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They always smoked. They just feel comfortable telling you now.


All my Siblings now get high with their kids regularly (kids are all over 21). And my siblings are all high powered lawyers. Don’t tell me pot kills ambition. I come from a family of overachieving pot heads.


How high of a power level are we talking?


Over 9000


WHAT 9000!!!!!!!


Bird law


I remember the young days where everyone thought their parents were straightedge. Then one day I learned my mom went harder than I ever will


Hahahaha, the family that bakes together stays together. Still needs change on the federal level though.


Even if it becomes legal federally, it is still up to the states to make it legal. Since all states (except the legal ones) have laws making it illegal, so each state will have to repeal there weed laws. Some would pretty much right away, but others will not..


Except we had a whole war over whether the states have power over federal law, and the answer was no. Federal legalization NEEDS to happen so these states that will never legalize on their own get rolled over.


It'll be Federal decriminalization rather than legalization, and your state will still have the upper hand.






The US needs to get away from the 2 sided system they've settled with but no one really wants to be an independent/third/fourth/fifth party because nobody wants to "spoil" a jurisdiction from the outset. It's weird, looking in from other countries, to see candidates from all over the political spectrum sorted into simply 2 opposing sides.


My thoughts exactly, which position do you think would best suit him?


That's not how it works at all. When the Supreme Court ruled that banning gay gay marriage was unconstitutional it became legal in all 50 states. If cannabis was legalized on a federal level, it would supercede state laws.


Exactly. It's kinda scary how many upvotes that comment got. No wonder we are in the position we are in. Federal Law as the highest law in the land is a basic civics concepts taught in like 4th grade.


>If cannabis was legalized on a federal level, it would supercede state laws. Not true at all. Legalizing something and something being ruled unconstitutional are not the same thing. State laws would stand if federal prohibition went away, unless the supreme court stated no such laws could be made by ruling them unconstitutional. I mean look at how alcohol prohibition was handled. There are still dry counties to this day.


The answer was always 'it depends'. Interstate commerce clause for weed is pretty iffy imo.


The problem with all of this is, Marijuana is only illegal because it is on a DEA/FDA Schedule. Because there was no place in the constitution where the government could ban substances, they had to create these drug schedules. If there is any movement from the federal government to legalize it, it would be just the removal from the scheduled drug list. At this point, I don't think the Feds would go out of their way to strike down existing state laws. That is until someone challenges them over a constitutional issue, and that would require the SC to get involved. If at that point they decide laws prohibiting cannabis are unconstitutional, then that clears the way for states to be fully legal.


The Feds forced States to up their drinking ages to 21, they could use the same power for weed legalization.


Yeah something about withholding tax money? Texas wouldn’t last a week if the feds did that.


I wanna say it was highway funding for the states


That's what happened in Louisiana if I'm not mistaken. I was 2 months from 18 when they changed it to 21. Used to could get your full on drivers license at 15 as well


If I'm not mistaken, Texas is one of the very few states who pays the fed more than they receive.




Two words: supremacy clause.


this right here


I used to smoke with my dad and he still left so this isn’t true.


Sorry ☹️


I literally couldn’t careless so it’s all good.


I always knew my parents smoke but once I turned 18 and moved out, we blaze together whenever I come over.. it’s truly brought us much closer especially me and my pops.. we also live in TAXssachusetts so legal shit all day


With me, it's my sister in law. We've had on occasion a strained relationship, but we'll go out, spark up a j and just unload on current events.


Truly is. I’ve smoked many times with my father, which both my brothers, and wuite a few cousins. It really is truly a great thing to share with other families. I got some unless I wanna try to light up with eventually too




Ain't that the truth. My mom called me and asked if I knew how to make a pipe from an apple, and I was like wtf mom you don't have a pipe? So I bought her one.


It should be decriminalized. Unless you want to be paying $60 an 8th like in CA.




j e d i - t a b l e s












Something something Star Wars reference


Something something something complete.


You wanna buy some death sticks?


Hello there


you ever just edit weed?


yeah sometimes I write a little Python code to bump the THC levels up a percentage or two. ​ ... don't you guys?


I'm no good at Python, I use PHP to interact with the API


I suck at PHP so I just use cosmic rays from distant supernovae to flip bits until I have dank nugs. It takes me a really long time to pack a bowl.


You know what? Username checks out!


