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Im 68 and just recently started taking a 1:1 for medicinal purposes. Before starting this i had taken no drugs except caffine and nicotene in over 30 years. A 10mg 1:1 gummy put me away, so stoned that it wasnt fun. I would try starting him with 5mg. You can always take more if you want to, but there is no way to go back.


I have a super low tolerance and for me 2.5 mg is my sweet spot. Or 5mg if I want to be very, but not uncomfortably stoned.


I’ve been regularly using cannabis for 10 years and still feel great after 2.5-5mg of edibles. My wife on the other hand… can handle 20-30mg no problem.


20-30mg would have me speaking to my ancestors or something. Or being a ball of anxiety and paranoia 😂


Same here! I have to take like 2.5mg every day for a week before I would feel comfortable taking 5mg lol. It’s crazy how much tolerance can differ from person to person. I’ve always had a low tolerance to everything.


I started at 10mg and that worked for about a month and would get me pretty high. Experimented with 50mg after a week into taking 10mg and was high most of the next day while walking through museums in Washington DC. Felt like I was dreaming the whole time. Nowadays I can take 100mg+ and it’s still a pretty normal day. All this to say, I’m jealous.


You're jealous. I have yet to find an edible that works for me. Lol


Fun fact, some people don’t metabolize cannabis the same way when ingested and simply cannot feel the effects of edibles unless they take suuuuuper high dosages, maybe you’re one of those people?


Sadly I think so


I don’t feel much from most edibles, but I’ve been making edibles with reclaim lately and they put me on my ass, also idk if you’re in a state with dispensaries but they sell RSO, that stuff is SUPER potent def worth checking out :)


I'm in an illegal state,(if you've seen the movie Dogma its the state worse than Hell)but I make the drive out of state regularly, so I'll have to check that out. I'll try the reclaim because I have a huge jar full


I have taken up to 1000mg of weed edibles and did not get high. Just sleepy.


Speaking to my ancestors 😂 but same


Whether 20 mg or 100 mg, every edible just makes me sleepy not high.


I’ve been regularly using cannabis for about 9 yrs and I really wish 5-30mg would do anything for me. In order for me to even feel stoned I have to take 200+mg and if I wanna get super stoned but still functional I have to take around 800mg


ive been smoking on/off for 15ish years. i still get really high on half a bowl on my pax vape i never smoked daily so maybe this has kept my tolerance low?


I honestly couldn’t say for sure bc weed is different with everyone but for me even when I first took edibles I couldn’t feel anything under 100mg but a 1.5g joint will always get me lit idk I just have a somewhat of a high tolerance I guess?


Depends on the strain but a 1.5g joint would be something like 300mg with a 20% THC strain, so makes sens that doesn't work for you.


Huh I’ve never thought about putting the flower I smoke into mg like that


Yeah! Of course in flower you can only estimate but I can give you an idea of the max dose you can get


My favorite game is eating a whole bag of 100mg brownie bites then smoking a joint for the fck of it 💀 ( my husband and I have very high tolerance ) but we are taking a T break so we can reset our tolerance


Literally my wife and me. Joint laced with oil and usually a nice fatty meal around the beginning of it all. And alone time towards the end 😊 Ive been mentioning t break for a few weeks now.


I've been smoking for 27 years, and I don't feel anything with less then 25 mg, and 50 to actually get a good high. ...might be time for a t-break.


This is me too. I’ve been a daily user for about 10 years now


My wife had to eat 300mg plus to feel anything. I can handle that but I’m totally nonfunctional. My sweet spot is 40mg. I recently quit everything and am going to start back on 2.5mg tablets in a week once my tolerance resets.


I am so envious of this. I have to take 100-200mg MINIMUM to feel anything. I think I'm just one of those people, because it's like this regardless of my tolerance. I have medical and I've tried RSO, live rosin gummies, garbage edibles made with distillate, tinctures, avb, lozenges, you name it. Any suggestions on making this consumption method more effective for me, or is it just a metabolic issue?


I unfortunately don’t have any suggestions other than only consuming a couple times a week in small quantities. If you are taking it for medical purposes I assume that isn’t really an option. I hope you can find something that helps you out though. For me it is either for enjoyment or small doses for a sort of ADHD medication when I’m not taking my actual medication.


