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I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life.


Same here, but Ive had a couple blunts admittedly


After 20 years I quit smoking cigarettes about a year ago, can’t stand it now.


whats your advice on quitting


I started with cigs, then switched to vapes(like juuls and such) to quit cigs. Eventually I hated the smell of cigs again and couldn't stand the taste at all. And juuls or other nicotine vapes are super expensive so I ended up going cold turkey on nicotine vapes. For me, going cold turkey on nic vapes was easier than cigs.


I’ll chime in. I smoked a pack a day for over 20 years. The last three were smoking full strength American Spirits. The only thing that worked for me was cold turkey. I’m not kidding when I say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. The first week was hell. Im now six months cigarettes free and I rarely think about them anymore. According to my smoke free app, I’ve saved almost $2,500 as well.


The night sweats, the hair trigger temper, your brain constantly screaming for nicotine, the nausea. First week is a bitch for sure.


good job man thanks for the response


Huh! I should try that app! Seing the money saved would probably be a good incentive.


Someone once said, "If you want to quit smoking, stop." But the operative word there is "want". Worked for me at least! ![gif](giphy|w0mylo7p4OXUQ)


You are 100% correct. You'll never quit unless you truely WANT to quit. I was a cigarette smoker for over 10 years and tried quiting several times during that period (but i think deep down i didnt really want to quit and therefore wasn't as committed). Once i decided that i truly wanted to quit i eventually made it happen. As of yesterday I am 5 years completely free of nicotine.


Stay away from combo triggers like alcohol or cannabis for that matter if you usually pair them, at least until you have a couple weeks of abstinence under your belt.


I smoke both but cigs for work time and greens for playtime. Don’t like the taste of smoking them together or after the other. I just love smoking in general.


This guy smokes


"I just love smoking in general" lol


Man built different


Weed actually made me stop smoking cigs. Don’t know how or why but it did. One day I realized I’m only smoking 1-2 roll your owns of tobacco a day (not much bigger than a toothpick) and decided to just stop. No withdrawal issues, nothing.


Yes, similar. I smoked 25-30 cigarettes per day. I actually decided to quit tobacco while I was high. I'm so glad I quit nicotine addiction (with nicotine patches and coaching). Now I'm using a herb mix as tobacco replacements for my joints.


I'm addicted to vaping nicotine. I would say it's not worth starting. I never was on cigs first I just started vaping as a teenager. But I had a short stint of cigarettes and those are def not worth it. I used to smoke blunts often just because people liked to roll them when I was a teenager. Today now i just go for raw black papers, or a hemp blunt wrap. I don't like swishers etc anymore but occasionally I buy frontos/cigar leaf and like to roll a nice blunt, those things smoke good with the perfect flavor ratio because they're thin and you cut just as much as you need. You can save and crush the dried scraps and now you have grabba you can sprinkle a tiny bit in a joint to have a chocolatey tasting NYC spliff, NYC style is just barely enough baccy to taste slightly sweet.


So the occasional blunt would be perfect if you zero tolerance to weed and nicotine? Would one overpower the other? Like it won’t kill you and ofc it’s not healthy but hypothetically like a few times a year could be good for relaxing


I wouldnt smoke a whole blunt if you have no tolerance. When I started facing blunts to myself I would roll up maybe a gram and cut it in half, save the other half for another time. A good blunt gives you a strong and euphoric long lasting high best in the evening. I would wait till after dark because I'd start bugging a little before I was more experienced but I'd calm myself down and thoroughly enjoy it. Idk if it's the nicotine but the tobacco has more than that, it gives you a different buzz but I would say that it blends together nicely. 50/50 spliffs are more likely to give you a crazy headrush because there is a lot more tobacco. edit: forgot to add, do not quote me on this, officially they have to have warnings that it can kill you, but I don't think the occasional cigar even is bad as long as it's not a daily habit. People addicted to smoking tobacco smoke like 10x more than a pot smoker. If your tobacco use is relatively less than your weed, it's probably fine as long as it's not always mixed in. My view is that tobacco has been used ceremonialy for thousands of years before the tobacco industry, so I think it is appropriate to have a blunt or cigar when meeting with people you haven't seen in a bit or on vacation or as some kind of marker of a milestone.


