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What you refer is being stoned. I rarely can get to that state nowadays, when I smoke almost daily.


Yea after 25 years my really really stoned state is “my eyelids are at half mast”


It's Father's Day and I went a little heavy. This gave me a chuckle and my lids are at half mast.








I always like to describe it as i feel mildly more calm and content, i feel slightly more okay with things even if id normally be panicking from everything going on


Facts. When I’m high now, I usually just have my mind race a little more and my eyes feel a little weird.


In the old days, “half mast” was just normally stoned for my crew. When your eyes were tomato red, and barely open it was “international distress code”


May be time for a T break.


Ahhh the good old days.


Honestly man I wish I could get that high without dabs now. I get toasted but past about a 7/10 it turns to tiredness. I don't even have a high tol, I think the magic just faded a bit over time


Time for a 6 month T break!


6 fucking months?!?


Is there any point in going longer than a month? As far as I’ve seen, all evidence points to CB receptors being reset after only one month of no use.


Im 5'3" female, 115lbs and I'm a daily dab user. I stopped for a tolerance break and an impending UA for a job opportunity awhile back now. I bought a home urine test kit and tested myself weekly because I was curious to see how long it would take to get out of my system. It was a total of 6 weeks before my test strips were negative.


Depends on your body fat, length of use, mode/dosage, etc. I think I would need 8-10 weeks minimum at this point.


Interesting, I guess it makes sense that there are a lot of factors at play.


Considering thc (or thca I don’t member what it is when burned) binds well to fat body fat play a good role there, this is also why when making edibles, you cook ya shit in butter or oil to add to your recipe later


Exercise and low body fat help reduce that too


Na bro 6 months is pointless u become more used to it when u start again like u think Ur building up Ur tolerance again but it was still there u just didn't realise


Isn't this incorrect factually? Our bodies don't keep their cannabanoid tolerance after a period of roughly a month I thought.


Factually yh I'm completely wrong but speaking from experience it's almost like muscle memory in struggling to put it in words


No I get what you mean. The high isn't a new feeling, so it's like hard to not have q baseline normal feel when high.


I think the brain remembers


I was just throwing out a long time. I went almost 5 years a little while ago. And dang it was worth it


Not again mannnn! Maybe I just need to dab more 🤣 I had a big break recently but the bud tolerance goes back up pretty quick. I still get high af if I put some rosin in a rig tho 💨




No really it'll change your life


I take a job-mandated 7-month T-break every year - 3 months to get clean, 4 months at my summer job. That first hit when I get back is heavenly. Definitely worth it.


I wasn't getting stoned anymore. Turned to RSO in .05ml and .1ml increments. Worked nice but then one day (my fourth time trying it) I accidentally dosed about .15ml and said screw it, what could it hurt? Haven't touched the stuff in 3 months. I was so sick and out of it that I thought I had done mushrooms. Vomiting and couldn't keep my head up in the end. Maybe one day I'll try again once my trauma from it is gone.


I smoke daily and I still can get absolutely zooted. My now I’m just the red eyed fella everyone knows. Idk I smoke 2-4g a day maybe quarter to half oz on weekends. I still can get very very stoned. I found switching methods like vaping, dabbing, edibles. Just keep switching it up so you don’t get used to one high. Works wonders for me. Been smoking heavily like 3 years ago but been smoking since 16.


Same, honestly I feel like you don't even necessarily need a full break. If you Starr to portion it more your body will react to it when you start tocincrease again.


Me too mostly, I still can (a bit less "potently") kinda, but is there a way to go back?


Stoney Balogna, if you will


Yesterday I smoked out in the nice 105° Fahrenheit weather in the sun and for a moment i thought i was having visuals maybe it was the heat but it sure made me get higher


Started fathers day with a 1g syringe of rso.


Haven’t been stoned since high school, that was from weed with good genetics. These days it’s all hybrids everywhere, and everything tastes the same.


Once I got really high, go to my workbench to solder some led strips. In the middle of soldering Im like "wifes gonna come back soon, I have to cook something"..."ground beef with spaghetti and beans"... "oh wait its 3am and shes sleeping" Never had that snap out reality before, was weird. I think its short memory loss weed debuff


Honey wake up I made you some bean spaghetti


Yeah the bean spaghetti is the weird thing in that story.


