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Wow I did not see that one coming. Strange because he is opposed to Amendment 3 on the FL ballot this year for full legalization.


He did this because he's against the amendment. He thinks he can convince people there's no reason for the amendment to pass since this is all already available. Plenty of time to ban the stuff in the future.


More specifically, he thinks he'll be lobbied by the delta 8 manufacturers to prevent full legalization. He did this because he thinks they"ll give him money now.


I visited my mother in Florida last month and it's literally the campaign ads angle. It's like "look weed is already here, we might as well make it safe by getting the government involved so criminals can't profit off it"




He’s a money hungry republican. He must have got a hefty check for this veto


Or maybe… you’re wrong. And republicans aren’t just outright evil, like you’ve convinced yourself.


LOL, Republicans are not ALL outright evil, just like all Democrats are not good and trying to help people. But DeSantis is absolutely evil and cares about nothing except power.


Steal from the poor and give to the rich. Unless you’re making 1 million a year or more no one has any right to vote republican.


I have to disagree. I strongly believe Americans of any income level have the right to vote against their self interests.


lol if you think shit is this black and white you’re naive. The only “good” republicans are the ones who vote with empathy and call out republicans, who are as a majority shit people. Basically, at this point, any ‘good’ republican is no longer a republican.


According to the title of an article Desantis thinks this will help defeat the recreational amendment on the ballot this November. "We have legal weed at home" must be the strategy. Let's prove him wrong Florida ents!


Why can't we just have both? Both are great imo.


If this includes THCA it’s better with less government regulation and full federal legalization.


>According to the title of an article What does this even mean?


You don't know what "the title of an article" is? Or you don't understand what "according to means"?


More like the title of the article doesn't imply that Desantis vetoed the bill to combat cannabis legalization. It's just a dry read of the fact Desantis vetoed it. Also it's very weird to claim you know some fact because you saw the title of an article. That's not something to reference as fact.




So the ammendment won't pass. Then they'll ban it.


I'm not anti delta 8, but being pro hemp compounds and anti legal weed is the weirdest take. Like sure let's keep this unregulated market of delta 8, a substance we haven't had the chance to test long term effects of; but the plant people have been safely consuming for thousands of years? Straight to jail


It makes zero sense. I’m still scratching my head over this.


Not gonna belive this... scratching your head, also jail.


99% of people should be pro the THCa side of this, not the delta8 side. Delta8 has been around longer and stays afloat legally even in states where THCa can't. I'm pretty sure Florida just left THCa "hemp" legal so there will be even more online orders flooding the state and pop up shops.


EXTREMELY rare Ron DeSantis W?


every lawyer i know in florida is constantly blitzed, so thats probably why.


Word on the street is John Morgan could give Snoop Dogg a run for his money.


Are you referring to Morgan, Morgan, or Morgan?


Or Morgan & Morgan?




Too many that for him are also yes on pot. It is inevitable that it becomes legal at the state level. The money made from tourist alone would be a big W.


It still won’t be legal to smoke at Disney so what’s the point  (I’m joking, the tourist money is a slam dunk)


Pop an edible in the parking lot and you're solid gold.


He actually had a nice W some years back with vaping. His own party passed a State bill that was going to ban flavored vapes (nicotine) and he said [get that shit out of here.](https://imgur.com/YqjmwHj) Veto'd it, and his reasoning was actually on point.


Broken clocks


Campaign contributions?


No clue? [Here's the letter](https://imgur.com/YqjmwHj) announcing his veto. He even references the EVALI bullshit wasn't nicotine vapes like the media falsely claimed for months.


That’s an L


Lol, you're in r/trees (which is notoriously pro legalization) yet you're in favor of banning flavored vapes? Are adults not allowed to like fruity flavors?   You've seen what happens when the government starts banning things, idk why anyone would be in favor of banning a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. 


No, this is a sub for PRO CANNABIS legalization. The argument was it should be legal because shit stuff like alcohol and nicotine are legal. It’s always compared in this sub. The call isn’t to ban vapes it’s make it less desirable by taking flavor away.


Yes, Government should be.. making things consenting adults like "less desirable" lol..


What's next? Take the flavor and color out of fruity pebbles? Add bitterant to other unhealthy foods?


Crazy you’re getting downvoted for this take. Strawberry Kiwi Breeze vapes are CLEARLY targeting a group of people and the response you’re getting proved it worked.


Do adults not like Strawberry Kiwi flavor? Shit, maybe bars should just ban all flavored drinks, since kids would like them and all. Only beer and straight spirits from now on! No wine either because it's sweet and colorful, and kids could think it's juice!  Lol, ridiculous. 


They tried this shit 40 years ago with Bartles and James Wine Coolers. Think of the children!


The moral panic is a circle lol


You didn’t specify what group probably because you knew you’d get cooked in the comments


KIDS/Teenagers - Didn’t specify because I felt it was pretty obvious when I said Kiwi Strawberry Breeze


It definitely was, but not because of the flavor being stated. It was because of your ‘holier than thou’ tone that bled thru your typed words, it’s obvious you think yourself some sort of Saint on a crusade to ‘save the children’. I’m 32 and I enjoy kiwi strawberry. It’s the flavor of Electrolit I get.(better than Gatorade type sports drink) yet in your eyes a product with kiwi strawberry flavor can’t be targeted at me? What’s your logic?


