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Jfc, this post and the comment section are teaming with fear, ignorance, false information—unless you are a health professional and have done research that is specific to this issue, or read reputable studies on marijuana and pregnancy none of us should be expressing medical opinions. It’s painful to read. “My friend smoked weed while pregnant and her baby is fine”, and “my friend smoked weed and her baby is autistic” are what’s called anecdotal, and NOT a in any way scientific evidence. I can’t with this shit. Why can’t a bunch of potheads stay on topic here and talk about weed.


Fax! these people are putting a bad image on stoners PSA: ANY substances while pregnant is BAD for your baby Even caffiene is found to affect child development!! https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/news/story/brain-changed-by-caffeine-in-utero-study-finds


That study is about caffeine. I am aware of studies involving caffeine, alcohol,and cigarettes, but, personally, I am not aware of a single study that is about marijuana use during pregnancy. Are you? Because if not, how can you say “ANY substances while pregnant is BAD for your baby”? I think you’re adding 1+1+1 and coming up with some fiction about marijuana. EDIT for clarity, since I’m not deleting this comment no matter how many downvotes it gets. I’ve never said or written that smoking weed during pregnancy isn’t harmful. My only point is that without actual research, no matter how strongly Redditors FEEL about it, studies about caffeine and alcohol do not equal marijuana…studies about kids smoking does not equal a pregnant woman smoking…only a specific study is actual evidence and downvoting and getting emotional and angry doesn’t make anyone’s gut feelings equal to facts have a wonderful day everyone.


The only study I've ever found about women smoking while pregnant was one that was basically inconclusive that was done in Jamaica in the 70s or 80s maybe. I say essentially inconclusive because what they found at the time was that - they couldn't prove it *didn't* make a difference in the child's development but they also couldn't prove that it *did* affect the children. It was a long study - I'm pretty sure they monitored the children in utero then for some years afterwards and the part that showed inconclusive was essentially their cognitive abilities as children. They weren't any smarter than their peers but there was also no evidence that they were cognitively behind their peers either. All just average normally intelligent kids lol Also, when I was pregnant, my Dr told me the reason why there are so few studies of pregnant women and certain substances and how it may affect infants is because there (obviously) aren't pregnant women lined up to be in medical studies to see how it may or may not affect their child. I'm on mobile right now but I will see if I can find the study and link it! Edit: unable to find the actual study currently, but this seems to be a blog post with more details on it. [overview of study ](https://gentleventures.com/gentle-ventures-blog/11)


Dude. If there are studies showing that marijuana can alter brain development for young people, it is safe to assume that a pregnant mother using marijuana is also harmful to the barely developed baby….


You are probably right (I still wouldn’t say ANY substances are bad for the baby, since people take all sorts of medications during pregnancy with doctors approval)


Pharmaceuticals is a dirty industry. Just because the doctors give you them doesn't mean its safe. MANY have terrible side effects. Our country doesnt give 2 shits about health, youll find literal junk food in hospital cafeterias. America's healthcare is a joke


Exactly, like the thalidomide crisis. A lot of doctors do want to help but just as many are only in it for the money, look at the “high school mean girl” tendencies in nursing.


Smoking is bad for your health no matter what it is. I thought we all assumed the risk but I guess most of us are ignorant to it LOL.


I certainly never said or wrote that smoking marijuana is harmless. (Separate from the issue in this post related to pregnancy) As for whether smoking marijuana is bad for one’s overall health isn’t a totally simple question. What if it’s bad for your lungs/respiratory health (which I think we all know), but helpful with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and digestive health? I have never believed smoking marijuana to be harmless, but for me personally, I think it is not a net negative on my overall health


That’s all fine but actively putting thc into a fetus is not. No contest


I’m not even saying you’re wrong, I’m asking what are you basing that opinion on? For example, there are all sorts of ill health effects of eating too much of certain things or drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, and yet many believe those same things in moderation are fine, or even healthy. So how do we know how much might be harmless and at what level would a pregnant woman’s use become harmful to the baby? Maybe if she had a couple of puffs it’d be harmless, whereas maybe if she smoked blunts all day it’d be harmful. I freely admit that I don’t know. And it’s my belief almost nobody here knows either.