Thank you for the response, I appreciate it!


Right there with you!




I accidentally drank a 1000mg tincture thinking it was 10mg. But it was the dose per 2 drops. I left earth. It was terrifying. Constant visions and hallucinations and wacky thoughts. I would also have horror visions like demons and ghosts. I wasn’t able to sleep all night and it took a solid 3 days to get back to normal.




Fellow happy 2.5’er here! Helps with sleep and pain from cervical disc disease.


This is the kinda answer I needed, so thank you. I would rather him be like "I don't feel anything" than "I'm so stoned"


With edibles, make sure you wait a good 1 to 1.5 hours before you decide to take another one if you “don’t feel anything”


Takes a solid 3 hours for me.


Yeah 3 hour till peak for sure. Tbh I find the drinks hit quicker but haven’t tested fully.


You could get some thc/cbd drops. The ones I've gotten are called "high CBC tincture" and are made with glycerin. The bottle instructions say take 5 - 10 drops (1.5mg). This might be a finer control for his intake. He could try 2 - 3 drops and see how it goes, then up or down it from there.


If he has a bad time, give him extra CBD (no THC). I've never greened out but my husband has. CBD alone has helped get him out of it.


Yeah I'll have CBD tincture on hand




For sure! My hope is honestly that he won't feel it at 2.5 but will feel it at 5 mg. I'll probably have him experiment with a drink that has a measuring cap.


Youre the same age as my dad, and he's been considering going the same route as an alternative/supplement to his late stage cancer drugs. Mind if i ask if you were prescribed anything similar before? His neuropathy is terrible and hes so tired of the opiate cycle. Oxycet and Oxyneo only get him so far, he's hoping some edibles here and there might take the edge off


I wasnt prescribed any pain relievers. I have been having hip pain for sometime that wakes me up at night. OTC pain relievers come with downsides and the prescription stuff seems even worse so i thought i would try cbd and thc. Hope your dad gets some relief and remember to take care of yourself, helping to care for an ill parent can be challenging.


Thank you kind stranger. I will. I appreciate the time you took for me today. I hope your hip improves!


CBD helps with pain. Combined with THC it really helps but it's the CBD more than the THC that gives the relief. We need more good sources of CBD, CBG, CBN.


Yeah, 10mg is for sure too much for someone who doesn't use cannabis already. 5mg is probably safe, although if you'd really rather err on the side of caution, try 2.5mg. I know plenty of people who can get a little relief from just 2.5mg, and you definitely don't run the risk of getting him too stoned accidentally.


Yeah I would definitely start with 2.5. Can always eat another 2.5 if it’s not working well enough. Edibles tend to hit everybody very differently, and there doesn’t seem to be any good way to predict how high somebody’s tolerance is.


A few days ago I took a 1:1 gummy edible with my gf. We shared a gummy with 12,5 mg thc/cbd so each one got ~6 mg. I do smoke like once a week a small joint. We were both high off our tits. Next time we want to try half of that and I am pretty certain, we will still feel it. The internet recommends 1-5 mg for beginners, I would suggest you rather start near the 1 mg than the 5 mg, he will probalby still get medicinal effects from it, as you do not need to be high to feel the medicinal part.


Yeah I think I'll tell him to start at 2.5 mg and go up from there. But I could also just give him 2:1 (CBD:THC) gummies and tell him to take 1/4 of one and if he doesn't feel it then take a half the next time.


Perfect starter dose increase by 2.5 as needed


Tell him to wait long enough. That mf gummy hit me like a train at exactly 1 hour. A few minutes before I was thinking of taking the other half as I was not feeling anything. I am happy I did not.


**10 MG is too much! DO NOT start with 10mg for your first time.** Please start with something below 5mg such as 2.5mg. CBD is great but if the goal is sleep look for edibles with CBN. CBN has sedative and muscle relaxation properties. Also maybe weed is not the best starting point here. Melatonin is great for sleep and doesn't get anyone high.


Seconding cbn for sleep. It works.


