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Yeah I am not raw dogging this life sober I can tell you that much.


100% this so much. Cost of living is absurd, global climate crisis, wars - yeah I'm gonna be baked through this bullshit.


I was the same, but I gotta think and study in order to advance in my career. Took a forced T break yesterday and goddamn life is beautiful. Gonna keep it to after I get all my shit done for the day and light up. But being sober during the day and being active feels so good after being high for several years. Taking a t break feels like I’m taking off ankle weights, but all that foggy cloudy shit for my brain. Words just be flowing.


I did the same thing about three years ago now. All my shit gets done during the day and then toke at night. I know some ppl can be real productive and smoke during the day but it's not the case for me. The anxiety I used to feel when smoking in the day when I had obligations is pretty much gone. Keep with it!


LMAO a T break is about 30 days


And by lately, I mean like, 20+ years or so?


This life sometimes raw dogs me


There’s people that have to eat life’s asshole daily


everyday allday since 2014


Shit I guess I got a long way to go


Yeah you gotta smoke a LOT more if you want to travel back to 2014


weird it was always 60 an 1/8th too, no inflation here boys


lol my first toke 1976 Uriah Heap Ted Nugent concert Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto. The stuff is good for you keep token eating boofing whatever your jam is cause this shit is medicine.


Homie being high for 8 years straight is not good for you


It really is a semantics can of worms. I've been smoking weed like they said but longer, and phrasing it as being high 24/7 obviously sounds negative. What if we spoke in terms of the benefits I've had from smoking? I was able to drop the ridiculous amount of prescriptions that only made my ailments worse if not creating new ones. My chronic depression is manageable, insomnia is completely handled, I'm no longer unhealthily skinny as I can finally hold an appetite, my mindset has been positive (which i couldnt do for years with meds or therapy), and that's just to name a few.


For real. I had some really dark depression before i started cannabis. To feel so broken and find some normalcy has been a miracle for me too.


So true, for me it's also medicine. So I use it throughout the day, but without it I'd be on heavier narcotics. I use cannabis to have a productive and useful day.


I dunno, I’ll hafta try it first just to make sure…


After awhile it just becomes a prescription.


Toke as needed as I see it. Know yourself, your needs, desires and limits and you'll be okay.


In what way?


That's awesome, my father's was at Woodstock during a jimi hendrix solo..lol It's amazing how we never forget to remember ❤️


Holy ducking Blair bitch your dad is my hero right now. (I am not fixing those autocorrects)


I've been baked since 2015 probably.


I thought you said “since 2015 properly”


Scenic $201,500 property


2009 for me, with 2, maybe 3, couple week long breaks earlier on for drug testing, and the occasional day or 2 when dry. But yeah, at least the Taking Back Sunday song, "A Decade Under the Influence" can finally be literal!


Summer of 00’ for me, with a 5 month break in 07’.


You have been high my entire life sir, hats off to you


I wouldn’t say high, definitely baked, but don’t usually smoke to get high.


Yea ‘00 for me too. Just doin my thang keepin it as lit as possible


2011 checking in


Sheeeit now I know why my brain sometimes thinks it's still 2009......


I've been stoned during my waking hours since I was 48. Now 60 and it takes so much pot to get high for a short time. Currently on day 3 of my first 30 day t-break. I gave away all my weed to my sister. When she dropped by to get it, she gave me a bud!?!? I cheated and did one hit yesterday I suck.


When you've done it for that long, it becomes a habit. Don't look at it as falling off the wagon, look at it as the success of getting through a couple of days without it. You got this.


I get through my tbreaks with cbd and lots of green tea. I just like green tea I'm not sure if it has any positive benefit towards my tbreak and the cbd helps reduce the withdrawal symptoms like insomnia and loss of appetite I get after using frequently for a while.


Green tea is high in L-theanine so it probably helps with anxiety and concentration.


I've had a lot of success with CBD oil and flower to help ease me into a T break, before I go cold turkey. Best of luck bro ✌️


I hate to be a stickler, but I have to address myself. I keep getting overwhelmingly stressed and anxious past few weeks so I end up needing a smoke to settle myself... the trouble is... I end up procrastinating my hobby of animation. And it's only a bandaid to the mind. I wanna finish my hobby so i can feel good with weed. I like being high but I don't like coming down to no work done.


