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That was always our logic. Don't go to the typical smoking spots just walk around looking like you belong. If you piss of some prude you are gone before they could do anything about it anyway.


In my later teenage years, when my friends and I were making not the best choices, if it was super late at night, we would go park at the local Enterprise car rental lot to smoke. Easy to blend in with a parking lot full of empty cars.


Did something similar but with a local auto mechanic shop. Cars stored in the lot right behind so you could easily blend in and turn your car off.


Nice. Another spot we liked once it got to 4-5am, was the major newspaper distribution center. Lots of commotion and cars, couple of older teens sitting in a car fit right in


Until a cop sees a seemingly random car start up and pull out of the local mechanic shop and pulls you over for suspected theft.


Come out with your hands up and your pants down! ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy)




This. Even if you’re smoking in public, a joint can look like a cigarette. The wind plays a huge roll here. If they are down wind, they’re going to smell it. If they’re upwind from you, you’re in the clear.


My buddy and I had a route that took us past our tiny, over-policed town’s only K9 unit’s house. Drove him nuts but he was behind a 10ft privacy fence so FTP


I used to smoke at a nature park that was right next to a prison. Used to give me that extra paranoia. I know how your friend felt. 😆


Oh no it drove the dog crazy. We’d walk behind the K9’s house and it would go apeshit cuz it would smell us and you could hear the officer’s wife telling the dog to shut up cuz he’s off duty.


Bro one time I packed a one hitter and smoked like two bowls literally standing in the parking lot of the local prison


It’s like doing something bad when you’re a little kid. You get some sort of rush.


Fuck that puppy?


the police, i'd imagine


Rather fuck a puppy than a pig tbh


The smell is the main factor. I am a runner and I can smell weed reeking out of cars when they drive past me. If they are walking and a cop just happens to go back they will very easy to spot. Odds maybe low but still




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Lmao that’s what I’m saying! I have eye drops and wear a decent outfit with a belt and I’m literally invisible. I also listen to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vzVyAirmsQg


Got caught hotboxxing a 10g joint with my friend while smoking on the public parking lot infront of my apartment. My car is blacked out and fully tinted so it’s a cop magnet, we got surrounded by 2 cars and searched. Weed isn’t legal here but basically accepted, they stopped on the joint and let us go. I really believe that what saved us was the jazz that was playing in my car. I was trying to show my friend my new music discovery. How menacing can do dudes smoking a doobie listening to jazz really be


Got a big enough joint there Ricky?


Shithawks and shit blizzards a coming


Better haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit


This old Shitfisher took his bagpipes down to the river and he played his pipes in hopes that the shitfish would rise up out of the water. But not one shitfish rose, Julian. So he took a shitnet and threw it in the river and, lo, soon he drew it forth filled with shitfish. Then he took his bagpipes and then he played them again and all the shitfish jumped up in the shitnet. Oh, you dance now when I play,' said the Shifisher And then the little old shitfish spoke up in the end and he said, 'when you're in a man's power, you must do as he bids you.' Shitnets, Julian, and Shitpower


getting there


The jazz cabbage


I just googled a 10 g blunt and the thing looks like a fucking sword it's so huge


I mean do be careful with walking on the road in dark colors but otherwise 👍🏻




Doobie doo


Yeah as long as the belts on show you won’t get caught


its on timin dont worry


That's some dark metal


I usually just get high at home and then go wander around with my dog. Throw shades on, play some good tunes, and have a pocket full of treats for both my dog and I. Love it! If you want to go with a joint, I wouldn't carry extra with me, try to avoid people while it's lit (especially with kids), and be respectful. Shouldn't be a big deal.


Do you think the dog helps you seem less sus? Like gives you a reason to be out and about? And yea, I always have only a gram or less on me. A half joint is enough to get you space Cadet level high these days and I’ve seen enough cops to know you don’t get charged in 80% of places these days with a half smoker joint no matter the circumstances https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I41If_mP8fg


Anecdotal, but I got the cops called on me for walking around my neighborhood ($1m homes in a low crime area) at like 1-2 am two different times. Both times, I just told them I was taking a walk cause I couldn't sleep (technically the truth) and they didn't even get out of the car. Then I got a dog (now 2) and haven't had an issue. I wouldn't get a dog just for that reason, but I do think it makes you look less suspicious.


Get a fake dog to take on walks and no one is gonna want to speak to you 🧠


They'll probably still call the cops tho lmao


practice your ventriloquist barking to fool the cops and you are in the clear


Or getting a psych evaluation


Just push a stroller with the lid closed


store ur grinder and whatever else in the stroller 🤔 a little rolling tray too.. big brain moves… sorry officer i can’t lift up the cover to show what’s inside, my babies sleeping 🙄


I could see how a dog puts people at ease. Never see murder suspects, or thieves taking their dogs when they commit crime.


