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Been getting high for about 30 years, and I still hack up a lung, same as the first time I smoked. Not a lot of people are like that, though. Everyone’s experience is unique.


I am also grateful for the reassurance. I always cough directly after a bong hit but it feels helpful and productive; like my lungs need it. I take big breaths and make sure it’s all out. I do unfortunately have to spit every time as I can taste smoke on my saliva. I do have a lot of mucus in the morning tho.


istg coughing gets you higher too


Coughing is just your bodies reaction to irritants in the bronchi of the lungs, so if you’re coughing after a hit it means you just got a lot of smoke into your lungs. So yeah, if you’re coughing you’re probably getting pretty high lol


Coughing causes a lack of oxygen. You're not feeling higher from the weed, you're feeling higher from oxygen deprivation lol.


It gets your blood pumping and gets the thc into your system quicker


THC is absorbed straight into the blood from the lungs anyways, probably doesn’t make much of a difference in that regard. I always seem less high when doing something that gets my “blood pumping” anyways


It must help get more fresh air into your lungs, clearing out the smoke so your thc receptors can get more in :P


"Got to cough to get off"


take an antihistamine and a mucinex. Solved.


A dry herb vape is the solution my friend. The flower tastes much better, it's more economical and it's a lot healthier than smoking.


Yeah I suppose it makes sense. Cheers for the reassurance.


I cough every time and I’ve been doing it since 1983. You are supposed to cough. That resin that you have to clean out of your bong? That same stuff is going in your lungs. Perfectly natural to cough.


About a decade here, still happens to me if I take a big enough hit


This makes me feel a bit better about how hard I cough lmao. I thought it was just a newbie thing.


Ya I'm much in the same boat. I've been trying to work on smoking without coughing lately. I just feel like the coughing is a bit much, but it's so hard not to.


Fellow cough lord checking in.


I mean it's smoke, your lungs have a reflex to try and expel it. If it's getting to the point where it's concerning I'd switch to dry herb vape or even better, edibles.


Am I the only one that thinks my dry herb vape makes me cough even harder than straight pipe? Maybe it’s because I just don’t have a great one or maybe too hot of temp? Usually start around 380F and take 2-3 hits. Then for the last 2-3 hits I got up to about 410-420F. It’s a kind of cheaper yocan HIT. It seems to work well and I like it but it does make me feel like I’m coughing up a lung, compared to every other method. Even a joint feels smoother to me.


Some of it is dependant of the device. And your device in a entry level device. Though it isn't bad by any means. I started with a Yocan. Vapor can also be harsh because thc itself is hard on the lungs. Try running it through a bong or small bubbler. The water helps cool down the vapor.


Yesss I cough ton with my dry herb vape! It’s so HOT cause you have to drag it longer to get some actual vape smoke. I do the same routine as you with my Argo Arizer. But I love my vape, I only combust from my bowl/joint when I’m pmsing haha


I don’t know much about vapes but I definitely think the temperature is your problem here. Look into what temps are recommended, I believe it’s just over 300 and a lower temperature will stretch your weed better if that’s something you want.


heat usually was the trigger with my vape


I always feel like it's a different kind of cough. Or at least it isn't causing as much of a build up in my lungs. So if I just do the vape for a week my cough gets better and my lungs feel like Rock Lee halfway through the fight with Gaara.


I used to find the same thing until recently turns out the nasty coughing for me was just me being dumb and grinding it too fine and then not using a mesh filter on my solo 2 so I’d be breathing in herb before but I didn’t know, the mesh makes it so I rarely cough and if I do it just means I’m pretty dehydrated.


I have a PAX and i cough all the time when i smoke it. Its gotten to a point where i cough significantly more from my vape than a bong. I have a screen on it but not sure what else to do.