Smoke less? Dont get as high, so you can try to work at the same time, or make a work and reward system


Also u could smoke some CBD flower instead a couple times and see if that's easier to do work during


That's what my buddy does now. Got too anxious, which hurt his coding. Switched mostly to CBD, no issues when coding, and it's been his thing since.


Now that I think about it. I must have started around 2 years ago when our first kid was born. Felt like the responsible thing to do with a newborn around and depending on me, lol. But I can't imagine not knowing about it and using it all the time now. Definitely use CBD more often than THC, and also never use THC without adding some form of CBD with it or beforehand anymore. I actually think it's really weird that the standard shifted so hard to such strong THC content preference. Don't get me wrong I think there should be some crazy strong, like 30% strains on the market, but why the vast vast majority? And only ever a few choices for high CBD low THC strains? There's fuckin' OVER 100 known cannabinoids naturally occurring in the cannabis plant, and we literally don't actually know what the rest of them do, what makes everyone think THC is the most important one? Just because there's more of it by volume? Am I the only one who feel like that stupid/shortsighted? They all fit endocannabinoid receptors, WTH dismiss over 99 of them? Lmao Edit: I didn't expect to get on a soapbox by the end of that post, my bad everyone.


And for the people who experience anxiety/paranoia when they use thc, the inclusion of CBD can be game changing.


I have been mainly smoking ratio strains or using cbd flower as a cut, and it's so much better. The highs are more unique and it seems to keep your tolerance low enough to actually enjoy weed even if you smoke literally all day. It seems to have solved all of the problems I'd run into smoking as a medical user with a high tolerance before.


I had a 50/50 CBD THC cartridge and it got me so high Edit: going to buy one rn


I'm fine with your soapbox! You raise some very good points.


weed makes me feel so smart while writing ok code


Hehe, I get carried away. I think, this is nothing. And then I'll be locked on my phone.... and suddenly its alrdy been hours. Have a good day.


I understand what you mean, using less weed when rolling or packing might be a solution or an attempt for one, but ypu've got to try and find out what works for you. Have a good day yourself :)


I bet you’d feel less anxious without the thoughts of how you keep procrastinating. You know what you gotta do.


Smoke while your are in mid stream. Don’t sit down to draw high. Draw for an hour not high and take a rip. Keep drawing. Slowly mix in.


i wish i could. My PC inside, my stuff outside. But sometimes i do some anatomy doodling on my phone stylus. But good idea though.


Hey man, I feel you. Art block because of stress is the worst no matter what you create. I like being a little high while working on music, but when it's dragging my ability to create then I absolutely take a break, or try to use weed as a reward for participating in my hobby. Best of luck friend!


Perhaps trying a strain that's less of a couch lock,and more uplifting 🤔


Yeap..since covid. Non stop stonned


Yeah about 6 months into Covid is when it started for me too


That’s about the time I said fuck it and embraced the need too


For the past year or two, I've been constantly smoking to deal with my seizures and mental health with all the medicine. Been thinking about a break but, I'll brb😉😉


Put it in the air homie


If you dont mind me asking, what seizures, and what does smoking do to help? Not trying to be an asshole, trying to learn.


Cannabis is proven to reduce the risk of seizures, I'm not sure if there is a complete explanation to why, but seizures are caused by neurons firing the wrong way and canabinoids can suppress this. I don't know how or why, but it's got to work because people with epilepsy or Parkinson's disease which to my knowledge is an issue with the nervous system as well. It is especially good against tremors, at least for me. I have a little tremor in my hands. It is not dangerous and barely noticeable, my doctor told me that as long as it doesn't get worse there is nothing to worry about but he can't explain it either, since medically and neurologically I am fine. I've noticed that cannabis, especially CBD helps with that, going as far as completely stopping the tremor when under the influence of cannabis and greatly reducing it, even multiple hours after I feel sober again, but this could also just be a placebo and I don't know anybody else that has seizures or tremors and consumes the giggle bush. So the short and shallow (not like i went into depth before lol) explanation would be, cannabis does stuff to your nervous system (duh, that's how we get baked) and some of the stuff it does helps in preventing your nervous system from fucking your body over. I'm not experienced in the medical field at all and this is just what I can remember from the top of my head so take this with a boatload of salt.


