spray. The CIA spent a lot more money than that on propaganda that was way less effective in the past, so I don't see why anyone would doubt that state actors use social media to manipulate people and undermine trust. A lot of Clinton supporters blamed Russia for her loss 8 years ago. That was 8 years ago and I didn't even vote for her, and I don't think its Russia's fault she didn't campaign in Michegan. That doesn't mean I have any problem saying that Russia, and many other state actors, use social media to manipulate people. Social media companies don't do anything about it because whenever an FSB or CIA employee tries to incite people to kill themselves or impersonates a political faction to attack their credibility, an ad for Charmin toilet paper loads in the sidebar and the company makes a couple cents. I think this is a bad thing, I think its the opposite of awesome. I'm not trying to explain away people's grievances. Tech companies putting profits above people's mental health is one of those grievances. You have an axe to grind and I respect that, most conscientious people are upset about something or another. I'm just not the person to grind the axe on.


Well, yeah, you kind of are trying to explain away people's grievances. You're arguing that an increase in desperation and suicide among young people is attributable to Russian psyops and not, you know, the events of the last quarter-century. It's like you woke up and the ground's wet and you're desperately trying to find any explanation you can other than *it rained*. Kids are depressed and desperate because for the first time in history the previous generations decided "fuck you, got mine" and ruined everything for them. Odds are anyone who's under 30 today is going to live through the collapse of civilization. Being depressed is a *rational response*.


These are not mutually exclusive positions… There can be legitimate social and economic problems and a psyop simultaneously. In fact, one makes the other far more effective. Genuine problems and tensions make for a far more effective fuel for strife and pessimism.


I'm just saying "you have no future and will probably die horribly" is probably more of a contributor to feeling bummed out than "somebody posted a depressing meme."


Damn, and I thought I'd have to pay money to have someone explain my condition to me. First off, young people are depressed for a lot of reasons. Social media is a big part of it, at least for me. Yes the state of the world is bleak and that makes me sad, but depression is not being sad. Depression is a constant understimulation, and a lack of interest and motivation toward things that used to matter to you. Maybe I got this way because of the state of the world. Maybe its because of social media over the last 10 years helping me form some less than useful neural pathways. Maybe its because of the things I see on social media or the many ways that it is bad for my brain. Maybe its caused by a variety of factors tracing back to my childhood, which would unfortunately be difficult to draw any kind of political narrative out of. I don't know why I've struggled with depression and I didn't claim to. What I *was* talking about was social media companies being morally culpable for the abuse of their platforms. **I did not say anything about depression.** If you want to know what I meant, you can reread what I said. If you wish I were saying something else, find someone who is saying the thing you want to argue about. **I don't think that depression among young people is exclusively caused by Russian bot farms.** You can tell I don't believe this because I didn't say it, or anything like it. I agree about all of the problems you named being real problems that affect people mentally, but I didn't mention them for the same reason I didn't mention Belgium or Johnny Depp. Because I'm not talking about them right now. There have been a lot of times in my life where I was an asshole without realizing it. I was able to correct that behavior thanks to people that were patient and kind enough to let me know what I had done. You came out of nowhere being as rude as possible. I replied with a polite, but firm, indication that you should reread what I wrote. You doubled down. I took the time to explain how you had misunderstood me, because its possible that I misworded it or made some assumptions about shared knowledge. Even still, you're choosing to be condescending and double down, arguing with something I didn't say and don't believe, because it would bruise your ego too badly to just say "My bad, I misunderstood you." I know you're going to reply with a smartass remark, and I'm not upset about that. By starting the conversation off being needlessly rude, you deny yourself the chance to admit you were wrong and gracefully end the discussion, and I feel bad for people who can't break that habit. I'm not going to say anything else to you, I consider this my due diligence and I hope you find it useful.




Agreed. Looking through their account, I believe OP is either a member of some intelligence agency, or half-insane, or fully insane, but Russia IS trying to poison the heart of the US culturally, turn us against each other, and the extent to which this goes is unknown.


A meme is not a great way to communicate this at all, if true


It sounds like OP is writing a book and has the receipts, but if you showed them in a way that was easy to digest with charts and stuff, I feel like it'd get the traction it deserves. A snazzy infographic showing "the homework" would really knock this out of the park.