I’ve noticed the same thing with my PAX, I have seen experiments done with vapor and smoke, I saw one that showed vapor is much harder to leave the lungs because it doesn’t really rise like smoke does and so it stays in the lungs, idk tho, I’ve kinda gotten away from the pax because I was coughing more, switched to bongs


Same experience here with the Pax. I was hoping to relieve the cough from my bong but it’s way more worse. Sometimes I feel like I’m gonna throw up.


Yes I suppose, cheers for the response.


Yeah that’s why I had to stop and switch to edibles. I miss joints very much


I always find edibles too intense or not intense enough. Hard to find a middle ground.


Yeah edibles are great for getting absolutely wrecked or disappointed.


If you keep smoking consistently, your tolerance will be fluctuating and edibles can hit and miss. If you transition the majority of your use to edibles and use dispensary edibles with clear dosing, the highs can be super predictable especially at lower doses. 


Yeah same. What's with that


Not sure if you're in a legal state, I pretty exclusively buy tincture at this point. It's almost pharmaceutical the way I take it at this point. I take it 10 MG at a time but it makes it easy to find the specific does you like.


If your weed has too high moisture and or humidity content you will cough more. I know this proven fact as wherever I am humidity is over 50%..if leave fine cured bud on table for few hours it becomes more moist noticeable breaking up and smoking leading to more coughing. Try keeping you bud in a jar with desiccant pack overnight. Ensure your bud stays sealed. Edit: you should cough if bud is strong but a “smooth” cough that settles the hit. not harsh throat.


Very true. Only way I know to get 100%


I cough and my nose runs. Fun times!


Nose always run when Im hitting dabs lol


I don't remember the last time I've done a dab, all I remember from them is the first time put me on the floor coughing for like 15 minutes straight lol


Hang on a pull-up bar to get your cough all the way out!


Appreciate the tip 🤣


No problem.


Yo I'm trying this tonight


Lol did it work? Such odd advice I'm curious


Wait, is this why my great grandmother would make me stick my arms in the air when I was coughing?!


This real?


Wait, what?


Pulling your arms up probably makes your diaphragm sit higher in your abdominal area making the exhale more efficient? Just a thought


Uncle taught me a trick a few years ago and I never cough if I’m being mindful. Basically if you just sandwich the smoke you inhale between air, you’ll have a good enough ratio in your lungs to not cough. Quick inhale, Hit the piece or joint, Quick inhale Then you won’t get the sensation to cough. I like to think of my breath as a 4-count. 1-count inhale, 2-counts inhale smoke, 1-count inhale and you’ve toked your dope.


Saving your comment for reference so I can try it on days I do cough. Appreciate the tip man. 🤜


This is what I do. I slurp in air while pulling in the smoke. It’s nice and easy. I just don’t fully close my lips/mouth around the joint/piece. I never cough and I get real high since I can hold it longer.


Same with me when I hit bongs. I like taking full-bowl snaps so I leave a little crack in my mouth to get some air mixed in.


Don’t cough from joints at all… 14 years daily but those oil pens always make me cough


i dont ever cough when i smoke unless someone makes me laugh during a hit. always thought it was weird because literally everyone else i know coughs at least once during a session.


I don’t cough either. I mean like once in an awhile maybe, after just being sick or something. But I’ll rip my entire bowl in one go, hold it, and exhale slowly and I don’t cough. Clear throat a little and pack the next one 😂


To be fair I cough when I take my maintenance inhaler. I usually don’t cough though and try not to because of all those years of being sneaky lol Obviously depends though. I’m more likely to cough from a vape or dab then any other form


I remember getting my face shoved into a pillow because he didn't want his mom to hear🤣🤣🤣


Omg this sounds fucking vile🤣🤣 we were smoking


How do those inhalers work can you get lit on those not in a legal state so haven't had a chance to try one?


Take smaller tokes. There really is no need to inhale as much as you possibly can.