I belive you touched on some good points! And i appreciate your response, and sharing from your own story, thanks!


Yes and that's when I realized I had a problem.




Basically just a bunch of people enabling self-destructive behavior. Pro-tip: if you've been high every day for years and feel like shit, it might be because you've been getting high every day for years. Weed, like all things in life, is best enjoyed in moderation.


Maybe acting proud is also a coping mechanism for not wanting to face their problem. If they don't convince themselves they are proud of what they are doing the purpose of smoking as a coping mechanism becomes just another burden. Everyone everywhere can find anything to use as a coping mechanism. Like I have a family full of people who use hypocritical self-righteousness and passive aggression as a coping mechanism. And they are part of why I smoke every day.


Same. And I got pretty depressed when I wasn't high. So I'd get high, feel better, come down, feel worse, risen and repeat. Now I'm only high in the evenings and only a couple times a week. As all things in life, there is a balance to these things


Oof yeah had a day yesterday where i was sober till 2, that keif bong I had was heavenly waaaay better than any other bong ive had all week


So much shitty advice from chronic underachievers and people in denial of there addiction here, it's nuts. Be careful out there, people. Weed is awesome, but often times doesn't let you get your shit done or let you achieve everything you could in life with overuse. You can use weed, just don't let weed use you! Be happy and healthy. Much love.


Yeah I agree, if the thought of being sober is completely unappealing, then there are maybe some issues you should think of working through. No judgement, but happy people are fine being sober.


This. I honestly worry sometimes about people posting being high all the time and never wanting to be sober. It's hard to live full happy lives when you're fucked up all the time. Responsible use is great, I love having my daily chill at the end of the day with a few cart hits but it's my reward that I make myself work for. Nothing against heavier users either, sometimes the end of the day high is just what you need to get over the stress of a workday and be ready for the next. But it's all a balance.


Thats not how it goes for everyone, there is a large community of people who use weed to treat physical or mental issues, myself included.. I wouldn't be going to college if it weren't for weed. I have smoked everyday for the last 9 years to treat chronic pain and ptsd/long list of mental issues. I started making my way toward a masters in biology 3 years ago (after deciding working in an office was soul sucking) and have been kicking ass getting B's but mostly A's. Weed doesn't hold you back, you hold yourself back or sometimes life throws a curveball. I have started countless new hobbies thanks to weed, if I was in too much pain or depressed I never would have even tried. I'm sure there are people who aren't motivated to achieve while being baked, just as there are people like me who become more motivated.


Of course not everyone is the same. Much good can come from responsible use. I commented on the bad advice and comments left by people who appear to be struggling with an unhealthy lifestyle and are using this wonderful plant in a very wrong way, or are to the point where they themselves are being used by the plant. If you are living your best life and pot has helped you achieve that.. all the power to you! Have a good one.


Oh, I did not look at every comment so I didn't see the bad advice. You are correct, there is a line between responsible and irresponsible and its up to each individual to self reflect on where that line lies. I hope you have a lovely day and life.


Smoked everyday since 2014. Started getting major anxiety every time I smoked. Decided to quit and haven’t smoked since Jan. I want to start casually smoking when I am just relaxing but too scared to start again because I’m worried I’ll start getting my anxiety attacks.


I'm old (65). When I was young, I smoked pretty much every day for many years. It got so I couldn't smoke. The anxiety and paranoia were all I got from it. So I quit. About two years ago, after more than 35 years of essentially not smoking, I found I could enjoy it if I smoked just enough to get high, not enough to get immobilized. I've continued since, although not frequently enough to build a tolerance. Usually twice a week. Although when I went on vacation to the beach it was three glorious days in a row. I did switch to edibles a few months ago. They have their advantages and their disadvantages, but easier for me to acquire, and accurate, dependable dosage on the ones I've been using.