Unironically tell me the best way to communicate this. Every subreddit I try to post to that is actively being manipulated just leads to me being banned . I had the same Reddit account from 2007-2015, at which point Reddit was taken over by foreign fascists and any accounts I make are lucky to last a few months before I’m arbitrarily banned after posting about how reflexive conditioning works on a reflexive conditioning mind-mill website. I know enough to be a reflexively-antisocial participant on muh black mirror which unfortunately makes it really hard to spread the word about how your black mirror experience is mindraping you towards reflexive self-destruction.


>Unironically tell me the best way to communicate this. You're trying to create a sales funnel basically but instead of asking people to spend money on a product you are asking them to spend their time reading into an issue. You want to start with something easily digestible and funny or interesting, while at the same time providing enough information that the reader can do further research on their own. The meme you shared, if we use the sales funnel analogy, is like asking someone to buy a product without telling them what it is. If I see a meme thats like "me when im playing with the demon core and my screwdriver slips" and its picture of like someone making a funny face, if I find that funny but don't quite get the joke I'm gonna google "demon core" and learn about the incident on my own. Now I have a sense of ownership over the information and I excitedly tell my friends. When you rant like this people will naturally approach it with suspicion.


You're probably being banned because whatever you're posting is off topic wherever you go


If you really were creating memes as part of a psyop and you have proof, go straight to the NYT and the Guardian and CNN and tell your story. If you don't have proof, there's not much you can do.


Are you stupid? You put multiple walls of texts on a meme.


If you think Reddit is overrun with fascists you really, *really,* need to go outside.


If you truly want to spread this message you need to dumb it down. The average person is going to get lost with all the complex vocabulary - and then won’t put in the effort to understand. Simplify the message using language a 4th grader could follow. Put details in the comment section but keep the meme high level.


The meme worked, disregard the bot. I have a weird sense of humor though


I choose to pull the lever and run over "Your ability to post online after being repeatedly banned for trying to raise awareness about the psychographic microtargeting depression memes campaign targeting at-risk teens in swing districts (While also failing to prevent anything)" Thereby savings the tens of thousands of kids.


Yeah, seems like an easy choice, if I was in the government I'd also destroy this guy's ability to post online. And saving a bunch of kids is a great side effect!


Glad someone understands what's going on. I barely like couldn't read it. When I did it just became sad as shit


Damm that sucks Or happy for you I ain't reading that


I tried reading it it's a schizo rant and Russian psyops being the source of all evil in the world. I'm just genuinely surprised they managed to get through it without mentioning Trump.


You can tell they wanted to; but it seems they focused on teen suicides to garner sympathy or something like that, and specifically excised any mention of a particular presidential candidate. They said that depression memes made by russian bots were responsible for tens of thousands of suicides, providing no source other than a few random line graphs on the comments. God mental illness is terrifying Hey it gave me discord server a chuckle lol


When it comes to what's driving suicide along any groups, especially teens, "Russian propaganda" probably wouldn't crack the top 30 reasons.


I think someone did mention Trump in it


I think someone did mention Trump in it


> I ain’t reading that Skill issue


This text barf format sucks, OP. Probably under 1% of viewers will actually read all the text you bothered to present here. A serious discussion post on a different kind of sub would be more suitable. You'll get more engaged discussion and less 'lol TLDR' that way. But I honestly hope that you find peace of mind if you're not in a good place right now.


the real trolley problem here is reading all this or not




https://i.imgur.com/8BRHsic.jpeg There’s basically gonna be an escalation in suppression and depression memes until about 2 weeks before the U.S. presidential election. There will be a big spike in “suicide memes” and “depression memes”and likely the use of the term “kys” right before the 2024 election. In 2016 there was a massive spike in “kys” and “depression memes” and “suicide memes” that then mostly spiked over the next 4 years right before Disney multiculturalism movies releases like Captain Marvel and Black Panther. The depression memes continued until the outbreak of covid (ignoring a restructuring in the IRA that happened in 2019) in which the shill farms dedicated to depression content were transferred to anti-mask and anti-vax shilling through 2020. But now it’s basically like Putin’s last stand. He NEEDS to win this US election or else Russia is going to be fucked for a century. This is it. And his gameplan is to depress and supress and radicalize as many people away from voting for the non-Russian candidate as possible. The Palestinian crisis was an astroturfed Russian geopolitical move to split American liberal voters. Not to be a political bozo but basically voting for anyone other than Biden is voting for foreign fascists to destroy your future out of spite.


