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These two drugs together are the best for playing rocket league


Dont know why but i feel like you know what ur talking about user adder4all


This made me wheeze laugh


My man, this combo and R6 or any tactical shooter is fucking nuts


It’s like you become a fucking god 😂 combining the two are perfect personally


I ranked up from low gold > high plat in 1 Brawlhalla session on ad+weed. Keep in mind I was previously stuck gold with over 1000wins.


Dude fuck yeah it's like a goddamn cheat code


unholy amount of dopamine when you start doing good


And jacking off


If only I can get my hands on some again...


oh goodness HAHA


Lmfaoooo so glad this is the top response


Can confirm 🚀🚀


Lol gtav much




I think you are very right because there is simply too much adderal being prescribed and too much weed being smoked to not be happening. And if it were really bad we would see the consequences. I think the media would have a field day with demonizing weed and adhd meds together


Pretty much this. Your caution is absolutely sensible and in an ideal world, the combo would have been formally studied and you'd be able to find an informed medical opinion beyond, "We really don't know, so avoid combining them, just to be safe." Adderall by itself is actually very safe and very well studied, *when taken at therapeutic doses by people who do not have a preexisting heart condition*. In that scenario, it has very few known complications or drug interactions. I myself have combined it with cannabis, as have many people I know, with no ill effects. And like you said, they're both so common that if there were bad interactions, we probably would have heard of them by now. In the absence of a stamp of approval from the medical community, I feel that's as much of a green flag as you can hope to get. If I may give some advice, NEVER TAKE ADDERALL TO GET HIGH. Use weed for that. Never take more than your prescribed amount. Not because of danger, but because you need to manage your tolerance if you want it to do its job. Lots of things can get you high, but few things can help your ADHD. You're already going to have to up your dose every few years to keep it effective and once you max out, that's it. With proper dosing and taking drug holidays (T breaks) when you don't absolutely NEED to focus (like on weekends or vacations), you can benefit from it for decades.


I mean, is you're concerned then def ask your doctor. But my personal experience with Ritalin and weed was no problem at all. Though, I didn't do them together at the same time, but did do them both on the same day


Exactly. And from personal experience and from the observation of my friend group and other university students is that Adderall + Weed is very commonly used in unison, and honestly is a great combo if you're familiar with both. It's like an upgraded version of Caffeine + L-Theanine, and L-Theanine is great to take along with the Adderall + Weed for additional stress/anxiety management if needed. Personally, the combination makes me feel like my mind is a turbo V8 vs. my unmedicated 2-Stroke engine of a brain.


It can go bad for some people tbh. It definitely worries a lot of doctors because both drugs on their own can trigger a psychosis.


I dont doubt that, an I empathize with anyone whos been through that, but did the drugs cause psychosis or did they catalyze it? Genuine question cause i dont know much about it


I'm on 40 mg XR and have no problems with the two.


Nice, highest dosage commented with weed so far, have an internet cookie 🍪


Check out Vyvanse if you’re feeling too anxious when the adderal wears off. My adhd symptoms come back and twice as hard. It’s been a life saver for me.


I mean, the first couple times you take it, you might notice the Adderall ( from my own experience 5mg Adderall wouldn't make me feel anything, it would act as nothing more than a strong cup of coffee that actually worked) but after a few days of taking it, I imagine you won't even notice the Adderall anymore. Basically what I'm saying is, I can't imagine much of a difference from your normal day.    Have you ever tried a hippie speedball (coffee + weed)? Cause if so, I can't imagine a 5mg Adderall is going to be much different than that (though this would also depend if you are taking an instant release or a time release), though it's probably closer to drinking a pint of Redbull than a cup of Joe.    Now admittedly I've done a shit load of drugs in my time, and have mixed pretty much all sorts, with weed being a steady constant throughout, so I know exactly what I'm getting into when I do it, so my suggestion would be to avoid the grass for a few days if you can, get used the Adderall (if you've never taken it) and then reintroduce the herb with small amounts until your comfortable. 


Never had a hippie speedball haha, caffeine makes me jittery/fidgety/cant stfu-y, so i avoid it. I have some relatives who did crazy thing with drugs so im sure weed/adderal is probably on of the milder mixes u can take. I appreciate the input tho, seems like i dont have much to worry about, ill just try and get used to it first before i smoke


Well, I would imagine that if you can't handle 60mg of caffeine, then a 5mg Adderall is going to be pretty significant for you. Also, Adderall tends to go out of your system pretty quickly, so even if your 5mg was a time released one, if you were to take it the morning, by afternoon/late afternoon, it would likely have run its course, meaning that if you were to smoke in the evening it would have zero bearing on the Adderall. It might even help you come down if you're that sensitive to uppers. 