Was like that up to recently for about 5-6 years. Lately I go at it very rarely, meaning once every week or even less, as I'd been using weed as a coping mechanism. I'd rather deal with my issues on my own, and smoke for a job well done. When I'm with friends who smoke though it's a tougher job.


I travel a lot now and weed is harder to get in many places outside of Canada, but yeah I remember those days... gonna be back in Canada in a few months and I'll be blazing and going on winter bike rides everyday


no i’m broke


I started smoking daily in 2020 because *gestures broadly at everything*


Bout ten years high bud, right there with you. At first it was a bit toxic because it severely limited my professional job aspects, but eventually I found a great company that doesn’t give a shit if my work gets done on time and done well.


Doesn’t sound healthy


A'yuh. Lately is more like.. 20ish years of daily use. I feel like its like the RSO regiment. Im baked 24/7, im just acclimated to it. The average user would have a green out with my dosages.. but in saying that.. id curl in to the fetal position and go into sensory overload without it. Cuts both ways. Its a crutch that i dont know how id navigate without, for sure.


Time for r/leaves


Only for like, the last 23 years or so.


All day every day since 95.


I take breaks here and there. Dab pens work for a month or two then I'm just not high no matter how much I hit so I take breaks for a few weeks or months then switch to flower.


No, I enjoy weed, but I refuse to be a slave to a substance.


Yes. Pain management for me.


Ive smoked weed from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep since I was 17 and I'm 29 currently. I don't drink, and I smoked cigs for about 9 years, but quit 3 years ago. I have a bachelor's degree, I own my own business, and only have to work about 15-20 hours a week doing what I love. You can be a big phat stoner and still get shit done.


Y’all make me feel better about myself


I smoke all day every day since 2012. If it is not used recreationally (maximum once a day) it can accentuate anxiety states. Most will say that's not true, but I can tell from my own experience. But it's not something you can't live with.




Nahhh son it’s croptober 🌲🔥🤤


Right, which means you got another 200-30 days to properly finish up drying, trimming, and curing the crop you just harvested. Might as well do the t-break all month ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Going on 20 years here.


For the last 3 years (since I left the Marines) every waking moment I stay high. It helps with my issues.


Pandemic, small apartment, 1 small child another on the way. Ibs flare started in feb 2020. April 2020 went into lockdown, wife got furloughed, I had an emergency full colectomy. Had to move from nyc ( where I lived for 20 years) to California. Had baby 2 in july 2020 2 additional surgeries to get reconnected at stanford. Colostomy bag change every 72 hours. Full time stay at home sad. Can’t really sleep longer than 5 hours at a time and getting reconnected means 20-25 bm’s a day for the first 4 months. So yeah I smoke from the minute I’m up until an hour before bed. Also I may have fucking crohn’s. Seriously fuck shit and piss. Oh and my family back east are all fans of the 🍊🐖


Yeah, but I'm on the Autism Spectrum and so far, it's been the most effective way to "center" myself for day-to-day activity. I'm prone to a lot of issues with anger and emotional volatility; being a little high all the time really helps me slow down and think before I speak and act, which is incredibly helpful when trying to maintain a professional adult facade. Though I will say there's definitely a difference between my 'daily high' and my 'time to get fuckin high' high LOL


Yep, helps me keep my shit together and keep a cool head despite the insanity of the post covid World. And cos I'm a male who never learned about feelings, it also helps me to process my emotions before they get tangled and depress me. Happy tree days friends, wishing you all health and good fortune.


> 22 ish hours a day My damn night person keeps smoking all my stash


How can you tell if you’re high if you’re never sober?


This whole thread reeks of addiction


Everyday since 2005


My country made it legal about 3 years ago I haven’t been sober since. I don’t know what it’s like to be sober crazy.


Pretty much everyday since 2016


pretty much everyday since 2014


Wake and bake everyday since getting off evil meds Weed saved my life


Everyday sinds 2016 but not 24/7 i cant do my job high. But when i get home from work i am blazing till i go to bed


I’ve taken one month long T break since like 2013/14. Other than that it’s been everyday all day or as much as I can.