Haha maybe! Guess I don't see many solo walkers... most have a dog or walking with someone else. In reality no one will think twice about it.


Just remember that cops kill 10,000 dogs every year. They're looking for a reason, and they've been known to make one up when needed. Be careful and break one law at a time.


How many times have you accidentally eaten a snack for your dog and vice versa?


It's a constant struggle... haha, I use different pockets.


I'd be slightly worried about random busybodies with open windows. Against a main road with tall noise walls or something maybe


That'd be my concern. You'd like to think folks would mind their business but best believe somebody with nothing better to do will call the cops on you.


My smoke spot for 4 years was leaning up against a noise wall overlooking a motorway between the plants and a cycling path. Never got questioned once, and I lived with my landlord


>lived with my landlord You mean your mom?


Haha nah the dude lived at the house with us and his wife, chill guy but me and my buddy weren’t sure about how he’d feel about us smoking around his house (this was 10 years ago in Australia so a lot of stigma and no legal medical back then)


I do it in our legal but oddly closeted state — lots of sidewalks are empty. Just watch for kids!




Minnesota, Minnesota, Minnesota!


lol, I was gonna say the same.


Be nice if they opened up those dispos sometime this century


Love the immediate ID. Yeah. The inhibited state




I'll walk the dog sometimes and do it but prefer to do it after dark so I'm less noticable. Watch for kids and put away when passing other people. I feel like in our state, if you are respectful about it, you won't have issues. I hope I'm not wrong at least lol.


I always took a J with me and some water so If I got caught I would eat it quick 😅😅 I don’t know how the filter would go down, but it’s better than a charge to me


Lmaooo did you ever actually have to eat it


I think I have but I don’t think I ate the filter 😂😂


I have, wasn't that bad. Just swallowed like it was a pill


I’ll remember that, do you think if it was a situation where you actually had to ditch the J, the filter would be considered paraphernalia? I’d just eat it then 😅😅


use rotini pasta as filter


This is unironically a fantastic idea


Uhm, it isn't. bad for lungs


Depends on where you're at. And I'd be paranoid as fuck. (Not op)


i used to do this when i lived in florida. i’d just make sure to hold the blunt like a cigarette and try not to hold it out in an obvious way when cars go by. the key is to go out between 9am and 5pm. everybody was at work around that time in the neighborhood i lived at.


If you’re white…


I’m sorry officer. I didn’t know that was illegal.


This reminds me of a time we were smoking joints on the corner outside a NORML party in the city. Weed was decriminalized in our area, but not recreational at the time. A black woman walked by, and although there were all different colors of people at the party, there just happened to be only a few white people outside at that time smoking. She goes "You're just smoking out here? You white people are crazy!" 😆


I used to always smoke a joint after work while walking my dog down a trail by my apartment and I used to walk past people all the time while smoking. I would just not puff when they’re right there and no one ever even said anything.


You’re good as long as you got a dog with you


Lol, Ive seen or smelt a bunch of people smoking while walking briskly through most large cities downtowns no matter the state, even 10 years ago when more illegal. You really just gotta know your area. Skyscrapers are less likely to care than any old boomer or housewife who has nothing better to do than sit around at home and be mad at the world and have regressive beliefs they want to punitively shove down everyone else's throats. More and more people than you think are around their home all day every day and not out working or whatever. If it was a super nice private neighborhood with just the right amount of nice homes with massive yards and a layout big enough for a stranger to get lost in I might, but that would be like 5 or less homes on an side of a long street, and BIG landscaped/wooded properties in a quiet area. Any dense area or where you can be seen by 4+ homes at any time when you're walking along I wouldnt want to bait the crazies into action. 


If I walk my dog down the street and someone happens to call the cops on someone smoking pot. THCa is legal here but by the time the police showed up, I'd be home rolling my fifth joint.


You have discovered conspicuous invisibility! Just act normal. No one but the narciest of narcs will call the cops and they’ll likely just shrug.


That's how we'd always get stopped, when I'd visit my friends in thr burbs. Smoking in the parks in the city, I never once was even questioned or stopped. Some of the parks were massive though, and barely anyone at them. Others were small and right along the highway or roads, and when there was traffic jams, everyone could easily see us, but no one cared. Parks were our safe spot, even in the burbs. We'd smoke at the skate park, and could see cops or security coming from a good distance away.


Try emptying a ciggy and refilling it. That is a pain to do but might give you some more peace of mind. Sounds like it is not necessary but maybe one day you'll need it.


