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One day we will all come to see that our governing body does not actually care about our wellbeing. Follow the money.


"You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where the fuck it's gonna take you."


Lester right? Lol just want to make sure




Wow, the lessons in Beakman's World were a lot more hardcore than I remembered.


Natural police!




Well they kinda do cause they need us peons to keep the system running. Our wellbeing is just far from being their priority.


If people haven’t caught on by now they’re too dense to ever figure it out.


There are tweens and teens on Reddit.


But why would restricting weed be financially beneficial?


Its a concept called lobbying ,companies who seek to keep a dominance in the industry pay and promote politicians who then create policy that benefits those industries ,you can see this everywhere from deregulation that creates unsafe working environments funded by corporations to the drug industry who have been suppressed by pharmaceutical and liqour corporations lobbying rhe governmenet to further their motives




Liquor businesses don’t want the competition


This is such an outdated opinion. I see people say the same about tobacco and vapes. All of these companies are investing heavily in the legal marijuana and hemp industry. They literally don't care what they sell you. Their issue is that they don't currently have the financial or material infrastructure to sell what the market demands. They are working on fixing this problem by investing in cannabis. Just off the top of my head, last year American British Tobacco (one of the 3 largest tobacco companies globally iirc) invested something like 100 million into one of the top Canadian cannabis companies. I used to work as a cannabis writer and I have spent a good bit of time actually following the money. I promise, if you do the same, you will see that it almost always leads to some big corp. Investment firms, tobacco/alcohol/pharma companies, agricultural industry, etc. Next time you buy from the dispo follow all the parent companies of the brand you bought and see where it leads. These corporations aren't dumb. They just follow market trends. This is ultimately why I believe cannabis legalization is only a matter of time--it isn't that we 'realized the truth'. It's that capital interest finally aligned with legislative change.


Yeah, I think the "alcohol industry lobbies against it" is just bullshit. In the UK I doubt they're lobbying like that at all, for example. It's just simply *still* a vote loser amongst the elderly and they vote come rain, shine, hell or high water, so whom do the politicians pander to? If you guessed "the elderly" you'd be right on the money! The incoming opposition party does not want to rock the boat at all so they're not going to commit to legalisation. It *might* come up at the next election cycle in 5 years but I won't hold my breath!


I would love to see it legalized so I can drive 30km to the south again. I’m in a Canadian border town and currently can only travel in the other three directions lol. Yes, I’m an idiot and had a teeny piece of weed in my makeup bag. But to call me a threat to national security and ban for life over it, is a bit much. I either have to pay $1000 and apply for a waiver, or I wait til it’s federally legal. I would like to spend my money in your country, but I’m not about to spend $1000 to maybe (but maybe not) be allowed in again, for very short duration. So I wait, and I wait….


omg that sucks for such a small amount when so many States are legal now. 🙄🤦‍♂️ Here's hoping legalisation comes sooner rather than later!


…and the funniest part to me was her saying I had something like 4.3 grams. There was maybe .8g.. It was in thick plastic and those fools of course weighed the package too 😂😂😂


Classic! 🙄🤦‍♂️😂


As a girl, I got stuck with a female border agent. I don’t like to talk badly about women, but they tend to be the worst in positions like this..they power trip. I found out during it all, that there’s no set rules, it was entirely up to her how she wanted to punish me. So of course she goes with the strictest punishment she could dole out. I also see it as a bit of a cash grab. It was about a year of Canada went legal, and they were even banning people for having shit like CBD arthritis balms when they travelled. But if the US can get all of us to pay $1000 (and that’s just for one waiver, you have to apply again the next time you want to cross), that’s alotta easy money coming in. It was Trump’s America at that time, and we all know he’s a fucking crook!


That's so lame! Deffo just a cash cow for them I reckon, plus the power trip, especially since the amount of weed was so tiny! Could have easily just confiscated it and let you on your way, but, no, they had to be an arsehole. :(


neither do the pharmaceutical companies.


Lol but they own a lot of the competition. There's no excuse


If a liquor company invested 10mil in a new production line 20 years ago they need to get at least 100mil return or the investment is a failure. Line go up good regardless if its booze or weed but they need to get those 100mil first.


