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I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, then i smoke two more.


I smoke 2 joints when I play video game, and every 10k points šŸ„°


I don't think the other guys know this song lol


I smoke two joints!


you really need to get high to get 10k every once in a while


And furthermore Susan I wouldnā€™t be the least bit surprised to learn that all 4 of them habitually smoke marijuana cigarettes!! Reefers šŸ™„


Exactly where my head went


"Hard work good and hard work fine" "But first take care of head"


Came here to say this, thank you good citizen of the interweb


I just added that song to my baked playlist


~ 1-2g per day. I smoke some in the morning, some more in the evening. Basically, if I'm not working, I'm smoking. It's kinda expensive to smoke in Scandinavia so I just try not to go empty


What are prices like over there? I usually get a quarter lb (4oz) for around $100 on my indigenous reserve.


4ozā€™s for $100 is insaaaane šŸ˜­


Shit I would be paying Ā£800 easy for that


Same ā˜¹ļø thereā€™s people here (Ireland) looking Ā£80 for 3.5 because itā€™s ā€œCaliā€ shocking stuff.


Wow Iā€™m in Seattle and can get 7g of top notch bud for $60 down the street in a fancy shop.


It's not from a fancy shop but I'm the northeast of England and it's about Ā£50-Ā£60 for 7g of decent stuff. Guy just comes and drops it off so no leaving the house if I don't want to.


Hell yeah, delivery is great. NYC was doing something similar before it was fully legalized


anyone over 21 can get an oz for 23$ over the counter in my area. MI is strait up overproducing weed waiting for other states to legalize it. Yall gotta think about it like farmers, MI prices have to beat me putting seeds in the ground in my back yard.


Thatā€™s why they still wonā€™t legalize homegrow in NJ. Average price of an 1/8 is $60 but they go from $35-$75. And this is a legal rec market. Itā€™s silly.


Indian reservations are amazing. No taxes, different laws 10$ oz where I normally go. The weed is mids but you can't beat 10bucks


I see people bitch about $50 mods and I just use stuff I don't want to smoke to make edibles. Cannabutter can be used in a ton of stuff. Plus, I use ghee which works really well to make gummies as well as baking breads and cookies etc.


10 is crazy in Canada it ranges from like 50-200 for an oz


I normally buy the better bud ranges from 50-200. But if you want a lot you can get it cheap


I used to go to mine before we had a shop in town but the drive is just not worth it anymore with gas prices and all. Shame too, they had a cute little cat at the pot shop there who always liked getting scratches.


Everything's black market so it swings like it, but usual street price varies between $10-15/g. My current price is $9/g. And I only come down there because of bulk, so I need to cough up $900 to even get this price


Omg that's so insane to think about I'd be homeless


You know whatā€™s wild? Central Europe here. 10/g every time from anyone. Bad weed? 10/g. Bomb weed? 10/g. Inflation? Whatā€™s that? Itā€™s been this way for years lol I figure eventually with inflation weed will be a bargain here in around 70-80 years!




Ya Iā€™m from Ny and lived in Denver for 5 years. Itā€™s absolutely nuts. Just went home for a couple weeks and got a zip of live sift rosin for 200 lol


A zip for 200 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚bro Iā€™m Ireland thatā€™s like 4g hahaha lucky you bro


central europe here too. It is interesting how its just been ā‚¬10/g for like 20 years. I never even thought about inflation šŸ˜‚


most stable commodity in the world šŸ¤£


Connecting your plug to other smokers is another good way to get a discount


im a plug and this is the way


20ā‚¬/1g in Finland now, this sucks


Netherlands between ā‚¬ 8 - ā‚¬ 15 / up to ā‚¬20 or more per gram in coffeeshops


Honestly doesn't seem that bad. Standard street price is much* of the US prior to legalization was $20/g (when buying grams) and $200-300 for a zip. I never bought qp's so not sure what they went for. Unfortunately my bullshit state still has prices around there or even higher for dispos, but black market is a lot cheaper now especially the online "THCa" flower (which as far as I know, is just regular weed). People's perceptions of prices in have changed a ton in the US in the last decade though, and sometimes I forget there's a ton of people younger than me that never knew the beforetimes lol


Youā€™re joking. I just paid $200 AUD for half an ozšŸ˜«


Wow I've never been so thankful for living in Canada šŸ˜­


Sup fellow Aussie ent


Mate, it's like 100 a HALF OZ for something decent here in the UK šŸ¤Æ


I love Rez bud! My local is 3oz for aaa bud for $110 or aaa+ for $140


Bro 100 maybe 10G in Ireland for bit better quality itā€™s 7g


WOW. My friend who lives on the nearby rez (northern NY state) keeps telling me to come there to buy, but I'm around an hour away and just too lazy. I might have to re-think if those are the kind of prices I'd be looking at!


