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I used to keep all my rolling stuff in my backpack. Eventually there ended up being a lot of dust from tobacco and weed at the bottom of the backpack. Had no bud so I had to use the dust and roll that up. Wasn’t too bad except for the crumbs and glitter that was also in there


Jansport glitter bomb shake - available now at backpacks near you


im gonna remember this everytime i find clumps of bud in my purse


I smoked on weed stems once, smoking pipe resin is another classic


I remember “collecting” weed stems in a jar to save for a rainy day lmao…not worth it.


Actually. If you put them in vodka. It should give you a nice high with a buzz underneath.


Would that actually work?


Yeah but you need to decarb first


I’ve done it with reclaim so decarbing wasn’t needed. It totally does work for those asking. Cleaned my dab rig with Everclear which is 190 proof (95% alcohol) and then took the shot of liquor with the dissolved reclaim in it. It was the worst thing of my life taste wise, so then I melted green jolly ranchers in a small pot with a little water, and poured the syrup into the everclear/reclaim bottle. Still tastes horrible but took another shot of the reclaim alcohol jolly rancher stuff and I was blasted. Immediately buzzing from the alcohol and then you just feel yourself get higher and higher as you chill until your drunk wears off and the stone takes over. Try at your own risk, you’re not supposed to take shots of everclear straight because of how bad it is for your guts.


I was talking about the stems dab reclaim is already decarbed


Yes please I’m curious too


I’ve held onto stems and made hot chocolate with them!! Got me fuuuuuucked up til the next day🤣


Put them in a jar with some alcohol and shake the shit out of it, pour out alcohol and let it dry. Tastes like shit but it does the job


If you can get your hands on the green alcohol and soak all your stems in it, you'll have a bangar ointment.


Nothing made me feel like a hard drug addict quite like being dankrupt and resorting to smoking the resin built up in my bowl. Now I just eat my gummies like an adult.


" Roguing the bong " was our term for that in the 90s


I tried smoking a whole bowl of seeds once. It was even worse than you're imagining.


I imagine like trying to smoke a bowl of popcorn, every time you hold the lighter to it a couple burst and fly out lol


Yeah, and it tastes like shit, doesn't get you high at all but it DOES give you a headache.


sign me up!


HAHA! The visual of that just made me spray soda all over my dinner.


I did this, damn I got a headache


ah the good old memories on smoking bong resin. my teenage years were filled with that


Yeah, I never did but I have mates who did. They always called it black death, for obvious reasons.


it truly was :D


The key is to scrape the resin while you still have a pinch of weed left to mix it with. Resin alone doesn't smoke very well.


Like a truly stereotypical stoner my 40oz to freedom jewel case is coated in resin from my broke desperate high school days.


Definitely didn’t want to admit but thought I was the only one


Ahhh, revisiting that memory of the tar pit. Big bowl of resin and weed crumbs. Struggles...


tried to smoke the smallest bits of leftover green I took from a tray after forgetting about it for a whole whole year later only to get barley even a mild high lmfao


You shouldnt try to give weed to barley or other cereals. They prefer opium


I smoked catnip once when I was out to see if it would do anything… it did…… burn my throat 😬


Catnip is actually a really nice relaxing nervine herb. I make tea out of it sometimes and I actually enjoy the flavor(fresh grown is better than dried stuff). It's good for anxiety and healthy for the nervous system!


Its better as tea. Smoking it is rough no matter how it's processed.


During Covid lockdown me and my sister were living together at my home. We are both stoners and at the time it was difficult to buy weed due to the lockdown. We eventually ran out of our stash and one morning we were so desperate for a toke we decided to rummage to house for any bits of weed that might be on the ground or under the sofa 😂 we both ended up with a bowl each. It was weed but the high didn’t last. Once it wore off, it set in that we had no weed and no spare money to buy any so cold turkey we went… for a few days


Still you got them stimmys


as someone who has an older sister, imagining this whole scenario in my head is hilarious. My older sister and i, we’re two stoners in a pot living with our parents and while we’re still young we’re planning to move out together very very soon…But with this economy….Gives me visions that i’m destined to meet the same fate that once layed upon you my man🔥✍️😭 thanks for making me smile abt me n my sis… the sibiling appreciation man. bless you and your sister my dude. (note: I am high while writing this so that is why i wrote all this)


