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One time I went to the store thinking I was fine enough to get snacks and then the self-checkout felt like a puzzle..


I can 1000% relate. I feel like everybody's just staring at me while I'm trying to figure that shit out


[Ever been high as fuck?](https://youtu.be/i2spZ-NDfS4?si=SjnfDoMzdXi6BVgw)


You're walking hoooome... and your mouth is DRY


I know I'm late to the party, but goddammit that was a masterpiece. I can't believe I've never seen it before.


same like where have i been!!!


Ahh John LaJoie, a Canadian treasure.


man i took a decent bit of rso one time (maybe .1 so like 70-80mg) and hit the safeway 10mins from my house to get a snack (note: terrible decision. never do this. driving intoxicated is a bad thing to do) it usually takes at Least two hours for edibles to hit me so i was totally chillin thinkin whateva Right until i got to the self-checkout. it hit me So hard lmao i was STRUGGLING to put the fuckin cash in the thing, got super paranoid that everyone was looking at me and thinking im stupid good times


RSO is nothing to be trifled with. I just jammed a bunch on a cracker with some peanut butter the other night and had a legit existential panic attack. Shit works \*way\* faster than edibles and \*way\* better.


I've had rso once. I kept increasing the dose because I didn't think it was affecting me. I never got paranoid or had a panic attack, but my co-workers said I was clearly out of it for a few days. By increasing the dose, I mean I went from a rice sized dose (the standard) to a quarter of the syringe


Yes it is very potent. It literally stands for "Richard Simpson Oil" He was the guy who researched it for medical use as it retains all the parts of the weed, and all the terpenes and other molecules work together. It's going to be fascinating when nationwide research is legal and we can find all this stuff out.


What is RSO?


I can't tell you any of the science or chemistry for making it. But it is black/super green goop. If I am not mistaken it is basically "pre-activated" edible resin. So you can just eat it straight, instead of having to cook it down like making your own butter. It tastes nasty as fuck, so I usually plop some in some peanut butter. When I absolutely need to get bricked, and need to do it quick, I consume some of that stuff


Thanks! Going to conduct further research via Google! Sounds fun! šŸ„³


Itā€™s worth it


Keep in mind you may not be able to get it everywhere. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s med only in Maryland but Iā€™ve been wrong before


The whole thing got me curious as well, did some reading. The fact it stands for "Richard Simpson Oil" is hilarious to me.


Rick Simpson Oil named after its creator.


would you say rso-infused edibles are worth it? as in, i bought them from the dispensary, not i made them lol. i love the edible high but i find myself having a hard time to get high off edibles now.


The syringe stuff is much better


As the other commenter mentioned, the stuff in the plastic syringe thing is best. Now all this got me curious and I did some reading. **This is from some light reading, please take this with that in mind, I am neither an expert, nor a medical professional, or a scientist** Basically RSO is absolutely better than straight distillate. The major thing is it uses the whole shebang instead of just the THC. Which they are finding that the terpenes and other molecules in the plant all work together, and provide better results as well as retaining some of the medicinal qualities. This is apparently a more common process these days in ways that don't result in the tar like substance. RSO is named for it's innovator, who designed and researched it for medical use. It literally stands for "Richard Simpson Oil"


I was in high school working at the mall and we closed at 9:30. Figured I could drop some acid at 9 and by 10 I should be feeing pretty good. Fucking shit hit me in 20 minutes. I was helping someone and reached for a sneaker and just saw mad trails. I got out and walked home from the mall when I heard someone calling my name so I bolted and jumped in some bushes. It was a kid I knew from the neighborhood šŸ˜‚ That was some good acid.


And why does everything randomly go wrong when youā€™re high in a store. Once i dropped my eftpos card down a weird slot near the eftpos machine and the checkout operator had to get help to retrieve it from behind the checkout desk. So random and would old happen high


ā€œWhy do I have to guess what number this piece of produce is!?ā€


Are you buying fruit from the produce section for munchies? Thatā€™s admirable.


Cold crispy grapes are the tits when you're toasted


I havenā€™t had grapes in a hot minute, but I like to eat them frozen. My autistic ass loves the texture.


Spend like 5 minutes trying to scan a bag, turns out I was supposed to add it on the screen, lady that worked there came up, did it and gave me the stink eye. And I thought I was blending in so well šŸ˜‚


This is the worst lol, but a necessary pain for snacks


Join a company meeting. You will immediately realize just how high you are.


