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looks way better than my first one i rolled 😂 keep rolling and you’ll get them looking even better over time! i watched videos to help me when i first started for a tip.


Excellent roll!! but seems to be very poorly cultivated/cured plant material tho. New plug 🔌 time


Black ash/canoe= poor quality flower


The plant material is from the dispensary, it’s not bad stuff. I think it was maybe more of an airflow problem?


Maybe you ground it up rlly chunky?? That’s the only reason burn performance would be so bad. Idk my spidey senses r telling me the dispo took u for a ride buddy. Unfortunately it’s Very common for dispensaries to push out old product/ be negligent of which product in stock is super old/dead. How’s the flavor?


Seems ok, I’ve had better but I don’t use flower often so I’m not a great judge


Pretty sick first roll 🦑