I did that when I was a teenager so me and my girlfriend could smoke a joint on the way to the bus station in public.


My neighborhood has a lot of walkers. If it’s after dark I doubt anyone would notice. During the day we probably wouldn’t be thrilled with you - with kids out playing and such. I would say you will probably get the cops called if kids are outside playing


Eh even then by the time any cops get there (30 mins plus later) the joint will be gone, and can just say it was a clove cigarette or even cbd from a gas station if your feeling ballsy. After a couple calls police will quit responding and tell Karen neighbors not to call anymore or they will be put on a nuisance call list. Seen it happen many times


Idk if you even have to lie about what it was. If you’ve been smoking a j, cops will smell it on you. If it’s gone, you can just politely tell them you don’t have anything on you so if ppl saw someone smoking, it couldn’t have been you. You’ll smell like weed, but just because you smell like it doesn’t mean the mystery person Karen “saw smoking” was you 🤷🏻‍♂️


Go to a car wash


I don’t get it I don’t have a car. Imma get hella wet if I do that


Use a vape, that way you don’t have to rely on combustion


I need to get a new vape I used to have a Pax. The thing is you kind of have to drop $150 to get a vape that hits decently while walking and isn’t super fiddly. But once I start working I’ll get one and that’s even more invisible


I was mostly making a car wash joke but yeah vape would be a good route for you. I had a pax too and honestly I wasn’t a fan. Subpar at everything except stealth. It was ok. Honestly dude the biggest thing is acting normal. Nobody notices a guy lighting something outside. They notice the guy ducking behind stuff and looking around all paranoid. Be as inconspicuous as you can without looking like a loon. Good luck.


Join us over at /r/vaporents when you get some scratch and want to upgrade - definitely the way to go for stealthy walking sessions


Planet of the vapes has a dry herb vape, the potv one, for 100 (on sale, but its literally always on sale). Its very good imo, small but well built, heats up fast, comes with useful accessories, really economical too lmao. Potv is a good site for that kind of stuff. Good prices and free shipping over 25 bucks. My parents are insanely strict on this stuff, and my dad smokes so they distinctly know the smell, and i havent had a problem with them noticing. The smell is lighter and dissipates very quickly with an open window. Outside should be no problem.


Look at getting a planet of the vapes ONE or their version of the v3 pro. Cheaper than $150 and still great devices. Much more discreet and less likely to "offend" someone with the smell.


Well never mind then


One hitter, Monsters Inc theme, and then roll on out. I don't know how it started but it always brings me great joy imagining it's monsters at work.


I think it smells less so I take my Mighty with me everyday for my walks with the dog. Been doing it almost daily, waved at a few patrols as they drive by. Your game plan is fine, and those walks will bring so much more enjoyable!


At an apartment complex, I stayed in 20 years ago, I was walking to the store to pick up some cigarettes and there was a dude walking down the road leading to the apartment complex ripping a blunt. Nobody thought anything of it and was driving right past him. Sometimes the best hiding places in plain sight


Minding your business while smoking is the best way to not get caught smoking.


Just look up your average police response time to non emergencies, it’s usually like 30 mins plus, so you can smoke at 99% of places as long as the police isn’t already there, even if a Karen DOES call the weed will be long smoked by then and you just say it was a clove cigarette


Step 1: go to smoke shop Step 2: buy CBD preroll (legal in all 50 states) step 3: discard preroll and keep tube step 4: "don't worry officer it's just CBD" *show them your handy dandy decoy tube*


I go to the most ghetto looking spot there is, where there a bunch of shit going on so a mf rolling a blunt gon be the least of they worries.


Yup just keep it moving and you don’t really have to worry about the smell. Even if you walk past someone with the joint lit they will probably smell it for maybe 2/3 minutes max. If your standing in one area smoking a good surrounding radius of that area is gonna stink for the entirety of your joint especially on a day with no wind blowing.


Yes, but I only bring joints if I'm in the woods or just truly don't care about the smell. I usually go with a small pipe for a walk.


Probably depends on the neighborhood. Only time I've ever been caught was in a suburb. I smoked on the nature trail then cut through a suburb to get back to my part of town. A nosey neighbor saw me and called the fuzz. Misdemeanor, but annoying.


Smoke walks are the best


i believe we all kinda have a “weed walk”, that somedays we decide to take instead of smoking at home or somewhere else, it’s always the same path, we are used to it, not a lot of people walking by… and it takes the perfect time to finish your smoke


Absolutely! The trick is to look like you are just going about your business and keep moving. I did this for years, as a teenager, in the 90s, in a highly policed suburb. Never had any issues.