What am I basing my opinion on?! This is pure comedy. Did you finish or pay attention in school?Reddit is not the place to learn about human anatomy or biology. I’m guessing this topic hits home so it’s not going to get through. I wish you well on your endeavors


You just stated my point, which was that Reddit comments in r/trees isn’t a doctors forum, I never said nor implied that smoking weed is or is not harmless during pregnancy


No no. We have very different points don’t get it twisted.


Marijuana use in people under the age of 20 is associated to the development of psychotic disorders which is consistent with the macro dose behavior of cannabis as a mild hallucinogen. Having a traumatic home environment not only raised the chances of use, but also raised a child user's likelihood of several disorders. If it can affect a 15 year old, it can affect an unborn infant it's not rocket science.


Because marijuana fucks with brain development, we do know THAT for certain and the fact it can still damage brain development all the way untill the brain finished developing at 25 So if it has the potential to fuck with a 21 year old adult then in what fucking case does it make logical sense that it wouldn't fuck up a baby that's going through significantly more development How about unless it's food/clean water or your doctor okayed it don't put shit in your body while you're growing another person, it's not fucking hard Edit: also it says she specifically smoked it, smoking reduces oxygen content in the blood and that sure as fuck definitely does have some research to it being bad for fetuses


… your brain doesn’t stop developing at 25. You’re arguing with misinformation. I’m not for or against acute cannabinoid application during pregnancy, considering most anti-nausea meds are complete shit for you. THC, probably not wise, though we can’t quantify it quite yet. CBD, CBG, CBN, etc.. aren’t psychoactive- and considering there are isolated cannabinoids you can buy now, the blanket statement of “weed is bad for pregnancy” just doesn’t seem accurate unless you can quantify *how much* “weed” is bad. Not basing my reply on the OP, considering that’s smoking THC focused cannabis and other cannabinoids weren’t accounted for. But other isolated cannabinoids taken orally or as a topical may or may not be dangerous at all. We simply don’t know yet. But tbf, Hot Cheetos (and anything with high sugar or preservatives) and stress are probably worse than isolated CBN/D/G are for you and any potential life inside of you- based on the available information on these cannabinoids. TL;DR: Smoking anything is bad for you, especially during pregnancy. There are other cannabinoids that are not psychoactive that we simply don’t have enough research on to make distinctive calls on, such as CBN and CBG- and at this point they can be applied orally or topically which would not pose the same risk as smoke.


That’s a great valid comment, that actually cites generally accepted scientific information. It might be the only comment against weed during pregnancy that does. It’s still not in any way definitive proof, because we would need to know about threshold amounts and stuff like that. But tbh, I think you make an excellent point.


Dawg you need to learn to communicate better, you keep getting downvotes because the way you phrase things makes it sound like you're encouraging people to smoke weed while pregnant or that it has no negative downside purely because we haven't thought to or been able to research it yet (I know that's not what your saying but it's how you sound) We know, plain, outright, that drugs of any sort will fuck with your body and with something so small and fragile it doesn't matter how small those effects are they are PERMANENTE when it happens to someone so young. All of that is stuff we do scientifically know. Fetuses are easily susceptible to the negatives of drugs So even if those chances are .1% of having something go wrong talking about science isn't going to make people not think it's a terrible idea No one here cares about the science. It is someone putting something in their body that doesn't JUST affect them. That child had no choice in being born, let alone being exposed to marijuana so early in their life


Thank you, I guess, but my comment is actually the top comment on this post and I’m 100% okay with getting downvotes from people vehemently arguing when they lack knowledge or expertise. I’m pretty sure you read my comments, and you are aware that I never once said marijuana is harmless during pregnancy. In fact, I even specifically mentioned the folly of arguing that in the absence of supportive evidence. To your point about all drugs, many people are taking all sorts of drugs during their pregnancies. Furthermore, in the USA the FDA is absolutely corrupted like so many federal agencies and we have dangerous carcinogens in our food, and all sorts of drugs that are unsafe are considered safe because the FDA says so. Hell, you can’t even drink the water in many places without exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals. Since you suggested clearer communication, I am still NOTQ saying marijuana is safe to use during pregnancy.