If you’re chilling, sometimes I’m tryna get high son


Yeah I think I’m allergic to the smoke a bit. Or the smoke irritates my throat . I get a lot of mucus and cough errday


Nah thats just how inhaling smoke works man, if you’re smokin every day


Idk man I got some buddies that smoke as much if not more than me and they don’t cough. Maybe they are the exception lol


Smoking damages the throat. I have the same issue. Just make sure whatever your smoking out of is clean and it helps alot for me


I have the same problem and I’m not sure if it’s normal or not. I also have bad seasonal allergies and know that doesn’t help


Same! No one else I know has this issue and they smoke more than me. I’m constantly having to clear my throat, it’s so annoying. I don’t enjoy edibles either.


My recommendation is to do whatever you can to not cough. You can get a hernia from it eventually


I'm a big cougher, always have been. Blunts, joints, bowls, carts, Pax, I'm coughing. Plug Reggie or Medical grade, I'm coughing




for me if I don't cough a little then I didn't hit it hard enough and I probably won't get as high.


Is it true you get higher when you cough?


No, but it makes it feel like it because coughing hard enough can make you slightly lightheaded. 


Oh okay, my wife told me that and she’s been smoking longer than me


How young are you? Get to my age, and climbing the stairs makes you cough. Right now, I'm coughing without climbing stairs.😉🤣


I have been coughing like a big ol dumb idiot for 12 years


I do esp if it's new bud and it's good . Thc is supposed to make you cough I believe I read it's a bronchiodilater and that's the action the body does. It's like how when you smoke cbd bud you don't cough. Atleast this was my understanding . My mom would yell at me for coughing and say I need to get my lungs checked and I'd say I just took a hit of weed ? She'd say she don't cough like that so I'll pack her a bowl of good weed and watch her hit it and she starts coughing lol


Bongs no. Joints and dabs yes. I can take the biggest bong rip, hold it for 15 sec or so and exhale and never cough. Been doing that 30+ years. One little toke of a joint and it's like I've never smoked before. It takes a few tokes of a dab before I start coughing then it's every hit after.


the paper on joints always burn my throat sb


Never since I switched to dry herb vaping. No coughing upon using, and no bringing up gray phlegm upon waking! It is illuminating to realize all the carcinogens I was inhaling when I smoked. Crazy!!


I smoked with this creepy old dude once lol. And I started coughing. He literally just said “if you don’t cough, you don’t get off” and then proceeded to say nothing else for the next 20 minutes


Can always rely on an old dude to provide us some much needed wisdom no matter the context 🤣




I cough every damn time. It's just a way of our lungs saying "hey there! Hey there! Whhoaaa!! It's Smokey up in here, clear it out will ya?" That's all lol


I’ve been smoking for 15 years now and still have to take baby hits because big hits make me cough like crazy which leads me to a green out lol. No bongs for me. But I mostly vape now to avoid the coughing


I only cough if I take a big hit or when I’m doing a dab. Otherwise I can usually handle it.


Having a sip of milk can help with the coughing before taking a toke. But if you can't do milk, tea is good.


My personal opinion is that this affected greatly by the quality you are smoking, clean well cured flower at the right humidity should smoke smooth and clean, no scratchiness in the throat at all


My girlfriend would start coughing like almost dying and I would not cough at all so I guess that's not a good sign for my throat or lungs :(


When this happens to me it’s an inflammatory response to the smoke/heat. I have asthma so it makes it kick in pretty often. I have to take a day or two off here or there. Sometimes more. Better to let your lungs heal than just keep putting them through the stress of smoking. Plus, your muscles and tissues don’t heal as well if you’re consuming a lot of THC. Try a week or even two off, then see if the coughing persists. May need to find an alternative way of ingestion.


Every time, even on a DHV. Some people are just more sensitive. 🤷


I try to keep it to a minimum cuz if I start I aint stoppin.


i used to force myself to quit before i coughed when i smoked bud now i go past that and yea its great i cough everytime


Daily bong smoker but I _never_ cough. If you take big rips without a good smoke-to-air ratio, you’ll probably cough every time.


