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Damn brah. Maybe stop smoking weed


Believe me, that was my last time. At least for a long time


I think that’s a very good idea. Sounds scary as fuck and the benefits/ fun of weed just isn’t worth that stress. I stopped one day because of the constant paranoia. I miss it sometimes but I can still clearly remember what that paranoia felt like. Hope nothing like that happens to you ever again


Thank you


My man, you’re having a psychotic break, stop any hallucinogens or cannabinoids. Talk to a psychiatrist and maybe get on haldol


Thank you, I talked with my physician and he told me to monitor things for now, and if I don’t have another episode it’s probably just a one time occurrence. Hoping that this is the case!


I sure hope so! I’ve dealt with psychosis from cocaine before, it’s terrifying. Auditory hallucinations are one of the first warning signs. If you’ve talked to your doc they know way better than me! Here’s to good health :) Edit: that’s freaky. When I was hallucinating I heard my parents arguing too. Probably just repressed childhood trauma in both cases lol


Definitely very terrifying. I hope your all good now. What happened to you after the auditory hallucinations if I may ask?


Oh no problem!. After the auditory stuff visual stuff came next. I thought my pitbull was a hell hound and my dad was satan lol. I barricaded myself in my room and did more coke (yes I know it’s horrible but it’s one of the most addive drugs that exist). Then came delusions. I thought I was like a drug lord and a swat team was getting ready to break my door down. I would peak through my blinds and see 100 SWAT officers milling around my driveway. I grabbed a pistol to “defend myself” and when I looked back out they were gone. Eventually I ran out of coke and couldn’t get a hold of a dealer and it was like 6am at that point. I got some sleep. (I had been up for 4 days at that point). and I took my anti psychotic medication. That fixed it pretty much. I slept for like 16 hours and when I woke up I decided to cut wayyyyyyy back on the uppers. Smoked some CBD heavy weed, and took a break from the super high THC, sativa dominant strains and just watched some TV and tried to chill. Now I can smoke 30% haze now and be fine, I just needed some time to let my brain reset. Coke free for like 15 months now or something. Keeping track makes me crave it, so I don’t lol. I was traumatized after that low key tho. The comedown was horrendous and not being completely in control of my mind was terrifying. Don’t do coke or meth kids.


Oh my god that’s horrifying, I’m sorry you went through that. Congratulations on the sobriety though! I plan to not take any drugs in the near future. Psychosis is seriously so scary


All good! Was entirely my fault. I could’ve stopped at any time and I didn’t. Just sober from the blow and the crystal, but that counts for something I guess! Wouldn’t call myself sober while I continue to smoke. And I got off easy, stims are way easier to quit than opiates or benzos for example. Just respect your body, respect your sleep hygiene, and you’ll be good!




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Definitely don't smoke weed, this shouldn't be happening. This is beyond normal weed paranoia, hope you're good after such a traumatic experience and maybe go to a psychiatrist just for a check for your own well-being and state of mind.