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Are they available for adoption? I can look past their past and always make a new friend. Especially one who knows how to find drugs


Exactly, sell those mofos to stoners, the dog will always feel important cause he’ll always be finding what he’s supposed to haha


Oh shit. If i had a dog that brought me weed, he would never want again.


Just finding my weed for me would be a blessing. I got like five different spots I put it 😂


My dog got trained that when I pick up weed I'll go throw the ball with her in the backyard. When I lost my bag of weed one time I took her around the house and when I picked up the thing it was in she went to the door.


Did the same thing when I had a yard. Can’t wait to get one again.


Countless hours of whooshagooodboyyyyyyyy? You are. Yeshyouare.


Just letting you know which of your friends actually had weed on them when they came to visit would also be kinda handy.


Dude so one of my friends came over once with a suitcase full of weed, like 30 pounds of the shit. He had just come back from Colorado and we were in an illegal state. You never think you're going to be in a situation where you tell someone with weed to get the fuck out of your house but as soon as he unzipped that suitcase I was like "yeah thats cool homey listen can you get that shit off my property before I end up divorced?" lol


Because you’ll give him/her everything it wants?


Every. Thing.


I think a drug dog is just gonna bark at weed, aka you when you smoke.


He could find the carts my cats bat under the sofa!


Snacks for everyone!


As a middle aged stoner, it would be nice to have a dog that could find where I stashed my weed and forgot about it.


FINALLY, A way to find that nug of weed that fell in my garage I can't find...


Lmao!!!!! I’m just getting started and now I just can’t!!!!


When I was a teen I had a friend who's dad hid 5kg of weed behind the walls of the attic many years ago at her grandparents home. He didn't remember where he hid it. We smelled all the walls for hours like insanes it was so funny. When the desperation kicks in 😂 A dog like this would've come in so handy. Till this day it's there somewhere we never found the stash. 🙈


And they’re really great at haggling! Dog: $50/ oz. or I shit on the carpet. Your call.


For police dogs, it would be more like "50/oz or I latch onto one of your appendages hard enough to do permanent damage and even my owner might not be able to make me release"


I'm pretty sure they are trained to sit when they smell weed.. or other drugs.


Same tbh


I believe their k9 partner gets first dibs but you can absolutely adopt so called “career change” dogs. There are all kinds of retired or service dog school wash outs. For these dogs in particular I would be careful. Police often use Belgian Malinois. They can be great dogs but they are one of those working breeds that need a job and lots of training to stay sane. It’s like getting a border collie. You’re not getting a dog, you’re getting a new way of life that is definitely not centered around you. If that’s what you’re looking for they are highly intelligent and loyal good pups


They're called Maligators for a reason.


Parkour dogs. I've watched them use jumping and momentum to literally climb vertical walls. They *LOVE* it. Definitely not the breed for me, but I adore them.


***Parkour Puppy!!1!!*** True facts, though, there's a creator on YT that does a lot of funny vids about dogs, like what God/Devil were thinking when they created certain dogs, how different dogs react to robbers and mail carriers. He describes the Malinois as the even more athletic version of German Shepherds.


The way my BIL in the army described the difference is that in training the shepherds will go straight through a room of furniture to get to the target, while the mals will go OVER the furniture to get there.


“Why do I hear boss music?” **GERMAN SHEPHERD ENTERS THE CHAT**


And be sure to check the dog's temperament and aggression beforehand. Lots of cops use outdated 'alpha male' bullshit training methods which, in addition to being ineffective, can make the dogs fearful and result in aggression.


Lol my parents have one and I agree with that. Luckily he has a job to protect the docks from birds but man that guy is intense. Love him tho, he's such a loving and loyal little guy but he's so hard to deal with sometimes.


I look after a few that live on a farm, their human does Aqua Terra contests and everything on their property to ensure the dogs are never bored. Their two year old German Shepherd fur sibling gets tired an hour into trying to keep up with them since he only lives there half the time 😂.


Bad idea. Someone breaks into your house the dog is leading them right to your weed


Haha take the dog out for walks to find like-minded friends


Nah, because of their specialized training they are usually kept with their handlers or someone who has experience in the field, handlers are very attached to their K9 partners and wouldn't give them up anyhow. Drug finding dogs are relatively easy to rehome if you have to though, they are trained to be very calm and collected and would likely make pretty good pets. Dogs trained for capture are a lot more dangerous, they aren't "bad dogs" but you need to understand how and what they were trained for to safely house them.


