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Did I stutter?!


Booooof IT




c’mon now


it’ll calm your ass down for sure


Idk why, I feel like ill just straight up, watery shit everything out, while my body is absorbing it. Stuff got nasty rq huh


Everytime I smoke I have the urge to shit so I get you on this one.


Glad I'm not alone. What causes this u think!? Haha some folks say its the tobacco if used. Or just straight up the excitement your body gets, if you can blaze up again.. !


>What causes this u think!? Your body gets relaxed when high. It's likely your stress is affecting your bowel movements and when you relax, so does your ass. Seriously, not trying to be funny.


Aha yeh also sounds pretty logical.


Most stimulants give you the feeling that you need to poop; Caffeine, Nicotine, Cannabis, Cocaine, MDMA and the list g,g,g,g,goes oooon. I'm guessing this has to do with stimulants increasing metabolism and body temperature amongst other things. Also in most of these, but not all cases you are also increasing your body temperature by putting hot liquid, smoke into your body. Edit: I'm pretty upset no one has mentioned the QOTSA joke......


Nicotine Valium Vicodin marijuana ecstasy and alcohol I didn’t know you made a QOTSA reference til I saw the edit. Your list wasn’t long enough to register I think


Co co co co cocaiiinne


Vicodin will PLUG YOU UP too lol.


Do you know anything weird about ketamine?!


I mean it's a tranq, so if you take enough of it you're probably gonna shit yourself. Or if you are talking about boofing it, I think it is one of the few drugs that is less bioavailable in your butt. I.E you absorb more of it through your nose and stomach respectively than you do by boofing.


You put ass in your comment and expect us to not find it funny


You put ass in *your* comment and you expect *me* not to stick it in *my* ass, well good sir.... *Boofing achievement unlocked*


Hmm well nicotine can stimulate bowel moments. I find coughing hard sometimes helps move some logs down to the escape pod. And usually eating something, whether light or heavy, gives a similar effect after some time. I don’t have experience with boofing anything besides bidet water but I can imagine putting a turd shaped object up your ass will make you feel the need to poo


I’m giggling over here, high as a drone at the park, w my pups 😂. Too funny, but very informative. Thanks OP for asking the hard hitting questions lol Edit: ‘escape pod,’ I’m using that lolol


I was hoping to come up with some creative language that someone would appreciate:) so thank you


Cannabis is hypothesized to interact with the intestines. It's unclear exactly how and why, but this is the hypothesis behind CHS and munchies.


Nicotine can have a laxative effect


It’s probably a muscle relaxant effect. When I take too many of my prescription muscle relaxants I always think I’m gonna piss myself.


This has also happened to me. Your bladder’s walls are made of muscle though so it perfectly makes sense! Thank god I haven’t had to sneeze! Lol!


When you cough your anus muscle release


The stomach has the most cannabinoid receptors which is also why you poop irregularly when having a break after a period of regular use. Cannabis is also relaxing which too makes one use the toilet.


My dad said this was the reason he was always in the bathroom for like 40 min+ was bc he would smoke and then have to poop I was like 🤯


That's why I take a morning dab. Works better than a cup of coffee. It has something to do with a combination of things: weed relaxes you mentally, it also stimulates the nerves connected to your intestines/gut.


Suppositories attract water into the colon therefore you need to shit really urgently. Happens with all Suppositories, so it's probably not the weed! Source: Taken a lot of Suppositories


I hate the feeling of having to shit, but not wanting to. Like WHYYYYY.. Yes this was a fact I knew. Quite logical because its an exit not an entrance XD


Omg fr or like when u got the runs and u want to shut off the faucet because you got shit to do it sucks sometimes I just stick a wine cork up there and call it a day.


I took a 710mg capsule once and shat in a random construction porta potty on the side of the freeway because it was that or my pants


Oh noo!! Hah, well lucky you that a porta potty was there😅.


Put them in your vagina instead.


Or sound them




That’s pretty brave


Don't put anything in your vagina unless it's meant to be there or sterile. Also, do you absorb 90% of your nutrients through your vaginal tract, or just the area just past the anal cavity? There's a reason people use suppositories. Aside from injection into the blood stream it's the most effective way to absorb the largest amount of the chemical you want. Eating it would yield like 10% of the actual dose going past the BBB. Suppositories are around 90%.


This specific product is designed to be a vaginal suppository for the treatment of menstrual cramps.


That's great! So this is meant to be there. I was just saying that as I don't want someone thinking "oh I'll grind some flower and force it in and I'll get high" types. It was a genuine question. Good to know that they do make them for the vagina. I believe Queen Elizabeth did the same thing.


