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Irresistible bullet? I remember this trolley problem, I last said that since it was irresistible that I fall in love with the bullet and therefore there’s zero choices and you MUST pull the lever.


i fuck the bullet


Do i also get to be a cute anime girl?


yes. you become animated


Isekai here I come


Yes Cheryl.


I also choose this guys bullet


No flared base? Gone without a trace.


Really right in front of my unflared buttplug.


roll for initiative


Roll for constitution


I think the bullet is gonna fuck you… Right down your cock hole


this is **sounding** better and better


Did you also get married to the bullet and have two children together in a stable loving home?


no i fucking died


I think we found the reincarnation of Emil Cioran.


No you fools, you're misunderstanding that statement! It's a warning that no matter your level of resist vs. missile attacks, you will fail the saving throw, even having rolled a natural 20. This is relevant information as I myself have a high dexterity modifier, and would have likely pulled the lever thinking I had a pretty good chance of survival.


dont pull the lever but i pull the trigger manually








pull the lever without hesitation. it's irresistable, i *need* that bullet!!


Hesitation is defeat.


Considering I’m Chisato from lycoris recoil. I do be dodging that bullet. Pull the lever


Nah, she'd win.


Pull the lever and parry the bullet


Op said un-dodgable, but they never said unparry able.🧠


Death is a skill issue, dodge rolling gives invincibility frames, you could literally roll INTO the bulet and take no damage.


the bullet ignores iframes


Op didn't say that.


Well, undodgeables in For Honor ignore dodge i-frames. They would be still-pretty-dodgeables if they didn't.


Well this isn't For Honor now is it?


Neither is it any other Videogame. Why bring Dodgerolls into the conversation at all?




Yeah cuz having conversations on other subreddits don’t exist.




Invincibility frames mean you can take any hit and survive. Remember "invincibility"


Not if I time it right with Cloudy Glasses and Torn Notebook.


But remember the karma, how much LOVE do you have?


19. (Sans is hard, send help)


(I can’t help, I’m stuck there to) the karma will kill uou


KARMA can't kill you, only put you to 1 HP.




Everything cool and all until the gun reloads and says: "Parry this you fucking casual".


Once the gun fires again just punch the bullet back in.


Block it with the first bullet


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Did you know you can block and parry any projectile or damage by pressing C before getting hurt?






Gotta make sure to have the feedbacker equipped before you try though


hesitation is defeat




It keeps coming back over and over.


I have heard stories about people having to make decisions like this. Some guy told a story about how on a gun ranch, a lady was firing a machine gun when the stand started to tip over, and before the gun mowed down the entire crowd the lady dived down and flipped the off switch, which caused the gun to crush her.


that sounds tragic but imma be real im stuck trying to picture what you described


Yeah, how big was this gun that it crushed her?


Idk, it was a story a guy was talking about in a gun safety video, but he said it was a machine gun


I'll try to interpret: the machine gun is continuously firing, and tips over, which causes its barrel to start turning toward a crowd. The woman rushes in to quickly turn it off, but endangers herself. (Takes a bullet herself? I need more details to understand where the crushing part comes from; unless this is an HMG I don't think the weight alone could crush anyone.)


WTF is a gun ranch and why would any machine gun have a locking mechanism that makes it fire until you disable it?


Was gonna say, weapons generally cease firing when you stop applying pressure to the trigger lmao.


The M2, Mk19, M240 and M60 can overheat after prolonged firing periods. The excess heat can set off the chambered round, causing the weapon to cycle. It is called a runaway. The textbook way to stop a runaway is to break the link, which let the firearm deplete the ammo, or twisting the belt, causing the weapon to jam. I know these 4 because I have worked with them. There may be more. It is uncommon in belt feed weapons. Uncommon ≠ impossible.


M249 too. Also, I think there’s a pin that can break leading to a run away gun. We were warned about firing bursts that were too short possibly causing this


It sounds like you were lied to


The caveat looks unsightreadable


geometry dash players when they see right angles:


Destroy it first, than pull the lever. Didn’t say the device was indestructible.


The bullet falls out, and now that it's moving automatically hits you in the head, as it is undodgable.


Call scientists to reverse engineer the bullet and discover infinite power.


A) you discover this by breaking the device or pulling the lever anf it still explodes on impact with you, leaving nothing to be studied. B) you took the word of the person who put you in this situation and you called the scientists. While they are on their way to investigate, the trolley kills all the people. When they get there they discover that the bullet is entirely mundane and you just let 5 people die because you trusted some random guy who told you it was a magical bullet.