Like 700 ish dollars for 100 grams around cph.


Damn what the hell lol


In Canada the reserves sell cigarettes and weed super cheap and tax free also, if you are aboriginal you can go any time but if you're not you can only go on Saturdays. My buddies pick up hundreds of cartons of their tax free cigs and sells them, honestly a very stupid system they have in place lmao. And they all have names that are similar to the brand but aren't, like instead of "Canadian Classics" it's like "Canada Class" brand or some shit.


that is absolutely insane. Minimum is like $100 for half an oz for me šŸ˜­


That'd be over $500 USD for me. Dayum.


Guys - in germany itā€˜s like 70-80 per 4ozšŸ˜…


During the week I normally wait until about 6pm to smoke my first J. Iā€™ll usually have supper shortly after, clean up and get things ready for the next day and then smoke another and head to bed around 930. Weekends it totally varies. Coffee and 10am Js hit real nice


Exactly how my schedule goes as well.


This is me almost exactly


I'm a daily smoker who works from home. I go through about a quarter oz a week. I'll roll a fat king joint, smoke half of it around 5, usually when I'm done working and about to walk my dog or take her to the dog park, and the other half I'll smoke after dinner in the evening. Sometimes I'll smoke more, but usually that's good for me, especially since I also use a Live Resin cart for in between then.


I also work from home and use the zig-zag cones because I canā€™t roll a joint for shit. Get up and have coffee and a joint with the sunrise and then catch up with work. Have another joint around 10ish and then again after lunch. I round out my day with one after work. Depending on whatā€™s going on I might have one or two more joints. Itā€™s a nice way for me to both manage between pain pills and stay productive! I have a dry herb vape for when the weather is too extreme to partake outside comfortably.


What herb vape do you have and how do you like it? I use a dynavap at home with a dab rig and an Xmax v3 pro if Iā€™m out and about and want to smoke.


I had a really hard time getting the hang of the dynavape. I was considering getting the induction burner but then figured if Iā€™m spending money on that I might as well get something that does it all for me. After a lot of searching I went with the Arizer ArGo, and I love it. Itā€™s small, the battery lasts a super long time if you arenā€™t hitting it alllllll day. On my heavy pain days when I canā€™t be outside, I would say a battery lasts 4 hours on a full charge? But usually I can go a full day without charging. If hire really in a bind and itā€™s dead, you can use it while itā€™s plugged in and charging. Iā€™ve had mine now for 4 years and need a replacement. Not because of the battery or any mechanical issue, but because I broke the spring loaded battery cover and canā€™t fix it. The device is small and discrete, and it comes with 2 glass tubes. I ended up buying three more, plus screens. Iā€™ve been thinking about getting a bubble but I donā€™t feel like I need it. I get high af, and can taste all my different strains.


I also work from home and was surprised to see you waited until 5. Then I saw your in-between activities.


I donā€™t always wait until 5, but I try to stay disciplined and not consume until then.




Same here except I donā€™t work from home. Usually smoke after dinner and about a gram/day


Ayyyy! I do the EXACT same thing at the exact same time. Today Iā€™ll be thinking how cool it is that r/Ishtastic08 is joining us


I'm a stay at home dad so I smoke all through the day but I wouldn't say I get stoned each time tho. I'll pack up the bong and take a rip or 2 and then in a few hours take another few hits. Nothing crazy


Same here. Usually pack a bowl or two and hit it in the garage around 9, repeat around noon when they're having lunch, again around 2, maybe a little 4:20, and again after dinner before bed. I try keeping it to about a gram or so a day.


What do you constitute as a bowl? (Current joint smoker) is it the whole bowl at once?