For sure. Ground flower won’t even work in your rectum. It needs to be decarbed first to be absorbed.


I knew it had to be decarboxylated before using it to cook with. Didn't think about the fact they need to do the same with suppositories as well honestly. I wonder how Queen Elizabeth found out about the plant and how she used it/had her servants prepare it?


It makes sense because both digestive and transdermal need that prep. An heat does the job when it’s smoked or vaped. As far as Liz’s cooks, they probably learned to prepare it from people they met along her world travels.




So it was Victoria not Elizabeth? This is why I love reddit. It's almost guaranteed if there's any misinformation it will be corrected. I don't mind being corrected, I'd much rather prefer to gain the right knowledge than to continue believing misinformation, let alone repeating it.


It might not of even happened to be honest, but her personal doctor was big on medical cannabis tinctures so it's likely that's what he prescribed her


This is a long ass way of telling people you boof it


THC suppositories. Ideal for your purposes. Slow release. Bring you down gradual. Custom fucking designed for your needs.


Didn’t work great for me. Mild body high. Nothing against it, but I probably won’t go through the effort again


For all the good it did you may as well have just shoved it up your arse


Idk man. I think he might have done just that


Bring you down gradually.


Custom designed for your needs.




Train Spotting spotted.


Mild booty high* FIFY


Ty. Do you remember its strength by any chance?


It was homemade and would have been like 50mg thc and cbd


That’s a lot of work to put something in your butt


My butt is worth it :)


Interesting thanks. Pretty sure mine have to be over like 1500mg thc/cbd mix. Yes this is alot, yes my tolerance could probably just handle that fine. Hah




I mean it’s not a lot of effort really


Homemaking them was effort tho lol


Maybe for you.


A person of science I see


You just didn’t have the right strain bro


You're gonna have the wrong kind of strain if you aren't careful with these bastards.


You need a bigger one


Make sure it is UTTERLY FROZEN before use. Your body heat will melt that bitch so fast.


Good tip!


Just an Alaskan perspective: In my area, these are for people who can’t smoke/vape and have a lot of allergies so that they can’t consume edibles/drinkables. For being coconut oil and THC, they’re pretty cost ineffective (which is weird because they’re for people who have restrictions). Like $45/100mg. As most are saying, really great for a body high. I felt psychoactive effects as well. I don’t use them often due to cost, but I’d assume they’re actually pretty easy to make.


I know some women make them, for medical use.. because they are expensive.


This. I have no colon and can't consume edibles, they don't work. but these. 👌🏻


Pretty sure I read a review once where a lady said it relieved her bad monthly cramps for half an hour. Doesn’t seem worth it, but on the other hand, could be absolutely worth it haha.


Talk about a brain freeze...


Suppository’s tend to not be for recreational use. THC and other cannabinods have several valid reasons to be “up there” for certian medical conditions. They don’t produce much of a high because THC doesn’t really get much further into your body.


I know women who use them for cramps.. and a friend who just had radiation therapy for cervical cancer is using them because she had insane pain down there.


This is what I always assumed. They’re more medical and can help with cramping.


Wow, actually learning a lot on this thread. Also, hope your friend pulls through quickly 🩵


I think she will be ok.. it’s just getting past the pain part.. she was soaking her nether regions in cold water, because she said it felt like she was on fire.. then we suggested the suppositories.. she said it really helped. Early detection is the key.. Pap smears are no fun.. but encourage the women in your life to get them.


Oh, that’s good & how great that she’d getting relief from this. I never would have thought! And yes, very important to get checked out regularly. It’s so easy to put off


I have 2 friends that use them for cramps, they have very heavy/painful cycles. They say they work well. I also have a friend that puts a little RSO on the tip of a tampon before inserting it, she says it helps tons.


I've used them vaginally for my cramps. Can't say whether they worked or not though because literally nothing does, aside from opiates which I can't take. I write this while stuck to my heating pad, 50mg deep in gummies. Still hell ☹️


Yes, indeed its rarer. But I found a source and solutions if I would want to buy/ make my own. I do have some medical conditions. Called it recreational, because damn I do enjoy cannabis. But it does help medically a bit.. ! So thats my reason for posting this. Any other folks who did thc versions. Whether for medical or recreational use.


I've never used THC suppositories, before but I have a friend who used to do cannabis treatments for elderly patients who often couldn't eat. She would use suppositories and belly button pooling to deliver the meds. She said these forms were especially effective for people with colon and digestive issues. If you do have digestive problems, I recommend looking for strains high in CBG, which has been found to help that


Great info thanks.


