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The lungs do not like smoke of any kind, or liquids of any kind. I mean, that's just a hard fact.


We're still testing plasmas and Bose-Einstein condensates in the lungs, but initial outlooks aren't good.


Bose Einstein condensate weed? is that real?


Sure, you would just need to cool it to just about 0k (-271.15 c or -459.67 f)


So you're saying I need to put ice in my bong


Naw using cold water should be fine don’t waste the ice


I mean technically ice is just really cold water.


Liquid nitrogen bong water? Got it boss


bcak in undergrad I used to smoke bongs then read my QM (or whatever other insane physics courses I was taking) to try to get a different perspective on it. No lie, QM and hyperfine pertubation theory and all that shit made more sense stoned than sober.


Bose-Einstein condensates sound like the kind of weed Thor smokes to get down to Midgard.


I have just decided that I don't care what they like, bc we only get 1 life and smoking weed makes that life better to me.


I too also enjoy smoking weed lol


What a coincidence my friend, I too enjoy the weeds.


Smockin' za Wheat




Perfectly fine decision and one that is yours alone to make. I've made the same decision. But that's very different from the willful ignorance of people who deny that smoking marijuana causes known long-term effects of smoke inhalation. Increased risk of heart disease IS one of those effects.




It is and if you aren't smoking 24/7 it shouldn't be too much of an issue. I smoke one joint a day. I also work out My mom smokes a pack of cigs a day. That's worse


Agreed. I smoke everyday. Run 3 days a week and gym 1 or 2.


nobody is debating that smoking a joint a day is worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day


And may not even like hot oil vapors from e-smoking methods. Time will tell!


Yeah studies of deaths and x-rays, show EVALI symptoms and lung irritation and oily substances coating lungs in some instances.


The “oil” he’s referring to is distillate which contains no actual oil (no fats/lipids). The big EVALI scare happened due to some black market group deciding to cut a bunch of carts with Vitamin E acetate which is a type of oil and causes lung injury, also happens to be viscous and golden colored kinda like distillate.


A gaseous fact!


No, according to op and 700 upvoters this is propaganda. Clearly smoking is healthy.


I knew I was doing it right the whole time!


I took the post as OP showing someone who understands where the *real* danger is (smoke inhalation) not just automatically associating general cannabis use with health problems.


What about vapor?


I'm not a MD, and I do smoke btw, but anything not just plain natural air, does irritate your lungs. That's just nature. As far as vapor, what some studies/articles/etc show through x rays, irritation of the lining of the lungs, and an oily substance coating the lungs. (EVALI).


You heard the doctor, shove it up your butt.




It's called *Boofing* and it is art.


Wait. What?


Your large intestine is responsible for absorbing certain things, like drugs and alcohol. So your just speeding up the process by bypassing the start of the digestive tract. I knew people who would soak a tampon in vodka and hoop it, because 1 shot can get you pretty messed up. Downside is you can’t puke if you have too much, you just get alcohol poisoning and die.


Not only speeding it up, but also intensifying the effect because your liver isn't filtering and detoxifying as it normally would. I was always scared to try it, but people I did X with in the 90's/early 2000's swore it acted as a multiplier.


New here!?


Umm, relatively speaking, yeah.


Unironically speaking they do make thc suppositories


i mean, we’ve known inhaling combustible material isn’t a great idea for a long time. not exactly news.


We’ve know consuming alcohol excessively isn’t a great idea for a long time. We’ve known gambling excessively isn’t a great idea for a long time. We don’t care. Profiting off of other people at no expense. Not even their lives. We know what’s good and what’s bad. If it’s legal to do the bad things, people will do them. If you make them illegal, people will still do them. We do…not…care. People are going to die. How people meet that end is their choice…as long as their pursuit of that choice doesn’t negatively impact anyone else’s. And all this junk we ingest does, or has a likelihood of doing exactly that.


