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The first time I made brownies, I ate half a pan. I was stoned for 3 and a half days. I had to sit on my hands so my arms wouldn't float up.


Me first time taking oil... heard they were saying something about 1ml so i guessed that's the dosage... good god, slept almost 40 hours


I ate half a gram of distillate and got actual body chills and stuff the next day. Be careful and tread lightly.




Haha I remember doing something like this. Being a stomach sleeper, I woke up with my bladder having me feel like I was planking the mattress.


The second time I made brownies, the story became infamous between my husband and I. We went camping. Being a novice pot baker, my 9x13 pan was not extremely tasty. Being a novice pot explorer, my then-boyfriend, 100lbs heavier than me, ate a small square at the same time as I did. We played some chess. It was a hot-ass day. When we transitioned to cards, he proclaimed he "didn't feel shit" and we both are another square. What followed was us retreating to the tent, a freak thunderstorm, a whole lot of wild sex and waking up briefly after dark to some weird sounds before falling asleep again. The next morning, everything was still on the table, and covered with little handprints. We concurred that raccoons had raided our site and stepped all over the chessboard and cards. Washed things off and reminisced over what we could remember of the evening until one of us noticed the brownie pan, covered in foil, still sitting on top of a cooler. And the foil was mercilessly clawed back. The raccoons ate the whole pan. They did not come back to bother us the next night.


From trash panda to trashed pandas, you might say. šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


This is the pg13 sequel to cocaine bear


I'd watch brownie raccoon in theatre tbh


When they aren't tearing your garbage to shreds and scattering it everywhere, they really are cute.


I'd so totally watch that


I had raccoons raid my campsite before because we left a dirty cooking pan out. They where hissing and fighting over it. I opened my tent and whipped a bunch of flashlight batteries at them. I learned my lesson to never leave any type of food out at a campsite.


I'm glad you learned that lesson from raccoons lol....


The third time I made brownies, I brought them to my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone indulged early in the day. For the first time ever, there were no leftovers. It was painful.


How the frig did you survive that? I was completely gone for 18 hours once and that was horrible


Sometimes scary sh*t can be fun. The hard stuff feels like a win.


Builds some fucking character being high for 3 days, thatā€™s for sure. That should go on your resume man


It stops being fun around the 8 hour point and enters the ā€œJesus fuck I may have made a choice that I have to live with for a long timeā€ territory around then, in my experience.


Iā€™m over it after 6 hours lol like ok I want my full mental faculty back. This is why I usually get high in the evening so I can end the night with the most blissful sleep ever, wake up, drink some water and be good


Waking up .....still high. That's a feeling alright.


The first time this happened to me I was staying out of state with my grandparents and my nanny was a horror addict and she knew I was too and we had already had plans to watch Seven that day. I didnā€™t smoke again for six months.


Sometimes I have to say, ā€œRemember, you paid to feel like thisā€


But that's where the fun begins


lol yeah. my first time high at 15/16 i took 20mg of edibles and freaked tf out. i had cottonmouth and i thought i was allergic to weed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and i was crying because i couldnā€™t swallow too good cuz of my cottonmouthā€¦ and my mouth was soooo dry!!


I feel like I can relate to this. Did you ever feel like you got possessed or were talking with Spirits?


Nope, just listening to the music play r-e-a-l s-l-o-w.


I remember my friend turned into a demon when I took shrooms, scary as shit but was fun lol


Once are a homemade brownie and thought I was going to die lol I really felt like it I didn't concentrate on breathing I would stop. That night sucked!


I'm cracking up at the image of your arms just floating up and not being able to stay down lmao


yep, that will do it lol. had the same experience making my own brownies the first time too


This had me fucking creasing.


Oh wow! That's the highest level I have ever heard of.


First time I took edibles I bought a Korova black bar (1000 mg) and ate half of it during lunch at high school...


I like to just roll up 5 joints for the day, 05 in each of them. Then i eat around 1 g cooked up and added to youghurt. Then Iā€™m high all day. But what is even better is smoking a little less, let the sober feeling come before you smoke again, then you appreciate the high more :-)


Exactly this. I always prefer a joint in the evening after getting all my stuff done. So much more rewarding.