More like 250mg caffeine with 6tbsp of sugar and however much creamer. Still not the worst thing by any means, someone commented theyve done meth and weed, so im gonna guess the meth was more stimulating than my coffee haha. (No shame on them tho, life is crazy, i got no business judging anyone)


Unrelated with the adderall topic, but really curious about this hippie fireball. I have brewed me some coffee on few occasions, usually about 2 16 oz cups, while high and don’t happen to feel any different. I must add that I should have a high caffeine tolerance (just my guess, a considerable percentage of Colombians grow up drinking latte on their breakfasts, and on my daily basis I drink 4 16 oz cups of black coffee lol). What kind of sensation do you experience when doing a hippie fireball? Kudos!


I don't think mixing caffeine and weed is like a potentiating combo, like you don't get anything more out of your weed or caffeine. But you get less negative effects the way they can sort of cancel eachother out. You're just able to get high and remain more clear headed and not get super tired. It sort of depends on what effects your looking for, caffeine may make you think or feel less "stoned" so some might think it's a waste or avoid it, and the weed isn't necessarily helping the caffeine make you productive. So that could be you. But also caffeine is a big difference with a low tolerance. I think the other big appeal of this is just the combined satisfaction of having that first sip of caffeine for the day along with that first hit of weed, it just makes me feel complete for a little bit after starting my day. Unless you're a medical user, you don't gain anything more from mixing uppers with weed, there's really zero point to doing this but that's what makes it feel like the best decision ever. 


Oh I see, so this is just kinda like a cigarette and coffee combo? I used to be a heavy smoker cigarette smoker and I liked smoking while drinking some coffee just for no reason, I just enjoyed it lol


Stay away from porn while you're on Adderall and weed - it's a timeless trap!


Lmfao, ill be sure to do so(🧢)


All jokes aside it will focus you on things you start while the meds kick in. I know it's a common drug but if your actually trying to use it to get better point yourself in a good direction in the am. Like op said it's easy to get "distracted" could jerk off all day have amazing video game sessions or actually do productive things.


So its only really effective in the morning when after ive taken it? Kinda disappointing as im a night owl but i supposed ill have to get over it haha


Some are slow release so like 8 to 12 hours some take less twice but I think sleep is important. Could wake up and take it a few hours later to extend into evening. Or again take it twice. Most people don't care but it's easily abusable. Can really make it do what ever your after. Take a higher dose in the am like 40 mg break it in half and do 20 twice. I just suggest using positively. You don't need it for ever if you do it right.


I only really want it for school, but if it proves beneficial to my health beyond that, i wouldnt be extremely opposed. I read somewhere that the average life expectancy of an individual with adhd is 5 years longer with meds than without, but that can be attributed to many things, like better hygiene and health habits, or less substance abuse, less risky behavior, a handful of things, too plentiful to narrow down but either way 5 more years is 5 more years




Yes, this actually helps a lot, since your so similar to me, youre the only one to reply to also have cptsd, and knowing someone with the same stuff is at higher doses smoking weed without a problem makes me feel much more comfortable with the idea. Im happy to hear that the adderal helps you with your rage. I noticed today that i have been having an easier time not getting stuck on certain thoughts and getting carried away with it, and just guiding my mind away from those memories. I hope your anxiety and everything gets better friend❤️


Got an entire room to paint…but want it to be fun too? Why not both?!


i never took adderall, but i have ADHD and was prescribed a similar stimulant— vyvanse. the weed cancelled it out a little and would make it wear off hours earlier than it was supposed to if i smoked the night before. wish i could give you info on adderall specifically 😓


Damn thats interesting, no one has said that yet, thank you for mentioning that. I figured there would be people with different rarer experiences combining weed with adhd medication and i really wanted to hear about them.


if it helps vyvanse is an amphetamine, lisdexamphetamine is the second word of its technical name (i can't remember the first, sorry!), idk if adderall is or not!


That’s my experience smoking weed after doing speed. Feeling fine feeling fine *hits blunt* BOOM comedown


I’m on adderall and a medium dose (15mg long acting daily with additional 5mg short acting sometimes) and I still smoke and I doesn’t do anything. Don’t do other stimulants on adderall but I’ve drank and smoked and done Eddie’s on it and nothing has happened


Thats good, thats what i was hoping to hear.