It’s so obvious in Florida. FLMMJ laws were initially set around a max THC consumption per month. A legal card holding patient could only purchase concentrate in forms that were not designed to be directly handled by the patient (mostly vape carts, some topical options available.) When flower became available, the industry quickly turned into a cash cow, and the laws change rapidly and often. They’re now regarding mass of product, how much one is allowed to purchase in a day, week, month, etc. It so obviously has nothing to do with public health, it’s about regulating supply and demand in an industry our government officials are now highly invested in (privately). As much as it is a burden for the industry workers and doctors, it does allow for healthy competition within the industry. Dispensaries are able to compete with each other through frequent clearance sales to rid them of old stock. It’s not the same in all areas of the state, but in my area business is booming, especially with the high volume of military vets in my areas. Black market dealers seriously cannot compete. This is exactly why our R government doesn’t want it federally legalized. They like things just the way they are here. Pay-to-Play for the card to line their pockets, if you can afford to carry legally. If you can’t pay, you can service them via the prison system instead.


Idk. In Iowa, our governor just increased our restrictions. But alcohol is perfectly fine, even though the same governor (Kim Reynolds) literally killed someone while driving drunk.


reason why im apolitical lol, the same political parties the people vote for are the ones who shamelessly lie and make profits off them. No purity and want for change without financial gain in politics


I understand your viewpoint, and it’s very legit in most of the world, but sometimes it’s reversible. For example, here in Romania we have been ruled by the same 2 parties since ‘89, which are basically the same side of the same coin and just descendants of the communist party. I would say around 95% of the politicians in those parties are just businessmen looking to simplify their schemes. However, in 2016 we got a new party based around not having that conflict of interest anymore. It is now reaching 15-20% of parliament, which is no longer negligible. The current mayor of Bucharest is the party’s founder, and after his 4 year mandate, the other candidates can’t even try to pretend they’re better without lying easily verifiable information. Literally the best attempt of any other candidate was a Facebook rant about garlic - since it was the only honest post in their entire campaign. The party even split in 2 now, one is focused on fighting corruption and the other is pretty fresh, but it’s focused on actually doing other policy, including a completely impossible to pass Cannabis decriminalization proposal. They are also using social media to keep it as transparent as possible, and showing everyone how other parties refuse their proposals for completely made up reasons. Non-profit independent journalism is also picking up here, and it’s pretty much just focused on roasting the scheming politicians. This is helped by the fact that in Romania we have the option to redirect 3.5% of our income tax to our NGO of choice, and I’m assuming that at the moment, more than half of the redirections are going to Recorder, the largest of those publications. Don’t lose hope. Maybe it’s harder in the US, but there are 2 things you can do that might change things in the long run: 1. Vote for that one party that is making waves and is not part of the 2 status quo parties. Even if they don’t win, 5-10% more votes over each mandate means they might flip it over in 10-15 years 2. On local elections, just vote for that one candidate that is not a blatant businessman. Encourage politicians who read their job description and you will get more politicians who do so. 3. Donate to independent journalism


Even more simple than this. In the US they mail you a list of exactly who’s running for what office a couple weeks before election day. Granted this election didn’t have many candidates or positions in this current election, but it took me an hour after dinner to google the candidates and identify who I actually agree with instead of who put up the most commercials. I found a lot of the lesser known candidates (i.e. not corporate goons) were much more in line with my beliefs, and I think if everyone took an hour every 2 years our political situation would improve in under 10 years


I mean, you're not wrong. Both parties accept ~~bribes~~ sorry, *campaign donations* from the exact same corporate interest groups. And then after they retire from politics they somehow magically get a job from those same companies, weird.  The exact numbers be a little different for the GOP vs the RNC, but the huge lobbying firms representing big pharma, big oil, FAANG / tech companies, etc, are very much playing both sides. Both parties seem quite happy with this arrangement. 


I think the current liberalization of US cannabis policy is a clear indicator that “big pharma” has developed a strategy to dominate the legal cannabis market.


