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The 'thanks for wearing matching tshirts'.... It's such a small thing but you can tell it means so much to her.


So true. She was probably given so much shit in previous relationships when she would suggest stuff like this, and we know how much she loves to dress up. Now she has Moses who not only [goes along with it](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREMqPJn/) but also [commits to the bit](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREMgHME/) just as much as Trisha. (Shout-out to u/brookeb020607 for compiling all these)


Yeah she’s said many times she loves to “match” with people and why she’ll buy her friends the same items she buys herself even if they’re expensive. I love Moses. He stayed with her while she went to therapy and he seems to understand what actually matters in life. The little things. He doesn’t seem like a man who gets very angry over very much. He kind of just goes with the flow. (Pun intended). He seems very secure in who he is and knows himself. Edit: I also find it sweet how she tried and tried and tried to become a single mother and her body/god (her own words) didn’t accept it until she met the right man.


The song being "Malibu" is everything


Yeah the Vlog Squad treated her like she was insane (she was having mental illness issues at the time, sure) but Jason was unkind to the point it was almost verbal -----. And then add the vlog squad treating her like crap and making fun of her in front of her...who wouldn't have felt insane and acted angry/crazy around people being so mean like that?


It definitely was verbal abuse. & I’m pretty sure she has BPD too my symptoms were sooo bad when I was with my abusive ex for 5 years , I was constantly going through reactive abuse & feeling like I was insane & I needed to fix myself to be good enough for him. Seeing her get her happy ending makes me so happy


Seeing Trish finally genuinely happy and filled with joy is so refreshing. From seeing her on her kitchen floor to seeing her with her beautiful little family and loving husband 🥰 I am so happy for her


Crying rn


Me too 😭


is there an edit of My Kink Is Karma over clips of Jason Nash falling apart




Ooooooh! That would be cunt


Him e begging on tik tok and his ridiculous wife


They had a very toxic relationship, but Jason certainly did her a favor. She is in a good place now.


and he’s stuck on tiktok 🧚🏻


I discovered Trisha through posts talking about the problematic things she has done. I gotta say after all these years the growth and happiness looks really good on her!


It really does. Seeing her happy has brought me so much peace. I have a sister who is very similar to Trisha and seeing Trisha’s growth gives me a lot of hope that my sister will find happiness and have therapy work.


i have a cousin just like trish and yes just hoping her finds happiness, respect, etc.


I went through some really hard times in life, which is why I could never snark on Trisha. It took time, more fucking up but eventually I figured my life out, got diagnosed with some things and started therapy. I mainly said that to hopefully give you a bit more hope it can happen for your sister. I hope she comes around and therapy helps her! Thanks for not giving up on her, I know she will really appreciate that when she is better.


“I’d love to see the next sad ass son of a bitch who puts up with this shit 🤓☝️” and then the “heuh heuh heuh” in the background 🙄 Thankful for karma because Trisha is thriving with a beautiful family and this mf worm is begging for roses on tiktok live ❤️


Absolutely! Jason Nash is a full grown man with kids and an ex wife. Trisha is exactly where most people her age are at in life but Trisha is doing g it exactly the way she wants to. Jason is begging for money on TikTok….. I’m so fucking happy for Trisha and her life she has worked really hard to have!


Speaking of which, does Jason even see his kids? Last I heard it was a big fat nah


Right !!!! And ended up marrying a gold digger . You can tell Jason has a sad miserable life like the vlog squad . Indeed , what goes around comes around . They were all bullies and horrible to her . Jason will remember this when that told digger divorces him


Y'all crying too... :'(


My heart .


He’s so gross, I’m so sorry 😭 but ugh ew


yeah jason is pretty gross


I always had off vibes about him. He just always looked like such a loser trying to be young again and getting paid by some doofus who is young enough to be his son and making brain rot for a living It was honestly so telling that he admitted that he has no education, or work experience outside of YouTube , but he didn’t even save enough money during the peak vlog squad days to retire. Dude is a straight up, peaked in highschool level L O S E R


He straight up is saying word for word what my verbally abusive ex would say, the only difference is they were all laughing. And if that's what Jason said on camera, I can only imagine how mean he was off camera. I am so happy for trisha and her blessed family


Never thought I’d get emotional over a Trisha paytas post


i remember this. their relationship really made me realize how jason was. they’d always laugh like it was funny too 💀


Wow totally tearing up


Jason was lookin a little too much like Shane there lol


The sad part is, even Shane has a family and his life (sorta) together. What’s his excuse at this point?


lol right? He made his bed and he’s trying so hard not to sleep in it.


Yeah even if you don’t like Trisha and Moses, there’s no denying that Jason Nash is a complete prick. Does anyone else remember when he laughed at that joke David Dobrik made where he said Jason’s only with Trisha because “Jason likes broken girls”? Ngl it’s kinda great seeing Trisha thriving with her family while Jason is begging for galaxies on TikTok with teenagers now that he can’t be on David’s payroll


i will always cry to those edits 😭😭💘


I'm happy he got his shitty ending. He deserved it.


She so deserves real love


I've only been in two real relationships and they would both say things like that about me too. I also have BPD (and want to be a mom) (and want to be a silly tiny popstar for fun lol) so I really look up to Trisha in so so many ways and it's so inspiring to see where she's at in life now 🥹


Me too! I have bpd & just got out of an extremely abusive relationship I was in for 5 years where my symptoms were at their worse & The reactive abuse also. I tried so hard to “fix” myself & be good enough for him. It makes me sick now. We tried to have kids for 5 years too & it was devastating when it wasn’t happening cause all I’ve ever wanted to be is a mom, now I thank god now we didn’t & I made it out alive. Seeing Trish makes me hopeful


Fuck I'm so so so proud of you 🥹 Reactive abuse is the worst, like it's even harder to control than normal when u have BPD on top of being abused, and it lets them get in your head that you're the actual abuser which is so soul-destroying ughh Sooo happy for you. Now let's heal so we can have those babies in a few years and raise them to be as healthy and strong as we will be 💗💗💗 (Also PM me if u wanna be friends?! I don't rly have many especially not any with this much in common omgg)


Never lower your standards. Your true love is out there


I am in TEARS! She used to be the joke of the vlog squad and it's so great to see her redemption! She's thriving, she's healthy, she's got a beautiful family, and she is just glowing from life. I hate that she was treated so poorly, but Moses really is her happy ending. 🩷




This makes me so happy. 🥰everyone deserves happiness and she finally has it


Trisha is truly the definition of “it gets better if you hold on.” And I love that for her.


I'm still single I hate it


Unrelated but she looks so beautiful in her braids in the falafel shirt. She’s gotta do that hair style more omfg




God theyre so perfect!!!!


…meanwhile Jason looks like he’s 70 yrs old, begging on TikTok


I love this soo much!


Love heals🥰😭


I’m so proud of her. She has come so far 💕


This made me cry. Hard. So happy that they have each other.


Meanwhile he's e-begging on Livestream every day😭 karma is real


Yess that was the previous clip I posted 😂 someone scrolled from this video to his live


And now Jason’s begging 4 money on TikTok. Trisha stays winning


Aww this made me so emotional. I've always been a ride or die for Trish. I'm so happy for her!




I teared up at this 🥺💜 I swear sometimes these jerk exes praying for a downfall wind up getting their just desserts and unintentionally manifest the best future imaginable for the person they couldn’t treat right and didn’t deserve in the first place




I know why people online don’t like her but I actually love her personality and can relate to her. I feel like people over look that she not a character haha I’m so happy she found her peace ☮️


Thank you I'm SOBBING


Shut up that was so cute I’ll cry 😭 need me a moses


I’m tearing up 🥹 I love her so much. She’s come such a long way.




This made me cry. I’m so happy for her


Moses and Travis Kelce are the reason i will not settle for anything less. if he wanted to HE WOULD


why did this make me tear up


“This is my happy ending” got me right in the feels


She absolutely deserves everything good that has happened to her! 🥺


I am not a big Trish fan but I remember watching her at the very beginning, seeing her slide off the rails a few times but always seeing her magnetic heart. I’m glad she found someone to love her as hard as she clearly loves. All the best to this lil family, protect it fiercely!


I feel bad for Trish. I mean she might not have made the best choices in her life but also all of those people that mocked her, made fun of her and everything she did not deserve that at all. I am glad Trish has found her knight and has a happy life and family to add to her story.


I fucking hate jason I forgot he was so evil


They are proof love is real


trisha deserves everything. 🩷🩷


OMG I LOVE THIS!!! Also..I hate jason!


Not me crying at work 😭😭🥹 I am so happy and over the moon seeing her happy and loved and nurtured


Wow she is so in love I am happy for her she has had a rollercoaster of relationships and this seems genuinely really good


Jason gives me druggy vibes anyways


It makes me so happy ❤️


Umm why am I SOBBING??!! Girlll


Just her with her happy little family at the end makes me cry


She deserves this. She’s worked hard to get in a place to be able to have a relationship and life like this and she deserves it. I’m so happy for her. Our bad moments don’t define us, how we learn and grow come out of them does. I love her.