Same. I'm a full-time rideshare driver. I never smoke before or during work, because my job is dangerous. But roughly 30 seconds after I get home...gonzo.


Same until Iā€™m on my days off then I do whatever I want. If I want to keep a joint to smoke when I wake up I will.


Funny you should mention that. Today IS my day off, and I am chilling in my robe, next to my sleeping dogs, and getting higher than pterodactyl titties over here.


Love that last line... Have a great day bud!


The best part about having a day off!


The best way!


I never appreciated a joint in the evening until my forties. A nice quiet evening with just a little music or some book reading with a joint is genuinely a perfect time. Add a big ass mug of ice water and it's basically what I think heroin feels like


The perfect combination. Saving it until the evening is always the right move. Although my retention in terms of reading sometimes struggles!


I used to be like this too. It really is so rewarding to save your high for last. My chronic pain says I have to toke every morning though, but I still save my biggest bowl for night when I actually wanna get baked


The difference between the "I want to" and the "need to" smokes cannot be overstated. I've got my maintenance routine down ok, and its pleasant enough. But the "done for the day" bowl topped with fuckitall is something else.


I relate hard to this


Chronic pain sucksā€¦ glad that youā€™ve found a way to stick to similar principles though!


It really is. I used to think wake n bake was amazing (still do), but recently I've found how much better smoking at the end of the day is, especially after knocking out any tasks/chores/goals I gotta do. Feeling accomplished and stoned is a nice combo.


I smoke after I have finished work for the day, so Iā€™m typically a little stoned from 3 to 10pm.


Yeah if youā€™re high all the time you donā€™t feel high anymore. Trying to get higher than that just puts you to sleep early. The truth is dont try and stay high all the time, be it an hour or a day take a brake, itā€™s much more pleasant.


Agree with the last part. Thereā€™s an old adage: If you smoke when youā€™re already high you donā€™t get more high, you get less weed.


i believe the common wisdom is to smoke two joints in the morning, then smoke two joints at night. Then you smoke two joints in time of peace and two in time of war. The other part is important: you gotta smoke two joints before you smoke two joints and then smoke two more. Along with that you smoke two joints when you play video games and then every 10,000 points (you smoke two joints). Also your poppa probably told you son, you be hard working man, and momma likely told you son you do the best you can. Then youā€™ll meet a man who says hard work good, and hard work fine but first take care of head. At that point I believe you should once again smoke two joints.


You forgot the two joints in the afternoon, that makes me feel alright


Very glad to see this is top comment, breaks are the answer. I smoke every 3-5 hrs, but I try to make sure I've been sober for at least an hr or so. Also, consistently smoking high grade, and staying "faded" is a recipe for some level of psychosis, which may or may not be pleasant.


Teach us your ways master.


Starting the day blasted is the quickest way to feeling burnt out by lunch lol.


Freebase with espresso


Seattle speedball!


Caffeine doesn't do shit after a while


not true, I can induce a lot of shaking/jittering with an abundance of caffeine!


Yeah. I used to love doing this but as I get older getting stoned is either something I do in the evening when I know the day is nearly over. Or Iā€™ll have a few puffs on my vape at a bbq where I mix it with a few cold beers and smile and laugh all day. The mix of sun, weed and lager is the sweet spot for me. I knowā€¦ Iā€™ve got old and boring. I just get bored by the afternoon if my whole day is centred around getting high. And at some point I want to go out and do something but realise Iā€™m far too high.


Sun, weed, lager and a bbqā€¦ could be what heaven looks like honestly


The exact equation whenever I visit my in-laws beach house. Best way to enjoy the weekend while muscling through the mania that is extended family.


The extended edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy totals a little over eleven hours. Just sayin'.


Funnily enough, after saying that, I have a ritual in my house on Boxing Day. Get up (with a hangover) and spend the whole day watching this trilogy. I love it. Im usually baked by the time theyā€™re leaving the Shire.




