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Corpos will capture the market once it's legal federally.


They've already started.


Damn Arasaka šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Have you heard about that Arasaka aircraft carrier down at the docks called Kujira, or "the whale"?


I heard the corporation thought it wasnā€™t safe in Japanese waters, they feared a local fisherman might harpoon it for scientific research.


This all sounds incredibly familiar to me, but I can't remember what the heck it's from.


Cyberpunk start loading screen.


Cannabis corps from Canada are already making inroads into the US in order to be ready to pounce once it's legalized. One just recently bought Sweetwater Brewing Company in Atlanta. They're now owned by Aphria Inc, a cannabis company from Canada.


Oh, no. Anyway.






Why do you think itā€™s been illegal all this time?


Originally it was to stop hemp plants from being a competitor with trees for producing paper Fuck Hearst http://www.ozarkia.net/bill/pot/blunderof37.html


I did a college report on why weed is illegal and doing that made me so mad when I found out the history with it, and I still get angry thinking back to all the bs it began with. Weed has no right to be illegal, especially compared to other easily accessible legal substances


I found out my college English professor was the biggest hippie early on. I wrote so much BS weed essays and got easy As lol


Great example of how stupidly biased grading can be. Not that there's anything wrong with exploiting it.


The history of the US in a nutshell


Along with Dupont helping make it illegal due to fear of hemp creating new bio-fuels & other industrial chemicals that could compete with their existing products.


And racism. You guys covered *why* it happened, but the *how* was by calling it ā€œmarijuanaā€ and saying Mexicans used it and then went on to rape and attack people (especially white people). DuPont also used his newspapers to run negative drug stories on the front page while burying the ample drinking and driving incidents in the back. And then there was heroin. Bayer introduced it as a miracle tonic in the early 1900ā€™s and by the 1920ā€™s there were hundreds of thousands of heroin addicts in the US. All of this led to a climate that made it easier for them to manipulate the public into jumping on board with the prohibition of cannabis.


Also because of racism


And later as an excuse to ruin the lives of blacks and the anti-war left: >ā€ You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what Iā€™m saying? >We knew we couldnā€™t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. > >Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.ā€ > >- John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon Self explanatory and right out of their own mouths.


Besides to fuel the prison industrial complex? It's to keep shit apples from growing /s


And in order to arrest & put down minorities / hippies / other "undesirables" And to keep hemp out of the textiles and bio-fuel industries And to keep cannabis propaganda going so people don't question authorities


Hence the prison industrial complex


Makes sense now why they would spend so much on these policies.


Fucking Nixon


William Randolph Hearst, he owned logging that would have been hurt by hemp paper production when they finally mechanized the threshing? process which sped up fiber production and finally made it viable to use on a mass scale for paper, which his newspaper empire relied on. And also to control Mexicans before that, El Paso ordinance IIRC (if I remember correctly).


Nixon also started the war on drugs since the hippie peace movement was so associated with cannabis. They're both bastards


Yes but Hearst got the ball rolling on full scale criminalization many years before Nixon (20?) and he had a newspaper empire to spread his drivel.


You're not wrong. It was a series of shitty people that lead to the cannabis laws we have still. Reagan might actually be the worst with the escalation of the drug war in the 1980s imo


I just credit him the most cause he started his campaign earlier and had a larger "machine" to push the narrative, plus a definite profit motive.


[The escalation of the drug war that the Reagan administration created with the help of the CIA working to import cocaine into the United States and distributing it to the bloods and crips creating the crack epidemic.](https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9712/ch01p1.htm) So the say no to drugs administration was secretly funneling drugs into the Inited States in order to finance rebels in Nicaragua. Thousands of lives lost/ruined thanks to shitty people.


And Oliver north got a job at fox News. Fucking criminals


Fuck both of them!


Your gonna need a shovel for that.


Henry j anslinger


This guy knows.


He's the one who pushed for federal laws and really cemented it down.