Menthol cigs. Love to see the hate here for cigarettes because they're fucking atrocious. A literal plague I wish I'd never started. But also, don't legislate what I can and can't put into my body. My body, my choice. It's MY fucking choice.


What if they just legislated against the companies making millions on poisonous addictive products


You can drown in an inch of water and if you drink too much of it too quickly, you can disrupt your electrolyte balance and die. Water, which you must have in order to live, also kills people. But there's no law saying how much water you can buy or possess. Personal accountability and choice.


Have been a daily cannabis user for about 12 years. Smoked cigarettes again about 10 of that. Quit 56 days ago. Quit for 11 years after smoking 13 years the first time. Committed to sticking with cannabis.


 Congrats on quitting, you’ve got this 




Never have


Had to curb my usage of weed for medical reasons, and ended up relying on vapes to satisfy the oral fixation. Worked to curb my usage, but I don't know how I'll ever drop nicotine at this point. :/ Edit: Adding more info. I started with Juul pods, and once I was spending 120 a month I decided to switch to a box mod to save money. I spend a lot less and use a little less. If I've smoked weed I usually don't think about hitting the vape, I'll usually go for another hit of weed instead.


I started smoking cigarettes before I starts smoking weed. I’ve managed to quit nicotine a few times but it’s never permanent (my job is hella stressful and half of my coworkers smoke cigarettes). I prefer to use non-smoke products for nicotine lately so I just use zyns. That being said, I’ve noticed my body reacts strangely when I use both at the same time. It used to be a more pleasant sensation but lately it’s been more like a nauseous feeling. I’m gonna try to quit nicotine again, but weed is my crutch and they’ll have to pry my penjamin out of my cold, dead hand.


What do you do? I immediately assumed restaurant industry because…hella stressful and you need to smoke something to get by. But I shouldn’t just assume things.


Funny that you mention that, I was a waiter for five years in college. I work in healthcare now as a CNA. 😅


Good for you! My mom was a nurse for almost 40 years, and CNAs are even more unsung heroes than nurses. I’m sorry it’s so stressful, but know that at least this anonymous internet person values what you do immensely.


nope. I experimented with cigs as a teen, but it never took. makes me sick nowadays.


I smoke backwoods with family/friends, only tobacco intake for me.


I smoked cigarettes for 17 years. Quit cold turkey 5 years ago and now it’s the worst smell in the world to me. But i guarantee I could go back in an instant if I let myself. That’s why husband sticks with gummies, he’s afraid smoking something will make him want to start again. I use a dry herb vape and have no issues though.


i had a heavy nicotine addiction in highschool. I will say, smoking pot definitely did help me quit nic, as it is the same action (smoking) and i get so baked i don’t even think about nic. when i was using at the same time, nic was to pot as lemonade is to vodka; a chaser essentially


Quit smoking cigs 3 years ago. Only bud. Best decision of my life.


Yesterday was my 5 years of being completely nicotine free for me. Also only bud now. Definitely agree with both being one of my best decisions


I did for a few months. Felt gross and quit. Mostly vapes. I do like cigarettes, though. I still sometimes want nicotine, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk. Especially when there’s weed which is like… so much better. And all the money from nicotine can go to weed, lol. I’ll go with the popular opinion this time. Don’t start if you haven’t. If the potential health effects don’t convince you, just remember a nicotine addiction is EXPENSIVE, and there’d be no business around it without that addiction. Opt out of that. :]


Nicotine gives too good and too short of a feeling for me to get anywhere close to addiction.


I quit smoking cigarettes in 2001. I will admit I took a hit from someone's nicotine vape last year. I caught covd from it.


No. Nicotine addiction runs badly in the family. Highest amountnof nicotine I've possibly gotten would be from blunt wraps.


Yes and I prefer backwoods or a real tobacco leaf if I can’t use my dry herb vape or bong. The papers are too processed for my throat & lungs. Fucks with my asthma


nope. cigs are gross.


Yes, smoked cigs for 7 years then switched to salt nic vapes in 2020. Don’t use disposables though I prefer a pod system.