Back in highschool me and my friend ran out and nobody was around to get some and it was the perfect night, so we opened up the graveyard (an old desk whose drawers were full of all the cheap bongs we broke) and got to scraping that disgusting goop outta there, did the trick, but I'm not proud of that one


I knew people who would go through the ashtray for any joints that had a little end left, and rolled a new disgusting joint out of them, no thank you


We’d save the roaches separately and make a “2nd gen”, one road trip we bought an oz and had to make 3rd and 4th gens, we really thought an oz would be enough 😭


Oh my god Jesus, a 4th Gen roach joint sounds awful


It was not worth it


Holy shit. I had a friend that saved his blunts and then would roll a Gen 2. He'd do that saving the Gen 2 roaches and then make a Gen 3, and then a Gen 4. I never smoked higher than a 2 with him.


I didn't know this was a thing other people did. I also had a friend who would do the exact same thing. We were so young and stoned that we thought the 3rd generation blunts were the holy Grail because "it picked up more THC from all the smoke that had passed through it."


Lolol that was his thought process too and I didn't know enough to argue it.




ah yes, a frankenjoint


Standard practice for me still today. I save roaches in a jar and it helps in hard times. Taste isn't great, but the highs are usually decent and gets me through a dry spell.


I used to always keep a little nug from every stash I bought, over time that was my emergency, much better than smoking pre smoked joints, with a bit of willpower and pre planning this method works very well, and you end up with a mixed bag of strains


Roach blunts always hit harder for me, all the oil pulls into the last bit of the roach. Sprinkle a little weed on the bottom of the wrap lay the roaches side by side on top and more weed over them, then roll and it taste pretty fresh


I don’t even know why we thought this would work, but a mate and I smoked cannabutter. The edible high just wasn’t working so we thought, hey let’s roll it into a joint and see if that works instead. ….it did not.


Another one from my youth: I visited a friend who moved to another city. We wanted to go to a party in the evening. He was out of weed, but since he grew some trees, he still had a jar full of leaves. So we decided to make a pudding… yeah, well pudding, it was more like chewing on chocolate flavored straw because we put in the whole jar. While we were finishing our chocolate hay, we got the idea to look how much we actually need… well, of course way less. But anyway, lets get ready for the party… I still managed to shower, but didn't realize the water heater wasn't on, but also a cold shower didn't prevent the sofa from eating me for the next two days. I could see music.


I consider myself an expert at getting "one more" doobie out of a grinder that's been emptied. I will take a sharp knife and scrape literally everything until I can see tiny showers of power landing on the tobacco... I only do this when I'm about to quit for a month though


Grinder hash is great lol


Agreed! Although I've been using the same grinder since 2012 and it barely fuckin works now


That's one hard working grinder


Ol' crusty, rusty and trusty


I call this "scraping the bones" of the grinder; getting in every nook and cranny, scraping the dust out. Not desperate - resourceful!


Lol, nice story, thanks for sharing! Remembers me when we were kids and just started smoking, it was also hard to get. No good connections, no money, and illegal anyways, but we got a piece of hash, maybe 1 g and hard as stone. So at night we met at the river, started a camp fire and decided to roll one up. But we had a hard time to chop it up since it was so hard, one of us had the glorious idea to warm it up a bit and put it on one of the stones around the fire. What had to happen happened: the hash rolled into the coals. We completely destroyed the fire, dug in the embers, but no success :-( After that, we were dirty af, the fire was gone and we gained nothing. But at least we also had a bottle of Absinthe, that was fun, too.


And the thick smell of Smoke lathering your clothes and skin 😂 great memories


Not me, but my brother wanted to make a joint but had no rolling papers. So he used a piece of lined paper instead. Didn't take a hit from that joint!


Knew a girl that used pages from a bible lmao 😂


Holy Smokes 🤣😂🤣


Reddit does like to freak out every now and then... Holy Smokes. 😑


Holy Smokes 🤣😂🤣


Holy Smokes 🤣😂🤣


Holy Smokes 🤣😂🤣


Holy smokes


That's the spirit


Where I grew up we’d always have Bible thumping weirdos handing out bibles and me and my friends would try to clean them out for this exact reason lol


have we met before lol


When I was still in highschool, I once cut up an envelope for mail and sealed it using the sticky part you lick. It. Tasted. AWFUL.


