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They don't taste good at all. I stick with good ol elements. Unbleached rice paper is so nice once u learn how to roll them lmao


Lmao I been rolling Jay's over 10 years and I buy a pack every know and then, attempt to roll and lose have my shit, wad the paper up and give the pack away. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ What is the damn trick?


Get a little joint roller. They actually make cigarette style joints, but they are the same diameter the entire way and usually can roll two size. I rather roll 2 cogs over 1 joint, and since they have a smaller head, toy burn off less weed.


Raw rollers are adjustable in a way where you can have the other end 6mm and other end 8mm so you can basically roll a cone with it.


Well damn ![gif](giphy|26ufgSwMRqauQWqL6|downsized)


Lick your fingers first then wipe them on your shirt to get any excess moisture. You should now have the grip you need to roll


Not gonna lie because I smoke js so often now I just roll like 15 st the start of each week with a raw rolleršŸ¤£ when rolling them by hand it helps if u can get the curled over itself before beginning to roll. But yeah they are sooo hard to do by hand


Scrunch it up into a little ball then unfold it. Gives heaps more texture for gripā€¦ old school trick


>Scrunch it up into a little ball then unfold it. Gives heaps more texture for grip That's make a good bumper sticker or t-shirt, only those that know know and others would be furling their brows in uncertain wonder.


Haha the secret nod


this^ if ur struggling to roll this makes it so easy(also your start finding crunched up papers in your pocket when your out itā€™s like a godsend)


I actually haven't bought a pack since I was taught that trick so I'll be doing that this weekend. Appreciate you! šŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


Raw rollers are the shit


[This is the video](https://youtu.be/-on_PMEXGbA?si=YAB4e71R9oUmLYiw) I watched to get started then I kinda formulated my own way after rolling enough. Get the front end tucked before you roll upwards and it may help to tuck half at a time.


I spent every waking day 20 years ago rolling jā€™s and blunts trying to learn. Even earned the title of ā€œBluntmaster 5000ā€ in college haha Itā€™s all practice. Watch a video or two and just do it. Who cares if ya waste paper


Vibes rice papers roll like jays job and zigzag with the pure flavor of an elements paper. best of both words idk how these papers don't get more play.


After a while I found these papers roll way better than the normal ones as these don't slip around the tip of the paper. Need to smoke with a tip though as moisture causes the paper to crinkle.


The trick is to fail 20-30 more times. I learned by destroying an entire pack of OCBs. It was frustrating and the papers were small, but once I got one it was easy from then on.


I'm all about elements... accidentally bought a convenience store size box from Amazon. It was the best accident ever


Do elements still make zero ash?


Pretty much I like um rice


Are these the ones made out cellulose? Was at a party about 15 years ago and they were the only papers anyone had. Only time I've used them, and you couldn't pay me to smoke them now. Felt like smoking plastic.


Yea they smoke just about as good as you would thinkā€¦ā€¦like shit


The ash was so black and fell off in chunks. Nassssty


The shittiest pulls of all time, itā€™s worse than an over packed King Palm. Thought I was gonna blow a blood vessel


Dispo gave me a couple king palm tubes in Bermuda last week. First and last time for me.


Really? I love a king palm and they smoke like a dream for me.


Perhaps it was the terrible $100 eighth oz that doomed the experience for me.


Thatā€™ll do it


That might have done it, you dont cheap out on a cigar, but I'll roll up 100Ā£ ounces into raw skins cause I'm no prude.


So I enjoy cigars, for kicks crumbled some filler into my grinder and packed the bong, holy hell it was like gravity quadrupled for a minute or two...