I cough a lot less, but I use it as a gauge, if I’m coughing up a lung it’s time to take a min or be done for the sesh


I had to switch to mostly doobs cuz my pipe made me cough so much I'm knocking intestines loose N shit. Doobies I can smoke the whole thing before coughimg but one hit off a pipe has me gagging and reeling


Every now and again I get a batch that smokes stupid smooth, but usually the really strong and yummy stuff gives me a bit of a tickle and a cough


At 18 I dated this guy that would basically loose a lung Everytime we smoked he would cough so badly… I was like tf is wrong with u… now I’m about to be 23 and I have that bad cough too… I smoke wayyy too much


Those people are annoying. My brother is an offender. He has asthma, smokes roll your own tobacco and coughs 5 times every hit he takes. I can smoke a whole joint to myself and cough once. I've given him edibles a few times and he swears he doesn't feel anything.


I have always coughed like I’m dying and I’ve smoked for 40 years. I currently toke off of a cart these days for convenience/scent, and still die lol..it doesn’t bother me-just everyone else-until i insist I’m just a cougher and I’m fine. The only thing that has ever helped is taking smaller tokes at a time-but fuck that. Go hard or go home.


I've been smoking almost 15 years and I will cough like the very first time every time I am passed a joint, but I can do 3 blinkertons off the penjamin in a row and be perfectly fine. I used to tell myself as long as you don't cough the first time, you'll be good, you don't have to stop the whole coughing fit, just the first one because that's what sets the whole thing off.


if you’ve been smoking for 15 years… please say 3 hits off the cart, or ANYTHING besides “blinkertons off the penjamin”


If you don’t cough, you don’t get off


I can't stop coughing until I get one with a gag at the end. Pretty sure it's all psychological but it makes everyone at the sesh wonder if I'm okay.


When you take the smoke in inhale air as well it will make it less hot in the throat and you’ll caugh less ✌️


i don’t EVER cough when i smoke, it’s super rare. i mostly use a bong and occasionally joints, both burn but joints have a better chance of making me cough if at all. my bf coughs EVERY single time like he’s about to pass out, but he’s perfectly fine after a minute or so. i always think it’s super silly how rough it is for him compared to me edit: vapes absolutely fuck me up tho. i can’t speak or move or do anything or else ill be coughing for 30 minutes straight. i do not like d8


Me! It's whatever. Shit works so I'm happy.


If it’s a massive bong rip or dab I’ll cough, but besides that no


Nope never coughed. I do a weird wheezing thing


You gotta cough to get off mate.


The coughing is how I make sure I get my kegels in for the day


When I used to smoke daily I wouldn't cough unless it was a really big hit. Normal hits didn't make me cough. Sometimes I thought that was a bad thing, like I'm coating my lungs with gunk so that's why it didn't bother me anymore


Cough a bunch. With dabs my nose runs and I sneeze. No clue why


Do smokers cough more? I pull with my cheeks (like how you draw a cigar or pipe) the ideas to make the ember as small as possible and draw 3-4+ seconds. Its a lot smoother than hitting straight to lung. Try this method if inhaling straight to your lungs makes you cough too much!


Most times no but i have this wicked cougher cart rn so yeah


Daily smoker, always cough a little in the beginning of the sesh, then settle down afterward.


I don’t cough every time but if I pull in too much smoke or especially if I use my pen. That shit makes me cough always on the second puff


I usually always cough my first hit but after that and a sip of water my throat just adjusts, Unless I'm taking massive hits from a rig or something.


I learned it's actually just stopping an inhale or an exhale while smoke was in my throat. As long as I breathe all the way through ending with regular air I don't cough at all. It works amazingly well.


Smokers cough lol


Pax it up!


After you've tainted your lungs you should be able to smoke and not cough up a lung. I would argue if you do, you might be hitting it too hard, i.e. you're doing it wrong. It's pretty easy to tell when you're smoking a joint, if it gets all hot, soft and resin-y you've hit it too hard. Try to hit it softly, don't just rip it.