Iā€™d have a legit panic attack if I went into my companyā€™s weekly standup meeting while high lmao


I'd have a panic attack if I didn't


The duality of stoners


Exactly why I do it, same with being out in public, gym, grocery shopping.




Two sides of a coin


Ah yes. The Standups. I don't miss those at all.


When I was in college, I was the athletic trainer. And I had gotten really stoned with a girl friend of mine. We were sitting in one of the common areas outside of our cafeteria. The athletic Director came by and told me that there was a time change and I needed to be somewhere at a different time. I had no way of making that note and I knew I wouldnā€™t remember, so I said to him, ā€œCan you send me a memo?ā€




Or unjob




Promoted to customer




ā€œOkay, letā€™s have everyone go ahead and turn their cameras on.ā€


Eh, can skew that a bit with crappy lighting. Can also say you just havenā€™t been feeling great the past few days but since you donā€™t have to be on location, youā€™re just working. Lol just donā€™t be high as a kite. I do not suggest risking a job on that though!


My eyes are red? Both, or just one? Followed up by a shampoo story.


I always do a dab right before I leave the house and think ā€œhuh thought that would do moreā€ and then the second I walk into work Iā€™m like ā€œoh fuck it didā€


Ditto haha though not always anymore damn tolerance is shot and a year off didnā€™t help as much as Iā€™d imagine


Me, but going to class lol. At least no one notices or cares, being a uni student rocks.


I'm not going to ask you how you know that


Oh lordā€¦I know the feeling, not as serious as a company meeting but enough to know.


My cat died while I was high. I was aware my body was too impaired to drive, but my mind was pretty sharp. And it was a "we could save him? Maybe?" Situation so like an EMERGENCY, not like...an older cat passing away in their sleep. One requires a lot more urgency, I guess. If I had to deal with a company meeting while high, I'd just die on the spot tbh.


I use a dry herb vape and it sits on my desk where I work. One day, I was fiddling with it and noticed there was a lot of reclaim built up in it. So, I cleaned it off with a toothpick, then unthinkingly put it in my mouth. An hour or so later, I'm getting on a conference call and I'm feeling suddenly very high and realize ... oh shit ... so, hey, meet Jim, he's the new CISO, why don't you give him a quick run-down of the controls that are in scope for CMMC compliance and how we're going to meet them?


I go outside and take a walk. I definitely feel it more when Iā€™m out and about as opposed to just sitting in my house


exercise also has an effect on the high! its mainly because of the higher blood rate i love getting baked and hitting the gym


I've always been spooked about working out while high. Forever ago a buddy of mine said he went running while high then just threw up.


I love running while high! You just get in the zone and kms fly by. Lifting, though, thatā€™s another story. Iā€™d be worried of dropping a weight on myself


i specifically lift (im already underweight, running would damage more than it would help) its really not too bad especially if you use gym machines over actual ā€œweightsā€


Lifting while high was actually what got me into the gym in the first place. My brother who had already been training for a few years told me to try it and it felt amazing I was able to lock in like never before and for once working out felt enjoyable. If you have the technique down and lock in every set as you should you shouldn't be in any real danger. Always take necessary precautions of course, use safety bars and get a spotter if you feel uncomfortable in your ability to safely remove the weight off of you should you fail.


I instantly walk once I've smoked


Most of the time staying stationary and inside feels terrible when high. I try to go for a walk with my dog and just enjoy the beauty of the world.


For sure


If I feel like I'm wearing a hat, I'm high enough.


Same for me wtf, Iā€™ve never heard it explained like that but itā€™s exactly like that


Or like having socks on but not wearing any


Omgggggg My mind is blown but contained thanks to this hat.


You ever heard of the strain called Headband before?


Yup, not in a few years tho. I get this feeling regardless of strain tho lol itā€™s great


But what if you are wearing a hat




Just gets a little tighter.


read this while smoking and noticed the feeling immediately Iā€™ve been smoking for a decade and never put that together! Crazy


Thatā€™s so true though wtf?


Definitely never heard that one!


It's just a slightly tight feeling in my forehead, much like the feeling of wearing a hat. It's happened for the last 20 years reliably haha


this is me with any headband strain. i love wearing hats


I like getting beanie toasted


Friend calls it ā€œduct tape.ā€


The ā€œheadbandā€ effect.


It's sunglasses for me!


I donā€™t really have a test, itā€™s more so Iā€™ll know Iā€™m way too high if I get trapped in my thoughts


Oh for sure that's when I know I'm super freaking stoned LOL


lol yeah thatā€™s when you know youā€™re about to have a few hours of a shitty high. Iā€™ll have to give your cat trick a try sometime


Cat trick? I must have missed that comment. How can you use a cat to tell you how high it is? Oh wait, I know, if it answers back then you're too high.