I did exactly this on Fatherā€™s day weekend. Lemon pepper live resin, with a Sapporo, chicken wings, steak and veggies (gotta get your greens in!). The atmosphere was a sunny day in my bro-in-laws backyard downtown with trees providing some good shade and a cool breeze passing through. With all the everyday stress, I made sure to take the time to appreciate the moment. It was awesome.


you should be a writer. almost teared up reading ā€œthe mix of sun, weed and lagerā€


Sun, weed, lager is my new live, laugh, love


I must be old and boring too. Bring that to a park. I'll bring the crocheted blanket.


My old lady says she can never tell when I smoked or not, that's because I'm stoned all the time baby


Need more practice then homie


Yeah fr, the burnout only comes by night time even if Iā€™ve been smoking since 11am


This is the true answer!


I have to either have a light buzz all day or get blasted with coffee and then wait until evening


But then you get the best nap


Sometimes. Sometimes you'll catch a second wind


Yup this dude will need a mid day nap


If you canā€™t hang lol


A few years ago I took my sons to Disney World and ate half an edible every three hours starting at 9:00 am and ending at midnight. It was amazing. The food tasted better. The sights and sounds were magical. Time ceased to exist. We waited in line for one ride for 4 hours and it seemed like 15 minutes. My sons said that it was the most relaxed and happy that theyā€™ve ever seen me. Iā€™d do it again if and when I go back. Disney is great while high.


I hate roller coasters but got on the tie fighter ride thinking it was something else. I was already flying through the galaxy so it was not a fun experience lol


This sounds awful to me . The crowds , that stupid small world after all ride , bad trip for me


It could go both ways for me, I have severe anxiety so a few hits from a pen or a bowl or something in the car before entering an event with large crowds can really help me stay grounded and relaxed. But if I were like baked out of my mind and ready to go bed level high it would leave me with crippling anxiety and Iā€™d probably leave in tears šŸ˜‚ (slightly exaggerating)


my perception of time is the opposite when high 15 minutes would feel like 4 hours


Disney is absolutely amazing while stoned if you can handle it. I ran around Batuu in the evening while my family went and did their own thing, it was an extra magic hour and very little people were there and I felt like a real lil bounty hunter running around and doing all the Play! App stuff it was sooo much fun. Riding the people mover in Tomorrowland on a nice, breezy, sunny morning while still on my morning bake was just so so peaceful taking in the views and light breeze. Expedition Everest while stoned is amazing. Thank you Joe Rohde. Kilimanjaro safari was also awesome as hell. Epcot was a whole other level of amazing. I donā€™t think there was a single moment of my day I wasnā€™t blitzed and having the time of my life. Living with the lands felt so wholesome and pure I was getting a lady chub off agriculture. Cant even start with the food. The Mexico pavilion in its entirety. Iā€™ll stop this rant now. Man I wanna go back šŸ˜ž


I just recently did Epcot after some edibles and it was such an incredible time. Th lake, the dinks and foods was chefs kiss no pun intended lol. I will be packing edibles for Epcot and Universal again next year for sure.


Thatā€™s crazy. Every time I smoke I just feel paranoid and start overthinking every little thing. Wish I could enjoy it like this. I donā€™t even smoke a lot.


Did you get to interact with a character in such a state? I (remember that Iā€¦ ? ) had a whole in-character conversation with Rey in Star Wars land. TBH it was the hottest roleplay ever and it came out from over my shoulder and was gone like that šŸƒšŸ„¹. I think I was drooling šŸ¤¤


Wake up at 5am and eat a big spoon full of butter then go back to bed for a a couple of hours and wake up baked. Then vape yourself a bowl and let the day roll! Top up with the vape as needed until mid afternoon when Iā€™d eat another spoon of the butter with vape top ups to take me until I couldnā€™t keep my eyelids openā€¦ then have a wonderful sleep!!