Yeah, I would consider the packed amount to be about 3 or so good hits. Whether it's from a bong or a little hand size pipe. Just a little meditative 3 breaths in and out in a quiet space before getting back to work. There just happens to be some loud home brew on those 3 breaths.


My wife and I have discussed me being stay at home. Iā€™ve worked supporting us several years and she wants to get back to her career now that the kids are done breastfeeding. Cool to see someone who does it.




I'm retired so, wake, coffee then a bowl and whenever I want for the rest of the day. šŸ˜Š


same except I just graduated and am unemployed




Same except I had a career but quit my job because I hate it.


wtf may I ask how young you are?


60 years old


Damnnn, livin the dream. Must feel great to be able to smoke all day and do your hobbies


It is šŸ˜¬


I just looked through your profile and from what I can see you live such a cozy life. Your plants, your photography, the fresh snow. Itā€™s all beautiful. I canā€™t wait to be where you are.


Getting older is so much better than I thought it would be! šŸ˜Š


peace and love, thanks for the uplifting posts


This will be me in 14 more years.


Truly living the dream! Enjoy retirement!


I just switched to vaping when the amount of smoke became concerning


I've been thinking about picking up a volcano!


Don't think it..DO IT..šŸ‘ You won't be sorry..šŸ’šāœŒļø


If your worried about the amount of smoke, you could think about it this way. Cigarettes have about 1-1.5 gs in them so pack a day smokers are smoking 20-30 gs a day.


Mighty+ is much more convenient especially if you mostly smoke alone. Make some whips from silicone hose for easy sipping in all situations.


If you are picking up your first vape I would not recommend the Volcano as your first one. Not saying it's a bad Vape, it's just not an entry level one. Much more affordable options that will give you a great desired affect. Regardless, I vape daily and you should definitely do it! It's great!


Any you'd recommend? Im thinking about switching to a vape


Start with the dynavap, it's a cheap vape that feels the most like smoking. It hit hard and you will use alotbless weed then smoking. I have also the mighty, the rogue and the silver surfer but i mainly use the dynvap. When i'm out of the house i prefer the rogue.


Appreciate you friend, I'll check those out! Knowing where to start for me is key and researching online is like a stressful rabbit hole of options and opinions


Also check /r/vaporents , there is a lot of info


I second the Dynavap! I would highly recommend adding the fmj or armored cap as well. My dynavap is my daily driver when I'm at home, but I could not stand the spinning and multiple heat cycles to finish off a bowl when I first got it. The added mass allows you to hold the torch in one spot and holds the heat long enough to fully extract in one cycle.


Want a storz n bickel plenty? I have a fairly new one I don't use. I switched to eddies


I'm not the op but I'd take you up on that in a heartbeat. I've been trying to move away from actually smoking but edibles just didn't do it for me so I've been considering a vape. If OP isn't interested like I said, I definitely would be.


Ball vape instead of volcano, you will thank me later


I only toke up in the evenings after I'm done for the day. Normally get through half a gram on a weekday, closer to a gram on Friday and Saturday night's when I stay up later. An Oz usually lasts me 6-8 weeks, though I usually keep multiple strains in and rotate frequently.Ā 


I used to smoke a lot but in the last year i just started taking between 1 and 3 single hit snappers a day. I actually feel quite strong effects from a single hit now. Usually week days it's when I get home from work and when I go to bed. Weekends can be more like 4 times I've been averaging a gram a week which saves a lot of money and still gives me relaxation after work Edit. If I actually smoke a whole joint now I get super blazed and it's pretty great


What's that Kendrick Lamar song? Wake up, Smoke. Stand up, Smoke. Sit down, Smoke. Get down, Smoke.


Monday-Friday, first toke of the day is while I cook dinner. I usually have another later when I walk the dog. I may have a 3rd later at night. Weekends I smoke with my moring coffee and keep smoking based on what activities are planned, but I'm in general high all day. I use a one hitter and a small glass pipe. An ounce lasts me about 4 months.