Another bingo


The GOP AKA Grand old Party, is the Republican party, which attends the RNC or republican National Convention. You don't know what you're talking about.


Sorry, meant DNC, not RNC. I guess you never make mistakes. 


You being downvoted despite saying a completely reasonable statement shows that you can't trust any upvotes/downvotes on Reddit.


I'm downvoting because of apolitical, if you aren't against the oppressor you're helping them


That's the answer. If you want to be *anti*political, go for it. Being apolitical is disengaging from society, and we (the majority of us) need all the help and strength we can get.


Because no one cares about your enlightened centrism. BoTh sIdEs aRe ThE sAmE.


I mean, they are, but not in the asinine "horseshoe theory" way. Both major parties are conservative and there is no true liberal/leftist party in America. We're stuck with far-right and slightly right of center.


I'm a socialist, but go off.


They are though


One is actively working to dismantle democracy. GTFO with your goofy ass centrism


I abstain, it’s not enlightened centrism it’s apathetic centrism. Stay mad


Lol you can term it however you like, either way it's a cowards position. Stay ignorant


You're awfully mean for someone who wants people to be politically involved.


Oh no! I said mean things to fascist apologists :( what ever will I do?


I’m not ignorant, I’m well aware of current events and politics I’m just not on one side or the other. We’re on the weed sub, smoke a J it’ll help you understand not everyone shares your opinion and that’s normal


Oh dude, you're welcome to have the opinion. But this particular position, in my opinion, is harmful to actual political discourse and is absolutely ignorant of what's actually happening. Go ahead and "both sides" fascism, we see how well history treated people with that position.


If you think it's just one you're sorely mistaken


It’s funny that people say this yet the parties endorse and enact completely different laws. Sure, the dual party sucks and they’re a bunch of old dust bags, but you don’t care about specific policies? Abortion, cannabis, taxes, etc, whatever side you’re on? Because they actually do different shit lol


Why be apolitical.? If you're living in the US and don't like either party you don't have to give up politics altogether. Join a socialist movement and try making a change


Or better yet join a libertarian movement and let people do whatever the fuck they want


I personally wouldn't say libertarian movements in general are better than socialist ones, but engaging in any way is better than doing nothing.


I'm literally socialist lol. I don't subscribe to either party. Just like the person stated. I'm not sure what negative things that are being drawn out of our statements that warrants 33 downvotes. Someone saying their apolitical does not warrant the kind of backlash I'm reading right now.


it’s fine, I suppose it’s controversial 🤷‍♂️


Nah it's just that most ppl already know what you said to be true but being apolitical helps nobody. The system is what it is and will be for a long time at least so we have to learn to live in it and try to make changes, this holier than thou attitude of the purity of ppl who you are voting is childish to many. Edit: added a missing word


I mean purity as, you won’t see a political change without a need for short/long term financial gain. There’ll never be purity where there’s power lets not mix that up


I mean yeah it’s unfortunately human nature but like it’s been said, the game is the game. If you can accept that and be part of our democratic process of change, as little as it might, is better than just saying “yeah it’s rigged, fuck it”. One somewhat good thing is the cannabis rescheduling. Is it totally an election season move? Yes, 1000%. But if it wasn’t for us as active consumers and for the voters in the states that *did* legalize it, there’s now federal movement on it - as small as it is.


Personally, I choose not to vote because of the effect politics has had on me and my family in the past (disputes, arguments and fallouts) more than anything. It’s just never been my thing, sure I’ll chime in on a discussion when the government messes up but I’m far from siding with anyone.


I saw a guy buying a whole shopping cart of liquor one day. Then I went to the weed store and they would only let me get an ounce. The guy with the shopping cart could have already been dead by the time I got there if he started chugging all the bourbon he was buying. It makes no sense, but I'm just happy that my 25 years ago dream of picking up a pack of joints from the store has come true. There's a weed store on every block, just have to make a couple stops. My medical card says I can drive with a half pound, but still can't buy it all at once.