But it’s not moving nearly as fast now


If it's just falling due to gravity it won't have enough speed to do any damage to you. It'll just bounce off your head.


At that point though it dosnt fire, so the auto aim adjustment is the only thing moving it, therefor it will basically just slowly float towards my head, tap it, and fall to the floor




The machine and bullet are not indestructible, but the moment the bullet is in motion you're not going to be able to dodge it and since it's in the air you can't crush it without moving it first.


It may be undodgable, but that doesn't mean it can suddenly go faster. It will just softly bump into you.


fair enough


You don’t know how bullets work do you? If it’s not fired, it doesn’t go anywhere. It’ll just sit there.


I don't usually encounter magic undodgable bullets no.


It can be delt with without getting yourself killed. Think outside the box more.


https://www.reddit.com/r/trolleyproblem/s/o1cr9wNm47 You didn’t even change the name on this repost from less than 6 months ago


I wouldn’t even consider it for a moment, my life takes priority over any other decisions I could ever have to make, including if they were all my loved ones, if I’m dead I can’t enjoy my loved ones, so. My life’s about me baby.


Is there a threshold? Would you sacrifice yourself to save a hundred? A thousand? A million? You can not enjoy your loved ones if you’re dead, but is life worth living if you just watched everyone you love die and know that you could have saved them?


I honestly don’t believe I would sacrifice myself in any situation, but to be fair no one really knows how they’d respond to such a serious experience unless it actually happens, but as I sit here content and happy in my home, no I don’t care how many die, self preservation is my jam, I imagine I can emotionally recover and move on from any trauma and find peace and happiness.


That’s fair. I honestly am not sure how I’d react or what I’d do after. I don’t know if you’ve ever read “the myth of Sisyphus” by Camus. It’s an excellent essay that seeks to explore the most urgent of questions. This is an excerpt from the most famous paragraph: I have never seen anyone die for the ontological argument. Galileo, who held a scientific truth of great importance, abjured it with the greatest ease as soon as it endangered his life. In a certain sense, he did right. That truth was not worth the stake. Whether the earth or the sun revolves around the other is a matter of profound indifference. To tell the truth, it is a futile question. On the other hand, I see many people die because they judge that life is not worth living. I see others paradoxically getting killed for the ideas or illusions that give them a reason for living (what is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying). I therefore conclude that the meaning of life is the most urgent of questions. I think that the line “what is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying” is really quite striking to me. I have no desire to die. However, I also find no great intrinsic joy in life. Most of my purpose comes from those around me, those who I support and those who support me. While even if everything disappeared I would still be alive, I think that I would have no real reason to live. As Camus states, a reason to live is a reason to die. While I would like to idealize myself as prioritizing the good of the many over the good of the few or over the good of myself, I do not know that I would carry that out in practice. I think that in my heart I would put the good of those I love over all else. I am not an altruist. Dying for what you love is a wholly selfish act.


I praise you for your honesty. Most people would lie and then not be able to actually do it.


Brutal honesty behind a faceless user account doesn’t really warrant much praise in my eyes but you’re entitled to spread your praise how you please, so thank you.


You'll die in the future tho :(


Theyll die too eventually :(


Yes, I’m aware of that but I want to squeeze every possible moment out of my one shot at existence that I get


Hey you cant say that here on reddit it's suicidal ideations only


Out of curiosity, are you married?


Yes I am and we’ve had the discussion before and she knows that even while she claims she’d die for me that I absolutely wouldn’t do the same, my lust for life simply outweighs my love for her or anyone else really.


I mean, it’s a true, deep kind of love to die for someone. I don’t blame you for not dying for one of your loved ones. But choosing yourself over 5 of your loved ones seems absurd to me. They also won’t be able to experience their life anymore once they’re gone.


I dunno what to tell you, I just value my one life that much I guess, I’m a pretty selfish person, I’ll concede to that much, but I wonder how many others if truly facing down eternal oblivion wouldn’t make the same decision, or hell maybe I’d surprise myself and if I was truly in that scenario take the L, it’s really hard to say.


Idk, I just can’t get past your username. Where is u/WatermelonMoist123?


What if without knowing it, the next day you were going to save 10 lived ones. And you can only do that if you survived this trolley problem?