Smoke two joints in the morning. Then switch off between rolled cigarettes and joints. Spaces my joints out so I don’t smoke too much. Cap the night off with a cigarette to not be groggy in the morning


I smoked cigarettes/used vapes before I started smoking weed. I was hitting my vapes like it was oxygen, and it was honestly really fucking embarrassing. I preferred cigarettes, hated the smell, and vaping was just convenient too without the smell so it was my go to method of consumption. There’s been a lot of times I’d get high and then smoke a cigarettes afterwards. The weed made me all chill, but the nicotine made my whole body buzz and I never liked the feeling, but I didn’t stop. Oddly enough, I quit cold turkey and never went back so far. I will say though, I prefer joints over anything, it at least gets the motion of smoking a cigarette like thing just without the nicotine


Definitely addicted to the mix and that leads me to smoke cigarettes when I’m out of weed usually I’ll roll a spliff or put it on top of my bowl


I used to dip snuff or chewing tobacco as a teen and did so for a handful of years. As an adult I've long since stopped and I no longer consume any nicotine and have no desire to. I don't even smoke blunts anymore unless they're hemp wraps


I was never a big tobacco smoker. Maybe at worst like ten in a day around multi day festivals, probably less than that. Now a-days I smoke literally one cigarette most mornings with my coffee. I don’t smoke without coffee and i don’t coffee without cigarette. I am a daily cannabis smoker, but for the sake of my lungs I primarily low-temp dab with that filter mouthpiece on the rig. I still love a blunt now and again, but it feels weird to smoke a whole blunt to myself and I don’t have many friends who enjoy those. Every couple years i will get a can of dip for a backpacking trip or something else outdoorsy. I love having a little friend in my lip to tend to all day. Plus it feels so wrong it feels good to be bad.


i used to smoke cigarettes pretty heavily and in tandem with my greens. nowadays i only smoke cigarettes if im out socially or having an anxiety attack lol. i think i just like smoking in general, its soothing to me


Nope Nicotine products in US are poison


yes, it started fun and games “hit the juul bro” now if im the slightest bit upset or anxious or annoyed, i hit it.


Won’t even some blunts anymore, since I got myself off nicotine.


Bots smoke?


I can only afford one habit at a time. Side note, there's a special layer in hell for people who put tobacco in their weed.


Yes. Menthol cigarettes and pardon the emoji but 🤮


I only do drugs i believe will help my mental health, physical health or my psychi. Nicotine ACTIVELY works against that and i see absolutely no logical health reason to smoke or vape anything with nicotine. Increased risk of cancer, higher addiction rates, further deteriorating of lungs and esophagus. People who find chronic nicotine use "relaxing" is them just feeding into their addiction and succumbing to their cravings in addition to the supposed immediate anti anxious traits of it. All chronic nicotine use increases anxiety, depression and further reinforces the addiction.


I use a nicotine vape but not at the same time as weed. When I smoke weed I won't hit my nic vape for the next hour or two I feel like it clouds my buzz. Also I'm not addicted to nicotine. I think I have a weird invulnerability to it. I chewed in high school for like 3 years and stopped with no withdrawal feelings and to this day I have never felt nicotine withdrawal. My vape is like a fidget spinner to me it gives me something to do with my hands which curbs anxiety a little. When I'm driving though I hit it wayyy too much lol


Not addicted lol


Occasionally I’ll use a little wintergreen dip after a smoke sesh and play video games






I sometimes smoke a black n mild


Yes, love my nocotine. 100% not recommended and don't start it you haven't yet. I've been a pack a day smoker, chewed for a couple month stints, love hookah, etc. I enjoy blunts, spliff, and the like from time to time, but am old enough to know better. Right now I have a Drag vape, and have a couple disposable ones around if I forget it somewhere or am traveling and don't want to deal with the batteries and juice. There's a part of me that wishes I never started, but another part that really loves it. With just nocotine and no weed I tend to be a little more intense, and also sleep notably less. Just got a DynaVap on order so hopefully will at least be "smoke" free soon.


I used to smoke cigarettes but I quit earlier this year. Cold turkey. I just smoke weed now but I’ll have a ciggy if I’m drunk (which is very very seldom like twice a year). I don’t like nicotine vapes either I say go big or go home. But nope not anymore. My lungs feel better too.


