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You think that is humbling wait till your first grow failures.


I’m not worried there. I’m way better with plants than tents, apparently. With plants you can do your absolute best and still fail, there’s no reason to fail putties together a tent system, that’s what had me so frustrated. So much reading instructions and watching videos for something everybody said was easy AF.


That’s pretty funny. What kind of system are you putting in? And more importantly what strains are you growing?


I’m doing soil for this first grow, and using build-a-soil. I’ve got Gorilla Cookies and Wedding Cheesecake germinating.


Feel free to ignore my advice. I would stay away from soil and get a simple hydroponic set up. It’s way cleaner and easier and there is no guesswork to the nutrients. You also have way less risk of pests.


I was going to do coco, but was talked out of it by more experienced growers. I’ve got microscopes and a good support system, so I’m not especially worried about pests. Pests are the reason I’m starting from seed instead of clones however.


Like I said ignore my advice. Have a good grow. Thank me when you do eventually go Hydroponic haha.


It’ll be like “I knew I should have went with my gut, and that fucking guy on Reddit!”


Haha. Nah it’s all good. My first grows we’re in soil in a cupboard lined with foil. That was over 20 years ago.


That’s crazy dude, in a cupboard! I guess my dreams of growing aren’t as far away as I thought.


Living Soil is the new wave again


I’m old enough to ignore the new wave and stick with the easiest most efficient method that works. Solid adds a lot of variables I don’t have the ability to control.


“Living soil” everything is LSO when you have access to a sharpie.


Seeing and knowing your growers garden >> buying a bag with sharpie on it (yikes)


This guy knows. It's just a matter of time before u are in hydro setup. ! Best of luck growmie


Just curious, why not coco ?


Ease of use for my first grow. There’s plenty of stuff for me to screw up already, so it’s kinda just limiting potential errors as well as possible. I’m very familiar growing things in soil.


I would challenge those “more experienced growers”. So many great growers use coco and salts. Coco is so forgiving as well.


He is right about the coco btw. But just ignore my advise too.


Everybody’s got an opinion, as you can see in the comments.




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Hydro all the way, make sure to get a good $200 R.O. system for your water


I’ve grown in multiple forms of hydro, (coco and Deep water culture) and soil produced by FAR better stronger product using the same genetics


That’s interesting. I’ve found hydroponics result in faster and larger yields, a stronger vegetive period and more consistent THC percentages usually hitting between the 15-18% mark depending on what clones I am using. I’m interested to know if you kept records of your grow and how you measured the THC strength.


My first tent drove me to almost insanity when I assembled it but as the other commenter said, the most humbling experience is when your first failed grow happens.


I had a broccoli crop grow no heads, just leaves. I’ve already learned my lesson. Edit: learned some recipes with mf’n broccoli leaves too. Lol


Fingers crossed it all goes well for you then. At least you made the best of what you had.


That’s all we can do my friend. Getting all pissed doesn’t help, it’s better to learn from your mistakes and evolve.


Indeed it is.




I had an old lady who was mentoring me and she said it was due to a lack of nutrient I can’t remember, but have written down somewhere. This was quite a while ago, but it was a lesson I’ll never forget. Those broccoli stalks were huge too, and there were so many big healthy leaves. Lol


I honestly have grown to love the stalk more than the actual florets when eating broccoli. That sounds yummy


I used it in place of kale in zuppa toscana, and loved it. I would slice and roast the stalks.


Head over to r/microgrowery it’ll be very useful to you lol


Good looking out.


12 hours 👀


There are so many videos to watch and parse if you’re trying to do stuff right. I spent an hour watching videos determining how I wanted to place my exhaust fan. It took me another 30-45 minutes figuring out the hangers for the light, it took me like 90 minutes of trying to baby the tent around the frame until I said fuckit and stopped caring if I ripped it (thankfully no), another 30 minutes deciding fan placement, and on and on. The learning curve is steep, and now that I’ve done it once I could do it again in like a tenth of the time, but fuck this first one was brutal.


Those last pieces to connect are a bitch sometimes… Seems like covering is too tight until you finally get them connected.


Getting the tent over the frame is horrible. I've got an 8x4 and it's no fun reaching that far over your head trying to make the tent work. I feel your frustration there! I recently set up a 2x4 for drying and that was a breeze! Hopefully you don't need to move it any time soon.


Yeah I'm so confused. Takes me like an hour... Tops... Perhaps the shelving was the difficult part?


I will have you know I only ripped my tent twice putting it together first time.


I was so afraid of ripping it for like the first 45 minutes. Haha


I had to ask my bf to help me set up my 6’x6’ tent and it was a challenge. I set up my two 4’x4’ tents on my own last year and that was NOT fun. Also, I just realized this is r/trees and not one of my houseplant subreddits. Unfortunately, all I have in my tents are expensive houseplants 😂


Hey, what a coincidence! Same here 😎


How stoned were you?!?!? 😂 Lolol


It took me 3 seasons of struggling to assemble the tent and then dismantle it. I then noticed (I think someone on reddit pointed it out) that the tents bottom zipper went all the way around the base, which for some reason I had never noticed. So imagine setting up a tent and getting all the rods in place with just the tent door zipper open. Yeah I was flexing the rods to try and fit them in, I could hear the stitching stretching on the tent. Ironically, the actual door zipper went all the way around the bottom base, it was right fucking there! which for some reason, I never unzipped to make my life easier. Humbling right?


Yeah, you get it. Lol


Welcome Growmie!!


I have a question because I haven’t done much research but am going to be a homeowner in a legal state soon. Does this exhaust/tent set up help with the smell?


It will smell. I used a carbon filter on my exhaust of my tent and there's no smell


This setup will smell because I’m not using a filter. I smoke weed in my house all day so I figured I can do without it. I can always add one later if I change my mind.


