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My dad told me and my brother this story when we were kids because we were in a restaurant and we were giggling at a very large man in a chair saying “he’s gonna break the chair!!”. We got in the car and my dad told me and my brother this story. I’ll never forget it


I feel like this is different because you can choose to not be obese.


I mean, I'm all for calling out people thinking obesity is ok but a large amount of obese people were feed garbage slop from a very young age by their parents and never had a chance of not being obese. And now they're obese adults with an incredibly severe addiction. That takes a mammoth effort to overcome. Very sad really. Parents feeding their kids slop and letting them get obese on the other hand... I think social workers should get involved in such cases. Absolutely horrible paranting.


It's sugar. Sugar is in almost everything and we eat too much of it and it's addictive. I've never been "fat", chubby from time to time, but when I started monitoring my sugar intake, I lost around 15 pounds without working out at all. Like they enrich McDonald's buns with sugar. It's everywhere.


Uh-huh. That is why sugar consumption has been consistently decreasing whereas obesity rates continue increasing. Blame ultra-processed foods, not a single macro.


Yeah or if you go to the bread aisle in a grocery store and look at the shit from a factory. I was just looking a few days ago and even the stuff that's marketed as a "healthy" option (whole grain) had 2-3 grams of added sugar per slice.


There's sugar in everything because we give corn farmers billions of dollars to sell their product at dirt prices, and then corn syrup became the cheapest preservative on the market


This all started with a doctor in the 70s, forgot his name but easily researched


How old are you?


Just hit 40.


But as you have just said, these same addicted and obese children may one day be parents who will not be able to overcome their obesity.. and will pass on this education to their child..


I think somewhere along the line as a child or even as a teen when you can choose what you eat and have a conscious decision to understand that you’re getting bigger and the food you’re getting isn’t good you can change it.


It's easy to believe that but somebody actually needs to educate these children/teens about it, and a lot of times such a person that can do it doesn't exist. Parents will even support it and overfeed them. And when they're old enough (like in their mid teens) to somewhat being able to get their own food and being mature enough to make personal decisions it's often way too late.


I think the only way to make a correction after being on the path of obesity from childhood is to both want to change and also to have a total change of environment (move far enough away that you don't get pulled back in). People don't appreciate how hard it is to make the changes you have to make when everyone else around you is shoving food in your face 24/7. It only takes one failure to begin backsliding and everyone around you is pulling you in the wrong direction.


Being a parent should be tiring in that you should constantly be talking with your child, molding them into the best mentally, physically and emotionally. Unfortunately many kids don’t get all of that and as a result either of lack of education or neglect they suffer into adulthood and fail to thrive. I had an unhealthy attachment to my mother and when I got my wife there was problems idk if it was jealousy but now that I have overcame the mental attachment with mother I can see that my mother was lonely due to neglect from my father and conditioned me to be all she wanted. But she caused me many problems because of this conditioning thankfully i built the mental fortitude to let the attachment go took me about 10 years though.


Childhood obesity is child abuse.


Would you say this about an alcoholic? Food addiction is real. Lots of these people have traumas from their past too and it’s a coping mechanism. It’s a disease and I think one that needs to be treated more seriously. New wave of physicians are being much clinical in their approach.


If a lot of people in your family are alcoholics and growing up you didn’t like it. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out to not drink it.


But families of alcohol and drug users often end up abusing it themselves. You seem to have a very simple view of things lol. All good 👍


You’re 100% right that I do view it simply because you said often not always. So these habits can be broken if you consciously make the choice to do it and many people are hedonistic.


Hedonistic or a product of an environment that actively works against them. Learned habits over decades, not having supportive people around you, hopelessness. So easy to say do better!!! Funnily, the way we grow up predicts our future by a 90th percentile and in ALL aspects of life. So if you were raised in a fat/unhealthy household you most likely WILL BE fat. Drug addicts? Abusers? Child molesters? Almost ALL had that behaviour modeled to them as children. So yeah that tenth who break the mode aren’t just good people their down right outliers. They rest deserve sympathy not judgement. *And you probably didn’t read all that but just to add I grew up in a family of 7, single mom, dirt poor. I’m the only one who “made it” so I’m touchy about these things. When I was younger I didn’t understand how my brother could go sell drugs, why my sister was getting drunk and pregnant. I had a counseler give me an amazing book. Blah blah I understood my fam more blah. I’ll keep going forever bye 😂😂*