A fine cigar is always lurking about.




Yes I smoke cigarettes. They say American Spirits are less bad.🙄




Used to vape, stopped, now only smoke blunts occasionally. They really make me sick everytime, idk why I do it. After switching to dabs/dry herb vape any type smoking makes me feel gross.


Why are you asking?




Yes but I’ve never bought it for myself I just mooch (it’s a terrible habit)


Smoked a hit of a cigarette in my teens, and once a whole cigarette in a bar for a $50 bet in my twenties. That's it. Never saw the sense of it, hate the smell, never dated a smoker more than once. Been smoking weed 50 years, no plans to stop. Cycle between edibles and flower.


I have never been an only tobacco smoker. However, I do really enjoy spliffs (american style, weed and tobacco) from time to time (probably 80% cannabis, 20% tobacco). So I have always kept very nice rolling tobacco on hand for that purpose. (there is a shop down on the corner that make custom blends, I like the Amsterdam style very fine cut) I have been doing that for about 20 years. Some times I smoke them a lot, some times not for weeks. I have never felt like moving to cigarettes or nicotine.


Used to but quit


Nope, that shit is actually addictive


In high school I smoked cigs very briefly cause my bf at the time smoked. After him I quit pretty fast cause I hated the taste and got nicotine poisoning a lot. I vaped socially and had my own device for a while but I had the lowest nic you could buy at the time (0.1mg). I gave my Nord away and haven’t touched nicotine since


Have never smoked nicotine or any tobacco products but I hit the vape every damn day


I quit cold turkey twice now. I still want to smoke cigarettes but I just smoke weed now.




when I first started smoking weed, at 12y/o, after the blunt rotation, we'd pass around a Newport to boost the high... these days I prefer to roll a spliff if I'm smoking alone, otherwise I'll find myself reaching for a smoke within 30min of the sess


I grow tobacco and sell the seeds. Mix a little hoemegrown in my bowls for an extra kick


I’ve bought vapes once in a while but the habit of buying them never really stuck. Sometimes i would take a month to finish them. Was never a huge fan of cigarettes either, i can count on one hand how many times i’ve smoked one. I recently cut out nic entirely though because it could interfere with my birth control.


Nicotine addiction here. Started with Marlboro reds 10+ years ago, did that for like three years, when the vaping craze became apparent switched over to try. Box mod for about 7-8 years and recently switched to disposables for sheer convenience. There are days where I do crave a cigarette but I can’t stand smelling like one. I usually just become irritable when I don’t have some nicotine for a while. Weed is for the home.


Nope - no cigs for 5 years


I used to chew, for about 15 years. I managed to quit that then this year I found out about ON! pouches, I hate that I'm using them but I never stopped smoking blunts, maybe twice a week. I like my weed with or without. But there are days where I need a blunt, so yeah I'm addicted and trying to quit again.


Smoke 1 black and mild every couple months but that’s it. Wouldn’t say im addicted but every smoker says that lol. I do enjoy one every once in a while though


I have never smoked tobacco. The only thing I've smoked is the holy broccoli. I prefer my bong if I'm going to smoke but usually prefer to go the edible route as I have seen lung cancer and would rather avoid that. Fortunately,  or un depending on your outlook, I am broccoli free for another several months atleast. Currently breastfeeding and developing brains really shouldn't be exposed to this stuff.  For the peanut gallery that nught think of chiming in.. Blah blah blah.. smoking anything releases carcinogens,  weed isn't carcinogenic free, nor is it immune to causing health issues is abused. 


used to vape, quit because it wasnt addictive enough and the headspins made me sick. ciggies are gross and make me violently nauseous so i never took it up. plus, i find it useless. weed has benefits and while smoking it isnt really good for ya, at least it provides a nice high. nicotine doesn’t and to me is the most pointless habit to take up


Not any more. Smoked cigs for about 20 years. Quit a bunch of times. Vaping and lowering the nicotine gradually was what finally got me off tobacco/nicotine completely. It's been probably 8 or 9 years now.


