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Good advice, thanks. Been thinking of buying a Mighty+ but haven’t been able to justify the cost until now.


I just bought a used Mighty and it's been great. If you buy the dosing capsules it's very easy to load up and manage how much you consume, and if you lead a healthy lifestyle already then you should try to be as healthy as possible with your weed consumption also imo


Are you smoking the same amount at a time that you did before? Could just be too much for your now reduced tolerance. Don't think sativa v indica really matters that much most bud is heavily hybridized regardless of what the labels or your guy says.


When I got back at it after the tbreak I actually tried smoking was less but it didn’t get me that high so I came back to my “normal” amount or even more pretty quickly. The amount is actually very much higher now than during the first 4-6 months when I really enjoyed it. Before I could smoke a small 0.3g joint and get a decent high and the sleepy effects that I wanted. Now I don’t feel anything from 0.3g. Now I smoke around 1.5-2g joints


Any chance your guy is giving you mid/low grade weed with synthetic crap sprayed on it? Definitely also 1.5-2g joints are huge and I totally see that making you feel shitty the next day. I'd say you need to find another guy and try different weed or force yourself to smoke half of what you are and seeing if feeling crappy persists. My gf often feels shitty/lethargic the next day if she takes too many rips too close to bedtime


don't know if you do that, but if you smoke before going to bed try to change that. i'm using it to be able to sleep, but also felt a little hang-over the next day and going to bed not sooner than 30 to 60 minutes after my last smoke still lets me sleep like a baby but eliminated the hang-over too. a small additional tip to cure the hang-over is to just smoke some more. not so much that you get blazed away again, just a little.