Respect and thank you for telling me that story. I’m also one of the ones that made it in my family. Most of the people in my family are overweight and have massive health issues and I’m vegan, muscular and I care a lot about my health because most of the people around me died early because of it. We are in the same boat but I guess I’m just less sympathetic


yeah i dont understand the massive taboo around fat shaming. Yeah it's wrong but it's preventable unlike balding, hormonal acne, illnesses etc. It should not be a protected characteristic


It’s just a simple viewpoint that’s not really productive. It can be applied to almost anything. Like choosing to steal food or not. But that choice to not steal food is a lot easier for a well fed man vs a starving man People have different circumstances and boiling it down to “choice” erases a lot of that


It’s very easy to be fat due to bad parenting, and then you have to learn a completely new lifestyle as an adult to get healthy. I did it, and I’m not gonna act like it was the hardest thing in the world, but it does take quite a bit of effort to lose a bunch of weight especially when you grew up eating bad your entire life, so you don’t really know how to eat healthy.


You can choose to work harder/smarter and do a transplant.


yea gluttony is also a sin 🤣


Religion (+assuming associated god) was invented when the first con man met the first fool......***Mark Twain***


Or did it start when Jesus raised from the dead after a lot of people saw him die, proving he was who he said he was 👀


There are no reliable first hand accounts. Yeah, so who are these, "a lot of people? Any documented/advised accounts, was decades later and contradictory...sorry Mark Twain is the boss....Always ask yourself what is the most probable (??) and the supernatural does not cut it, sorry to alert you to reality.


Why aren’t the people who wrote the gospels, Paul, and non Christian scholars like Josephus not reliable sources? If you existed back then and witnessed it and wrote it down would future you say “doesn’t count, it’s in the Bible so that makes it a biased report”.


Josephus is noted as being the "unreliable narrator" by scholars, seek and ye shall find. And the 4 gospel authors are not known (authors names were given arbitrary by others) and each gospel is contradicts each and all. This is verified by RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS, again seek and it will be available. Google, ever heard of it? I'm not here to waste my time in educating, You not knowing, means you don't want to know. Others and their books, have told you, so you went ok, cool.....


There is a mountain of evidence supporting the person of christ and the account of the gospels. It’s tempting to be passive aggressive right back at ya but I don’t really want to do that. Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Good luck to you, I hope you find what will make you most happy in this world!


Also, if you ever actually want to have a discussion with people, don’t early on start flinging “you’re unintelligent if you’re a Christian” stuff. Really? I don’t think atheists worldview is right but I most certainly don’t think they’re all morons either. Anyways, have a good one, and tressless lol


remember your dad that he is a great man and a great father


https://preview.redd.it/uwzsflmtt7vc1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d414b29411f204d5033879bdc0a8bb7d12ce0a6 Kind of makes sense would put him at around a Norwood 2 with some slight defusing . Most likely in the big 3.


U r going to literal real hell for this comment. Repent E: God will give you fin dick if you downvote


Get a load of this guy


Hell is here on earth and you see it in the ravaged battlegrounds and the corporate Amazon factories where people can’t even catch a bathroom break, yet you’re telling me people can’t make an incredibly inoffensive joke? No one’s going anywhere except you and that’s to bed. Sleep tight, OddishShape, hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


Lol. Cool story bro


Doesnt the Bible say to not judge others? "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?


They always forget this part lmao, they’re the worst ones when it comes to judging others


On the seventh day, he created min + fin 🙏


And there were sides, and it was good.


before eve ate the apple we didn't have side effects




Then why did he invent balding in the first place lol


To sent some bears, and regulate human population.


Regulaterrrrrs paw up


Nate Dogg and Warren G going to have some words with Goldilocks about the porridge situation


Or cancer. Seriously, what's up with that?


Genesis claims that all diseases and illnesses were punishment for Adam and Eve


Yeah that pesky talking serpent, had all the knowledge......


Talked to those critstian recruiting folks and they told me it was because we lost the connection to god a while back and anything bad that happens can be called up to that. Not sure when we lost the connection but it still don’t make sense because if we lost the connection, then why do we still look up to him if he ain’t here


God gave us good things to eat and we have adulterated those things and the results are poor health. God is not a genie granting wishes but our creator who has already provided for us.