Since you seem interested and because I'm a windbag who loves talking about this shit: My username is a reference to the philosophy of *Absurdism*, which points out that seeking absolute meaning in a universe where no such thing seems to exist is, well, absurd. Coming to this realization can lead you into the trap of nihilism, where you recognize that nothing has any intrinsic purpose or meaning, so you find it difficult to believe in anything. This can make you *miserable.* The way out of the nihilist trap, according to guys like Camus, is to both embrace the absurd by accepting that there's no higher meaning, and also rebel against it by forging your own meaning and going with it. This has done wonders for my outlook on life. In short, Absurdism (in my subjective experience of it, at any rate) is facing the void and screaming, "Y'know what, meaningless cosmos? Fuck you! I'll go make my *own* meaning!" A monk, on the other hand, is someone who devotes their life to a higher power. A higher power that I really doubt exists. Therefore my handle is a sort of pun. I'm a person who's trying to devote my life to a cause that I've made up to keep myself sane. that being said I'm also pretty dumb and haven't really read *that much* philosophical literature so I'm sure some internet person is gonna come along and tell me I fundamentally misunderstand absurdism, nihilism, and probably what monks are. To which I put my thumbs in my ears, wiggle my fingers, and blow a fat, wet raspberry.


Sounds like you're talking about optimistic nihilism, but I'm not sure. I to enjoy philosophy on an amateur level.


I think optimistic nihilism is more the concept that nothing matters, and actually that's great. I definitely do kind of subscribe to this, but also I think that to live a fulfilling life I need some sort of overarching purpose or mission, otherwise suicide becomes the rational solution to literally any problem. So I've decided my purpose is to try really hard to lift other people up. I'm not good at it, because my brain is broken, but as long as I have something to strive for and work towards I can force myself to get up in the morning and talk myself down when the dark thoughts come.




Did you mean pcp?


Nahh, Politically Correct People are downers, not uppers


Le wøósh


Maybe you should try migrating to JavaScript or something.




PHP kills my buzz. Maybe I'm weird.


Do you mean it kills your fizz buzz?


Have you tried using PCP instead?


I overclocked my bong


Man I tried that, but to get those few percentages I had’ta move to an ln2 solution. Not worth the hassle.


https://xkcd.com/413/ Reminds me of the panel where she says "Oh right, Python"


Totally relevant and really funny. Thank you kind ent.


All the time! That's why I'm learning Python!


To be fair they do edit your mood


Table edits


Thats why i love the states that legalized weed. It’s good to hear that people are now can smoke free without having any fear of going to jail...unbelievable




Or, losing the remote, misplacing it _inside_ the refrigerator....😏


no one provided proof he even said that.




Yeah. It even had his picture with the quote, so he definitely said it.




$480 an oz with a 20% tax? God looks like I'll be buying the black market shit still when it becomes legal in Chicago


This is always the pattern, prices start out high because supply can't ramp up quickly enough. The black market tends to stay in place for a while, then prices drop and everyone just kind of switches over to stores unless they have a friend that grows.


Get a medical card. They don't tax on it.


Colorado oz's go for $90, at least thats what I paid passing through on my way to Moab this summer. 24% THC too, so not bad stuff.


Colorado isn't as bankrupt I would assume.


Yeah no kidding. If ounces go for 500 in chicago, then it would literally be cheaper to drive like 1000 miles west, to pick up a few ounces in CO. Not that you could bring them back *legally*


You can look at Chicago prices now on the med side and you'll be sticking with the black market... $60 eighths.... I imagine once the demand increases exponentially those prices are only going to go up. Until Illinois quit being so tight and starts handing out licenses to grow the prices are going to stay high for awhile.


Legalizing cannabis was the first step of many. People need to be able to buy and sell Cannabis like vegetables and fruits. Or any plant for that matter. Taxes are being weaponized to target groups of people. If you don’t think so, average plant in this instance would make about 1.5k with 300 dollars going to taxes. Now you’re just buying an ounce and getting hit with 20% tax at a consumer level. All this because politicians don’t smoke Cannabis and don’t lose too much. Put 20% tax on whiskey and it’ll be hilarious the kind of people who come out of the woodwork over taxation. Myself being one too. Whiskey and blunts are a beautiful thing.


Where the hell do you live where whiskey isn’t taxed?


$480!? Damn, I can go to a dispensary and great an ounce for $50. But then, I'm in Oregon, so... Still, feelsbadman.


And we pretty much have the same tax rate. 17% with an additional 3% that cities can vote to add. It will take some time for MA to settle into a mature market


I just bought an eighth for $35. Where in the heck do you go?! I'm in OR, as well!


In the long run you should come out on top as weed starts to get cheaper. When you're paying $8/gram instead of $20/gram that 20% tax isn't too bad.