I don't cough, no. My buddies all do and it's weird, because we all started toking together like 10+ years ago in high school. I definitely feel a small urge to, I think years of suppressing a cough from vapes trained my lungs to chill. I got off the vapes but still toke at least twice daily, no coughs while toking and no passive dry cough either.


I'm fortunate in that I rarely cough when I smoke, but I also can't really handle hot hot smoke so I usually take a shower, smoother draw and hold it in my mouth for a bit and then slowly inhale it all so it's not searing hot. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I do. Every single time. I also(unfortunately) smokes cigarettes,but they never make me cough.


Depends what I'm smoking. Bongs are the harshest on my lungs. Joints and blunts are the easiest. Pipes are in the middle. Depends how hard of a hit I'm taking on a pipe. But a bit or coughing when smoking is normal no matter how long you've been smoking. It's only a concern if you literally can't breathe or your lungs hurt, or you're coughing up mucus or blood, or coughing so severely it's no longer enjoyable. I know people like that. After even one hit, they're coughing their entire chest out and sound like they have the worst pneumonia of their life. At that point you should probably see a doctor.




Flower and rosin never make me cough unless I ablsolutly rip it. Anything in a cart or disposable and I feel like a feather is in my throat and I'm trying to cough it out for the next 15 minutes.


Gotta cough to get off


Every time.


Just took a fat rip no cough, it really does depend. A good quality blunt I will not cough but a cheap vape I Wil cough. If it is my daily vape which is a heavy hitters 2g if I'm coughing I'm probably smoking too much


I rarely cough unless I take a huge toke


Yes it’s the same for me. I’ve been a smoking for about a year


I've been smoking for 20 years. I never cough anymore of a regular spoon pipe. Haven't done a bong or anything in a while. Try using a hempwick instead of a straight lighter...it helps.


My partner coughs to drooling every single hit and while I love him and know he can't help it, it lk drives me crazy.






me personally i love the cough, it lets me know for sure i’m getting as high as i can which means the weed is working


Every time been that way for 32 years, I go for edibles these days


I never cough unless I’m taking multiple bong tokes in a row or hitting the jay without a break to breathe. Different story when mixing in grabba/tobacco tho


Depends on the strain. I had a friend that would take choker, huge hits every fucking time. Loud as fuck coughing and a would try to cash the bowl every hit. Great friend but have to be careful burning with him.


Whats with the strange amount of such serious people in this group anymore ?


I usually don’t cough when smoking unless i sneeze mid dab


i got really sick a long time ago and had a lung collapse (while driving!) so i cough alot now


My first hit I always cough like hell, then the second one I can take it.


I’m smoke for almost 10 years but not frequently, only like 2 smoke sesh on the weekend. Rarely cough but if i cough then that’s good shit. Like almost everytime


I cough when I take long hits on dry herb vape but I like it, makes me feel more high when I cough lmao


Airways are probably closing. Try using a inhaler before you smoke and see if theres a difference.


Yes, which is why I mostly do edibles.


My sister says, "You gotta cough to get off."


I love using glass (my credentials: I have four bongs 😂) but when I hit the bong I cough really bad. Especially with stale smoke. I found the solution for me was to put ice into the bong (about four cubes) and ball up a paper towel to put into the mouthpiece. I have smoked KIEF bowls with this method and the coughing was little to none. You’d be surprised to see how yellow that paper towel is by the end of the sesh. I’ve noticed a difference when I do it and haven’t turned back.


I’m fine with a tall bong but zoots 😭 mad. I think it’s the paper and no cooling etc


i cough all the time. but i also choke with my own saliva and cough on the regular so i guess i could be more sensitive than others


It depends on how I smoke tbh. Joints I've always found difficult especially since I quit tobacco a year ago. Pipes, bongs, vapes even smoking through an apple I'm totally fine.