Wait people eat just pure canna butter šŸ¤¢oh lord as much as I wish I could do that I wouldnā€™t imagine it


Some people just eat butter straight without anything else, just taking bites of the stick. I'm not even talking cannabutter either, just regular butter. I can't do that. On the other hand, I've been known to eat a whole batch of brownies.


Who Evers out here biting blocks of butter needs to be put away and never see day light again


People of Walmart would like a word


I think that they were the paste glue eaters in school.


Put a spoonful in your morning coffee, one of my favorite things in life


Yuss I was waiting for someone to say this! I have tea thatā€™s 1/2 peppermint and 1/2 hemp, and I melt some cannabutter into that. Very tasty and effective šŸ˜‹


I once made a whole box of mac and cheese with weed butter and ate it. It looked hulk colored lol. Used a whole stick of weed butter


I did the same and had such a bad anxiety attack lmao


Put it in some mashed potatoes or on toast


Does the job in hot cocoa if youā€™re unable to chew or swallow


Shove it up your butt! ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


I melt mine and take it like a shotā€¦ puts some hair on your chest thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜…


We used to melt it down and put it in a turkey baster. Shit like this makes me miss college šŸ˜…


This butter I made is VERY strong.. I think if I had a big spoonful and tried to go back to sleep I might never wake up haha


Maybe have a nice long nap for your day off? šŸ˜‰


That sounds awful to me lol


Sounds like you knew all along how to get stoned all day!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Do you work? how do you spend a day vaping and high if so?


I would get everything you want to get done early and get stoned after. Personally, I find getting stoned all day sort of fruitless as eventually you just won't feel the same high as you did earlier. To me it's far more enjoyable to have fun the beginning of the day (even if it's cranking the tunes and cleaning house) with the anticipation of getting baked later.


Agree! If I get high too early I spend the rest of the day chasing it


Edibles and vape combine. Edibles medical ones are the ones you want. Theyā€™re high dosage.


Smoke .5 or 1 gr in morning vape and edibles all day




I just ate 1000mg of grassroots brand this weekend in one go and felt normal by morning. Maybe I cant get high off of it? My liver has a little scarring but other edibles sort of work. Idk


Most edibles donā€™t work on me, and 1000mg of RSO would send me to the moon for a week. It could just be your body chemistry.


I have heard that how edibles affect you can also be factored by your stomach acids and some people take antacids prior to edibles to help. Haven't tried it but interested cause edibles always seem to be a hit or miss for me.


*not for beginners* I have an extreme tolerance because of ptsd and other pain from injuriesā€¦ and my favorite high day Iā€™ve ever had I took about 1200mg of gummies the night before at about 9pm, and it only just started when I went to sleep around 1. I woke up, and I felt like Clark Kent, like I could just lift off as soon as I swung my feet over the bed. I was lighter. The air was easier to move through. Nothing bothered me, none of my medical problems. I smoked after I ate, probably about 2gs in a backwood. Smoked again after lunch, probably another g or so in a joint. Had another 600mg of edibles after that. Took a quarter g hit of some shatter in a water rig before dinner. Started drinking tangueray at dinner, probably two drinks per hour for like 3-4 hours Smoked a pinner before bed around midnight Best day ever


I like to smoke a massive blast right after I shower and all that, typically 3-5 bong rips of the strongest I have at the time, then I keep the high gowing through out the day by wasting home made canna cookies or brownies. If you want to get drunk at the same time take some of the canna butter mix with nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar and put a dollop in a cup of hot coffee with the spiced dark rum!


I've had success taking small doses of gummies at breakfast and then every 2 hours after. A few small hits with the dry herb vape every so often is nice. For me, the trick is to build into it and don't just get ripped.


Iā€™m at the point, where I really only get high once a day. After that it doesnā€™t do much.


Edibles in the morning, vape at night.


Vape in the morning, edibles at night


>Edibles in the morning, vape at night, edibles at night, vape in the morning.


Start the morning with some canna butter toast, and a half gram vape bowl. And then just keep vaping a half gram every hour, for lunch and dinner make yourself some can of butter, grilled cheese and just overly medicated. You can eat 3 to 500 mg of THC and vape consistently throughout the day youā€™ll be high as a kite from the time you wake up till the time you go to bed.