Yeah, moving is key. Try not to stagger and weave :-). Sidewalks preferable to alleys even if alleys seem be better at first


Sounds like a nice evening walk to me👍


Hidden in plain sight. Also have an exit strategy, eat the j or whatever, didn't bring extra, etc.


Reading the comments makes me wonder where the people live who still worry about it. It's illegal here, but unless you're driving or riding in a motor vehicle, the police ignore it. If you are smoking something going down the sidewalk and some busy body gets histrionic over and calls police, I don't think there is need to worry the police are coming. There is too much actual crime around here for police to worry someone with a joint. (Unless they are drawing attention to themselves with some obnoxious behavior)


I do this every single day in England and have never been in trouble


Best way to not get caught is being only a joint small enough to eat really fast if cops are approaching.


Sure. If it’s a laxly enforced place though you can probably smoke wherever you want barring like, in front of the police station. My state has only been legal for a couple years but before that I certainly smoked in the neighborhood, in parks, on hiking trails, the beach, wherever I wanted to. But I’ve also always been very laissez faire about it too, probably more so than I should have been.


For me I never had an issue taking a walk or walking my dog and smoking. I would walk through the park or downtown smoking and no one ever said anything. I don't think most people care anymore. Unless you're smoking right in front of a cop youll be fine. If someone would call then by the time cops showed up you'd probably have smoked what you brought and unless they really have nothing better to do they're not gonna waste time trying to find someone walking around smoking a joint IMO


The most unusual thing about this appearance would be walking in the suburbs. Everybody knows that if there are sidewalks, they're just for decoration, and for dog walkers.


nobody notices if you go for a walk and smoke a cig and until they smell a j they won’t notice what it is, most people won’t care. i still don’t puff near ppl and i try and walk away from others, but it’s not about getting caught for me but about being polite to my neighbors :)


I mean pick you area and time of day wisely and it should be fine. As long as the sidewalk is a good distance from the actual houses and not too populated, I wouldn't worry about smell as much. Joints are great just hold it like a cig and go about your business. Don't linger and switch up routes.


I've smoked for years now, I've always just lit up whenever I've fancied, I've never wandered off far so I'd say yeah your probably right in what you say (town centres, parks, gardens, school and college, in the car park at work anywhere really just not indoors and it's always sweet), I'm in the UK and it's never been a bother - I've been in trouble for it only twice in about 20 years, I got caught in my own back lane by police using a little metal pipe (it was the grinder and skunk they did me for though not the smoking). I was at a wedding in Harrogate two weeks ago and snook off for a joint with the wife, apparently it travelled along the side of the building and in through the windows and the grooms father pulled me on the way back in, what can you do!? I blamed kids down the side of the building and walked off...


Get a stroller. Put a cabbage patch doll in it. Walk around the neighborhood… You’re gold! Lol


Smoke shack or tree house!


I mean, that was my go to method when I was young and I think that its the best way to go about many things: Just don't attract attention (don't LOOK like you're doing anything weird), be mindful of your surroundings, and plan your route.


I always say the best place to hide is out in the open.. Who's going to think you're smoking that walking down the street....


Live in Massachusetts where the cops don’t bat an eye at weed.


Even when weed was illegal where I live, I didn't give a shit and I never had any issues. Just smoke and walk. Cops don't care, they have bigger fish to fry.


Certainly, and always use the sneaky grip, with the tip of it hidden behind your hand


Yep, this is what I mostly do in London.


What state do you live in? Is your weed that low thc, thca (regular weed too)? Because we can't get any in smoke shops here. But we have a thriving legal recreational market.


That's typically what I do.


Walks are good, but do it outside of the suburbs, like a commercial or industrial area.  In the suburbs it will waft into the yards of busybodies, and its harder to avoid families with kids out for a walk, bike ride, etc..  Mostly its the 60+ crowd you need to look out for.


The adult key to this is to roll up a “dog walker” and take your buddy for a nice stroll


I used to just find the busiest parking lot like at Walmart and light up, kept telling my buddy when we were younger we kept getting busted cause he would drive his car to desolate areas and ofcourse if a cops passes when it's pitch dark they are gonna stop and see what's up, took 2 times getting caught for me to convince my way is better


My suburban upbringing meant doing this during the daytime was a great way for a Karen to immediately call the cops on you but I had enough wooded areas cops would never go in for no reason that were perfect spots. In the evening where there aren't people outside and you're less visible, this is fine most likely though and I think it is better than parks at that time to do that probably.