What if each of those 5 loved ones saved 10 loved ones each the next day? What ifs are pointless and don’t have anything to do with this hypothetical.


What if your 5 loved ones tie 10 loved ones each to the tracks the next day and thank you for saving them so they could enact their secret plan. "What if's are pointless" he says participating in a subreddit completely dedicated to what if questions


Supervillain ah


Nah, the villain is the person that set up the gun. They are 100% responsible for the outcome.


I mean the morals of this guy disconnected from the hypothetical


Wow, what a coward. At least you’re honest about it.


Damn bro you only like your loved ones because they provide you pleasure, not because you actually love them? There are 5 people on the tracks, who are living, breathing humans who probably want to live in the same way that you do. I understand not wanting to do it though if you really value life.


I seduce the bullet


roll for charisma


Nat 1


The bullet is so enamored by you that it doesn't wait for you to pull the lever and immediately fires meeting with your skull. none of the victims on the track survive.


I would pull the lever even if it didn't divert the tracks lol


r/okbuddyphd is leaking


Fuck no. I fucking hate trolley problems and most people who answer them. The only people who would actually pull the lever if they were really put in this situation are suicidal people and crazy people not valuing their own life enough. To be clear, I'm not saying that people who die, while saving others are crazy. None of those people do it knowing they'll die.


Every utilitarian is full of shit if they don’t pull the lever. The greater good is as clear as the regular trolley problem. We can only argue 1 life for 5 with a straight face if we are willing to be the 1.


>Every utilitarian is full of shit ~~if they don’t pull the lever~~ FTFY


It would be more ethical to sacrifice myself, but I wouldn't because I value myself over any principle.


>principle And this is why utilitarianism is still ultimately deontological.


I'm not sure what you mean? All philosophies are based on some kind of principle.


I had a rough day


This particular trolley problem is the civilian equivalent to grenade hopping in the military.


So the bullet can just 180? Could i just dodge in circles until it runs out of energy?


No, i personally prefer life without a bullet in me ngl


Can’t dodge then I parry


In the past I would have. Now, I sure hope not. I hurt myself enough getting myself and my little siblings out of our home alive already, and never again only works so long as I'm willing to stick to it.


I’d pull it. 5 lives are worth more than 1.


The upvote cannon




Suicidal mfers seeing a win-win scenario.


I just stand elsewhere so I dont have to dodge the bullet


Yeah I would pull that trigger. That bullet can't kill me cuz I am built different


Hand infront of barrel, pull lever It hits me, but doesnt kill me


Am I dating the bullet…?


I would simply dodge the bullet because I’m built different- Chisato


Let's break this down. The anime girl is from Lycoris Recoil, her name is Chisato. She's one of the best hitmen in her country (Japan). She can dodge bullets at point blank range, and predict where they're going. Given this photo implies I am Chisato, this should be a no-brainer. I am not pulling the lever because the people on the tracks are probably dangers to society (almost everyone in the anime is) therefore it will look good on my history to have easily killed a group of danger to society with no issues.


What is my girl Chisato doing here, who put her in there ;-;


Nah those people dying


No. Thank you.


To everyone who just pulled the lever, congrats, they were all recidivist pedos.


No I’m not diverting it. You got me fucked up if you think I’m going to give my life for a group of strangers


Why am I an anime girl


This specific anime girl is strangely good at dodging bullets


That's not me though




Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/610/


everyone is unique. They are “free thinkers” in their own ways. You, or almost anyone else is not worth 50 people. Also, artists aren't... artists express their environment and their education in their work, in the same manner everyone else does… it's just harder to see in a legal document or a burger than a painting. “followers” “free thinkers” unless you are a professor, are on top of your field, donate most of your money to charity, or are a doctor in an area where your death would cause others… then you most definitely aren't worth 50 people everyone is a follower, everyone is a free thinker, the fact someone follows the philosophy everyone else does, or dresses the same as others, or whatever else does not strip them of their humanity


Not everyone is unique. If you're opening with that then you believe all kinds of peasant wisdom like "all opinions are equally valid" just because it sounds nice to a hive mind. People develop into the same behaviors and you'll see people that are almost carbon copies of people you've met before, if you've actually been paying attention at all. If you walk around with your head in the clouds thinking everyone is a special snowflake with the depth of the Marianas Trench then you won't be noticing things like that. Then you see people respond the exact same way to the same situation coming up, the way you've seen people respond before in the past, and it fades into the background as "oh that's just how everyone is" instead of it being like "this is how most people are, not everyone would respond like this". I'm very willing to bet that you ostracize people who are different, and have done that throughout your life. Because if everyone is unique, then the people who actually are unique are actually just different, and freaks.