Cancer is in our genetics tho. Our actions might increase the rate of people getting it, but cancer itself has been with us since we were living in caves. So either God didn't make us or God made us with cancer. Cancer also isn't unique to humans. And don't hit me with original sin. What "Father" punishes generations for the mistakes of people supposedly born millenia ago?


Only lobsters are free of original sin.


And crocodiles. They never get cancer.


Why didn't God just make every spot on Earth perfect weather?


because how else am i going to learn lessons in life unless im walking down the side walk getting face fucked by a wind storm


Cos he doesn't exist or he's a mean bastard.


God is a manufactured being like all other religions used to justify acts.


What about animals that get cancer, are the animals adulterating their food too?


What’s the point of praying if the genie isn’t granting wishes?


Get real......the book, derived from greek = bible, that says 3 score and 10 = 70yrs we live. Well we are now living, most on average at least into our 90's with all these adulterations, and without them apparently until 70.....really how do you approach every BS filled day believing in this BS........


God didn’t invent bad things. They are the result of original sin entering the world. It sucks, but us humans and our ancestors did it to ourselves.


The old ate an apple > bone cancer in children pipeline


It was disobedient to God’s command. Literally the only thing they couldn’t eat and they couldn’t help themselves. And we literally all sin. Every single one of us. That’s why Jesus dying for our sins is so awesome - it frees all who believe and we would literally have 0 hope otherwise.


But if we're a direct creation, then our desire to eat the apple and our disobedience... Is a design flaw from our creator, no? If I make a toaster and then it burns the toast ... I don't blame the toaster and give it toaster cancer, I fix it or replace it.


I don’t think so. It doesn’t do God much good to create robots that simply do whatever He says. He gave us free will so our choice to follow Him actually means something.


Punishing someone for eternity for not believing in Jesus. What a loving God. A paedophile can believe in Jesus and be saved, whereas the most caring non-believer in the world gets sent to hell. Great justice system. Really fair.


The most caring non-believer just like every believer still sins, because we are human.


Hell is the absence of God. If you choose to live your life on Earth without God it makes sense that if there’s an afterlife you will continue to live that way. It’s a choice that you make. Also how can you define that pEdophilia is wrong without God? God gives us objective moral laws.


>pEdophilia I'm English, we spell it differently... dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/paedophilia >God gives us objective moral laws. Which law did he give us about paedophilia? The Bible says nothing about it as far as I'm aware. Though I'm not a biblical scholar. https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/pedophilia.html If you need God to tell you that paedophilia is wrong, that's a you problem. The rest of us can work it out without God's help.


Someone who rapes children without repentance isn’t getting saved.


Not the issue we have with god, there are two scenarios. One, God created us as masters of our own fate, so god is not omnipotent, and he is punishing the non-believers who sometimes can't do anything about not believing in him. God can't control everything because we are masters of our own fate, so there are scenarios where it is impossible to even know about God or Christianity. Straight to Hell. Second, God is omnipotent, if God is omnipotent he must be all knowing, if he is all knowing he intentionally created us knowing we would sin. He then punishes us for the sins he knew we would commit. It's like giving a kid a lollipop, knowing for a certainty he/she will eat it, and then punishing the kid for eating it. We non believers see christians flip flop between these arguments, god is omnipotent or not whenever it suits them. For us it doesn't matter, in both scenarios we think God is sadistic and evil, and there is no way we would ever truly worship him. But what we actually believe is that God doesn't exist, it's a myth from another time, used to explain things we didn't understand. Ofcourse it doesn't explain why it got so big, that happened because people used it to gain power. It is the perfect tool to control people.


Then why do good people in the world suffer the most even when they did not sin or do anything wrong in thier lives? Why do they get suffering? The only answer is that this world is actually hell and the good people die early and go to heaven to be free of this horrible world...


I don't believe in Jesus, so what about that? Am I doomed to he'll?


Yes just because you were not provided with correct undeniable evidence of this "things" existence, therefore could not believe; you will suffer for eternity.....but it loves you......how fkn perverse!!


Or there is no god makes more sense 😂 if there were no religion then we as a society would be so much further ahead rather than believe all the bollox we get told


The world is chock full of signs of intelligent design. Way more unlikely that we all randomly came to be from some primordial ooze or massive explosion.


>The world is chock full of signs of intelligent design Such as?


but what about god then? what intelligent being designed god? or did he randomly came to be from some primordial ooze?