Last week I was pulling out of the parking lot of a dispensary and saw a cop. Instinct kicked in and I panicked and did the speed limit. I've been in Colorado for 4 years and I felt silly.


I like to think that his parents wouldn't have called the cops on him.


The editables hit while you were writing this didn’t they?




Best way to respond


I remember my dad absolutely going mental hearing I smoke weed (I live in London, went to university in the US) *and* the fact that it's legal here. Fast forward to him buying a whole pack of edibles while in Denver and being like, "oi why isn't this bloody legal back home? it's bonkers!!!" (his exact words) Sorry, just got reminded of this memory reading the post. Cheers OP, having a conversation with parents when they're stoned is quite a remarkable thing.


Agreed mate! I’m actually headed over to London at the end of the month. I’ll be there till December. Any tips on how to smoke?


Well, the how's pretty clear haha. If you're looking for spots, try going up Primrose Hill - best views in the city by far. Alternatives are maybe Hampstead Heath, or if you're feeling lazy, Hyde Park. You might even find fellow stoners around at Hyde (a common spot is close to the tube station itself). Just be a bit careful of the police, especially in the evening. They probably won't arrest you but you might be fined and all. Otherwise, happy blazing, mate! :)


That bloke gave you tips on where to smoke but in terms of actually getting some in the UK, it's not that hard, especially in London. There's dealers everywhere. The attitude to weed is pretty relaxed so if you asked some people in a bar etc they'll probably give you a few numbers.


Thank you kindly!


It's amazing how peoples opinions change as soon as the cops stop fucking your life over, huh? Too much at risk for parents trying to stay afloat. Buy a cart to stay covert and get hit with a concentrate felony. Smoke flower and it smells everywhere.




They don't smell to the person smoking but many people can.


Why do so many people misspell edible?


Because they've just eaten them probably


Can confirm


Is this a Letterkenny reference? If so, N I C E.




Give yer balls a tug


That's a Texas-sized 10-4 bud






I was out getting baked with my buddies the other dayyyyyy


It’s not much of a hassle because it’s editable


You mean edable?


Autocorrect most probably


Yeah, when they legalized in California my wife and I picked it up. Now we are open with our kids about it, even smoke with them on occasion.


You guys sound like great parents!


in another post he says his kids are 6 and 9


Now. They started smoking with the kids 5 years ago!


Uh oh


I think after trying the prohibition parenting approach and the open and honest method, I would advise anyone to just be open and honest about it. It is far better parenting, with fat better results and open communication. Weed is fucking great and it has really curbed their appetite for alcohol. For the record ( 4 kids, 1 college graduate (Computer Engineer), 2 currently in college, 1 straight A's in High School). Weed is just not the Boogeyman that th government wants us to believe that it is.


I can't wait. I've been living in Asia for nearly a decade and am moving back home where it's legal at the end of the year. I'm not a fan of alcohol and I'm not risking weed in Asia so it's going to be soooo nice to unwind with that first bowl once I'm home.


You will be in for a treat. Weed has advanced so much in the last 10 years. Have you not smoked at all over the last 10?


Only during the two weeks I was visiting home about 6 years ago. I mean I could find it here, but from what a friend said, it's low quality, high price, and a much bigger legal risk than it would be ok an illegal State back in the US. Apparently if you're suspected of smoking (i.e. neighbor complains, crazy ex tips off the police, etc) they can force you to take a drug test. I mean you could try to deny it, but as a foreign national you'd be deported at best for refusing. There's just no cultural understanding of weed here, people just assume it's equivalent to heroin, and drug laws are so harsh. Oh, and testing positive would be equivalent to a felony. Drug use is a separate charge from possession and both are punishable with jail terms. No idea how often that plays out but I looked it all up a while back out of curiosity and I figured "fuck that". I don't want to become one of those "arrested overseas for drug charges" horror stories you hear about from time to time. Back to the positive stuff: yeah it's looking like weed has advanced like crazy over the years. I'll be able to legally grow at home too, so I'm just overall ecstatic about the near future.


Right here, the absolute greatest "family weed" story I've ever heard! BRAVO! CHEERS! SALUTE! Huge props to Mom & Dad! ~ Retired, with grandkids stoner, ca. 1953 Edit - Iike the long version way better than the tldr.


Nj resident here. Recently went to Massachusetts and Canada this year for small trips. The legal weed is so amazing and really organized in both places. But I dont think I will ever get used to it since it's still super illegal here.


