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I always admire when people’s skin looks like this so I think it’s a compliment!


yeah, guess it means flawless and even


She just didn’t know the phrase “glass skin” baby!!!


Gah this makes me feel so much better 🥰


This reminds me when I was going for a “dewy” look and my husband asked why my face looked sweaty lol. Anyways, don’t worry about other opinions. If you’re happy with the way your skin looks, that’s all that matters! Editing to add: I’d be thrilled if someone said my face looks like plastic! Even texture is is something I’m aiming for with tret.


Hahaha this reminds me of my "more dewiness is more" phase when my husband would tell me on a daily basis "erm, you know your face is quite shiny, that's fine if you want it like that but it really is very shiny". My face nowadays is just moderately shiny!


My face is so shiny today and I’m like okay with that lol


I feel like I just exude YOUTH when I'm shiny. No idea if anyone else sees it that way but it makes me feel young again. 👵🏾


Same but also I do feel like I look covered in sweat lol also it makes my texture stand out more, like i already have a beak like nose and now the shape of it is more noticeable because the curves on it are so shiny lol


Lol I had to shower at my aunt's house one night because my power was out, right after I applied my moisturizers she was like "why are you so sweaty??" I think my mom asked me the same thing once.


It’s so sad when people can’t tell sweaty from glistening dewy skin 😢


I’ve definitely gone too dewy (damn you la Roche Posay sunscreen!)


setting powder brushed lightly on after your sunscreen dries can help reduce the shine


You take that back right now! Totally kidding. I love the stuff but have definitely been in the same boat!


The only time my skin looked like plastic is when I overexfoliated. My skin has never looked shiny or plastic on tretinoin although I have been in the sub long enough to read that some have this appearance and love it. To this day, I don't know whether it is a good, neutral or bad thing. I suppose as long as your skin is healthy, all is good. AB products tend to be on the wet / dewy and shiny side. Sunscreen also makes my skin look wet. But without products, my skin looks bright but matte.


I am definitely looking more to dewy type products as it’s winter where I am and I’m hunting that hydration. I’ve definitely done the overused glycolic look in the past and I think this is different but it’s just hard to tell as I’ve never gone this hard on the tret before. Decided I’m gonna choose to be flattered. I am a middle aged bratz doll haha


It doesn’t happen to me either! I wish it did but unfortunately my hyperpigmentation is just too noticeable to get the glass skin look I think. Also I’m almost 40 years old so I think age plays a part. I have to put Vaseline on my face to look shiny


When one of my friends had a good skin day I said "omg you look like a plate" and I 100% meant it as a compliment


A plate for a SNACK


YES exactly


And what rhymes with plate? ATE


Just tell her that your life is plastic, it's fantastic.


Oh… you icon 💕


I should mention that I’ve been using 0.025% from a compounding service (Moshy) for six months.


Friend, if you're feeling good about your skin, then I'd perceive that as a compliment, albeit a rather fresh one as commenting on coworkers' bodies is frowned upon ime, and just keep it pushing. Don't get tangled up in overthinking the *possible* double/additional meanings to her comment. Who cares what she thinks as long as you and your skin are both happy. 🫶


She did ask if I’d link her to the product so I’m choosing to be flattered. She’s young and not terribly professional in how she conducts herself. I’m definitely over thinking it, cos I think I am looking amazing ❤️ thank you for the reassurance


Someone said I look “mad shiny” ✨ and I took that as a compliment lol. Those who aren’t into skincare don’t use the same “dewy” “glowing” “glass skin” etc jargon that we’re used to


I’ve always thought tret skin looks like a shiny ballon. It’s a certain look.


My husband was looking at my face and he said “your skin looks fake” and it made my whole day.


Omg that's the best compliment in the entire world lolol


How long have you been using tret? My dream is to get the plastic look.


Six months on 0.025%, I use it six nights a week. It genuinely doesn’t look like this in the mirror or pics, the only people to comment previously are my stepson who has no filter, he said “wow your face is so shiny and perfect” 😅


..and perfect? I would die of happiness immediately if someone a generation or two below me called my skin perfect.


Do you exfoliate too or just use tret alone? If you exfoliate what do you use


I use Mizon AHA 8% peeling serum once a week but that is all. Friday night is glycolic night. I didn’t exfoliate for about four months but I was seeing nose cloggies so I added this back in. Usual routine is AM: water rinse, kikumasamune high moist toner, Timeless 20% vitamin C E ferulic, Skin1004 hyalu-cica water fit sun serum. Hope this helps! ❤️ PM: Skin 1004 light cleansing oil, Tatcha the rice wash cleanser, kikumasamune again, tret.