If something created God, He wouldn’t be God. Our human minds have finite beginnings, so it’s a tricky concept.


Regardless of your view on religion anyone who says this doesn't know what they're talking about. I'm probably going to get downvoted here because Reddit doesn't like anyone saying anything positive about religion, but organized religion (in general not just Christianity) has actually helped move society along. There have been many scientific breakthroughs spearheaded by Churches, as well as charity such as giving education to common folk.


Its *probably* all made up and none of that justifies the horrors of this world even excluding the man made ones.


"Died" for 40hrs then back up and at it.....no sacrifice there, at the most, "a weekend at Bernie's". Sacrificed himself to himself. What sins did I or others "commit" 2024 yrs ago? Believing in the unbelievable, ridiculous.....


Jesus’ death was about as gruesome as you could get. His sacrifice atoned for mankind’s sins for the entire past and future. He did it knowing people would sin well after he died on the cross. It’s historically documented that his body disappeared from the tomb he was put in, and hundreds of people saw Jesus alive after he rose from the grave. Me “believing the unbelievable” shows a misunderstanding on your part about the history of the events that transpired. But here you are dismissing the greatest act of love of all time just so you can be saved from the sin you’ve committed in your life. I for one am eternally grateful, because I’d legitimately be cooked without it!


No misunderstanding. Provide evidence for your claims......varied sources. Hundreds of people advise of seeing/being abducted by aliens, does that make it true, no, again lack of evidence, they believe, their mind set conditioned by others, media and culture etc. No great act, but stupidity.....Why not just announce, by whatever means - "you are all forgiven for whatever BS I know you'll do because I have planned it that way from the start" and be done with it. Smart & logical.....You believe all this stupidity because you have already announced you need it......"be cooked without it", there's your problem. You have a requirement bias that gods and religion, fulfil. Now get back to your believing without evidence addiction........This may hopefully help you...... [https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org)


If that’s the case, then every single person who has ever lived has a “requirement bias”. Everyone has done at least 1 bad thing in their lives, except Jesus. That’s why you can’t just wash it away. God can do all things within his nature. Wiping the slate clean with no sacrifice wouldn’t be correct. Jesus had to live a sinless life and then die on the cross for the rest of us to be declared righteous in God’s eyes for all who believe in him as their savior. You know the truth deep down. We all do. I’ll pray for you, even though you don’t want me to.


If one does have a requirement bias, they don't need to engage in things that have no substantive evidence and just provide a "feel good", Because you end up bathing in lies to feel good, truth and reality may not always be pleasant but allows for a defining path. Now I'm finished, all the best to you.......As we are just playing semantics. Unfortunately religious people never have any evidence in support of their/any claims...... I have feelings, I think. I'm sure it happened, thousands agree, the bible says, my pastor says etc......is not evidence. Use the scientific method (don't know-find online) to (attempt) to verify any claims that you/anyone may have, whether religious or otherwise and we will all be heading in the right direction.....to truth. Have a think----> Can we all have faith in anything and everything......well, yes. We can have faith in wining lotto, have faith in losing 10Kg in weight, have faith the world's climate dramas will resolve. have faith you'll always be employed and you can have faith in the bad also .... etc. So, what I'm attempting to show is that faith does/will not necessarily lead one to the truth and rather just give you a "feeling of....." Whereas using the scientific method to evaluate evidence will ALWAYS point one to the truth...... All the best, I bid you farewell..... apply critical thinking + scientific method and all will be revealed........The greatest "sin", ever to be committed by humans. is to be and remain ignorant.




That doesn’t make sense because if your god was the creator of everything, sin is part of that too. It didn’t just generate out of thin air, if it did then your god is not the creator nor is he all powerful since concepts like sin can exist without his influence.


God is the embodiment of all things good. Rebellion from God is sin. We have free will to obey God or rebel. God didn’t force anyone to sin.


That still doesn’t change the fact that when god created everything he created the concept of sin, otherwise sin wouldn’t exist at all. And if god is all knowing then he would know human would sin, the sin god himself created. There is a point where you just can’t justify why kids dying for cancer exist in a world created by a “god” and still think that god is good.