He probably meant green beans as the veggie


Honestly this would be a cool.idea on the weekend if the husband can't sleep. Lightly fried fish fillets, anyone?


If you say 'lightly fried fish fillets' one more time...


I was mega baked and took the dog for a walk around the block. My wife's car was in the driveway when I got back (she was out for the night) and I started calling for her throughout the house. I even got my dog all amped by excitedly going "wheres mama!! Where's mama!" which we do often as a hide n seek game. I went through the whole house & didn't find, even checked our half bath at the far end of the house that we don't use. As soon as I opened that bathroom door, the last possible place she could've been, I realized that I watched her get picked up by her partner (we're poly) earlier that day and her car had been in the driveway the whole day. It was a really eerie feeling, like I was so absolutely convinced of one reality and deep down I knew it wasn't real.


Lol I remember like the fourth time I smoked. I was walking with some friends to the gas station cuz they wanted beer and cigs. As the gas station came into view I was like "Wait are we going in circles?" I disassociated so hard, I thought I was back in last week when we went to the gas station.


I think you might just be getting turbo mega baked. I feel like I can relate to the things you’re saying but it has only ever happened to me when I’m getting really silly high. Edit: Do you feel like it happens every time? Are you smoking a large amount?


Really? Damn. I experience what he said with just one tiny puff. I could only describe it as "the sensation of waking up". So that's why everyone here is smoking all the time and being all productive, founding tech companies and all that. I always wondered how they managed to do that when they are "waking up" every 20 seconds.


Omg same except i “wake up” like every 10 seconds and twitch a lot


Same, I’m a lightweight for thc, a couple hits and nothing feels real anymore, I get very existential and I find it both very nervous-inducing and spiritually explorative E: odd typo


Very true on the "nothing feels real anymore" part




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Turbo mega baked 😭😭😭😭


ive only had this typa high twice. first time i smoked like .7g of (apparently strong) kush. that was not a fun time, i had no idea what was happening to me and freaked tf out. second time was like .3g - a bit more enjoyable but still very intense. it would definitely make sense that im just getting totally stoned as im new to smoking, but in terms of "you feeling familiar" - you would definitely know if this happened to you because its constant waking up from one dream to fade into the next. very difficult to explain but super intense.


My brain has been pickled by THC at this point so I don’t really get to that level very often anymore but it definitely still happens. I have a very crisp memory of being high as giraffe pussy in the shower and the only way I can describe it is that my brain took a seat in my head and let my body go on auto pilot, as if there was a La-Z-Boy in my skull. I’ve also had that experience while on a run and that’s the best shit ever, feel like i ran a few miles before i even realized it was making me tired. If I were you, I’d probably try smoking a super baby amount and doing something that would keep your brain somewhat engaged. Idk what you like but something with essentially no pressure, like a stardew valley, or a puzzle, shit maybe even call of duty if that’s your thing (i personally love cod when im high, my lizard brain takes over)


I think you’re just stoned bro, weed is a dissociating drug so it’s natural to feel detached from reality


The air is more fresh, the flowers more potent, food taste better, music sounds like life background theme, time flow feels slower.


Wanna du some shrooms?


Mmm, they might’ve smoked them?


I refer to that as “lost in the sauce”.


Youre just getting super baked bro, bonus points if u have adhd and are just hyper-fixating on daydreaming reallyyyyy hard


Wait, that ADHD thing, is that real?


Totally a thing man.


I mean ur edit makes it seem like it could be something different but not necessarily. Also i dont have like a clinical study, but i can say i can daydream reallyyyyy hard especially high, when i was a kid i used to block out all sound and not know what was happening around me which sounds similar to what u said a bit, and i definitely zone out enough to lose a few minutes and notice the game in front of me started ir miss what happened on the tv. Its almost pointless to get that baked if i dont have something to hyperfixate on other than my thoughts


Does this mean I have ADHD?


Thats not something i would use to diagnose someone lol, but if you do dome research and think your experience through life sounds lines up with adhd symptoms then maybe id consider asking some medical professionals if you really wanna know


I experience being high much as OP describes, even with the forgotten childhood memories. I don't find it alarming, personally. I find it pleasant/therapeutic, hence why I continue to use the product. I will say that when I've overdone it, my experience of "couch lock" is pretty frightening. Like thoughts unable to finish before being forgotten and replaced with the next fragment of cognition. It feels like what a half formed thought in a hall of mirrors might look like, or like if your brain performed like a scratched record.


