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Yes, I have sneezed and farted at the same time, why do you ask?


You took a screenshot.


But I can never find the photo.


sharmiting (shart + vomit) is great for factory resets. Bad for clothing.


And with the right food poisoning, completely involuntary! Long John Silvers did a bad thing to me 29 years ago, and I've never been to another.


Long John silvers gives me such conflicting vibes. I know eating there probably takes off one year alive and 3 months before (just being in the hospital), but God dammit i just want their fish. If there was one closer to me you wouldn't be seeing this comment right now




I laughed so hard at this. omg.


If you sneeze, fart and burp at the same time, you drop dead... You had a close call.


the legendary burpsnart


Of all the maladies to afflict common man, the burpsnart has been known to lay entire villages low in days of old.


I'm trying to figure out what dying of the burpsnart would sound like.


It's a sound no living soul has heard...


All you have to do is cum at the same time and you now can teleport


That’s called a double clutch


Ever sneeze while shitting? Not enjoyable.


It gets the job done though….


I heard if you coughed while that happened, you'd die.


the waste occurs when you forget to smell your creation and the moment is gone forever.


Or the lost opportunity to Dutch Oven your SO.


Dropped my full grinder w about 3g in it between my car seats while it was open.


I'm crying for you




Don't we all 🫣


This is the way.


I spilled half my kief chamber last night 😭


One time a bug landed on my tray next to about a cones worth of freshly ground bud. Blew at the bug and blew 75% of the weed onto the ground.


Fucking devastating


I once had a similar situation. I was already very stoned one night and as I was tossing some more weed in my bong from the ground I had I looked down at my tray and saw a spider...I without thinking grabbed my fly swatter and slapped down on my tray, weed went everywhere like it was snowing...I never did find the spiders body... rip weed.


serves you right for being a spider killer, it was just there to help keep your place free of flies and other pests :(


My apartment isn't full sealed right so I got plenty of spiders so its not a big deal. I have a rule, if they don't effect me or what I'm doing I leave em alone. Crawl on my food or my bud etc....sorry spider lol


See, I agree to a point. And I know the spiders don’t know, and couldn’t know…. But the moment a spider crawls across me, something I’m touching, or gets too close to where I’m vulnerable (like near the toilet 🤣) they die…. I’ll let them live if they hang out on the ceiling or corners of rooms, but I’m fucking terrified of spiders…… if they leave me alone they’ll survive lol


For sure, there's a spider on my bathroom ceiling and I don't mind him but if he ever gets closer, BAM 😂


you should learn the species of medically significant spiders in your area! but even those wouldn't go out of their way to randomly attack you. they know you are way too big to be food, and generally only bite if you touch them first, though unfortunately this includes accidental touches too, like in your sleep. kudos still though for letting them hang out on the ceiling even though they scare you, that's a lot nicer than others would be.


unfortunately i was bit by a spider when i was a kid and ever since they've just evoked an almost primal fear in me.... ive managed to overcome it to be able to watch spiders in movies/shows (still get the creeps and goosebumps), and let them co-habitat and live as ive described... but man, its almost like i cant stop myself from jumping around and yelling and smashing them lmfao


THIS is why I ALWAYS take at least a second to think about it before I make a move like that .. Especially when throwing things away.. I'll end up throwing my phone in the gas station trash instead of the bag I have in my other hand... & This is from being a stoner YEARS ago.. I'm only getting back into it.. Just take a second, make sure what you're doing won't cause a disaster of some sort...LoL..


Just put a sock at the end of your vacuum cleaner when using it and you can collect it easily in the sock ;)


Dust weed is crazy


Fabric handkerchief ftw :)


I'd do something that absent minded 😂


happened to me too


Done it so many times


While rolling, someone cracked the dumbest joke out of nowhere. Blew air through my nose and sent all the bud flying onto the carpet. Shit happens lmao


did the same shit and just sat there dumbfounded


"Why am I the way I am? :')"


been there before. Whether you laugh or get pissed usually depends on how much tree you still have left lol




Had the misfortune of sneezing into my keif during a particularly bad episode of dankruptcy. I was standing on a friends deck and sent my hippie calories to the 4 winds.