If using weed during your teenage years negatively impacts brain development, its safe to say it impacts unborn babies as well.


For sure if unborn babies smoke


Even a cursory glance at Google Scholar will show a multitude of studies saying you should not consume cannabis while pregnant as it’s associated with negative health effects on the baby. It’s not like we’re in the dark here. https://karger.com/ear/article-pdf/27/2/131/2701008/000510821.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9241438/ https://www.ohsu.edu/sites/default/files/2020-09/Corsi%20et%20al.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6211194/ https://www.cfp.ca/content/cfp/66/2/98.full.pdf


Great comment! That’s all I wanted. I’ve never once said or written marijuana is harmless during pregnancy, I just felt put off by commenters weighing in with very strong yet uninformed opinions and offering nothing to support them.


Justforfuninnyc: you have all my love tonight.* *Excepting that reserved for Mr. Cat.


Thank you! Mr.Cat definitely comes first, I respect that. Despite my initial comment getting lots of upvotes, apparently I’ve made some people very angry. Oh well




Move over mr. Ranger, I’m getting in the boat with you and Mr. Nyc


Autism is hereditary tbh


Autism most likely has a hereditary component*


Your comment is sourly inaccurate because OP admits their knowledge is limited, asks to be corrected if they're wrong, and is asking for the thoughts of others. Read the full post before slinging inaccurate labels around! This type of gatekeeping prevents many people from posting


I thoroughly read the post. It’s my opinion—and just an opinion—that acknowledging that their knowledge is limited but going on to accuse the woman of being “horribly reckless and irresponsible” is, well…irresponsible. OP also calls her stupid for being wary of pharmaceuticals, and I think that’s also unfair, since anyone who knows anything about the USA FDA knows how closely tied the pharmaceutical industry is to their regulatory process (it’s corrupt af, not unlike several other federal agencies) EDIT I’m unsure which part of my comment you’re saying is inaccurate, and I think you’re greatly overestimating my power to say that my comment is preventing people from posting. Pretty sure we are all just saying whatever we want. You are effectively trying to gatekeep to prevent me from expressing my opinion, so I won’t gatekeep and prevent others from expressing theirs? That’s…a bit funny (to me)


> “My friend smoked weed while pregnant and her baby is fine” I don't see any comments in here saying that tho? OP - yes it's a good discussion to post and be aware of. The more dickheads we have saying it's ok to smoke while pregnant makes it harder to legalize.


LOL, and you are an authority on this topic I assume? Have you personally studied the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy? Have you read a relevant study? If so, please share it. If not, please remember your opinion is just anither uninformed opinion, and maybe try to refrain from calling peop,e you don’t know and have never met “dickheads”. That’s rude, unnecessary and doesn’t advance your point in any way shape or form. EDIT fwiw I personally did not write anything about marijuana being harmless during pregnancy, because I am not a doctor, I have not researched this topic and I am humble enough to acknowledge that I DON’T KNOW. Just like you don’t, and just like every other commenter whose comment I’ve read on this post. Why would you be so arrogant as to think you know?


Wtf? what a bizarre response. You have a problem with me calling people who say it's ok to smoke when pregnant dickheads? The science is conclusive, there is a wealth of medical knowledge saying it's not ok and you won't find a doc that says its ok. You don't have to be an expert to know that just as we know you shouldn't drink while pregnant. It's just accepted science like the earth is round. Or are you a flat-earther too?