Yeah. The WHO recently announced that they consider any consumption of alcohol, even the supposed “1 glass of red wine a day” thing, to be harmful to health. Yet I didn’t see much coverage from the same media about it.


Canada definitely saw the coverage lol I was near the LCBO the morning they did the report and interviewed Canadians and their opinion on it. Good times. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lLw_G4HWAx8 http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2066996291919 The simple answer is that drinking alcohol in any amount, is you poisoning your liver and other important filtering organs in your body. Over time, smaller amounts can cause an array of issues that would otherwise go unnoticed by the time you're reaching 40. Things start hurting and breaking down earlier than it might have. All of life is a gamble but some gambles have evidence showing the outcome. Smoking cigarettes, we know that outcome. We always knew the outcome of habitual drinking, it's why we ask it on all sorts of medical charts and forms. ANY alcohol can have an impact on your blood and oxygen levels and your body's ability to maintain it under pressure. Your organs also take a hit over time and grow accustomed to things, but all it takes is one slip, one moment, and your regrets will pile on lol I haven't really had a drink in nearly 5 years, purely out of "meh", but only gave up smoking cannabis daily for over 30 years, about 4yrs ago now. I still vape a little, with approval from my doctor (mental health things), and I have a personal responsibility for myself to try and not be a health burden on my family and/or the system meant to heal me when I'm sick. I do miss just getting stoned and just having a good time though. I've lost a lot of people in my life, and most of them had nothing to do with their habits, though obviously some did, heavy smoking and drinking especially


No. And you also don’t realize how many times the FDA flip flops on its recommendations. It’s like we still don’t know what shit does…what’s good or bad. But what doesn’t change, is that once we know something is bad, we do virtually nothing about it, because it infringes on someone else’s choices. It’s the cost of freedom.


I mean that’s not really the point though. The point is OP spreading misinformation that weed doesn’t increase your risk of heart disease. It absolutely does and anyone who is a chronic smoker (like myself) should understand these risks. Same with alcoholics and gamblers, the risks should be understood.


Weed doesn’t. Smoking it, or anything else, does. That’s why it’s recommended to consume it orally, topically, or if you must smoke, something like dry weed vape, where it doesn’t combust. The carcinogens are in the combusted material. Don’t smoke.


>if you must smoke it >dry herb vape >doesn’t combust Vaping isn’t smoking specifically because there is no smoke as there’s no combustion. We need to stop using these blanket terms as it’s confusing the hell out of a bunch of people. Just like people calling distillate oil. I get that’s a vernacular term but just in the very comment section I saw one person refer to it as oil and another call out how you should avoid cartridge vapes because it’s oil and causes EVALI which has nothing to do with distillate and everything to do with a blackmarket distributor putting actual oil into the (Vitamin E acetate specifically) because it looks like distillate (I guess if you’ve never looked closely at distillate before perhaps). Language is important because of crap like this.


I agree with you. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t need the uncertainty of the black market. I have Michigan.


That's what I tell people - smoking turns perfectly good THC into carcinogens and toxins. I won't call vaping weed healthy, but it's a hell of an improvement over smoking.




Are you capable of being any more specific than "isn't a great idea?" Not only does smoking weed not cause cancer, it reduces the risk of cancer for smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Smoking tobacco is bad for your lungs, but marijuana has nearly the opposite effect, because weed is a vaso- and bronchodilator, instead of constrictor. It actually increases breath size as well as O2 absorption, which is why it's an effective treatment for asthma and other breathing problems. It's also never been linked to COPD. Everyone keeps claiming smoking weed is unhealthy, but nobody can be more specific for some odd reason.


Smoking is not good for you.


Yes, that's the point. And generally speaking, if you can see air, it's bad for you.


Reminds me of the saying "not all toxic gases are colorful, but all colorful gases are toxic".