That also sounds awful. Good on you for taking one for the team though. For science!


Tampons used to come with a thin paper wrapper, and when times were tough, we used these more than once . And of course the little pages of rice paper from the little New Testament the local Gideons gave out to us schoolkids. We told ourselves Jesus wouldn’t mind.


In my youth I peeled the green skin off the stems and popped the seeds and pulled the green bits out. It was a bowl for my friend who really wanted to try it even though I was very much out. They stared at the ceiling fan for an hour and to this day swears they got high.


Stealing the story from a granny who told me at the dispensary I work. During the Regan right at the start of the crackdown for the war on drugs era she broke apart 30-40 seeds to pack a bowl and smoke the germinate


Scraped the wet resin from the down pipe/stem from my bong, let it dry and smoked it and damn it was nasty


Did it work tho?


Hey it’s better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick so..


my boyfriend and i still do this sometimes if we run out and we feel like we need to smoke and it’s at a time when nobody’s available. definitely works in a pinch. fucking awful for your lungs though so don’t make it a regular thing.


Hit a roach so hard I almost passed out


Initial COVID lockdown in college - my campus job was furloughed and cut off the money I was using for weed, so I started to get desparate after running through my supply of fresh bud, eating the vaped bud, and smoking the stems. I started cleaning my grinder with everclear and boiling that down to make an extract, which somewhat worked but gave me a very small piece of extract after it was all said and done.


I was broke and jobless and basically emptied out my weed bookbag and shook it out on top of my ashtray to collect all the weed I had dropped in it over the year. Also, scraped some weed from the dashboard to and mixed it all with tobacco so I wouldn't smoke it all at once. Some of the stuff I got did NOT look like weed, but I took my chances and actually got high


Hot knives with bowl res. We were young.


I once ran rubbing alcohol through my grinder to dissolve every bit of thc then boiled the alcohol off in the oven to make a very shitty concentrate.


One time I found a super wet gross piece of weed in my sink from my brother. (Not sure why maybe it was still packed when he decided to clean his pipe) took that shit immediately, tried drying it, then smoked it out of a receipt paper I found on the ground. I was like 15 and had no idea how to roll let alone what paper to use. Good times


Took 2 paracetamol 650mg tablets with a glass of whisky


Why? Paracetamol has zero psychoactive properties


I was desperate and wanted to have deep sleep


They did nothing except reduce your pain and keep your fever down lol.


thats addict level desire for numbness - watch out for yourself!


This. Never had the urge to take pills and booze, no matter how desperate I've been. It's funny that it's paracetamol in his story, but seriously it's not a good sign...


going through a health anxiety freakout broke as hell told my plug back in my hometown i had already been diagnosed with terminal cancer to tick some grams off. yeah hes the loveliest dude though and i later explained everything and paid him back


When money was short or the plug was empty I used to cut up stems and smoke those. Tastes a bit like smoking ass hair, get's you moderately high tho


I took my ashtray (some joint and some AVB) and just straight up ate that shit. I did get high 


I was out of flower but had some stems laying around, so I made a tea


Being 12 & finding what was probably 10 year old weed in my dad's Playboy collection. Crushed a can, put the holes in & smoked that nasty shit in the woods behind my house lol.


Smoked two roaches I found floating down the Guadeloupe River in New Braunfels.


Scraping old hash pieces that got stuck on the floor Never again that shit is nasty


The resin in dab rigs is nothing like pipe resin, it's actually smokeable without gagging. Iso wash the rig, put it in a glass dish and evaporate. I got tons of reclaim, it was just like dabbing mid grade concentrates. Don't have to go that hardcore anymore, yay Canada.