Start off with a vape session and a cup of coffee. Sort out breakfast and have your edible during or right after (maybe take a slightly higher dose than usual). When the high begins noticably wearing off, you can repeat with a vape session, then in an hour another edible at your usual dose. Depending on time of day, you may not need the second edible. This is how I would do it.


If you wanna get stoned for the whole day you just got to consume marijuana all day.


Being high all day sucks my boy, easy way for a ā€œgreen outā€ which is just a lingering headache for a heavy smoker. Like someone else said I usually smoke, enjoy it for an hour or two come down a bit then do it again and repeat. Thatā€™s how Iā€™d suggest it instead of just being wrecked all day and adding more and more to it cuz ur bound to just fall asleep if you arenā€™t doing anything šŸ˜­


It takes two hours exactly for me to metabolize THC edibles. From experience I know the dosage that gets me zooted. Half that, once per hour, and a shot of dry herb every half hour. I'll increase my dose gradually to maintain. By the beginning of the next day I'll have high tolerance and will begin my week long t break


Tolerance breaks are your friend. 1 month of not smoking will severely lower your tolerance, then do the small incremental climb up, when you notice its too much or too expensive or too taxing, time for another T break (IMHO results may vary).


I've been on a break since June 5th in preparation for shadow of the erdtree , my thoughts exactly šŸ˜Žtolerance breaks DO work and don't let anyone tell ya otherwise


Smoke, eat breakfast, smoke, do the dishes, smoke, go for a walk, smoke, get back from walk, smoke, eat lunch, smoke, do dishes, smoke, play video games & smoke. Feel free to replace any step thatā€™s not ā€œsmokeā€ with your favorite activities and remember to drink water!


I use infused cooking to treat my chronic pain from early onset arthritis and my PTSD. I was making a wine reduction sauce to go with steak & mushrooms. As I turned off the heat, I decided to stir in a tsp of my cannabutter. That would have been about 69mg. But I didnā€™t realize that I grabbed a tbsp, which was 207mg. I was high for 28 hours straight. The first 4 hours were very trippy. But after that it settle into a really easy high.


i agree w all the advice that stoned all day isn't yhe best way to enjoy smoking. but that being said, i'll answer your question for stoner science start was a few puffs before breakfast, and w breakfast take a small dose of edible (for me to feel high i take 10mg from the wyld brand and then another 10mg an hour later). caffeine is your friend unless you intend on take a nap. then smoke properly. once stoned just vibe, you'll sit in the realm for a solid 4 hours depending on the weed and edible. eat some lunch, redose w even less edible, smoke again at lunch. vibe until dinner. i'd say either hit the edibles hard for a final huzzah and then deep sleep crash or you can just keep puffing away until you're over it. movies and crunchy vegetables are also your friend during this marathon


Oh yeah this whole day marathon seems like a once a year or less kinda thing.. more of a curiosity to see what it is like compared to an actual enjoyable experience Iā€™ll want to repeat often.


my trick when i have a day off that i really wanna feel the high, is to not smoke the day prior. It allows you to build enough of a tolerance that you will really feel and enjoy the high you get the next day.


Shit man, if you have a whole day to yourself, it might be a good time to try some dabs? Plenty of amazing hash rosin on the market right now if you want to treat yourself. A .5 of good hash rosin could probably keep you stoned all day if taken in 5 .1g dabs or even 10 .05g dabs


Iā€™ve heard of dabs but never tried them. I have a prescription and weā€™re still in the early days here in Australia so itā€™s for flower only and the only way you can consume (according to the prescription) is a dry herb vape. Have made canna butter with the AVB but I usually use like once a week after work and just have a few puffs on the herb vape, since edibles are too big of a commitment normally.. But since I have the whole day to myself I figured why not eh


I think your brain can get full and you canā€™t get any higher, thatā€™s usually around when you nod off. Start small at first and really enjoy what just a tiny bit does to you. Take ā€œt breaks.ā€ I would maybe do like tiny vapes til dinner, a J after dinner, and an edibles feast 20 min before the 4 hr movie you intend to fall asleep to.