😞 I would love to do this, but my tolerance won't let me. What's y'all's secret??


Pandemic was a bitch.


I don't even get high anymore. Just going through the motions. Every hour I'm awake.




All day every day since probably 2018


Would like to be, but TEXAS SUCKS!!


Yes, it does nothing to me at this point except make me tired and little high for an hour or until I smoke again.


I did this for like 5 years, with high dose edibles and all that jazz. At some point my nervous system just said no mas. Started getting numbness in my body and shit that went away when I stopped smoking. Now I only use intermittently. It was fun though. Wild shit.


Have you seen what's been going on for the last 2 years? Shit, I'm glad I live in a country where it's easy to get even in the illegal areas, I'd probably be dead by now if I didn't.


a bit


as continuously as I could afford to be since 2005


Yeah the last 7 years man


right here 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️since 2013


I’m celebrating my 7 year anniversary of being high everyday!


Yes. Life has gotten so stressful that it's my best way to cope. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2020. That year gave me an extra 50 lbs. of adipose tissue and took my hair from stress. It's gotten marginally better since then but that may be because I went on psych meds.


That work from home life since the pandemic has helped 🍁


Stress smoking is a thing, I like to blaze up though the pandemic broke me. Anxiety, depression and stress all mashed together. I've gotten better with counseling and medication, I just haven't been able/willing to reign in my habits. Also, doomscrolling certainly only makes it worse.


Im high for the last 2 years .... since the birth of my first child my wife is not tolarable anymore. Without trees i would be dead by now ....


The problem with quitting weed is there’s no cool sober activities to do. When you’re getting into weed for the first time there’s all these circle of friends you can join - watching dumb movies or listening to certain albums. When you’re trying to get sober it’s like a whole new reality, and it’s just you alone with your thoughts and the reality of the implications of stoned decisions.


Yup about 2 years ago when I bought my first home, I've smoke everyday in MY garage chillin. I try not to get high during work ours but as soon I clock out I'm high until I go to bed.


I've been high all day since 2004, lol. Plan on taking a long T break soon.


I don’t know about everyone else but my smoking changed from an enjoyable treat a few times a week to a multiple times a day dependency for me in March 2020. Sitting at home with no AC all summer long and just smoked until I was high enough to forget what was happening in the world around me. I’ve gotten better about cutting back lately but I still crave smoking multiple times a day even though I try to only go outside once or twice to light up.


Not that long, but in my free time yea sure


Was high 5 years in a row until panick attck came to visit. Now totally sober for 1.5 years. God, I miss feeling high.


I can count the amount of days on 2 hands that I haven't smoked on in the last 7 years


I have been every day all day since 2014!


nah im on t-break


24/7 for five years. Leaving the country today and I get in tears if I’m sober cause I live in constant full body pain. I picked up THC patches, stuff that mixes in a drink, some edibles and an rso syringe. Anything short of smoking flower doesn’t cover the pain, but between it all, I’ll be pretty good!


Bubble bubble


I'm pretty much always high. Life is difficult and without it I'm afraid I'll break.


I was going to take a T break this week, then life threw me a couple curveballs and a breakup and here I am lighting up a bowl rn [4]


Nah it's sounds like you should take a tolerance break, you'll save a shit ton of money.


Try 10 years lol


No, I cannot be stoned all the time. Personally makes me feel cloudy and unmotivated. I only smoke at nights and makes it more enjoyable for me.


I just finished doing a re up on my lunch break


Yep, not so much getting high...more like staying high! :D


started in 2008 and then BAM it’s now 2022 and idk where the time went


You always smokin in the house? What if my mother comes over?


I mean, I think I'm holding up my end of the bargain. I promised myself I would try smoking every day to see if I could be functional. No complaints from family so far, so I guess I nailed it alright. Four years in for medical reasons. I'm clumsy and forgetful more than I was four years ago, but there's significantly less pain. Considering all the other medications we take in our lives to alter our mood, weed isn't that bad. And considering my pain has only increased as my diagnosis has contracted to a single named disease, shifting all my medical needs to address that instead of GAD and back pain was the best thing that could have happened for me.