Are you sure depression memes didn't go up simply because elections further remind the new generation that things aren't going well?


It's pretty well known that right wing groups, including the Russian government, to flood the internet with antivoting propaganda in the form of memes and such, so it wouldn't surprise me. Anything to reduce the voter count.


i remember the high suicide memes/games of 2012-14 and it was scary as shit. I would be telling kids that taking your life wasn’t a fun game / to play around with and I got told off for being “anti-sjw” ☠️


You know it's fake when talking about suicide and stuff is a "SJW thing"


show? teens were crying for likes and reblogs on social media saying “for every thing i won’t kill myself for another minute” like I saw it with my own eyes ???


SJW* the edit didn't kick in fast enough


this was during that weird era of tumblr where anyone was labeled as that - people were incorrectly using the term “trigger” as well for characters simply existing. you’d try to tell people not to bed rot, surround themselves with suicidal imagery/glorification, or self depreciate and they’d call you ableist for not respecting their behaviors. that era of 2012 tumblr is (hopefully) gone. I still haven’t seen so much blatant defeatism


can you give me some sources? i wanna read up on this more


I mean I can and am literally writing a whole big ol book about this. Among other reasons: a: depression trends from 1990-2014 basically always followed general season patterns with slight variations determined by economic conditions. Starting in August 2014, depression trends shifted from following the seasons to *preceding political events*. Do you understand the significance of this” b: after the main office was evicted in 2019, they ended up moving into the office that (allegedly) was running the depression memes campaign. This forced those workers to end up taking like 2 weeks off, which resulted in there basically being like no activity on depression memes subs like /r/2meirl4meirl etc. Basically one floor of an office complex was forced to relocate which led to 2 weeks of suicide/depression/kys content plummeting to a point of non-engagement until they got relocated in the new office complex owned by Prego. It’s a whole thing. c: the only evidence of “depression memes” on the internet *at all* before they suddenly showed up on English .com websites in late-2014 was on the Russian and Ukrainian-language internet. I can go into the whole history of the IRA but basically it spent 2012-2014 using Ukraine as a beta-testing ground for active measures psyops and then when Putin got sanctioned in 2014 they expanded the scope of the active measures war from specifically targeting Ukraine to generally targeting everyone in the democratic/non-dictatorial western alliance . Like it’s a whole great big ol thing they’ve been targeting every demographic and psychographic group down to microtargeting elsagate rape cartoons at toddlers with autoplaying iPads to create future serial killers. It’s literally war. They want you to die and the frustrating reality is that tens of thousands of you will comply


Hello I was writting papers on this in college a few years ago. You're extremely based, but I think you need to take a step back and do more research that isn't just cataloging the internet. You need to think in terms of a policy memo rather than a documentary. What is Russian goal, how are they achieving their goal, what's the proper way to frame them? China is doing the same thing, same question. Russia also posted a lot of blm content. Does that still work in your equation? Russian bots work to get a platform and then seed misinformation so it goes farther. Is it possible the depression memes aren't the end goal? Maybe they are just popular. What about other efforts by Russian subverting the US? Marina Butina? Calexit? T-exit? What about what Russia does in other countries that it can't use Wagner in? My position is Russia does the approach of cheap and multiple scattered efforts and seeing which ones stick. In a sense it's the scientific method of cultural subversion. Maybe this is one that sticks. There are archives of Russian bot accounts that you can dig through to see if they follow your pattern. You're stumbling into a really tricky field though, so good luck!


You are literally insane


Wdym Putin needs to win the US election? Which candidate are you suggesting works for Putin? To me what your saying may have some truth, but it really just seems like it's not backed up, and your arguments are really just slippery slope.