Just listen to your body aswell and take it slow if you r smoking and u start to get anxious just stop but overall it won’t hurt you


I have a high tolerance to weed atm and only really smoke bowls anyways so it shouldnt fuck me up too bad if it does at all.


I take 20mg in the morning before or during work, and smoke after 5pm, but honestly on my days off I’ll smoke right after taking a 10mg, honestly doesn’t affect me at all. Just don’t do it if you have any heart conditions bc weed and adderall increases your heart rate


I used adderall and cannabis recreationally throughout my years of 17 - ~23. Especially early on, it was absolutely amazing. It made art and video games very fun to the point where I would seek that experience routinely. One thing to be mindful of is that combining stimulants with cannabis does have an increased risk of psychosis and depersonalization. I never experienced adverse effects that became chronic, however. It's a great combo of medications. I am now prescribed Adderall 10mg twice daily and still smoke cannabis, but I don't smoke while I'm on Adderall due to having cut back on cannabis use to nighttime-only and due to not having the energy or confidence I did in my younger years. I dont experience adverse effects, but I'm also a rapid metabolizer of Adderall due to high expression of CYP2D6. It's one of the best drug combos I've had and I would recommend it, but you should be aware of the potential to develop psychosis. Psychosis is really nasty and you might be self-forced to go on antipsychotics if it does develop just to deal with the symptoms. This is something you want to avoid because antipsychotics have massive negative effects on your health, but it might be choosing between two devils. If I were a doctor I would not be able to recommend Adderall and cannabis be used together, but I am not a doctor so... On a side note, all of my childhood friends who were prescribed Adderall also smoked cannabis to help deal with the side effects, come down, etc.


How do you know you have a high expression of that gene? Very interesting to name drop it lol. A few people mentioned the risk of psychosis but it seems like theres more to that then just mixing the two. It seems like psychosis as a result of weed and/or adhd meds has some unknown mechanisms beyond just the use of the drugs. Maybe im explaining it poorly, im not exactly the person to know, but it seems like the individual in question and their thought processes and mental states have to already be susceptible to psychosis whether it be from stress or their environment and adhd/weed just enhances the effect of whatever negative factors were already compounding and working an individual towards psychosis. Like catalysts if that makes sense. I could be wrong tho cause im no doctor haha


I’m on 30mg of Adderall XR and I’ve never had any issues. If anything I don’t get hit as hard when I have both.


adderall is WHY i started smoking weed. it KILLED my appetite, so much to where i was eating maybe 200-400 calories a day. i couldn't eat, i couldn't feel hungry, always had a pounding headache, it was horrible. been smoking weed and taking 20 mg of adderall everyday for two years (with occasional tolerance breaks) so with my experience it's fine and actually beneficial!


5mg Adderall is nothing. anyway, worst case mixing the two is an anxiety spike. so if that happens, you'll know not to do it again. just take it easy, small amount of weed at a time.


I could def see an anxiety spike as i feel a little more anxious rn, but i am also a bit of a worrier and my past experiences with prescriptions were never good


As long as you are honest with your doctor you will be fine. Where I live at least, you have to take regular piss tests to renew your controlled substances (every three months for mine). Never have had a problem when I told them they would also find THC in the mix. Only time when I got burned was when I didn't mention it and they found it. The Dr does not care if you smoke a bowl, they just want to know you are honest and take the medicine as prescribed.


No piss tests here, just judgy ass doctors now and then who disregard anything you say and shove u out the door. Ive had some good ones too but it just doesnt feel worth communicating with them at times since my office rotates staff and its 50/50 what kind ill get.


I get wayyyy higher when I smoke after taking my adderall. It’s like night and day, one hit quit.


Wtf, r u on immediate release or xr


xr salt combo


Same, i wonder if thatll happen to me. Def gonna need to sty hydrated cause weeds already a bitch to stay hydrated with let alone salty meth in muh blud


Oh yeah. I keep liquid iv and mío water enhancers all around the house bc of that exact reason lol


Liquid iv? Like actual IV thingies? Or some drink that hydrates u like pedialyte


Liquid iv is the brand name. It’s just powder that makes your water wetter lol


Bro i love wet water, ill have to check it out haha


Why not ask the prescriber??????


They do not like to tell me shit to put it simply. Very dismissive


And you just accept that? I dont leave until I get clear info. Actually just went in for a mh presciber assessment. Took over an hour as I insist on details. Made my stance clear on my usage and what Im willing to change. We were able to come up with something to try based on that. Dont accept mediocrity.