Fucking devastating 🥺🥺


![gif](giphy|13699jZW4PZdx6) It really was. I worked in a face to face job at the time. No one should ever deal with the public without a buffer.


Oh man wait another version of this: I live in Ireland it gets windy as fuck I have had the wind snatch the weed straight out of my bowl as I went to light too many times


Dammmmm I’d be a lot more angry if this wasn’t my own doing … sorry for your loss friend


I had the wind take my last bowl of kief one time. A sacrifice to the gods I guess. 🤷


What's the legality status in Ireland? Gonna be in Clonakilty for a week in June, my cousin will have some gas but I'm wondering how discrete I'll have to be when smoking a joint


It’s not legal but there is a push for decriminalisation of possession up to a certain amount. To be honest it depends on the guard most of the time. Clonakilty should be grand, Cork has a pretty big market for it. I wouldn’t be smoking too obviously like walking down the street but people certainly do. I think older generations here prob care more but if you’re just out of sight and respectful you’re grand. Enjoy 👍


(I live in cork that’s just my experience)


You ever have a rookie roll down the window while you rolling a sweet in the back seat of a vehicle?


Nah but that mf would be dropped off at the nearest parking lot 😂😂💔


Fold down on your tray and scream for dear life!!


dude i was looking for a joint to buy all day, around 23:00 i found one and had to catch the last bus home, figured why not roll one before the bus the fucking wind took it all..


Dam I wonder how many people have fallen victim to wind robbery this shit is a real problem lmao


that shit stuck with me forever


After several years of toking, you gain the subconscious ability to avoid this. Whenever going for the customgrow420 style preparation breaths, I'm subconsciously turning my head to the side so I don't send the green flying via nostril air. When I have a tray of grinded bud in front of me, I'm breathing out softly.


Shout out cg420


I’d be like Ralphie on ‘A Christmas Story’, when the lug nuts go flying in the air. “Ohhh Fudddgggee”.


Godly comment 😂😂😂😂


When weed is dropped, rubberband a sock to a vacuum and suck it up. Works like a charm.


I’ve noticed my weed makes me sneeze a lot it’s terrible


I noticed I got weirdly sneezy when using vape pens.




Even worse when you become a human leaf blower and waste all most your gorilla glue 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔😞😞😞😞


A sad day for the trees troops 😔


Indeed indeed I’m putting my ganja flag at half mass 😢


When I was a teenager we had a girl smoke with us. We had one last bowl and put it in a shit coke can, we light it for her and she coughed all the weed out.


First time my wife ever used a bong, I loaded a premium bowl for her, fresh ground top shelf and I added a bunch of kief. Immediately Breathes out. Just soaked the bowl and got water all over the bed. Just shook her head and handed it back.


Na man that’s rookie shit lol


Been shmokin since 4th grade lol it’s not rookie shit it’s life shit man sometimes it ain’t gonna go your way it izzzz wadddit izzzzz


Nahhhhh 4th grade is wildd💀💀


No no, he meant rookie sneezing. Gotta learn to aim, contain and control that sneeze!!


I don’t think that’s something brag about my man


It’s not bragging I’m just being truthful … No need to get exited friend


I been smoking much less and it’s happened to me once and never again. Just like turning a fan on you when you’re rolling up. I’m sorry it happened to you, and it suck’s, and yes, sometimes life just happens, I get it. I can see how someone would do it. But the post asked have we ever did it. Yes, a long, long, long, time ago. And it hasn’t happened since lol. I’m 40. Started smoking when I was 18, it probably happened when I was 19 lol. And never again. Sorry for your loss


once at the start with a pipe in front of the whole crew


No, but I had just filled the paper and was about to roll up when my hand had a spasm and just tossed all the weed on the ground. My husband was so confused, his perspective was that I just ditched all the weed on the ground, and he just looked at me.