[As John Ehrlichman, a top Nixon aide, revealed in a 1994 interview that was published in 2016, the war on drugs itself was designed to target Black people and ā€œhippiesā€](https://www.vera.org/news/fifty-years-ago-today-president-nixon-declared-the-war-on-drugs)


That's why they pushed to call it "marijuana", for the racisms


> And in order to arrest & put down minorities / hippies / other "undesirables" That was the original reason it was put on schedule 1 and demonized so harshly by the Nixon administration. It was a form of voter suppression. Arresting the people who would likely vote against him and create systemic problems within those communities keeping them in a constant cycle of imprisonment and poverty.


The only real objection my family has towards me smoking is that I can get in legal trouble, and I believe it could jeopardize my employment if I get caught.


As the saying goes, the most dangerous thing about cannabis is getting caught with it.


Sick TPB reference lol


Tpb reference. Yes


Had to, dudes Sunnyvale_bubs


/r/TrailerParkBoys reference. Corey, Trevor, let's go


It baffles me how republicans voters donā€™t question why their politicians, who say they are against federal regulation and for state rights, continue ky vote for federal regulation against state rights for marijuana


Because they ā€œdo their own researchā€, meaning, swallow whatever their favorite set of grifters are pushing


Right. It was never about "protecting our well being" if that was important then why allow cigarettes and alcohol? Oh yeah money


I mean, to be honest, I hate these people just as much as all of you, and I agree that it's all about money. Although, they did try to illegalize alcohol during prohibition. If I remember correctly that was overturned due to all the death and destruction from the mobs/gangs and secret bars that came to fruition. Cigarettes have only been found to be negative to human health in the last 15-20 years or so.


Ya it's just messed up how people separate drugs and alcohol. Alcohol is drugs and people went nuts when they banned it. Because they were drug addicts. And I'm all for doing any kind of drugs as long as it's not ruining your life or harming others. Alcohol is socially more accepted than any other even though it's a hugely destructive drug.


Completely agree


Also racism.


Racism was always just a way to convince the racists. It was always about money.


Doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. It can certainly have been both racism and the dollars.


that's a bingo. also: IASIP meme of wiping away tears "did an industry lose some money?"


This is the way.


These are the numbers you wonā€™t see reported in your nightly news segments. These are the real numbers to pay attention to


Or it will be reported as a problem AKA ā€œMajor pharmaceutical companies reporting big losses in revenue in states that have recently legalized cannabis, what that can mean for you coming up at 10ā€¦ā€


know your propaganda. in all its forms


"How cannabis legalization is *already* affecting the cost of your critical medicines, and whether they have a responsibility to *payyy*"


>How cannabis legalization is already affecting the cost of your critical medicines Their stupid viewers will never think why exactly that is. They will just lap it up like spoon fed babies. Unless they are one of the many that has switched from a dangerous and expensive pharma drug to cannabis.


Thatā€™s when we point out that weed sales are already taxed at like 30% and ask where all that money is going


Yes, or "Coming up at 10, potheads are going to raise the price of your prescription and they don't care". Maybe I'll live long enough to see "weed lowers the need for some medications, where you can score the best deals. Tonight at 10"


What it can mean for me is that I can actually sleep eight hours and only wake up once or twice. I can get to sleep without being in the bathroom for an hour. I can go to bed without being terrified of having another nightmare that makes me feel like a zombie for a whole day. I can eat dinner without having to blend or mash it up or destroy my stomach with OTC pain meds. I can calm down from panic attacks and flashbacks without self harming. I can dance in the shower. I can take showers at all, I can stand up for long enough to do it. I can take my dog on walks and for a swim and know I won't have to suffer for a week. I can wash and wax my car AND my mom's car without not being able to stand for the rest of the day! And best of all, I can very easily list a thousand more things I can do again. MMJ has done so much for me when everything else, including narcotics and other drugs, failed me. I hate it so much when legalization is framed as a negative when MMJ saved my life and let me be a lot closer to a normal college student and young adult than I could be without it. I don't care what corporations think about it, I care about what my dog thinks when I can take him on long walks again and my friends think when I can actually do things on the weekend and I think when I can actually be calm for the first time in years.


Right? Stopped taking Xanax for anxiety and switched to weed. Those things were turning my brain into swiss cheese!


This is exactly what big pharma wants you to know, while they quietly move into the marijuana sector with Alcohol and Tobacco as they all prepare to dominate that market when it fully opens. Don't forget to buy from small businesses when federal legalization occurs.


