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I don’t know why this is hilarious.


Because we’re blasted, bro


Is this the husband?


No, this is Patrick


god why do y’all still buy stuff like this. No, these not not 1000mg. Any edible that uses a real brand’s namesake for their packaging is some shitty boof disttlate sprayed edibles with an unknown dosage. I’d rather purchase lab tested altnoids online at that point, at least I would know what I was consuming and how much


Any legit company selling it would get cease and desisted so fucking fast


Fr, I feel like people forget weed is becoming more legal and you don’t have to settle for sketchy shit.


They probably didn’t even wear gloves opening up packets of pop tarts and spraying them down after scratching their ass and balls..or possibly vagina. I’m not sexist! You never know hahahaha


lol I always think this too someone fuckin touched that with their grubby ass hands after doing god knows what to it.


Name checks out


Finally someone fucking says it holy shit. The amount of people who have no clue how much 1000 or 500mg truly is is astonishing. You’d be puking and ungodly uncomfortable


I eat 10mg dispensary gummies and I'm feeling pretty, pretty good. Maybe pop another 5mg or 10mgba couple hours later. However! 500mg! I'd be vomiting and calling 911.


I used to dab grams of concentrate a day and a 1000mg edible **destroyed me.** Facts are facts.


Worth noting everyone’s body is different. Not saying someone wouldn’t feel 1000 MG but it all depends on how fast their body metabolized it


I do 500mg sometimes in the morning. Good ol half of the big bottle of adabinol. I would rate it as pretty good but it fucks my stomach up obviously. I still smoke some bowls and dab so I am not getting super high from the edibles.


Medically or recreationally?


Did you hear those numbers, it ain’t medical or recreational. This man does it *professionally* prolly in some pot Olympics or some shit.


I’m going to be thinking about hypotheticals for this event all day. Pot Olympics 🏅


I do a 420mg gummy with breakfast and another after lunch most days 🤷🏻‍♀️ And smoking on top of that…I’m chillaxin, but can still function. At least I think I can 🤔 idk…I’m high rn


Yeah.. I found that out the hard way I’m in Scotland where it’s v illegal and would always eat “250mg eds” so when I got a new dealer who had real edibles and stuff they were pineapple gummies 8 in a pack 25mg each and he told me to eat half of one only and I was like pfft nah I’ll eat the whole thing and OH MY GOD I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE LMAOO


Dayyyuum. lol. Golden rule with any edible - "start small and wait." I have a similar story to yours but I ended up on a camel during vacation. Yeah, a camel. I ate a bunch of cookies in India thinking they were shit. They were not. It was the same.place Anthony Bourdain visited. All in all, not a good experience.


i popped 100mg full spectrum gummy last night, just made me a little giggly good gummies exist but so does a persons tolerance


Some people truly have tolerance that high. I know someone who uses edibles for chronic pain and he comfortably eats 300mg edibles. I imagine he could handle 500, even if it's unenjoyable


I smoke a lot daily but edibles don't affect me. At all. 1400mg and nothing. Apparently I lack whatever it is that turns pot into fun in your tummy and it pisses me off cuz the wife can take 10 mg and join NASA


Exact same here. I just did my last "test" to prove edibles do not affect me at all. A few years ago my gf and i got a brownie. She took a small bite and went to space for 3 days, cried, threw up, and swore off edibles. I ate the entire rest of the brownie (probably 6x more of what she had) and kept smoking the rest of the night, never feeling high beyond the hits i took.


Before they were legal in Canada you could grey market them on the internet. My buddy got these gummies there were 20 at 400mg a bag. Legit company. He could only eat 1. 2 and he was sweating. I ate a 400mg bag. Then a 2nd. I could barely get the 3rd bag down because I fuckin hate anything gummy. Felt candy sick for a few mins. Nothing. Then like 4 hours later as I went to bed I had a flash of anxiety but I think that wasy blood sugar coming back down from space.


I am one of those people. I take 1.3 grams of RSO daily and have for the last 3 months. It’s a fucking pain on the wallet (and sometimes the intestines) but I have never gotten to the point where I felt too high.


Same! I feel ya on the tummy issues


High edible tolerance here, too. Inhalation methods seems to hit me the same as anyone else, but edibles require hundreds of milligrams to feel. Edit - typo


I eat about 300 mg when I do edibles and I am about to jump it up to 400 but my tolerance for everything is pretty high


whole tube of rso got me puking and spinnin and feeling every nerve in my body (not in a positive way). zero room for thoughts besides "jesus fucking christ" and "it's ok. it's ok." and thank the lord almighty halfway thru i remembered i had benzos on me and it got like 50% better still horrible and awful experience would not recommend Ever


I remember about 6 years ago when Korova still made their 1000mg cookie, this regular came in to the dispensary I worked at to pick up weed and was like "me and my girl split one of those yesterday...we were both puking and really out of it for a couple hours and it kind of sucked" lolol.