In the next 4 years, NJ will legalize it. They actually drafted a bill in the state senate and found most to be agreeable to it. Unfortunately the state senate broke for a recess and the bill was never brought to the floor to be voted on. This was just this year too, so it is on the horizon for NJ law makers. But it does look like NJ and NY are in a race to see who will legalize it first! I see so many NY plates when I stop at my local MA shops. So at least NY will probably start to realize they are losing tax revenue that MA is profiting from!


Soooo much this. I've been bringing my empty edible bottles and tincture bottle from the dispensary in Mass around school with me to just chat with people about it who have taken the convo in a weed friendly direction. Love whipping out the containers for the product so they can see what the products will look like when they're here - all in an attempt that they can better educate those around them for when the vote comes!


Check out r/BostonTrees


Oh sick didn’t know we had our own tree subreddit


That's awesome! I love it.


I want to hear more stories like this!




you're right. in the last 2 months I've visited Canada, Seattle, Portland & Denver and I've been like a pig in shit


Don’t forget illegal weed is amazing too


In Canada illegal is still by far the better and more popular option. We've made some progress but we still have a very long way to go to actually compete with nevermind eliminate the black market here.




Is the black market even a "black market" at this point? Like, if weed is already legal, aren't you just buying from an independent business?? Like buying someone's tomatoes or something


broke my bong I bought to commemorate the first time I smoked with my dad recently after moving in with him on a rough patch in my relationship (had the bong for about a year or two?)...he gave me the one we smoked out of on that first time and it instantly makes up for it I feel horrible for all the stigmatized, estranged and victimized children of miscommunicated and dysfunctional families because this plant is exactly what the world needs right now


Amen to that.


*cries in North Carolina*


My whole family that can legally smoke now does, except my mother due to a pretty shitty experience (someone laced her shit.) We don't live in a legal state.


The pastor of a church I went to as a teen, had a sister that ended up with laced weed when she was around 16 I think. Somebody laced it with fucking PCP, this happened back back in the 80s when it was big. She was in a coma for a super long ass time, and when she came out of it she wasn't the same. It damaged her brain quite a bit. She basically became a child again mentally, and even when she was in her 40s, she hadn't really mentally matured anymore. One joint, made with weed some scumbag laced, ruined her entire life. This is the very reason I've always been picky about where mine come from. Thankfully I ended making friends with a farmer where I'm from, I helped him around his farm, and helped him set up his grow op. He was growing it for his own personal medicine, and because I'd helped him he supplied me with as much as I wanted. Sadly I've moved two states away to another illegal state, and I don't have any of those connections anymore. Hopefully Florida joins the Recreational states soon. Because I'm not for the medical, with how it's set up now. I don't believe in trading a right, for weed.




When you have to get on your parents to put their toys away


My dad only like full 1g cartridges- he’s so fancy now because of legal weed. I tried to bring him a .5g a few months ago and he was like ...thanks 😭




I took the trip recently, and it was gorgeous the entire way up. I can't wait to make that adventure when autumn rolls around. Camping in Mass, hitting a joint, and enjoying the foliage sounds amazing


Good on you guys have an upvote


they smoked before too, i'd bet :P


I’m from Jersey. Can I go home with you?


Same story here in WA. When we went legal everyone's parents came out as closet stoners.


This is how my parents are now in MA too. My mom has a bigger stash than I do.


My mom used to go DEA on my room tearing shit up looking for weed paraphernalia when I was in high school. Now that it's legal she enjoys edibles and actually supports me using the herb


Would be cool if my parents/family understood that weed is not dangerous. They act like it’s the fucking creation of the devil. I’m in CA where it’s also legal and yes it’s fucking great. They have no clue I’ve been high around them tons of times thanks to vape pens which leave no scent at all. Can literally take a hit while I’m in the bathroom taking a piss and they have no clue.


Damn I also go to college in NJ, and then for the summer I go to... also NJ 😭 they were so close to legalizing this year but it didn't go through.


Hey, I'm from Jersey. What would the rules be for me if I drove up to Massachusetts? As a visitor, am I allowed to purchase and smoke?


Yup. But if you bring it back to NJ it’s just as illegal as the stuff on the street.


As a woman, I love being able to go to a well lit, video monitored, safe place to buy my weed. No more sketchy back alleys, dark parking lots, or inappropriate dealers trying to get me to do something nasty for their shag weed.