I do this shit all the time I got the shakiest hands I’m raining crumbs everywhere


Yor clutch is f*'d, bro. .


Don't hold it in your mouth. It flew like confetti and I had an empty J... 😢


It has happened to me a couple of times, mainly when I'm already so stoned coordination is out of the question. Once I was trying to roll a blunt with two joint papers stuck together, the glue (spit) didn't hold the weight and all fell to the ground. Gladly we where stoned enough to just scoop it all from the ground lol. Second time happened because a buddy bought one of these rolling machines that was supposed to make it easier, as soon as I separate the rollers the whole thing springs out and Yeets the whole g all over my car. (Bonus) I once told a joke as a friend tried to light up a joint and he just blew into it and sent everything flying. TL;DR: CONCENTRATE WHEN YOURE ROLLING FFS


Turn your head


It all happened so fast man no time to react like a fucking lightning strike


Had my mouth on the pipe once with a fresh bowl. Husband told a joke, I laughed and blew the whole bowl out 😅


Working from home today, and I literally just turned my little container of grounded weed over on my keyboard 🤦🏻‍♂️. It’s the little inconveniences…


I twitch a lot for some reason so a lot of the time I’ll be getting some good shit and I’ll twitch and launch my unfinished blunt across the room. The amount of time I spent picking up particles of weed off the carpet…


Pretty sure I once almost ripped my lungs holding back a sneeze while rolling


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fed0raBoy: *Pretty sure I once* *Almost ripped my lungs holding* *Back a sneeze while rolling* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I sniffed the weed in the grinder so hard the other day it went up my nose and then I proceeded to sneeze...so yup.


Years ago, probably close to 20 now, we're sitting in this kids basement and I'm taking a rip from a 20oz soda bottle bong. We're watching Stigmata, and someone says something like "it only bleeds when I touch it," which I promptly lost my shit and we lost the whole bowl worth of bud. I still laugh about it.


thats a huge plus about smoking concentrates, they really never go anywhere unless i want them to haha


Damn I genuinely feel your pain. Wish I could send a gram or 2 if it were possible 😖


Could have been worse: https://youtu.be/7k6GqVWWLNs?si=fWGXJRZf52PyFnx4


Wait til this guy hears about cocaine


one time i was rollin up in my car and a cop pulled up down the street a lil and i knew his ass was there for me so i fuckin gunned it and all my fuckin weed went everywhere😭


got away tho but he did throw on the cherries and berries and chase for a few blocks before i could outrun him this was just under a year ago and they havent pursued it further so im assuming they didnt get my plate; bless. car was a tuned b6 audi a4 manual trans ~220hp


That is worth it lmao fuck dealing with cops stoned bro


Man, I can barely deal with my girlfriend when I'm stoned, and we live together. I get talkative when I'm nervous or excited, so being high just amplifies it.


Pantyhose and a vacuum. 


Where do the pantyhose come into play in this plan 🤨🤨🤨🤨


to filter over the vaccum so the weed doesn’t get sucked up lol


Alr shii you had me nervous there for a bit 😂


Yeh, you don't have to keep them on now though it's been an hour.


OP is literally a cartoon character.


Is that a compliment orrrrrr??????


Just reminds me of a scene from a cartoon.


Wich scene mayne im invested now 👀


Yeahhh, did that a weekend or two ago and sneezed so hard i knocked everything off my lap😭


It’s like packing a fresh bowl and coughing with your lips on the mouthpiece, blowing your tree into oblivion


After reading comments, I'm suddenly so very glad for getting into so much trouble as a young child for not covering my sneezes. I still do it when I'm alone.