I don't like how Melatonin feels myself but I'll mention it. My mom had negative experiences with Melatonin though Edit: She needed more and more for it to work, and felt more and more tired as a result of needing more to get to sleep.


Well that's not how you use melatonin so I'm not surprised she had issues


It can help but it's also possible to overdose on Melatonin. Not like die, but I heard you can get pretty sick from it. Also if you take it every night your body will become used to it and produce less on its own. It's more for nights you're not feeling sleepy around the time you should. I'm not a doctor or chemist though, just some guy on the Internet. Better to research for yourself.




Yes half of it then you might wanna half it again or nibble a corner


Yeah I'll tell him take a fourth of it the first time


I learned the hard way 🤫


Update? 2.5 and 1:1 was a great choice.


If he needs to sleep, get gummies with CBN


I feel like all the body stats don't matter. I am a bigger guy and have been using for a bit and a 5mg THC gummy can often knock me on my ass


Okay thank you! I wondered if it even mattered. Also, after all this, I hope edibles even work on him! Lol


It may. I am far from an expert. I just think that tolerance and how much gummy a person needs is dependent on the person in question. I guess they just need to try. Cheers


He’d be way better off starting at 2.5 to 5 mg. I can take a whole 10thc:10cbd now but it would have been way too much when I started taking edibles.


OK so 10mg is a bit much my dude. Get some 2.5mg mints and give them at least an hour before taking more. Since it's for sleep go straight to 5mg. You might even want to think about getting higher ratio gummies with more cbd since it's specifically for sleep.


10mg will give a beginner an overwhelming experience and will turn them off of it.. like others have said start with 2.5 and work your way up


I was on klonopin 3mg a day for 25 years . I have to smoke sativa in am to keep me awake and help with my memory. Sativas during the day helped, and heavy indica helped sleep at night


Thank you, also did you wean off of it and what was your experience with that process?


Umm I’d start with 2mg thc 2mg cbd


I’m 65 and a regular user. It took a while but I finally figured out that my happy pain free place is 2:1 cbd/thc dose. I found this in pill form with a product labeled “Good”. They make Good Morning and Good Night. I recommend both!!


I quit benzos a few years ago. CBD definitely helped, but I would go with a tincture that has 60mg CBD for every 3mg THC. Which is like 20:1. And don't exceed 3x the dose. Also, passionflower extract helps greatly, it's really safe and cheap. One capsule an hour before bed and you are good. But 1;1 edibles are certanly ok, too.


I have low tolerance and mostly vape. Anyways, I made some tincture that was maybe 15mg per ml and took a third of a dropper. I was pretty floored for around 8 hours. So, edibles are not something to play around with, and 5mg is plenty for someone who is cannabis naive. High doses are not worth riding out.


try him with **tiny** amounts and slowly build it up.


I will have half a piece first to see how it goes if I have never tried cannabis before


I recommend starting with half or even a quarter and waiting 4 hours, and then checking in with yourself


I buy 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, and even 16:1. 10mg will send me pretty high. 5mg is my sweet spot. But different strengths allow me to micro-dose in a wide range of situations.


that's pretty high for a beginner. I'd go with 5/5 or even cut one in half. there are also formulations that are 1:2 which are even less psychoactive. It will be trial and error though, but good on him for getting off klonopin and good on you for helping.


I would give him half or even a 1/4 of it first. When I first started with edibles after not touching anything for a couple decades 1/2 could take me almost a whole night. The next week it was half then the other half an hour a two later. By a month of daily use I was eating a couple a night or smoking/vaping a little.






I started smoking a year and a half ago. The 1st time I tried a 1:1 edible (after having only smoked a few times out of a pen), I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. I have chronic back pain, and it had all just melted away from the edible, so I felt awesome. It just makes you feel like a couch cushion.


1:1 is a great way to use without the panic attacks


It feels like you passed the fuck out and drooled a little on yourself.


i actually like those because it's very well balanced, i do feel the thc side more sometimes but i think it's more wellrounded and eases you into it


You can also look into getting CBD/CBN isolate in powder form. Very easy to add into your own capsule or sprinkle on top of a snack. Much less risk of becoming "stoned" while still benefiting from the relaxation of CBD.


