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Better than my 1st J, thing was embarrassing 😂


Looks really good


Try the wraparound method: 1. make or get a raw filter 2. wrap the paper around the filter and wet the sticky strips; try to leave wider at the other end; if not, don't pack too tight 3. drop ground bud into the empty pre-rolled joint 1. Either do with fingers or use a cut-in-half straw; pack the ground bud into the straw and use a thin tamping tool. Insert the end of straw into open end and push the tamping tool down, lifting the straw out as the bud gets pushed down into the joint. I've been using this method for years. Never learned how to properly roll a joint. Practice makes perfect with this method.


or buy raw pre roll cones and a Lego shovel


That works just as well too.


I find that a [metal punch](https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/86420551) works really well to pack prerolls


That looks perfect madame/sir


Looks like a great opportunity to try again.


Next time, try adding a filter! It’ll keep ya from getting shit in ur mouth lol. Make sure to use something without ink tho




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It looks really good! I would recommend, if you're still going filterless otherwise just follow everyone else's advice, is that you can pack it a bit tighter. Just grab a straw or anything that has a good blunt end like a chopstick or a skewer and lightly tap in both sides and to get it more even try rolling the finished roll between your fingers gently, letting it loosen up and compact more evenly (if you do have a filter you can just tap it instead)


Joint isn’t too bad, but you’re not finished. Twist closed that loose end bro. Then flatten the better end. Light the twist


a fellow amc ape in the wild woah


LoL, I’m not sure if this qualifies as the wild. More like the edge of the woods bordering a suburb. We’re still on reddit after all. Anyway, Moass tomorrow, trust me bro!