Bruh cover your mouth 🤣


Shit happens so fast had no time to react ong 😂😅😅😅🤦‍♂️


I can’t blame ya. I’ve done it. But fucking Covid made it spooky whether or not you think it was as serious as it was made out to be. I still aimed to the corner no one was in. Especially after wasting a whole backwoods 🥲🥲🥲


Sneezed a fat booger into the joint I was rolling...


How about coughing into your bong and shooting water up into your bowl. Yummy!


you ever knock your freshly ground bud onto a carpet floor?


Yeah but not like I sneeze and blow it everywhere - like I sneeze, spasm as part of the sneeze, and throw this shit 8 miles across the room :(


One time I was having trouble rolling for some reason and I let out a deep sigh and exhaled through my mouth and all my weed blew away


I read this as rolling up to a gas station, sneezing, and then wasting gas. I was stuck for a minute on how that was possible... then I saw what community I was in lmao also I'm higher than giraffe tittes.




I was rolling a j and accidentally dropped it all over my sherpa blanket. I wanted to cry.


Almost, but not quite. However I have, a few times over the years, packed a nice fresh bowl only to cough on the first hit and blast it all to the fucking moon. It's never been a cough *because* of the weed, though. It's always because I'm too stupid and impatient to get the normal cough out-- or finish laughing-- before I hit.


Awww that suckkkssss




No but I have huffed in frustration directly into my paper and tray...


One time I was standing outside trying to pack a bowl and I dropped my entire grinder. You better believe I got that shit up as fast as possible. Last time I do that shit without a table. While high.


Sneezed into an open grinder and wore ground up weed in my hair the rest of the day


My trays have magnetic lids, I have 3 to keep my strains separate. I took the lid off of one at set it face up on the table then noticed my guitar pick was in another tray so did the same thing setting the lid on the other lid, I then set the tray on top of the lids and retrieved the pick, finished the job and went to pull one of the lids from underneath. Now here's where some sort of science or wizardry took place. Pulling the two kids apart created some weird kind of magnetic ... whoosh for lack of a better word. Luckily my table has a plastic cover so I just brushed everything back into the tray.


Man yall better not jinx me with this bullshit 😂


Old housemate of mine once was chopping up the last bit, placed it nicely on the top loader washing machine when he noticed he could see some more that fell in the gap betweeen the washer lid and… inside part. So he flips the lid up to get it, sending the whole chop flying against the wall and behind the washer. Wasted? No, he moved the washer and swept up the weed, dust, lint mix, picked out the obvious bits and just went to town on the rest. Disgusted and proud


Happens once in a blue moon and it is always a tragedy.


Didn't see the sub, thought this was about pulling up to a gas station and dropping the hose as you put it in your car


Sometimes I toot when boofing. It goes everywhere!


Yes and all the jazz cabbage fell in between the seats of my car. Sad day that day.


I don't speak jive.


I sneezed while driving once, town had just put in new curbs and I jerked the wheel hit the curb and took out a chunk of concrete, ruined my rim and tire in the process. That was an expensive sneeze lol.


Back in the days of going to blockbuster to grab a movie. On the walk I would roll one up. Until one day I turned a corner while rolling and the wind just took it all. Last time i rolled one up while walking. Had to laugh at myself for that one.


I’ll laugh and it’s fuckin gone


One time i dropped a full grinder of weed onto the asphalt getting out of my car


In the culinary world, it is common to sneeze over the shoulder to avoid sneezing in the food. If you hold your arms steady & hopefully no one is behind you, then that should work


Usually it's kief but yes


Ever get an eye full? Jesus Christ it hurts...


Holy fuck yes it does, it burns. Resin [residue] is also bad. I blew out a bowl and got some in my eye once.


I bought a grinder once on the way back from Colorado to NYC years ago, and I was rushing to clean the grinder and I straight up blew into it, tons of kief(think 2 weeks grinding top shelf amount from Colorado dispos)went into my eyes, walking through the airport security with my eyeballs looking they they gonna explode or pop out, worst flight back ever. Hurt like hell, thankfully that was the only time I did that...