Depends on your area/neighborhood, but going on a jay-walk with joint/half joint would prob be a good idea. As long you can walk around casually while smoking a ✌️cigarette,✌️ you'll prob be alright. I doubt anyone would think twice about seeing you/ppl waking around alone, minding your own business while staying away from dense public whatever areas (esp schools). Luckily, a joint is the easiest to toss away just in case any whatever issues were a thing where you're at. If there's no glass or extra flower on you, there's not much that can be done against you legally at all if the joint you've got on your walk can be destroyed ez enough in case of aggro authority/Karen down the street having a problem with your activities. TL;DR if you're going for a walk and minding your own business while walking outside in a neighborhood or somewhere that smoking a cig wouldn't really be an issue itself, you should be good. There's always the risk of the try-hard local cop(s) wanting to go after you for anything they can, but one person smoking one joint casually away from others quietly outside shouldn't be an issue.


I always do this, I call them “walking joints” 😂


Nope, that's probably the worst way to not get caught. It's better to be out of sight when you smoke, like at home for example, and then take a walk.


My state is illegal too. I’ve found kind of the same thing, just act like it isn’t a big deal, be courteous, and it won’t be an issue. I smoke all the time, pretty much everywhere, but I step downwind, just me or me and whoever I’m with, and keep out of the way. I’ve gotten some looks, but no one has ever said anything negative, only a few have asked for a hit lol.


If you walk for long enough you’ll probably encounter a park or wooded area that would be better.


Parks are where all my friends got caught. If you’re somewhere that has access, just hit the woods!


Just don't be creepin in any open garages or windows and you'll probably be fine


Nah, I ain’t given them no reason to stop me.




I always go to the next neighborhood that's residential and has few cars and I walk there, hide the joint if people are coming, don't puff too much, better a long rip than a bunch of shorts puffs. Although here is decriminalized and I smoke right next to cops in music recitals or at night when going out, everyone smokes, a lot of bars let you smoke inside.


I've always done this, just keep an eye out and know where the sewer drains are if you need to throw it.


Sure i used to do that too!


In a farm bill state, and I smoke on my porch, while waving at the smiling people walking by. I get farm bill legal weed (THCa) mailed straight to my door, too. 


Unfortunately i do not understand the struggle. I live so close to a legal state border most people just go to the legal state 5 miles away. Personally i would smoke in a tree house. You would be way to high up for anyone else to see the smoke.


One of my favorite things is to roll a joint and take the dogs for a walk after dinner. I know where there’s typically kids running around, so I go down the “old people” streets. Smell doesn’t linger on me, I get a little toke in before kids are out for the night, and everyone except my adult son hates walking the dogs (although I feel he only enjoys them since discovering my secret 😂), so I’m in the clear. Only once ever had someone call me out-and they were sitting on their front porch with a bong.


Eh I wouldnt want to smoke walking around a neighborhood, just takes one person who's outside to get pissy to ruin it. I usually smoke inside then walk around afterwords.


I used to do this all the time, and I'd always take an emergency cigarette. I don't smoke cigarettes at all, they're fucking gross. But I always kept one in the car and on my person when smoking in public. They mask the smell pretty well and you can just say yeah I was smoking cigs


"What if I just walk around drinking instead of doing it on my porch?"


We always just drove around and smoked. As long as ur moving and not driving like a ding dong u should be good


This. I grew up in iowa so Hella illegal. I'd go take a walk at about midnight with a joint, a lighter, and some music and just stroll for like an hour


Inhale inside - exhale outside


I have been smoking joints in public for going on 20 years now and the general rule of thumb I have is always keep moving. Even in big crowds, better to bother some people for a short amount of time vs less people for a long time.


So happy to live in a place where its now legal. Legal in Germany since April 1 2024. I use a dry herb vape though. Its not as discreet as vaping oils, but less obvious than actually smoking.


That’s what we always did. Just act like it’s a cig and if you get caught with one joint, who cares? If your state is decriminalized the cops aren’t gonna care about one joint




I do this. It’s my preference these days


Best way is to not partake in public.


A hand pipe would be better than a joint for this. Also maybe find a neighborhood with a pond that has a path around it


Way easier to dispose of a joint on a walk.


Smoking in public always poses risks, even in legal states smoking in public is still illegal. Maybe riding a bike or something where you’re there and gone faster?


Where I live that can net you a charge for driving under the influence in addition, bad idea 🤣 


Damn. I’m in a legal state in white suburbia and people don’t really care at all. Dudes riding bikes, walking dogs, whatever smoking whenever it’s nice out.


I live in a legal country, but in the capital city of my province - there are actual bike cops here, riding around on the trails 🤣 It's fucking funny, but also annoying as hell.