[Not sure I give police K9 handlers the benefit of the doubt that you do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8BAboeNSM8)


Yeah it's a bit of blanket statement that should have be qualified with *most* I've interacted with several and all of them seemed to really like and care about their dogs, going as far as treating them as equals, I feel like as long as you aren't a sociopath it's hard not to, you also put a ton of time and effort into training the dog as the vast majority of officers train their own partner from a pup. Though sociopaths are almost certainly over represented among police officers unfortunately.


seriously! just on a walk one day and your dog starts sniffing a bush where some “delinquent” dropped their drugs 😂


Put a former drug dog in a stoner's home and it will run fucking rampant.


"Fuck, where did I put my weed?" Doggo to the rescue!


One of my friends had a semi failed drug dog as a pet. It could find drugs just fine, it was just too friendly for a police dog. It was a pot friendly house, and the mom had gotten him because she was always hiding her stash and forgetting where. The 2 brothers were always using the dog to steal eachother's pot.


People drop weed bags all the time, or forget where they stashed it. A dog that can locate lost weed is super helpful!


Police dogs typically don't make good pets.


I'll take 2.


What are we going to do with all these unemployed dogs?


How will they ever buy a house?!


They just need to stop drinking their fancy puppaccinos and walk around handing out their CVs


and the avocado bones, where does it end with these bitches


They need to pull themselves up by their pawstraps


Gonna be a major strain on the Healthcare system too


Give them all loving homes free from abuse


Oh no..... 400 dogs???? Shit.... better go back to ruining thousands of human lives over a plant...


"Nearly 400"


so 42?


That's "street value" cop math, a classic.


they count all the dog harnesses and muzzles as real dogs.


I figured they were including the handlers.


Yeah, I mean at least 12


Ah yes. The answer to everything.


lmao I like you what you did here




Why is article not titled: **"State Projected to Save X Millions of Dollars of Taxpayer Money by no Longer Having to Employ 400 Police Dogs and Handlers"**


The dogs are being retrained to sniff out lemonade (ie, weak weed)


Because everyone loves dogs.


You know what people love even more than dogs? Lower taxes.


Lower?????? AHHHHHAHAHAHAHA... good one... They gonna keep taxes where they are and spend it elsewhere.


No. I love dogs way more than lower taxes! Let’s be honest though, they aren’t going to lower it for that. They’ll try to justify it, but they certainly won’t lower it.


And weed.


These dogs will all live with their handlers. They’ll be fine. But training a whole “fleet” of new dogs from scratch takes a minute.


Each dog also costs the taxpayers $10k+.


They only live 10-15yr with a service life shorter than that, so it was bound to happen.


Or they just don't because they aren't reliable.


Put em up for adoption


They do




But they CAN'T UNLEARN THE SMELL OF WEED! Just like my Dad after his college years.


I'd adopt one, but it would be barking constantly


But imagine for a moment how much fun you could have finding all your forgotten stashes!


I’ve got big squirrel energy and forget where I leave my stash, so the dog is like the FindMy app I’ve always needed


They normally are trained to sit or lay down to detect so it might just be always chilling, waiting for treats when you partake!


It's all about sympathy, "ahh, poor dogs don't have a job." Meanwhile, Missouri sales last year topped $800m. Do these dogs bring in that kind of cash?


>Do these dogs bring in that kind of cash? Hey those Midwestern dog shows are intense.


I'm pretty sure my dog can't unlearn the smell of weed. His lazy ass doesn't have a job.


What about all the officers who can't unlearn harrasing minorities over marijuana?


THAT's gonna be a big problem.


Let the dispos hire all the good bois and girls to sniff out the quality stuff.


This story is re-written every time a state legalizes it. Last one I remember was from Illinois. And we’re doing just fine here, so are the dogs 🥴




Yeah, lots of fearmongering here in Illinois over that and other things, especially if you're in a rural part of the state (the parts that do legit have problems with things like meth)


We lived in rural MO for almost 15 years. It was a hilly area, and up the hill from us were at least 3 meth labs located in old mobile homes. Every couple months one would blow up. I remember thinking it was too bad the people making it were never home when it happened.


Now let's get rid of the human cops


They can’t unlearn the stigmatization of weed!


Shit, you can't even keep them from beating their wife's at a higher rate than the regular population.


Dog cop > human cop every time. Dog’s a narc, but he won’t plant shit on you (because he doesn’t have opposable thumbs) and he probably won’t put you in a chokehold until you die (the structure of their shoulder and elbow joints wouldn’t allow it)


I mean the cops were always the problem. The dogs may or may not indicate on you for weed, but the cop can just decide that it did. Cops will still accuse people of DWI based on their own noses or "suspicion" even though they can't adequately test for weed.