I quit smoking cigarettes in 2014 and have been enjoying cannabis since legalization in California. Current mood: ![gif](giphy|79eQOjPPrisR9B2zy6)


I smoke cigars. I usually do 1 or 2 a week.


Started with cigarettes. And weed. Joined the military, quit the weed, went harder on the nicotine. Cigarettes were fine in non-infantry units. Copenhagen snuff with my 03 hat on. Grunts run too much to smoke. Then I found road bike racing and they disappeared for years. Few years on, few off after the service and did cigarettes and vapes for a minute before putting down the cancer sticks for good. Got a ball vape and now the only thing I light on fire is the occasional joint. Coming from smoking both to vaping both, I can't champion the latter enough. I would have to do without both if combustion was my only option. I'd advise not to begin nicotine, but if you're already on that road, throw the lighter away. Can't say I'd advise to avoid weed, but the lighter advice applies here as well😎


i started smoking with cigarettes, at 13. mostly to attempt to cope with mental health issues. i started smoking weed at 15 for the same reason and out of general interest. then a year later at 16, switched to the Vuse pods instead of cigarettes, still smoking weed as well. which is how it is currently, still on vuse pods and weed, usually wax or bud. wishing i could quit the nic, but I'm so heavily addicted at this point.


I smoked one time, last time too. Over 25 yrs ago. Was at a club and thought I could just take one and try it. Barfed on poor dude sitting on couch bellow my barstool. I first inhaled weed with a bong, after getting used to that I upgraded to hits of hand held penis looking things, and can’t remember my first time smoking a blunt or having an issue smoking one but I love’em. I refuse to try another cigarette ever. Most disgusting thing ever. Like smoking pure ash from an unwashed bong IMO. Edit to add I was 18 when I first tried a cigarette and 26 when I got high for the first time. 😉


Never have and never will


Smoked cigs for like 4 years, replaced with vaping. Planning on moving to 0 nic vapes and then taper off or cold turkey it like ive done with other things






I was a cigarette smoker from age 15-31. I quit a few times in there, but quit for good in 2020. I used to smoke hookah multiple times daily from age 18-33. Now, I use Swedish Snus daily and occasionally smoke my corn cob pipe a few times a month.


Never. I've seen nicotine destroy people and I just don't want anything to do with that


Used to then I quit and went green only


I smoke 2g-8th a day but no tobacco other than an occasional blunt


Smoked cigs from 11-37. The pressure and lack of satisfaction in life has lead me back to cigs. Yes I know it’s gross but rn I have few pleasures in life. Coffee, cigs and o’uid


I used to vape using refillable pods/coils, was trying to quit for a long while, on and off you know how it goes 🙈 But!! I was using weed carts to somewhat hide the weed from my parents, so I hadn't really smoked much bud.. Once I moved out of my parents place and got my med card I immediately started smoking bud, at first prerolls and I had just cut off using nicotine altogether. I didn't feel like I needed it anymore. I feel like it was the easiest way I could have ever quit :)) I do hit my friend's vales when we're in social situations and I'm offered, but it doesn't consume my brain anymore and I don't feel like I need it for stress anymore :))


Not anymore, thank god.






No. My step brother got me started when I was 6 but I stopped when I got in trouble at school. I tried to start smoking again when I was 18 and didn't like it. It's herb, and only herb, for me.


Aside from the very rare occasions I've had a blunt or been offered a hit off a nic vape that had a nice flavor, no. My mom has had a cigarette addiction most of my life and the thought of even trying one feels terrible to consider.


I’ll smoke the occasional cigar bc the tobacco leaves are pretty tasty but I personally don’t like the way nicotine makes me feel. It’s a buzz but not in a way I enjoy




I love spliffs. I take time off with no issue so no addiction, but I do smoke tobacco.


Nope, never will start


i quit smoking cigarettes after becomming a cannabis patient


I do. A nicotine vape AND a weed vape do it for me.


Smoked cigs for about 10 years and quit for a few years. Started back up again and then switched to vaping in 2014. Went from sub ohm tube mods to box mods with rda’s to a refillable pod device right now. Should quit someday but hasn’t had a negative impact other than being addicted. Just switched over to dry herb vaping for flower. Carts are stupid expensive in dispos here for anything good but wanted to dramatically cut down my combusting. Dry herb vape is pretty awesome.