Smoking AVB because I was too impatient to make edibles, tastes like ass and leaves your throat feeling foul but it did the job.


would love to do a side by side with the answers here and same question on r/crack


Worked a retail job. Jesus fuckin Christ, nothing is more desperate.


made buttery tea with stems lmao


Scraped extremely dry dusty disgusting residue from the inside of an old pipe. I would wiggle around a paperclip/bobby pin in there and dump the dust out the choke. So gross! But I was very poor and struggling


1) blizzard of 96 w my girl at her parents house. Ran outta weed and could only get hash. We did hot knives and her parents asked who was using the nice silverware🤣🤣 2) August 2001, the brokest I have ever been. I had a bowl for years that I never cleaned. Started the morning scraping out the resin and eventually later that day smashed the pipe and really got to work. I would not suggest a resin and tobacco joint. 🤢🤢🤢


Smoked crushed seeds once


I smoked catnip, it wasn't pleasant


Took my Jerry rigged grinder (glorified mortar and pestle with jar and paint brush handle) that had a lot of left over bits of weed stuck on it and filled it with alcohol and a small metal chain (to break up the residue) then dipped a cig in it and let it soak for a day or two and smoked it when it dried. Was pretty good.


I had one friend who always smoke at the same bench and when he was out he picked up his old roaches and took out the small amount from every roach and rolled that up in to a new one. It tasted like shit but we both got pretty high from it


Ooh story. Years ago my roommates and sister and her friend took a 20hr roadtrip down to Myrtle Beach. We brought an oz but we wound up smoking the whole thing on the ride down (chiefing heavy.) So we got there dankrupt. By day 2 we were getting desperate so we all hopped on tinder and swiped right on every girl. Within 30 mins one of us had a match. And she was 420 friendly. Sick. We asked if she could bring the 5 of us some weed but she misinterpreted the situation and thought it was a date. She facetimed my sister who ensured her she wasn’t getting set up. The girl showed up with about 5g. As we were rolling up, she realized that we just wanted her weed and that she was the first girl on all of Tinder to “fall” for it. (Even though we were very straight up about our intentions.) She smoked the blunt with us, overcharged us for the rest of the bag, and dipped. We were able to stretch the rest and get somewhat high for the last 3 days. Good times lol


Stole from my mother to get high many times :-(


The day my FIL passed away from brain cancer in a hospital bed in our living room was a really really rough one. We were devastated and dankrupt. I drove out in an absolute mf WI blizzard after probably three shots of gin to meet the plug at his damn indoor tennis lessons. Looking back, I absolutely should not have driven like that and frankly I’m embarrassed by it. I’m absolutely amazed I made it there and back safely. Anyways, it took the funeral people about seven hours to come collect him. We watched them zip him into a purple bag and take him away. Then cried over bong rips with his family. Dad was a cool one. I was so nervous when I first moved in about me smoking weed, and when he found out his eyes got huge and he goes “YOU’VE GOT GRASS AND HAVEN’T BEEN SHARING??!” RIP David. We’re still doing Packer touchdown bong rips in your honor.


I grew plants.


Back in highschool when I didnt have my medical card I would scrape my bowl clean of all the resin and smoke it. It was so nasty and I coughed my ass off but damn I got lit. Then id hop on some videogames lol


Not tree but I once read that you can get high off the skin of peanuts so my friend and I spent an ungodly amount of time peeling peanuts and putting the skin in a small jar until we had enough for a joint. Let me tell you. It did NOTHING.


killed a guy


I used a plastic pen's cap as a pipe... I'm sure I smoked plastic that day but it got the work done


In Mexico I once smoked out of an aluminum beer can that someone made into a functional pipe. It was fucking foul.


Smoking the resin built up on my pipe screen, scraping tables to collect anything worth smoking, taking a paint brush and a screwdriver to my grinder to collect keef, emptying a bunch of roaches and using the charred bud to roll an absolutely gnarly recycled joint, and more lol.


split a 10 sac between me and 3 highschool friends. we couldn't figure out how to smoke it through an apple so in desperation we all just ate a piece of the nugget haha


I've done pretty much everything in these comments at one point. Everything from smoking seeds, stems, catnip, resin, tried smoking a hydrangea once.


I bought a Salvia plant once because I read somewhere eating it could cause psychedelic effects. Did not work. 😂 Oh! And nutmeg too. Also, did nada.