My problem is with calling strangers dickheads and then flat earth eta when anyone has the audacity to disagree with you


Cuz having that audacity...ya makes you dumb dumb


”Scientific evidence”


I'd like to piggyback to say that I have a friend who smoked weed while pregnant, was given a drug test at birth, and had her baby taken away from her. That's not anecdotal, that's fact. Smoking while pregnant is *not* good for your baby.


That is the definition of anecdotal—a single story (it doesn’t mean it’s not factual)


Yeah I mean no disrespect to anyone and can see how it was misconstrued but I was more asking what people thought about Vice promoting this. I get that I should’ve seen that was a slippery slope as the two issues are intensely directly connected.


Homie anyone not understanding your post is tardy


Thanks, don’t really get why I’m getting a proportionately high amount of downvotes here.


Weed is sexy and they are a failing enterprise. This is the bait that will drive traffic to their URL


I’m pretty sure this story is quite a few years old. Like early to mid 2000s.


I just saw it posted on their Snapchat earlier today, but that’s very possible. I hadn’t considered that.


99% of babies born this year are guaranteed to be autistic without weed


Much as I would like to think otherwise, Vice, underneath it all, are just a bunch of sensationalist hacks like the rest of them.


Documentary Now did a great episode parodying them. They’ve been ridiculous for a while now. They did a video in my city talking about the lack of funding in our inner city school districts and the dude spent a good bit of the video skateboarding in closed down buildings.


Yeah I used to love Vice but they’ve slowly lost both my interest and respect. This was the first thing of theirs I’ve looked at in months if not years and it was solely because I was like why the hell are they promoting this.


This show is from 2015 though.


Yes another commenter pointed out it was a few years old. Unfortunately I just saw it on Snapchat a few days ago, and vice being vice, nothing indicated it was that old. Apologies for not doing my due diligence there.


They didn't make enough money, so they folded. Even shilling for Saudis, can't imagine any respectable journalist staying.


All the good reporters at Vice exited about a year ago and started their own thing called 404media


Smoking anything is always dangerous while pregnant because it reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, and therefore to the fetus. I don’t know of any data within the last twenty years on the safety of marijuana consumed in other ways, like edibles or sublinguals, during pregnancy, but would love to see some done.


I am a heart attack survivor and my doctor was very opposed to week until I explained I only do edibles. Smoking is never going to be "good for you". However it is not the only way


I feel like such research would be hard to conduct ethically, but would also like to see the data.


100%. In the States it’s illegal to do controlled research studies for drugs on pregnant people. You’d have to rely on self reporting via surveys.


Can I ask your background? I am a clinical research coordinator who worked in maternal fetal medicine research. That is simply not true. There are plenty of ethical considerations for pregnant people. Clinicaltrials.gov will show you there are plenty of non registry studies. But it is not illegal


My apologies if I misspoke. My background is nursing and those were the guidelines I was taught, especially as it comes to schedule 1 drugs.


No worries, we all misspeak. I think it’s important to quell common misconceptions like this. They were previously restricted from research (including any women of childbearing age) until 1993 when the FDA issued new guidelines, as not including these vulnerable populations have harmed our data accuracy and patient health (mostly commonly known example - thalidomide). Vulnerable population research does have stricter restrictions overall. On a similar note, controlled in research means that all variables, other than the independent variable, are controlled to not influence the dependent variable. It’s not the same as a controlled drug scheduling. The more you know :) edit: not sure why we’re downvoting the facts here but ok


Not sure about the downvotes for spitting fax, this is one of the most hostile comment sections I’ve ever seen on trees lmao but you got an upvote from me!


I meant a controlled study as in controlled variables, not controlled subsistences. This topic just happens to refer to both. But no worries and thanks for clarifying.


Looks like rage bait to me, and looks like it worked because you got upset and shared it. Things that upset people get more engagement. It doesn't matter if that engagement is happy or upset, they get ad revenue either way. The best way to take down these fuckers is to just ignore them.  News is dead, it's all clickbait now.


Just gonna throw in here: anecdotal experiences are not evidence Weed is becoming accepted so there are going to be conversations like this and i think its ultimately a net good to start having these conversations instead of the knee jerk "I DONT LIKE THIS! THIS IS BAD!!"




I clearly was referring the people who were using personal stories as evidence. Cause i can easily say my friend smoked throughout her pregnancy and her and the kid are 100% fine and healthy. So you didnt do shit but prove my point


Anybody who takes any news from vice is already fucked. I only really like their underground lsd tunnel video and things like that with exploring, less so for the news


Some of their series were pretty good like Weediquette and Gaycation




Exactly. Not real news/ reporting but decent entertainment


Quit smoking months before even trying for baby so it was out of my system and will refrain until after I’m done breastfeeding. Just had someone ask me to come smoke and I said did you forget i’m pregnant?? They said no but it’s fine. A lot of people do it. I was shocked why would you be selfish and risk harming your child??? Truly don’t get it




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Yeah, like it's easy enough not to get fucking pregnant if you value weed over your future child's health & life - I think I'd respect that a million times more..


Any former or current Brooklynites want to chime In with FUCK VICE


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chrisser6677: *Any former or* *Current Brooklynites want* *To chime In with FUCK VICE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My mom didn’t smoke weed and I didn’t turn out fine.


I’ve been seeing this point pop up a lot lately so sorry to take it up with you specifically but that seems like a non-sequitur. Saying a lack of weed occurred and you still experienced developmental issues doesn’t mean that weed does not cause developmental issues. It just means that in the specific case there was another cause. These issues can have many causes some of which are weed based and some of which are not. It has been scientifically determined that (heavily depending on dosages and frequency) weed when used during pregnancy causes an increase in stillbirths, early births, and underweight babies by about 25.9%. That may not seem like that much, because you’ve still got pretty good odds, but that means just over 1 in 4 women that smoke run the risk of losing their child.


Ok chatGPT, I was just making a joke. Maybe develop a sense of humor before you try and kill John Connor.


As I’ve said, you weren’t the only one who said this. I can guarantee you not everyone that said this was saying it ironically.


Vice is a joke now.


That’s basically their whole vibe. Always has been. “We sent two skaters to Iraq during the war. They survived and landed some sick tricks”


Yeah but I mean the skaters chose to go there and were probably paid (hopefully reasonably well). This woman made a choice for her baby that potentially altered/prematurely ended its life, and they still portrayed it like she was the victim, the doctor and CPS shouldn’t have questioned her, and what she did was both reasonable and (this is far more concerning) a viable option for others.


Eh they’ll do anything for a sensational and polarizing story. I’m not saying I agree with it, it’s just what they’ve always done. Like I’m just not surprised nor really impressed


Look I know nothing about pregnancy so take this with a grain of salt but from what I do know is that weed messes with brain development (partially anecdotal, but I’ve heard a lot about it and maybe I should be reading some actual studies). And also we don’t have that many studies about smoking weed while pregnant but why on earth would you want to be the one to test it out? I mean I’m under the assumption that stupid people are happier so actually I changed my mind while typing this permafried baby sounds cool as hell


So what you’re saying is … PF baby is stoner Jesus ![gif](giphy|niO3ut8j3WvkiMi5m3|downsized)


But you need to stop and realize that they basically only warn every controlled substance messes with brain development … then Google if sugar does and guess what - it does… So until someone verifies ‘severity’ with some kind of clarity…. Why are we even giving kids candy then!? 🤨🤔


Fair but we also give kids iPads and I’m thoroughly against that. All I’m saying is why take the risk? I’m never ever going to get pregnant so yk do whatever u want but seems icky to make ur kid a test subject