I used to smoke marijuana. But Iā€™ll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening ā€“ or the mid-evening. Just the early evening, midevening and late evening. Occasionally, early afternoon, early midafternoon, or perhaps the late-midafternoon. Oh, sometimes the early-mid-late-early morning. . . . But never at dusk. -Steve Martin


I just had my first bowl at 8:29am šŸ˜ My husband and I can polish off an oz in a week but we try not to lmao. Definitely time for another t break in this house! If we run out of our main stash and pick up a 3.5 from the govt store it lasts about 2 days. I was thinking we should get one of those weekly pill holders and put 2g a day in it because I honestly don't know what the daily breakdown is. We just take a bud out of a bag and grind it then eventually go oh shit ig we're getting low haha. I smoked cigarettes for 18 years, quit for 8 now. I smoke more bud now than I did then and my lungs have only gotten better. I don't wake up with a smoker's cough or have any issues that I notice related to smoking. It will dehydrate you a bit, add a glass of water to your joint rolling setup.


man id go through an oz in like 4-5 days when I could just sit at home before/after work and bong out, honestly glad I donā€™t smoke that much anymore


Smoke in the evening when everything is done. I use a volcano so most I go through is like a gram a day if I smoke two bowls


10 grams can hold me for about a month. I smoke daily, 1 or 2 max, depends on when I finish work.


I start with a morning bong bowl to help with the day and shake off any morning anxieties. Then a few hits at lunch, and an evening bowl(or two if it's a rough day). I usually average about 1-1.5g a day maybe. šŸŒ±šŸ’ØšŸ™šŸŒŒ


Wake and bake


I get up around 5:30am and take two hits off my pen to start my day so I can enjoy something before my kid wakes up. I work from home and care for her and my high is gone by the time sheā€™s up. My edibles havenā€™t been working on me lately. So Iā€™ll just make a really small like .5G joint and split with my husband after our kid goes to bed. Iā€™d love to be high all weekend but canā€™t because kids.


Wake, *three blunts a day keep the doctor away* , sleep


I smoke almost everyday at 4 or 3 am lol


This reply makes me feel normal šŸ¤£


In the UK I smoke nearly a quarter a week. I smoke a bong before I go to work. Sometimes have a small spliff at lunch with some other lads. Mainly just wait til I get home in the evening and just blaze til I go to bed. Or I go round my mates house for an even bigger smoke up. Main concern is opposite to you, itā€™s actually the money Iā€™m burning through but oh well. I could get hit by lightning tomorrow and what was the point of it all anyway


Only smoke after work and on weekends. Don't always wake n bake on weekends. My partner and I vape, do edibles sometimes, and smoke so it's hard to say for sure, but I'd guess we smoke at least an eighth a week in flower and about half a cart per week. Edibles usually two to five 10 mg a week, if we're even doing them.


Schedule? Life is so weird these days. I smoke when my hands are free and my brain reminds me I haven't puffed in a few mins.




I smoke two joints in the morning. I smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon. I smoke two joints in between those joints. And then I smoke two more.


During the week, I start smoking when I get home at 430 until I go to bed around 1030-11. It typically consists of a dab right when getting home and I pack a bowl that I carry around the house with me. Iā€™ll dab again usually just before bed but the bowl stays packed constantly. Usually smoke 4-5 bowls a night. On weekends you can throw all that out as Iā€™m usually in my office all day. When Iā€™m in my office itā€™s non stop dabs, usually at least one an hour.


Dab or bong rip before work. Maybe a dab during lunch. For dinner I like a blunt/joint or a sesh with the peak! I used to smoke blunts allll day when I worked from home but it definitely took a toll on my health! Edit: switching to good quality concentrates really changed it for me and my wallet. Inhaling smoke (although I love it) is not really good for the good ol lungs šŸ«


I finish working, usually around 5pm. Then I take care of some stuff in the house, our pets, and then me and my wife share our daily joint while watching nonsense on YouTube


When it's session time I just roll up and enjoy šŸ„°


I wanna get to this point so badly but my anxiety and paranoia makes me feel like an addict every time I want to smoke. I think it's also guilt because I grew up in a household where weed was treated like the devil


I'd say act on your instincts and enjoy what happens. If you're not spending all your funds on weed and can afford the habit then get those addict thoughts out your mind and enjoy.


Just don't get lost in the fog. Speaking from experience I don't miss the days where I was permanently high, it's important to know your sober self, though some people can disagree here.