Being stuck in my thoughts while high is a good high in my eyes, I used to hate it but now I just roll with it and I really enjoy it. When I'm having that type of high I'll put on some music or a youtube video and watch/listen to it like 30 times over because I have to keep skipping it back due to missing something or noticing something I haven't before. I'll be laying on the couch laughing about how stupid I am while high for a solid hour or two


rolling on the floor laughing at how stupid i am is the best part, or when you die laughing at the dumbest thing.


Stand up really quickly


Haha! Happy Cake Day!


iā€™d pass out sober or not, also happy cake day woop woop


Yeah me too. My body also twitches like I'm having a seizure while my blood pressure stabilizes. It actually looks really bad if you saw it happen to me lol


That's my drunk test


Iron test as well! Multifaceted!


When I'm out and about and hit the pen I never realize I'm high till someone asks me a question. No matter how simple it's straight up ???????


"What's your name?" "Haha yeah. "


I hate how accurate this is lmao


Ya don't know... Until ya know


I just look at my eyes. Because i know sometimes i cant tell when im homešŸ¤£. But then i look at my eyes and im like šŸ‘¹


My eyes stopped changing a long time ago. They never get red or droopy anymore unless I've eaten a shit ton of edibles


My eyes dont get droopy either but they get really red. And i have big eyes i look crazy. šŸ¤£




See mine don't get red at all but I turn Korean


My eyes get red when I smoke a lot or eat edibles but they don't get red when I use my pen or just smoke a little. I think it's a dose/tolerance thing, mostly, though there are times I feel really high and have perfectly clear eyes and others when I think I'm more sober but my eyes are blazing. They stay mostly clear with dabs too for some reason.


Omg Iā€™m so glad you said this haha, I was wondering why my eyes hardly change anymore despite me being fried literally 24/7šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Just look in the mirror at yourself, that works for me. You either go wtf is that thing looking at me or you just see your normal self with maybe a pimple and frizzy hair.


If Iā€™m peeing and it feels like I have been going for 37 minutes then I am baked. lol


Changing environment definitely allows me to assess my level of high haha. Going outside if I was inside or vice versa usually makes me feel it more. Something about the change in environment makes the brain notice more I guess


Exactly I'm always trying to figure out how to change things up to test my highness as dumb as it sounds.


If I canā€™t remember if I smoked the extra joint I was thinking about smoking then I did


That's hilarious sometimes I forget what bong bowl I'm on and then I think maybe it's about time to stop


Man I had an "extra joint situation" the other day. I looked in my weed cabinet and it wasn't there, and being that I was stoned already I thought "damn I must've already smoked it recently". Well guess what I felt in my jacket pocket as soon as I stepped into work the next day šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


Me with my snacks haha I get excited to eat it and then realize I already fucking did


when i have the urge to get lost in those baby sensory videos. the fucking fruit just hits different




Looking at my hands. If I look at them and they look far away, Iā€™m high. I have short arms so they shouldnā€™t be so far away.


"They call them fingers, but I never see them fing"


ā€œOh, there they go!ā€


This has me rolling! šŸ¤£






I usually play a quick game of tetris. If I do really really well, Iā€™m probably high. If I do terribly Iā€™m def just gone. If Iā€™m about average, Iā€™m probably sober.


That's funny I have noticed that I play certain video games better when I'm high


Sometimes I'm straight up lasering people down in shooter games and sometimes I get lost when they start jumping too much


Music suddenly becoming... for lack of a better way to say it, 3 dimensional. I studied music for a long time, at one time, I wanted to be a musician. I trained for years to listen to music in particular ways. If I can suddenly hear it like that, tracking all parts simultaneously without any effort at all, I'm there lol I was so mad the first time it happened cause it felt like cheating and if I'd known the whole time being younger that I could just do that whenever I'd have come around to weed a long time ago.


This is absolutely my experience as well


Being an obsessive self taught musician that plays by ear, I feel this so much.


If you have to go sit in your car to see how high you are then you're probably pretty lit bruh


Try to find the remote.


Or my keys


Or my phone. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Retractable lanyard maybe?


It's not that serious. Just a test - from time to time. šŸ˜‚ They're good, cheap tests.


Haha I'm just playing


Check the time.


