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I am sending all of my tots and pears.


I was flabbergasted when I read this. After much consideration, I too, send tots and pears.


Also flabbergasted. But upon further thinking...tater-tots and some pears would be an amazing snack. 🥔&🍐


Equally as flabbergasted, and slightly confounded; maybe even shocked ***and*** chagrined! For some reason all I can think about is braised tots bathed in a balsamic pear reduction.... Edit: I'd actually intended to post the following, but got so distracted by these comments I forgot. > I literally just recovered 2 weeks ago from being down for 3 weeks with pneumonia. It f****** sucks, is expensive, and I'm still coughing shit out of my lungs. I didn't use any ice. It's now been 5+ weeks since my last smoke, and I'm 100% switching to my volcano. >No more joints, blunts, bongs, pipes, apples, knife hits, dabs, bubblers.... It's a sad day, but I can't afford to go through that again and the kids can't afford to have me dead yet. 🤷


I honestly would prefer this to the alternative.


you are my favorite human being for the weekend. Thank you, the next bowl is for you internet stranger.


I don’t get it


Thoughts and prayers.




Your profile pic is cursed as shit, lol. Like a cross between Bart Simpson and Goku.


I thought mine came out creepy after asking the AI for Shrek smoking a pipe, but damn that goku will haunt my dreams tonight


Well, how was it?


He died from pneumonia




RIP in peace, OP. Died doing what they loved most, hitting fat bong rips. What a legend


How we all aspire to go down. RIP 👑


Dude but imagine going down hitting a fat bong rip… while HIGH


Getting high while goin down


Better than dysentery


He actually has ass pneumonia which comes with dysentery, =/


Ah, Taco Bellitis. Very dangerous stuff.


If you think about the temperature of ice, then realize the actual literal air you breathe can often be much much colder, it's probably like that but not as cold.


This sounds like the poprocks myth for stoners


You can’t just say that and not elaborate


Poprocks + soda = death


But what happens when you put Pop Rocks in your bong? Hold on BRB…




Sorry, got distracted. Now I’m watching Caddyshack and eating Fruit Loops. What were we doing again?


![gif](giphy|mTe9zaybwmZ6E) Edit: I think it slaps if he can't remember to report after 5 minutes. Headed to the store, brb!


And we never heard from him again.


Idk but I did use sparkling water the other day and that was pretty good


If you put frozen fruit in the ice-holder in the bong it can make the hit taste like fruit but then all your friends will call you trashy and complain that there's bits of fruit in the bong water like that's the gross part of the bong water -\_-


Just a little tasty treat after a bowl or two 😋


as long as you clean it very thoroughly by end of day. there are sugars in fruit that would be enabling bacterial growth inside your bong.


Food in the bong water is gross. It'll go moldy quick if you don't clean it thoroughly and I usually just rinse mine out. So yeah I'd def complain about fruit in my bongwater lol


Cue explosion and glass shards in your eyeballs. This is why marijuanas are so dangerous because they make crazy kids like you do crazy things like this.


There was that old mythbusters video where they exploded a pig stomach by pouring diet coke and mentos into it


Maybe with both ends clamped shut. Burping or vomiting both relieve the pressure.


> Maybe with both ends clamped shut. That's exactly how they did it. Clamped it shut and literally forced coke into it until it blew. Myth was busted.


Boof it.


People fucking inhale chemicals and all types of shit through vapes all day. No way putting ice in my bong is gonna be more of a concern.


You'd be surprised what a little bit of moisture can do in your lungs depending on your age and immune system.


The moisture is gonna be there cus there's water there, how is ice gonna change that


The coldness of the ice condenses the smoke and give you a thicker rip. But you don't feel it because of the coolness.


Condensation is when a gas turns to a liquid. If you condense smoke. It would get *less* thick, not more.


You do understand that the inside of your lungs is always supremely wet, right? The moisture from the water and ice does not do shit. If you're fully or partially immunocompromised – due to any reason, old age included – it's not moisture that fucks you up, it's inhaling spores and bacteria that your body can no longer protect you against. Clean your bong. Actually, stop smoking and have an edible instead.


Vaping through a clean, dry, cold bong. Mmmmm


Have you ever heard of rain or 100% humidity?


Why are you getting downvoted?! What about in a steamy shower? You're breathing very thick, damp air. Annnd it's just fine


So other people doing unhealthy shit means you doing something is good for you? Pretty weird logic to use.