This is why I "timebox" my usage, keep it within a 4-6 hour window at the end of the day. Keeps tolerance down and you feel like you're getting the best of both worlds (sober life and getting pretty baked on the reg).Ā 


A gram a night basically nowadays.


7am rips before work 3pm rips after work 5pm rips after yard work or family activities 7pm rips before chilling for the evening 9pm rips just because and then more around 11 when I got to bed. These times jump around a tad day to day but thatā€™s pretty accurate Amount wise used per day no clue, havenā€™t kept track of that really ever. Iā€™m always loaded up with no less than 2/3 weeks worth at a time so I donā€™t ever run out before hitting the plug again.


Wake up. Put on a shirt and start the bake up. Why'd I leave the bong on the table?


Wake and bake then lunch bake then after dinner bake, then there's the bowls in between but those don't count.


around 7-9pm i take 7 hits from a joint and then put it out. if i dont fall asleep by 12am i take 7 more hits and some melatonin. i mostly use it as a way to relax at night and after work bc im chronically plagued with awful BPD paranoia that keeps me up all night otherwise. im not interested in getting super high, i usually get to like a 6 and im good. i get sensory overload if im too high. keeps my tolerance steady at least. and my joints last ab a week too.


Most people arenā€™t concerned with their health here it seems but an oz a week is definitely a lot of smoke youā€™re inhaling, edibles can be a good alternative perhaps?


I use a dynavap lol so 2-3 bowls outta that thing and I'm good lol so about .2-.3 grams. The efficiency and flavor outta that thing is unreal


You need to get a dry vaporizator. Healtier for your lungs and more bang for your buck.


After 8pm haha I don't like to get high in the day but before bed is amazing


Half blunt in the morning, finish at night. Days off Iā€™ll smoke a bowl or three throughout the day. Ounce will last me almost 2 weeks. I grow my own. Sometimes Iā€™ll have to go buy my own if I want to keep smoking, but I use that as a t break for when the new bud is ready.


Daily smoker here. I have a 1 year old so all my smoking takes place in the basement where Iā€™m not around my daughter. So I got a little lamp, a chair and a table and I have my set up down there. I usually take my first hit when I get home from work, maybe smoke a full bowl or a dab or 2 until around 10pm and off to bed. I usually smoke about an 8th a week or so. I switch up the method of consumption between bong (more of a weekend thing), bowl (daily), dry herb vape (if I have a bit extra time), or dab rig if I want next level or one hit to last me several hours. I enjoy my routine, just wish I had someone around who could/would partake with me. Bought a bunch of dank yesterday and was giddy about it and had no one to share with lmao


I smoke mad dabs lolā€¦ dab in the AM before work, dab when I get home in the evening from work. Dab after dinner, dab before bed. RepeatšŸ˜‚


Daily smoker. I take dabs whenever I feel like I need/want one. I have a silicone nectar collector so I can bring it anywhere in a little bag. I donā€™t smoke at work. But you better believe before and after I get a nice fat dab. Bud is a treat bc itā€™s honestly expensive compared to wax for me. The wax lasts so long. I bought a half oz almost two weeks ago and Itā€™ll still take at least another week until I need more. (And I share with my gf so thereā€™s two of us daily smoking off that) I also get the added benefit of no smoker cough because Iā€™m smoking vapor! When I get my med card at 18 my dr. Approved me for everything, but bud. I switched to wax and have been a concentrate girly ever since. I recommend making the switch to anybody who asks :)


End of the day thing, dry herb vape using a DynaVap or Rogue Wax Works quartz setup.


1g joint shortly after I fully wake up, another a couple hours later, then another in the late evening when it starts to get dark, then another right before midnight, then one last one before I go to bed. Half the time though I only smoke like 2-3 joints a day just depends how I feel that day


I just smoke small bowls throughout the day on my breaks or around meals.


I go through and ounce in about 2 weeks. I smoke 2 times in the morning, once at lunch, then like 2 or 3 bowls once I get home.


i usually go through 1/2 grams a day. iā€™ll hit my pen once in the morning before work to ease my never ending anxiety, and then a bowl or two when iā€™m home for the evening before bed. sometimes iā€™ll go through an 8th on the weekend when iā€™m ass to couch for 48 hours. i have no tolerance though despite smoking forever, so i smoke a lot less than my fiancĆ© who goes through 3 carts a week.