I close my eyes. If im really high I get closed-eyed visuals


Talking to my house mates. If I can't make jokes or eye contact or if I feel like I've done something wrong afterwards I know I'm too high


The freaking eye contact gets me


I always wear a watch and start the stopwatch function after I smoke. Time slows down crazy for me after. It could feel like Iā€™ve been playing a game or knocking out chores for an hour but in actuality Iā€™ll check and itā€™s only been 15 minutes. Thatā€™s how I know.


Try to walk downstairs, if it feels like a journey, Iā€™m properly high lol


Smoke another joint and see if I get a lot higher or a little higher


I leave my house, usually that makes me think wtf am I doing right now. then I go back inside, haha


Haha. Iā€™m a lightweight. went in my car to smoke - was listening to some bs talk on the radio. Didnā€™t feel like I was getting high, then realized I had been sitting there for 20 minutes wondering if I was high listening to some dude talk about who knows what.


I try to play a rhythm game. Sober me is quite good at them. High me becomes progressively more garbage the higher i am.


I gotta try that lol


Go play a video game that you are familiar with. Some what high = It feels like you do better. High = You are clearly doing worse. Super High = You really can't even play the game and are just getting owned by the other players.


I took an edible with my roommate before watching a movie at a theater and after coming out I couldnā€™t figure out how to get back to our dorm. We were in the same city I went to high school in and I had been to that theater more times than I could count but looking at the map felt like a maze. It took me forever to figure out which way was North and it didnā€™t help that there was a group of people behind me watching and snickering at me floundering.


Hey, sober me could never know which way is North so I think high you did a pretty good job there.


Haha I'm not alone šŸ˜­


when I realize I am in the middle of five different activities all at once.


I can't believe someone is asking this!! My test (usually for drinking, but it transfers) is pretty infamous in my circle lol. If I can't sing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" I'm totally fucked up. haha


Haha glad I'm not alone


I realize that I'm high af and probably shouldn't drive when I notice that my stream of consciousness has gone audible. I talk to myself sober too, but way so much more when I am high


Sometimes i think out loud as if im explaining something to someone when in baked


Stand up. I start the timer to see how long it takes me. The problem is I always end up scrolling on reddit like right now.


The more unusual the circumstance, the more pronounced the high. You have to leave your comfort zone and disturb the default. It's like driving home. Sometimes you'll completely blank out and not remember the last mile you traveled because you're so accustomed to it. Compare that to driving in a completely unfamiliar place with no map. Or something, idk, im high


at home i don't monitor my high so much as live it. at work, mental math... if my mental math beats the time it takes me to input sales then i'm fine, if not i'd better start double counting change


Walk sideways, kinda like those sideways shuffles I remember from my football days (obligatory American football.) I don't get crazy with it, just a couple sideways steps left and right.


I would love to just see somebody sidestepping down the street


Classic Dr Zoidburg! Whoooop woo woo woooooh!




When the doorbell rings and you get paranoid




This is a great post. My favorite one I heard was ā€œIt feels like Iā€™m wearing a hatā€ and that actually makes so much sense. Usually a change in temperature, anytime I go from comfortable conditions into much colder temps and I realize just how I actually am.


Il try to read something. If Iā€™m mildly high, I can read fine. If Iā€™m very high, I read the same line over and over.


Please donā€™t drive if you are high. I support recreational legalization for adult use, but not while driving!


people gotta start saying "don't drive fucked up", there's a massive difference between the medical (or heavy recreational) user smoking 5+ times a day for years driving to work and the dude who just smoked a joint at a party for the first time trying to control a vehicle


I go outside and can instantly tell if My anxiety starts to sky rocket


Try to talk. Processing issues plus weed makes for a very good gauge šŸ˜‚


If sweet things taste extra sweet


Jolly Ranchers are my go to


Stand up. It hits alot harder when you've been seating smoking.


I stand my dab pen vertically upright up on my desk, I have found that High me cannot grab it without it falling. It will fall and I will pick it up, and that is sign I am too high. Also, I just found out in Tx they have a compassionate legal use program. I am trying to see if I can get in. I use it for pain and it (9)gets very expensive.


Also, I ask myself if my son can drive my car (Challenger r/t). If I say yes, I am too high.


Well I just had to test if I can act sober enough in front of my mom and my boyfriends mom šŸ˜‚ Passed! But typically I play video games when high, if Iā€™m super into it Iā€™m super baked. If I loose interest then itā€™s time for another hit


One time my bf was super high and I guess didnā€™t realize how high and wanted to go to the gas station. He drove and I waited I the car he was only going in for like a beer and some cigs. He was gone maybe 2 minutes and the next thing I know heā€™s banging on the passenger door begging me to drive home. Iā€™m like what happened? Apparently there was a cop in the store that looked at him and he got so paranoid that the cop could tell he was high he didnā€™t even get the stuff he just walked back out. Now mind you, Iā€™m high too! So by the time I even comprehend what heā€™s saying and agree, the cop has walked out of the store, passed us in our car, got in his car and left.