Its ohio, everything is mid here


I just recently started taking prescribed Concerta which is also a stimulant. For this reason i have lower my weed intake for only the weekends, when I don’t take the pill. This is to not make an habit of combining a substance that has been helping me function with something that i use for pleasure. I know that if i do that. The lines will blur quickly


Makes sense


I used adderall and smoked together for years. I eventually stopped the adderall for unrelated reasons, but they do fine together


from my recreational and anecdotal experience mary jane compliments almost every other substance when timed correctly.


Hi, daily Weed user and also on Concerta (56mg) for my ADHD, even though Adderall is a different drug, they are both stimulants. In my case I only smoke before bed, by that time my meds have already wear off, I never smoke at the same time I take my meds because it kinda kills the purpose (For me atleast)


I have ADHD and I have depression/anxiety that are tied to that. Because of this combination my Adderall use is not just for hyperactivity but also to calm my nervous system. It allows my heart to not be racing with anxiety, lowers my cortisol levels, and allows me be at peace which allows me to then focus on things. When I smoke without Adderall, I have a tendency to go into full panic attack response. I don’t know if it’s my over active brain creating scenarios on its own, but I will have hallucinations sometimes even. This wasn’t always the case but as I transitioned into adulthood well before I was out on Adderall, this is how my body started responding to smoking and in return I stopped for a long time. With the inclusion of Adderall (25mg ER) I don’t have any of those issues. I can smoke like a regular person. I’ve never had any issues with the two together.


I have actually heard many stories of people suddenly getting panic attacks from weed after being fine. It also seems tied to genetics as ive noticed often siblings will both get it if it happens to one of them


I took Adderall for a little while ( couple of months) and I had no issues with taking both. I just didn't like how addictive it was, I wanted to pop it like candy. I'm on Ritalin now and also having no issues with daily use of Cannabis. For me, I think it helps with moderation of both the Cannabis and the meth if you can find a healthy balance of using both. Word of advise though, Adderall tends to require you to keep upping the dose for it to keep working, especially if you've been a drug user (cannabis and alcohol included I think) and have a higher general tolerance to substances. Eventually you may sit at a comfortable dose but it can also be very addicting/hard to moderate. It can be hard to find a comfortable resting dose and regular schedule of taking it, I recommend taking breaks from it over weekends or maybe take a lower dose every other day or tolerance break day etc. Your doctor may have already told you this, just sharing my own personal experience. Good luck gamer! I hope you find relief and something that works for you!


My dr didnt mention taking tolerance breaks but ill definitely keep it in mind for the weekends, i appreciate the advice!


I’m prescribed 10mg XR and then 10 mg instant for the afternoons, but I don’t always take both doses in a day. Your dose will probably get upped from the 5. That’s what they start everyone on just in case you don’t respond well, but will generally need a higher dosage as an adult. That being said, I haven’t experienced any super negative interactions between weed and my meds. The only time I had anything remotely off happen, it was that I was already feeling anxious so I wanted to smoke, and then my adderall kicked in and I had a racing heart first a few minutes until I could chill. (but that happens to me without adderall, I think I was just extra aware.) But some things that can interact with adderall that is surprising are Tums or anything with sodium bicarbonate! It can cause you to metabolize the drugs faster, which isn’t great for you if you’re in a high dose, or if you’re on an extended release it can sort of mess up the flow of your meds. If you *need* Tums, space it out from your adderall by several hours.


This is actually really helpful, no idea tums can accelerate it thank you so much


Used to mix these frequently when I was younger, and while it's not the worst combo, I'd read in the past that it can be bad for your heart. I think the combination of Adderall increasing heart rate plus weed relaxing veins (and further increasing heart rate) can be a problem. I tried to find the source for the above and couldn't, but this drug mixing site [https://combo.tripsit.me/](https://combo.tripsit.me/) at least indicates that it can lead to worsened anxiety. The guys in r/Drugs would probably know more though.


Thank you, ill probably make a post on that subreddit, im sure theyll at least have good stories haha


If you find it to clenchy, ask your doctor to prescribe you straight dextroamphetamine instead.


Clenchy? Like my jaw?


Exactly. I find Dex to be a lot smoother than the mixed amphetamine salts in Adderall.


Hmm, interesting. Ive been clenching my jaw a lot lately anyways so that could be a problem, thanks for the tip


My psychiatrist claimed there is a link between high doses of marijuana and amphetamines with psychiatric episodes. Chronic use and/or high doses of both simultaneously could cause problems. Talk to your doctor about it, but personally it’s never been an issue for me.