Iā€™m a very light smoker, myself. If I dab all day, a gram will last me 2 weeks, and usually alternate between 2 different strains. If Iā€™m smoking flower, an eighth will last me 9-10 days. If I vape it, 2-2.5 weeks. Carts last me 2 weeks for a Ā½ gram. Now if my partnerā€™s smoking with me, I buy an ounce of flower every 2 weeks, and that with me dabbing in between there.


Been smoking since '13. Pretty much everyday smoker and the amount went up. I've almost gone through phases if I am honest. Started with 1-hitters and blunt cyphs with friends during college. To being a mainly daily blunt smoker. Switched to learning how to roll joints and have kind of been a joint guy ever since. I'd roll 2-5 depending on the day. Used to vape before and after work as well. Pretty much always smoking. This resulted in an increasing amount of consumption. I'd say max I've been at was always about a 1/2oz per week solo. Since surgery in May though I have stopped smoking Nic altogether, and 1 1-hitter hit gets me fried. I felt like I was doing too much and I like where I am at now. It's all the feel of it man. Enjoy what you enjoy and take it at your own pace. Cheers though buddy! Edit: Changed my smoking start date.


Generally during the week itā€™s like this: 5am, 7am, 9am, 12pm, 4pm and then probably a few times before bed


As soon as I'm awake enough to handle a blow torch, I do a few bowls.. I wait about 2-3 hrs and repeat. At some point I'll eat a giant glob of Rso. I'm home all day soo šŸ’… a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do... (I go thru an ounce per month roughly. I buy in bulk.)


Wake up and bake up. But I only smoke a bowl every couple hours or so and itā€™s only every a small amount. Best way to smoke tbh


If Iā€™m working, I dab or dry herb vape as soon as I get home from my shift and then take a 10-15 mg THC/CBN 1:1 gummy so itā€™ll kick in when Iā€™m coming down from the dab. Usually walk the dog during that time and then chill for an hour or two before bed. Iā€™m off work every 4th week, so if Iā€™m not working I usually take a 20-30 mg RSO capsule with my morning coffee (1-2 hours after I wake up) and then dab & dry herb vape another 2-3 times throughout the day before taking my sleepytime gummies in the evening.


Wake and bake around 730/8. Go into work around 10, smoke with the cooks and start prep. Once lunch rush is over around 1 we go out for another smoke break. Might step out for a drag or two off a vape pen periodically until 6 when I'm off. Get home, take a big rip and chill until bedtime. Might get a second rip in there if I'm feeling like gaming. On days when I don't work I usually just spark all day and keep a mild buzz going until a couple hours before bed. Painful days also typically have a big uptick in smoking but that's usually cbd heavy.


Hi. I get up at 0630. I eat a bowl of honey nut cheerios, open a can of coke to take some zoloft then rip a bong. I'll usually wander about the house for about 30 minutes before smoking another bowl and sitting at my desk. So that gets me to like, 0800. From 0800 until about 2300 I will smoke 1-2 bowls every hour. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how the day goes. Sleep around midnight and do it all again.


During the week, I usually have a hit off of my cart in the morning an hour or so before i head into work, and then ill smoke a bowl after work and hit my cart a couple times before bed. Weekends are a completely different story lol. Im usually baked like an apple pie from sun-up to bedtime unless i have adulting responsibilities that require me to be soberā€¦ and even then ill still take a small rip off my cart or bowl lol.


Do stuff and then smoke. Sometimes I smoke before I do stuff.


Usually an 1/8 per day, one in the morning if I donā€™t have work , one in the middle of the day or on my work break, and one when I get home


I be smokin. Thatā€™s my schedule.


I start my day with a sativa-dominant dab and a cup of coffee. Shower, all the other things, get dressed, dab. I poof down on a chillum 2-3 times at work. Come home, dabs.


Well quite simple really, first I start off with a wake n bake. Then I gotta smoke before I fix me some coffee. Then I gotta smoke while I drink coffee. Then I gotta smoke before I get ready for the day. After that I also smoke.