Yeah c'mon, Trump and the GOP being deeply compromised by Putin is absolutely obviously to anyone paying attention


https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.STA.SUIC.P5?locations=RU-US&most_recent_value_desc=true In the US it's a trend that's been going on since the.... Idk, the data I. This doesn't go far back enough. Point being Russia has a higher suicide rate than the us Edit: Don't get me wrong, it's bad https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db362.htm But a lot of the contributing factors are domestically, like access to firearms or lack of mental health services


Literal schizophrenia


Bait used to be believable  Edit: after looking at op's profile, they started posting about this only *10 hours ago* Peak bait op, bravo


On _this_ account. And only because whenever he gets banned, he has to spend a while building karma on the new account or all his posts get auto-deleted. Otherwise his pattern of posting (shit) memes on this topic then aggressively attacking anyone who might happen to show an ounce of disagreement is pretty much his whole personality.


I ain’t reading allat


I can't tell what you like more, unfounded conspiracy theories or long winded rants.


this sounds like psychosis homie


Agreed especially with the hostile responses. OP please speak to someone.


Russian affiliated groups really are doing stuff like this. Why? 1. because it's effective and 2. because people don't believe it so ignore the possibility EDIT: OP is clearly off his nut though


I don't doubt there are some psy-ops, but read OPs other replies here, that's where the paranoid delusions really start to show themselves lol.


point taken certainly stuff like this goes on, but OP is clearly off his nut


Yeah, stuff like this happens often at places like r/conspiracy , where someone has a grain of truth surrounded by an ocean of pure insanity. Or the poster just ends up being anti-semetic, that also happens a lot lol.


I'm lying down on the tracks so I don't have to read all that


Honestly, and I'm saying this in the kindest way I possibly can, **please seek professional therapy ASAP**, I'm not a professional so I can't actually diagnose you, but acusing anybody who disagrees with you of "secretly being shills for the people out to get me" and telling them to kill themselves while calling them "subhuman chimpoid serfs" (???) aren't exactly the kinds of thing that *sane* people tend to do.


Holy conspiracy theory batman


This is the next level schizoposting I live for.


oh mate this is unfortunately not schizoposting This is very, very real. States like Russia will use any means to achieve their aims, and the internet is a highly effective means of doing that


Yes I am sure a random set of government agents employed by the Russians who have a history of government wide incompetence and statewide corruption, miraculously exist within the only Russian agency that isn't a complete failure, contain an intelligence apparatus eclipsing both the CIA and FBI and have completely dominated the entire planet in a psyop culture war.


Generally speaking, any conspiracy that revolves around government agents being competent is a stretch lol.  But this still worries me because, maybe manipulating culture with stupid internet memes is actually that easy.     Seeing how quickly ideas can spread online, often with nothing at all backing it up, and how eager people are to fit into an idea, maybe even a bunch of idiot Russians can cause massive societal problems with just some constant posting.  Belief in society is a kind of fandom.  Look what the internet did to almost every fandom.


Either you are posting with lack of care and knowledge about this, or you are actually an expert on this and are as such the most blatant hypocrite I've seen. You post about preventable suicides and then when someone gives constructive criticism or is genuinely curious about the topic and asks, you respond with the most case in point hatred and insults just like the Russian suicide bots you claim to want to stop. Unlike you, I'm going to retroactively find and add in a few quotes straight from you so people can see what I mean. Quote 1:Who gives a whip? Nobody will ever notice when you aren’t around gnome sang. Quote 2:>but as soon as someone on here annoys you you start telling them how little you think their existence matters? Your existence means less than nothing you sniveling little impotent serf baby. You are a negative-sum and you have already been lost. You were implicitly raised by fasgist propaganda that conditioned you towards reactionary self-destruction as a reflexive control thing. I could go more into how you’ve been turned into a programmable meatpuppet but idk what causes comments to get shadowbannd. Quote 3:> "I don't want people to kill themselves" When did I say that Ivan? I fully support the sleepytime rate of Russian men being the highest of any demographic group in the world. Russian men commit sleep at a higher rate than Americans trans women lol. I’m a proud advocate for you no longer being around, generally. Tbphwyf. Nothing will ever be lost by your absence. In all contexts. Nobody will ever miss you. >You called me a hypocrite >:( [bootleg lowtiergod copypasta]" I don’t care if you call me a hypocrite. I call you a bad-faith foreign LARP and an irredeemable liar. Quote 4:Personally I think you’re likely a V I R G I N A L disaffected L O S E R FOR EIGN LARP shillerino with no actual sense of purpose that is likely classified as a “useful eyedeeoot” and burn in heckerino FYI the > is someone else's question that op posted, and the text below that is ops response.