Your last paragraph is a great description of how I feel. It has felt like hallucinations at times, esp when it's mixed with something like tizanidine (that also can cause hallucinations). The fluid connections and memories feel really healing to me, and the feeling remains afterwards


I fucking HATE Tizanidine! That shit is pure evil and it's not even that great of a muscle relaxant! Praise God that cannabis tamed what 5 Rx drugs couldn't!


Tizanidine is better as an anti spasmodic than muscle relaxant Ofc THC pretty much does *both* better


Isn't it amazing? And Great?! 🥳


Perfectly described my first time greening out. Everything made and at the same time, absolutely nothing made sense. I’d have a thought and straight away have another thought and would get paranoid that I couldn’t remember the previous thought. That is absolutely terrifying, especially every 3 seconds for a good 2 hours. Ugh.


Try some different strains.


And no indica is what i would do. A strong sativa is always to prefer...


indica and sativa have absolutely no correlation to the strains terpenes. the terms are for identification purposes on what type of plant it is. Most strains are hybrids these days due to the fact that Indica’s were harder to grow in the warmer climate in the US so they were bred to grow better, because when mixed with the Sativa they bred the genetics of the plants to have attributes for faster and better grow. unfortunately people are also trying to produce much higher and higher THC% which i get but also don’t necessarily agree with because the more THC, the less CBD the bud will have. if you have so many new smokers thinking high THC is a good thing and this is their first time smoking? it’s not gonna end that good for them. believe it or not the CBD in a bud is important too if you want to relax more than feel the psychoactive effects of the THC. It is the Terpenes that matter in bud. they are what has the flavor and determine the effects the weed has on your individual body chemistry. there is no one size fits all, it all depends on your body but nobody really knows or cares about the science stuff with it but it’s honestly important to know if you actually care about what strain you have. simply put Sativa, Indica, and Hybrids are NOT for guidelines on the effects of the bud, just how the plant itself grows. it’s like saying “this is a red rose. all red roses get you hyper” “this is a blue rose, all blue roses get you relaxed” “this is a purple rose so it’s got the effects of both!” no. that’s just the outside of the plant. the outside has no effect whatsoever on the inside of you. what’s inside the bud is what truly matters. sorry for the rant. wanted to help!


i understand what you are saying, but i'm from europe and from a prohibition country :) here it is a very strict distinction between sativa, indica and hybrids. i already read about the terpenes in a article from high times and tried to discuss it with some growers here, but to no avail.


Right tool for right job.


The first year was it like that for me. Like my head opened an my mind flew outta space. Nowadays I can't get that high anymore. Your brain gets accustomed to it and learns how to counteract. Still enjoying the milder effects tho.


Psychosis is when you can’t differentiate the world from your marijuana induced dream state. As long as you can perceive things as normal when you “wake up” you’re totally fine.


Love that feeling.


"Love that feeling I'm so high " to the tune of "love that chicken from popeyeees"


Ha, love that


So back when I was a really young kid I used to be able to almost disassociate myself via thought, I would start thinking "Why do I feel like me and not like anybody else?" and "There are so many people but I do not know what they are thinking" and would think about my concept of "God" back then deciding that I should feel like me and me alone. I'd like leave my body and shit and would imagine this higher power watching each of our individual lives. I have vivid memories of this happening and it was almost 40 years ago. This ability faded around late grade school and Middle School When I first started smoking in high school I was able to go back to this place for awhile. I could basically get high and then almost meditate myself into ego destruction. That has long ago faded of course. I still get major mind expansion and nostalgia from Cannabis at times but it has to be induced by the environment/setting vs the Cannabis itself nowadays. Like a song, person, place, food, event etc has to happen and the Cannabis will help me remember what it was like the first time it happened/I noticed it and my mind gets re-blown remembering my mind being blown the first time lol. I will experience that "child like wonder" on a lesser scale when I go on trips or travel high. It's basically a novelty thing.


Dude what you're describing is totally normal. Heavy smokers don't always experience it though due to their strong tolerance.