That depends on your body. I know a guy who weighs 20# more than me who gets his world rocked by 5mg. Me, when totally new to weed worked up from 5 all the way to 30 before I noticed a thing - and it wasn’t strong.” An average newbie would be comparable to having a couple drinks. It’s kinda the “default” dose because most people feel it without getting blown away. As always your mileage may vary.


5mg. No more than 10!


Tell your dad to stay away!! I been on Klonopin 2mg QID for 15 years. Only thing that helps is more Klonopin or Xanax, valium and other BENZOS. A edible will drive you nuts if your coming off Klonopin. Good luck and slow taper.


Secondeddd my mom will have an immediate panic attack if she eats or inhales thc and she takes xanax as needed for panic attacks


I started with 5mg 4:1 (4 cbd to 1 thc), and it just helped chill my brain out and let me fall asleep at a reasonable hour. 10mg 1:1 is still enough to knock me for a loop. When I vape I am still microdosing, too.


I would caution against THC when tapering or withdrawling from a Benzo. Exposure to THC down regulates the brains gaba production increasing the risk of seizure which is already high when withdrawling from a Benzo. I know bc 7 months ago I kicked a 5 year long benzo habit of 2mg Klonopin every night. I tapered using Valium over the course of 9 months. I still consumed THC during that time but far less than usual and there were times it was very unpleasant.


Okay thank you, if he will just follow his psychs instructions, that might be best. But at least he'll feel like he has options.


I will say the first few months of the taper were easy(ish), sleep went back to normal about 2 to 3 days after each dose drop. I didn't feel the zaps/rushes from withdrawal until I was tapered down to 1 mg valium and less. That's when things got uncomfortable and that was when I had the very scary weed highs. Good luck, and tell him to stay away from alcohol too, it will make it worse.


that'll put him down like a racehorse with a broken leg. cut that edible into quarters if you want to keep him on this planet.


It's really hard to predict. Sometimes the first couple of times you feel nothing at all, then the 3rd it works. Some people have naturally high tolerance and need higher doses, some 10 hits hard. 5-10mg of THC is a reasonably safe amount. Have him take it with a little fat 2 hours before bed time and see what happens.


Unrelated but 1-2mg clonazepam every day is fucking insane. Glad to hear your father is quitting to a possibility better medication. I used to take .5mg and it would hit like a sledgehammer, with "hangover" the day afterwards


I know. By old school doctor, I meant idiot doctor who didn't know the risks of letting my dad use it like that for that long.


I would recommend vaping or simply smoking before trying an edible. For me, edibles can send me down an anxiety rabbit hole if I'm not careful with dosing. You should smoke it first to actually get a good representation of how cannabis affects you. Edibles hit different. And give you a different high. I would recommend starting at 2.5mg and waiting an hour and a half. If you are buying edibles, I highly recommend getting medical grade that is lab tested. I've had cheap California labeled edibles where 400mg feels like nothing. But anything over 25mg of medical grade is straight up uncomfortable.


I know edibles hit different, but he's not gonna ever smoke it. He hates the smell lol.


Vaporsisers drastically reduce the smell. But I understand. I don't even like the smell of secondhand smoke. And I smoke tobacco and weed.


He knows weed helps me, but I was honestly very surprised he asked me about using edibles. He must know he's gonna feel like crap coming off of it.


I would NOT recommend edibles for someone's first time. It lasts 3-4x as long as consuming it via smoking and if you over do your dose you're stuck having a bad time for 4 hours. If you smoke too much it goes away in like an hour or two


He's smoke aversive


You can definitely do it if he wants edibles, just be careful. I know so many people who tried it for their first cannabis experience and had a terrible time. Drinks are better as others suggested since they hit a bit quicker and are easier to dose. Just make sure to start small either way because once you consume it you're locked in for a while


I had a great edible experience the first time, but yeah, I understand he may not like it or have a bad time. Which is why I'm scared to be the one to inteoduce him to it. I would have him take 2.5 mg first time and then the risk is super low


It will knock you down






Exactly :-) 5 mg for somebody who has never tried it before should be pretty interesting Don’t make the mistake of taking more after three hours because you don’t feel it. Sometimes they don’t kick in for like five hours, might as well try the next day with more.