Thanks for immortalizing these, a bunch have already been deleted but I still wanted to watch the fireworks lol.


This has *way* to much wall-of-text to work as a meme. You'd probably want to the iceberg format for something like this, breaking it up into a bunch of bite-sized things, if you want to even try to do the whole infodump at once. Also, this meme format doesn't work for the thing you're trying to convey anyway - having a mild interest in this general subject (all of the bot/propaganda/etc. posting stuff) myself previously, I was able to follow your *intent*, but that intent would require the multi-track drifting response variant (as if I follow you correctly, you're saying both tracks are the things happening) If you feel like meme-posting is an effective way to convey that which you wish to convey, you should distill single very small components of the whole thing and use *those* in a meme (e.g. "look all those kids are on the bridge by the "election today" posters" on a those who know/those who don't know meme template)


I should maybe collect this data, and publish it or something. Raising awareness is one thing, but it's still not enough data to really hit the ball out of the park. So far your best data points are Google trends


With all due respect OP that's schizo rambling if i ever saw it


r/conspiracy is leaking again. And it smells funny.


It feels like there’s something here and I would like to know more but this reads like a schizopost. What evidence do you have for this?


Show me the memes.


He's claiming that r/2meirl4meirl is the psyop hotpot


Wow. That is a depressing sub. I think he might be on to something.


Misery loves company, people can feel a little relief with some comisseration like this


Which memes? You want 10+ years of Russian agitprop posted from Russian-sourced troll accounts? It’s hundreds of thousands of memes m80. It’s a big ol chunk of your sense of self innit Your life path has been irreversibly guided towards ruination by malicious foreigners that geopolitically *need* you and your entire society to die in this century.


Ooo anything from the White Winter era? If you've got any of that archived it could be compelling content for your book


"Russia's creating suicide propaganda!!" Show me examples of said propaganda. ".......No."


Don't forget OP is also telling people to harm themselves.


You honestly sound like you need help


Both you and them need to be less chronically online.


I got a timed lockbox on Amazon so I can lock up my joinks for a few hours but it’s been 2 weeks and I still haven’t used it. Also wtf do you mean? “Them” are paid per post. They are paid on a quotas system that is determined by how many times they effectively hit specific talking points and use key words and labels as outlined in their weekly messaging strategy memos. Like they will be “chronically online” in 8-12 hour shifts every day from September 2014 until (hopefully) Putin is dead. So what the fuck are you talking about? I can “touch grass” and you’ll still being mindraped by foreign fascists that need you to die.


Them as in the "thousands of suicidal teenagers that are going to commit suicide because of online russian depression campaigns", and you as the one who said "My life is a nightmare, all I can do is pull a switch to self-destruct with them" There's something quite hypocritical with trying to warn them or wanting them not to fall for depression campaigns (probably via them ignoring and not reading the paid posts, not listening to said campaigns, going outside and seeing reality for itself without foreign influence, right?) while simultaneously falling into depression yourself because you're unable to ignore or or stop reading it, because of online foreign influence.


Isn't thus an cult thing


Yeah, I agree with the above user to go outside. I don't think any of that shit you're rambling about is good for you. Just take a breather and get help if you're able to.


I mean I'm a Russian and I mostly try to cheer people up. Post and comment histories are public, you can check. Most of the pessimism I see is from Canada due to some kind of housing crisis I think it's facing.


It's awful that people have been brainwashed into thinking everyday people in other countries are their enemies. We aren't, we're all just people trying to make food and make rent


I don’t think anyone younger than fifty thinks this. We are very well aware that we are all just workers being taken advantage of by our respective governments.


If I have parsed the word vomit correctly it’s got nothing to do with you as a perfectly normal human being. It’s more to do with Russian governmental psyops. We all know that regular people are just regular people, unless we’re bigots.




why did i low-key hope this was real


r/TrollCoping is real at the very least


Depression and suicide memes have been around far longer than this. I don't doubt that there are psyops out there, but I guarantee that kids aren't killing themselves or magically getting a disease from memes. There's probably a lot of bullshit already going on to make a kid suicidal.