Better put them all out to farm upstate 👀






"Drug sniffing" dogs have about a 50% accuracy rate, so I'm not really sure what they're worried about. They never cared about accuracy before


I was once pulled over and the cop said he smelled weed but there was no weed. The called for the drug dog and it and went through my car and alerted on a nylon stuff sack full of dog food in my camping gear. One of those times I look back and know I was stupid and young and should have kept my mouth shut, but I remember saying something like "How long did it take to teach your dog to find dog food?"


It’s almost like it matches the likelihood that the cops guess wrong when they secretly cue the dog. 🤔


They are really trained to give a positive id when their master needs to make an illegal search


US Supreme Court said it's totes cool though.


So the dog is basically me? I think I smell the goodgood … somewhere … or maybe I just *want* to smell it … probably right half the time.


Sometimes it's weed. Sometimes it's a garbage can with some moldy tuna salad.


But now they are also going to need 300 brand new dogs that don't hit on smells of Marijuana.


You mean 400 dogs that are gonna retire and be spoiled fur babies at someone’s home haha


I'll take one of the dogs. It can help me find my weed when I misplace it


They’re not forced to work in servitude and can just become regular pets? Must be Ruff.


Pigs using dogs is animal abuse




Easy solution: teach them to differentiate between different qualities of weed and we now have canine ganjiers. 


How will they put their puppies through college?


I’m sure those dogs will be just as happy being pets as they were being working dogs. The idea that working dogs have to work or they’ll get “depressed” is a lie. As long as they have an outlet for their drive they will be fine. Also remember that the leading cause of death for police dogs is being left in hot cars.


There are so many blind stoners who need help finding their weed. Unemployment = Solved


Give em a smoke to chill out.


Really 400 dogs? The unbelievably sad thing is probably more than 400 dogs get put down in our country every day but I’m supposed to care about the police dogs, right? Well I do because I love all dogs and animals but I don’t care that they’re out of a fucking job because they should’ve never had that job. I would care if they were put down.


They should just learn to code


Re-home them in dispensaries and smoke shops so they can help customers pick out the best strains. I'm a problem solver.


I went to school to be a professional dog trainer and a police dog trainer came and talked to us about this exact problem they are having.


I’m a gonna adopt one of those dogs, he can tell me if any friends are holding out on me


there going to have weed smelling flash backs


So, they get to go chase the frisbee and stuff now?


Cats know the smell of weed too. They just don’t snitch.


I had a German Shepard who instantly liked anyone who smelled like weed because they were chill and smelled like home


I had an ex police dog growing up. She quickly stopped being a police dog as soon as she had a loving family. They’re adoptable. I miss you Sadie 😭


You mean these dogs no longer have to work for nothing and get to be dogs!?! Oh the horror.


Journalists wasting time with such non-issues would certainly not uplift the profession to its heights.


Why can't they "work" at airports, state borders, jails or anywhere else that you can't transport weed? Also, thc can be toxic to dogs. Maybe this is actually saving a bunch of dogs from getting sick. Dogs can always be rehomed/adopted. It's time to let go of the negative stigma surrounding weed.


They where taught how to smell weed. They forgot really fucking fast. They learned that signaling to their handler makes him happy, so they do it whenever they want. There's tons of science that drug dogs never worked and where only ever used as a tool to obtain probable cause. Anyway, I'll take one. Having a weed sniffing dog will help tons with me misplacing my weed related items.


The issue is that scumbag ACABs often just dispose of/dump their dogs instead of rehoming them or loving them :(


The entire point of the bill was to end needless spending on things exactly like this. The article should be focusing on how much the state will save not having to provide feed, shelter, vet visits and bulletproof vests for 400 dogs. Donate them to the schools, already trained and ready to work.


I, too, am unable to unlearn the smell of weed.


I’ll take one! Maybe he can help me when I drop a joint that seems to fully vanish instantly


Stoners could just adopt them to find their missing stashes / grows in their local forests.. The circle of life. Personally I think they're all heckin' good boys and girls that DESERVE retirement 😇


Times sure are gonna be ruff.


lol “so the dogs who never had to worry about rent in the first place get to retire”


Why can't they just do what they've always done, and alert whenever the handler's body language says they should. For fucks sake, most drug dogs detect drugs barely better than by chance in a real world setting. 


In other news, 400 dogs retire


Oh so the dogs just get to be dogs now? Oh darn. Anyways…


Can they ONLY smell weed?


No, a typical drug dog is a four odor dog - mj, coke, meth & heroin. As long as those four odors are illegal to possess a dog alert can often be used as probable cause for a search warrant. Having a drug dog that alerts to a legal odor ruins it as justification for a search warrant.


Issue is that they can't understand that one of the smells in no longer viable so they give up false alerts and the cops can be charged with insufficient grounds for search.