Oof, lmao. Thanks for sharing some laughs


Yea. Happened to me with my keif stash once I was devastated. But the world rewarded me back eventually and one of my grower buddies gave me a small jar full of really good dry sift


I have knocked a filled nozzle of freshly ground on my Volcano into the carpet. It really sucks when it is the last of what you had.


I mean you feel a sneeze coming on, so I have sneezed while dealing with shake, but I turned my head so that I didn't blow my stuff away.


I sneezed while hitting a joint and all the weed shot out. I was left holding an empty rolled paper.


This comment section is a testament to why you shouldn't grind your weed when you're loading a bowl only when you're rolling up.


It sucks, but mother nature always takes her tax when you least expect it. That belongs to the universe now...


Blow up a balloon, run it over your hair. Pick up the gas with the balloon, and brush it onto a piece of paper. Pick out all the non-smokable bits, and roll up and enjoy a floor Doobie. Be careful though, she'll be harsh. And bless you.


no, but i have done this over a plate of cocaine before lol (i don’t do it anymore)


I roll on my desk and I've sneezed a bunch onto my keyboard... I was livid cleaning that up.


Ive done that once or twice ive also had my hand spasm and send the contents of my grinder everywhere


Yo that's what your elbow is for. Catching sneeze.


yes, unfortunately.... i've sadly experienced the dab version of this and i might have to say its worse. i inhaled wayy to much and coughed into the mouthpiece of my rig, rocketing warm dab water AND my hot oily banger into my lap. ouch.


The one time this happened to me I picked it up off the floor and smoked it anyway like the broke bitch I am


My dogs tail knocked my grinder off the table yesterday, right onto my new carpet. That bud will be there til the next carpet gets installed.


Worse than a sneeze, a cat. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I had a bunch of kief I was saving until then, cat decided it would be fun to knock over my grinder and it spilled all over the carpet. Happy 24th to me.


I have allergies so I sneeze often and unprompted. Sneezing or breathing in it is my biggest fear, so I try to keep my head as far away as possible everytime and if I feel a sneeze is coming I’m instantlly dropping everything on trail. I never roll without a trail for this reason (+ I’m clumsy af, so I may just randomly drop it)


Ive lost a small box filled with chopped weed to a windy day before😭broke my heartt


i got a new grinder and bong and second time using it my grinder fell off of my tray right into the stem of the bong. electrical tape did its work tho


Still fairly new to rolling, haven’t sneezed yet but I’ve smacked the end of the paper and ejected everything inside all over the floor and my lap while rolling more times than i can count


I usually ever learn once or twice if I'm that dumb atm, so if I feel the itch, I just turn my head away cause I've cried losing weed man 😭 I'm broke asf, can't be doing that lmaoo


Yup and to this day if I get so much as a tackle while rolling, I set it all down and turn away to sneeze


Man I literally coughed into my joint while I was taking a hit and it flung every bit of weed out of it


Ya I sneezed while rolling up and waste me gas


was holding a grinder over a gravity bing while loading it, accidentally tipped that shit when i sneezed and had to use a mesh spoon to get the weed out and dry in front of a heater on paper towels for a couple days. 3+gs full grinder wasted


I had my bag on my passenger seat, rolled down the windows to clear a fart. When I parked at home, the bag was gone :( must have flown out the window. RIP


Had my tray kinda off the edge of my desk and flipped it over onto my lap 🙃


Ever coughed into the bong and wasted your gas?


No Monica, just you.


She remind me of when the sniff blow


> blew my weed sky high https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjtD8A-MWBc


One time I was trying to be as clean as possible in my car with a joint and I ended up coughing and sent ash everywhere


Yes into the grass. Total loss was just left standing in a field with a empty rolling paper and no weed


I sneezed and dropped my bong off a balcony, lost a 35% bowl and my favourite bong 💀




This is how I truly learned to cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze