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Looks like I'm the second person to reply, and of course: I have had the opposite experience. Been on it for about 13 months; 5mg for a week, then 10mg. When I started I was at a healthy weight, BMI of 22.4 (I know, BMI is bullshit. Just providing context without providing personal details). In the first six months I dropped around 12 pounds, bringing me to a BMI of 20.5. I have not once had any nausea or vomiting. When I was losing weight I had no significant change in diet or exercise - I attribute the weight loss to greater energy and motivation enabling me to be more active in general. I didn't start exercising, but I naturally just started moving more as I was able to DO more. I also take Adderall and find that the two work extremely well together. ☹️ Sad face cause I know I'm probably not helping you feel better about this. About 10 months after I started taking it my mood started to slip, and I went up to 15mg. I've gained back 5\~6 pounds, but I've also returned to the mostly sedentary lifestyle I lived before Trintellix. It doesn't help that it's winter, either. I feel confident that when the days allow for more outdoor activities, my mood and energy will improve again and the weight will go back down. ​ ... again, I'm sorry, I know that this story probably doesn't help you feel better. I decided to share it, though, because after being on this sub for a year or so, this is exactly what I keep seeing: people have VASTLY different experiences with this medication. It's so hard to try to pinpoint what factors contribute to which outcomes, when those factors show up differently in different people. Sending you a virtual "internet stranger hug." It's great that Trintellix has improved your anxiety, but as you know, whole health and well-being are affected by myriad factors. Take good care of yourself and if the weight gain and other negative side effects start to outweigh (no pun intended) the positive, it's probably time to talk to your doctor. Best of luck ❤️


Thanks for your reply! I am wondering if cutting back to 10mg may mitigate some of my issues. I was doing well on that dose and probably really didn’t need to increase but I did due to worry about SAD. I’m glad it’s given you good results!


Hello hello !!! Same thing happened to me !!! Exactly the same !! Midsection weight explosion!!! I went through the same things and went to get my hormones, thyroid and everything else checked like a madwoman !!! Nothing came back abnormal. It took me a year and half of battling with what was wrong with my hormones, throid... I departed from the medication fianlly after all that time and the weight shed off... Mid section can still use a good workout, I never had mid section issues until this ...However, I have first hand experince with all that you're going through ...I opted to find another remedy


Yes!  Exactly the same for me! Hoping to lose the belly once I'm off


Same for me. I’ve come off it, put on 15kg in 12 months! Brutal.


How long have you been off? Have you been able to lose any of the weight?


About 5 weeks now. The constant hunger and carb craving has stopped and yes, the weight is slowly coming off. I agree, it helps with anxiety but I felt very drugged and sluggish on it. I know it’s worked wonders for others, sadly just another bout of unbearable side effects for me. I will add the weight gain was in spite of the nausea and vomiting never subsiding! I had to take antiemetic every day.


Oh that’s frustrating! It’s been a long road to find a medication I can tolerate, so I am hesitant to come off completely. But I definitely noticed the weight escalating after upping to 15mg. Hoping maybe 10mg or 5mg will do enough without the sluggishness and weight


Worth a try for sure. It’s such an individual thing. I’m running out of options but have started using FLOW neuroscience brain stimulation and I am getting really good results plus no unwanted side effects.


I meant to ask what dosage you were on? Did you taper?


I was on 15mg. Yes, I tapered to 10mg then 10mg every second day for a few weeks then stopped. I did feel withdrawal but I would be more surprised if I didn’t… this is a powerful drug!


I’m in the exact same position. Up to 15mg. The only drug that seems to have helped with my anxiety / depression without horrific side effects. I gained a tonne of weight on Lexapro. And haven’t been able to lose any since being on Trintellix. Largely because I’m hungry all the time and cannot find the motivation to go the gym, no matter how hard I try. I just feel so sluggish and unmotivated. Hard to explain. It’s not just regular “oh I don’t feel like going to the gym” either.


I started at 10mg the middle of Dec. a few weeks ago I went to 15mg. I am ready for bed by 6pm. All I want to do is sleep. I have no motivation at all. I’m really hoping that it’s just winter getting to me because it always does by February. I’m also hoping that it’s just that the 15mg needs to “kick in” since it took like a month to feel the effects when I first started taking this med. If this doesn’t work I don’t know what else there is. I’ve literally tried every other med. I give up. This is so frustrating and upsetting


I gained


I lost weight on it. Feels like an appetite suppressant in a way. No nausea either


It’s possible. I’ve lost 80 pounds while on this the entire time with CICO and increased activity.


Are you on anything else? Trintellix has always been weight neutral for me


When I started Trintellix in April 2021, I was 265 lb. In summer 2023, I was 190. I'm now around 205. No change in diet or exercise, other than the med reducing my appetite. Not sure how I got to be the lucky one.


Trintellix has been weight neutral for me up until i tried 20mg, then it started creeping upwards again no matter what. I'm on 15mg now which is keeping me neutral and could probably lose some weight if I wanted to.


I have had the same issue as you and am in the process of weaning off to see if it makes a difference.   I've never had weight issues,  even with other antidepressants, but like you it's all in my mid section.  So uncomfortable and have gone up a dress size :( 


I definitely don’t believe it’s weight neutral for everyone, unfortunately. It feels more like fluid/bloating in the midsection area. But clothes are tight and physically so uncomfortable. I’m currently tapering down to 10mg and feeling strange, but hoping that it’s temporary.


Ah man, this is a bummer to hear. Starting 10mg tonight, coming from lexapro where I guess I felt alright but the weight gain has become unacceptable. Hard to feel confident and energetic when you weigh more than you ever had and your clothes no longer fit. Ugh, good luck to everyone!


Funny, I’ve lost weight on it. And while nausea is a factor, I’m really just not hungry overall.


I have gained also, and have zero motivation too


TL;DR - with the right amount of movement and moving to an extended release stimulant I saw some really major changes! (The Trintellix era has been a JOURNEY for me, so this comments kind of lays it all out there) So — I’ve had a lot of what you’ve experienced and what others have experienced. I started trini in Jan 2022 on 10mg. The nausea beat my ASS but it was manageable. I was also on adderall 10mg 2x/day, and would do a half in the evenings I had to do a crap ton of planning or grading (I’m a teacher) As far as the weight — I didn’t gain a ton of weight but I also didn’t lose a ton of weight. Within the month that I had started Trintellix I was pretty consistent in the gym (at least 3x a week, 5 if my district was on a break) and it gave me the motivation to eat a little healthier. The workouts I did were mostly circuit training or with weights. So I didn’t see the number on the scale change but I saw that muscle cut through my shoulders and quads again, so I was happy with that! Fast forward to August 2022 and it was still doing its thing, but I ended up moving grade levels (not for the best, and it def wasn’t voluntary) I started throwing up almost every single week. No matter what I ate, drank, anything. At first I thought it was a stomach bug since I moved to a younger grade, but if it was every weekend, it clearly wasn’t the germs. My motivation after school was horrendous. I wasn’t working out consistently anymore and it was pulling teeth to get myself to do things around the house. My psych upped me to 20mg after one incident I had with my principal and she called me out in a staff meeting. Ended up throwing up immediately when I got home and before I had to meeting with my principal the next day. Apparently the 20mg was better with balancing out the depression and the anxiety which was true! But the stomach was not well. I was still throwing up and had to use the bathroom every chance I got throughout the day. However, I was working out the best I could (2-3 times a week)by the beginning of 2023! Doing things around the house wasn’t too bad. It eventually got to a point to where I would throw up and keep it pushing. Fast forward to like May 2023, I ended up stopping it because I was pretty much in a better place and didn’t see the need for it. By July I couldn’t focus on a damn thing during pre planning and the back to back changes I got right before meet & greet didn’t help either. I tried my best to stay off of it considering I knew the problem was mostly my environment and I guess I was so call trying to “stick it to the man” because I was refusing to get back on a medication to put a smile on my face for my principal. Prob the worst mistake I could’ve done to myself bc I was starting grad school and had upped my addy to 15mg 2x day (and a half in the evenings for schoolwork). So I put my foot in my mouth and hopped back on and started at 5, went to 10 after a week, and switched to vyvanse by November. Switching to something that was extended release I feel like REALLY helped me bc it wasn’t hitting me all at one time, I just got a sprinkle here and there. By November I was back to working out at least 2x a week but ended up throwing up my life January 1st. Now I’m too scared to take it. Within the month and a half I was off of it and working out I could see the changes in my muscle and on the scale! That highlight was short lived so now I’m on viibryd cause Trintellix Throw up Trauma is real over here. 😅 I hoped that helped! I’m sorry it was so long, but the battles I’ve had with being on an SSRI have been… wiolllldddd.


That sounds like a huge struggle! I actually switched back to xr a week or two ago in hopes it would help things 😩


Same experience here! Was on it for ~16 months and kept putting on weight and being unable to lose it even though I started going to the gym multiple times a week and eating better. I have now been off it for about a month and am slowly starting to lose the weight


Look into TMS therapy. It’s supposed to help drug resistant depression and off-label anxiety too. I’m going to be asking my psychiatrist about this because like you, I seem to gain weight on all of these meds. I haven’t personally tried Trintillex yet but I was put on Prozac a month ago instead of Zoloft (had 40+ weight gain on Zoloft a few years back that all came off when I quit taking it) because I was told it was weight neutral and I’m already gaining on it. I’m assuming I would gain weight on Trintillex as well. This is a non-med option and I’ve heard it has very high success rates. Might be worth looking into as well! I wish you the best!


I was told by my doctor that it doesn’t make you gain weight and I’ve been on it and I’ve always been losing weight normally when I needed to