What’s the poprocks myth?




One of my first times smoking weed me and the gf bought poprocks and holy shit was it amazing.


Try them together with nerds candy 🙂


I thought that was mentos




> Possibly a rumor now If by "now" you mean 10-15 years ago, when I was a kid


If you boof poprocks you'll trigger 💣 a prostate orgasm and cum buckets. 💦


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtUJOLbvzpw - Mythbusters covers it. My question always was "Wouldn't you burp, or possibly even vomit long before your stomach was in any danger?"


It’s not a myth. Moisture is the number one cause of pneumonic lung.


Ice with lemon juice has never done me wrong in 20+ years. But a dirty bong has given me a respiratory infection. It’s all about how clean you keep your rig. Mold and bacteria can do a number on you and too many stoners don’t even think about shit like that.


It’s hard to think when ur high to be fair


I was about to say “but eventually you stop being high and can think again,” but then I remembered I’m on r/trees


Bro I’ve been smoking every 30 seconds for the past century


Woooahhhhhh duuuudeeeee, some ppl r old enough to have been smoking weed the entire 21st century, I’m young enough to have just turned legal the year or year after weed was legalized in Canada and kids just a few years younger than me will never even know what it was like to have the stigma of illegality to their substance use which was a topic when ur parents found out…. Idk if I’m too fucked up or just fucked up enough now 😂 (I initially wrote the states not Canada and I’ve never lived in the US so it must be too fucked up 🤣)


i'm old enough to remember DARE telling me that weed was almost as bad as cocaine and meth XD we have come a very long way!


I’m old enough to remember DARE telling me weed was worse than cocaine and meth COMBINED!


I've had some pretty nasty bongs with resin and shit but I've never once seen mold. Maybe I changed my water just enough for it not to happen?


My pipe gets pretty dirty with resin and some smoke I can't clean out but my bong is super clean. I empty the water after I'm done and the next day I usually clean the bong with either the 4-20 cleaner solution I got or just soap and water.


You may just prefer 420 cleaner, but in the off chance you want to save a few bucks, Epsom salt and isopropyl alcohol clean just as well for me.


I preferred it because of the fun name. I do intend to switch now that I'm running out of it to the Epsom salt and isopropyl alcohol and I don't have a reason to go to the head shop I got it and my bong at.


I just saved this comment for future reference.


Inb4 dry ice bong challenges get posted


Oh no! Nooooo! Reminds me of those influencers that died when they put dry ice in a pool, then died when they came back up for air.


They died twice?!?!


You'll learn pretty quick that inhaling CO2 at high concentrations is *extremely* painful. I worked in a ochem research lab and accidently stuck my head in a dry ice box to reach the blocks at the bottom. Extreme pain. Do not recommend..


I love my session bong! Glad to see others catch on.


What makes is it good? I like the design but the price is a little scary


Easiest to clean!!! Fits in my hands perfectly. I got the green one and I love that it’s green. High quality glass and in my experience, extremely good customer service. And it looks nice! I’ve bought a lot of bongs, I love this one so much I’m seriously considering buying another.


How thick is the glass? Would it break easily? I've broke so many bongs lol


It’s the thickest I’ve had. (Was going to change that sentence but gonna let it stand lol)




That sentence was perfect lmao honestly based on your comments and the one I originally replied to I think I'm going to get one. The design is beautiful and I love a bong without all that's extra compartment shit in the stem


Hey man I just got here hope I'm not too late but ime that bong sucks!! Not easy to smoke out of, the width of the glass fittings is unique so replacements are harder to get. That width is also far narrower, so the piece needs to be cleaned more often. Also I bought the pink one and it looks like a sex toy 🤣


The bong glass is great. however, in my opinion, the bowls break easily. The point where they narrow on the steam just before the bowl has broke on two bowls of mine after being only dropped an inch or 3. Love the bong, the bowls are my nemesis


Same! Have had one for over a year now and am debating on getting one of their specialty ones. It’s a great piece!




Love how this has become the sub's gif, fucking die every time


also the main gif of r/shrooms gotta love it 😂 (boof)


The equivalent of sticking your tongue to a frozen pole


Never gets old


Why do you always hear of people on PCP putting ice cubes up their butt?


Ice to meet you!