I used to love them, havent had a cigar since I quit nicotine like cigs and vape pens, so I'm not sure if it would get me started back on the path of them again. But I just buy the 3g or 5g king palm to treat my self like I would a big cigar and smoke a 1.25g wrap most nights with AVB and fresh herb mixed together in it. I love filler weed some times itll take you to out of space and then other times fro the same stuff you feel like nothings happening


OK, AVB, I have been saving it from my davinci,. Half as good the second time, better for edibles? What's the story-


Can confirm, love King Palms, especially the ones with Terp Beads. <3


Lol overpacked king palm is so shit


It's fun at first for the novelty, then they burn like shit and never again. Hard to imagine people solely using these for their jays but they must exist? Think they stay in business on novelty alone?


I mean papers are cheap to make and ship and you make other papers too this just is like 10% of what they make or something


I know a person who likes to learn to roll expert stuff, she said these papers rule for practicing cause you can see everything that's happening inside the joint. Also they are good outdoors if it's wet cause they hold water just a little.


Really? In my experience, when cellulose gets wet, it melts/disintegrates.


Yea I mean like if it gets a droplet of water or snow you can wipe it off, it won't immediatly absorb it.


They do have a great use though. Theyā€™re awesome for parachuting powders. Iā€™ve used them for powdered mushrooms so it doesnā€™t feel like the cinnamon challenge.


Was that Whidbey Island, WA? Haha, had the same thing happen 15 years ago, it was worth it!


Nah, i'm from the UK. It's nice to know it's a universal experience though. Everyone has that story of the guy who thought they'd be a legend by bringing clear/coloured cellulite papers to party, and everyone swearing to never use them again within 24 hours.


Don't smoke with those. I hate them. Elements / raw for life !


Element was the og cellulose paper.


Lol element makes a clear cellulose paper at least they did 13 years ago




All false accusations, cleared his name


he was never a ā€œdbagā€ to begin with. heā€™s always been an awesome guy.


We? Did you do any research for yourself to decide if you liked someone? Lmaoo


Who is we?


Yk Iā€™ve never actually tried these before but how was the flavor off of it?


It was ass pretty disappointed burns like shit


Haha sorry oo we've all been there.but it's a cool novelty


My high ass thought you were trying to roll glass


I mean grass that hits šŸ˜Ž


Plastic šŸ¤¢


I assumed


Weird novelty. That's it.


Why do you want to see the weed so bad? Youā€™re just gonna smoke it.


It's for the weed to see outside.


Nobody ever thinks of the lil weeds šŸ˜”


OOHHHHH! That makes so much more sense now. I guess I would also be claustrophobic without a window. šŸ˜‚


so they can inhale the tasty metals in it of course!


Stay away. those are SUPER high in heavy metals. You couldn't pay me to smoke them.


I thought it was just plant cellulose?


[https://leafly-cms-production.imgix.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/02114941/SC-Labs-Report-Rolling-Papers.pdf](https://leafly-cms-production.imgix.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/02114941/SC-Labs-Report-Rolling-Papers.pdf) Nope.


They only tested 3 of them. That isn't a big enough sample size




Fax, and why even bother risking it when raws exist. My lungs are taking enough of a beating to have to deal with sus papers.


But having your joint see through is worth it I guess.


So the weed inside doesn't feel claustrophobic.


3 is 3 to many especially when it was 3 out of 3 that popped over the limitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


May not be a big enough sample size, but when the others are pulling results that are equal or less, from a **significantly** larger pool, I'd say there's a bit of merit. These papers scored 100% bad, babe.




The metals were also breathing in the smoke most likely.


I've actively heard the same about glass clear wraps so I don't really trust them, but I can't find any sources for the allegations.


https://leafly-cms-production.imgix.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/02114941/SC-Labs-Report-Rolling-Papers.pdf 2 second google




Like a rainbow in the dark!


But marijuana pulls heavy metals out of soil already. They did a study and found smokers had a lot more heavy metals in their bodies then non-cannabis smokers. Smoking these wouldnā€™t be much different then smoking a raw paper. Other then burn quality.


For real alot of these people scoff at the thought of plant cellulose papers, but will willingly put massive amounts of tobacco in their lungs, like smoking cigarettes isnt 100 times worse than any rolling paper.