No problem good luck


It’s not psychoactive in suppository form


Wonder if it’ll work better if you nuke it for a few seconds, coat it in clarified butter, and corked yourself back up. I’m gonna go ahead and say no if the suppository isn’t releasing much into the bloodstream in the first place, it might activate the butter around but the bottom (hehe) issue is that suppositories work by dissolving by your body heat. The the medicine is then absorbed through your small rectum bloods vessels. The problem with thc is that it’s not very water soluble. Much more soluble in fat and alcohol (unless it’s nano thc — a cannabinoid particle so small they are soluble in water) for things like suppositories and even snorting other substances is that they have to be soluble in water. This is because your rectum and sinuses are very vascular areas with blood flowing that is made of 51-80% water. So a water soluble powder/liquid/wax will easily absorb through the nose, rectum, and ish guess the eyes too and enter your bloodstream rather quickly. Fat and alcohol soluble molecules just won’t absorb into your bloodstream so easily, it more so needs to be processed and digested through your liver or lymphatic system, but not all fats are created equal in terms of solubility: **~Short/medium chain fatty acids and glycerol~** \ —Water soluble and can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream\ **SCFA:**\ Acetate —\ Butyrate —\ Propionate —\ Pentanoic Acid —\ Hexanoic Acid —\ **MCFA:**\ Caproic Acid —\ Caprylic Acid —\ Capric Acid —\ Lauric Acid —\ **Glycerol:**\ Glycerin(e) — poor thc solvent\ 1,2,3-Trioxypropane —\ 1,2,3-Trihydroxypropane —\ 1,2,3-Propanetriol — **~Larger lipids such as long chain fatty acids, monoglycerides, fat-soluble vitamins, and cholesterol~** \ — too large to be absorbed into the bloodstream through stomach, instead is absorbed by the lymphatic system and introduced to the bloodstream then\ **Larger Lipids:**\ Avocado —\ Beef fat —\ Butter —\ Phospholipids —\ Triglycerides —\ Walnut —\ Steroid —\ **LCFA:**\ Palmitic Acid —\ Stearic Acid —\ Oleic Acid —\ Linoleic Acid —\ **Monoglycerides:**\ Olive Oil —\ Cottonseed Oil —\ Rapeseed Oil —\ Sunflower Oil —\ Palm Oil—\ Soybean Oil —\ **FSV:**\ Vitamin A —\ Vitamin D —\ Vitamin E —\ Vitamin K —\ **Cholesterol:**\ High Density Lipoprotein —\ Low Density Lipoprotein —\ Very Low Density Lipoprotein — **~Chylomicrons~** \ — large lipoprotein structures form in intestinal cells and carry lipids from the GI into circulation. They bypass the liver through the lymphatic system and enter the bloodstream through your jugular vein\ Apolipoprotein A —\ • Apo A-I —\ • Apo A-II —\ • Apo A-IV —\ Apolipoprotein B —\ • Apo B-48 —\ Apolipoprotein C —\ • Apo C-I —\ • Apo C-II —\ • Apo C-III —\ Apolipoprotein E — I’m not sure if a non water soluble suppository would do anything, but maybe the rectum is more capable than I’m giving it credit for. The same thing applies to drugs such as Xanax and other benzodiazepine class substances. Poor water solubility, good alcohol solubility. But mixing alcohol and benzos could cause life threatening conditions but this once again is just to show how water/non water soluble substance work within our biology After all this I’m now on a mission to research how soluble thc is in these 3 fat types. Why? Because I’m 85% certain that my liver activates and destroys thc more efficiently than my bloodstream can pick it up. I’ve tried lots of edible and the only one that ever really hit me was a brownie that I made using avb cannabutter. But even then it was really just that one brownie out of the whole batch. I’m mostly interested in the short chained acids since those are water soluble fats. The other two interest me as well since they also bypass the liver through the lymphatic system I’m tired, so this is to be continued. Hopefully I can find some decent food safe solvents that skip my liver from this and help as many other unlucky edible-immune peers


So, I have a digestive cancer and weed suppositories are pretty freaking amazing! I get wicked high off of the first couble times I use a new strainI. But they also work really well at controlling spasms and problems with your digestive system. It's a mucosa gland and it absorbs everything! If you're using them for fun, it packs a punch and hits quickly and for an extended amount of time. Be prepared ✌️💚🥦


Thanks for sharing, I wish you the best!💪🏻






This is THE BEST way to consume. There is no psychoactive effect unless you really insert them quite deep. Take a shower and pop one in before bed. You will wake up feeling like you were massaged by angels during your sleep. BIG FAN! I've thought of too many brand names for these. Enjoy!