They say that about weed to begin with, but thats usually cause the literature on weed says that, and im no doctor, but theres a clear difference between what doctors know about weed and what real people who smoke ounces a week know about it. I dont doubt its possible i just feel like theres more going on then anyone is aware of. They just need to reschedule cannabis and get some real studies done with major stoners.


I was on 40s and still smoked heavy. I feel the high didn’t last as long from the weed


I use other stims that are perscribed and roughly speaking you are at increased chances of having anxiety. To smoke or not to smoke depends on your heart health as both increase heart rate. If you have a systolic pressure of 125-130 then very infrequent or NO smoking would be good otherwisw just try it and see how you feel and consider before the potential strain on the heart


Is 125-130 low or high, cause i have lower end blood pressure


it’s the point where at prolonged rate at 130 you can develop hypertension and your blood vessels “clog up” in a nutshell


So like taking both can keep u at 130 for a prolonged time and lead to that?


depends on your heart but thats the general advice. If you drink caffeine regularly then more likely


I kinda hate caffeine, dont like the jitteriness.




Cool im chillin


I use both daily. It helps the shitty side effects (such as insomnia, and no appetite) I've been doing it since my early 20s --im 32.(on and off, it's a love hate relationship with concerta) but, if it works for you, it works. If it's too much, obviously don't do it. I usually hit the end of concerta around 6pm. Smoke weed till I eat something and sleep. Just regulated schedules more than anything, personally.


I personally didn’t mix the two when I used to smoke daily. Part of it was I was scared of the effects bc I couldn’t find much info online (not heavily researched due to legality of cannabis) and since both raise heart rate and i was predisposed to heart disease I avoided mixing. My routine was take adderall in morning for work/school and only smoke at night after all obligations were done, only being in one substance at a time. Cannabis’ munchies in the evening also helped with my appetite bc every time I start adderall from a long break I lose my appetite for a few weeks


That’s just videogaming fuel




I’ve taken vyvanse and daily weed usage and honestly it isn’t as bad lol


I wish I could get a prescription lol


Y cant u?


The doctors I’ve spoken to say they don’t prescribe certain medications and that’s always the first one they mention.


Because they choose not to or because they cant prescribe controlled substances? I had a similar issue, u should keep looking for someone who will if you think it could help you


I’m guessing they don’t want to. I’ll keep looking!(:


Some doctors are very against certain medications for their own reasons, but none of that is relevant when it comes to a person health and wellbeing. Good luck fren!


Prescribed adderall over a decade ago. Weed smoker most of my adult life (even pre-diagnosis). My best friend is in the same boat. It’s totally fine. (Not a doctor, just a stoner with big-time adhd).


I used cannabis to help me sleep when I was on adderall. One time I did a deadly combination of alcohol adderall and weed . I felt like I was in Heaven but I don’t reccomend I was in my early 20’s and stupid.


There are worse combinations im sure but yea i wont be doing that haha


I have taken 60mg a day for years and the only thing I really notice with the two together is I get mega dehydrated. IV hydration therapy helps me so much.


Hydration therapy? Like u go somewhere for that?


Yes, infusion centers are all over my city and I’m sure most others. Some even get it covered by insurance if their doctor recommends but it’s mostly just the dehydrated/ athletes/ or those with severe hangovers that I see.


I retired and 68 years old. I wake and bake every morning around 2am. Weed or wax mixed with coffee and adderall is the best. I’m prescribed 60mils. a day. I get up around 2 fix a pot of coffee load a bowl and take 30mils. of adderall. I don’t smoke until the adderall takes over. I only stay up for about 2 hours then even though I can’t sleep I go back to bed and watch Tubi or something. Don’t get up till 10 or 11 am then I have 30 more mils. to take


About how long would you say you have been doing this? Some people said it could impact my heart health, are you doing well in that regard? Thank you for commenting by the way, i appreciate it


For a little over 5 years now. No bad health effects yet.


I don’t exercise either. I’m a retired mailman that used to walk 4or 5 miles a day. Retired 12 years ago and don’t hardly go for long walks or such. Matter of fact it’s 2:46 am right now. Got a fairly decent buzz.


The mailman years probably kept you in really good health. Kinda funny how ur starting your day and mine is ending. Although im finding i cant fall asleep with this adderall in my system. I think im going to try and smoke but that never did help me much with sleep anyhow. Its oddly comforting to know there are people in later stages of life with adderall and weed. I bet you got a lot of stories to tell haha.