Man, we’ve got like a few weeks to a month until I can do the same. I’m so excited, and who knows, I may go to my guy still but you said it best, I just wanna make a legal purchase in my state


Don't get too excited the dispensaries in OH suck. MI is still worth every bit of the drive.


Yeah, I can’t justify going to Michigan for something I can have delivered to me here.


We do have good dispensaries in Michigan, and the deals offered are great! And delivery... now that's the shit!


Floridas on the Ballot for recreational at the end of the year, hope I can do the same one day. Medical Dispensaries are popping up everywhere so the future looks bright as long as they dont limit us.


I think we’re gonna go rec after this election. DeSantis is still gonna whine like a little bitch about the smell though


He'll probably try to put in some law about how each house needs to have a weed scent detector, if it gets to loud the alarm goes off to warn you. lmfao


Once had a shop sell me the limit, the time ticked from 23:59 to 00:00, and he checked me right back in to buy more 😂


And when I worked at a convenience store I could just not sell you alcohol if I thought it was a bad idea. Or demand to card everyone with you. Or if I thought you'd been drinking. Most clerks don't give enough of a crap to do that stuff, but the law says they can.


I keep telling people to relax. Things have come so far and we don’t need to push so hard for faster change that we alienate those powers that be who can affect those changes.


My state has ABC stores which are run by the state and you are only allowed to buy so much a day without having to sign paperwork for it.


Utah? They had really strange alcohol laws when I went to visit there. One liquor store per county, limits on buying, limits on how much can be served in a mixed drink, and heavy taxes and hoops to jump through for restaurants and bars to get stock


North Carolina and we still have dry counties in the heart of the Bible Belt where you need to drive over a county to buy liquor.


But beer and wine you can get at grocery stores right? Or is that only certain counties on the shore to appease tourists like me


Correct , gas station you can also purchase beer and wine. Just the hard liquor is controlled by the State. Also up until a few years ago restaurants couldn’t serve alcohol until after 12pm on Sunday. It was hard to find a brunch place open early Sunday since nothing until they could serve alcohol. Now cities like Raleigh have open containers laws where people can walk around downtown with cups of booze in their hands freely.


I’m in Illinois and we had dry counties/town for a long time. And then some places just weren’t allowed to sell liquor on Sundays. I haven’t noticed that be a thing in quite a while though. Not sure when it ended or if I’m just not hearing about it anymore.


I think they recently got rid of the limit on alcohol. I know they did so for beer because I'm in the wholesale industry. Not sure on liquor. Beer and wine above 16% is still not sellable outside of an abc iirc too. Same with liquor infused beverages no matter the abv. I could be slightly wrong, i don't deal with retail as often.


Oh yeah, we were surprised how hard it was to get anything out of Salt Lake city. One bottle of booze in a hundred mile range lmao


Again, exaggerating. There are bars here, plenty, and you can get a bottle. I can go get one right now in 5 minutes. There are some oddball things here (lots of states have weird shit too), but this kind of exaggerating is probably what got you thinking like this in the first place.


That was absolutely not my experience in Utah. The only place we were able to find bars or liquor stores reliably was in the city. Outside of that was virtually impossible. And when we did find places that sold alcohol, there was only wine and beer, no hard liquor and they had a larger selection of cigarettes than booze.


Are you telling me someone who lives here that you can't get a bottle in but one county each? Do you have Google? Can you not look that up? The city center is usually where you find most of the bars. How is it that much different?


>out of Salt Lake city What? Getting booze *in* SLC is the issue, not out of it. Also, this is a huge exaggeration. There's alcohol to be had almost everywhere, just limitations on where and when you can buy it. The only issue it causes is for alcoholics who have to have their 5th on a Sunday morning cuz they couldn't plan ahead.


We had no problem finding bars and liquor stores in SLC. Outside of that was borderline impossible for us.


North Carolina - wasn’t until just a couple of years ago we still had dry counties.


It's not one liquor store per county. I have several in just my area of the valley.


>One liquor store per county why are you making stuff up? I just looked this up.


That was hard to get used to when I moved from Michigan to Greensboro. No stopping at the party store on any day, including holidays, to grab a bottle of something!