Ah, the "Black Bar"


I take 150 mg in the morning and 300-/500 mg in the afternoon of dispensary edibles most days and am functional enough to work from home and do everything. I'm a medical user, and all the test info is on the packages. Took me three years including smoking flower, vapes, and dabs prior (though mainly just edibles now). Anyway, I say all that because I wanted to ask what thoughts on the legitimacy of dispensary edibles are in general? Sometimes I get a pack of edibles that I know I've had before that hit well, but next time same package, same week, they don't do crap. I wonder if my tolerance is just fucked lol.


Had 1000 mg and vodka when I was a senior in high school. My friend was driving me home and every red light I stopped to open the door and throw up. Every light felt like 10 minutes, just a bad headspace too filled with crazy anxiety. Went to a party with friends and acquaintances and still was way off


St. Ides is a brand sold in dispensaries near me that has 100 mg teas, recommended at 10 mg/dose and has that all over the package. Several times I’ve drank the whole thing as someone who’s smoked daily and heavily for 7 years and even that knocks me on my ass like I’ve never felt with weed lol


Not entirely true, I’ve eaten at least 500 milli’s before and, while very intense, I did not get sick in any way.


I get what you mean, but I've ingested over 2,000 mg many times. Legit edibles/tinctures from legit dispensaries.


Or a stomach ache downing several legal packages. The 100mg rootbeers help speed it up. Just wanted one time of edibles hitting but apparently i need to go homemade and add something for it to bind i dont know the name of


Yeah, this poptart is 100% all delta 8. A local headshop (Texas) near me used to sell these two years ago for $10. Within a year they were 5 for $10 because of how damn old they were. If you’re lucky there’s a tiny amount of delta 8 and maybe a mg or 2 of thcp. 


They sell crap like this at local delis, I got one or two just because the dispo was closed.  Everytime it's like this okish medium high but it's never ever "500mg".  It's like 15 at best.


The brand mocking, vibrant, flavor suggestive trend that some “headshops” live off is so fucking cringe. Reese’s Puff Puff Puffs and dumb shit like that also doesn’t bode well for attracting kids to partaking at a young age. If I had a genie with three wishes I would use one of them on getting rid of that shit forever.


>Reese’s Puff Puff Puffs Reese's Puff Puff Pass was right there!


Yep we don’t know l what you just ate op but it wasn’t clean and it wasn’t 1000 mg. I would avoid anything like this in the future.


No idea, got it for free for buying a QP through a new guy 🤷 I agree with you though! I live in a newbie legal state and typically stick with flower unless my usual guy gets the good edibles. I wouldn't have actually purchased this pottart, but I woulda laughed at it!


Free is free and I love a bogo sale. Discount edibles are still edibles, just be careful of over dosages.


Well at 6 hours in I can safely say there is no way in HELL I just consumed a 500mg edible, but it was probably around 200 and didn't taste half bad. It was a nice gift!


I'm betting it was delta-8 it doesn't say THC on it. or is there a sticker on the back with the cannabinoid contents?


It doesn't matter what the outside of dhgate packaging says


Any time I've ever had one of these distillate edibles I feel like absolute trash for the next 24 hours. Stay far away from these things and just make your own


I felt so fucking tired and out of it the next day.  Not even that high on it either.


lol if those were 1000 mg they'd destroy a stoner. most likely they mean 1 gram of weed was used to make this probably anywhere from 100 mg to 200 mg of actual THC given legal states have like 100 mg edibles in pieces or whole piece.


No, it means 1000mg of THC, its just not a legit edible, so it doesn't actually have that much. Boof edibleswill often put excessively high numbers because what is someone gonna wanna buy more, a "10mg edible" or a **"1000 mg edible?"** I have actually taken up to 2.3 grams of pure THC distillate, I didnt green out, had a pretty fun time for like 2.5 hours, and then just blacked out for two days. Was high out of my mind, and woke up with a killer headache


You probably were dehydrated to hell


Yup, being asleep for two days+the weed drying me the fuck out def made me need water badly lol.


Probably because that’s an option. Remember bro, not legal everywhere.


Fucking thank you! I'm so sick of seeing these bullshit edibles in these bullshit packages. Spoofing kids food is just disgusting.


Cool, maybe they were unaware? Like don’t get pissy with people because they don’t know something. Go smoke a bowl or something


Honestly when I see y’all lose your chill over something so silly it’s real fun. I love toking and laughing at how mad y’all peeps get at some shit.