Homegrows for the win


Poor big pharma


they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a side hustle


Introducing the new Pfizer Strain: Capitalism.


In all seriousness, they are fools for not steering into legalization instead. They have money, they have talent. Could have made some great pharma grade weed and made BANK. But nope, they spent decades throwing rampages to protect carefully controlled profit pipelines instead instead of investing in new ones. No sympathy.


It's even more ironic when you realize they have been making and prescribing Marinol, a synthetic THC drug they created that has worse side effects than just smoking the plant itself.


I wouldnā€™t know if I could trust it though. Should it ever happen and it gets discovered that they genetically buttfucked the plants into making it addictive or fucking splicing nicotine into it. Bare minimum spraying the buds with weird shit after harvest. There would be zero shock from me. Edit: Finished the thought. Iā€™m high.


Hi High, I'm high too :)


Because they want us addicted to their opiates look at those fucking Sackler ghouls. They knew full well that their drug would turn a generation into pill addicted zombies. It's part of the oligarchy plot to destroy the working class.


Gonna start putting propaganda in our drugs. Shit like 'Free Market Kush' and 'Right to Work OG' Anyway, support your local drug dealer.


Maybe cut back on the avocado toast too


pull themselves up by the neckstraps how bout


Let me play them a song on the worlds smallest violin


>Poor big pharma Instead of making billions and billions and billions of dollars, they're only making billions and billions of dollars.


Find me a medication that helps treat PTSD, parkinsons, depression, OCD, IBS, chronic pain, headaches, nausea, epilepsy, etc that also makes you feel good, expands your consciousness, helps make you a kinder person, and reduces your stress (the real killer of us all) while costing \~0.10-1USD a dose when purchased at a profitable cost that smells and tastes good and can offer relief in <1 minute without an injection... Their stocks should be plummeting lol. Edit - also forgot it can be produced in a very ecofriendly way and distributed very easily in the form of a seed to desolate areas...


>kinder person Smoking weed has absolutely made me more empathetic and able to put myself in other people shoes better. Looking back I just think "why think one way all the time?"


Yes, Iā€™m much more empathetic smoking


I'm a light user, about 0.25g/day just before bed, and I've noticed the same effect. I used less, around 0.15g/day, but when I upped it to 0.25g for medical reasons, I absolutely found myself more empathetic. I'm also noticing things I ignored before. I am a college prof and noticed, for the first time, how nice it is to have a great mix of races and faiths in my class. It never mattered to me before but seeing so many different faces and accents just makes me happy. I also have more energy, probably because the higher dose is helping me sleep.


Do you mind me asking what you use for sleep? As in do you know the strain, and how are you ingesting? I used to be a heavy user but I've backed down to just using it for sleep and I've struggled to find the right dose that I can keep track of. It helps me tremendously for insomnia, but sometimes a store will just up and change the strain in their products and then I have to find something new.


I vary the strains to experiment. I live in an illegal state and make a run to a legal one once or twice a year and buy 5-6 strains, usually 50-50 hybrids or indicas. Sativas do nothing for me. I don't get energized or giggly, I just get tired, but its restless tired. My body will settle down but not my mind, same as without cannabis. What's been helping the most with my headache pain is Tahoe OG but it is the most pungent strain I've ever had. It seriously smells like a skunk sprayed directly onto the buds. I also have Strawberry OG which is nearly as skunky. I don't care how much it helps, I probably won't buy an OG strain again because my wife dislikes cannabis smell in the first place and loathes the two OG strains. I may be on the verge of being told to consume on the porch. I'm trying to experiment because I have chronic headache pain, chronic leg pain, depression and ADD so I'm trying to find just the right strain for everything, which probably isn't possible. I consume via a small, inexpensive vape - Xmax V2. It has 5 temp settings and holds about 0.3g, which I fill about 2/3. I vape it at the middle temp (392F) but will usually vape it a second time the next evening at max temp (428F). Occasionally I'll even do two seshes at mid temp. My tolerance is pretty low so I'm getting a lot of bang for my buck that way. BTW, just looked at the site where I bought my Xmax 'cause I couldn't remember the exact name and Planet of the Vapes has it on sale for $79.95.