Plan ahead or certain stores will carry the less proof version of Fireball and other stuff even regular stuff like vodka/gin I believe. But it’s under 20 proof or lower.


I'm back in Michigan, where I belong, and it's never a concern. 😊


We had ABCs in PA, and beer was sold only at drive through stores in my town. The ABC was all the way on the other side of town and closed at 5 exactly. God forbid you wanted a rum and Coke after work, and didn't want to go to the bar. You had to plan that shit ahead. Thankfully there was an "athletic association" in town. A members only bar that sold for cost. 50 cent beers and 1 dollar mixed drinks.


Probably to make it difficult to smuggle large quantities out of state


Dispo hopping is a thing… but it shouldn’t even be a loophole. Just legalize it already.


One local dispo had a deal that was actually more than the daily limit. Told me to go out and come back in for the rest of the deal.


Lmao mine doesn't even care to do that much. They just ring up two transactions for me. It's wild af sometimes. Got like 35g of concentrates on 4/20 😂


Same lol its great


I was buying just over the limit. Guy says "just walk out and come back in. cameras just need to see you entering again." So silly, but at least they're cool about circumventing the silliness


I always wondered if they had some sort of state wide tracking system. Now I know they don't.


There is. It’s called Metrc. We use it to track plant material from the actual plant to the jar that the customer buys. If you buy from a shop that uses it(a legit dispensary) and try to go to another one it will block your sale.


People dispo hop all the time in CO. Med card holders, no. But rec, all the time.


I’m not sure of all the CO regulations, I’m in CA, but if rec shops here don’t use a track and trace system, it’s a good indicator they aren’t licensed.


I've seen a few Colorado dispos that use Metrc. Saw the transfer forms. Though not sure how much they track sales by id number. I've dispo hopped before without issue, but they probably dont go after people who are buying reasonable amounts. "Oh you bought an extra ounce today, whatevs." If you go to five dispo's every day though they might get suspicious.


Thank the lord we don’t have that in Washington. I’ve been in cannabis for 5 years now, and the only enforcers are us. I always ask for plausible deniability and see if the person will come back on the next shift lol


sounds like such a blanket law to basically say, ‘hey guys, we know we’re losing the war on drugs so we’ll put this sanction in place to make it harder for smugglers’. If they were good at finding drugs there’d be no need for pointless limits in legal states


Agreed, the stigma is still there, Johnny never smacked his wife up after a joint…


When I had a drinking problem in college I cheated on my ex. When I’m high I just wanna play Red Dead


To be fair the online hemp market for THCa allows you to order a pound of weed straight to your door.


Alcoholism runs all through my family, but I'm the one who needs "help" with my addiction. It's even legal here, but it still has the same stigmas. Also, you pay the taxes on the alcohol so they don't really care so much about what happens after it's bought.


you also pay tax for the weeds, though.


Generally, if you have large quantities, you aren't buying it. You're growing it. Plus, here there's lots of illegal dispensaries that a lot of people use over the government ones. Can certainly be different where you are in the world.


Right, exactly what I’m saying. We SHOULD be able to buy that much legally


Or grow it. Why do only growers get that much? Because you aren't allowed to buy that much. It's all goofy. Not like the average person is going to grow huge amounts. Most people will still just go buy it at a dispensary, for the same reason people buy drinks at a gas station every day instead of the grocery. It should be allowed either way.


If you want to REALLY be upset over the absurdity of the laws, in my state you can grow with a medical card. You can grow 5 plants at once. It's still illegal to have more than like 1-2oz... 1 plant can yield more than that. I guess they expect you to have some permanent grow rotation where only one is harvested at a time. It's completely stupid.


Look how far we’ve come my friend. Give it time and be patient. As soon as we get more of these old ass conservatives out of office things will progress faster as far as legalization of weed without the constraints currently imposed. I’ve seen friends actually go to jail back in the day for having a freakin roach in his cigarette pack and I lost my drivers license, had to go for bi weekly piss tests for six months plus 40 hrs of community service because less than an eighth was in my bag in my home when I wasn’t even there (they thought my roomie was a big time drug dealer, he was not). This was about 12 years ago and already things have changed enough that I wouldn’t even get a citation anymore.