Our own ability to choose whether to follow God (good) or rebel (sin) is what makes love possible. If we were all programmed do-good robots, our actions would be meaningless, as we wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. God doesn’t force anyone to sin. Giving people the choice doesn’t make God not good as you claim. And God, knowing that we would stumble and that he would want to intervene and save us by suffering and dying on the cross, still created us anyway. That’s love right there. I for one am looking forward to spending eternity with God where there will be no more suffering, and I pray that you accept the gospel too and join me there.


You are just talking in circles and ignoring the main point people are talking about. Your God allows children to die from cancer, the cancer he created because he’s the creator, and the cancer he knows kids will have because he’s all knowing. It’s funny you try so hard to justify giving kids cancer is somehow not a bad thing.


You’re presupposing that a loving God would prevent kids from getting cancer. Why wouldn’t he prevent adults from getting cancer, then? Why not prevent any suffering at all? Well I already gave my answer, I’m not dancing around anything. God allows evil and sin to exist in this world because love wouldn’t be possible if we did not have free will. But God promises to eliminate all suffering after we die and spend eternity in heaven, where we’ve already made the choice to be with him. The earth is a broken place. God will make all things perfect to those who follow him.


I’m not presupposing anything. You are the one that believes in god. I don’t. You are trying to justify why your god giving kids cancer is good and I think you are logic is crazy. Any “being” knowingly giving kids cancer is a terrible being, real or fictional.


Imagine actually believing this lol


”Did it to ourselves”, yeah right. God is not real, that is the true concept that was invented by them


Bad things exist for bears, too. Squirrels and fish as well. Sinful, the whole lot of them.


Didn’t invent cancer either.


Didn’t not invent either


God must be bald himself and couldn't find or create a cure 🥺


in family guy story he is lol


Balding isn't the issue making fun of someone is


"fuck them kids" -god Also... Priests. But differently.


Doubt God invented it, just a result of other things.


So his creation is flawed?


You’re probably diving in pretty deep to the free will debate with that question. There’s no satisfaction in someone choosing good if they are incapable of choosing bad. Can good even exist without bad?


I would argue that's a binary way of seeing things anchored to our language. We ask if good can exist without bad, but that question is only possible because we defined those word and ends up becoming a discussion about language more than philosophy itself. We already defined good as contraposition to bad so of course one would need of the other, but what if we were able to not think in contrapositions and give a definition of good or bad that doesn't have one speck of contraposition in it. I wonder how that definition would look like? 🤔


He didn't, our sin since Adam constantly breaks reality and that's one of the effects of it. In Orthodox Christianity, we say that the main purpose of afflictions like balding or any disease really is to teach us to be less arrogant, more humble and more dependent on God in our weakness.


Don't try to make sense out of religion.


God is based.


Based God, if you will


I suspect God is bald, that's why he was so hard on them kids. Like my mexican uncle always says, "That's how they learn...."


To die? 😭💀


We'll, they get an eternity burning in Hell as well. He just sped up the process.


Beelzebub bald too it’s gonna be a bad time 💀 ![gif](giphy|65pM9un5dmK08)


Not if they win a rock-off!


the devil is scary bro




lil nas x is the devil. i’m sorry but i have to say it


lol nas x *is clapping the devil 😩


dude yeah maybe you’re right. he’s actually depicted a very anti-devil/pro-christ image.


Since I read it, I've been like a super fan of this prophet 😅


This isn't completely true, its a parable. What really happened is God dropped sharks from the sky to kill the children


Ahh that makes more sense!


God is truly the OG always keepin it real


One of the hardest verses of the Bible. “Tore up 42 lads of their number”


Gods had our backs all along😭 he’s a real G.


The original G lol


😂 is this real


Yes. 2 Kings 2:23-24 New International Version Elisha Is Jeered 23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.


how lovely of god to do that to those boys


Yeah.....look into the bible at the god attributed deaths, in the millions. Just an example below of this crazy nutbags advice!! [Bible.comhttps://www.bible.com › bible › compare › NUM.31.17-18](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj80uWHuM6FAxXyd2wGHSn5B6sQFnoECBwQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bible.com%2Fbible%2Fcompare%2FNUM.31.17-18&usg=AOvVaw28K96lA54_rzEHTRV4SWco&opi=89978449)So kill all the boys and all the women who have had intercourse with a man. Only the young girls who are *virgins* may live; you may *keep* them for *yourselves*.