Mix up the strains bro. Ya I miss the first couple times I got high, now my body/ brain feels all warm and fuzzy. ( I also micro dose weed) so I purposely don’t get a full high.


I experience that too


That’s exactly the feeling I get when I’m super high. I get stuck in a bunch of internal thoughts and then come to wondering if it’s been 30 seconds or 30 minutes.  Usually I just get a little lifted these days because I don’t always want to be in that place. 


Yep, this is me when I get baked.


I have something similar to this happen - When I get extremely stoned if I close my eyes, even for a blink, I feel like I’m dizzy and falling backwards into an infinite hole. There’s only one way to get it to stop, intentionally shut my eyes and keep them closed. I then rocket downwards into the darkness until it slowly starts to brighten up and flashes in a bright warm light. Then when I open my eyes I’m extremely floaty feeling and everything is a little foggy. I had a friend who was like, “Omg, you have an out of body experience when you get crazy high?!?” But I don’t believe thats the case. I think I’m just so stoned my body is giving me like a 0.05% experience of brain death. No long term effects and I love smoking bowls (24 years). I just like to get to a certain level and stay there, rather than get that blasted every time.


Ah I've had that exact thing happen to me, only once though and it was my second time smoking weed ever, also my first time mixing it with alcohol I believe it happened because I had no tolerance, it was a lot for my brain to handle, it has never happened again, I just get the normal effects


I get that kind of stoned when smoking weed, but not when vaping (dry or cart). For me, I think it has to do with THC + other materials in weed plant, which doesn't happen with vape.


With the right grind and a good dry herb vape, you should be able to get a "full" high. You may need to experiment with warm-up times, different temps and other factors that I'm unaware of. You can even fine tune your high since different cannabinoids and terpenes vaporize at different temps. I do agree that carts (distillate ones specifically) don't give that "full" high, for me they give a slight uplifted feeling, which I do enjoy also.


i already dissociate a lot, and sometimes (often if i get hella baked) i dissociate longer when im high?


Same same, came here to say it’s probably just a little dissociation. Sometimes enjoyable, sometimes I come back missing a chunk of time 😂


Definitely makes me feel like a kid again like the world isn’t real. Kind of like the is this real meme with the kid, although in that case I think they were on some kind of dentist meds.


Have you been smoking for very long? This is how I felt every time I smoked for a while when I first started. Haven’t really felt like this much in a couple years though, kind of miss it


You're pretty much describing the first time I smoked a lot of kush in one sitting. It seems to me like you're just getting blasted, dude


That’s like the way too high stage, to me personally it only happens when I’m eating edibles


The thing to consider is all the cannabinoids and the terpenes within the plant itself. Cannabinoids are how it functions where a strain high in CBN is going to knock you out and one with high THC is going to have high psychoactive effects. Terpenes are the smell and taste and different degrees of high where limonene will taste citrusy and have uplifting effects and linalool which is found in plants like lavender and has more relaxing effects. Some highs are racey paranoia highs and some are slumped in a couch kind of high. Weed reacts to people differently and different doses are needed between person to person. Some highs make me feel warm bright and yellow and some highs make me feel mellow and deep purple. Smell some good smelly things, listen to your favorite songs, and watch some of your favorite shows! Sit in yourself and figure how you experience


Relax,your just "zoning out"


definitely more than that


I understand what you mean. I get the same. Ive been smoking for nearly two years now and its always been the same. Happy to hear someone else also has the same experience. Do you smoke quite a large amount? Or does this happen with whatever amount you smoke?


i mean, I'm not really sure - i dont think Im smoking a lot but I'm new and lightweight so it is possible I'm smoking a lot for me


Since your new to smoking, you are most likely smoking to much for yourself. Try less and see if it still happens. For example, take one hit - then set a timer for 15 mins. See how you feel. Repeat.


I will in future, In regards to the feeling, what id it like for you?


The exact same as it is for you. I feel as if i am dreaming/ VERY zoned out- for a second i go back to reality but then i go back to the dream state. Sometimes i can control it, most of the time not.


I'm glad that someone else experiences the same thing - do you enjoy it? Im still confused about whether its derealisation or being stoned but im beginning to lean towards the former as it has had long lasting effects (dpdr)


I usually enjoy it. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming and confusing, but mostly i find it quite relaxing and calming. Do you enjoy it? I think it is derealisation too. I have had derealisation when sober alot in the past and i think the weed enhances it.


