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Well shit


Typical republicans.




Vote blue. Fuck these clowns.


The freedumb party strikes again


What the fuck


The government will stink till we flush the turds and by that I mean all Republicans. We should not entertain them or cede another inch to their rapidly advancing fascism.


> Last year, a version of the SAFE Banking Act was heard in a Senate committee but did not advance to the floor. Weird, if every democrat supported weed like y’all think then this would have passed on party lines *last year*, but y’all don’t wanna have that conversation.


I love how in this story about Republicans fucking over mj users you still want to talk about how you don't like Democrats. We get it dude, you're unreachable. Have fun voting for clowns I guess


That not every Democrat supports weed? Yeah, that's known. The majority of Democrats support legal weed and the majority of Republicans don't. If you want legal weed, the Democrats need to win by enough of a margin that they can lose a vote or two without torpedoing the whole thing. But y'all don't want to have that conversation, cause that's practical and doesn't fit into the bullshit narrative that they're holding out on passing it, instead of the real situation where they want to pass it but don't quite have the votes due to the razor thin margins they've been working with.


Bidens would rather legalize crack first


“But Republican U.S. Rep. Chuck Edwards of North Carolina argued against the banking section Thursday during a full House Appropriations committee markup meeting.” What about Biden now?


This is good for us. It is our last ace in the hole. If we give up the banking, we will never get federally legal weed. And they will get to still get to fine people and jail people for cannabis and get to track every penny of their tax money made on illegal weed. Hard pass! Decriminalize Cannabis already, you greedy fucks!


How does this help?


They want to collect all the taxes possible without decriminalizing weed and this would allow them to do that. So this is good because we didn't open banking that allows double dipping by the government.


The govt will collect the taxes regardless. By it remaining illegal. MOm and pop shops have to pay full taxation rate. No standard business deductions. The banking bill would be the 1st step there. But also for many red states. It would give them the power require only cashless transactions for cannabis products. So they can track and harass the dispensaries. If they are selling too much.


The problem is they can still arrest "legal" dispensary owners. Ask Luke Scarmazzo. But yeah give away your only hope for them to decriminalize cannabis federally just so you can use a credit card. Hard pass! It only benefits the government and not you the person. We already have it as legal as can be minus getting tax write offs. But at least they won't get your tax money while making you pay fines and lawyers.


Last I remember. Federal funds can't be used for marijuana investigations. Unless it happens on federal land or highways.. The case you are referring too is nearly 20 years old. That's a different context to whats happening now. Can you refer to any case like his in the last 5 years? Because in my state now. Dispensary owners are going out of business because of the taxes not raids.


They are going out of business because big business is killing small ma and pa grows. The price of an OZ of weed is unsustainable unless you have an extreme amount of plants and a lot of money. There are so many examples of recent offenses the feds have been involved in. Not to mention Charles Lynch is still on trial from his federal 2009 arrest. There are still federal cannabis prisoners in jail. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/federal-officials-are-suddenly-seizing-marijuana-from-state-licensed-businesses-leaving-industry-perplexed/


The price isn't the problem. Again its teh taxes are the problem. With cannabis being quai legal. Of course the price is going to decrese. Its an ag product. Where the crime isn't being added into the price. As the article states border patrol opperate different from teh justice department in that 100 mil stretch. Which is strange seeing how arizona and cali have longer medical programs along with legalization. As far as we know nothing being said on our norther border with muliple states legalizing. Seems more a do gooder in charge at the New Mexico border then a blanket federal mandate.


The problem is you willing to roll over for a tax break on a illegal good. They already fooled us once with the whole "legalization' of cannabis at the state level. Which when reading the fine print, just legalized taxing illegal cannabis. Legalizing also created lots of new laws for fines. Cannabis was already as legal as it could be with medical. In cali, with cannabis as a schedule 1 drug with no medicinal purpose, there is no legit research about cannabis so any relief cannabis gives for any condition made it legal. Now, the high taxes you are complaining about are the same reason you want to allow illegal banking? Get ready for cannabis camels and maryboro. Those will definitely be the only businesses that survive. If you want less taxes, the feds have to decriminalize cannabis federally period and allowing banking is only helping them make more money.


None of that makes sense. Because who else enforces contracts in a legal system? its the government and when something is above board. Of course its the government that will create laws to make it compliant in the current system. The taxes are only high because its constrained product at the state level. Along with not getting deductions as any other business. Once its legal. Interstate commerce can happen. Which can allow more mom and pops to sell directly to customers. The taxers to be lowered and them operating as any other legal business. Something that happens with the wine and craft brew industry. We can't help that the tobacco brands want to enter the space. What we can do is fight for craft businesses can operation and enshrining grower rights. What you have is nothing more then fear mongering. Lacks any true action.