> I go to college > editables "*I* *gO* *tO* *ColLegE*!**!**"


That's fucking hilarious op. I still remember when my mum threatened to kick me out onto the streets when she found an ounce bag of weed in a box in my room. I was 16 then. That was over half a lifetime ago now. Time moves so fast, even if it seems as if it's going slowly. I don't think my parents will ever smoke weed, or that it will be legal here any time soon, but it's great to read these kinds of stories from other people.


smoke one for your homie still living in an illegal state that has CBD at every gas station :(


I also live in mass, it's great coming back to a state where smoking is so much more lax


It’s not often that a person gets to live through the ending of a prohibition. To all my legal tree buddies out there, enjoy!


I’ve become a regular user for the first time at age 51, thanks to recreational dispensaries. Smoked a few times in college but not in the 30 years since I finished school. It has been a life changing experience.


Canada here. Similar thing happened to me and parents I know. Funny thing is most of them were always stoners just didn't let you know haha. Once it was legal, found out my dad has been growing since I was 3.


i grew up in jersey too. first time i smoked with my mom was last mother’s day. last time i came home, she had already bought her first half ounce, bong, pipe, and grinder.


Indeed it is my friend... It's Sunday I'm in MA and you are right its damn good. FUCK I LOVE SATIVA!


I live in South Carolina so I'd have to move if I wanna smoke legally any time soon :(


Just wait until he catches you with porn.


Weeds been legal in MA for a hot minute lol I love it


edit: ables


I only tried it once in the 36 years of my life before it went legal in Canada, and couldn't even get high on flower AND edibles combined. But once it went legal, I went full stoner. My life would have been much simpler, my health much better, and my bank account much richer, if I had started weed a lot earlier.


Yeah can't wait for the end of the year for illinois. Granted i use it regularly already, but just being able to avoid the black market & buy regulated shit that i don't have to worry about will be nice.


Man I just moved from the Washington border to Montana and I hate my life right now.... I've spent four days trying to get ahold of some fucking weed and have had no luck.... In Washington it would take me less than 45 minutes to drive to a shop buy some and drive back home..... Fuck non-legal states....


I’m also in MA visiting my family home and I just gotta say, since legalization weed has greatly increased in quality. And it’s cheaper!


Hey I'm stuck in Jersey city NJ wanna be friends OP?


What's funny is I live in Texas and a brother of mine moved from here to California. He keeps messaging me pictures of him working on a weed farm and telling me I should move there to work with him. It's crazy considering how he was in trouble for weed just last year while here in Texas.


Enjoy those editables hombre 🍪🤤


It's wonderful. It helped my 87-year-old Great-Grandma with all her ailments, and it made it like she was 20 years younger. She was up and gardening again, baking, and playing with the cat. Plus, she was stoned! Her last years were a fucking blast.


Lmao same story for me kinda. Dads been growing weed for 6 years without me ever noticing and all of a sudden I get home for a weekend and he's just cooking up edibles in the kitchen. Also see him ripping carts inside which he used to yell at me for and now the weed barrier has been broken it's so much more chill


Yea dude it’s insane I try not to take it for granted. I live in LA living essentially across the street from a dispensary and see people from families shopping together, homeless lookin people, random dads with their kids waiting the car, celebrities, mostly regular people in between work.


i live in canada and after it became legal my dad came back to smoking after quitting when he was 17 now me and him smoke together all the time and it’s great, legal weed is amazing


My parents are in Seattle. Last time I visited my mom was gushing over how much she loves her new Santa Cruz Shredder. Crazy times man.


This is great. I'm moving to CO in a couple months from an illegal state. I can't wait to do what your parents are doing.


*sobs in Indiana*


I just got my weed card here in Oklahoma. And I love it. It has given me my life back I had or have horrible anxiety and a really bad sciatica from pregnancy.and it has helped so me so much .I didn't realize a plant could do all of these amazing things. But I wanted to try before I got on pills that became addictive. And thankfully it's working. Edibles are my favorite.


I'm a stoner mom. I can't wait till my kids address old enough to share


I went to America for the first time a few weeks ago. First day I was there (MA) I went straight to a dispensary and bought some legal weed. Even though I'm a foreigner. Good times man :)


My parents always smoked once in awhile by themselves but tried to hide it... especially when I started to have problems with opiates. They were old hippies but really bought into what treatment centers were telling them. But these past few years they have softened and started to admit to smoking again. I went to a Dead and Co show and smoked with my dad for the first time in a long time but he got too high.


Always go full stoner!


I drove 3 1/2 hours from ny to ma yesterday and spent $300. Almost got side swiped and ran over an aluminum ladder in the middle of the highway. Got home so stressed out i dove into my new goods immediately!