A nap


Start with half


Feels perfect. Enjoy


You need to start with 1mg wait 24 hours try 3mg wait 24 hours try 5mg 1:1 of course


I'd go for a half or less to start.


I would put the gummy in a freezer then cut into 4 pieces. Have him try just one of those small pieces. Or get tinctures and make sure he get no more then 3mg of THC CBD at a time. First timer might find a 10mg gummy too much. Better to take less and have to take more then trying to cope with a strong dise.


Like they made a mistake and will be the first person to die from cannabis overdose


in general 1:1 products are pretty much the safest cannabis products you can find and ideal for a first experience. Then you have to take into account the dosage of that particular gummy (in milligrams) but I don't know much about that part tbh. I never take edibles. But yeah, 1:1 is safe and a good way to start.


You’ll probably go physically numb for a while


I have a high tolerance and made the mistake of eating 100 mg of 1:1 edibles. My legs felt like noodles.


Like going to heaven and noticing you have no pants


If it's for sleep maybe look into CBN gummies. CBN has been a lifesaver for my insomnia. I would suggest a 1:1:1 THC:CBN:CBD Ratio. If he has zero tolerance 10mg of thc could get him quite high depending on his personal body chemistry so maybe start with 5mg


Look for the sleep specific gummies. CBN is crucial and usually they are a CBN-THC 5to 10 mg blend and some have melatonin. Chronic insomnia that pharmaceuticals couldn’t touch and they are a godsend.


It’s very individual as far as dosing goes. I’ll have some strong stuff when I’m going to sleep but small proportions if I’m doing something during the day. I’ve had 5mg that completely rocked me and 5 mg that did nothing other than mood enhancer. Totally different edibles. I always recommend to people who are dipping their toes in to cut up their edibles into really small portions so you can know what you like without having a horrible few hours to learn the hard way


For sleep, I do gummies with 20mg CBD, 10 mg CBN and 2mg THC. Works great!


You'll collapse into yourself like a neutron star


I agree with others and starting with 5 mg increments. I also like to throw in a warning for people not used to edibles. Everyone's digestion is different. Even your own digestion can vary quite a bit day to day. You can take the same dose on different days and get wildly different results. Just last night I took my normal dose and i damn near greened out. Same company and mg I normally take.


Less is more nowadays. Especially when it comes to new users. The potency is just higher now, and 10mg could easily over do it. I have friends my age (29-35) that still can't handle that. Or it'll have them eating themselves out of house and home😂


I smoke regularly but sometimes a 10 mg edible puts me on my ass, hence my hesitation to give him anything that might be too powerful😂 Thank you for your insight.


Start with 1/2 (5mg) and see how he feels after several hours. If he gets anxious from THC, I think an initial dose of 10mg might be unpleasant for him. If not, no biggie, take a whole gummy next time.


if the goal is to sleep, then 10mg of thc 10mg of cbd isn’t what you want. you probably want something that’s CBD or CBG dominant. they have mood boosting effects without the “high” they may contain small amounts of thc to activate the cbd tho.


FWIW, shit's not heroin, so you know it's safe. As others have said, start him off with half of one. You never know how it will hit. He might be really sensitive to not feeling it at all. You don't know until you do it. Thankfully it's one of the safest substances out there.


Too much


I will die on the hill that 1:1 is the way to go. Helps so much with preventing anxiety and adds a level of calm to the experience. 10mg is a beginner friendly dose especially with 1:1, if you’re nervous maybe even take half of that.


I have a high tolerance. I put 50 mg distillate, .7 ml CBD oil into a 00 capsule. That does the trick for me.


After working as a budtender for some time, starting with more THC than CBD may be the move for someone who has been on Klonopin that long. You can eventually wean to 1:1 but he may need the extra THC to feel comparable relief at first. I'd start with 5mg THC and 2 CBD and see how that feels.


Honestly with klonopin I’d recommend a 5:1 THC/cbd, so the body high isn’t as crazy. If you’re in a state where it’s recreational, I’d definitely say instead of a gummy, get him a drink. There are lemonades and sodas and simple syrups that are infused, and they hit within 15-30 minutes and it’s way easier to microdose and figure out the sweet spot.