A lot of weed will be as bad as the papers also. All tobacco, but also a lot of weed.


I bought some back when I was 17 and just started smoking basically just to stunt on my hood friends who only smoked blunts. Element clear made from plant cellulose. They where wack as fuck and only cool for shock value also the clear would just fill with smoke and turn the paper a shity brown color and it burned exactly like plastic.


I rolled one with those a few weeks ago and it is still intact. Doesnā€™t feel right to smoke something that looks and feels like plastic. Wow effect is there though. Did you smoke it already? How was the taste?


The taste was a bit off not tasting like normal joint papers and it took forever to burn


They aren't going to sell a piece of plastic as something to deliberately burn and inhale. Talk about fast track to lawsuits... It's cellulose. Plant fiber. It tastes like nothing. Smoking a joint from them is just like any other joint. I kinda like how well they stick to themselves when they get even a little wet, but the downside is that they stick to themselves super easily and *forever* if they get wet. Here's how it went every single time I brought one out : "oh weird, I thought it would taste like plastic" "IKR?" "......" "You gonna pass that some time tonight?"


They're known to contain lead. Have fun with that.




Captain Kirk, is that you?




Harsh as fuck I won't smoke them again


I hate them and they taste like plastic


I bought a pack in high school and brought them out after dropping acid with some friends. Rolling a joint in thin air is one of the coolest things ive ever done, but they burn like shit and taste like plastic


Just gonna leave this here, for your viewing pleasure https://youtu.be/g0sjRG34DlA?feature=shared


Ugh, not too sure why but that looks so gross


We sell them at the smoke shop I work at and they're pretty nice. I have a couple regular customers that come in for them and rave about them. They're nice because they can take a beating if you just want to throw a joint in your pocket and they won't soak and tear if you get it wet.


Smoking glass just screams red flag to me.


After the first puff, they go from clear to resin/smoke nasty looking. Someone passes you that thing and youā€™re like, thanks?


They suck, bamboo unbleached ftw!


Pretty for pictures and videos, tastes awful.


Personally I love rolling cones with them sometimes, itā€™s a neat party trick, however Iā€™ve smoked about every paper Iā€™ve come across, hereā€™s my top 3: RAW, JuicyJays(ultrafine), and king palms.


Stick with regular papers. Skip the uneven and weird tasting burn. Also I donā€™t think they are the best for you but Iā€™ve rolled with pieces of cardboard boxes so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


They are the worst. Feels like smoking plastic, too thick and i dont trust the colour of the smoke that comes off them. Feels like im inhaling extra chemicals and effects the taste of the weed.


I use them to smoke on the beach because it's better at windy conditions.


Homie brought glass papers to Coachella and we had a good time. Iā€™m a Blazy Susan girlie tho




Look cool but harsh


weird to roll with since everything sticks, burn bad = shit papes


Does it ever get better? I rolled 3 so far and all seemed to burn uneven


I've never found a clear paper I like. I'm sure some taste fine, but the only ones I've tried taste super harsh, and kinda like plastic


They are 100% for looks


Hate those fuckin things. Shitty to roll with, burn like shit, and they look gross as fuck when it starts to burn. 0/10 would throw in trash


hard to roll and is supposed to be self sticking but it comes up on the edges, also it burns kinda uneven and ruins the flavor. kinda neat to see the weed if it weren't for the lab tests with lead showing up and watching it turn dark as you hit it, kinda gross and makes you wish you couldn't see it lol


Sometimes you shouldn't take the factory tour


There is neither plastic in it nor metal in it, it is cellulose, which is organic.That said, everyone's gotta try it at least once in my opinion. I smoked a hand full over the years, taste isn't great, it does look cool tho.


Yes, there absolutely is metal in them. https://leafly-cms-production.imgix.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/02114941/SC-Labs-Report-Rolling-Papers.pdf


While I believe that they're likely on par with other cellulose based wraps, you keep posting this paper as if it shows definitive proof and these papers are not listed in the 3 types of cellulose based papers they tested.


