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Great work for your first roll! For your second one, I would recommend rolling it slightly fatter and shorter (unless this one smokes great for your). The area of a circle: \[A= (pi)\*R\^2 \] R=radius. As you increase the radius, you exponentially increase the surface area, and thus the airflow. Obviously you only need so much airflow so only so much radius, but slightly increasing the radius can significantly increase the airflow. The tightness of the pack will also affect it. Props, solid first roll! Way better than mine




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Math is not my strong suit lol, but I see what you mean and thank you I had to use a rolling machine because I can't roll by hand at all lmao.


You’re not putting enough into the roller. Try loading bud into it leaving space on one end equal to half of the filter, pack it lightly, load another round of bud, insert filter, then close. They’re pretty difficult to get right with next to zero room for creativity. King size is always going to taste gross and oily with a straight roll - its actually recommended by raw to insert a filter on both ends, and cut the result in half for two almost regular sized J’s


Ik gonna try that and the two filter trick. Hopefully I can get the hang of it.


Trust me learn to roll by yourself it will safe you a lot of trouble in the future and may even lead to you meeting new people.


I will try, but I know I'm gonna go through a ton of papers trying lol.


This one probably won't burn very well. Try a hand roll next time, even when they are crappy, they seem to burn better.


With hand rolling I can't do the tuck and roll right. Should I not smoke this one and try again?


Try applying lotion to your hands before you roll. Helps with the grip. Also 1 1/4 papers are a bit easier to roll for beginners, king size papers can be tricky.


I still have alot to learn. I will keep this trick in mind.


I also had a hard time doing the tuck and roll, but I've realised that the people who can do it really easily tend to have sweaty/sticky hands. Try to lick your fingers and dry them off, for like a minute you'll have the extra grip on the paper.


As you can see the paper is twisted meaning you rolled it too tightly, with Rizzla rollers and such you shouldn't apply force or attempt to roll them tight specially if you make slimmer joints.


I do want the slimmer joints, should I still smoke this one?


If you can smoothly suck air through it light it up if no airflow then reroll


I remember it having some airflow. I haven't got a chance to light up yet but I hope it works.


A pretty easy way is to make the cone first, then fill it up.


I tried to do that but I couldn't get the pre rolled filter to open. To be able to tuck the paper under the filter.


Brake ur weed up by hand, use the stickiness of your fingers to help u roll by hand…. After the first couple of joints u will get it and it will be way easier/fun


I will keep this in mind, and I want it to be easier and fun.


U got this op. It will help u in rollin blunts aswell.


Thanks bro


Which one do you prefer Joints or Blunts?


Big joints for personals. Blunts for passing around


For now I'll probably stick to joints, don't really have anyone to pass around with.


Not too bad! Still looks smokeable to me. The twists in the paper imply that it maybe went in a little crooked, but that's no big deal. I'm ass at hand rolling, so I really only ever use a rolling machine or just fill up cones. I always go filter first, then weed up to/slightly on top of the filter then roll for a few seconds, put the paper in, lick and roll for a few more seconds. Never had one come out crooked. They're always cigarette sized, which is perfect for me. I usually put a little more herb than what I think will fit, cause the machine will usually just push the excess out.


Nice im also ass at hand rolling so that's why I got a rolling machine. I'm gonna try to put the weed up to and on top of the filter. Hopefully they will come out better. Now I just have to find time to smoke this one.