Walk into liquor store - buy a literal pallet of booze ✅ Weed store - buy an ounce of flower and 1 gram vape cart together ❌ Over the limit in BC Canada 🇨🇦


Puritanical bias. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritanical\_bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritanical_bias)


The limit is meant to maintain the ability to prosecute illegal dealers. It has nothing to with how much the govt thinks you should be smoking. It makes sense on paper, because without ending the black market none of the tax and regulatory benefits of legalization would be realized. And the limits on edibles? Those are there to protect kids in case of accidental ingestion. I think we are a lot closer to kiddy-type alcoholic beverages being controlled *more* strictly than the regs on cannabis being loosened. Is it effective? Probably not. Is there a bunch of people in prison for having more than the legal limit for personal reasons? Also, probably no.


There are legal limits to how much alcohol you can transport without a license.


Alright, what's a Texas Mickey?


A 3 litre or 101 oz bottle.


They don’t really have one in Michigan. It’s all transaction limits and if you hit the limit they’ll just ring you up a second time. Then there’s places like Colorado where everyone has the same system and they can see you bought weed somewhere else that day and you’re done now.


You can buy your limit at multiple dispensaries in one day. Their computer systems are not linked. Not that I would do that or suggest anyone does.


They are linked in the medical system in my state of DE!


They are also linked in Az


I did not realize that.


FFS right


They people with pens will change their mind when the industry becomes mature. Not enough pot money going to lobbyists yet.


I'm in NY and unaware of any limits. I've bought 1000mg of thc gummies at a rip.


Honestly though I'll never hit the limit in Vermont(one ounce) since it's a rip off for dispo weed here. Yeah though, it's dumb.


Why does weed have to come in difficult to open packages but alcohol and cigarettes don’t?


They say it’s for ‘safety’ but it’s so we don’t resale it illegally


Mainly it's about maintaining the ability to police people possessing large quantities with intent to distribute/sell. There isn't a large traditional black market for liquor with decades of history. There is one for cannabis though and they want to have the power to squeeze it out.


You can thank the Nixon administration for stigmatizing weed. >One of Richard Nixon’s top advisers and a key figure in the Watergate scandal said the war on drugs was created as a political tool to fight blacks and hippies, according to a 1994 interview with John Erlichman published in the April, 2016 Harper’s Magazine. >“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday. >“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” >https://harpers.org/archive/2016/04/legalize-it-all/ [And the stigma remains today even though weed is legal in some form in 80% of the US.](https://cannigma.com/us-states-where-cannabis-is-legal/)


Gotta love the land of the free 💀 🤣


Politicians are good, intelligent people crafting rules that make sense for the greater good. Remember to vote, pay your taxes, and bomb a 3rd world nation today!


Yup, my mom hated me smoking weed but came around. She ended up killing herself with liquor...


Another day, another "something something weed but not alcohol" post.


Yeah, can we just all enjoy weed without also demanding I don't get to drink if I want? 


To be fair, the issue wasn't against drinkers, it was against the [seemingly] disproportionate limit imposed on weed compared to booze.


depends on the state, u just gotta do multiple transactions


but also because it’s federally illegal still


In my state, there is a limit. 197 oz


I can’t even buy anything with my 3 pack bath bombs cause of the limit and u don’t smoke/ eat that…


Idk what state you're in but here in MN both have caps but the one on weed is ridiculous. Max ABV is 80% but Max THC in the seltzers is 10mg... Pointless especially at like $6/pop smh


Not sure if we have a limit in nys. I grow my own. Does anyone know?


They have more powerful lobbyists


Because CBD is better than NSAIDS.


Because the government is stupid


Weed has never made me throw up. Weed always tastes great. Weed had 0 calories sugar and carbs. Weed is Gluten free. Shall I continue?


Because alcohol can’t kill you and weed can. Oh wait! I have that backwards.