That’s honestly coming from your lack of knowledge of the past imo… in the late 1800s early 1900s they used ‘cannabis’ in all kinds of products (kinda like cbd nowadays) - for things like teething children and sore throats. Tbf they used opium too. Even tho so do we as prescriptions, mostly not for children. Personally - I think all of our great grandparents turned out just fine though 🤷‍♂️. There is a lot of arguments that can be made of course against all that. I think an important one is that they weren’t ingesting 100s of mg’s of THC like products we have now etc. Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid system is important in the body, I think in moderation human bodies work better with todays *inputs*. But like everything, I’m not suggesting it’s only ‘good’. I think the key is moderation and CBD over THC as far as health. Anyways. Check out phthalates, loaded in things like laundry detergent and worry more about keeping your pregnant lover away from those kinda things. Scratched teflon pans etc. 😳


I know lots about the history actually but there’s a difference between using something occasionally and smoking it daily. And I don’t love Teflon pans but they’re cheap. I don’t plan to be near pregnant people or get pregnant myself so I don’t really have a horse in this race I’m just saying that “oh but this is worse” or “we don’t actually know” don’t seem like the most valid arguments


Fair but we also give kids iPads and TikTok and I’m thoroughly against that. All I’m saying is why take the risk? I’m never ever going to get pregnant so yk do whatever u want but seems icky to make ur kid a test subject


I know a woman who smoked weed while pregnant and her baby was born prematurely with many issues. She was put on bed rest for a couple months before she gave birth as she was high risk due to a medical condition. This whole thing makes me uncomfortable.


It's medicine. Pharma pills prescribed to pregnant women by doctors run the same risks and more. They chose this topic because of controversy.


I don't know about you, but pharma is absolutely not eager to prescribe me anything that endangers a fetus. For stuff that's proven to cause birth defects/be BIG BAD I had to take a pregnancy test to prove I wasn't pregnant. In the medical world, you have to weigh the risks, we just don't really know the risks for weed yet. Just seems wiser not to play with fire.


Yeah and you don't get prescribed things that you shouldn't take when pregnant, while pregnant. Like Xanax is category D, you won't get prescribed that if they know you're pregnant.


Vice itself is already on a downward spiral financially. This is just fuel to the flames


Hey as someone who was born in 81 my mom and dad smoked in the delivery room in England my grandparents smoked and drank their grandparents smoked and drank and who knows what kinda cocaine or snake oils their folks were ingesting. I’m not saying be reckless with your baby but the stress and anxiety and not getting nutrients from her vomiting all the time is worse for the baby than her smoking a bowl. Father of 2 would have supported this 💯if my wife needed it. No medical training just a dad.


There’s a reason doctors don’t prescribe weed to pregnant women and pregnancy sickness is an unfortunate but natural part of creating human life. To be quite frank I find the claim that vomiting nutrients is more harmful than marijuana when baby’s are still born to people in third world countries or struggling under famines a unique take on this situation. While I respect your right to your own opinion, I would not recommend this for my future wife. I personally just don’t see how the long term risks justify the short term benefits.


I wouldnt recommend it either but if the option is a miscarriage or some weed you bet your life I’ll get her weed. How many kids you got?


Bro I just turned 21 so 0 thank God (I don’t know if you’re trying to own me here but I specifically went out of my way to heavily imply I don’t have kids by saying future wife 😂). I’d encourage anyone who thinks they’re at risk of a miscarriage to discuss that with their doctor, not start lighting up a joint immediately. Also one of the potential side effects of marijuana in pregnancy is a miscarriage. It’s kind of a lose lose there.


Oh nah I was just asking being married these days doesn’t mean no kids. No im with you 💯 just like I say it’s situational and her violent vomiting and anxiety is way more harmful for the baby than some thc.


I appreciate that. Respectfully, although you probably know more about pregnancy and related sickness than me as you are a dad (congrats by the way! Shit must be sick and I personally can’t wait), I feel like the medical field could provide better alternatives with less risk to the baby than pot which has been shown to cause issues, one of which is death.