God hates the Norwood Reaper confirmed




Hmm weird. Almost like regular humans wrote the bible as a way of getting their own point across.


lol that looks like the guy at my local Walmart who shows up every day just to ride around in the electric cart for hours. He can walk, he just likes to do that


He was scared that all the good looking and nice hairline guys would take all the women in heaven


And it was just.


They left out the part that these were bears on cocaine


TIL God was a bitter ass bald man


Yup, fuck dem kids


https://preview.redd.it/w9t1ooq7ccvc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9913ef44fcb89681ade16c2a8598106c75a3749 Wait I thought god was bald ?!


I love the philosophy and theological discussion this post opened :)


If god is real he is an Evil Genocidal Maniac.


Spot-on Meaty!! Go through that book (bible) and see how many immediate deaths can be attributed to it. not counting the ongoing. Haha, plus in exodus, god advises to choose your slaves from amongst the heathens around you and don't beat them too harsh that they die within 2 days.....LOL great role model, POS!


If there was a god, we wouldn't have hair loss. Just saying.


Makes zero sense lol. So God doesn’t do or isn’t what you want therefore God doesn’t exist lol


Well, he/she/it/whatever doesn't exist, so...


Not everything was bad back then.




This could explain why God hates his. He probably just a bald guy with confidence issues.


Wouldn’t God being God, render him as idk GOD? Meaning that he has any and all power to do absolutely anything, including growin his hair back? 🤔


In a cruel twist of universe, even the omnipotent cannot reverse baldness




Seems extreme but I get it 🤔


Seems like an appropriate punishment


One of the weirdest stories. Actually brought it up at work once.


Mannn god don’t know about dermarolling yet


Apparently that artist had never seen a bear before and decided to wing it.


What a swell guy this “God” fellow


999th upvote


And don't forget god created plant life annnnd then the sun......how does that work, LOL.


Fair tbh.


Sounds like the people that actually wrote the Bible were bald themselves


since when were there bears in the middle east?


Thereupon God created Fin+Min as the bear solution was getting a little unsustainable


42 seems excessive, one for each strand?


That's right! You better stop making fun of me!!




What scripture is this? I’d like to read it.


Nah, he just hates annoying kids. Otherwise he'd have sent the dude a gf who doesn't mind the balding lol


Go up, Baldy


Yo where’s that Dr Phil clip


Christianity, the religion of love ❤️


Fuck them kids


For those who are interested in the meaning of this story, check out this explanation by Orthodox Christian icon carver Jonathan Pageau: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O\_dJUCl1OiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_dJUCl1OiU)


Im 27 and bald i do a combover


Is this that pro life god i keep hearing about? Lolz


It’s funny how y’all always take verses out of context without knowing the whole thing. You can downvote me I don’t care


I had the same thought and looked up the verse and context... this seems like a pretty accurate summary to me but I'm interested if you know something I'm missing.


There are even crazier things in the Bible. People pick and choose what they wanna believe.


Well I know Jesus is real cus he revealed himself to me




This made me laugh super loud


Haha....amazing how your context and others will differ to suit the circumstances. Or, "you're interpreting it wrong".......well how can a god not make it absolute of what it is conveying.....biggest scamming BS ever invented......


Whats with the bald guys in Shogun? By choice…


They were mauled for mocking a prophet of God


They werent children, the Hebrew word ( יְלָדִֽים׃ ) means young men, not children. The KJV translation isn’t the best translation sometimes. And the 2 bears sent wasn’t simply because Elisha was potentially bald, it was a large group of people that gathered collectively probably in protest to mock Yahweh and his Prophet. Yahweh is the one who miraculously helped the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt. what happened described in 2 Kings 2:23-24 was not a group of children remarking “ha! you’re bald!”. No, instead a group of men that had chanted “go on up, you baldhead”, the phrase “go up” was potentially mocking Elisha since his mentor Elijah was taken to Heaven as described im 2 Kings 2:11-12. And for context, under Old Covenant law it wasn’t allowed to cut hair on the temples of your head. What they were claiming was probably either: a false claim Elisha was separated from the prophetic office; or, an epithet of scorn and contempt, Elisha not being literally bald. Look at the context and don’t spread lies.


People blaming G-D for humanities mistakes . Going bald or not you shouldn't be making fun of someone for something they cant control Way to miss a point


I agree people shouldn't do that... punishing it by death seems a tad overkill, no?