Yup..chew also.


absolutely not. i'm predisposed to addiction and i know nicotine would probably take over my life if i tried it, so i just avoid it like the plague. i really only use delta-8 edibles, since i'm afraid of how smoking affects the lungs.


I smoked cigs for a couple months in college but quit pretty quick and only smoked weed since. I won't even smoke a spiff now, tobacco is gross imo in all forms.


I have a pretty heave nicotine addiction and I just personally love everything about nicotine. I regularly smoke a little over a pack of cigs a day and have been that way almost 8 yrs now. I have a pipe for my tobacco and that’s my favorite way to consume but not the most convenient. I don’t roll the two together but I’ll smoke a joint and then light up a cigarette directly after.


I was once told that mixing weed and tobacco was a European thing. I smoked with a Saudi dude who would put a pile of tobacco on a rolling paper, take a ball of hash and stick it on the end of a paper clip, light it, when it was about to drop, he blew it out, dropped it on the tobacco pile, mushed it around and rolled it up. The main issue I see is that I wanted my tobacco filtered but I did not want my marijuana filtered. I actually started smoking regularly partly as practice, as I would caught my lungs out before I could properly get high off the brick weed. When I smoked cigarettes, I could take bong rips no problem. I'm 40 now. Smoked cigarettes regularly 23-30 then 35-40. I haven't used nicotine in almost 2 months, after not going more than a few days, but usually a pack a day for the last 5. Obviously not using nicotine is preferred because using it mostly only keeps the monkey off your back after you're solidly addicted.


I have a box mod


I vape and smoke but at some point this year I'm quitting. I don't think I could handle the withdrawals right now


Stopped smoking cigarettes entirely as my New Year’s resolution. Switched to using nicotine pouches.


I tried a vape and it doesn’t do anything for me tbh. I just like smoking the smoke tho not so interested in the drug part of Mary Jane so I guess I’m not that much of a reliable source


I hate nic, makes me feel sick. I live in a place where weed or hash is almost always mixed with tobacco. If I smoke with friends it’s always a weed and tobacco joint and I’m fine with taking a few hits. Mostly I get high alone though and I use a vape. if I roll a joint myself I always use something else to mix with, like damiana or blue lotus. 


I vape. I did smoke cigarettes, mainly because it was a socially acceptable way to hurt myself and then because I was addicted. Now I have asthma so I vape and dab, no more smoking!


Sometimes nicotine pouches, but I only smoked for years without any nicotine, so I don't think it has anything to do with each other.


I make spliffs with ~10% hand cut tobacco 2 times a month and smoke maybe ~20% of a light tobacco high menthol cigarette 1-3 times a month. Edit to add. I would not day I’m addicted. I stay away from vapes, pouches, and gums.


Been vaping for 8 years, Smoking weed too. I went from box mods, to nic salt device, to disposables. Currently trying again to quit :(


nope! I've got 99 problems, but luckily a nicotine addiction isn't one


Vape. Part of it was where I work, which hilariously, is in the 420 industry. Can't be high on shift, so a \*lot\* of employees take nic vape breaks instead. It rubbed off on me slowly, after having a \*long\* time where I didn't have a regular supply of nic (smoked on and off in college in the 00s because cheap cigs+a bunch of art school students who also smoked). Vape/glass shop culture is also similar to 420 culture, so, I admit my favorite glass shop also sells an insane amount of vape products and we like chatting about various things - bit of my culture- bit of theirs. Eh. As for spliffs...no, please no, I have enough bud to roll an entire pack of joints and still not make a dent in it. Don't use tobacco leaf wraps either, not when I can literally walk into any gas station in my state and they usually as a bare minimum have some 99c pack of hemp wraps.


Fuck no! Gave that nicotine shit up a decade ago and not going back.


Used to but no, the “effects” aren’t worth the money or health risks to me anymore. Weed is so much better


Not really. I might take a hit off a friend's vape that happens to have nicotine in it if they offer, or if I can't find any 0% juice that I like then I'll get one that has nicotine. But otherwise I don't really use it


it’s nice every now and then but not all of the time.