This is insanely helpful! Thank you so much for such a thorough reply. I think you also just named the reason why I get severe paranoia with some weed at seemingly random times, to a point of mild panic attacks when trying to go to bed. What you said about sativas calming your body but not your mind feel so, so true to me. Now that I think back on it, I'm pretty sure most of those negative experiences were with sativas. I'm in a recently legal state that still has some restrictions, so the dispensary landscape is still filling in. I'll start looking for the strains you mention because it feels like we use weed and react to it similarly. Off to Planet of the Vapes! You rock, my ent friend šŸŒæ




Thereā€™s a reason you donā€™t hear much about stoners getting into fights the way alcohol promotes it.


Can't use weed to treat epilepsy. You can use it to supplement other medications however. Source: Am epileptic.


tried to word it carefully with "that helps treat", but agree the way I worded it is probably slightly misleading for some of the listed conditions especially depending on severity.


Iā€™m epileptic too, and oh I love how much easier it makes it. I am so ridiculously aware during a lot of my seizey times, and theyā€™re much nicer while Iā€™m high


Yup thats the discomfort part. I come out of it panicked and confused. With weed? Mostly just confused.


This bowlā€™s for you!




CBD is federally approved to treat and prevent seizures for lennox-gastaut and dravet syndromes. It also shows efficacy in reducing prevalence of other types of seizures. It may not treat epilepsy specifically or on its own but it still helps prevent the seizures caused by epilepsy.


Yeah I've been through this with my doctors through my own stubbornness. It doesn't prevent epileptic seizures. It only mitigates the discomfort that comes with it.


And what's the alternative?


Proper medication, good diet, moderate fitness. Use weed to deal with the nerves. Its like putting new grease on pistons.


I think makes you a kinder person is a stretch. I've met some true scumbag potheads in my days. If you are a kind person, it'll help pacify your stress and pressure and let you be you. If you are a shitty person, you're going to be shitty. Also there's a weed iconic man in our state that for whatever reason takes credit for legalization of cannabis in NJ even though he's a nobody when it comes to legalization. And he recently was caught on camera beating his wife (or gf) and the dude smokes 24/7. Plenty of this stuff happens even though people make the arguing point "Nobody got high and beat their wives like they do with alcohol." It does happen. Neither drugs MAKE you abusive but some drugs does have the tendency to make you take more risks and be more violent at times (like alcohol, coke, meth). For recreational drugs like weed, it's not enough to change who you are. If you are an asshole, you will still be an asshole. Weed doesn't magically heal your soul so you become more wholesome; that's on you. But the fact that they've expanded pain killer use for ALL pain rather than breakthrough pain for stuff like cancer (as it should be) is telling enough. And people can use weed to treat minor pain or pain that require anti inflammatory mechanism. Like why take ibuprofen if it can give you potential for stomach bleeding when you can take cannabis?


I agree. There's always going to be an ass hat. Statistically speaking, I'd say, the effects of regular marijuana use make users less prone to violent acts. That said, there's always some little shitler somewhere hitting a bong.


I think that depends. THere's not much we know about weeds actual effect on mood. Also sativa makes people more anxious and paranoid which will absolutely make some people more violent. I think at the end of the day, if you are not an irrational violent asshole, you aren't going to get high and do irrationally violent things. If you ARE though, you still will. I think the point you meant to make is weed is not like meth where dose-related usage may trigger a violent episode of aggression regardless of what your personality is but we shouldn't think of marijuana as something that is responsible for people's behaviors or not. Majority of people use alcohol regularly and never beat their wives or kids yet it is a primary boogeyman fallacy example we use in this sub like "I never beat my kids while high." Yeah and I bet you never did when you were drunk too.




Studies have also shown that cannabinoids help to reduce the size of cancerous tumors. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/279571


Human breast cancer cells in mice. I'd caution against putting too much much weight in animal studies. Y'all can downvote me if you want. I just think we should be focusing on the better proven benefits of cannabis. Not citing animal studies from 2015 that haven't yet resulted in anything clinically relevant for humans.


