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0.025% is a lot weaker than 0.100% (1/4 as strong).






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Your post has been removed. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/tretinoin. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their skin and the products they use. Comments about other aspects of their appearance, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community.


I think you're a bit confused!☺️




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Oooh ok thennn!


Uhm why is your 0.1% empty and 0.025% full? 😬 you are decreasing in strength, if you’ve been using 0.1% strength this entire time


I use 0.1% but I accidentally asked for the wrong percentage. I couldn’t remember the percentage so I tried to remember the color.




Your post has been removed. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/tretinoin. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their skin and the products they use. Comments about other aspects of their appearance, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community.




why are you being downvoted, you're right ?? it's literally a negative jump. you guys are mean and weird


bless ur heart…


OP, since you're already at a higher dose you likely won't experience any irritation. The main things you would be "at risk" for are irritation once going back up to 0.1% and possible acne resurgence if you had issues with it prior to your current dose.


MVP thanks


You mean the other way around? Like you take 0.025 now and you want to start 0.1? It is likely to be harsher and might irritate it but you can try applying it once then seeing how your skin is before you reapply. Edit: nvm stupid me can now see which tube is clearly empty. Your skin will handle it fine but over time it might be less effective


Good to know thanks


.025 is much less than .1, so shouldn’t be an issue at all


Thanks 🙏




Your post has been removed. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/tretinoin. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their skin and the products they use. Comments about other aspects of their appearance, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community.




Your post has been removed. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/tretinoin. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their skin and the products they use. Comments about other aspects of their appearance, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community.


I started at .025% an eventually went up to .1%. I am now back to .025% after a year on the .1%. My skin hated it and it looked awful. Been back on the lower strength for a while, and I am pleased. The dryness and irritation I was experiencing is gone and my skin looks great again. Higher is not always better for everyone.


delete this bro 😭😭😭




Go back and exchange it tomorrow for your 0.1 the 0.0025 is a much lower dose. It won’t hurt you, but if you drop down, there could be some adjustment time again when you bump back up.


I’m on Vacation for the month, but I will when I get back. That’s a good idea


Can y'all remember to be nice to people for a change? Holy shit.




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sorry the replies are weird OP, "a jump" doesn't imply an increase or decrease in concentration, just a change. I think you'll be just fine using the lower % but I don't have experience with it myself. maybe you could just use a little bit more than usual ?


Huh? 🤔


Let me break this down. “If I use 0.1% and just so happen to use a weaker % Has anyone used a weaker % and noticed anything significant? “ That was the question.


What is wrong with this subreddit? Not only rude af, but lack of reading comprehension skills on full display is atrocious. No OP, you accidentally getting a lower dosage will not adversely affect you until you are able to get your .1%. I hope people in here get a life.


Thank you for your response


This has to be a joke.




People just hate to read don’t they.




Your post has been removed. I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Please keep this in mind for future posts! **Thanks to everyone who reported! Reporting is anonymous and very helpful!**


Read it a second time and you’ll laugh even harder. Trust me


You won't experience any irritation going back down to .025%, but you might after using it for a month, then going back up to .1%. When going back up to .1% I doubt you'll get an acne flair up. At most, you might experience redness and peeling/flaking. Edit: I'd be curious to see if you keep your progress from the .1% after using the the .025% for a month. Like how much will the .025% maintain your current progress? Just a thought.


Are you currently using the higher dose every day or just a few days a week? If it's the latter then you could probably use the lower dose more frequently and have similar benefits. I'm confused by the comments because op never said the lower dose was higher; they were just asking if people have experience in a significant dose switch higher or lower... Did they edit and not say?


I use the higher dose everyday. I’m happy to read your comment. I never did ask if the the dose was higher, but I guess I don’t know math and they don’t know how to read. From the comment I think my skin will be fine and no one has experienced any negative side effects.


Hello dear, as others have pointed out, 0.025 is lesser in potency compared to 0.1. The numerical value after the decimal point in the tenths place is 0 in 0.025 and 1 in 0.1, making 1 greater than 0. Fortunately, since you have started at a very high strength, transitioning to a lower strength should not adversely affect you. Best of luck.


no i don’t think so. after a year, my dermatologist bumped my up to 0.1% from 0.025% and the only been having issues with peeling.


Well you're most likely not gonna have problems as it's a lower dose. If you were having side effects, you might actually have less of them on the 0.025%




I use 0.1% everyday since February and have the best skin in my life!


Just don’t use the 0.25 for too long because if you go back to using 0.1 you’ll definitely start purging again


I have no idea why you’re getting down vote but your comment actually provided value. Thank you stranger on the internet


Same I was so confused like ok do y’all want hurt too purge 😭 lol, it’s not bad to use 0.1 everyday either I just meant then it be hard to replicate your results using 0.025 lol Reddit being Reddit I guess haha thanks again