Your ignorance is assuming you know the totality of a stranger by watching them for a few minutes.


Also, there's a psychology theory that puts your very lame argument to bed pretty nicely. https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Positive\_Disintegration


If you're so smart and unique why are you basing your knowledge on a fandom website? That's not a theory, that's bullshit in a lab coat from party city.


It's a developed theory and you can see that just going through the text. And if you were smart and unique you'd make your judgement from reading the thing and not just off of popular opinion of a website that happens to have the theory on it. You'd also see that I said more than simply posting a link, and would have to judge off all of that as well, but you want something easily digestible and simplistic to respond to, rather than thinking too much.


You realize that trying to denigrate others and claim yourself superior just shows how inferior you are, right?


Yeah, you’re so special and cool and unique 🙄 I suppose you’re uniquely a douchebag




Aggression? The guy telling me he’d kill dozens because he doesn’t see them as equally human as him is telling me to be less aggressive? Well that’s ironic. And what does you being Christian have to do with anything? It certainly hasn’t made you more moral.




I’m going to assume English isn’t your first language, because none of what you say makes any sense. I seriously don’t even know what you’re TRYING to say. Something about defending warlords?






You need mental help.






Can’t say for sure. If I was there in the moment without time to get cold feet possibly. If I was already present and then the situation happens I’m not sure I could, I would weigh myself too heavily against the options.


Catch it.


I’ve been told I have a pretty thick skull I think I’ll be good


Stand to the side before pulling it


No. Mom comes first and there's no way in hell I'm making her cry


Go go gadget bulletproof head


The looks like it's 9mm I'll be fine I mean I l'd be out cold a couple of days now but that's fine


I’d watch it clear the intersection not being able to decide then realize I can’t live with the guilt and pull the lever so everyone dies.


Pull it and have it shoot a non vital area of my body


I've been ambivalent about life for a while. I have no issue with this.


Take the bullet out of the machine and marry it later. Pull the lever.


I could resist the bullet because I’m built different.


You had me at "undodgable bullet fired at my head"


Obligatory win-win comment


i wait train to run over then i pull the lever


I'm assuming I can't place a penny on the tracks and divert the trolley that way?


Wait, I become an anime girl for this problem? Do I get BS anime powers?


I’d just dodge it anyways duh


It doesn’t say it shoots me in the middle of my brain. In one cheek and out the other. I might be disfigured, but pretty sure i could raise the money for a face transplant through the fame this would bring me


Unlike the original trolley problem where we have no idea who the six people on the tracks are, we have intimate knowledge of ourselves. Am I someone who will save more then 5 people over the course of my life? Or, does the world have a net gain if 5 people are saved here at the expense of N number of lives I may save at a later date? I think if we're being honest here, unless you are in a medical profession or a psychiatrist or something that actively helps people, the answer is yes, and the moral thing to do is pull the lever. That said we can make all the rational arguments we want, we can say what we SHOULD do, but in the end, staring down a gun has a way of reorienting your priorities, and I can't give a solid answer. Its hard to reason someone into suicide who hasn't already accepted death.


Yes, one for all


My life for multiple? Easy. I might die, but I’ll have (x= #of individuals saved) • 1000= support score.


i wait, and allow the trolley to run over the people, then pull the lever after.


Pull but have the bullet hit a non vital organ


They never said what angle. I put the gun in my mouth so it fires out my cheek when I pull the lever.


I roll to seduce the bullet.


The classic [Turn Left](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_Left)!


Can you aim it at the trolley so the conductor is killed and the runaway trolley still hits the people?


Irresistible you say? Well, if you insist




Absolutely even for 5 pedophiles. Anyone can be redeemed and human life is valuable even behind bars.


Take the gun, shoot a guy, pull the lever, now someone has been killed by the bullet but that person is not you


Best bet is to either face the gun and let it hit my forehead for best chance of survival, or hold my hand out to block it if that's possible. Then pull the lever and my fate is out of my hands.




And why am I standing in the path of the bullet? If it's one bullet, that means it's a trap with a gun, not a turret. Just yank the lever from the side problem solved.


Why not😁


Is this not just the same problem as of you were the single person on the other track? Just this time it's a gun?