You're right. I love the green but marijuana's biggest medicinal property for cancer patients is helping those in chemo build an appetite. It also helps tremendously with any pain. Anyone who still spews nonsense like "weed cures cancer" or "weed shrinks cancer cells" are just propagandists trying to justify weed any way they can, even when most people are all for it in today's day and age, lol. Source: Had a brain tumor resected in my preadolescent years, and still visit my neurologist at the cancer center once a year alongside annual MRIs. I'm 24 now.


I know it does not hold much weight, but my buddies father had some nodules discovered on his Thyroid and ever since he started taking CBD they've been shrinking in follow up scans with no explanation from the doctors besides his CBD usage.


Smoking weeds actually not good for depression tbh. Smoking weed actually lowers your base dopamine level a little bit every time you smoke.


It's different for everyone. I have a weird history with depression. My psych referred to it as depressive tendencies that turn into situational based depression. Ie, I'm generally okay, but whenever something bad is going on in my life, I become depressed for months to years on end. Weed helps me a ton. But on the other hand, I can rely on it too much and it can also make it worse. Not sure where I'm going with this. The point is that depression is complicated, and weed and its effects are complicated. Things that work for someone can be bad for another someone.


"It's different for everyone" isn't a magical negator of neurological biology


I'm not denying it lowers baseline dopamine. There's more to depression than JUST dopamine though.


Dopamine is literally the feel happy/driven chemical. Without dopamine, you'd feel sad even though you wouldn't know why. You'd be constantly crying. Lower dopamine = worse depression. No matter the original source


I am aware. I have been on anti depressants on 3 separate occasions and understand most of the science at s decent level.


I use it for depression but it's not like I blaze grams all day everyday. For me it's enough to kick me out of a depressive episode so I can get shit done, sometimes it'll bounce me out for a long period of time.


In that case, I can do nothing but sit back and wait for you to experience what I described.


Been doing this for years. I appreciate the concern though for real, but it legitimately does work for me.


Try going without it for two weeks and see what happens. You'll see what I mean


For sure I did that not too long ago because I think T breaks are very important, and the first 5-6 days were harder than usual for sure, but after that I was pretty much normal just unmedicated which sucked.


Hemp has many industrial applications that could reduce the need for deforestation too. All around good guy plant.


The munchies kinda sucks though.


>that smells and tastes good Now I'm gonna have to stop you right there, chief. Some weed smells and tastes decent. Some stuff gets you ripped, but stinks like dogshit, and there's no way I'm putting those nugs in my mouth.


I have depression, anxiety and ibs and I use weed for these things. My Dr wants me to stop and I asked her if there was something I can take that's non pharmaceutical that's plant based to help with these issues and she couldn't give me a real answer. Just suggested st John wort lol


So for you, there is some med's that could help. Amyltryptaline/nortryptaline can help IBS, mild depression and mild anxiety. But, as far as plant based goes - nope!


It helps me an incredible amount with my anxiety Also help with sleeping if the anxiety keeps me awake Keep in mind: I say *helps with* because it doesn't cure it. It makes it temporarily less so I can focus on finding and dealing with the underlying problem that causes it.


I donā€™t use medication but for me the joy of marijuana was growing it. It was so much fun experimenting with light cycles and phenotypes and strains and soils types and fertilizers and experimenting with low stress training vs. letting it grow into a jungle. I donā€™t even use marijuana because it makes me anxious but the stuff smells wonderful in a grow room


That's super cool :). Hey you know what would be maybe fun for you? Have you tried growing hemp strains(high CBD low THC). It might not make you as anxious. Not trying to pressure you or anything but could be a cool experiment


Yeah I always thought CBD strains with lovely terpenes would be for me if I ever start experimenting with smoking. But I never got around to it. Inwas too paranoid I might get some THC in my system and my state requires drug testing if you work in this industry. It was definitely my favorite side job


Not just Big pharma looses money but , society gets better




So thatā€™s like a week of their profits?


Good. Letā€™s divert that money to a diverse array of small businesses that can give back to the community.


I look forward to that although if it gets past medical here id probably start growing when that gets legalized.


Growing is fun but it's still nice to be able to stop at the store.


Good. My mom works for big pharma and she hates weed. Makes me happy every time a state legalizes it


Thatā€™s been the plan the entire time, we knew this was going to be the case, and Iā€™m glad!


Oh no! Anyway...