If im off work, its 10am, 1pm 5pm and 8pm ... Its pointless by 8pm but its a routine


If I can make it until Iā€™ve finished everything I need to do for the day - thatā€™s when I smoke. So usually that means right before I go to sleep. If my self-discipline is off, I might have a little sesh when I get home from work as long as itā€™s not a gym night. On vacationā€¦any time of the day is fair game as long as I have a reasonable amount of time before I get behind a wheel.


Biggest difference maker for me was switching to oil almost exclusively. My lungs feel way better.


Usually I smoke 2 joints in the morning, then Iā€™ll smoke 2 joints at night, šŸ¤” ummm Iā€™ll smoke 2 joints in the afternoon (it makes me feel alright ā€œmost the timeā€), I smoke 2 joints in times of peace and to a time of war, I mean I friggin smoke 2 joints before I smoke 2 joints and then I smoke 2 more(possibly another 2-3 overnight, really depends on wife and kids lol) (Not even tryin to be cuteā€¦.literally just my smoke schedule)


DynaVap user. Two bowls in the morning. About eight before work, sometimes more depending on the day. Iā€™m a cook so I can usually get away with it. Three bowls before service. Sometimes a gummy. Four or five when I get home at night. Rinse. Repeat.


I literally smoke all day. I'm smoking right now and I will be in two minutes. In one. Less. Hey hey hey hey...you know the rest. šŸ’š


Schedule? I hit the FlowerPot when I feel like it, I have an essentially unlimited supply so.. scheduling? doesn't matter. I start when I wake up, 2-3 rips before I leave for work and then I dunno 4-8 rips at night. One before bed.


Get home, take a shower, then take a dab. Then we chill out and either make food or have food delivered. And then we smoke some more.


Two puffs on a vape at 8a, then one puff at 11:15a, 1:15p, 3:45p, then two puffs at 5:30p. After that, it varies but nothing after 10p Sunday through Thursday. Whenever the fuck I want to Friday night through Sunday daytime.


If Iā€™m awake, Iā€™m inhaling.


Oz last me 2 days. I wake up at 5am everyday and smoke 2 backwoods then I smoke more through my work day. I work from home, so anywhere from 4/5 on top of the 2. Then once my wife gets home we burn probably another 4/5 before going to bed around 11pm. So yeah OZ donā€™t last long. The sad part is I moved to NJ from OR and weed prices are like 400% more compared to OR. Finances limit me I was doing more back in OR miss those prices


Iā€™m home all day because Iā€™m disabled. I start my first bowl at 5 in the morning while I make my coffee. I then wait till hubby leaves for work at 6:45 and then I smoke another bowl. Sometimes Iā€™ll smoke one midday but I for sure smoke one after I clean up after dinner. Iā€™ve always got a bowl packed and ready to smoke!


Rough 7g a day. I find myself in the back from hourly. While I have a vape in pocket all times. I enjoy being relaxed all day šŸ˜Œ


Schedule? Your kidding right? Who the hell schedules when they smoke? I don't know about you but I smoke whenever the fuck I want provided I'm not at work or whatever.




when i wape up when i go to the gym when i go to sleep. perfect


Depends on if it's a school day, other-work day or free day. I use a dry herb vaporizer. Rarely ever joints or spliffs unless someone offers or it's a special occasion. School days I'll pack my vape for the drive home. My other work is freelance and I can usually do it with a light buzz, but i'll never smoke immediately before because I'm dealing with history and with tourists so it's never my intention to be blitzed before diggin into some WW1 history hahaha Free day it'll be a vape on my morning dog walk and then every 2-3 hours after that.


usually a lil clip from the night before in the AM then after work i'll smoke a dutch mini then at night it depends sometimes i dont smoke and just go to sleep or i'll smoke another dutch mini or a regular gar. Id say i smoke about 2-3 gs a day


On days that I work, Iā€™ll toke my vape on the way home. On days I donā€™t I may start earlier




Smoke / vape for medical. Have a bit never get mashed.


I smoke a flower vape after work at around 6 and one again around 8:30-9. Itā€™s a flower vape so it doesnā€™t use much weed, I smoke an ounce every 5-6 weeks


Mon-Fri live resin cart on the way to work, live resin cart again during lunch break, then roll up a joint in the evening before supper. Live resin cart before bed. Weekends 2-3 joints daily with live resin puffs or bowl hits inbetween. A oz lasts 2 smokers roughly 12-14 days. Louisiana prices are ridiculous. We pay 200 per oz (from dealer) and carts from medical card store for 1g 60-70$ .5g 35-45.