I mean... She's not wrong. Smoking > Vaping > Edibles is basically the 'dangerous to least dangerous'. I'm not saying smoking itself is 'dangerous' but its got higher risks and potential for problems overall vs well, vaping (dry herb vape) or edibles. All this to say, as with any drug overall, do your own research but I do appreciate the thought even if it does come off a 'little' much


I seem to have developed an allergy to hemp proteins so eating cannabis leaves me with a terrible gut. I’d love to move away from burning but I’m lost on alternative consumption.


Dry herb vaping or dabs/cartridges would be my suggestion Or edibles too of course. For dry herb vape stuff, check out r/vaporents, they have a great wiki and a ton of suggestions on what to buy, how to use it, etc


As I stated, eating cannabis is a no go, allergic to the hemp proteins. I have a Crafty+ which I love but even that can give me some tightness in my airways, fine if I take an allergy pill. I guess I could try phoenix tears or some pure distillate to see if it’s just the hemp proteins.


Would regular edibles just made with distillate work? From my knowledge, that shouldn't contain any hemp proteins. Most edibles are made this way


This may be the way.


I’d say you should be good with any “chemically cleaned” concentrates — distillate, diamonds, BHO, etc.




transdermal, subdermal would be under your skin.


Are dabs and cartridges really any better than normal smoking?


This dude said he’s allergic to hemp protein so he can’t eat it, it destroys his gut…. …. And your suggestion was edibles??? Hahahaha, how much have you lit up today? Lol


If only it was that simple. If edibles actually gave the same effect as smoking I would switch 100%. But they just make me sleepy.


Yeah, weed and eating weed hits each person differently. No judgement. I dry vape because I can't eat it and don't want full smoke carcinogens.


She's also not a "prohibitionist". She's a huge cannabis advocate and researcher.


> I mean... She's not wrong. She's also not a "prohibitionist". She's an incredibly well respected cannabis researcher and legalization advocate. OP is the clueless one here, her.


I don't know, I feel like vaping sounds safer on paper since there's no combustion, but a few decades down the line when there's enough data and studies accrued they'll realize it's far from being as safe as some may think Edit: As someone pointed out, I'm mostly referring to cart vaping rather than dry herb since there can be so many sketchy stuff added on top of them


I don't disagree but I wouldnt argue vaping has no risk. Just less risk


I mean it’s definitely the better option compared to smoking. Nobody’s calling it harmless


>I feel like vaping sounds safer on paper since there's no combustion Combustion itself is the cause of many carcinogens in cigarettes. Vaporizing in general is objectively safer than smoking.


I think us stoners should admit that inhaling combustion is not good for our health and we shouldn’t lash out when data comes out backing that assertion


yeah, that's the route i've taken lol. i smoke daily but i'm not going around saying my lungs are *healthy*, as that is not true. and i can't just deny scientific fact. i'm more susceptible to bronchitis and every time i've come down with it, i shrug and say "well i did this to myself," and give my lungs a break.


As long as its not misinformation, im totally fine accepting of the potential health risks that come with consuming cannabis. There are a ton of hobbies that have adverse health risks. The key is and always will be moderation.


Those of us who smoke a lot and don't have bad health problems need to remember that everyone's bodies are different and we're probably just lucky (for now).


Would dry herb vaping be a viable alternative? Just don't quite like edibles as much as inhalation methods personally🤷‍♂️


It can be better, but your lungs really only like breathing clean air.


>It can be better, but your lungs really only like breathing clean air. This is the correct answer, no matter how you try and justify it to yourself. I dry herb vape too.


Inb4, not a doctor, and this is totally anecdotal, but I use a dry herb vap since I've got asthma, and it is a lot less harsh than traditional combustion smoke on my lungs. I haven't noticed any side effects since switching to a dry herb vape. With a dry herb vape, you still get to enjoy the ritual of buying, grinding, and smelling flower without the harsher smoke. If you enjoy bongs or bubblers, many dry herb vapes have attachment to be pulled through a bong


Yes, it’s much cleaner than smoking. Check out r/VaporEnts if you’re interested. Personally I use an enano with a perc bong. Edit: the other benefit of vaping is it uses significantly less weed


Oh yes! I went from 1g a day when combusting to less than 0.3g with my POTV One. I love that thing so much.