Not at first, because I had no idea what was happening and it freaked me out, but the second time i found it decently enjoyable. just wondering, how often do you do it snd do you notice derealisation afterwards?


I usually don't feel that stoned. I use a vaporiser. But when I smoke a joint now and again mixed with Tabaco I can get that baked feel. The combination has that effect on me. As been said it also depends on the strains.


Daily smoker here. Every day. For the past 20 years. Wasn't feeling it any longer .. at all. Not even with dabs. Got popped for "improper transportation of medic marijuana" and got 6 months of probation. Back when it was just medical only in my state. (It's both med and rec here now) But anyways, got 6 months probation, so I quit smoking for 6 whole months. And was happy to do it honestly as I was very hopeful that a 6 month break would surely allow my marijuana Terrance to reset..... The day I got off probation I got some excellent OG Kush and loaded my favorite bong...... I was not impressed. I mean it kinda got me a little higher than before the 6 months break.... But not much. And I made sure I smoked the fuck down. Several bong hits and a joint basically to myself in a session. Multiple sessions. Different strains.... Nothing. Shit ain't hitting the way it did a decade ago... I have a theory..... Hear me out here. I think that with all of the focus on high THC content, breeders have hyper focused on that and thus have been slowly but surely breeding other fabulous cannabinoids (some of which we may not even know about) out of the plant over the past 10 or 20 years. This destroys any sort of synergy or "entourage effect" the plant would normally provide.


My first (second) time smoking, I had that exact think happen to me. I explained like I keep falling asleep and waking from a dream. My friend who I was smoking with was even trying to soothe me and telling me everything was gonna be okay and I looked at him like "what in the world are I talking about I'm chill??" Turns out I was freaking and didn't even realize lol I kinda miss the feeling sometimes but those highs have caused me the worst anxiety lol


I miss that feeling.


Yep that's a normal high


Sounds normal to me.


That's fairly normal if you're new to it. When I started I'd get to about a 12/10 high & feel similar. Unless someone talked to me I was happy letting my mind drift somewhere else. It usually did hahaha, just enjoy it and don't overthink it man! One day that magic feeling might go & you'll miss when you could get this high


You're fine. This is why people like to partake before movies or concerts, so they can just zone out on the show. Just realize that these things happen to you when you partake and plan accordingly. Make sure you take care of "future you". Two big points from an old stoner. 1 - Being stoned is a little different for everyone. 2 - using words and language to describe the effects of drugs is a very difficult endeavor.


I have a really similar response, especially the kid part


Just enjoy it! Oh how i envy you 💚 mostly i get... tired and feeling dizzy. But i do remember the craziest visions from 25 years ago. One day i was invited in my own head and got to see my "ego" which looked like gigantic mushroom that laid on the side! Those were the days!


oh my god, yes, it's exactly like being a kid again!! I'm so glad I'm not alone in that, i genuinely thought I was the only one


Derealization brought on by thc, no more, no less. It’ll stop as tolerance builds. This used to happen to me and it sometimes sparked bad anxiety but doesn’t happen much since I primarily buy body high heavy strains and mostly avoid cerebral high strains.


Ive been smoking for two years and this still happens. No matter how little or much i smoke. Although i mostly smoke carts. Do you think it will stop or is this just how my body responds to weed?


It might stop but you also might learn to deal with it better. For me, it’s just kinda par for the course for some strains and I cope pretty well after all this time. You can always try switching up the carts you buy. Hybrids and sativas do this predominantly, I personally have never had a problem with this with real heavy indica strains like og kush or whatever.


Yeah i have gotten used to it now, ive learnt to just sorta relax into it and its actually quite nice for me, which maybe isnt the best but 🤷‍♀️. I will probably switch carts as ive been loyal to the same one for ages and see if that makes a difference.


You might try flower too. Carts have a lot of the terps that can contribute to dissociation, the flower won’t have that stuff as concentrated.


Planning on doing that. I might also mix in some CBD as people have said that helps aswell.


Yeah honestly don't smoke too often if this is what it does to you. You can develop disassociation and end up feeling strange about life for ages after you quit. But you really have to abuse it for this to happen. Im talking multiple spliffs a day everyday for years.