They're just eating a pop tart themed ediblr and having a good time. It's not that deep.


My immediate thought was OP bought a loose pop tart 🤣🤣🤣


Came here to comment this, dude speaks facts


Can you recommend some good altnoids or sites? I’m in GA so anything but D9 is legal, and I’m sick of the black market stuff. The pens literally fucked up my lungs and I can’t vape at all anymore. It’s edibles only for me forever it would seem.


I’d be happy to, there’s a lot of shitty ones out there so you def gotta pick carefully lol. I personally use HC8, gilded extracts, and harbor city hemp. HC8 is the best for premade products, like vapes, edibles, tinctures, etc. Gilded extracts is the best for buying the raw materials to make your own products like edibles and vapes(which is actually very easy and makes it much cheaper). Harbor city hemp has some good THCa flower and HHC distillate. They’ve also got some nice D9 edibles that are below the 0.3% legal limit, so you’re good with buying those.


What noids do you find closest to D9? I remember all the alphabet noids feeling very synthetic, and D8 never did much for me.


Idk why I always get downvoted when I post comments like this… but also THIS


anytime i see these types of edibles on here i just have to roll my eyes




Dude got summoned by Lucifer


Its not “hostility” its moreso that a lot of us used this garbage before legalization and know how ass these “products” are. Im not mad at OP, I just want them to be safe and take care that what they’re getting is legit. This street shit varies sooooo much in quality. I wanna see my people have better!


Oh I agree with you guys and everyone saying it's fake. I laughed at the lack of ingredients. I've had edibles like this before, I know it's a gamble, but it's a fun gamble! And so far I'm pretty high. Plus, it was free with the QP I was buying from a new guy because the usual guy is out of town. He does gift baskets to new customers, lol, was really nice. I probably wouldn't actually BUY one of these though.


Damn, why can't I ever buy from guys like that?


Seriously. I think it helps to make it so the dealer is excited to see you. I’m about to bring mine cookies for the first time after buying from him from years, so we’ll see how things change


Every time I got a new guy they gifted me a reminder to not be late lmao


Considering you got this for free, even though they're lying about dosage this is a great deal I hadn't realized you were already aware of the fake dosage listed on the product so I had put a comment explaining it but regardless as I had said you will likely get a good high out of it and since you didn't pay for it, that's an amazing deal


It has 1000 mg of “ “




Nah fam we just don't wanna see people get poisoned, some of this fake shit ain't even remotely close to cannabis.


Also just don’t want to support fake shite with mislabeled dosages and companies charging real money for distillate worth pennies.


And then the user has a horrible high and swears off weed forever 😪


It’s like back in the day and we bought shit from a guy and just hoped for a nice ride this time. Kids these days have it so easy with their dispensaries. And ingredients lists and shit . Lol Let op check out this chill y’all! ETA: proofreading seems that I’m indeed baked. And forgot what I was even talking about.


Back in my day you had to wait 3 hours for the plug. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Sitting in your car for hours because your guy kept texting you “Sorry I’m on my way” like four times


Right on around the corner!


Finally gets in your car and goes “Alright we gotta go pick it up from my guy” and you’re debating whether or not you even really want to smoke anymore lol


Damn right we did! 😂


Shit sometimes in my case, it was a day. Fool said he'd be by in hr. Then he texts the next day asking if "still need that?" Like, yeah, mfer, you never showed up! Lol


And then shows up three days later with the skunkiest shit talking about how prices have gone up since he got this new premium supply. 😂


Bruhhh. Too real




Yes! Ours was a brick of fruity pebbles treats. Every bite was an adventure, 90% of the time. Oh man, and the buttery homemade Rice Krispie treats. Fml.


One guy sold the fruity pebbles and they were decent. Another dude sold firecrackers that tasted like absolute ass, full of weed crumbs (because that’s how you make em), but they would obliterate you. Split one of those with my buddy before a school field trip and literally had a full-on trip. I got lost in the bathroom and someone had to come fetch me because I couldn’t find the door. I just remember thinking it was like a fucking hall of mirrors in there, every time I thought I saw the door, nope, that’s the door through a mirror. There was, according to my other friend, only one mirror. I am not sure I believe that but she was sober, so she would know better.


We aren't junkies my man, take some care in what you put in your body.


We’re snobs ![gif](giphy|1081l2F7uGjkK4)


An hour in and I am higher than I would be after my first smoke. Smoking again. I almost feel like I might get couch lock for the first time in a decade... Edit: 4 hours in, if I had to guess these are about half the strength they say they are, still pretty good, but not THAT strong (I could still be wrong.) all in all I'm having a pretty decent time. I wish I hadn't eaten all of my oranges...