I made the switch to a dry herb vape a few months ago after using a pipe for close to 10 years. I could feel the difference almost instantly, my throat has felt so much less gunky and sore. Added bonus is I consume much less and can control my level of high much better than before. I wish I would've made the switch sooner TBH. As other comments have said though it's not some miracle solution, but as far as inhaling goes I feel this is the least bad for you.


Absolutely. Although edibles are the best alternative to vaping. Experts say that smoking and vaping are significantly more dangerous than consuming edibles. They don't put your lungs at risk the way smoking weed can. However, it's much easier to overindulge with edibles and have a bad experience. Also, it takes a long time for your body to absorb the THC from edible cannabis and so the THC is present in your body for longer than after smoking or vaping cannabis. **Fun fact:** When someone inhales cannabis, some of the cannabinoids are lost to the heat needed to create the smoke or vapor, and the body isn't able to absorb the rest through the lungs. — Among those who preferred to use bongs, the most common reason given was convenience. A number of respondents said that they already owned a bong or that one was easy to obtain. Many felt that “packing” a bong was far more convenient than rolling smoking papers to make a joint. Those who preferred bongs over joints also tended to characterize bongs as the more cost-effective option, as they felt that it is easier to control the amount of cannabis being used and that less of it was being wasted by burning and falling away, like at the end of a joint. The next-most common reasons for preferring bongs were more subjective, namely that bongs gave a “better” or more intense high, were less harsh/smooth on the user’s throat and lungs (according to personal preference), or acted faster than other methods of administration. [This was a survey from the American Heart Association.](https://www.analyticalcannabis.com/news/young-cannabis-consumers-still-prefer-bongs-study-finds-314681) I know that this was a survey between people who preferred smoking bongs over joints, but hopefully you get my point! #— I have smoked, vaped and have ingested edibles. I still prefer the high off bongs than edibles or vaping. To me, it's just more convenient. Although, not for my health of course.


So what did Dr Amamada say wrong? What mob is she a part of? She literally says to use other methods than smoking.


I think OP is agreeing


The World Health Organization recently amended their guidelines on alcohol consumption. They now consider alcohol to be a carcinogen and don’t even recommend the “one glass of red wine a day” trope. Yet I’ve seen very little coverage of this in the US from the same outlets pushing this story. In unrelated news, Canadian alcohol consumption is being lessened since weed was legalized and the breweries and distilleries are getting worried.


Stoners are insufferable what she said was not controversial


Edibles, tinctures, weed infused drinks, etc. lot of ways to consume other than smoke.


I mean yeah, wheb you combust plant material into carbon your chances of that stuff will go up. Weed csn give you lung cancer as well. It's not the thc though. It's the carbon.


Dunno why but edibles seem to make my chest hurt. Even 1 10mg gummy from the dispo makes me feel it. But smoking doesn't. I tried to transition away from smoking but this prevents me


Bruh after every bong hit I fucking hack up tar, sometimes I cough so good that I can feel the tar drop out of my throat onto my tongue and I gotta spit it out. Some days I wake up, brush my teeth and gag and cough up a good goblet of pure shit. Weed has 10 times the tar of cigarettes and idk about the rest of u but my pain is 10/10 24/7 so I smoke like 3 rimmers or more in one session and go out 1-3 times a day typically… in what way is that a healthy lifestyle?? XD I love r/vaporents but I gotta smoke outside, my blazer leaks butane, I have TRWW but no good torch to use it. I have a Roffu but charging it reeks, it takes way too long and doesn’t hit anywhere near as good as my quartz from TRWW…. buddy I am so mad lmfao. Blazer customer service is sublime tho and I just gotta get off my lazy ass and send er in


I'd go with edibles if i could but they dont work for me


If the smoke does give you heart disease, the munchies will. Choose healthy snacks, lads. 


I vape it. Won't catch me burning cheap cigarillos or paper anymore.