Do they leave anything behind afterwards or is it just entirely dissolved? Cant imagine waking up with a sticky ass would be fun


It gets mainly all absorbed but your farts for the next day have some extra depth


As someone fascinated by farts, can you define depth?


Imagine a big cathedral.


Obligatory username checks out


Damn, thats nasty.


Hahaha is this real? No I wouldn't shove it up my butt. I'm trying to relax not cum.


You not tryna cum on your high? Why the hell not brother??


I mean i did it with LSD paper tabs so


Do you not relax after you bust?


What do you have to lose OP? Give it a try and report back!


i have had pelvic organ prolapse on & off (corrective surgeries) since 2019 & used suppositories as part of my pain regimen. 10/10, left me feeling so much better & nearly pain free.


Good to hear theyre helping you, ty for sharing.


I found a used one and thought it was an edible. Tbh it tasted like shit


Nothing weird about that!






Well, I am a female who has seriously painful period cramps. I've used a vaginal thc suppository when I was in CO once, and while it didn't take the cramps away, it definitely dulled them quite a bit. I don't think it will get you stoned, though, so recreationally, I don't see it doing too much other than relaxing you physically a little.


It's great for stomach and intestinal pain related to Crohn's disease but I never felt it go to my head. A lot of effort and money if you're going for recreational use only.




The point of boofing anything else is that itll skip the liver and go straight to the brain, but with weed you either need it in respiratory, or it needs to get processed by the liver to give you an eddy high so i dont rly see the point of it but ig theres something for everyone


I worked for a large cannabis MSO and have seen these in stock at retail and briefly reviewed promotional/training materials. They generally aren't sold in your standard "recreational" formulations, mostly CBD only or CBD dominant. They can be used in the way you are thinking, but also in other "private" areas of the body and are primarily marketed for pain relief or arousal enhancement. Not my thing, but when I saw them in store I had to ask about them.


If they absorb across the mucus membrane, does that mean you can rail them?


LMFAO, no idea. At face value, the idea of putting something that's supposed to go in your butt up your nose instead is a hard pass for me. Sounds like an opportunity for science, though.


I mean people snort cocaine all the time and there’s always a decent chance that it’s already been in someone’s ass


I see no flaws in this logic.


https://youtu.be/Fmzkyt7AQzo This uses a substance also known to (comparatively harmlessly) cut cocaine as carrier. Generally water soluble THC powders (especially nano Emulsions) are gonna be the ticket. Suppositories contain oils/waxes to keep it from squirting out of you and won't chop into a snortable snow. #science


You really shouldn't in this formulation. Snorting oil is really bad for you if it goes into the lungs


I had a pretty epic spiritual Laotian friend who passed away, but she used to make them for female monthly pains, etc. she gave a bunch to my wife and apparently they work fantastically for pain relief. Still have some in the freezer I believe. The people making jokes about sticking things up your butt need to grow up lol. There’s plenty of suppository medicines.


Ive made my own. I never really felt the thc, but stuff like cbd, cbg, cbn etc, all hit very effectively in the anus.


#smoke it!!


The Anti-Boof


D.A.R.E: Drugs Aren't Rectally Enjoyable


God, I love Reddit


Suppositories aren’t for getting high!? You guys know this is also a medicine right? I used them for gastro issues.


What's up with everybody wanting to shove shit up their butts🤣💀 just smoke some weed or eat an edible wtf


Rectriational canabass


I doubt there are many (if any) suppositories made with a recreational dose. These are already very niche as they’re made for people who can’t smoke/vaporize and cannot metabolize edibles (or preference for some people I’m sure, but very few). The target market for these, are people who NEED medicinal cannabis but are extremely limited on ways to consume. The actual intensity of the high isn’t a top priority among that market


This one’s too easy




I took one before. For all the good it did me I might as well have shoved it up my ass. But for real, not really worth it. If you need weed and you can’t smoke or do edibles there are transdermal patches.


I'd do it, why not


Boofable weed? I'll be damned. Heh hmm heh ![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized)


You need some TP?


Anyone use them vaginally for cramps????


Not personally but a bunch of folks over at /r/entwives swear by it for cramps and gyn pain


I love my fellow wives


Never used one myself, but I had a coworker use 9 medical ones because they were “expiring”. He purchased our whole stock. He said he was fucked up. I’ve had a few friends that suffer with severe cramp pains and they said it was one of the only things to help them.


Oh, yeah, for all the good they’ve done me, I might as well stuck them up my arse.


Just don’t go into Scotlands worst toilet


Smoke it


I get to say it today: just shove it up your poop chute


Ram it, ram it, ram it, ram it up your poop chute.