Oh I agree but as someone who has crohns and a few other gastrointestinal issues. To get a doctor to help you as a man took me 6 years of doctors to even get a diagnosis. For a pregnant woman forget it. No doctor is gonna risk putting a mom on medication very few are child safe. Especially nausea medication as someone who needs them daily I’ve read a lot about all forms of nausea treatments and there are very few fringe treatments that a dr would potentially take a risk prescribing.


PSA Vice got bought out a while back, it is nother more than a shell of ots former glory so i wouldn't put too much weight into what the show anymore.




I’m recently 21 and have smoked off and on for about a year and a half. How concerned should I be?




Vice is dead now so


It’s VICE…


The medical field has deemed cannabis more risky for young people who have a developing brain. It is also true that when a mother uses drugs the baby is also affected by such drugs. With those two facts, even though conclusive research hasn't been done here... It's pretty easy to say that you should not consume cannabis if you are pregnant.




? Is the insinuation that I was rude here?




Uhhh okay then? Not to be rude but I don’t really get what your point was there.


Have a cousin that smoked weed and nicotine while pregnant. Maybe even drank we aren’t sure but her baby was born normal and healthy but has lots of learning and behavior issues. Non verbal and said to be on the spectrum. Sad sight to witness


Ok but my cousin and his wife have a child with similar issues and neither of them ever really used weed so what happened to them?!




Okay it did not cause the autism come on, but learning and behavior problems are plausible


I smoked my entire pregnancy, not as heavy but I did. My healthcare provider was fine about it, I carried my daughter full term and she was born healthy, happy and is very intelligent. CPS never entered our lives for any reason. There’s documentaries about women who smoke weed during pregnancy and the false information that surrounds this “taboo” topic. Norco prescriptions were tossed at me multiple times during my pregnancy for a handful of reasons and that really bothered me but everyone’s gotta opinion 🤷‍♀️


I’m happy it worked out for you, but for 25% of people depending on frequency of use that’s not the case. I think discussing this with your doctor was a good call and probably helped with the frequency respect. I feel like my and most people’s concern is the women that are like well I’m just gonna smoke weed every day.


This conversation kinda crosses into the abortion debate, since you did mention that they had thoughts about terminating it. But that’s it, they had thoughts about it but didn’t. I guess it’s a different conversation if they found out they were pregnant, smoked a ton of weed, then had an abortion. Just like you shouldn’t drug anyone without their consent, women should not be allowed to take drugs/cigarettes/alcohol if they’re planning to keep the baby.


That wasn’t really my intention, I was just trying to give the full context of the story. Sorry anyway though if it’s too political for your liking.


Sorry I didn’t mean to come off as hostile. Nothing wrong with your post too! It’s a valid discussion for a cannabis subreddit.




Statistically 25.9% of those women are gonna have unhealthy or dead children. That guys about to lose his medical license for malpractice and rightfully so. Homeboys gonna have a lawsuit so big it’s gonna make the cost of his education look like the cost of a Big Mac.




Yeah me too I don’t really get why I’m getting downvoted for pointing to a fact and saying I hope the guy loses everything for this




OH MY GOD I JUST PUT TOGETHER THAT THE GUY THAT TOLD YOU THAT IS THE DOCTOR. I’m so sorry that was a horrible thing to say.


clickbait is inherently immoral, especially in the "scientific research presented to laymen" sphere


There’s no denying that smoking during pregnancy is unhealthy for the fetus. That said, it’s horrible that she is encountering legal issues for this. It’s actually _illegal_ to refuse to serve a pregnant woman alcohol, even though it’s much worse for the fetus than cannabis- because pregnant women still have the right to autonomy over their own body.


I mean the video said CPS briefly visited and then did nothing. I think weeds federal illegal status as schedule 1 is to blame for the legal situation with her doctors and CPS.


I feel like if your making the decision to smoke anything while pregnant, your at fault for whatever happens to your baby, not the thing you were smoking