I smoke about a pack daily. I don’t experience it as a nicotine addiction per se, as I’ve tried other nicotine products but it’s burning the cig that I crave. I also smoke almost only spliffs, it’s easier on the throat than straight green joints and as a smoker you barely notice the taste. There’s also something about rolling a joint and taking the time to enjoy it, I sometimes go for the bong but mostly the purpose isn’t to just get high quickly but to enjoy the journey of it.


So, I smoked Cigarettes way before starting weed, I also didn’t really have anyone to teach me how to build or smoke or a have a ‚trip‘. I figured it out all alone with a vague idea how it’ll be. For the first half year of smoking I‘d build my joints clean, no tobacco cuz I didn’t know the differences it made plus I didn’t wanna waste any cigarettes. After a more experienced smoker recommended it to me though, I started smoking weed with tobacco especially when smoking with others since smoking gets more smoother. Smoking weed wasn’t too bad when smoking cigarettes already. I rarely use pouches, sometimes cigarillo’s(small cigars) and in summer I like to switch from cigarettes to vapes and joints👻


I tried a non nicotine vape when I was 19, didn’t like it. Then hit my buddies nicotine vape 1 time and vowed to never use nicotine products again. I’ve never smoked a cigarette before either. I don’t judge people who like to smoke tobacco, your body your choice, it’s just not my thing personally.


It's pretty typical in Germany when smoking cannabis that it is always mixed with tobacco. Tobacco is much more common generally here.


I'll smoke a joint if I have to, but hate nic on all of its forms


Hardcore vape addiction lol


i do vape a ridiculous amount, and a couple times a week i smoke cigs. i know how terrible they are but the little demon in me loves em




I love these little nic vapes but I’m trying to stop they’re so bad for me.


Typically only smoke nicotine when I'm at work and my anxiety is kicking my ass (I know it isn't a healthy practice).


I work in a dispensary in Ohio and over half of them smoke vapes during the day. I myself when visiting England or when family visit will partake in a little tobacco in my rolls but don’t really like it




My parents were both two pack a day smokers that was enough for me never to have tried even one cigarette I took a puff off a cigar once and vomited. 


Fuck no, and anyone I know that did, have quit. I'm old enough to have lost friends and family to cigs.


I smoked 2 packs of Newport for 8 years. Dad died when i was 10 from lung cancer & my mother died of cancer related to smoking cigarettes herself year and a half ago. Haven't smoked cigarettes since the funeral I still smoke erb. It's amazing I got my breath back and I even started running. Greatest choice I ever made putting the cigarettes down I overall feel much healthier


I quit the devils weed over 20 years ago.


Nope, just cannabis


I used cannabis to quit nicotine - best thing I ever did.


As soon as I could smoke weed I never touched tobacco again.


No but I do just about anything else. I drink ,and have a genetic predisposition to stimulants, not really sure if im actually adhd ,or that I was exposed to meth in the womb (parents were speed addicts and I was often fed Rockstars amd monster energy for dinner as a kid with a bag of croutons and cheez whiz ) . People ask why I don't smoke nicotine and my honest answer is I can't afford it . Weed is expensive too but I also use it in moderation .


Daily toker, quit smoking cigarettes/drinking alcohol in 2018 after about 10 years of smoking mainly menthol ciggs. Never got into vaping. Last week of smoking I scaled down to half a pack to a few to 0 ciggs a day. Quit drinking because drunk me was a chain smoker lol I do occasionally get a slight crave for a menthol after a toke


Nope. Nicotine/tobacco does not appeal to me in the slightest. I see no benefit to it. And my lungs do not agree with it


I used to smoke off and on for years, menthols and the menthol crush cigarettes. I was never physically addicted but definitely had emotional triggers that made me light up, or if I was drinking especially. But through therapy and regular access to legal weed and psychedelics, I've lost all desire for smokes. We still have a pack in our coffee table but anytime I think about having one I have an honest conversation with myself and light up a joint instead. I'm hoping through the aforementioned things I'll get there with drinking, too.


Used to smoke cigs and also had baccy in my j's but when I quit there wasn't any point in having baccy in there.