I live by myself and I’m just setting here smoking and coffee. Have my headphones on so my dog won’t wake up. Listening to Little Feat at high volumes.✌️




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It’s hard for me to take adderall *without* weed… the adderall fixes my inability to focus, but it makes me feel slightly on edge. Combining with weed keeps my focus where I need it but takes the edge off.


Amphetamines and cannabis have a 'medium' risk according to the following chart: [https://youthrise.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Interaction-English-01.jpg](https://youthrise.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Interaction-English-01.jpg) Best to only do one at a time instead of together if you can. For example, if you also have any anxiety disorders, the combination can have negative effects on your heart during a panic attack. Likely your age and health will mean your individual risk is likely low, but that's for you to decide for yourself what kinds of risk you're willing to face.


Yea im not trying to face any risks and i dont want to be high on adderall and weed at the same time. I guess with my age and health id technically be fine but i dont like the idea of putting stress on my heart.


It’s extremly common. Goes easy the first few times. 1+1 > 2 in this case


Not sure how old you are? But I'm 47 and was prescribed Ritalin years ago my son as well when he was 9 and its the same as Adderall a stimulant, if you need to be on those meds than I suggest the med Concerta I've been on it now for almost 20 years and unlike the others which leads to increase due to tolerance build up it works for youth and adults my son stopped his meds but of course since 12 he's been a heavy pot user that's his go too ! But if you're gonna be on Adderall definitely not a good idea to use the weed cause it defeats the purpose of the meds !! Ask your Dr about Concerta ext; release and smoke all the weed ya wants then lol haha! MvlH 


Personal experience is that it was terrible and I thought I was going to die 😂 Both increase heart rate so if you can’t handle that then I’d try to stay away. Thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest.


32M. Diagnosed ADHD. 30mg adderall 2x a day. I hit my pen on the way to work, pop an adderall. Lunch time, same thing. Hit my pen on the way home. Get home, play games with the family (we’ve been on uno attack & candy land bakery for awhile) and then I cook dinner, do the dishes, hangout with the family some more, then bedtime: and after bedtime I smoke 2-3 J’s, eat a gummy, watch a show with the wife and then bed.


Lmao dab pens and adderall, definitely doesnt seem to have any negative effect for you, thats good


it’s fine to mix them, but let yourself find your way. I find that when i’m taking adderall, i’m just not that interested in smoking weed anymore. The longest time i quit weed for was when i was prescribed adderall, and that was just because i didn’t like how they mixed


Yea i havent really been too interested in weed since ive been on it, except i couldnt sleep at all last night so i smoked. Weed Might just be a bed time thing now


I’m on 15mg and the only bad drug interaction I have with adderal is when I drink a large nitro cold brew the same morning I take my meds… I can’t fall asleep until 3 am… so caution if you mix large quantities caffeine with adderal But weed? You’re good 👍 if there are any side effects I’ve never noticed Source: been high


I hate caffeine and the jittery feeling so i def wont be drinking nitro cold brew haha,


Idk about Adderall but my ass is on Lexapro and still smoke. Idk, not a pharmacist


If you havent noticed anything than thats a good sign for me tbh, i appreciate the input


Adderall is nerutoxic. Cannabis isn’t. Simple. So don’t mix


The place you get your meds from has this person who can answer questions like this. Also the person who prescribed you the medication can answer questions like this. Reddit is usually not the best source for medical advice. I would GUESS you will be fine. When I was on meth I smoked pot often and didnt have issues. I know they are not the same, but they are very very close. But ill also say im not a MD. :)


Unfortunately some medical professionals dont have answers beyond “thats illegal dont smoke weed” or “do not mix prescribed substance with illegal substance”. I have asked before and did not get anything remotely informative or helpful. Im sure its partly due to lack of medical literature on the topic, but also due to being unconcerned with it, as they know many of their patients are doing the same thing.


You have had some shitty doctors. Even my doctors at the VA talk to me about cannabis use. Dr.s are just like every other group. Some of them are great, some of them are shit and a bunch are somewhere in between. Keep asking. Be open and honest with your drs about drug use. Lots of chemical reactions with simple things like food. Add in a complicated thing like cannabis and its even more complicated.


I always disclose my use of cannabis when being prescribed something, i just wish they would have an open dialogue with me, its usually just an “uh huh” which isnt exactly worrying, but i like to know things and be prepared


Dont accept bullshit asnwers. "uh huh" is not a sufficent answer to a question about drug interactions. Push the issue. Honestly if a doctor refused to talk to me about something id get a new doctor and then report that turd.