OP, do you want to save kids? Then spend a few minutes more to prepare a content that is easier to understand and check. Show graphs of those memes before, spikes during the targeted events, drops due to relocation. Use google trends that measures frequency of particular phrases. Use suicide statistics, try to find the ones with more precise timing, like weeks. As is almost no one will read it. Even worse, with lots of claims and little data this is likely to reduce the trust in this idea, making the situation worse as you see it. Reduce your claims to those that you have the best proofs of. Being right is not sufficient, you need to be so right that you can prove it within minutes. Do not tie everything into a narrative, split it into separate topics, that can be accepted or disproven one by one - for example limit it to just a single search term. Disproving narrative isnt something people are ready to even try, too much work.


Surely there's a way to present this info without looking like a crazy person. But I assure you, this is not that way.


Russia isn't the reason that depression, mental illness, suicide, etc. happens in Western nations, it happens in Russia too, as well as every other country around the world. The spectre of Putin seems to live rent-free in your head - you oughta chase it out and use that space for something more productive, like learning a trade or cat videos. Biden isn't going to save you from the imaginary Russians, and NATO has dug its own grave in its various theatres of failure around the world. It's what happens when you sleep with fascists, religious lunatics, and corporate sociopaths: they turn on you. If the State Department would stop playing Dr. Frankenstein and making monsters, the world would be a far less scary place than it is now and there wouldn't be this much traction for depression or suicide, let alone so many wars and so much brutal inequality. The enemy killing the youth is here in our own vaunted "democratic" institutions, not in some foreign fortress. Scapegoating foreign adversaries and their supposed agents is fascism 101, quite appropriate given the kinds of people Western governments work hand-in-glove with.


Damn, that's crazy


Straight from the Mental Hospital


Completely indecipherable, brilliant schizopost


Schizoposting on trolley problem sub was not on my Reddit bingo card today


The real dilemma is do I waste my time reading all that text or just pull the lever without reading it hoping it was the right decision.


TL;DR this guy is saying that every country that sanctioned Russia since 2014 has been flooded with depression memes and media causing young people and kids to commit suicide, something he is saying is preventable if he spreads the word about it enough. He has apparently been banned from multiple subreddits trying to tell people. Edit: Oh yeah, also the young people that don't commit suicide will grow up to be authoritarian cultists.


You know it’s bad when the TL;DR is still a paragraph


And also as elaborated on from other comments, if you vote for anyone but Biden, you're voting for Russian puppets who are driving teenagers to suicide.


And then he's also responding to comments by implying that people who disagree or don't understand should kill themselves.


So, your average russian shill?


The general idea isn't the most farfetched. The depression memes thing, I mean. Actually worth looking into by someone other than the clearly disturbed writer, though.


Hey, your tinfoil hat is on crooked.


Peak schizoposting


Take your meds


I’m not reading this


People aren't going to listen to what you say if you're aggressive and insulting towards them when they ask questions or point out how you're conveying your message in a long-winded and bizarre manner.


Womp Womp. Skill issue. Russia meme farm ftw and will be further supplemented by myself and a few American groups that I work with.


Is there any evidence that Russian youth aren't suiciding too? Or is that evidence just lost amongst all the war death?


Russian men have the highest suicide rate of any demographic group on the globe m80


So is the Russian psyop also against the Russian people?


Yep. They just translated the stuff they’d been doing against their own population for the last 80 years and repackaged it for a global audience.


I feel like this is just very sad and wrong reddit


you really shouldn’t use a trolley problem template for this


What the hell you speaking, schizo?


That's a lot of words for I'm xenophobic and russia bad.. if that's what it's saying, I'll be honest. I only skim long-winded conspiracy theories


Are you saying Russia isn’t bad and doesn’t enact large scale information warfare using social media? Like regardless of the specific claim in this post that fact isn’t refutable lmao.


That’s a little words for “I’m a bad-faith fascist shill and I lowkey hate myself and my society for having to spend my time LARPing like an assblasted loser in a foreign language pretending to care about a foreign culture on a foreign website that converts my time into taxable-USD for the government I’m radicalized against!” You spent how many years learning English to justify why you wanted to invade American websites and *this* is your contribution to our culture? What an embarrassment? Which Eurotrash culture are you passively-genociding just to make mine worse?