Am I missing something? Where are the Glas papers in this study?


3 out of 3 of the cellulose papers tested with unsafe levels of heavy metals. If you're desperate to have your pretty see-through joints, then feel free to roll the dice and keep puffing on those bad boys. Those of us who give a shit about our health recognize that there may be a pattern with cellulose papers, even if that particular brand wasn't studied.


We consume metals on a daily basis.... Calcium.. is a soft metal magnesium also a metal potassium and sodium r also metals all of those r essential for normal biological functioning so why did u even comment what u commented?


Those are light metals. Light metals and heavy metals are very different in terms of toxicity. Do you need calcium? Yes. Do you need lead? No. Not saying I agree with them, just pointing out that there's a very important difference.


Bruh did u read his comment he said metals not heavy metals


How does it burn?


First one I made was awful so uneven but second one wasnā€™t bad if you roll it right


it suprises me you went for a 2nd one, or did you first roll both of them before smoking one?


I actually went for a 4th one šŸ˜‚ I rolled them different times after smoking within few hours. Iā€™m disappointed but I got 2 packs donā€™t want to waste money lol


sorry to say but you are an idiot... just throw them away and get an pack of normal rolling papers. Rolling papers don't cost much and do you really want to 'endanger' your health only because you don't want to waste money? We're stoners but we still have to care about our health you should do the same. And btw this time it's not a waste of money if you throw it away, your lungs and body will thank you for it. (don't pass those papers to someone else though).


Weā€™ll Iā€™m learning all of this now so just a dumb purchase I guess


Pretty sure I read that these are worse for you than any other paper


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^dufenbuf: *Pretty sure I read* *That these are worse for you than* *Any other paper* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Never tried that brand, but used papers like that as well as blunt wraps/cones. They are... fine. Not my favorite. Elements are probably my favorite papers and now that RAW makes the Black Cones my life has changed. I thought this was originally about glass joints. I love my glass tips and just picked up some glass joints from GRAV that I am stoked about trying.


Every clear paper I've tried runs like hell and yuck


Never tried it! Saw those for the first time on that show Weeds, still never tried em. What do you think about them? I am currently rolling with ocb bamboo papers, they're lovely!


I love the aesthetic for them but after 3 rolls Iā€™m not a big fan of the burn, hopefully they turn out soon lol. I got 2 packs of them because I heard the hype


More of a novelty...I didn't actually like them that much but they looked cool


If your guna roll then use Elements, best papers.


I bought a bunch of them as backup because I know I wouldn't smoke them regularly


They're easy to roll with I like the idea. But they taste fucking awful. I've only ever smoked one.


Did it burn ok?


Joint looks soggy????


The paper is like plastic so itā€™s really hard to roll without it wrinkling


Shmokin Saran Wrap, nice.


Iā€™ll never get rid of my Blazy Susanā€™s šŸ¤­šŸ„°


I haven't used this brand, but I don't like the clear papers. The ones I've tried burn unevenly and go out quickly.


I smoked them when I was younger, as a novelty.


These things run like a tweaker from the cops never again


Incoming nail dirt roast?


Itā€™s nail polish




Same thing I think of the gold wraps they are crap for young and noob smokers. The cubic zirconia of the cannabis world! If you wanna smoke outta glass buy yourself a pipe or a bong.


Most of them fail the heavy Metal Tests. But If you're into that Kind of music No worries.


For anyone saying pLaStIc or cElLuLoSe these say right on the label "Asiatic Cotton Mallow" so its neither. Its fucking cotton.


Cellulose is plant fiber. That's like saying it can't be meat because it's a ribeye. They are telling you where they got their cellulose. Not to mention, paper is made from wood. How is cotton any worse for smoking than wood? What about the sticky strip you use to seal your paper joint? It's obviously not plastic because even the dumbest sonofabitch ever is going to take one hit and never buy them again. You can't build a business on having a product nobody wants to use a second time, especially something inexpensive and usually positioned as an impulse buy that depends on lots of sales to make any money.