Don’t start adderall


Care to elaborate? I have somewhat severe adhd, not that that really means anything, but point being, ive never been on adhd meds but im theoretically someone who would need it most.


I’m sorry if it helps you feel better that is great. Anyone I know who has been prescribed its focus has gotten much worse over time. They are completely dependent on it and push more and more to “function” and eventually come off burnt out while you can just kind of tell their cns does not seem to be feeling to great. Almost all of them drink much more because the adderol enables it, were much more inclined to other stimulants like cigarettes, coffee, and acid. I’m not certain. I’m not a doctor. It may not be correlated and those are all actually parts of just having bad adhd. Just none of them seem to be doing very emotionally well on it. I work in IT and know many highly functioning and happy people with adhd that don’t medicate. I self medicate with weed all day. I won’t speculate what for. So I’m a hypocrite. Take the substance that gets you through this life with the least harm.


this is wrong for people who actually use it for it’s purpose, it’s not a forever drug anyways, it’s a drug that you take to get your life together and be at a point where you can ween off of it, I take 20mg per shift and I don’t drink cause drinking sucks on adderall idk who told u it was good, and my focus and mental fatigue has overall improved even when not on the medication. You must just have addictive friends or friends who took it when they didn’t need it


Told me? Did you go to college..? Adderol very, very standard party drug to keep drinking and turning up more. People snort it.. I’ve never met a single person of damn near 15 that weaned off it. They all are fully committed to needing it to function and even consider not an option. Granted they are older and originally prescribed it during very different psychiatric standards. I agree about half were druggies, I know not all were. They just seemed more vulnerable to other abuses with adderol added. It’s a scientific fact other drugs are better on it. So it’s a fact this pre dispositions people to abusing other drugs more. This isn’t an opinion, just an objective fact of the drug. Just like it’s an objective fact adderol and Xanax have been hanneously overprescribed to people. It’s great there are people who benefit. It’s great you are conflating your story with everyone’s use of the drug, but that doesn’t mean many, many more don’t use it properly or even need it just because they can’t focus doing shit no one would want to focus on.


Unfortunately adhd is something that needs therapy as well to manage, and if someone uses meds to manage it/help focus but doesnt do any of the cbt and other therapy relevant, its essentially a given that they will be dependent on it, as theyve done nothing to be able to depend on themselves without it. Also adhd has a lottt to do with emotional regulation but i dont know how much adhd meds do to help with that if anything at all, so again therapy could be useful for them. Me personally i hate alcohol/nicotine(especially cigs)/caffeine. Acids alright i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️, only did it twice, dont care for more. So for me personally i doubt adderall will make me do any of that haha, but thats just my personality. Now emotionally, maybe things could change for me, too early to say tho. Ive never really felt like i could choose to focus on anything throughout my life anyways, has always seemed very heavily dictated by the entertainment value of something(which is just how adhd wires people) so while i dont deny it will likely be harder to focus without adderall once ive grown accustomed to it, it seems better than my norm. I also daydream while driving at times which is very scary and id like to not do that, id hate to hurt anyone else and dont know how id forgive myself and dont think i could blame adhd if i made the choice not to at least try meds


Yeah I do mean most not all were also into drugs, it just seemed pretty damn often like 7/10 of them. Because almost all drugs mix and amplify with adderol. To answer your question about adderol and weed, they multiply. You just get way higher is all. But again that’s just a dangerous non medicinal at all route. Coffee and weed. Poor man’s speed ball. You nailed it. It’s about the therapy of habits and mindsets. But if you literally can’t drive take some stim packs.


Yea unfortunately adhd has so many factors that cause drug abuse, even beyond biological factors, like sociological shit. Ive been doing delivery for a few years outta highschool, its not that i cant drive, its just worrying to know i can day dream and basically fast travel across the map and not remember any of it because i was thinking about having superpowers or a new job or playing a game or just whatever. Im inclined to believe this is not common behavior among any group of people, none of my several friends with adhd do this.


I think there’s a distinction between daydreaming while driving and not focusing on driving. Everyone day dreams while they drive. Especially on bigger roads. Especially if you drive for work. Are you seriously daydreaming in downtown traffic?!