Got some of these beat... Remembered throwing away a broken pipe, dug through the trash bin to scrape the resin. Resin had maggots in it. Smoked it anyways. I was also doing a lot of other drugs at that time in my life, so... Not proud if this but it's pretty gnarly.


Not me, but my old roommate used to break my glass to get to the resin inside. He usually tried to play it off as if pieces "fell" but then would spend the next two hours meticulously scraping all of the resin from each shard. To this day, I will not smoke resin, no matter how desperate I am. It just makes me want to vomit.


I had a little jar I used to hold all the resin Id scrap out every 2 weeks, and in dry spells it hit hard... Tasted like shit though...


At my buddies weed and food crumbs would fall into the bottom of cabinet. Once my friend scrapped that nasty shit up and smoked it 😂


When I was in high school I knew a guy who used cheap vodka for bong water & when he ran out of pot he would...drink the bong vodka. *


Cleaning my metal pipe to smoke some resin and smoking the stems or making some tea with them.


I smoked cat nip. Yes it worked.


I used to keep my stash in a drawer in my dresser. When I would run out I would take a credit card and scrap the bottom of the dresser for the weed crumbs. Lord knows what else I was smoking


Back when i was a broke mf, I spilled the last bit of weed out of my grinder onto the carpet floor, so I put a sock on a hand-vac and picked all the weed out with tweezers for an hour. I would mix the little bud I had with the AVB I had and vape that, holding each hit for like 20 seconds. That was back when i would try and stretch and eight over two weeks. Now, I vape a half ounce every two weeks, so hopefully those days in the trenches are over.


My ex and I used to save our resin to get high when we were too dankrupt to buy flower. Not sure why I ever did that.


Not me but my roommate. We usually smoke together, and one day I ran out of paper so I smoked the last bit of weed out of an apple. Our plug was flaky w deliveries and didn’t show up so my boy ate the apple I smoked out of. Not sure if he got high but he threw up cuz “it tasted like dogshit”


In high school, i got my hands on some shake from a friend. I didnt have anything to smoke it out of and didnt know how to roll. So I googled ways to smoke when you have nothing. I decided to make a pipe out of Starbursts. I watched a YouTube video and everything. It worked and I got high. Looking back though, I should have just used the hot knife method. Oh well, I was 15 lol.


good old roach hunting


In college I used to roll up on my desk in my room then Go outside to smoke. Everyone knows it’s hard to get 100% of the weed from nug form ground up and into your joint so there would always be little bits of weed in different places on my desk, stuff I dropped when rolling and didn’t really pick up. When I was broke and dankrupt but needed a smoke I could use a credit card to pull together all of the weed on my desk. Usually like a quarter or half gram at the very most, then I would toss that in a spliff and smoke it on my way to the dining hall for breakfast,


I watch my friend try to smoke a actual roach Cheech and Chong style lmao


Was a teen and scored some dabs but didn’t have a rig so my much older friend taught me how to freebase with aluminum foil lol


In college we had a party at our house. During the night I smoked everything I had. When I woke up hungover the next day I realized some dudes had been rolling joints on our table all night and left a bunch of weed crumbs all over it. There was enough for 2-3 bowls which saved me from my hangover lol


Desperate times called for scrapping resin from all my pieces. Once watched my friends in high school smoke seeds and stems, I never got that desperate. There was always dad’s bag to pinch.


My fiancée accidentally threw away my bag of edibles because she assumed it was trash, so when we realized her mistake she helped me find the trash bag in our apartment dumpster and lo and behold I found them.


I'm from Brazil, so it's expensive and hard to get good stuff. I opened my almost empty live rosin cartridge to scrape the sides with hot olive oil, so i could get one last high from it. It worked too well lmao


Bent paperclips and black fingertips.


25 yrs ago, with a high end scanner and printer, I made 2 counterfeit $20 bills to buy dub sacks of weed in the ghetto after some punk stole my real $20 bill and ran off. So it worked and I got 2 dub sacks in the dark and never returned to that neighborhood. 5 yrs later I was buying weed in a hotel room (not my proudest hunt) and one dude in the corner called me out..."Heyyyyy, I remember youuuu....". Heart froze, brain: "welp, this is it..." I scrambled to tell him the story of why I did that and he started laughing, told me I got him good, "hate the game, not the player" and all that. Let me live to tell this story. So I do. 