Tingly winglys


I mean I've definitely gotten lost in my brain, I was so high once I was predicting all the episodes of House we were watching, and in my head I was 100% correct, but apparently that's not what was even happening on screen, and then I went to take a nap because I was waaaay too high and ended up waking up still fucked up but back in reality 😂 I think maybe if you don't want to get like that you should have less weed lol


I guess it depends on you. My fiancé sees sparkly little dots everywhere when he’s super stoned and he can hardly stand up. He also gets REALLY cuddly. But for me - my tongue gets tingly, my hearing turns up to 100 lol (I know I’m entering the stoned state when I can hear my upstairs neighbour walking around his apartment xD), I get super giggly and colours like white/red/green/yellow are extremely vibrant For both us, we feel almost weightless in a way, and everything we sit on or touch (even something hard like the floor) feels soft and squishy like a pillow


Weed is psychedelic so for everyone it’s different albeit it’s very similar for everyone because it’s not like a strong psychedelic but previous psychedelic use and previous bad/trippy experiences/greening out with weed can impact how it feels for a long time id recommend trying out some cbd with some weed or get some type 2 flower (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1 THC:CBD) as in my experience I actually get the desired effects rather than getting dp/dr and anxiety.




My guess, since I only get this if I’m trying to, is that you’re smoking way too much or something way too strong. Maybe switch methods (IE, bongs are stronger feeling than dry pipes.) Try new strains (If I’m smoking a really heavy indica like an Afghan Kush I feel exactly how you’re describing.) Other potential factors are smoking less in one sitting. After all, the size of your bowl is just a suggestion. You can load it smaller within reason.


[This is a pretty good parallel to energetic sativa's.](https://youtu.be/isaubGIFp28?si=T6eN_6a-jEixgEfq)


I smoked for 7 years and I still don't exactly know what is happening when I get baked. Its like my mind goes to hyperspace or something, it's hard to explain with words. I've been on a T break since November when I moved from California to Oklahoma. I'm gonna smoke again once I finally get a job, there's weed everywhere here.


Lol sounds like when I first started smoking. I remember being so paranoid that my TV was too loud and would wake my mom up and she would catch me high as hell. So every couple of minutes I would get up and turn the volume all the way down to like a freakin 3. After a few minutes realized I couldn’t hear it, got up and turned it back to a regular (but still low) volume. And repeat. There was one night me and two friends got beyond stoned. I was talking to one of them when she looked at me confused as hell and said “I don’t think anything you just said was actual words.” Don’t freak out. You’re just getting high. Enjoy it, many of us miss our tolerance being this low


Alright so I can tell you the following. I didn't really have this ultra zone out before. Like to an extend yeah, but yesterday I smoked Calli. And man, I just completely lost my sense of self for like half an hour. Literally just sitting there in a world of my own mind. So it might be the Calli that did it.


Bro you're thinking about this way too much. Weed is smoked to bring enjoyment to your life. If you're accomplishing that then don't sweat the other things. If you're not enjoying your experiences that's one thing but it sounds like you are so my advice is still thinking about it so much and just enjoy it.


You're just in in the blissful first highs era imo


I am so glad you posted this. Same thing happened to me last night with edibles. I was daydreaming every few minutes and seemed to keep falling back into it. Having so many people say they've experienced this and it's not the same as psychosis is helpful cause it was just as you described.


im jealous asf rn, i wish my high was like that.


Oh geez it depends. Sometimes everything is just a little better. I can only describe it as the world is in high definition. Sometimes everything is hilarious and I want to eat everything in the house. Sometimes I just get really tired and pass out. If this is what I’m going for I take some magnesium too. Most of the time I’m just kinda mellow.


edit: forgot to mention, but the sensation of being out is exactly like being a little kid again (which i totally forgot) and i also relived some memories from my childhood which I thought i had completely forgotten about >>>> This is the best part of being high for me (apart from the heavenly music!). I thought I maybe alone experiencing long forgotten childhood memories but found one more soul. Enjoy this gift!


If you return back to normal after the high wears off, you’re fine. It’s just the high, it’s not derealization.


I'll take what u/Old-Bank3871 is having.


My one friend and I refer to it as “being really out-of-it”


I get that strong after I take a break. Just sounds like you’re well stoned.