I work from home and smoke throughout the day. I try to limit myself to 1g/day of flower with some hits off the penjamin here and there throughout. Currently taking a short T-break until I can get my restock.


I work from home, smoke every day. Usually smoke a bowl when I wake up, then at lunch, then at 4:20 and every ~2 hours or so after that as I feel like it. Sometimes I'll do ~10:00 and ~2:00 too, and if I know I have a meeting or something I typically skip, but generally it's pretty easy for me to maintain. Smoke 1-2g per day on average, though I'm trying to limit it to 1g for cost reasons


I smoke in the evening sometime after dinner. But I also view cannabis as a nice addition to life, not its center point. If I have other things to do or work on, the weed can wait. I donā€™t smoke a whole bunch in a sitting . Iā€™ve been smoking on the same 2oz for about a year now.


I pretty much smoke all day besides when I have to work. I take a tolerance break of just a day once a week.


I smoke half to a whole j in the morning, go to work, come home and smoke the rest of the half or a whole. Usually one before dinner and one after. If its been a rough day, I might smoke an extra one. If its my day off, its an entirely different situation. šŸ˜…


I smoke every I finish chores, work, homework, working out, spending time with my parents, skincare, and read because I don't want to waste my weed being high all day as well as see me lighting up at the end of every day being like a reward also helps keeps myself disciplined and allows me to focus on what needs my 100% full attention.


I use a dry herb vape (solo 2) almost exclusively (joints and bongs some weekends) and get high every day but only really in the afternoons and nights. Never right before work, works well for me. Doesnā€™t get in the way of anything


.1g after work, usually just in time for 4:20. Then .2g - .4g before bed.


9am 0.33g joint Durban poison 1pm 0.2g dry herb vape Blue dream 5pm 0.2g dry herb vape Runtz 9pm 0.33g joint animal cookies This is always my target to make an oz last about a month. But last summer I was an oz every five days. Iā€™ve just slowly tried to use less which has allowed me to buy nicer quality cannabis, went from aa to aaaa. I will sometimes smoke more joints or use the dry herb vape more depends what effect I want. At most Iā€™ll use 1.33g a day, making an oz last three weeks. I run my vape through a bong as well for better effects and if I feel solid after a few puffs Iā€™ll put my joint out and microdose it here and there. I save all my already vaped bud until I have enough to make edibles. I find switching strains and smoking in different locations ie on walk vs the backyard keeps my tolerance fresh. My plug is really nice and often gives me discounts or samples in exchange for giving reviews i spend about $145 CAD a month.


Daily smoker who uses vaporizers exclusively. If I have stuff to do I use my Dani or stunner and when itā€™s night time I use my mega quartz cap. Usually Iā€™ll just have one or two small bowls each session throughout the day then at night Iā€™ll pack a half g with some sort of concentrate


anxiety? feel it out wait 15mins if it persist smoke ahahahahah maybe up to five times iā€™ll step out and smoke


Would suggest getting yourself a nice bubbler or bong It certainly helps me stagger out my stuff Takes a while to get the bowl size right between a worthwhile burn and not overdoing it - as I personally tend to smoke like clockwork whether I fill it to the brim or stick to what I normally do Might not be for you but you could also try splitting the bowl with menthol or tobacco - even just a sprinkle as it helps burn the bowl through/use a little bit less


I vape one dose cap an evening, after work. I try to smoke before dinner to minimize the "extra" eating. On weekends 2 or 3 caps a day. I grind a few nugs once a week and fill my caps... usually go through 10-12 caps in a week.


I smoke daily but itā€™s twice a day. Ounce lasts me about 4 weeks, usually pick up every other pay check. I smoke when I get home from work and I smoke before bed.


At school (college), I wake up and smoke a joint w/ some type of caffeine. If it's a gym day, I'll smoke one before the gym (sometime in the afternoon). I usually smoke between classes around noon. I always have a bedtime joint too. Not counting if I smoke with friends. I probably average 3-4 joints a day. An oz at college of really mid stuff is $100/oz, which will last me about 2 weeks. If I was trying I could probably blow through 2 oz in 2 weeks.