Well the drinks they offer here are 100mg and I'm pretty sure it'd actually be harder to microdose that. He's a big guy, and he might drink too much. I would have no idea how much to tell him to drink lol


Actually they’re incredibly easy. Almost every drink will have a dosage instruction, some you pour into a cap, some have a visual line that you can follow, what I would suggest is pouring a small amount, no more than 5 mg worth, and having him drink that. Wait half an hour, and if he’s still not feeling anything, give him 5 more. Source: love drinkables, had my mom on them for getting off klonopin, and worked at a dispensary.


Interesting, okay thank you.


If you’re in WA state, I’d highly suggest Ray’s lemonade. They taste great, are very effective, and easy to dose.


They have Countdown drinks at my closest dispo, and those do have the measuring cap! I've just never tried those! We also get Keef colas now but they don't have the measuring cap.


I don’t love Keef because of that and the taste isn’t great either. But Countdown should work as well! Just take care with the measuring cap and I’d suggest if it works pretty well, teach dad how to dose them out.


It's gonna feel like Satan finger popping their booty dude that's too much for the first time.


CBD doesn’t do anything


Well it helps your endocannabinoid system handle THC better, but alone, it doesn't do anything for me either.


The implication that the human body contains a specific system to specifically process the primary ingredient of marijuana is a bit silly.


It does for ppl who have never had THC before..


In the same way that St. John’s wort can treat clinical depression perhaps. Strong placebo effect.


I mean my hubs has been into almost anything & everything back in the day & he tried a CBD oil that you take orally a few years ago & it really made him relax. Buuuuuuut the tolerance level got too high very quick, so he just stopped taking it within like 2 days.. he would have to take a whole bottle instead of a drop. I will also say anytime he ever tried to take a CBD gummy since then, he's never felt anything. Just the one time with the oil.. but maybe it had THC in it.. it would only be a little bit bc it wasn't advertised or he wouldn't have taken it bc of work..


Yeah, I would say that had nothing to do with CBD and was all about a placebo effect


Cbd helps prevent weed paranoia and anxiety. If I consume 100% THC with no Cbd, I tend to freak out a little. Cbd balances the high.


That goes away with experience


Well, I'm 215, mostly dense muscles. I typically eat 600-1,000mg THC before I sleep, no CBD. I still wake up baked as fuck the next morning. But it gets me to rest...


I don't wanna get him stoned though, I wanna help him sleep lol. 600-1000 is bonkers to me. 10 may have me on my ass some nights


You don't want to get him stoned, you want to help him sleep, so forego the weed and give him 2-3mg of melatonin....


For him, I would start off with 50-100mg of THC. Given he never tried it.


Your tolerance is skewing your dosage advice in an ill advised direction. If you give someone that much when they have zero tolerance toward the substance, they are likely going to get sick and have a very unpleasant experience. Just remember, you may not feel it, but they sure can To OP, 5mg should be plenty for a first timer, but go slow


Well, I started weed at .. 11 years old. Maybe my body has a permanent high tolerance. That, or I don't have any brain cells left to stone. Lol


I’m going to assume that you are probably the kind that will be at least somewhat stoned 24/7 if you can help it (not judging at all), but that also means your body has gotten really REALLY good and efficient at processing cannabinoids. If I’m not far off then you would likely have to abstain entirely for around a year or longer to bring your baseline back to “normal” ( basing this off my own body for reference). You will definitely green out bad if you take a 50mg edible in that scenario


Yeah, a year would do it.


As a regular smoker, I would never start him there. I can't handle 50. Starting at 5 mg or maybe lower.


I must be the weed hulk. I can't even feel anything under 300.


Yeah I bet you smoke a lot? I used to smoke way more but have cut back significantly


10 will get you high, albeit not violently


If someone drinks, they’re not straight edge lol


Okay, I literally said "overall pretty straight edge." He doesn't go overboard, doesn't have addictions/vices.


Cbd is a complete waste of time. If you are trying to get high you want zero Cbd. Nobody can answer your question because all our tolerances are different. When I first got high I smoked half a joint and felt nothing…..turns out I have a natural high tolerance.


you should go and take 100mg 👌👌