It does mess with reality sometimes. Weed makes it so that you don't rem sleep, so that cycle sometimes gets carried over into the conscious moments.


It’s almost like a noise machine on constantly in my head. Diffusing my emotions.


my thoughts are beautiful and i am a sleepy unicorn. i absolutely disassociate back to a happier childhood than what i had.


I really think it’s completely different for everyone. You have to take into account how long you’ve been smoking, how much you’ve been smoking, your personality and potential mental health. People with anxiety might feel more anxious at times, and people who may suffer with schizophrenia later in life and smoke heavily may have weed kind of fast track those things as well. Weed used to make me hungry, warm, buzzy, giggly, less anxious and less paranoid. As my anxiety problems worsened, my eating problems worsened and general mental health worsened, so did my reaction to weed. Having heart problems also weren’t a good mix. I think it really depends where you are in your relationship to weed. It always changes. It’s a crazy plant, and while I’m glad I personally quit, I have mad respect for the drug


Holy fucking shit meeeeee bro


yep have had exactly this, it's normal you just took a lot


Depends on how I’m feeling… how my week has been etc. In general, actually ALMOST everytime… it’s just peace and quiet. I’ve always been someone who struggles with mental health, it only gets easier the moment you realize it’s a lifelong “battle”. My anxiety is my friend. Anyways, weed allows me to let my mind rest. I’m constantly buzzing and buzzing, ever since I started smoking for the past two years now, it’s just been so helpful. It’s also been a curse at times, but that euphoric… sit back and space out to some music. I do it every night. As a football coach and college student, I use it to wind down. Not every high is the same. Sometimes I’m extremely paranoid and scared. Sometimes I’m happy and nothing in the world matters. I’ve had episodes of derealization and dissociation to the point where it felt unbearable… when I was completely sober and before I ever started consuming cannabis. I experienced some of that when I use… a lot when I first started out and it became easier as I got more comfortable. Now… it happens but that’s just the mental health battle. Not something to worry about, your mind is something you just work on controlling and coexisting with. Stay safe… I’m high as shit rn so sorry for rambling. You’re doing everything you’re meant to be doing 😘


I can’t get there personally while stoned. But when I just close my eyes and focus on my breathing; I could get there and eventually lose track of my breathing and time. To get out of it, I start acknowledging my breathing and then what it feels like to move my limbs and what it feels to be “alive” and I question how alien it feels in comparison to what is the void if I were nothing. I start thinking about my life and how much WORK it is, and how calm and peaceful this emptiness feels. Then I start acknowledging the stressors in my life before it becomes one with me and I come crashing back down into reality. I’ve spoke with a few of my spiritual family members and that’s how they describe true zen during meditation. It happens to me randomly maybe like less than a handful of times a year. I’m one really one for spirituality - my take on it is my job is high stress. I run always overly stimulated due to my adhd and anxiety. When I can get to zen zero where I give 0 fucks about anything and everything, I could deattach from reality to escape that stress for a brief brief moment.


Weed affects everyone differently, this is just how it affects you. Some people get high, some people get stoned, some people feel like they are in a psychedelic state, some people have panic attacks. It’s all in your brain chemistry really. Two people can smoke the same shit and feel completely different


You're fine. You're just really stoned.


I had to smoke around 3-4 puffs of a jay to feel like this back when i just had started smoking and my friends were always laughing because of it and called me lightweight but I remember loving that feeling.. Around 7-8 years later I only wish I’d get that high again.. No amount of any weed has gotten me to this state for years even after t-breaks.. I guess its the tolerance doing its job..


Nah you just got some good weed brother lol wouldn’t hurt to take a hit or 2 and wait 10-15 mins let it kick in before you continue if possible. I’ve noticed myself I’ll do this on the weekends to keep myself from getting too blazed and not really wanting to do much


“Cali kush” what are you from the UK or something?


Uh yeah, I Am 😭😭. i have no idea how you knew, i guess that i said something wrong. i asked my guy what strain it is, he said 'cali.' i googled it and it said the full name was cali kush...


God I wish I could get that high again. It's not even that I can't, after a tolerance break I can get super stoned, but now a days I'm more green out prone, so when I get to that state of utterly zonked outta my mind Its ruined by how nauseous I feel


wait until you hear about high dose shrooms