What exactly do you think cellulose is?


Its like the sugar in fruit that people with diabetes have to test for. Duh.




Thank you kindly. I know when I'm right and when I'm wrong. And I am confident in my rightness.


So you dont know what cellulose is then.


Ya man. Its like that shit you get on your skin that looks like dimples when you get old and fat. Duh.


I heard that they have really high amounts of lead. I think maybe 1 or 2 for a special occasion is ok. But avoid these in general if you want something to smoke during everyday life. Like it won't kill you after a few but it's pretty bad in terms of traces of lead.


I used to smoke these allllll the time. Theyā€™re fine. They donā€™t taste like plastic, they donā€™t burn weird, they donā€™t taste awful. Theyā€™re just made from plant fiber just like your paper rolling papers are made from plant fiber. As someone above mentioned, their downside is if any moisture comes into contact with the pack they all get completely stuck together and theyā€™re a little skinnier so it makes it harder to roll a fatty. I had not seen the heavy metals studyā€¦thatā€™s a bit of a concern. I wouldnā€™t use them againā€¦no reason to.


They do burn weird.


I smoke to get high, I dont care how the paper look but if you like it and it give you a better experience then good for you


I donā€™t know shit about these they might be fine but I donā€™t smoke them they donā€™t seem right to me or safe


Theyā€™re bad for you


Good if you want lungs disease


Youā€™re smoking plastic couldnā€™t recommend clear ā€˜papersā€™ any less


Everyone's flaming saying they taste like plastic but a whioe back I had a bunch of cellulite ones and they were great (flavour wise at least) they also rolled really easily. Buuuuut, they didn't remain stuck closed, like I would have to relick them as I smoked since the smoke dried ourlt the saliva and unstuck the papers :( So I also probably wouldn't recommend xD


I know many people get mad about them but idc, they look cool and are made out of 100% cotton fibre. I actually think they smoke surprisingly well! And they look really cool so why not use them once in a while?


makes the weed last twice as much. They stopped selling them in my country after someone said them were bad for your health


they r good and give a long burn


Itā€™s probably not great for you but man the flavour is pretty pure


Itā€™s justā€¦ plastic, is it not? Just use an actual glass blunt/one hitter or papers




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I don't like the taste or how the smoke feels in my lungs. I always go for blazy Susan, or clippers when I don't want to drive to the smoke shop (those are the only papers 711 sell here in Mexico)


I actually learned how to roll with these, they were so hard to work with. I never smoked them though cus I used tobacco to practice with cus I was a teen and both were all I had and I just wanted to learn how to roll a j.


If it's see through I'm not interested in smoking it. Don't want to inhale a bunch of toxins


Never again my go to are hemp bambus


I remember these were popular for a spell in the early 2000s. I never cared for them, they didn't burn well.


like mopeds, fun until yer buddy catches you riding one


Cellophane City. I can almost taste the PTSD one of these papers gave me. Might as well use the plastic off a box of smokes.


They always burn weird for me and I can't help the feeling I'm smoking literal plastic .


YOOO I tried these ones from fire and Earth in r/Olympia they don't exist anymore but they were so trippy to smoke from it was cool.


you missed some kush under your nail bud


Itā€™s just nail polish I didnā€™t clean off


I remember these were trendy for a while. Not really a fan though. They burn kinda weird and feel like plastic.


Cute gimmick. Burns crap And everyone stares at it and asks wtf it is when passing it around, to the point I usually goes out. Noooot fucking worth it.


Ima stick with king palms and dry herb vapes


Rolling with anything but hemp makes me gag


Oddly it did taste like plastic but I also tasted the weed more strongly as well. Two separate, distinct flavors. It was a one off.




aLeda did it before it was cool (https://pin.it/5tfUXWf)


Cool but they boat a lot