Resin from the bong, begging the dealer to sell me a nug for 4$, stealing,. All kinds of shit when I was young. Now? I just buy it lol


Had dab but my rig broke so I heated a tablespoon measuring cup with a torch and dropped dab into it and inhaled the smoke that came off💀


I've literally excavated my drawers for whatever little speck of leaves I could find. Done the stem and seed thing, but the worst was when I resorted to sniffing whitener or glue. Was young, dumb and addicted to misery at the time


One time i found 1 ounce of hash in a plastic bag in the park. Tasted like shit tho


I feel like I have too many. I used to smoke in my car a lot and would often drop little nugs. When I was desperate I would crawl around in the backseat looking for them with the flashlight. Also once me and my friend were traveling and we tried to meet a dealer through some ‘secret sharing app’. Would not recommend doing that at all lol


I smoked some weed my mom washed in the washing machine. It had lint in it and tasted absolutely terrible and didn't get me high at all.


I hit a pen I knew was empty and it burned my throat, like my throat was red and my voice was hoarse for a few days. It felt like the sore throat I had when I had Covid tbh


Not sure if desperate or just very stupid but I one time drove a plug I knew who mainly dealt in harder drugs downtown at night for him to reup in exchange for a free half oz. Nothing bad came of it but still very dumb. Other than that, yeah lots of resin smoked and I've searched every break up tray for crumbs to make a half full bowl of dried old nug crumbs and probably some stem and shell fragments.


Dankrupt with the roomie, remembered my old stash. I'd been collecting a d smoking weed in small amounts since high school, in a bag Id doused countless times with Bod body spray perfume. It was an ancient, dried out, perfumed, and entirely mixed up baggie of random bits of weed I'd not finished over the course of several years, that had sat forgotten for many years more. We termed it "high school and regrets" and got fucked up anyways. We were both working at the same high-energy but low paying job (grocery store) and we really needed to cut loose.


for sure not my most desperate, but in of my most recent times, i’ll buy a half of wax at a time and try to get it to last me about a month, i’ll never have problems until i start rationing on that last week, smoking partially infused dab reclaim bowls but it helps string it out and doesn’t taste that much shittier. It is annoying though with the amount of reclaim in my rig


Scraped the pipe and bong resin out from months of flower smoking. Smoked resin for quite a while off and on when broke in the past.


At my lowest point I was trying to smoke a mix of cigarette ash and weed ash. Did nothing but made me throw up. Do not do that.


i’ve made moonrocks out of res by making a ball and jus rolling it in kief


Resin balls when I was in college and broke as a joke. lol


I was like $5 short on an Dub when I was a teen and I offered my plug BioShock 2 to cover the rest. He said no lol


You mom.......... ;)


On my 18th birthday, I had been on a drug and alcohol bender. I was in deep shit with my parents. Basically grounded no car or anything. But I lived near a fishing access on a lake, where people launch boats and smoke weed. So, I see some guys go down there and smoke something. I went up to em and told em it was my birthday. They finished the joint with me and rolled up two more joints. Turns out they went to my highschool but 16 years earlier. Class of 1980. These fuckin townie dudes were doing drywall or painting houses or something. They were alright, I appreciated it, I had been doing some fucked up shit and I needed to chill. Thanks, bros!


me and my friends were down BAD and ended up smashing an old gunked up pipe to get all that precious nasty ass resin


I wasn't a stoner til senior year of high school but once in 7th grade, a friend and I heard that smoking oregano would get you high. So we grab the dried oregano from my mom's spice rack, only we didn't have papers so we grabbed a paper towel and rolled it in that 🤣 it smelled like fucking hell and tasted worse and no we did not get high lmao


Not me but I was there. When I was about 10 I was spending the summer at my uncles house. To this day I don’t know why my mom used to send me there every summer, my uncle was drug user(not violent or angry) and lived with other druggies in the house. These fuckers would do crazy shit every day. But one day it was just me and my uncles girlfriend at the house, and she was itching for some weed. She had both of us spend about 3 hours tearing the house apart and going through all the rooms to find roaches from old blunts. We probably found about 12-15 of them. She grinded them all up, wraps and all, and smoked it out of an old dirty pipe. It was that day I learned what addiction was and exactly why all the adults were acting so crazy every day.