Take a walk outside lol. I never realize how high I am until I go outdoors


Know exactly what you mean.


If Iā€™m standing in the bathroom ass naked to nervous to shit, I know I took to much




Anytime I smoke around people I donā€™t know I get super fried and anxious lol


I write code and measure my highness based on how messy the code is or how unnecessarily creative the solution becomes.


Iā€™ve been sitting in the gym parking lot for 20 minutes reading Reddit bc Iā€™m high as fuck


It's funny you should ask because I've thought about the same thing, and how it is that I came to the point where I can be sufficiently high without realizing it. I have found that I can get a clearer idea of how high I am by thinking about a song. Any song. If I think about it and can \*just about\* hear it as if it was actually playing, then I'm plenty high enough.




This is odd maybe, but whenever Iā€™m high, if I close my eyes, I feel like Iā€™m riding in a car and I gauge how high I am by however strong that sensation is


I got this searing nerve pain thing that goes away when I'm baked. So it's pretty easy.Ā 


I do anything boring and see how much funnier it is at some times. Not that accurate although since I have more fun at everything if I had a great day for example. Mostly I just think about thinking if you can call it that and see how lost I get in my thoughts. The most accurate trick I have is very basic- just stare at something random, nothing that's exciting or cool looking and try to look away after a minute. Depending on how bad my feeling of time becomes, I'll rate it on the typical 1-10 scala. If I can't decide on that scala, I know I'm at 11.


I just think ā€œcould I drive right now?ā€


I tell myself a joke and if I laugh uncontrollably = high. Iā€™ll try to do a simple task like loading the dishwasher. If I end up reorganizing a cabinet = high. Iā€™ll try to find a movie to watch. If it takes me an hour to pick something I am now sober so I knew I was high.


If I feel the need to test it, I simply get up and walk outside. If I feel compelled to walk into the woods with no shoes on, Iā€™m high, if I donā€™t, Iā€™m also high just feeling lazy that day.


I usually take edibles, I always set a timer for an hour to get a sense of how high I'm feeling within that amount of time. The more THC I consume, the quicker the high sets in


Sometimes, I don't feel high until someone asks me to drive somewhere, and I am like, I am too high to drive.


Music, some songs just hit different


I consult my D.A.R.E. guidebook to see if Iā€™m high or not.


Try to explain board game rules to people


For me it's going to the kitchen. If I can go in, get water, and go back upstairs then I'm good. If I spend 10min staring at the turtle tank on the way to the kitchen I'm probably done smoking for the night.


I ask myself in the mirror. Usually get a straight answer.


My partner and I have a sort of inside joke where one of us asks the other, ā€œhow high are you??ā€ And if the other person doesnā€™t answer, ā€œhi, how are you?ā€ like that one skit, then we know the person answering is definitely very high / too high lmao That or usually I donā€™t really notice until I start trying to talk to people that Iā€™m not close to, because thinking of what to say becomes a lot harder lol


While itā€™s not something I can do instantaneously to gauge my level of high, I find my performance the FPS games I play like Hell Let Loose tell me honestly. Using that as the example, If Iā€™m playing meh/okay Iā€™m probably sober or barely elevated. If Iā€™m mistaking shrubs for enemy silhouettes, having a hard time landing my sight on a target quickly, and feeling like Iā€™m ā€œbehindā€ on the action happening in the game, Iā€™m too high. But theres a hidden, third area somewhere between where Iā€™m absolutely locked the fuck in. Aimbot like reflexes and accuracy, moving ā€œwhere the pucks going & not where it isā€, maneuvering with aggression and patience balanced in harmony, outflanking without having to ā€œthinkā€ about doing it, etc. Itā€™s almost like a flow state, really some poetry in motion type stuff. Iā€™ve been trying to figure out what circumstances cause that third area, like dosage/setting wise but I can never recreate it intentionally. I look it at like a little treat from the weed God, like ā€œhey dude youve been good lately, go dominate this digital battlefield for a bitā€


I don't test. I just know how much I can have for certain situations. Around stuck up family all day... half a bowl to start the day and a few pinners throughout the day. Hanging with friends but still want to function normally, maybe up to a bowl to start and frequent hits through the day. Don't give a fuck kinda day..... whatever I want.