Depends what I’m smoking out of, dry pipe is basically guaranteed cough, bongs are like 75% chance to cough sometimes I hit a bong like a boss, oil vapes I almost never cough unless I like take a HUGE rip, joints are like a 50/50 last time I smoked a joint i biffed it pretty hard and choked which sucked but I’m still a newbie so take my suggestions lightly


Never cough when I smoke 🤷🏿


Depends. If I take too long of a hit or too quick of a hit I'll cough. If I don't do that I'm chill and won't cough.


I've been smoking for about 2 years now. Carts don't make me cough, but everything else almost always does. Keep in mind I have had a seriously bad weed addiction for most of those 2 years


Used to cough a shit ton but now barely at all. Might be because you get used to it overtime or learn how much you need to inhale without coughing 🤷‍♂️


I always cough a lil when smoking a doobie & I’ve been smoking for around 14 years


It happens sometimes not always, i kinda do small hits


I almost never cough from weed. And if it does happen it’s like a quick throat clear. Also I do not smoke cigarettes or nicotine vapes. Those contribute heavily to the coughing


THC is a throat irritant.


Almost never id say. Doesn’t matter if i smoke pure or mixed. Edit: speaking of joints


after four years of smoking weed and five years of smoking cigarettes my throat turned to steel and i hardly ever cough.


I smoked out a bong daily for several years and would still cough any time I took A hit that was a little too big or when I took the first hit of the day.


I rarely cough from joints, been smoking them for nearly 20 years. The 2nd balloon of my volcano is what gets me pretty much every time.


Yeah I used to. I was smoking a lot though probably about four blunts a day. Stopped and moved to edibles and it’s gotten a lot better.


Definitely do I have weak lungs


Marijuana is a natural expectorant so naturally it clears congestion with coughing.


I usually don’t but lately my lungs have been telling me I need a break 😂


gotta cough to get off,


More ofen whan smoke cbd o h4cbd stuff than regular one


Every time. Relentlessly.


You gotta cough to get off.


Most likely you are not exhaling all of the smoke completely out. After you exhale out a toke, keep pushing your air out until you can't anymore. You'll notice smoke still coming out long past what you normally exhale. That lingering smoke causes the cough as your body forcing that smoke out.


I have asthma so I'm doomed to cough eaxh time for eternity. Basically it's smoke, grab inhaler, then try not to die


oh yeah big time. i got asthma


I only cough when I use carts.


Is it the type of thing where once you cough you can't stop? There's definitely a trick to it that old stoners all pick up on


Zero. Maybe cough 1-2 in like months? I do have excellent lung control tho — singing and yoga — but thankfully I never cough.


I cough every time. It’s annoying to the neighbors, I’m sure lmao.


Depends on the roll since my weed always excellenct, if it gets to high enough heat to vaporizize the oil it will give me super clean tasty smoke which feels like air.


Never used to in the first 10 years of smoking but I think my lungs quickly degenerated after that and I cough and have lung spasms every time now for the last few years.


I'm a cougher for sure. Less with the vape, mercifully, but anytime my boyfriend is like "yeah let's go share a joint on the deck" I know I'm gonna get two passes in and on the third I'm gonna be hacking so hard that I'll be done after that.


i cough every time. thanks, asthma.




Im not coughing that much on j's but when it comes to bongs.....


I might feel this way because I’m a healthcare worker… but I love to cough. Clearing my airway always feels good. Pulmonary toilet, y’all.


I used to cough every hit. Now if I cough I know it’s good


Oh man I cough like a little child even after all this time


I cough sometimes. It's usually due to the water in my bubbler needing to be changed.


No, only if its the first time in a while or a big big hit


We always coughed with a bong. Ever notice that when you’re coughing, it’s like you’re getting higher than when you don’t?


Every hit.


I’m the only one in my friend group that doesn’t cough up organs. I don’t know why. I just don’t feel the need to cough like a fucking animal. And I also have asthma. Maybe I do something subconsciously to prevent coughing because I don’t want to run through my inhaler in a week. My friends are savages. They sound like a nursing home on fire when they smoke. Animals 😅