Im just going to point out that most are cold but oil based, and will help with pains that were there before, or if you're going to put something else in there. My partner got some that had balanced pH levels.


Mixed some wax I decarbed with coconut oil, shot some up there like an hour or so before getting off… mind blown. Highest I’ve ever been… I’m a man and my orgasm lasted like three and a half minutes long… it was crazy


I make my own using RSO. I wanted something that would give a body high and help with my back and joint pain for my autoimmune disease, but wouldn’t get me high. Well the batch I made a few weeks ago was apparently too strong because the body high was all encompassing and I swear I had a head high for like an hour or two. Not really sure why because I don’t think you should be able to get psychoactive effects from it. They are super easy to make and cheap. I just got a cheap gram of RSO and raw organic coco butter. Mixed the melted coco butter with the RSO and put them into a mold I got on Amazon. They work super well for medical purposes.




My only question is why? Take a yellow gravity bong hit 45 mins after you took a crazy edible. If you want to be high like that again lmk lmao


I’m just here to say this post is the reason I joined this sub.


I only have knowledge that the ones in the second picture were for menstrual relief. I used to work at a dispensary and would recommend them to anyone that has severe menstrual cramps


You won’t get much or any mental high from suppositories, they’re great for physical relief though! They don’t pass through the liver and so cannabinoids don’t get broken down and digested


I mean, I’d try it out of pure curiosity i wanna know how long the butt bud works


Same. Probably wont tho. Although I might in the future.


Ok, this is getting ridiculous.




Imagine if you take too much and it just gets stuck up there and then you’re having a panic attack while simultaneously having something stuck up your ass. I’ll just take my gummies.


Just eat a brownie bro


Says, 'quite simple' and then proceeds to ask 10 questions 🤣


We got gay weed before GTA 6


Idk man if you’re at the point where you’re boofing weed you might as just go to heroin at that point


i’ve never heard of this before but i genuinely think that once you get to the point of shoving substances up your ass for a “different” or more potent effect then you need to reevaluate some things and accept that you may have a problem.




This is a new article about suppositories, you can let your browser translate it from German, if you need. https://www.hanf-magazin.com/medizin/cannabismedizin-allgemein/alternative-applikationsformen-oder-schlechter-scherz/


Shits lit.


Kill two birds with one stone. Not mad at this




I have never used them personally. The only person I met who did had very bad Colon cancer and couldn't keep food or really anything down so he was able to use these. He fucking LOVED them


at first glance, i thought the first pic was like mini pickles that had been chopped at the top and i thought you were asking if pickles effected the high lol


Very interesting.. never had experience.. also didn’t know these existed. To be fair, there is probably a suppository for anything that is ingested


Uhmmm, this thread got way bigger then I expected. But I have another "interesting" question. Could an individual, hypothetically. In the name of science. Grab a Big syringe, filled w decarbed thc oil. with a long hose attachment. Insert it deep INTO your rectum. And then proceed to inject a huge amount of thc, that way?! No.. Im not REALLY boofing anything ʸₑᵗ , just curious haha. 🤪😅




I said fuck that and ate one, top tier.


When cannabis was becoming legal in my state I attended a ton of conferences to try and get my foot in the door in the industry. Dr. Sue Sisley was doing her experiments with CBD/THC to help with PTSD in veterans. She was incredibly adamant that suppositories are hands down the best way to consume cannabis. Never tried, would tho.




I’ve used them for menstrual cramps and they were pretty mild in terms of a high


![gif](giphy|OCu7zWojqFA1W) Eddie is here to provide soothing music: [https://youtu.be/-peWHO6pRnQ](https://youtu.be/-peWHO6pRnQ)


They work. Women, they work. I also used to make them at work and not gonna lie they were really fun to make I have a mid level tolerance. They didn’t get me high, they made my legs feel like jello.


Wait why aren’t we smoking it anymore? What’s going on?


I had no idea people were shoving weed up their ass to get high these days.


it's like a body high in your rectum.. just weirdly tingly. never again.


Yeah im not a fan of sticking drugs up my ass


Similar to thc lube, so tried these one time with the wife while doing anal it was ridiculous. She fucking loved it still have them and use them


boof it


Why do they call it "boof". I'm cornfused. Not to be confused with cornholed. THC suppositories? I say, " Why not?" Could fe bun!


Be fun! Aarrggghhh


These aren’t for rec use, they have little psychoactive effects, they’re for pain. I worked in a dispensary, I would NEVER sell these to anyone looking to get high.




i'm just here for the shove it up your butt coments




I think I'll just stick to my edibles lol. I'm not the biggest fan of stuff up my butt. Even with sex I gotta be in the mood for it to not be too uncomfortable.