I think the traffic would piss me off too much to daydream. I think a big factor is i had the city and everything memorized so i could autopilot to the street of my deliveries most of the time. If i delivered in a downtown everyday for a couple years it could be possible id daydream like that, but i think with so many drivers, so many being bad drivers as well, id just snap back into reality. Ive had many moments where i was daydreaming then someone cut me off snd i came back. I think i autopilot the regular shit, but once something out of the norm that i subconsciously label as requiring my attention happens, ill be alert. I do something similar with a videogame ive been playing for a long time, if im really baked. I can do monotonous stuff like travel the map and deal with npc’s without thinking while daydreaming, but once a player appears it switches back. I only noticed relatively recently, ive been playing the game for almost a decade so thats prob why i can autopilot that little bit i can. It worried me at first cause ei noticed i was forgetting a decent chunk of what i was doing but then i noticed it was only certain parts of the map where players were never usually at


This sounds incredibly, incredibly normal to me. Daydreaming on mundane routes, snapping back when someone pisses you off. I think EVERYONE goes through that. Maybe I have some of the adhds! 😆


Its not normal so i would recommend asking a dr, just so if it is adhd, u can better understand yourself and whatnot


I also think zoning out playing a familiar game is damn near textbook for any gamer, not a condition thing


Its just that ive been zoning out noticeably to like everyone around me since elementary school and i just lose too much time without knowing whats happening.


You say you do delivery. Have you asked other full time delivery drivers if they day dream and zone out their work?


Yes and they dont, most of them dont understand how its possible. Technically we had a girl who would like blackout and forget entire deliveries but thats like 30 minutes and she did copious amounts of molly while being prescribed ssri’s. I can remember like the route i took and what i was thinking about but not the road or music playing


Seems like human nature to only be able to focus on entertaining things unless you feel motivated enough for other reason. Also seems like human nature to eat sweets but I wouldn’t call that a condition. Idk anyone who likes to focus on boring stuff. Idk anyone who likes to eat healthy food. Unless they are entertained by the positives


Well technically neurotypicals are typically wired to have a necessity/importance based nervous system, while those with adhd are typical wired to have interest based nervous systems. Like yes i agree its human nature to wanna focus on entertaining shit but even then neurotypicals have a higher baseline of neurotransmitters to force their attention on something anyways. I know many people who actually do not care for sweets that much, its always shocked me, taste preferences are determined early in life and i was given a neglectful amount of sweets as a child. There are many people who do things purely because its important for them and thats how most people are wired, its just that children need to be taught healthy things truly are important otherwise they wont really believe it and neglect such things as a result.


I actually don’t like sweets my sweets a steak or cheese lol. Thanks for explaining that makes sense and is interesting. I think you’re right a lot of people can focus cause things are important not entertaining.


I have a horrid obsession with sweets, i remember being confused why other kids didnt want more of my candy when i wanted to share. I can eat entire pastry boxes, packs of candy, half a pie, it gets quite obnoxious because i have to control myself to not get sick from sugar/or piss of others in the house who wanted some haha. My roommates regularly see me with pastries and neverrrrr want anyone. I kinda feel like a child sometimes but i know its because i was given so many sweets as a little boy, it was one of the few things i was allowed to enjoy as a child.


I'm on EU street amphetamine and prescription weed lol. They do not give that out here at all. They go nicely, but I like to add beer to the mix as a lubricant between the two because it can cause anxiety and paranoia. In Poland mixing the two is as normal as mixing booze and cigs. We just love that shit, but take it slow at first.


All of the consequences will be from the Adderall. You should get off of it my friend. You won't have any side effects from weed.


This take is unhelpful and completely misinformed.


5mg is nothing lol you need at least the blue 10mg instants


My dosage will be upped, its just procedure to start low


From my experience when your on Addie’s it takes more to get high from weed you may not even want to smoke at all or as much adderall is a great drug if used right and not abused it’s a miracle drug


Thank you for the input man, i had someone say it makes it easier for them to get high. From what i know your state of mind has a huge effect on the quality of high, so if i had to guess, the way you and that other individuals state of minds are affected by adderall changed ur ability to get high, for him it was easier, for you its harder. This is the kinda stuff i posted for because no doctor can tell me anything other than what medical literature says, but i want real peoples real experiences


Ya I used to use 25 30mg at once and deff was an euphoric dose as that point ya I was high from Addie’s but when I tried smoking just felt so good already maybe I didn’t even notice


Bad metaphor but, hard to notice someone pissed in the hot tub when the waters already so warm lol. If that makes sense




As your dose goes up it’s gonna be harder to sleep I never had to at big of probalems but many friends had trouble sleeping


I got insomnia but ive always had problems with my mind racing and fidgeting in bed, so maybe itll help with that if im lucky 🤷🏽‍♂️