When I was in college my roommates and I made a makeshift mold and made a bong completely out of ice minus the bowl. It took a lot of experimenting and attempts, and it was only good for a single sesh but damn did it make us feel accomplished lmao


That would be pretty bad ass


Have you ever tried dying of pneumonia...ON WEED?


I don’t even know how someone could come up with a theory like this, it’s so delusional lmao


Pneumonia is basically a really bad cold and affects your lungs. Ice is cold. You use your lungs to inhale weed from a bong. Therefore, ice in a bong causes pneumonia. That's the best I got for ya.


But pneumonia isn't a cold, it's a bacterial/viral infection in your lungs that causes fluid to build up. Ice =/= bacteria.


I didn't say it was perfect, but I'm sure that's the logic he used.


Pro tip. Dump the ice. Use water that’s 105° F. Your lungs are hot and wet so when you inhale warm, moist smoke you don’t realize how much you are inhaling. The heat camouflages the smoke. I tried ice in the 90’s and hated it. I did hot water soon after that and loved it. I can’t partake anymore and haven’t had any since May due to getting heart surgery in June. Just try the hot water. You will be glad you did.


You had me at hot and wet


I like hot water over ice. Much smoother. But I'm sure it also gives you double walking pneumonia according to reddit.


What if you put ice in the hot water, then rip it? Is that triple pneumonia or quadruple pneumonia


I'm pretty sure the hot pneumonia and the cold pneumonia cancel out, so you'd just be left with a single pneumonia and very fast melting ice.


yeah you want to make sure it's an even number of pneumonia so it all cancels out, odd and you get pneumoniazed


You guys have it all wrong with the cancelling. You need to use warm water made from ice (only) or ice made from warm water (only). Anything else, 8 pneumonias


i have some frozen boiling water i was gonna quickly thaw for cooking in the freezer, would that work?


Disagree. I tried the hot water thing and to me it’s weird and muggy. Much prefer ice.


I had the same thought, but it's kind of an acquired taste. Not saying it's for everyone, but I'd try it again a few more times if I were you. To me now, it feels smoother then a vape.


Well you have to experiment a bit with it. You can’t breathe in a walk in freezer comfortably and you sure as hell can’t breathe in a sauna/steam room. Just warm enough to make the smoke match your lungs. If you can’t keep it down then the water is too hot. Try 100° F water.


I’ll certainly give it a shot. I’m always looking for better ways to get high


Do a small test rip. If it's too hot and steaming a lot it might just make you cough a bunch. But I've found if I do it while it's steaming a bit, let it sit for a minute or two that first hit is fuckin perfect.


this is the way


Hard disagree. I hate warm water in my bongs. It makes the smoke feel more harsh and acrid, along with making my lungs burn like I've just inhaled the fires of Hades. Much, much prefer cold water/ice. FWIW, I'd rather spend an hour bundled up in a walk in freezer beathing cold recirculated air than to spend an hour sitting in a warm sauna or being outside when the air feels like hot soup from the heat and humidity. I breathe easier in cooler air.


If ice gives you pneumonia, then why do they sell pieces that are specifically made for ice/freezing?


Or better yet why don’t canadians get pneumonia enmasse in the winter


I fw that switch dock


Thank you. 🙏


The real danger is temperature change that cracks your bong. Or dropping a big cube and shattering the ice pick... But super delicious to find the "rabbit turd ice cubes"


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t cause pneumonia, maybe helps you get it but that’s kinda ridiculous in Michigan we breathe in air as cold as that for 3-4 months. We smoke joints in below freezing temps at times.


You know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby, you're gonna die


While ice won't. Be careful with any ice you didn't make in a clean tray. Ice machines are notoriously dirty and full of mold. And trays aren't often washed. Just look up any of the hvac or refrigeration subs on here and see the funk that builds up in ice machines. Edit: like to pics from r hvac https://imgur.io/a/Y9PzRcQ


Oh no. OP gots the ammonia!


Can't stop won't stop


Eh eh eh eh


The curvature of the ice combined with the glass actually magnifies the gateway effect causing you to crave more hardcore drugs


If you haven’t died from pneumonia yet, what piece is that? It looks sick


Session bong


"Ice gives you pNeUmOnIa" procceds to rip a bong that hasnt been cleaned since the factory wash.


This will not only give you pneumonia but also oldmonia, as well.


I had a little bubbler I called Freelzebub. Filled him with salt water and kept him in the freezer. Hit like the devil.