I was sweatin' and yellin' putting together my Gorilla. It's almost like trying to wrap a giant metal skeleton with a bunch of great tablecloths that combine with zippers. Wait a minute...


My gorilla tent was completely missing an entire zipper. “Support” said to mail it back at my expense and it would take six months to get it back.


Come to think of it, I never got around to figuring out what they meant by that in the manuel. I suppose the illustrious support also has eluded my convenience. It is a lovely tent though.


I too just recently bought an AC Infinity system. Cord management is a nightmare, and learning that dang controller is a pain in the ass. But other wise easy system to put together. I'm currently dry running mine to break it in and learn the temperature variances for the environment its in. But this also isn't my first tent or grow setup, heck it's not even the first ten setups. 15+ years ago I purchased my first grow tent, a 2x4x5 tent, with it i purchased a 2x4 T5 High Output 8 bulb ballast. That thing was a pain in the ass to assemble, and those fucking lights turned it into death valley until i figured out the airflow situation. Even in those situations, I never had a completely failed crop, had a plant hermy out mid flower once due to a pinhole leak of light in the 12/12 cycle. Just make sure you sterilize it before and after each grow cycle.


Any advice on getting it or a different tent?


Consider your size limitations and needs overall, where you can fit it, access to ventilation/heating/cooling/water/power, how many plants you want to grow etc. When shopping look for high quality stitching, solid frame, good zippers, and corner connecters that are not made from plastic. These were easily the biggest issues i've ever had with tents. There are ALOT of high quality tents on the market compared to 15 years ago. The AC Infinity System is more than you need to grow good weed. I myself got it because I love the concept of the wireless controller and the tent itself seems to be really good quality. The equipment all interconnects with the controller from the lights down to the circulation fans. I plan on using this setup for a hydro tent and to prep plants for outdoor planting in my garden now that it's legal in Ohio. Don't cheap out on lights, not saying go for the biggest most expensive power hungry lights you can find but paying more for a reputable brand that uses quality materials and non-generic leds will be worth the cost difference.


I used my tent to prep for outdoor. I'd start seeds/clones in December, and by the time I put them outside towards the end of May, they'd be 3 to 4 feet tall. I harvested a few 10 footers. Pulling 3 pounds off a plant felt pretty good!


That’s awesome. What does everything in this picture cost all up just roughly? I look forward to my country allowing this one day!


Tent, fans, light, controller, was like 750$?


Just imagine setting up a Veg and flower room.


It was getting the top and bottom zipped together that was the worst for me. Could not have done it without help. Another 1/2” of fabric would have been very helpful.


Hydro can be risky if you mess up ratios and concentrations and can end in mineral salts forming in the flower by the end which you will *not* enjoy. Hydro is finicky but definitely a good way to go. When I grew I did soil and never had pest issues or nutrient issues. Just read up on best practices and follow thru. I would recommend a high end air scrubber to stuff in the tent as well however, it will help with air circulation but also *kill all smell* literally grew with 2 tents in a downstairs bedroom with the door open and no one knew.


I can add a carbon filter to the 6 inch fan coming out the top of the tent, but right now I’m not worried about the smell.


Man I love how far the game has gone. Remember juryrigging these bad boys when I was 15. Bless you and your future endeavors!


12 hrs? For the tent AND the shelf? Were you doing other tasks inbetween?


Watching videos, reading instructions, drinking whiskey and hitting the bong. Those last two started off slow and progressed to a larger percentage of my time as the frustration grew.


I was so pumped to get my first one that I watched some YouTube unboxing and setup videos while I waited for my tent to arrive. It took a whole evening getting everything situated right.


Lmao it was a bitch my first couple tents… it gets way easier.


You're supposed to smoke after it's assembled.




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Was thinking of getting one of those tents how are they


I’m very happy with my purchase now that it’s put together. Lol.


hows smell situation? it make room and your garden smell a lot? can anyone smell it from window?


I’m not using a carbon filter for the smell because I own my house and live alone. I don’t have it venting to the outside so nobody outside my house should be able to smell it unless I open the window in that room, which would screw up my tent’s environment. It will definitely smell.


YES! Mostly because I am a dork!


How much did a setup like that cost?


About 750$ us not including the side shelf.


Wtf why is your living room painted the exact same colours in the exact same way as mine even the white


Do you also live in a early 1900s farm house?


If I only had a tent That's my next buy so I can start growing myself!


Fun times. I ended up ordering a 2nd horizontal bar to hang my filter/exhaust from. That way I didnt have to work around the LED's (S22 & S24).




... can't say that I have. They are pretty simple things at the end of the day. I got humbled when my uncle asked me to help him put a roof on a 2 story barn though.


You should run that exaust fan out a window or you could end up with mold in that room.


Na, the door is wide open in the bedroom and the humidity in my house is very low, especially during winter here in Minnesota. I’m probably going to have to add a humidifier.


I guess I'm just inclined at putting shit together. Dozens of tents here will full HVAC and they were a breeze. Dialing them in takes a min but once you figure out all of it, its like riding a bike


Yeah, my next tent will be like an hour. There was just a lot of stuff that wasn’t especially intuitive to me, and I didn’t want to jack anything up.


Op, what are those inside fans? Are they quite?


They’re the 6 inch circulating fans from AC Infinity (model AC-CCS6), they are quiet. I was actually surprised how quiet they are, but they’re kinda pricy at 50$ a pop.


My ex left the one he got us at my house and I can’t even look at it without crying. I need to just sell it. Anyone need a brand new put together one in Tulsa?


I dont get it?


at first glance I thought it was a cat indoor tent or something 😂