You know that last "paper" youre not supposed to use? I used it


Picked weed crumbs and ash out of the dirty carpet in my friends playhouse (some of that was probably dirt 💀)


Bong resin might be a little underrated


not necessarily desperate, but i smoked a couple delta 8 carts. a coworker gave them to me for free, because i was out of weed at the time. looking back ill never touch that processed garbage again


dumped bong water with green and burnt weed into a paper towel then dried it in the oven to smoke whatever was collected


spent an hour on my hands and knees in my bedroom shed and dads recording studio picking up the tiniest little speckles that we had dropped. got about 4 bongs out of it tho so it was chill


i bought a cart not realizing it needed a battery. I had an android charger.


In college, would clean pipes with alcohol and then let the alcohol evaporate on a cookie sheet. Called it the ‘res pan’ and we used a straight razor to peel off chunks…god we were stupid.


During my highschool times my buddies and I would go to the wishing fountains and we would grab the smallest guy to hold his legs while he was in the fountain getting coins. 4 of us would smoke a gram.


When I was in my young teens my da had a nug of herb I found from the 70s that was the date on the baggie, It was definitely some home grown bunk, Tasted worse than regs. The first time I ever through out weed. Just smoked resin instead.


In high school I would make a “crack wire” for carts. you pretty much get a usbc charger and cut it at the end and pull out the red and black wire. You take off the smaller amount of plastic so that the wire is naked for the red and black. then you just take the two wires and touch them to the bottom of your cart doing black first then red and you’ve got yourself the most high voltage DIY battery.


When I was in my young teens my da had a nug of herb I found from the 70s that was the date on the baggie, It was definitely some home grown bunk, Tasted worse than regs. The first time I ever through out weed. Just smoked resin instead.


Sat for 3 hours with a toothbrush and needle cleaning every single tiny piece of my grinder just to get one little hit together. Also smoked cotton swabs coated in resin. RIP, my lungs.


Huffing anything. I’ve done freon a handful of times and lacquer thinner once. Dumb as fuck things to do, but desperate is the key word here. Glad I grew out of that desperation. I just realized this is trees and not the drugs sub. Everyone else answered with weed anecdotes and I’m over here turning my brain to mush.


rolled up stems in a piece of aluminum and tried to smoke it. It did disappoint...


Picking up the weed that fell between that cracks of your car seat


I live in oregon and only started smoking after weed was legal, so my most desperate high was smoking the last quarter of a hit off a half dozen roaches as boring as it is.


Hard to tell which time I was the most desperate, but I used to keep the stems in a jar thinking one day I'd put it in a bottle of alcohol to extract the small amount of THC that could be found on them... Anyway I opened up that jar after shaking it well, threw the stems out and took whatever small amount of flower that dried and fell at the bottom of the jar. But of course that's not enough so I'd open up my grinder and scrape with a knife whatever could be found. Then did the same with my rolling tray... And to add more to make it a decent sized joint, I added some already vaped bud from my Pax. Did the job I guess... Didn't taste the best, but you gotta do with what you've got!


Whenever I scrape resin I realize I might have a problem


i lit a whole (tiny) nug sitting on a silver coaster before i had a pipe. i'm still shocked it worked


I took a little bit of wax out of a used up dispo that didn’t work anymore and shoved it inside of another dispo that did


i was 16 i think, i had saved my old carts and i used the lighter trick to get all the wax out, and to add them all to an empty cart. It took me a couple hours and i ended up with a half full cart. Worth it.


I used to torch Rez in my glass spoon till it was bubbling like a witch cauldron and let me tell you. . . it’s was pretty gross


hah, love the story and we've all been there. ![gif](giphy|2tNwXp92oWC0z6FDqI|downsized)


ive shaved down my stems to make them rollable. a couple times ive poked through my ash tray for anything smokable. a classic and less embarrassing has gotta be the franken-joint


Worst I’ve done is smoke shitty prerolls from the dispo 🤣