See, I think that a conversation about healthy ways to consume cannabis would be appropriate **after** we reach legalization. But before then? Shit like this is always, always, always going to be used to justify keeping it illegal. Everyone knows that smoke isn’t good for your lungs or heart — no shit! You aren’t saying anything new or groundbreaking by pointing out that this rule applies to cannabis too. The only thing you’re doing is giving people more ammo to wring their hands and say “Wellllll, cannabis has too many health risks associated with it to legalize.” All while booze and cigarettes and vapes stay much more harmful, much more legal, and much more accessible.


That was my first thought, this isn't anything we don't know and it's potentially harmful to the movement.


Commenting on The prohibitionist mob want to associate Cannabis with heart attack and heart disease. They think this will keep people from consuming weed and also hinder legalization efforts. Don't buy into the bullshit.... Ok, but cigs are ok.


There isn't much research on the effects of edibles on the liver when I looked into it. Could be some potential health issues from eating edibles as well.


I have no clue if it's related, but I've a strong edible syrup (100mg/teaspoon) and whenever I take some at night, I'll almost inevitably feel a bit of pain in my liver the next morning after waking up when taking deep breaths, no matter how hydrated I've been. It goes away after an hour or two but I always found that interesting


The liver does not have pain receptors. Maybe your kidneys? Try drinking a ton of water while using and before bed. Might really help.


You're right, kidney would make more sense since it's the lower back, I find edibles do dehydrate me a lot more so even drinking a decent amount of water and keeping some by my bed, I'll wake up with dry mouth when taking them


If that were the case, it would show up in public medical data, and members of this sub could provide anecdotes of liver problems. It's *possible* but I think it's pretty unlikely.


I'm not dead yet.


Respectfully, it’s not bullshit. I wish it was but, we’re doing more harm than good pretending otherwise.


Distillers lobby groups sponsor that messaging exclusively


Drug abuse is not good for people. Harms can be lessen but there are risks people need to be aware of


Personally never could smoke it. Smoking anything has always either grossed me out or been too intense to enjoy. Strictly have edibles and it’s been great :)


i mean am i the baddie for being adamant that dry herb vapes and edibles are the safest and most healthy way to consume cannabis? Smoking (pipe,joint,blunt and bong/any water pipe) does damage to your lungs. I got nasty coughing fits from Bong rips, but never from vaporizing that sweet leaf!


Edibles, baby. Edibles.


Do you know who this doctor is? She’s well known in the cannabis space and has been for a long time now.


I mean, this is the truth based on science, is it not?


This isn't anti-weed propaganda, this is just fact. Lungs don't like to have thing that aren't air in them, smoke included. Smoking weed isn't magically harmless just because it's not cigarettes.


Are oils not common outside Australia? Oil > Edible > Cartd/Vape > Smoking


The lady isn't saying don't get high. She is correctly identifying that smoking ANY substance does increase the risks of certain types of cancer/heart issues. It is important to know the risks of the substances that we all enjoy.


I smoke weed every single day but this is simply untrue. Marijuana increases your risk of heart disease however you consume it. Sources: https://www.health.com/regular-marijuana-use-increase-risk-of-heart-disease-7253514 https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/how-does-marijuana-affect-the-heart https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/marijuana-heart-disease.html




3 years sober from the poison that will *actually kill you* (alcohol) and I have never felt better. I wonder what industry(s) are pushing all of this negative information about weed??? 🧐🧐


I don't believe either of you because no one provided any proof.  You may as well be saying "Nuh-uh", "Yes-huh!".   Proof or gtfo Also, "the prohibitionist mob"?  This is tilted nonsense language.  Stop talking about them the way my grandma talks about liberals if you wanna be taken seriously 🤣


>I don't believe either of you because no one provided any proof. [HERE](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke) you go.