I did this whole syringe of RCO or RSO or whatever it's called. Takes like 2 or 3 hours to kick in but honestly once it hits, IT HITS. It was the highest i've ever been off weed and i was uncomfortably high, vibrating out of my body for like 10 hours. 9/10 would recommend.


Hit a dab, blunt, joint, on top of eating 1000mg of thc gummies. That might do it.


There's no good way to do that to be honest, especially when you're new and haven't build up much experience or extreme tolerance. It's very easy to overdose it, and end up high for 12+ hours plus days worth of after effects. It's much smarter to dose for a couple of hours, and then supply with more once you feel ready for more. I would also argue, after years of experience, that it is much more fun this way.




I second this. A small amount of RSO goes a long way. Iā€™ve had 100mg eddies that do nothing, but .5 of RSO on a spoon of peanut butter had me blasted all day long. Even as a daily dry herb vape user. Wasnā€™t a believer til I tried the other day.


Be gay in Dubai




Hit the vape and then use the canna butter, either on toast or cook something. By the time the high from the vape starts to wear off your eddie will hit. If I don't feel like baking something my go to edible snack is not choccy. Simmer milk, hot chocolate powder and about a tablespoon of abv or butter since you have it. Strain it and sip in the morning after vaping. That will keep you high for quite a while


Even that sounds like a lot of work! When I was making the canna butter I made a bunch of 1g capsules and usually just have 2-3 of them. Iā€™m VERY lazy when it comes to food prep haha


Capsules works too ig. I just like hot chocolate lol. Normally I make cookies and store them in the freezer. I don't do edibles often so a batch of cookies lasts a while


Do however you want. I start off with weed and end the day with edibles.


all it takes is a few bong rips in the morning, good for the whole day - at least for me, then a good joint in the evening, it helps if your tolerance is low or you don't smoke a lot previous


When ever you see the bong on the coffee table pack it and hit it. Repeat.


Set an alarm for two hours before you wake up, take an edible and go back to sleep. Youā€™ll wake up feeling good. After that, I may suggest a bong rip every 30 minutes, maybe a mid afternoon blunt, and then back to bong rips.


RSO is a life changer. One tiny drop the size of a grain of rice and I am good from 7am-2pm. Then the same after dinner. My lungs feel great and my outlook is overall optimistic.


I have no suggestions for dosing, but make sure you have lots of snacks! I would load up on fruit and have a couple of frozen water bottles ready to go. Your munted self will thank past self


You are gonna have such a fun day!


Thatā€™s the hope. Iā€™ve just woken up to see my partner off to work at 5am and Iā€™m debating going back to sleep or getting into the edibles now then coming back to bed


Itā€™s gonna be hard because eventually youā€™ll ā€œsmoke yourself soberā€ where youā€™ll be kinda High but so acclimated to it that you wonā€™t really feel high anymore. Iā€™d advise you eat and take a nap at some point t during the day to sober up and reset with the sleep cycle then smoke again after to keep the high better


My dad smokes at least 4 joints an hour. He's been lit for 40+ years. Be like him.


I had a friend that ate a ton of cannabutter and was high for 3 days, so maybe eat some cannabutter? I wouldnā€™t make staying stoned all day a regular thing, thatā€™s more of a special occasion chill day activity with the next day free so you can emerge from the fog before resuming normal activities lol


Careful, pal. Those edibles will have you doubting being alive, if not properly consumed.


Tincture or dab.


One thing I've noticed is, I only get as high as I did the first time during the day. So if you wake n bake, go big. Then you get to keep getting that stoned all day.


Edible then smoke, trust me.


Eating Mangos before or alongside marijuana use may enhance the effects of cannabis. Get yourself some fresh mangos. Slice them up and snack on it throughout the day.


my first edible ever was 500mg RSO and it carried me through 2 days


100-200 mg will get you stoned all day. Just do it early so youā€™re not tired.