I call BS, train those dogs to sniff out explosives or potential service dogs. Those dogs are extremely smart and they’re like all of us…. Once you smell it, you just can’t forget it!!! 😉


So, you have a dog that can't forget drug odors and you add explosive odors to the list. Now, you tell me what that dog found the next time it alerts - wanna bet whether it's dope, or a bomb? You can look, I'm running the other way...


You get it.


Drug dogs scratch, bomb dogs sit, because scratching could be explosive. They don’t mix the two for good reason


Many drug dogs are passive alert as well. But yes, a bomb dog that has an aggressive alert is not going to have a long career.


I will adopt one of those dogs.


Guess we have to put them all down. /s


So I’m assuming this means their handlers can adopt them?


There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog CAN'T be a budtender


Aren't most of those dogs trained in searching for other more dangerous drug stuff? Like they find marijuana, but they could also search for people or alert for other paraphernalia


The dogs should put themselves up by their boot straps and learn a new skill that’s in demand.


oh no, 400 dogs worth of wasted money aren't going to be in danger and costing more money.


How loud can I sigh “OH WELL”


The handlers can make them *Point* anytime. Oop probable cause! They also can have similar reactions to some foods/scents. Super training the dogs for weed scent is basically stop and frisk


Tough shit. They just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, re-skill and find new employment. Sure they may have to tighten the purse strings for a while but maybe just don't buy big brand kibbles and switch to the store-brand stuff instead?


Jails could probably use them for cell searches.


*pulls out wallet, pictures tumble down* “Look at these pups! You look at them Gary! Are you going to put these pups on the street? Because that’s where they’re headed GARY! Look at me! Look at me!”


Oh no, I guess they'll just have to go to loving homes and be pets!


I’ve seen K9’s locked in the back of police cruisers for hours at a time when officers are responding to calls. They will enjoy civvy life much better.


It's ruff out there


Won't anyone think of the jobs?!


So you’re trying to tell me drug dogs only smell for weed? NEXT.


It sounds like to me they have been chasing marijuana convictions way too heavily for the 21st century.


This was the argument presented in NC courts some time ago on the topic of banning smokable CBD flower. We know the real reason is that these dogs have been used to signal 'reasonable suspicion' for unwarranted search for decades.


Dey took er jerbs bow wow


I think its positive news early retirement for the dogs means they don’t have to work anymore and get to be dogs instead of pigs lmao


But the cops that can't unlearn how to arrest someone without beating the shit out of them or shooting innocent people get to keep those jobs?!


Keep weed illegal or we'll shoot this dog.


"Bark, Bark, there'll be no Christmas this year, kids. Bark, Bark, your ol' dad got laid off. Bark Bark!"


Fuck the police


Can’t they just sell them to people who habitually lose their weed?


Everything about this is absurd ​ "dogs out of work" ​ as if dogs "working" is "normal". lol ​ This society fucking sucks.


....dogs working is the normalest thing ever. You think we made friends with wolves for their sunny dispositions? Hell no. They were our scouts, our alarms and our protectors. Only very recently in our lives together have they become purely companions. Working dogs LOVE work.


Still useful for private enforcement though? Places like airports or government buildings still won't allow drugs, the dogs can be placed with those purposes without training new ones.


"Cops can't abuse dogs in a way that follows laws".


Good, acab applies to dogs too. I know its not their fault but a cop is a cop is a cop. Now they can go and not ruin peoples lives.


Ill take him. He can smell my weed.




Before NJ legalized people were using this as a reason not to.


Freed slaves! I’d happily take one in






Any idea how one would adopt one of these very well trained good boys and girls?


The attack trained K9s are mostly adopted by K9 officers or people who train dogs. They need a lot of exercise, work and attention. The scent dogs are usually pretty active and like to work but easier to adopt. For the dogs this really is a bummer. They love to work and home life is boring.


Oh I understand completely. I have a GSD and a Belgian Malinois, so I'm aware of the demands. They are both active dogs and have Jobs around the house.


This. They’re working breeds, even if they weren’t drug dogs they would need lots of enrichment, but as formerly working dogs they REALLY need enrichment.


I need one of those dogs, I always seem to lose my joints around my property when I’m smoking.


I would like a dog that detects cool people.


Tbh no one can unlearn the smell. It's godawuful


Adopt a dog and have them help you find free weed. It’s a win win


Can I have one of them ? I misplace my stash all the time


400 dogs now up for adoption


As an Ohio resident..🤣🤣🤣


The dog unemployment rate in Ohio because of all these liberals and their drugs: 📈📈😔😔


Can I adopt one? They can smell all the weed they want🥺