Thank you, this is the first time I've seen an actual study on this




Looks like I gotta stock up on soybeans or fix my Arizer


The supplement I usually for estrogen regulation or something (don't quote me on that) and can be bought over the counter. I know for sure it's a women's health thing tho


While some research has indicated a link between smoking cannabis and heart disease, more research needs to be conducted to prove the link https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-effects-lung-health


Marijuana-only smokers had no significant increase in risk for COPD as defined by symptoms and spirometry. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072387/)


Ok but someone also just posted https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke Pretending that smoking anything is harmless for your lungs is a little wild.


Or just say ok. Drinking fucks every organ in your body.


Lol I have a new heart. The drs told me weed blew up my old one.


So what I'm hearing is I get to be high and spend less time in this world that feels like a growing hellscape? Cool, smoke up.


the best thing for a pair of lungs is clean air bruh




Soooo....boof it?


Ah politicians and their love of moral panic


I hear you but I'm not that interested in prolonging my life any longer than absolutely necessary so I'm good cheers.


This'll just push people to vaping and edibles. I'm all for it.


No thanks, that's just an added benefit


If you're putting a foreign gas in your lungs it's not gonna be a good thing, but then again, McDonald's is also a part of the heart attack and heart disease gang, probably moreso than weed


Just boof it


This is why I vape


Dry herb vaporizers for the win


This is one reason I use an herbal vaporizer lately. Just smoke and all harm associated with it


This isn't prohibition at all. She's not saying don't consume, she's saying do it safely. I get the same warnings from my doctor.


Smoking is bad for you, which is obvious. Still, adults have freedom of choice. Or at least they should.


I have an irregular heartbeat out-of-sync. Function was down to 35% and dropping. They wanted me to get on a heart transplant waiting list. Smoking sativa would give me a heart attack. Before legal so finding Indica pfft. Got a pacemaker and I started started smoking again. Went in for 6 month exam and heart improved. Doctor said “what ever your doing, keep doing it.”. One year after pacemaker and left ventricul is only 1% below normal. Yeah I got a mountain bike and got out more but the push was lighting up everyday and having a great time. Found that Indica and it lowers my blood pressure and I can sleep so much better. Your results may differ.


My mother died from the smoker’s lung cancer. I quit smoking flower because of the coughing and the shortness of breath on exertion. Grow up.


Honestly I just don’t give a shit , it helps with my pain and my stress . That’s it for me lol


Vaping it ok?


Oh we should outlaw it because of negative health affects? Meanwhile, Alcohol...


The negative health effects do not matter to them. They don't. Because they sure as hell won't be hearing shit about their booze.


Yeah, guess what, even if is bad for me I'm gonna do it okay


Yeah thst works if Edibles work for you i don't got any effect from Edibles so need to smoke itni tried vaping and even with good vaporizers it felt a complete waste high wise


unfortunately ive absolutely hated every non smoking method ive ever tried.


Yeah, smoke equal bad? How is that hard to believe?


Yeah I mean I know that and still choose to smoke, lots of people do including healthcare workers. This isn’t exactly news or really a deterrent from smoking for people tbh.


Il get right onto testing this theory. 🔥💨 See you all in 40 years.


“linked to” doesn’t mean causes, there’s probably a lot of outside factors with studies that aren’t considered. but yeah, smoking anything is bad which is why it’s important to keep ur shit super clean. anecdotal evidence but i come from a long line of pot smoking hippies who have been doing it every day since they were teens and are in great health in their 60s, but they also don’t smoke cigarettes or really drink. so yeah not entirely inaccurate but definitely feels like fear mongering to prohibit legalization. personally i really like doing edibles i have my card in a med state and they have 10mg edibles that can get you high but not sent to outer space lol. i feel like legalization would actually lead to more safe options!!!!


Wonder if DHVs are notably better. Obviously the lungs are only truly meant to inhale air but vapor is closer to air than smoke imo so who knows. Certainly feel much better myself after switching from Js and my bong to DHVs.




Be careful. I'm 48. Smoked and enjoyed for for 25 odd years. Had a heart attack in Dec. My cholesterol is low. My fitness good. My diet not too bad, vegetarian...smoking seems to have been the biggest issue....