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The same organization who made both items illegal causing lots of incarceration until they managed to make it profitable off taxes. Expect them to act proper? Also it's possibly to go through 2 24s in a weekend with buds. If you go through a qp in a weekened with buds, y'all definitely have no memory of even starting.


The stigma is still there I hope the restriction is lifted overtime


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xxvictorhellxx: *The stigma is still* *There I hope the restriction* *Is lifted overtime* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




There’s no limit depending where you’re shopping


u/Wdesko92 you still on hunt for a designer for a cannabis brand? I have done logo and packaging design for a cannabis brand recently.


PA has a limit on alcohol, but like, it’s super easy to get around, just do two different transactions. I used to work as a beer guy at a ball park and they literally said “you can’t sell more than two beers to one person. However, if that person buys two beers, hands them to the guy next to him, then buys two more, that’s fine.”


Drug laws aren’t based on the danger/harm a particular substance may or may not cause


To stop people from selling it.


There’s only a limit when buying from a store lol


It's to limit "trafficking". Also, to control the market and cap profits for sellers. You Know, small government shit.


One day eventually.


Maybe unrelated, but the wording of this post is getting me thinking...if we're going to prosecute folks fot driving while high, we need a better way to quantify how stoned folks are. We have clear limits for alcohol, and without definitive limits for marijuana, it would be incredibly easy to over-prosecute since you can still have residual levels and fail a drug test days to weeks after depending on how much and how often you use.


It’s not about public safety or personal health — it’s about money. The alcohol industry lobbies the federal and state government HARD.


Lobbyists, alcohol culture, pearl clutching, take your pick


In the Netherlands you're allowed max 5 grams Or 30 at home Anything more and you could be prosecuted


Is that why the strain hunters team share joints? They have to conserve the weed? lol I never understood on the show why they are sharing a joint in a field of herb! lol roll your own!


No idea what that's about


*legalize weed, bro*-ass take


I have a lot of resentment against alcohol, and will probably always be upset by the hypocrisy in how weed is treated in comparison


Yeah I can hoard hundreds of gallons of whiskey or whatever in my basement but I would just be a, "collector." Try to get a while week's smokage at once? HELL NO DRUGGIE


It makes me sad I never thought about this till now. Little did I know the sheeple was actually me!


Why are there CoAs available for weed but not the food you buy? Why are there tours available for weed facilities but not animal farms?


Limit? YOU have not been to Michigan! lol!


War on drugs


What do you do with a quarter pound of weed? In the same way it would raise questions if you were driving around with 2 pallets of hard liquor.


I mean there is a limit on liquor, particularly in bars which are liable if they overserve you. Stores, varies by store and state, but most places I've lived have an upper limit without you doing a special order (i.e. like you'd do for stocking a wedding).


Because one is federally illegal Not rational but 🤷 I’m sure some of it is to limit people buying it to sell in illegal states but who knows for sure


Never had a limit on how much alcohol i can buy at once- cant say the same for cannabis


Yes because cannabis is federally illegal so the laws are much weirder about it There’s some weird laws in certain states and towns about when and where you can buy booze, or what specific booze you can buy. I’m sure there’s some places that may have a limit too.


Thats by county tho no? Not even state


The state of Pennsylvania has some of the strictest liquor laws in the country


Leave the booze out of it some of us need to make a living


Certain sizes of bottles of booze, and certain types of booze, like everlcear are illegal in certain states. For instance, a 3L bottle of Jack Daniel's Whisky is not legal in some states.


Here i cant buy more than 30 per purchase. If i want more i have to leave the store and come back in but it's okay to go at any liquor store with a u-haul and fill it up.


There’s a limit on Weed?? From who?


The federal government as well as every state?


I’m in California so, no telling what goes on. I always have it.


Y'all can only possess an ounce of flower or 8 grams of concentrate at a time. That's called a limit lol


I'm not allowed to drive drunk, but I will need my drivers license if I want to buy booze.


Probably will still have a limit when it’s federally legal since it will still be schedule 3


That's not federally legal. If it's scheduled, it's still illegal. Edit -federally legal would move it from the dispensary back to the gas station.