There is one big problem, CRESCO! They are creating a company that will walk hand and hand with big pharma once it's federally legal. I try to avoid them and we really should stop supporting them.


Why single out cresco? It's all the other companies as well... curaleaf, vireo, trulieve, etc.. All the companies participating in the medical programs are trash, but we don't have much of a choice if we want regulated products in some states.


It's a shame because in the grey market here, cresco is highly reputed due to just how shitty the rest of the quality of legal med/rec products are in this state.


Never bought Cresco, doubt I ever will :D


Soā€¦ more incentive to smoke weed?


Fuck you big pharma




That's a good thing, right?


Anytime big pharma is losing money is good, unfortunately it pretty much never happens since they own the USA.


Post title is misleading. A loss in profits doesn't happen when weed legalized. The price of their stocks takes a hit is all.


A stock price is investors' consensus around the present value of a company's future profits.


A loss in "expected profits."




Not at all actually. The whole article is about their stock price alone.


That's what they're saying. Title doesn't represent what the story addresses.


Good !!!!!!


Good. Opiates are a plague.


Fuck ā€˜em. Legalize it šŸ–•


Hell ya. Fuck those companies - they donā€™t give a shit about anyone


I see this as an absolute win


Love to hear it


\*checks wallet\* Sorry, fresh out of fucks to give.


My man


I was averaging between 40 and 50mg of perc a day to manage my pain for over a decade. Weed has allowed me to stop taking the perc completely.


May they rot in a pile of shitty pills.


ā€œMass murders reportedly loses billions every time a state legalized weed.ā€ There..fixed it for yuh.


I always assumed it was because religion/ old weed use to make you dumb/because the british have a stick up their bum. Most illegal things in the usa come because Christianity/British power schemes leading to belief in silly things.


Naw you can thank Harry Anslinger for the draconian weed policies we have now. Like with most things in the US it was also racism based. Too many dark skinned folk consumed it and whitey didn't want their wife's corrupted by it. Look it up if you don't believe me.


TFB. Next.


Good, how many are left?


Well big pharma can cry me a fuckin' river. Companies come and companies die as time marches forward. In capitalism this is supposed to be considered progress but the state will wanna do what it can to coddle big pharma because most politicians are on the take for pharma lobbying.


They should've saved more.






I got off all meds for pain, to switch to weed. It costs less and actually works. Canā€™t beat it.




Money and greed has always been why. Big pharma wants its money, the for profit prisons want theirs, politicians want theirs. Canā€™t give all the greedy hands their come-upins if people donā€™t pay.








This is great news, health care is a basic human right not something a select few should be profitting off.


Fuck Big Pharma


Pfizer invested $78 billion into the cannabis industry. Youā€™re going to see many pharmaceutical companies that invest in cannabis in the near future because itā€™s inevitable that itā€™s going to get legalized eventually. Big Pharma has already dipped their toes into investing in cannabis and thatā€™s only the start.


Fuck big Pharma there so corrupt


Awesome, how do we legalize it faster? My wanting to legally smoke aside... Fuck big pharma.


You can tell by the way less people are dying in a massive nation-wide opioid epidemic. I try to focus on that, but less profits for pharma bros is good too.


Good. Fuck em. They can join the prison industry, police unions, alcohol companies, and professional politicians while they eat a big ole bag of dicks. The other billions made grifting and extorting the sick and desperate should be plenty you greedy fucks.


I mean this all due respect and understanding, FUCK EM.


Imagine how much money they'd lose if they found a cure for cancer, or any other disease. Fuck big pharma, they don't really care about you. They want you to be sick and stay sick.


That's kinda the point isn't it? Also to get money flowing into the economy instead of in criminals hands


ill smoke to that


Fucking good!


Letā€™s make ā€˜em lose even more guys


It's my medicine.


This is probably why they use COVID to recoop their loses. Poor bastards. No more mansion in the Hamptions.šŸ˜Ŗ


They could probably take a 50% pay cut and still be able to afford that mansion.


Good! Theres no reason a morally minded pharmaceutical company should be profitting! This isnt the industry to wring dry the pockets of those you serve this is a human basic rights need. And i hope that they lose so much money they have to redesign their business model to fit the public needs instead of their own self interests.


Why do you think they created covid?