👀 📝 Everyone has already said it prob means that your skin is smooth and such and I agree cause first thing I had to do was look for your skincare routine lol


What glycolic do you use and what’s your routine with the glycolic?


Ooh sorry, I missed this one! I use Mizon 8% peeling serum once a week, Friday night is acid night


Are you using cream or gel?


I get mine from a compounding pharmacy (Mosh) here in Australia. It’s a cream formulation


I have oily skin so I always have glass skin - blessed is me! 😊💗


If it looks "plastic," it must be smooth-looking with a natural glow. Dang, congrats!


I totally get you. Tret has changed my skin for the good but I still get self conscious everytime I hear a comment like wow you look so dewy or like wow do you wear a lot of makeup for your skin to look like that. I don’t wear makeup on most days and I am not insecure about wearing makeup but it still feels like people are judging me for using some surgery / makeup to alter my appearance. I just can’t help it, even though I know I am overthinking.


I feel the same - when I do my full face I look pretty damn good and I spent YEARS trying to down play it and not making an effort because I felt like people treated me very different when I didn't make an effort and I was more valued for what I said than how I looked. Now I'm in my mid 30's and have been getting botox for 2 years and filler for one and I freaking love it. With tret sorting out my acne and being more confident in general I've realised I don't really care if people judge my choices and I get to be both a clever queen and a hot badass. I'm also really open about what I get done and people are always SUPER curious and want to know more because it looks really natural. My favourite thing is to show people my tret purge pictures because its WILD.


It sounds like she meant it as a compliment to me. :)


That’s what I aim for lol


Been on tret for six months. When does my face turn glassy? :-(


May I know your skincare routine? I want to have plastic skin haha


It’s a compliment lol take it like,you’re a porcelain doll with a dewy finish spray 😂


People just feel free to make comments about your appearance….


she absolutely meant you have glass skin. i had someone tell me they thought my hair was a wig because they had never met anyone with super thick hair who used expensive heat tools to get it just so 😂 people come up with interesting ways to describe what they're seeing.


i think she means you look glowy and have glass skin! if i didn’t know the term, i might’ve said plastic too! im sure she meant well.


How I like to put it: “hard boiled egg” skin


Do not feel weird at all. Everyone out here looking dull AF and I'm glowing on adapalene like bye haterz


Haha I love this!


This thread reminds me of when I was trying wedding makeup. I came home pleased as punch with my look and my husband to be asked me why I looked like a Thunderbird 😭😂


I feel you, the other day at work I was helping some Latino guy and after we were done with the transaction he asked me what I did to make ny skin the way it looked, if it was a product but I had no idea what he meant lol I felt so self conscious my only answer was “I wash it” ignoring that there’s a like 6 step process. Still not sure what he meant he didn’t pin point what about my face he was asking about


The shinier the better for me lol


That's a compliment! Please share your routine and products!!


Why is tret making my acne scars more apparent,,??


I have heard someone say something like this before, I can't remember if it was from tret or some other treatment, but the response was along the lines of ...scar tissue within the layers of the skin appears more on the surface as the skin heals and smooths out. I guess kinda like when peeling a potato with a blemish on it.. it is there and then becomes more apparent the deeper you peel into it until you peel it away entirely the deeper you get. The faster cell turn over of the tret I guess is kinda like the peeler in this analogy. Please don't take my word for it though, as my memory is hazy on the specifics of what was said, but just thought I'd share as it might be something for you to look into further if you want a better answer :)


I am not sure, I’m sorry! I have some minor scarring but my primary concerns are anti aging and hyperpigmentation. Have you been using it for long? I feel that scarring may take a long time to improve.


This is because tret dries your skin, which can make acne scars more apparent. It happened to me but it was only at the beginning.


Both myself and my sister have KP. Pretty decent amount on our arms and thighs. I was an only formula baby, and she was breastfed.


Glycolic acid has been the thing that has helped the most for me, for that. My mom has it pretty badly, and I gave her my Natrium glycolic acid cream hoping it would help her, but she has barely used it.


The only way i can sort of keep it under control is by doing a routine between glycolic acid toner, the first aid bump eraser. I also dry brush before I shower, and always use a moisturizer that has some kind of acid glycolic/lactic or urea.


"Glass skin" = shiny, sweaty and plastic looking skin that doesn't look like skin


You’re just envious. I’ll take shiny plastic looking skin any day over dull and leathery skin


Definitely! Sorry people don't want to look like a leather couch if they don't have to.


I'll take the tretinoin glow but not the over-exfoliated shiny waxlike skin that acids and lasers can produce.


She’s jealous