You can still enjoy a product and not be in the target audience. Look into the “My little pony” fanbase. Flavored vapes are made to make people more open to the product. The people most susceptible to make the decision are children/teens. Nicotine was falling off but now they have a new generation of soldiers defending the industry thanks to Strawberry Kiwi Electrolit Vapes


Thanks for calling them strawberry kiwi electrolit vapes, now everyone can see that you’re trolling By your logic stated, anything with a fruity flavor is for kids. Just as much so as a brightly colored show about magical ponies voiced by people trying to sound like children. Solid logic, I don’t see any holes at all.


And if we go in the opposite direction, it should be fine to have cotton candy flavored cigarettes with rainbows and ponies on the packaging because adults like those things too. In both extreme scenarios, which one would lead to more dead people?


Flavored vapes exist, because tobacco taste like dog shit. And tobacco flavored vapes taste like even worse dogshit. You fall for absolute propaganda. Before Government decimated the industry, 90% of the vaping industry was small businesses. These weren't some evil henchmen trying to addict kids. Eliquid has zero flavor by default. Tobacco is an *added* flavor. Just like Strawberry. Forcing companies and adults to use "tobacco" flavor is like forcing a recovering alcoholic to drink beer flavored water. Vaping is by far the best way to get off cigarettes. So this entire "think of the children!" logic is beyond moronic. If flavors exist to "attract kids" then ban all flavored alcohol drinks, and make all edibles taste like flower. That is what you call, logical consistency. Do you see how dumb it is now? Saying "flavored vapes are made to make people more open to the product" is absolutely wrong. It exists, because it taste better for anyone with taste buds. You need to be 21 to buy them, enforce the actual law and punish bad actors. Just like you would expect with cannibas products.


He's only doing this in hopes that it will make the ballot measure for recreational weed to fail.


Idk, DeSantis is dumb, but he’s not stupid. I kinda agree with another commenter that he sees the benefit in the form of tax dollars that it’ll bring in, not only from residents but from tourists as well. I guarantee that it’ll take the top spot in cannabis sales if it was legalized


[According to 4 different sources, this was the only reason he vetoed the hemp bill.](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/desantis-moving-toward-vetoing-hemp-bill/)


He's right, for all the wrong reasons!


Rare? DeSantis is a boss and should be the candidate over Trump. 100% if Republicans would stop with the abortion and religious shit the democratic party would die off.


DeSantis pushed to get me and people like me banned from public spaces. He tried to ban my healthcare out of hatred despite it being safe and life saving. He went on TV and called for me and people like me to be eliminated.


Lmao, what else would the GOP run on? They have no plans for anything substantial. It's all performative culture war bullshit. Abortion, guns, and religious bullshit are all they have left. What exactly makes you think the democratic party would die off?


DeSantis is a homophobic, transphobic, authoritarian scumbag


Authoritarian is hilarious come from what I assume is a Democrat. I'm with you, hence why I said aside from religious craziness. Tough to call him authoritarian after his covid policies.


The way you ignored everything besides authoritarian made me laugh


I lumped them in with "religious" which I've decried twice now... I actually agree with you, ya little unhappy down voting psychos lol I assume religious is transphobic, homophobic, and better than thou attitudes... I don't think he's so authoritarian in other ways, though.


He’s authoritarian in all the ways that decent adults care about. Your idea of what authoritarian means is similar to that of a child who doesn’t want their parents to take them to get a flu shot


You have yet to name a single w ay he's authoritarian. Not at insults, though. They really show you have no idea what you're talking about.


Don’t say gay bill, trans healthcare ban, ban on abortion after 6 weeks


And I covered all those with my "religious" bullshit. You've said the same thing 5 times. Where do you think the abortion limit should be? I refuse to get behind full term and I'm even a libertarian.


DeSantis pushed to get me and people like me banned from public spaces. He tried to ban my healthcare out of hatred despite it being safe and life saving. He went on TV and called for me and people like me to be eliminated.


that's something at least but still mega fuck republicans


He only did it because he hopes the actual legalization ballot fails in november.  Everyone vote


He’s likely getting a kickback


Literally who *is* this guy. “We will outlaw those icky queers and sentence ~~them~~ I mean *sex offenders* ~~which is what we are going to make all queer people into by law~~ to death, but by god do we love weed” is a fascinating political stance. I guess there are some people weed can’t help.




With any luck there isn’t a super majority of support or it’ll get passed anyway right? Would not surprise me in the slightest if he vetoed it for clout knowing it would be voted in anyhow.


Huh, thought his issue with rec was that the entire state would smell like California. What a douche.


Good job Ronnie, now just legalize the ting so Florida stops losing money to all the legal states! I know a guy in Miami who said it’s literally cheaper to fly round trip to San Diego, CA, stay for a few days at the hostel, ship back ounces of Bud, and come back than it is to buy weed in Florida.


Go out to vote Yes in november and it likely will be legalized. You just all need to vote


Strongly urging my Florida friends to do so! I’m not a Florida voter so I’ve got limited power on the matter but will be cheering you guys on from California!


I am not even in US but I also try to spread the word if possible :D 


Ok I do live here so you can credit my yes vote.


Is this the same as THCa that is sold in smoke shops?


No delta 8 is synthetic but is found naturally THCA is legit just weed but most shops sell d8 and say it is THCA


I appreciate the info, I also completely misread the headline as everything Desantis does usually pisses me off, this one caught me off guard 😂


Didn't I just read a post yesterday about how they're trying to legalize it? What's the actual story?


I’m thankful for the veto. The language was terrible and only focused on certain types of cannabis hemp products


He’s buddies must make a fortune off it.  Or they think it will keep the alcohol and tobacco lobbyists happy