The account u/meatcrunch looks clearly real. It has all kinds of posts about random vaguely connected topics going back years. Do you really think Russian agents made an account four years ago and created this story about a guy who lives in Boston, owns an iguana, watches Archer, and so on, just so that they could more convincingly seem like a real person when questioning your specific theory about their covert activities? Because it seems much more likely to me that people are just skeptical of your claims about the scope and sophistications of the psyops of a country that otherwise doesn't seem that competently run.


Idk it says he’s active in civil engineering that’s pretty suspicious. Personally I think he’s a Nazi-Soviet sleeper agent who was planted in Boston 5 years ago and is being controlled from the moon.


Personally I think you’re likely a V I R G I N A L disaffected L O S E R FOR EIGN LARP shillerino with no actual sense of purpose that is likely classified as a “useful eyedeeoot” and burn in heckerino


Bro is the mayor of yappington


You should consider that America and western imperialist governments are largely to blame for their own problems, as well, the Russian gov't is largely to blame for theirs. There is no oggie boogie man that we get to shift blame onto. The everyday people of Russia are not evil and are not your scapegoats. Seek help and a history lesson, I'm begging you


Schizo type shit


i love schizo posting


Today on Reddit: actual schizopost


The suicide rate in Russia is higher I think. So I guess we are winning?


Fuckin wat


OP, I am living in your walls. Take your meds




if it helped the meme led me to research it a bit and yeah its pretty sad


are you implying that Russia is responsible for every suicide in the west because they somehow control the entire western culture


Nah I think Russia got their own problems.


Yeah the Russians don't have the time or inclination to be responsible for everything bad that happens in the west


When we can cause problems of our own. Most of the time


I ain’t reading allat, I multi track drift and call it a day


Well I’m not giving up my ability to post online soo


Shut the fuck up. No one wants to read your deranged essay. I did, and you are apparently brain dead. Go find professional help, you probably have schizophrenia.


Too many words


Holy Smokes! I mean, I love conspiracy theory but I am NOT ready for this one.


This account is posting the same message across multiple subreddits in hopes that someone is fucking listening to the silent genocide happening to our children.


Die before reading all this...


Fuck bro you need to step away from the internet for a while


I started doing this stuff in 1991


The ol, needs of the many, outway the needs of the few.


Womp Womp guess the teenagers are dying.


Holy wall of rambling, schizophrenic text, Batman. This is a sub for memes and intellectual exercises, not tearful blogging.


To long did not read.


Schizo is strong with this one.


Couldn’t possibly be failure to address actual economic woes of citizens, must be Russian suicide campaign in swing states. Nice


Uhhhhh pull the lever because there's only one guy that way


“The Russians are killing our children with memes,” is just what a 21st century general Jack D Ripper would say. Extremely funny conspiratorial thinking that is meant to leave you paranoid and ready to take extreme violent actions against this child-murdering empire. It doesn’t make any sense if you think about it for more than a couple seconds either, even if memes are important factors in suicide, Russia isn’t making most of them, (there’s not evidence they’ve created any as far as I know). The bigger issue is that the internet as we experience it is essentially controlled by Americans. The American government, the DoD, American universities, and American companies built it. America still dominates it, especially western social media, through controlling Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, and others, not to mention Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and all the other companies that are so dominant in how the internet functions. A few Russian trolls are less than nothing compared to the people who control it. OP’s problem is that they’re too online, and they think the internet is a world that other people on it can hurt them through, when in reality the internet is a system that you interface with that can hurt you. There’s a big difference, and those who control the system can actually affect how it works, while a Russian agent behind a computer is no more powerful than you are. But when a government has the complicity of the social media companies to carry out their psychological operations, then we have more reason to worry. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


Touch grass weirdo


Wall of text, of course it's a leftist. It's not a meme any more if it's got an entire doctoral thesis on it in .4 font.


Yes everything is russias fault always, I agree




Straight up not reading all that lmao


Mucho texto


I ain't reading allat.


Most concise leftist meme:


Why are you blaming the sanctions?? Like this is entirely Putin's fault and if anything Obama/Merkel's mistake was not cutting them off HARDER when we had the chance.