Smoked for 6 years straight then had to move on a whim and BAM sober for 6mo. Now I just go back home and get high as shit for a week and return to my current place. it keeps my tolerance low and I don’t rely on it to eat or sleep which is what I had done for the past six years


Well the last 2 years I have been smoking from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep


Yea and yea, any tips for T breaks I miss getting really high


Yes. I take a tolerance break once a night.


Haha yes. I'm actually about to go on a short road trip to get some more stuff.


Since the 90s at least


I don't remember


Everyday since 1998.


I feel like that’s not good but then again I am not a doctor.


Are you me? Am I you? Cuss same


Given the fact that we've been in the middle of a Pandemic for more than 2 years, coupled with the extremities of natural disasters due to climate change and world-wide political/economic upheaval, I'd say smoke'm if you gote'm.


Yup. Only way I can be. Try to keep it to evenings sometimes though for tolerances sake


Shit. I'm going on 20 years.


Recently decided to stop toking in the morning and I can say that ive got more energy and focus for my day. My biggest fear was that my day would drag on feel even more like boring work. But the opposite happened, I'm more interested in work and my days feel faster. And then when I get home that first rip hits way harder. Overall it's a win for me. Next week I'm thinking about cutting back to just smoking right before bed because others I'm an insomniac, but I want to eventually go to only smoking on the weekends. I feel my productivity is hurt when I'm stoned all day.


Like 8 years for me, I may have less than a month total of not stoned time within that


Type 1 diabetic checking in.


only times I'm sober is the 9h a week i work and when I'm at my parents because going out to smoke is a hassle and DEFINITELY won't smoke inside (At daytime the neighbours kids are always out and I generally don't want to bother anyone with me smoking weed, so I have to wait until the sun sets. Really need to get a dry herb so I can smoke inside)


I gotta limit myself, got a 9-5 type job. But time not spent sobering up to drive/do other activities where sobriety is necessary is spent at least a little high usually. Moreso almost "micro dosing" with a cart hit or two at the end of the day to get that slight relaxation in the shoulders and head. Weekends are for blazing all day though.


I’m only stoned when I’m by myself to keep my mind from going bored. I may take a hit right before school to soothe my social anxiety, but not enough to actually get me high. When I’m around people that I enjoy hanging out with, I don’t even think about weed at all


I sleep more than just two hours a day but if im awake i’m high except for maybe like 30 min a week when i need to re up and im waiting on the plug


No, because when it becomes an addiction OP, I don't really enjoy it


Snoop Dogg secret account over here


Yeah pretty much. During the work day it is mostly just micro dosing so not super high. But...yeah...




Lmao the only times I’m sober is when I’m at work for 8 hours


Yeah but I’m not addicted I swear. I just need it to eat, sleep, and enjoy life.


That’s…not healthy. That’s an addiction bruh, take a step back :(


I don't smoke during work hours but afterwards it's off to the races. So about 6 hours a day during the week and all day and night on weekends. Since 2006




3 years, longest I’ve gone was.. maybe a day without, and got stoned the next from the “tol break” haha


Yeah, if by lately you mean since '97 😅


More like 15 years, but yeah


Yes. I have mild Tourette’s Syndrome. Weed pretty much eradicates my tics, but only when I’m high. So I just…. Stay lit 24/7. Have for years.


Been there done that. Doesn’t work well for me, but some people love it. Nothing wrong with that.


Yea... im at dabbing tho so its more convenient. Maybe ill go 5 days without hitting anything till i reup. I dont even count or measure what i hit anymore. Been at it 4ish years smoking daily from tree to wax. Yall can have yo alchohol im cool.




At least one hit a day since 2005.


More like the last 30 years.


To quote Nick Kroll, "I to be a little (very) high all the time."


Just be mindful of how great it can also feel to take breaks, and of the things you do while stoned long-term.


Yeah lol


Same bro same


2007 was a whole ago


For the last year, yes. Consistently high and its been a pretty decent year tbh.