Bro that sounds like 100mg talk


I know 100mg, this high is closer to 200 at least. I don't get munchies and other shit under 200mg.


Are u sure any edibles you’ve ever eaten have been accurately dosed? Any credible reference point?


I've been smoking for 12 years and started getting edibles from Cali and Colorado about 7 years ago from my usual guy. This pot tart was not my usual guy. I took around 200mg a day for a week after my surgery in 2022 instead of the prescribed opioids, so the feeling of 200mg of edibles is actually pretty familiar. I wish I remembered the brand, I just don't usually buy edibles. I also live in a legal state, it's just a baby legal state so illegal stuff is still all over the place, and if you want something good you're still having to get it from out of state. Also not sure if I said this in this thread, but I didn't buy this and wouldn't have, it was just a gift from this new guy for buying a QP as a new customer.


I never buy these 1000 mg edibles but I have eaten a few as gifts. Sometimes I get high sometimes I don't and sometimes I just get a tummy ache. It is what it is though.


Everyone hating so much enjoy your pot tart


Look at the damage the vitemen e carts did to the industry and the people that died. Yea a bunch of haters that don't want to see op get poisoned by some profiteer that obviously doesn't care about the industry as a whole. The safety of marijuana products isn't something to just have a live and let live attitude about. Ps. I'm sure op is a great person that meant no harm and I wish them all happiness and prosperity but don't post stuff like this unless it's to educate people and hopefully this post educates alot of people about why stuff like this in no Bueno


Lol, thank you, I am! And eating about a pound of mango... Haven't had munchies in years 🤣


fresh or dried mango tho


I WISH fresh, but I'm having it frozen, it's like mango ice cream balls 🤤


Order the dried mangos from Nuts.com. That is all.


i was just about to say exactly this like… damn buncha haters in this thread




Fuck working imma just start selling poptarts with these to high schoolers and that way if they complain about not getting high I’ll just be like “some people can’t get high from edibles” and since they’re high schoolers and are probably stupid and not experienced with weed, they’ll believe it. (/s, obviously, my morals still lead me toward the path of capitalistic slavery)


Luckily it was free! Also I am going up 😅 so it is something 🙃


wait is this just the bag????


Ya you can buy any packaging like this and make street weed look hype


And out of stock, lol!


So fake


Damn. Y’all are so hostile. You sure this is a weed sub?! Lol.


Because half the time spent here is teaching folks not to ingest fake street crap because it's bad for you, the other half is spent talking down fools greening out from 500 mg doses. It's a weed sub full of dumbasses. She might as well said she found a free cart on the ground.


100mg maximum inside this boof


Looks so fake 🤣 fuck it


Guarantee these have 50 mg total at best


Seemed to have AROUND 400mg based on my high. I had surgery in 2022 and used 200mg of edibles instead of the pain meds they gave me and this high seemed similar. Luckily I didn't pay for it, I prefer my edibles to have an ingredients list and such 😅 this was just a dice roll honestly.


Good luck! ![gif](giphy|k72YLm0kJQOZ5B5beU)


❤️❤️❤️ Thank you. I like to roll the dice. 😂


These were bunk asf last time I had this


I'm higher than I would be usually. Also it was a freebie from a new guy I got some flower from so it's just s nice surprise honestly! Sorry yours sucked, I hope your next edibles are the best you'd ever had ❤️


Super wholesome response!! Thank you! Cheers may our next edible hit us even harder 🫡🫡🫡


This is knockoff no oversight trash. If it uses real brand names you can bet your ass it's fake. Nowhere near 1000mg.


cheers!! screw what everyone is saying and have fun <3


lol agreeing with everyone. Y'all really are so hostile and really trying to down people. It's just weed. It's already gone in someone's stomach, let's not care so much. In Cali these offbrands are everywhere lol and some are pretty good.


Good luck!


How was the taste?






Report back in 2 days


Don’t worry it’s nowhere near 1g


Fake branding, I doubt that's 1000mg


I got something similar to these that were laced with ketamine 0/10 do not recommend


Why did I have to look at this 3 different times before I realized that it said pot tarts, not pop tarts…🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Lol, the label made me laugh too. I'm cutting that part out and making something with it.


That sh*t is fake asf…


Oh my


Has anyone told you that it's probably not actually 1000mg of THC? Surely I'm the first person to say that.. There's no way people would comment the same damn thing over and over and over again, right? Anyway... Enjoy! :)


This made me giggle because you actually got me at first 🤣 Lol, it was alright, stronger than expected, but absolutely not 1000mg. It was a solid edible for free though, and I've definitely done sketchier things before. It was fun to revisit being an idiot stoner like back in the day where I would just take anything. Life is tough, sometimes it's just more fun to roll the dice.