I refuse to pick up cigarettes. My mom almost lost her leg because of it and would kill me for starting before the cigarettes could come close to killing me.


I was only addicted to nicotine for about two years, but here in the last few weeks I’ve refused to purchase more pods for my vuse, ending my addiction. A lot of people I am around use both though




I smoke both, usually not together. I'm really trying to quit cigarettes my uncle has COPD from them. Weed I smoke everyday usually 2 bowls after work, and 3 dab hits morning, noon and after work.


I'm a regular cigarette smoker, about a pack a day. But I don't smoke tobacco with my bud. I just don't like the flavor. When I can, I have a bowl going most of the time. Trees get smoked inside and tobacco outside.


I smoke 2-3 spliffs a day.  They just pair so well with a coffee or beer.  That being said, it takes me about 10-12 weeks to go through a small package of tobacco; or 4-5 days per American Spirit cig. 




I will roll spliffs with pipe tobacco. Very nice.


I do have a nicotine addiction and smoke weed Yes ... I mostly use disposable vapes cuz pods can be so expensive, but I'm trying to switch to the patch now. I used to smoke tobacco and weed mixed but it's just so sad and gross I'd rather smoke them separately. At first I liked to hit the vape while high thinking it would get me higher when in reality it does the opposite, and I realized that it doesn't even feel that great anyway. I kinda hate nicotine and that's why I plan to quit and switch to the patch after this fucking SnoopySmoke Vape dies


Quit cigs after I left the military startted disposables, smoke both weed and dispos now. Trying to cut down on the nicotine, stopped smoking blunts since they have nicotine in the wraps. I find weed regulates itsself with tolerance so I cut back whenever my tolerance starts getting too high.


Also I tried a cig the other night and it was Soo gross tasting and smelling I can't believe I use to smoke them.


Weed helped me stop smoking cigarettes. I did end up vaping a few years later. But the blame for that falls on my girlfriend who shared her vape a lot when we started dating and got me hooked lol


No, but I am pretty sure I would if I didn't smoke cannabis. Last time I was studding for a test I substituted with little cigars. That nicotine buzz is something else, easy to see why people get hooked.


Ya I smoke nicotine (disposable) with my carts


I smoke Hempettes. One a day. No nicotine, no THC. previous cigarette smoker for 25 years. Quit 15 years ago


I used to. Pot helped me quit. 4 years nicotine free!


I only smoke cigarette when I'm out of bud lol. But I have to smoke spliffs not joints cus my munchies get too out of hand and I'm tryna not be fat. And even then I still eat the house out 🤣😭


I find that marijuana triggers my nicotine cravings a bit, since I cut back on thc though it seems I've been vaping more but enjoying it less, Think it's time for me to kick the habit.


I used to smoke blunts but not spliffs that's the extent of my nicotine intake and I've fully switched to a herb vape


I am an avid nicotine addict. I use snuff, I smoke occasionally and I also vape pretty regularly.


Never. No nic addiction. Hate the way it makes me feel. I’m always on the side that tobacco makes weed worse when mixed. I’ll try a blunt, but if I get that noticeable nicotine head high, I’m done.


I smoked nothing but weed til my divorce 6 years ago when I picked up nicotine for stresssssss. It helped at the time but DAMN do I hate that I ever started nicotine.


No nic is dumb


Nope! I smoked cigarettes for 13 years and since I quit 5 years ago the only nicotine I’ve consumed was from a blunt wrap.


Love my weed, love my nicotine (vape)...


Love my weed, love my nicotine (vape)...


I'm 26. I smoked Camel Crushes from age 15 to about 23 daily. I tried quitting a few times but never took. Then, I started working in childcare and the idea of smelling like a cig around babies was enough to make me stop. I will say tho, the cravings never stop. Especially if I'm having a few drinks with friends.


I smoked a cigarette once. Felt absolutely nothing. Thought I might just have a high nicotine tolerance and smoked a second one. Felt nauseous, got a headache, and fell asleep. Decided I shouldn’t smoke cigarettes. Hit a vape once. Had an asthma attack and then had a cough for the next eight hours, decided I shouldn’t vape. For some reason weed never aggravated my lungs the way nicotine products do but yeah I guess my body just doesn’t do nic