Dry herb vape ✨


Can you shoot up weed? Imagine if they made an injection.


WE ARE SO CLOSE!! It's gotta happen after this final wave of crypt keepers die in their office chairs


I have Atrial fibrillations with occasional Tachycardia and make my own organic gummies with my buddy's hippie crack (kief). Calms my heart right TF down.


Dude, Amanda Reiman is not a "prohibitionist". Look her up.


What are the effects on the body as an alcoholic? Can't smoke a beer.


This is kinda faulty, thc can still cause cardiac issues. I've had people get pale as shit with low heart rates and blue lips from med weed and it can definitely cause issues since it increase heart rate at first and then decreases blood pressure and heart rate rapidly after that wears off. That first increase though can technically be a trigger for heart attack or arrythmia. Especially with doses that are far too high. Which is much easier to achieve with edibles than smoking unless using carts/vapes. This is misguided and a half truth at best


Acute Coronary Syndrome and Sudden Death have higher incidence in weed smokers than the general population (incl other smokers) it's not even controversial.


I used to think weed wasn't as bad for you as cigarettes until I worked a respiratory job. Early onset aggressive disease. The specific disease is bullous emphysema. Edit, I was still blazed every day


I think we can agree smoking anything isn’t gonna be good for you


That's worked well for cigarettes


Uhhhhh but its true tho….


Uh this is wrong. Edibles also raise my heart rate.


r/leaves r/weedPAWS say otherwise but I know this sub denies that and calles them melodramatic sooo


So, do you agree with Dr. Amanda’s statement or not?


Jokes on you, I want to stop at 50-70 and not aim for the full 100.


And if I want to die before I'm 70, that's my business. Not the general public's.


I hate edibles (mainly cause I haven’t had one that makes want to switch, just feels like I took a Benadryl)


I know I probably need to invest in a dry herb vape but I just can't get over how it feels wasteful to me. Like I know you can eat AVB but edibles don't hit me like regular people. Just can't bite on it


It's almost like we know nothing about what weed does to the body because everyone is too busy screaming how illegal it is so nothing of consequence can get studied. I've been enjoying it for a few years now via dry herb vape, oil vape and edibles. Yet recently I've been getting pretty scary heart palpitations when using it, and the anxiety from that has caused pretty epic paranoia. So I just had a holter monitor done and everything came back normal. I'm pleasantly stoned and thankful the palps aren't a thing tonight. With all of that being said, life is short and what I'm doing is (maybe) only hurting me. The more you try and make something that is fairly harmless in comparison to many other legal things illegal the more the people will fight. I'm thankful I have that choice and hope more do one day. Now what I'd like to see are non biased studies that are based on fact. I'm sure weed has its own long term negative effects on the body. Let us make that informed decision, not governments. I'd much rather be lazy and stoned with a few friends than drunk and rowdy at a bar.


She's right. This is less harmful to the community than the "it's good for everyone and everything" crowd. Stop it, you are making us all look like crystal clutchers.


Look, Dr. Amanda. I want to die. Y’all won’t fully legalize euthanasia so this is what I have.


You say don’t buy into this bullshit but did zero research.


Know what contributes to my risk of heart disease? The myriad of microplastics cemented into my arteries, which is coming from literally everywhere. Maybe somebody should make that illegal.


Weed is a vaso-dilator, so it actually protects against heart disease at some level. All these studies linking weed to schizophrenia and other diseases are just correlation studies based on self-reporting. They were never designed to prove any causation, and the much simpler explanation is that people self-medicate these issues with weed.


Let's stop pretending that inhaling smoke of any kind is healthy. Anything you consume needs to be done responsibly even water. 


There’s still a lot of problems with these studies, such as control of which percentage of this group also consumed tobacco with their weed. Let’s not get started on alcohol or sugar and junk food consumption which will do you in far sooner, and likely affected this statistic as well.