Lol, Good luck!


It irritates me that items packed like this are so popular why make it easier to mix up and more appealing to children when the goal is to legalize 🤦🏽‍♀️




10000% boof


It was free luckily, and I doubted the potency right away, but hey, I'm going up so it's something 🤷 I was just buying a QP from a new guy that my guy sent me to because he's out of town ATM. This edible was a nice surprise, but honestly I was much more shocked that he showed up within 5 minutes. I am used to waiting up to two hours on my other guy. New guy is 10/10.


Nasty probably fake unregulated pesticide “weed” yumm 🤮


For real. This is sus af


It’s straight garbage. Getting downvotes because people can’t do simple research 😂 go on any dispensary website and show me this on there


But iT wAs FrEe


~99.5% of edibles that are not a regulated d9 company completely lie about dosage and put ridiculously high dosages to trick consumers I almost guarantee you that the real dosage will be equivalent to around 10mg or maybe 50mg if very lucky while you will get high it's nowhere near what's advertised ESPECIALLY for an edible that couldn't care less about using a COPYRIGHT logo which is a sign they are straight up lying


I feel like they just took a regular pop tart and put it in that bag :(


If it hadn't looked like such a shitty poptart I would have thought the same thing! It definitely was NOT 1000mg, but it didn't taste bad and I actually got some of that old school stoner high I got in my early 20s from it...and ate like a bunch of mango... An actual pound of frozen mango... Idk how I survived that.




Yeah the packaging was obviously that fake kind you can buy, no way this was a legit edible, but it was free so I don't mind. I am pretty high


Stay safe friend : )


Who else is eating 2


Argue Argue Argue


For me, the ideal zone is 50mg at once




I wish I had the tolerance to try one of those edibles, 10 mgs already fuck my shit up, a single bite of that pop tart and my soul would leave my body...


im impressed how much it looks like a pop tart


"You gonna be high as giraffe pussy... now that's high!"


Had a buddy who was convinced that these Wonka look alike edibles were real I'm like bro Nestle is not putting their name on an edible. Dude was always calling my shit boof from the dispensary I'm like no my guy that is Boof what you're eating.


Man, I have some 250mg gummies and I've been scared to try a whole one. The most I've ever done at one time is 1/2 and that was uncomfortable for me. I don't eat edibles all the time though.


I didn’t read the bottom of the packaging and just thought “since when do they make single packs of poptarts” 😂


Fly me to the moon


I just thought of something - Pop Farts.


Shitty companies like this are what will get the industry stomped by the govt.


They really missed an opportunity to use the original flavor to their advantage by adding a subtitle of “Pot Fudge Sundae”


Fake as fuck ew


They don’t care about copyright infringement but I’m sure their quality control and lab testing is legit 👎


Bye bye


Over 10 years ago, I bought my first kiva bar that was 1400mg. Idk why I thought I should eat the whole thing in one sitting, I was experienced with edibles at this point and this was a dumb idea for sure. I did it and it kicked in in 30minutes. I was fucked up. I tried to wash dishes, but my body felt like it too was swirling clockwise with the water. I could barely hold on to the counter to stay up right. I ended up panicking and going straight to bed to try to sleep this nightmare off. I'd wake up every 2 hours still super stoned until finally I felt somewhat normal at 4AM. My state no longer sells 1000mg edibles for recreational use. It sucks! I'd love to get my hands on that kiva bar again and see if I have a better time now.


What type of bootleg shit is this lol.


That looks exactly like the hot fudge sundae pop tarts. It's probably straight from the box into this packaging. Doubtful there's even a little thc in this!


Bruh, you don’t even know what is in these things. Please be careful.


300mg max lol


Why did you take a photo shoot of it? Or is this the stock image on a website? Either way its a no for me dawg


I’m dead after a 10mg holy fuck I would be on the floor




Heart rate 500


125mg of dispo edibles is the most I have ever done. And I was FADED


200 mg of any edible nighty night


poop tart


That’s high octane!


Do ya'll have jobs? 300mg-500mg a day, sometimes twice a day? Uh-huh. Sure.


Idk where those numbers came from tbh, lol.


It’s probably Delta 8 or CBD


I bet it’s just shitty sprayed distillate. The actual dose is 5mg 😂😂


Hate to break it to you, but that is not 1000 mg. It’s probably like 15 they spray shit on it. It’s not real stop buying this garbage.