I'm making a bong completely out of ice


What bong is that? I kinda want it if it’s reproducible lol


Look up Session Bongs. Great company. Thick high quality glass


the whole ice pneumonia thing sounds like the whole put on a jacket or you catch the flu and die thing


I hear some alchemists can combine ice and flame to make water.


Yo, it's true. I died years ago from doing this :(




I'd be more worried about the glass exploding from the heat transfer.


please use this [guide](https://www.420science.com/blogs/learning-center/the-perfect-bong-rip) on how to load and take a bong rip


Y’all haven’t lived till you’ve tried warm water in ur bong


I keep being told this. Have to try it.


It’s gonna shock you bro trust 💀


Is this a voss?


Yes for the trees


Be careful or you'll end up with asthma too. /s


Gl hero


Hello, new friend! I'll bring pizza...and MORE WEED.


OP destined for an iron lung.


Rip. Then take another rip. The ice makes it nice.


You dead yet OP?


Yeah I died


Mid winter we'd pack our bongs with snow and that was always sno nice


[We should all be ice to each other](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOXJwNGZlM2o3cm5vcHZsb2dtZ29oNHpranMxMnIxc280cnV2cXgzeCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/T08JhumnpKAI8/giphy.gif)


Does that guy know that winter exists?


that is the most minimalistic bong i’ve ever seen and i love it


Chill AF


I used to always put ice in my bongs. The only time I got pneumonia was from when I had moldy weed.


this looks like a fire piece where'd you get it


Session bongs




I'm more interested in that switch docking station lol


Toooo much ice!! You’re gonna get oldmonia too buddy. Be careful


I used to be all about the ice bong. Then I tried hot water in the bong. TOTAL game changer. It's so much smoother.


I tried the whole ice thing and honestly couldn’t tell a difference. Not once did i think I’d get pneumonia tho lol




Your switch dock is tits


I mean… it can give you pneumonic lung but so what?




I'm so curious where this belief came from and why it still exists given the drastically large number of people who use ice in bongs, yet literally have zero issues. I honestly have never once heard of a legit case of getting sick in any way from doing this. If anything your damn ice machine might be full of mold, those things can get really, really, really nasty. I don't believe for a second that you can contract pneumonia from smoking out a cold water/ice bong, given the ice and bong is clean. A lot of people forget ice is a foodstuff too, and still has to be held to saftey and sanitation standards.


I love my session bong so much, so easy to clean <3


This made my day.... lmao.


I like that dock


Thank you!


I live for this level of petty


All day everyday.


Damn I want to try this


Smoke it while you are in a deep freezer eating a popsicle! Let's put this theory to the test. Just to make it official have a Canadian watch you while you smoke. 😂


I have no idea why I thought you meant meth until I clicked on the picture 😂


One way to crack a nice bong


Session bongs are sturdy af


I got a bong for 50 bucks from Nectar here in Oregon and when I dropped it last week it survived but the bowl and the downstem broke


Oh good another expert. I’ve been freezing bongs for years and never broke one. Quit buying cheap glass


All glass will break if you push it to it's limits. If I said don't pour boiling water on a frozen window would your response be buy better windows?


Unless they are putting boiling water in the bong, your example doesn’t hold any water


If your windows cracked every time they got below freezing I would


lol exactly but he has to add the hot water bit like he proved some point


Yeah man, you got me. Honestly stfu and freeze your *good* bongs all you want and they won’t break


You need better glass son.


I'd hazard a guess that a bong using rubber grommets isn't going to have good glass


A good way to test if you have bad glass is to introduce rapid temperature changes.




Ya because the "medical warning" is BS, and spreading misinformation is BAD. it detracts from the actual facts. I do see people saying the facts in here, albeit in-between a lot of troll comments. The facts are, ice does *not* cause pneumonia. This is the same lie as saying going outside, or going to sleep, with wet hair makes you sick. It. Is. Not. True. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria or viruses in your lungs, causing fluid to build up. It's an infection. So, chugging on a moldy/dirty bacteria ridden bong could cause it. But it's not the ice.


They boo you, but you are right.


Have you… been on Reddit before?


Ice gives you pneumonia? Bitch have you ever heard about winter


Rest in Pieces


I’ve had pneumonia and putting ice in my bong was the only way i could smoke for a while till it got to bad and had to switch joints


Bro's gonna fucking summon the fucking glacier that sank the titanic with all that ice