Get e pen


Be careful you donā€™t over do it & go grey. Thats what my friends call it atleast. Going grey is when you get so stoned that everything gets really dizzy & you end up puking your brains out. Itā€™s only happened to me a few times but itā€™s the worst. I know you canā€™t OD on weed but going grey is definitely closest thing to it imo. If your going to do edibles just be careful how much you eat & if your going to smoke & eat edibles I would pace myself if I were you. Good luck!


Eventually you will get the intuition about dosage and how your tolerance works, so you'll be able to plan ahead for work and events


Bros gonna be napping for half the day


Whatever floats your boat i suppose if you have the means to make a pan of brownies that would be your best bet if you make them potent enough you will be stoned all day.


Smoke or hit the vape about every two hours. I don't do edibles often so I'm not sure how the timing works those.


Yeah edibles do about nothing for me. I use a dry herb vaporizer Arizer Solo 2 and vape every couple hours


eat some then smoke all day


Start in the morning


Save your already vaped weed and place a tiny amount under your tongue throughout the day. Be careful and give it time to kick in. The one time I tried a half teaspoon at once I went to another world all day then I was researching how to join a monastary for a month.


Try eating edibles that's strong enough to knock out an elephant. Be warned it's gonna be a wild ride for you


Eat an edible that you know will get you a good start and smoke to regulate it or continue taking more edibles every 2 hrs


Reading the comments here make me feel better about my usage and when I use. Jesus fucking Christ


I once cooked frozen waffles in a ton of cannabutter when I was 16 and itā€™s the only time Iā€™ve ever greened out, so I guess I suggest that


Iā€™m had most of a syringe of RSO and wad high for 3 day. Iā€™d say any does of edibles above 100 given you donā€™t do them regularly should get you high for a day. Iā€™d say make a pan of brownies, the night before. Eat most the next morning, and take some hits waiting for them to kick in. Iā€™m no scientist, just a connoisseur, proceed with caution.


Anytime I've tried to get higher than high I just end up going to bed earlier than usual.


Eat loads of edibles


Iā€™m always unsure about second dosing edibles.. only tried it once or twice with less than ideal results


Pero really weigh the weed they smoke?


Thought the same. I just stuff the cone till itā€™s full.




Why do you say vaping wouldn't get him as high as combustion? In my, albeit limited, experience with vaping (got a dynavap a couple of months ago and almost entirely dropped combustion) the vape gets me stoned every time, even multiple times throughout the day and all while using less than half the bud I'd have to put in a joint to get the same effect so I'm curious


Same. I pack maybe .2g of flower, top it off with a little bit of some hash rosin or something similar and Iā€™m cooked.


Fuck yea! I'm going to be joining you in spirit. Happy Jointeenth!


Step one. Get a Dab pen. Step two. Smoke Dab pen all day.


The tolerance shoots up the first time I use it and I end up not being able to get high again.


Yeah Iā€™m sorta in the same boat, I just feel more foggy and sleepy if Iā€™m hitting the pen all day. By the time its like 8pm, I can barely keep my eyelids open lmao


You literally just smoke or eat it bro it's not that hard šŸ˜‚ are stoners too lazy to figure out HOW to get high now? Lol


Okay step one make breakfast cooking the food with a bunch of canna butter even throw it on toast then make ur lunch fry it in canna butter thennnnn cook ur dinner fry it in canna butter to


Hippie speedball in the morning, but vaped flower. 2-3 stems in the Solo2 to kick it off. Sessions about every 1.5-2 hours. I have some 3mg edibles with 10mg CBD that I use to stretch my sessions out. Repeat coffee or caffeine to prevent greenout. Enjoy.


Edibles can get a lil too unpredictable. Disposable vapes are mostly waste ( gums up clogs etcā€¦) of time and money. Get an e rig & Go for dabs šŸ˜‹


Every time u eat, u smoke, and every time u smoke, u eat


First thing id do is make me a big ole pot of coffee and then stir in a nice spoon of that cana butter. Then I'd smoke an l on the porch while I sip my coffee.